The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, February 18, 1909, Image 6

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Food Specialist
Author cf "Eating for a
Gospel cf Health."
r" mi i i l
iCopyrlsht, by Jom-pli It. liowlus)
Peauty Is more than gkln deep; It Is
In tho blood quality of flesh and mus
cle and bone,' and deeper than these,
In the thousht that builds the body
from material, food. "The question of
beauty," says Emerson, "takes us out
of surfaces, to thinking of the founda
tions of things "
Whatever may bo the true standard
of beauty, It Is not superficial polish.
The reality of beauty is Its soul, whose
outward expression we soe In the
My body Is not I, but the expression
of me. 1 am my mind. My body Is
mine: and as I build my body accord
ing to the model In my inlnd, I can
build a different body by changing tho
model and the material. Tho Greeks
understood this fully. Their heroes
Mere their models of valor, their hero
lues, of grace; and ono word defines
tlielr habit In eating, Spartan Blmpllc
Theto is no limit to tho change you
ran make In your, body, except the
limit (o the change you can make In
your thought, and jour change of the
building material, food. Wo change
little, because thinking and eating are
fundamental race habits, always slow
to change. '
A young man of 20, employed as
nlglit foreman In a bakery for several
years, went to an Illinois collego to
study for the Christian ministry. Three
j ears. afterward I met him and dis
tinctly observed a marked change) In
bis features as a result of the changed
Ideals that had been dominating bis
mind during that period and of a
change In his diet.
It Is well known that tho most Im
portant period of development Is the
prenatal period, that an Infant la ex
tremely plastic, but that It becomes
more difficult to mold or to remodel
It as It grows older. Yet. oven after
maturity, change takes place as the
predominating thoughts, and the food,
are varied. Feeding in tho pre-natal
period Is Important: food largely
makes the difference between tha Jap
and the Eskimo, between the Arab
date cater and tho German bread eat
er, and largely because food Influences
The food experimenter who has sys
tematically varied his food for consid
erable periods can bear witness to the
fact that not only does hevfoel differ
ent when living on different foods, but
his habit of thought, changes.
A curious relation subsists between
food and thought. It Is literally true
that food Influences thought. The dlf
ference between the tiger and tho
horso Is, vory largely, tho difference
In their food. Yet you could not make
a Jap of an Eskimo by feeding hhn on
rice and beans. The gorilla, a strict
vegetarian, is no lens fierce when at
tacked than the tiger that lives on
blood. Tho dog Is but a wolf that has
learned to think man's thoughts, to a
degree, as the nobleman has loarned
to think God's thoughts.
It Is said that a man Is as old as his
arteries, and this Is literally true. It
is a physiological fact that some aro
a old at 30 as others at CO, as tho con
ditlon of tho arteries distinctly Indl
cat e&.
The question may nnturally bo
raised here, What Is old age? We do
not hesitate to say that a certain per
son Is old when we see that his frame
Is stiff, his skin dry and hnrd, the
roseate huo gone from his cheek, and
tho sparkle from his eye. Now what
causes this condition and how can It
bo delayed, If not overcome?
Tho hardening of the frame, of all
tho tissues, Including the arteries, Is
duo to the deposit In the tissues of
mineral matter taken In tho food and
drink, absorbed Into the blood and
gradually deposited, much as earthy
matter is deposited In a tea kettle or
!liue and earth In city water pipes
This mineral matter, chiefly phosphate
and carbonate of lime, destroys tho
elasticity of the arteries and gradually
hardens the tissues. Including the
brain. .
Now there are two chief sources
from which this earthy matter Is Intro
duced Into the blood, bread, especially
fine white bread, and hard drinking
water. The percentage of lime In
bread Is large, and whlto bread Is es
pecially liable to form concretions of
lime In the lower Intestine (often In
ducing appendicitis), which are ab
sorbed Into the blood and deposited
In Ibo tissues, gradually producing
that dry and hardened condition of
tho skin which Is a distinguishing
mark of old age.
Tho activity of tho brain Is deter
mined largely by Its blood supply, and
when (he r.rterles that supply It aro
hardened by tho deposit of mineral
mutter it must become Blugglsh. Loss
of memory of recent cventB Is an In
variable accompaniment of age: tho
old live In the paBt. To live In the fu
turo requires tho vivid Imagination of
youth with Its plastic brain.
Wonder Is often expressed that the
farmer, who lives largely In tho open
air. and has fresh fruit, vegetables
and ml'.k at his door, does not llvo as
Ions; as tho professional man, who Is
much confined in close rooms and has
lit t lo exercUe, and thut the common
laborer Is shorter lived than the Idle
rich, who are. as a rule, much given to
Aside from tho wasto of vitality
which tho laborer, farmer and the ath
lete (who Is usually short lived) are re
quired to make In their daily work,
due to extraordinary physical exertion,
these cat more bread to supply the
waste of carbon duo to muscular work
(which would bo better supplied by
fruit sugar and vegetable fat, as al
ready expressed), and drink more wa
ter, because they persplro more, thus
leaving a greater deposit of ashes In
tho arteries and other tissues. The
merchant or professional man who
takes inoderato exercise by walking
about five miles dally will lite longer
than tho average, farmer who has
many advantages otherwise.
A beautiful complexion is an essen
tial element of beauty. Tho Ideal Is
that of childhood, the bloom of youth
upon tho cheek. There Is no substi
tute for tho beauty of health.
Sallow skin, pimples and blotches of
all kinds are produced by failure of
liver, kidneys, lungs nnd skin to elimi
nate naturally the waste products of
digestion, whose retention Is favored
by constipation. The tissues of the
body, Including the skin, become hard
ened as age advances, partly by the
weakonlngof these eliminating organs,
often prematurely. The skin nnd tho
muscles underlying It become hard
and wrinkled by the weakening of tho
normal metabolism, by which worn
out cells are carried away and new re
placed. As the kidneys and liver de
cline in power (or rather as the vitali
ty that actuates them declines, with
advancing years) there la a gradual
deposit in the arteries and In tho tis
sues generally of mineral matter from
the food and water.
These conditions are to bo avoided
by avoiding constipation, so-called
rich foods, such as pie and cake, ani
mal fats, starch and ineatB, particular
ly pork, by eating few nrticles of food
at a meal, by eating freely of add
fruits, especially apples, lemons, or
anges and grapes nnd by the dally use
of o'.lvo oil or peanut oil, and by tho
free use of water, Including tho "inter
nal bath" occasionally. Proper exer
cise dally In the open air will also
serve to preserve a ruddy complexion
and soft skin.
Distilled water will dissolve mineral
matter from tho tissues, and It should
bo used by everyone past middle life.
Tho objections to the use of distilled
water raised by persons Interested In
mineral waters are, I think, not well
taken. It Is unreasonable to suppose
that pure water, as we have It In milk
and In fruits, could bo Injurious. One
who drinks lltllo water will always im
prove by drinking large quantities of
any mineral water, especially when
accompanied by change of surround
ings, better food and, more than all,
the effect of suggestion that tho water
will effect a cure. And by this I do not
mean that mineral waters may not be
In certain cases beneficial, as drugs
may, at times, bo means of cure.
Tho water in Juicy fruits and milk
serves the same purpose ns distilled
water. About two quarts of wator
should bo taken daily, when the
weather U moderately warm and
proper exercise is taken.
Mrs. Llllle Langtry, asked for her
"secret" of beauty, said: "The fact
that I believe in the power of mind
over matter does not blind me to the
fact that the foundation of tho whole
secret of beauty Is good health. A
sick woman cannot bo beautiful.
Work, sunshine, exercise, nourishing
food, fresh air and cheerfulness are
my recipe for beauty."
I accept tbl3 prescription from an
eminent practitioner ns complete and
correct in every particular. Soma use
ful work is. as Mrs. Langtry says, a ne
cessity to keep the mind and body
normally active; sunshine benefits
both body and mind; fresh air purifies
the blood and gives the skin the only
natural pink of health; exercise In
creases the breathing, accelerates the
circulation, and therefore purifies the
blood, assists in breaking down tissue
that would otherwiso clog the system
and furnishes tho opportunity for the
building of new tissue from tho food
supply; cheerfulness and hope are es
sential In the right mental influence;
they aro the states opposed to worry
and discontent which make furrows
and cloudy visage; and, lastly, "nour
ishing food" that harmonizes the vital
forces and that does not congest tho
eliminating organs or waste vital force
extravagantly this Is tho whole art
of beauty and youth.
The food should bo plain, avoiding
wasto of vitality in digestion and elim
ination; vivacity Is Inconsistent with
working overtime In digestion. Whlto
bread, pie, pickles, cokes, tea, coffee,
pork and all stimulants should bo
avoided. Coarse wheat, rye and corn
bread and nuts, olives and figs should
form tho staple of the diet. Fruit
sugar should be substituted for starch,
the least objectionable sources of
which are rice and baked potatoes.
Prunes with olive oil or peanut oil
have a very important use in pre
serving the complexion, by preventing
constipation with Its attendant auto
intoxication and bilious headache that
often leads to nervous breakdown.
The breakfust should bo light. As
has been suggested In a preced
ing article, buttermilk is most helpful
as an antidote to sallow sklu and pim
ples. A glass may bo taken on retir
ing. Pody nnd mind are so Intimately re
lated that they must always bo treated
together, but tho mind Is the control
ling factor. Tho true secret of youth
and beauty is best expressed by
Shakespeare, the master painter of
beautliul women, speaking of Cleo
patra: "Ago cannot lessen nor custom
stale her Inflnlto variety."
Information for the Farmer Who Would Market Ills Sheep
Intelllsently By W. C. Coffey, First Asst. la
Sheep Husbandry, Illinois.
The grower or feeder offering sheep
for salo often forms a very imperfect
estimate of their market value, and
chiefly because his contact with the
open market has not been sufficient to
familiarize him with tho factors em
bodied by the various terms In mar
ket reports. It may he that he is Ig
norant of the meaning of certain
terms; he may have a mistaken or
hazy notion of others, and both obser
vation nnd experience show that any
thing short of a fairly accurate con
ception of what a certain market term
stands for is a sourco of disappoint
ment and annoyance. Hccauso his
judgment as to tho true market worth
of his sheep Is uncertain, tho owner
may suffer a financial loss in dealing
with a local buyer by selling under tho
market value or by missing a salo by
asking too much for them. If, at the
time of sale, the owner could definite
ly determine (ho value of his sheep,
he would experience less difficulty In
coming to an early understanding
with the local buyer, or in case he
yearlings, wethers, ewes, bucks
Lambs. About 80 per cent, of tho
Bhep sent to slaughter are lambs. Tha
grades are prime, choice, good, medi
um und common or culls. Quality,
condition, form and weight aro the
factors considered in determining tho
grade to which lambs belong. Poth
quality and condition are very impor
tant and lambs without high develop
ment In both are not placed la tht
higher grades. Form, especially tho
feature of paunchiness, Is significant
in grading lambs. Weight la a fac
tor that varies somewhat with the dif
ferent times in the year, but lambs
weighing 80 pounds and prime in
quality, condition and form will al
ways grade as prime.
Yearlings. Yearlings are used as
a substitute for lambs in the meat
trade. The grades are prime, choice,
good. Prime yearlings are light In
weight, immature, and very highly de
veloped in quality and condition.
Wethers. Only a small percentage
1 ,3,,
OR a smart and useful walking costume, no style could be more suitable
than the one illustrated here. The skirt is quite plain, and trimmed at
the foot by a band of plaid. The revers, waist-coat and cuffs are also of
nlaid: the remainder of the coat is plain and tight-lltling. A motor cap
of the cloth Is worn.
Materials required: yards cloth 48 inches wide, 1 yard plaid 4G
Inches wide, 4 large and 1 dozen small buttons.
The second picture shows a charming costume, In Atlantic green face
cloth; a panel Is cut down the center of front, widening as it nears the foot
of cloth, which Is cut in t urrets over a deep band of chiffon velvet in a darker
green; velvet covered buttons are sewn in each turret. Shaped straps of ma
terial are brought round at tne top 01 tno nign-waisteu sKtrt, ana joineu 10
g"ther by straight straus of material over a vest of chiffon velvet; tho other
material on bodice Is quite plain; the long tight-fitting sleeves are of velvet.
Hat of green stretched chiffon velvet, trimmed with roses and ribbon.
Materials required: iVj yards ciotn 4S incnes wide, 4 yards chiffon vel
vet, 2 dozen buttons.
A Prime Native Wether In the Fleece.
shipped them direct to the open mar
ket, tho chances for disappointment
and dissatisfaction would bo greatly
reduced. Whilo it la tho privllego of
a few to visit the markets often and
there learn the requirements and the
demands for the different grades In
tho various classes, the great majority
of sheep owners, and many feeders,
must depend largely upon the market
reports for such Information, and the
value of these reports to the man who
proposes to buy or sell sheep Is deter
mined by the extent to which he can
apply them to his particular purchase
or sale.
Native sheep are those produced
ordinarily In small flocks on the
farms of the central, southern and
eastern states. Western sheep ure
those produced usually in large
hands-on the ranges of tho western
states. As a rule western slice)) have
enough merino blood to make them
markedly different in appearance from
natives which are mostly from mutton-bred
parents. Hut even were they
Identical in breeding, buyers and sales
men on the market could easily dlstin-
of the sheep sent to market are weth
ers. This percentage is small because
both growers and consumers prefer
lambs to older sheep. The grades are
prime, choke, good, common. Prima
wethers have the same requirements
in quality and condition ns prime
yearlings. They may be either light,
weighing from 95 to 110 pounds, or
heavy, weighing 110 pounds or more.
Ewes. Kwes do not sell 011 a par
with wethers because they have pro
portionately a greater amount of offal
and a smaller amount of lean meat.
The grades are prime, choice, good,
medium nnd common or culls. Tho re
quirements in condition, quality and
weU'ht ure practically the same as for
Pucks and Stags. Choice bucks aro
fat and resemble wethers In form an!
4. Feeder Sheep. Feeder sheep aro
almost exclusively western sheep. Th
sub classes are lambs, yearlings, wetU
ers and ewes.
Lambs. The grades are fancy se
lected, choice, good, medium, common.
Choice feeder iumbs show thrifty con-
Dreso Accessory of Which Seemingly
There Cannot Be Too Many.
There Is no diminution in the popu
larity of the bar pin. It is used for
collars, for the stock and for jabots.
Every girl needs as many as she can
get. She wants them In sets of col
ored stones to match the color scheme
of her various costumes, and she wants
them In different sizes for different
As far as the fashions no, she can
not have too many. Therefore, the
manufacturers are bringing them out
anew In all kinds of lovely shapes and
The horseshoe has been run to the
crnund and few of the new ones are in
this shape. Lovely as the bowknot
r.r. j it did not become widely popular
In semi precious stones. The straight
bar has always been an excellent In
vestment, especially In three sizes.
The new bar pin used to catch the
lower edges of the turnover collar and
the jabot under it is In tho shape of a
new moon. The crescent Is slight in
its curves, It is not wide even at the
center, its ends are snarp.
The Same Sheep at Shown Above Out of the Fleece.
gnlsh betweon them because of differ
ences resulting from the way In which
they aro fed and managed. On mar
kets where both nativo and western
sheep are received, the dally reports
nearly always distinguish between
them. Whilo thin natives are often
bought up in thrt country and success
fully fed. those that reach tho mar
ket in low condition do not sell as
feeders because they are usually in
fested with Internal parasites, thus
making it difficult and In many in
stances Impossible to fatten them.
1. The market classes or snecp
mutton, feeder nnd breeding sheep.
Tho name of a class indicates the uso
to which sheep In that class are put
2 Each class is divided into sub
classes nnd those again Into grades. In
general the names of tho sub classes
suggest differences of either age or
sex between sheep put to tho same
use. The grades refer to differences
betweon the best nnd the less deslr
nhle anlmala in the various sub
classes. In the mutton class these dlf
ferences are based on quaiuy, mriii
mnatltutlon. condition und weight;
nnd In the breeding class, on nge, con
stitution, form, breeding, quality and
3. Mutton Sheep. The mutton class
Includes both nativo ami western
Bheep. Tho subclaBses are lambs,
ditlon, a high degree of quality and
weigh between 55 and 62 pounds.,
Yearlings. The grades are choice,
good, common. The cholco feeder year
ling must be of good form, highly de
veloped In quality nnd light in weight
Wethers. The grades are choice,
good, medium, common. In general the
requirements are the same ns for
Ewes. The grades are cholco, good.
medium, and common. Choice feeder
ewes are young and choice In quality.
5. Preedlng Sheep. Tho subclasses
are bucks nnd ewes.
Ewes. Preedlng ewes are selected
from both native and western offer
ings. Tho grades are fancy selected,
choice, good, common. Choice breed
ing ewes are from two to four years
old. sound, well formed nnd well bred.
Pucks. Preedlng bucks nro not sub
divided into grades. All offerlugs are
Weekly Ablution of Our Ancestors
No Longer Suffices.
There is many a man or woman
who would be horrified to be told
that he or she falls short of cleanli
ness, yet such is the case even when
one prides herself on personal dain
tiness. You cannot be clean If you do not
take at least one bath each day. If
that seems like a harsh judgment try
going for two days without a bath,
then wipe off the skin with cold
cream. The condition of that cloth
is an unpleasant revelation.
The daily bath need not be In a
tub. but it should bo more than the
Pritlsh cold sponge that with many
does duty for cleanliness. Cold water,
no matter how invigorating, does not
remove soil.
A bath to be cleansing should con
sist of plenty of hot water soft, if
possible a pure soap and a scrubbing
brush, nnd plenty of friction In dry
ing. Cold water may be used later
ns a spiay or tonic, but tho warm
bath Is essential.
It is doubly necessary, If one lives
In cities, that care Is paid to bathing.
The grime of (he big town Is not only
disfiguring. It is germ-laden, and every
ertort should be made to keep freo
of it.
In addition to the daily bath one
should he particular to wash the face,
ears and neck, and under the arms
each time she dresses. The hands, as
most of us know to our sorrow, need
scrubbing a dozen times a day.
It is folly, as Is so often done, to
point to our ancestors' weekly bath
and superb strength. Times have
changed and so havo ideals of clean
liness, and the person who takes two
baths a week these days Is ashamed
to havo it found out.
A Good Sign. One of the surest
signs of improved agriculture is a dry
clean hog pen. The up-to-date farmer
has discovered that a pig wallows In
mire only when he can not help him
self. Good lnv stment. A dollar Invest
ed In live ttock Is worth $50 Invested
in mining stocks.
' Plouse of mauve chlffon-moussellne
trimmed with bands of white Venetian
lace and with motifs of Irish guipure.
The long sleeves are tucked length
wise and elaborately trimmed to cor
respond. A Simple Guest Room.
The very simplest guest room that
any one could Imagine! The floor had
nn tt n crav ras carpet. Tho walls
were covered with a plain gray paper,
nnd a black moulding Joined them to
the celling. The narrow, old-fashioned
woodwork of window and door sills
made streaks of black. In keeping
with the molding above. The hang
lugs were gray .Japanese crepe.
"Many tones of quiet grays," ns said
the poet; hut they nerved to throw
Into relief odd bits of blue and yellow
Moorish pottery und n row of blu
books. The books were the point of
the whole gray scheme of thing, for
the hostesB had covered them all In
blue holland linen und had titled the
backs on small yellow pasters.
Rose Color for Children.
One of tho new quaint tones In pink.
which Is almost rose colored, Is a fa
vorite for children's clothes. Coats
and huts are made of it for street
wear, and little slips for older girls
are built of it in silk, cashmere, chif
fon, messnline and other new fabrics.
The coats of old rose are made of
supple broadcloth, cut quite severely
with large pockets and long alcoves
edged with fur.
There is also a turnover collar of
this fur, which may be ermine, beaver
j . , ,
u)wi nquirrei or cnmcniiia.
With such a coat goes a broad
brimmed sailor or soft rose beaver,
trimmed with a band of the fur around
the crown, with a head of the animal
in front.
To Protect the Fingers.
Pretty nearly everybody Is making
or learning to make Irish crochet lace,
so that any information on this Inter
esting subject Is usually received with
Tho Inexperienced finds that the
sharp end of the crochet n ii.
'their fingers and that they, for this
reason, cannot keep up the work very
long nt a time. The best way to over
come this difficulty la to wear a tlnv
piece of conrtplaster over tho tip 0r
tho finger where the needlo touches
H will not Interfere with the guidance
of the needle, as a thiniblo might do
but It will prevent tho (lnger from be
coming sore and will protect It from
the possibility of callotisiicgs.