The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, February 18, 1909, Image 7

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    ' i.
ASIllN'C.TON was more closely identified
with Philadelphia, than any other Ameri
can city, und although mora than a cen
tury has ekpsed since his death, there
are in existence there uioro buildings held
memorable on account of the great Ameri
can's visit than may be found elsewhere.
It is truo that the word tradition Is often
very loosely applied to some of the tales
of Washington's visit to this or that house,
but, after eliminating all the suspicions
memorials, there still remain a very con
siderable number far more than the
avorngo person appreciates.
When he first, camo to Philadelphia
Washington was a young
man of 2o. He had traveled a goou
deal, considering wUh what expense
and difficulty travel was accomplished
In those days. He had been to the
Parbados, and had been on military
duty at Boston. It was a military as
signment which took him to Philadel
phia to confer with Lord Loudon before
settiug out to the frontier, for the
French and Indian war was in process.
While there, it is said, he visited the
playhouse, for there is to bo found in
his Journal an entry reading: "March
17, by Mr. Paimas, tickets 52-6," mean
ing 52 shillings and 6lxpeuce. If he did
visit the theater he must have gone to
that old warehouse of William Plum
stead, then on Water street near Pino,
but no longer standing, for that is
where the early companies gave their
army at Cam
bridge. In No
vember, accord
ing to Marshall.
"Lady Washing
ton arrived in the
city, on her way
to Join her dis
tinguished hus
band at C a m -bridge.
She was
r e c e I v e d. with
great h o n o rs,
being escorted In-
fir mi
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performances while In Philadelphia.
Aside from those national relics, In
dependence hall. Carpenters' hall,
Christ church and St. Peter's church.
It Is a strange commentary on the
vicissitudes of buildings to note that
the majority of the places standing
which have gained Immortality by
sheltering the first president are near
ly all of them old Inns, or taverns. In
the majority of cases Washington's
connection with the old houses Is
limited to having taken a menl In the
old posthouses, and. ind"ed, the only
otner buildings Identified with his
Philadelphia visits are those where ho
was entertained, either publicly or so
cially. Hctween 1757 and 1773 It does not
appear that Washington visited the
city, but In the latter year he passed
through Philadelphia on his way to
New York, where he placed his step
ton in King's college. Thereafter he
was more frequently seen there, and
after he left New York, in 1700, when
the capital was removed to Philadel
phia, he never again visited New York,
and the last years of his life were
passed very largely in Philadelphia.
It appears that Philadelphia very
nearly had Washington for a perma
nent resident at one time. When con
press decided to move the national
capital from New York to Philadelphia
Washington, of course, had "inside Informal Ion" that the
project waa In view. At that time he is said to have at
tempted to purchase a farm near the Quaker city, being
keen enough as a large landowner to see that there
would be a large rise In the values of property here.
Where this farm was located does not appear, but Wash
ington was unable to bring about the transfer. Some
time later he waB successful In purchasing some town
lots In the new city of Washington, which was being laid
out as the federal capital.
The year after Washington hod taken his stepson to
King's college ho found himself in Philadelphia again as
a delegate to the congress which assembled In Carpen
ters' hall. While there he, with the other delegates, was
present at a reception given by the Assembly of Penn
sylvania, which was given in what then was called the
New Tavern, on Second street above Walnut, opposite to
the Slate Hoof house.
The Virginia delegato had, however, returned to his
plantation in the meantime, for he was In Philadelphia
again us a delegate In May, 1775. Marshall, in his diary,
mentions, under the date May 9, 1775. that the delegates
"were met about six miles from town by the officers of all
the companies and by many other gentlemen on horse
back to the amount of 500. Within two miles the com
pany of riflemen and Infantry, with a band of music, met
them and conducted them through the city with great
applause." This did not apply to an Individual recep
tion of Washington, but to a party of southern delegates
of which he was one who entered the city by way of the
old Chester road. Randolph, who was elected president
of the congress, was mentioned first, mid tbe name of
Washington followed. It was a really distinguished com
pany, for in the party were Patrick Henry, lilehard Henry
Lee, ISenjaniln Harrison, Caesar liodney and Samuel
It was not long before the congress appointed hlin as
commander in-chief, and he was plunged Into that mili
tary du'y which kept Mm engaged for the next six years.
On June "0 Washington reviewed the city mllltla. then
exercising on the coinr.ior.s, and shortly thereafter the
. 5
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to the city from
Schuylkill ferry
by- the colonel
and other ollUers
and liht Infant
ry of the Second
battalion and the
company of ligbt
horse, etc."
Perhaps no
woman ever had
been so ceremo
niously received
in this country
bo'ore. Mrs.
Washington re
mained In tho
city for several .
days, and a ball J
had been ar
ranged for her at
the New tavern.' i
Hut It was point- j
cd out that con
gress had ex
pressly forbidden
such festivities
during stirring
1 1 mi's, and tho
distinguished vis
itor, when tho
matter was
brought to her
attention, gra
ciously recalled
her acceptance,
and the dance
was not given.
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Under the date November 27,
Marshall notes: "About ten, Lady
Washington, attended by the
troop of horse, two companies of
light Infantry, etc., left this city,
on her Journey to tho camp at
In May of the following year
Washington was In Philadelphia
again on the 27th of that month.
The diarist remarks: "Past two
took a walk to see the review of
sundry battalions of militia and
tho recruits, which were drawn
up regularly with the troop of
horse and train of artillery. Tho
generals were Washington,
(chief), Gates and Mifflin, with
the congress, members of assem
bly, a number of clergymen, offi
cers, etc., and a vast concourse of
Iieople, between 20 and 30 of tho
Indians of the Six Nations." On
June 15 tho generals and their
alle left for New York.
During the next two years a
great deal of the campaign had
Its scenes near th" city. Part of
the time Philadelphia was In tho
hands of the Iliitlsh, and In Octo
ber, 1777, the battle of German
town was fought. While Wash
Ington and his army were in the
neighborhood, the old Inns on the
outskirts of the town were visited
by him at times, in this
way we have the tradition of
his vUit to Valley Green on
anion, io i.ermaniown, and to the old Abbey hoicl on
Wl-s.'ililckon avi ime.
The next ear Washln-tn.n Is found In the snuthwf.i'ei !(
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I'un vi i ii.i.iu' limn, iiiKi nero ne is Mrliirei ,i luir a
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general wp on his w;iy I.- aite command of tho littlo very gallant act at the old Ulu,. p.n (,;, ut Duiby mad
and Darby creek. According to the story told by one
of tho witnesses of the Incident, when she was a very
old woman. It appears that one day during Washington's
residence In that city as president ho and a few others
took a walk down the Darby road. Arriving at tho llluo
Hell, then kept by the Lloyds, who were known to tho
president, they engaged to stay for the night. After tho
evening meal tho party gathered around the Dutch fire
place In the dining room and recounted their adventures
during tho war. The other members of tho party retired
early, leaving Washington musing before the fire. About
midnight the three Misses Lloyd, who hnd been to a
dance, returned home and went to the kitchen for re
freshments. The door between tho rooms was ajar, anil
Washington heard the young girls chattering about their
evenlng'o experiences. Suddenly he heard his name men
tioned, and naturally listened.
One of the young girls remarked that she would llko
to see If n kiss would remove tho sober look on th.? face
of tho general. Washington arose and presented himself
at the donr. The young women wore confused, and as
none of them would acknowledge sho was tho culprit,
Washington said: "Then I shall have to kiss you all."
And he did. '
In 177'J the commander-in-chief of the army h In Phila
delphia again. This time ho sat to Charles Wilson Peale,
at tho invitation of the supreme executive council. I'eale's
studio was at Third and Piuo streets, and It Is believed
that It was there that Washington gavo the artist tho
necessary Hidings for
tho picture which sub
sequently was defaced
by tho JJrltlBh.although
It has frequently been
said that tho portrait
was deslroyed. This,
as Charles Henry Hart
has pointed out, was
not tho case, and tho
portrait is still In ex
istence. It was dur
ing this time that
Washington was a guest
at a ball given by the
Powels at their , man
sion, 214 South Third
The war was draw
ing to an end, and
Washington was giving
It the (itiNbl'ig touches
In the south. He did
not app'nr In Philadel
phia again until after
the surrender of Corn
wallls, when he visited
tho city that lie might
consult with conrrcss
concerning the future
opoiatlouR of tho nnny.
During this visit he
was the guest of honor
at an entertainment
given by th' French
mli.lster. This was a
conceit, very likely giv
en at the City tavern,
and In January follow
ing lie was a gties:t at
the Xouthwarfc tl:i liter, where a special prnc.rain had been
pr;i:e,, il:e plavs being tbe French cnircdy "Ku'jcnie,"
by !.a:iii:ai(!i, and "The Lying Valet," nu Knglish
fane. TI.e llayhoiiso was decorated for Hie occasion,
mil Wellington's name In large letters was displayed In
u conspicuous manlier In an Ingenious Illumination.
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When Washington relumed to tho Quaker city In July
of tho fiunie year there were nmro entertainments In hli
honor. One of these was given In a specially erected
apartment to the hoiiHe of the French minister, and ths
occasion was the birthday of the dauphin of France.
There wbb a concert, followed by fireworks, a ball and
1 supper.
Llko the celebrated Clnclnnattis, Washington, havltn
finished his public work, returned to his plow. He did
visit the city In May, 17S4, when ho attended a meeting
of the Society of the Cincinnati. On May day he dined
with Robert Morris at the Ullls, now Lemon hill, and
while there the Sons of St. Tammany, who were banquet
lng at Mr. Pole's country seat, went to Morris' and
saluted the general on their way home. ,
In 1787 Washington was called from Ills retirement lc
attend tho federal convention, and ouco more Philadel
phia entertained him.
Washington's next appearance In that city was In the
early part of tho year 178!), when he was on his way to
New York to be Inaugurated first president of tho United
States. On this occasion, ns might be expected, be was
received as only a conqueror and hero could be. He was
met at Gray's Ferry, where he crossed the river on the
old floating bridge, by u vast procession. Children sang
patriotic sungs, the bridge was festooned, and there win
a very modest triumphal arch erected at the Philadelphia
side of tho river. Under this the president-elect passed.
Ho was escorted through the city, and the troops and the
other escort did not leavo him until they had sot him
down at the Jolly Post, In Frankford. The Jolly Post,
being on tho road to New York, was frequently the stofr
plng placo of Washington during his many Journeys to
and from tho east.
The state of Pennsylvania erected a large and hand
some building on Ninth street, where the postofllce now
stands, which it was intended should be the residence
of the president. It was not finished when Washington
came to Philadelphia to contlnuo his first term, and hevery
wisely rented the house of Hubert Morris, then on Market
street between Fifth and Sixth streets. For the next
seven years, excepting during the yellow fever epidemic.
Washington occupied this mansion, which, during tin
llrltlsh occupation of tho city, had been the residence of
Lord Howe,
In 17'j:t tbe yellow fever struck terror to the heart of
every resldmt or the city, and tho government offices
were removed to Germantown, which wtia regarded at
safe from the ravages of the epidemic. There Washing
ton rented from Major Franks the house on Germnntown
road now numbered ft-142 iiml known as the Morris house.
While president and a resident of the Quaker city
Washington visited practically every prominent citizen.
He wiib froqtn ntly a giifst at one or other of their loutset.
He was fond of the thenter, and nrter t;io bun had been
removed he Is found once In a while at tho old 3outh
Street house, where bo was particularly pleased with
the acting of Thomas Wignell, a cousin of llallaiu and
fine comedian.
He urrtved In Philadelphia on November 10, 1791.
being escorted by the Macphcmm Plues, ond went U
lodgings ut Mrs. White's. Tills hoiiso was numbered
North Klghth street, nr.d was en tho east Bide of the
street, bitweeu Market and Flllirrt streets, the site now
occupied by n store. The month he, spent there at thut
time v ns largely taken up with dinners and other enter
tainments. He dined with the cabinet officers, with lllsh
op White, with Samuel Meredith, with Mr. Hingham, and
was at lielnmnt with Judge Peters. He also was enter
tallied by Gov. Mifflin and Mr. ltawle.
This was Washington's last visit to the city. H Jcft
there on December II. nnd Philadelphia neur saw him
again. The following year, late In December, the sad
news of his death was received, and the new nation lu
mediately wiia wrnnu'.d In mourning.