IVtVjSSrqttj Stints Broken arconi By FRANK LOVELL NELSON C S8 Master Mind o! Carlton Clarke in a Unique Criminal Solution me gram. ELEC.lt AM for yon, Clarke," I said, an I took the mes sage which the bny de livered at the door of our Oak street apart ments ono morning In midsummer. A Ehudo of anxiety passed over the. face of my house mate. Strango, I thought, that Carlton Clarko, tho great telepathic detective, Bhonld ho disturbed by so ordin ary an event as tho receipt of a tele Kram. Clarko took the yellow en velope and held It thoughtfully In his hand us a woman studies a tele Kram before summoning tho courage to open It. "Do you remember Thalda?" he asked suddenly, still holding the en velope as I signed tho messenger's hook. Ild 1 remember Thalda? As If I could forget that plot-lous vision of young womanhood that had flashed Into our presence. In tho ghetto dis trict of New York and whoso psy chometric mind had aided us In tho solution of the puzzling mystery of tho "nine Itokhara." ' "I seo you do," continued Clarke. "Well, my mind has been filled with forebodings concerning her all morn ing. I have no word from her for several weeks. Something tells me (that this messago concerns her and that tho news Is not good. Wo will see," and ho toro open tho envolope and read It hastily. A look of distress, passing quickly to a black frown of unger, overspread hla face. Without a word ho passed the message to me. 1 read: "On board S. 8. Magellan, oft Pen sncola, Fin., Marconi Station. Tho wolf's fangs " No signature. A cipher? None that I was familiar with, yet it must have a meaning and a deep and terrible one, for as I looked at Clarke his eyes blazed with anger and beneath it he wore a look of tho deepest concern. , "It Is from her. The wolf! I must nave her, but how? Sexton, can I count on you?" "Yon know that without asking," I replied; "but I haven't the slightest Idea what it all means." "Of course not. Como Into the li brary and I will tell you while wo plan some method of action, I do not yet know what. "I first mot Thalda," continued Clarke, when we were seated In the library, "when I was an Interne at Hellevuo. Sho was a student, delving deeper than the mind of woman or dinarlly goes into subjects phll osopnical and psychological. Sho was a true friend, a Jovial com panion, and these traits, nllled with the beauty of which you can testify. had the effect of gathering about her an ever enlarging court. Hut with an admirable reserve she held them all at length I alono came tho nearest to her-confl-donee, and tho life wo lived was Ideal, both too busy for our chosen work to mar it by thoughts of anything closer, both protected, she by her womanly reserve, 1 by my sincere respect for her. "Then Conipte Arniaml de Loup camo Into our lives, lie was a young French nobleman, very rich, living where and how he pleased. Wo were attracted to him by his love of the occult which ho had studied In India, In Tibet, wherever tho minds of think ers run In the direction of tho unknow . able. Ho was suave, handsomo and. at first, charming In every way. It was not long however until his ad vances to Thalda became so pro nounced as to cause her to fear him and me to hate him with all my heart. When it became necessary for her definitely to repel his offers lie went out of our sphere as suddenly ns he had entered It, hut leaving behind him his curses and hla vows of the most terrible vengeance his fiery Gallic spirit could invent. "Nine years have passed since then and no blow has fallen, unless this Is it. After ho left, translating his name literally, we called him "tho wolf.' We often talked Jokingly of tho time when the threatened fangs of the . wolf would close upon ns. 'Tho fangs of the wolf.' It must be Thalda." As Chirke was speaking tho bell rang again and a second messenger arrived. Clarke feverishly tore open tho cover and reading It passed It to me. It was: " - have struck. Savo me." Like the first it was sent by Marconi system from tho steamship Magellan "Wait," exclaimed Clarke. "Wo can do nothing. There will bo a third. Sho is sending me word despite eomo ter rible obstacle." lie had hardly finished when tho third message arrived. Sent from the Mime station, it rend: " come to " Would there be a fourth that would waited with all the patience we could summon, but It camo not. Clarke spent tho time poring over the time tables of the North and South lines. At last he gave up and throwing tho time tables from him he exclaimed: "Some thing has happened. Sho cannot fin ish, liut thero Is another means If only she will try It." Then ho lay back in his chair and closed his eyes. For more than an hour he did not stir. I began to think he slept. Then he Jumped up so sud denly that he startled mo. "Quick! 1 have it. We are going. Pack. Don't forget the arms and plenty of ammunition, and put In those four automatics we go', the other day. There may bo hot work before wo ever see Chicago again. Let's see, the train leaves in an hour and a quarter." "Hut where we arc going?" I asked, Involuntarily. "New Orleans," he shouted as ho dashed Into hla room to throw his clothes out to mo to pack. Wo reached New Orleans at dusk and took a cab from tho railway station. As wo drove away looking out of the cab window I saw a swarthy, roughly dressed man enter another cab which immediately followed us. 1 thought nothing of the incident at tho time except to wonder how such a looking Individual happened to bo riding In cabs. N And then the full Import of Clarke's devilish cunning, his mastery of the minds of men by the use of forces which bordered on the supernatural, dawned upon nio. Here was the pilot which would guide us to the lair of the wolf and to Thalda, the spy turned to account against his own employer. Tho path lay by water, this evidently Clarko had discovered. "Yes, it was absurdly simple," re marked Clarke, quietly, divining as he ro often seemed to do my train of thought "As soon as I found we were watched I knew 1 had the master key to the situation. It was easy to turn from the shadowed to tho shadow. I slipped out of the hotel through tho kitchens, prepared the way for you, and while our pilot here was watching tho front entrance of tho hotel I was within a step of him and watching him. You know my method and It was not long beforo 1 had him In my power and knew nil that he knows. It Is not much except that de Loup has some sort of rendezvous on an obscure Is land nbout 30 miles up the coast from the delta. It Is called the lie des Serpents and we are going to find out what goes on there. Hod send wo do nut get thero too late!" Clarke's eyes took a faraway look and I knew he was thinking of Thalda. "Hefore midnight we make eet," said Hloc, who was steering by the compass. Silently we drew on the larder for a repast consisting of what ever we could find that needed no cooking. Then despite the tossing of our craft I succeeded In making a pot of steaming hot coffee. We were too near the unknown to be in tho mood for conversation About 11 o'clock Hloc, who was peer ing into the darkness ahead, whis pored, "A la droit. L'lle des Serpents. I looked and rising out of the dark ness was a black mass against the softer shades of tho shore line. With directions given in whispers we mnde fast to the landing. "ou will stay hero with the launch," whispered Clarko to Hloc "and have it ready to get away at once In case we need It Wo stepped lightly out on tho land ing and found ourselves facing a doo of Iron in the otherwise blank wall a heavy door lncrusted with knobs nnd beset with strango heraldic devices In has relief. These latter drew Clarke attention nnd he studied them earnest ly In tho dim light. Then turning to me with a snillo of triumph ho whts pered: "Ah, I thought so. I have the master key. Come, we will go in." No sound broke tho stillness. There was nothing to denoto that a human habitation of any sort lay beyond the blank wall. Clarke lifted a heavy knocker i tho center of the door and began tattoo of alternating long and short raps. These were answered from within nnd my companion In his turn answered these signals. "What is your age?" challenged deep voice. I was thunderstruck at Clarke's an swer in an oven, fearless tone, "Five years," he said. "Whence do you come?" again in quired the voice. "From tho eternal flame," auswered my companion "Whither do you go?" rang out the question "To the fiamo eternal," was tho ro ply. "Whom do you bring "A hitherto deluded soul who would give us the final clue? All tho day we j gain admission among us and thus Horror o! a Night and the Intercep tion of a Wireless Message Go to Make Up the Puz zling Features of a Sirange Case Which Confronts Chicago Reporter and His Friend, the Detective. in if sa n itan n n in n n m n m n s n in t in $n in-imn c n i s- t asssmml 1 1 JU-I learn tho true story of the fall of the great Haal-Zeboub." And then it dawned upon me that no matter with what diabolical fra ternity we were dealing Clarke, with his wonderful knowledge of the vaga ries that have possessed the human mind slnco tho dawn of the ages, had Its ritual at his tongue's end. "Hut you waste our time, which Is precious. If the examination Is satis factory lead us to the Vice Uegent of Lucifer and If he so desire he may question us further," commanded Clarke In a tone of authority. "TIs well. To the Temple of 11a- homet," answered tho sentry. He turned and motioned us to fol low. We entered and heard the door close behind us with a click leaving us In utter, absolute darkness. And then, seeming to come from the roof over our heads, spoke a voice so terrible in its menace, so steely cruel In Its tones that I felt my knees be gin to batter against each other. "Let them that would look upon the faco of the Vice-Regent of the Evil One enter through the eternal flame," It said. "If they come on the business of the great Lucifer they pass un scathed. Otherwise they wither up and die." Our guide had disappeared as if by magic. Motioning me to follow Clarke pressed forward. We neared the flame and still there camo no heat Then Clarko stepped into it and was lost to sight while I stood alone in that awful corridor. Summoning all my courage I too stepped into the flame. Heyond a tingling of the nerves and a stinging of the skin I felt no sensation. I found myself with Clarke In an lm mense hall, tho counterpart In devil ish decoration of the passageway we had left. The walls, roof and floor were of stone and tho whole scene was so broken with recesses, grottoes and innumerable stone Images of Sa tanic beings that it was difficult to judge its size. Hehlnd us the flame alternately flashed and flickered. If there was another entrance it was so cunningly concealed as to escape our notice. Hefore us was a massive al tar, apparently hewn in the solid rock, though upon closer examination found It, as well as all of the Interior decoration, to be of moulded con crete. e were alone. At least we saw no forms but those of the devils and Imps that, as In the corridor, flashed their many colored eyes upon us from all sides. Suddenly the stillness was broken by a voice from somewhere in the deep recesses of the cavern, a voice steely and cruel in its Icy suavity. I looked. Yes. Thaida was there. She seemed even more beautiful than In the brief period when I had before seen her. Her robes clung to tho graceful outlines of her willowy form. Her black hair was colled tiv'- ly into n crown ubout her beautifully shaped head and In Us tresses ono red rose, mntchlng perfectly tho coral of her lips, was the only bit of color. Proudly she walked, and Hypntia be fore the monks of Cecil was not love lier nor more disdainful of her execu tioners. Sho took her place calmly before the center cf the semicircle. ' The count appronched her and taking her hand touched It to his lips with a tri umphant snillo. She offered no show of resistance. Had sho steeled herself to submit meekly to whatever be In store for her? Then ensued some ritualistic gibberish of which I could not catch the import, during which each member of the semicircle seized what looked to be a chalico from the altar and beat upon It with a short stick. "O, Lucifer, Star of tho Morning, answer thou unto the conjuration of the Four and say If It Is thy will that this maiden become a faithful Pal ladlst In thy service." This tho count Intoned in a solemn voice. From somewhere In the roef came tho answer in hollow reverberating tones: "It Is my will." "Then rome, thou art mine," said the count as with outstretched arms ho advanced toward Thalda. She stood disdainfully erect as ho neared sri - - -i-t- II I I 11 K X w I . y saw mm mpowoir N6 MMd MlDLrIdF TPYMG TO F0r IT OFF. her and I trembled to see such loveli ness profaned by his unholy touch. His arms were Just about to fold her in their embrace when my straining eyes saw a livid green flash strike from the whiteness of her throat. Full upon the forehend of tho count It "'-!!cd. I saw him throw out his arms wildly as if trying to fight It off. Hut thero it clung, a writhing, glisten ing streak of green. Tho count tottered. His face and hnnds began to turn to the sickly shade of tarnished brass. With a great cry he reeled headlong. Leaping over the prostrate form Thalda flow.liko a deer. 1 heard tho bar of Clarke's prison houso fall. Then the door of mine swung open. In the twinkling of an eye we were behind those little steel cages, Thalda be tween us. At that instant tho lights went out nnd wo wero In styglan darkness. At the end of the hall we heard tho hurrying of many feet and the moans of men In terror of nn awful death. Al most mechanically wo drew our weapons nnd began to empty four automatics into the blackness ahead. 1 do not know whether or not any of our shots took effect. I heard no cries. When we stopped to reload and the reverberations of the fusllado had died away In the recesses of tho roof all was still. "To the boat," whispered Clarke. We picked up the now fainting Thalda, dashed through the aura of flame and down the corridor, now In utter darkness. The door barred for a moment our progress, but Clarke's fingers soon found the bolt and we were safe. "It was by ruie," said Thalda. "I hail no thought of de Ixmp and had long since hoped that he had passed out of our lives, when I was summoned by a false letter on board tho Magel lan In New York harbor. Once there 1 was seized and locked In a cabin. "Wo wero sitting In the ladles' cabin. I was watching the waves dashing over her hows. He Loup sat watching mo. Writing materials were on tho desk ut my elbow, but I dared not even look nt them for fear of arousing his suspicions. Then sudden ly I looked tip. Ho was dozing. I snatched a pen and wrote your ad dress nnd three words of tho message. Then he roused and I had only time to snatch the paper and conceal It In my dress before his sharp eyes were again upon me. I would send it any way. I knew your intuitive wit would make something of it I Intrusted It to the stewardess. Fortunately they had left me my money. I told her It was a cypher and she swore to give It to the wireless operator In his little rookery on the tipper deck. That was In the morning. In the afternoon 1 again had a chance to write a few words when 1 was again stopped by do Loup's eye. I again went to my cabin nnd calling the stewardess sent it to the same address. I had one more chance to write. Hut when It came to telling you where to find me 1 suddenly remembered that I did not know. I sent tho dispatch anyway. 1 hud no more chance to write. I be lieve that do Loup already suspected. I now think he knew It all the time and was anxious that I lure you on. for that same day ho told nio that our destination was near New Orleans. 1 still hoped for a chance to get yon word, but all tho time I telepathed those two words to you with all the intensity of my being." Woman like she had omitted that part we were most anxious to hear, tho cause of tho death of the wolf. "O, yes," she continued. "But the blow that struck him I had reserved for myself when all else had failed. We were on tho launch going up the narrow harbor of the Island. I was alone on tho after deck watching the snakes that colled and twisted in the branches that almost swept the sides of the boat. They had no horror for me. for ns you know, I have a strange power over nil animal life. Suddenly a peculiar little green snake fell from a tree limb onto the deck almost at my feet. From Its triangular head I knew It to be deadly poisonous. Here was my weapon. I Bnatchod it up and concealed it In my dress. I might be able to turn it upon the count. If not I should force It to bite myself. When I dressed for tho ceremony I placed it at my throat. I wns nbout to reach for It when it struck." "And tho sheet of flame and the lights?" I Interposed, unable longer to restrain my curiosity on these points. "Oh. that's all simple enough," an swered Clarke. "Mere buffoonery. I saw through It at. the time. Tho count was no menu electrician. He hnd his own plant. As for the sheet of flame, have you never seen a high frequency current pass between two poles? Two million voits of violet rays from such an apparatus have been sent through the human body with no effect but a slight tingling and tho visible stream ot fire." (Copyrislit. by W. O. Clmpman.) iCupyrlghl In Gruat Britain.)