? 3 ,1 nMinmt )ntt, When in Plattsrr.outh get your dinner at The Perkins House f j C-.itln.arn & Cory. I'mr. MONEY FOR FARM LOANS. It ion nttd i lua an Improvn" Firm Uat at rciMutit tatt of lalertit. Write . R0lit. I SI3BERKSEN. 208 bMtti Start Bide-. Oaitha. BAILEY & MACII THE DENTISTS Uttst r(idncf ni.h-0ri Drntht'T tuaa slcPticn. BrM- iiiipttrd Ontal Of fice lathtMttdlt ttttt. t Cll OUCOUMTt to City vitiTOM. M floor .in.nHilc iMi, A ri.m, OMAHA, NEB. C. I. MUtSHUL, B. D. S. ..Graduate Dentist.. 1 1 Prices Reasonable All Work Guaranteed Twenty-six Years' Experience umce in f ltzgerald Block .5. -M-WI---M,,WM";-W-1hHX"-K- - V I lllj riJbbUllUUUI OIUUK . and Grain Go. Have a private wire to nil the market centers including Chicago, New York, St. Louis and Kansas City which guarrantees the best of service. If interested call for any information concerning the market, and ask for our market letter. FRANK COBELM AN. MCR Platts. Phone 45, Coates block. JAMES SOCHOR TAILOR ! i Now has the Fpring styles of merchant tailoring cloths in stock. Do not wait for YOUR SPRING SUIT ! V t $ until others have ordered ahead 5- of you. Be a leader. I ain now 1 using the new French process of y dry cleaning cr.d pressing-does not injure' the daintiest fabrics. vX"i"X"Xx;,"X"X" ! We now have a Laxative Fig Syrup Com pound FOR 25c PER BOTTLE i Sure and effective. Sold by j F. C. FRICKE&CO., DRUCCISTS Human Hair MSAlSwiteh 24 Inchas, 2 Oz. cr 22 Inches aS3 Greatest bnr(;ain """"" in Hafr Goods t money order, ;;ud we will match 3' i5fl your hair perfectly. H not sat ijried your muiey refunded. h,'5 OMAHA HAIR CO. I Cl' -l!ore OMAHA, NEB. JERY'Sta IT'S VERY UNUSUAL to see such handsome turnouts as goes from Manspeaker's livery stable. Our rigs are up-to-date, our cnrri.iges are swell in style and comfortable to ride in, and our horses are always well groomed, well dressed und well fed. When you want a drive come to Manspeaker's for your turnout. M.E.MANSPEAKER Joncn' Old Livery Ham Seventh I Main Sta. I'lutlf mauth, Ni b. ill SI lend a Pleasant Hour at The Cosy Coraer o.m troop rRoritiEroiit X "' J THE PLATTSEVIOUTH "C "i" HOTEL P. F. COOS. Prop. ? i J. j l M" I X..XX"XX !"M"XXSX A. L. TIDD LAWYER ne'e meet: Dank of Eagle, Eagle. Nehawka Hank, Nehawka. Hank of Murdock, Murdock. First Nat'l bank, Greenwood. State bank of Murray, Murray. First Nat'l bank, Plattsrnouth. rm 1 Want Column j WANTED. WANTED-To trade, a fine piano for a good single driving horse I'latts mouth Music Company. 03-tf CIGAR SALEMAN WANTED-In your locality to represent us. Ex perience unnecessary; $110 per month and expenses. Write for particulars. Monarch Cigar Co. St. Louis, Mo. WE PAY $80 A MONTH SALARY and furnish rig and all ,expenses to introduce poultry and stock powders: new plan; steady work; Address Big ler Company, X 900, Springfield, Ill inois. AGENTS-SALESMEN-The best ar ticlewonderful invention just pat-ented-tremendous seller,' $25 a day profits easy. Selling the "Patent Head," a marvelous efficient device, strongly appeals and quickly sold to grocers, butchers, farmers, hotel men and others. The "Patent Head" is the greatest economy ever offered. It means a big saving. Stops waste from barrels. Keeps their contents sweet and fresh. Clamped in place it remains there as solid as thj barrel itself until released by a simple turn of,.th- key. - Positively-mnk-the- barrel germ, dust and air proof. Agents are telegraphing daily Lig orders. Hundreds of letters from live agents say that they never made so much money so quickly. You can 1 easilv clem un S500 to $1,000 the next 30 days. Act quick. Territory going fact. Particulars free. The National Sales Agency, 1219 Ohio Building, Toledo, Ohio. 69-6 FOR EXCHANGE -An 80 acre farm in Kansas and a 160 farm in Min nesota for Plattsrnouth propertj. Windham Investment Co. 76-3 FOR SALE. FOR SALE CASS COUNTY FARMS 10 acres, 171 acres, 70 acres, 143 acres, 120 acres, 80 acres, und small acrage tracts. Windham Invest ment Co. 73-3 ATTENTION-If you want u home in Plattsrnouth, we have sixty from which to make a selection, terms to suit purchaser. Call at oflice for particulars. Windham Investment Company. 73-3 FOR RENT OR SALE joining Plattsrnouth. vestment Co. 38 acres ad Windham In-76-4 LITTLE LOCALS. See us for sale bills. C. A. Marshall, dentist. The Majestic, 6 and 10 cents. Something new in post cards every week. Nemetz & Co. next to P.O. We now have Compound Fig Syrup at 25c a bottle. F. G. Frick & Co., Druggists. 72-4. Some cigars are only cigars, but Pepperburg's"Buds"are a good smoke 'Always reliable. Photo post cards of Taft at Platts- mouth. Now on sale-Ten different views at 5c each Nemetz & Co. next to P. O. I Now is the time to have your piano I tuned. Mr. Becker of tho Plattsrnouth I Music Co. is an experienced man in 1 this line of work. I : Job printing of all descriptions is promptly executed at the Nkws-Hkr- ALD office. Let us figure with you on your requirements. When buying candies, why not buy 'the best? We always have a fine line j of the superior grades on hand. Ne - i metz & Co. next to P. O. THE COUMTY BOARD REGULAR MEETING HELD AND USUAL AMOUNT OF ROUTINE BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Plattsrnouth, Nebraska, Feb. If., j C. E. Quinton, sal'y and Imard 1909. Board of County Commissioners J ing county prisoners met m regular session, with all mcm- bers present. Minutes of previous meeting read and ntmroved. whereupon the following business was transacted in regular form: Bond of Dr. J. W. Brendel, county physician district No. 3 approved. Bond of Dr. J. B. Martin, same dist. No. 1 approved. Bond of Dr. N. D. Talcott, same dist. No. 5 approved. Bond of Dr. J. F. Brendel, same dist. No. 2 approved. Bond of Dr. M. M. Butler, county physician approved. Bond of Henry Snoke, road overseer road district No. 16 approved. Dr. I. C. Munger was this day ap pointed county physician dist. No. 6 for the year at salary of $5(1. Resignation of Dr. E. I). Banghart, county physician dist. No. 4, accepted. Petition Hsking for a liquor license to Andrew Thompson to sell malt, spirit uous and vinous liquors at Cedar Creek, Eight Mile Grove precinct, filed Feb. 1, 1909, same was laid over for future meeting. CLAIMS ALLOWED. James Robertson, State vs. Frank Young $ 4 95 James Robertson, State vs. Wm. Riley et al 20 65 C. D. Quinton, same 12 60 Wm. Baird, witness C. H. Wilson, same Guy McMakcn, same 2 00 W. L. Pickett, same 4 00 Ben Rainey, same 4 00 E. Manspeaper, same 4 00 Clyde Jones, same 4 00 J. R. Denson, same 2 00 C. A. Rawls, same 4 00 Geo. Bruhl, same 7 50 L. B. Egenberger, same 4 00 Frank McElroy, same 2 00 P. S. Barnes, State vs. N. C. Klepser et. al 5 75 James Robertson, same 3 75 W. E. Rosencrans, recording 20 bonds 15 00 W. C. Ramsey, sal'y for Jan... 83 31 L. D. Switzer, eame 18 50 C. R. Jordan, same 20 00 M. L. Fiiedrich, same. 18 00 Dr. J. II. Hall, salary county physician 48 50 Diers Bros., mdse to poor IS 81 News-Heralp, printing 3 50 E. A. Wurl. mdse. to poor 10 00 A. Bach & Son, made to poor... 22 00 Neb. Tele. Co., tolls and rent . .. 10 50 M. Archer.State vs. John Peter- son & t amerson C. D. Quinton, same . . E. H. Wescott, witness Ben Rainey, same.. . , 4 55 3 20 1 00 t r i . C. D. Quinton, same , 1 00 M. Archer, State vs. R, Haines. 4 25 i C. D. Quinton, same 2 10 ) I. C. Manger, sal'y in full 1908.. 21 50 j Oliver Typewriter Co., ribbons.. 1 20 Platts. Tele. Co., tolls and rents 25,40 j C. D. Quinton, boarding city j prisoners 9 30 I C. D. Quinton, expense 13 91 j CANADA EXCURSION! Parties from Cass and Adjoin ing Counties Will Look at Canadian Land. The writer will leave Tuesday, March 2nd for Calgary, Alberta, Canada to inspect the cheap Canadian Pacific Rail way lands near that city. These land3 are fine, open, grass covered prairie lands on the main line of the Canadian Pacific Railway and close to the thriving city of Calgary (population 25,000.) Theses lands sell at $15 an acre for non-irrigated and ?25 an acre for irri- gated areas on ten-year crop-payment council, who in a few well chosen word.4 plan if desired. 1 reviewed the history of the past thir- Round trip fare from Omaha $42. teenyearsand them introduced thechair Special Canadian Pacific sleeping car ; man of the evening, Hon. R. H. Wind used as a hotel from St. Paul. : ham. An excellent program had been This excursion will be in charge of prepared, opening with a piano hoIo by the Shedd Investment Co., of Ashland, j E. II. Wescott. This was followed by Nebr., general state agents for the a vocal solo by Don C. York a recita Canadian Pacific Railway Colonization tion by Miss Vesta. Douglass, a vocal Department, and the undersigned. ! duet by Mesdarnes Mae Morgan and E. See me at once for accommodations. CEORCE L. FARLEY. Office in Coates Block. Telephone 127. N. B. Among the large member of Cass county purchasers of this lands , are C. E. Wescott and W. S. Soper of' Plattsrnouth, II. G. Todd of Murray, I Chris and John Gauer of Cedar Creek, j ! N- L. Williams, Geo. Frater, A. Diet- ' r'ch and John Shoeman of Louisville, E. Sturzeruegger of South Bend, Dr. I. C. Nuinger of Elmwood and others. Hat Eye Injured. George Bickert.a young farmer resid erinir a few miles southwest of F.lm- won(J met nn unfortunate accident ( Monday while in the act of trimming : up the trunk of a trie As hc WM I chopping on the fallen tree a limb flew j up and struck him squarely in the eye , cutting the eyeball badly. Mr. Bickert fwas taken to Lincoln to have his eye treated by a specialist. Joe Mullen, sal'y soldiers relief. Geo. N". LaRuo, same J. W. Johnson, same Ed. Roberts, witness Ossenkop case o Mrs. II. Kettlehut, same Frank Hursh, same Ed. Wochter, same . . 8 Aug. Spahnley, same 9 Frank Hardy, same 10 70 Wm. Ivcy, same 10 70 Wm. English, same 11 40 Joseph Hansen, same 9 60 J. T. Lyall, same 10 70 Geo. Vanney, same.... 8 60 Alvin Sehradey, same 10 00 Desh Hush, same 8 70 Frank Elements, same 8 70 Geo. Kberle, same Max Spahnley, same Neb. Lighting Co., gas and repairs Platte Mutual Insurance Co., in surance 10 90 70 22 00 Streight & Strcight, burial of dead 5 00 F. E. Schlater, juror certificates 260 70 James Robertson, Fees State vs. Homer Foster 33 75 C. D. Quinton, same 7 50 Louis Hachler, same 38 20 A. L. Tidd, paid reporter, same. 29 50 A. L. Tidd, transcript, same ... 10 00 James Robertson, bal., same. ... 6 50 James Robertson, supreme court costs if, 80 Lawrence Smith, witness 4 00 Jason Fountain, same 4 30 H. C. Hansen, same 4 30 J. W. Berge, same 4 30 James Robertson, same 4 00 A. L. Tidd, same 2 00 C. D. Quinton, same 2 00 Dr. J. D. Jones, same 5 00 Dan Phelps, same 4 70 Jessie M. Robertson, same 2 00 John Foster, same 16 60 W. g. Kittrell, same 4 30 Dr. J. B. Martin, same 4 00 IL E. Weideman, mdse. refused L. J.' Mayfield, printing to county 10 29 00 26 41 21 82 9 00 judge C. H. Smith, postal supplies W. C. Ramsey, expense Ossen kop & Tltacker murder cases. . G. R. Olson Co., photograph of , John Thacker KOAD FUND. A. F, Seybert, road work R. I) No. 2 1 50 16 00 75 I W. C. Bartlett, same No. 15. . . I Geo. Van Horn, same No. 2. . . . j M. Sulser, same No. 1 I Wm. Stohlman, same No. 8. . . . !W. II. Seybert, same No. 2... Geo. Pick, same No. 2 i Geo. A. B. Hicks, same No. 2. 25 90 19 50 75 1 50 6 00 R. D. No. 10 100 00 BRIDGE FUND. Edmunds & Brown, lumber for bridges 119 32 Board adjourned to meet Tuesday, March 2, 10(H). W. E. Rosencrans, County Clerk. FINE SOCIAL EVENT Local Organization of Knights and Ladies of Security Cele brate Anniversary. Monday evening at the Coates' hall was celebrated the thirteenth anniver sary of founding of the local council of the Knights and Ladies of Security. Dr. Pcttijohn of Toneka, Kansas, na tional medical director of the order, and Mrs. Clark of Nebraska City, national conductor, were present and made brief addresses. The meeting was called to order by C. H. Smith, president of the local H. escott, an instrumental duet by 70 10 Misses Mina Thierolf and Ethel Leyda, a solo by Miss Ella Margaret Dovey, a I reading by Marie Douglass, a mixed' quartette by Mesdarnes Morgan and Wescott and Messrs. Don C. York and Prof. Brook?, a piano solo by Frances Whelan, a male quartette by Messrs. Jennings Sievers, George Falter. Clar- erne Staats and Glen Scott, and a vocal ! solo by Prof. II. S. Austin. The re-' mink has been frequently heard since that it was the best program which has been rendered in this city for many weeks. Refreshments were servtd dur ing the evening after which dancing was indulged in until a late hour. j W. N. Minford, of Elmwood, return-j cd the first of the week to resume his 1 duties as juror. j Mrs. A. K. Stiger, of Omaha, return-1 ed to Omaha after visiting D. IJ. Smith I and family for a few days. Si' M$ 11 10 1 -9 co 13 Apsojateiyrure It u economy to use Royal Baking Powder. It saves labor, health and money. Where the best food is required no other baking powder or leavening agent can take the place or do the work of Royal Baking Powder. Eagle Kiom the Heiicon. Miss Myrtle Dickinson of Elmwood is spending the week with her cousin Ethel Frohlich. Monday evening another blizzard reached town, although pretty cold and stormy no damage was done. Harmon and Ethel Frohlich drove to Elmwood, Saturday, and spent Sunday with the family of their uncle, J. W. Dickinson. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Dietrich Butt, February 7, a girl. Detrich was doing the right thing Monday by passing around the cigars and when asked the cause he quickly explained the above. Both daughter and mother are getting along nicely. Geo. E. Dovey, President. F. E. Schlater, Vice Pres. FIRST NATIONAL BANK PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. Transacts a General Banking Business and Repectfully Solicits a Share of Your Patronage. Interest Paid if- A Farm for $10 IN Sunny San Luis Valley OF COLORADO Free Trip To Examine Land WE HAVE DIVIDED A 54,000-ACRE TRACT INTO TRUCK FARMS CONTAINING 10 TO 1,000 ACRES PER FARM AT $200 EACH $10 CASH AND $10 PER MONTH No Interest! No Taxes! We want a reliable and energetic man in every town to form clubs of 15 prospective purchasers. We will furnish round trip railroad tickets FREE to one member of each club to inspect land. We pay liberal commission. Full particulars upon request. Reference Any L'ank Kansas City or Denver. San Luis Valley Land and Irrigation Co. Hank of Commerce Bldg. GRAPES, from their most health, ftil properties, give ROYAL iU active and principal ingredient Ml BaKing Powder Quite a number of Eagleitics attend ed the different theatres in Lincoln Sat urday evening, one young couple were quite bashful on the way up. Miss Grace Dickson of Elmwood spent Friday and Saturday with her cousin, Mrs. Hrinkworth and aunt Mrs. John Frohlich. The editor became homesick last week so took himself oft" to Beatrice, Friday, to spend a day with his parents and old chums. Miss Ora Smith of Springfield, who has been a guest at the home of Miss Ethel Adams for the past two weeks, returned to her home Mouday morning. During her visit here Miss Ethel gave several informal parties for her, the evenings were pleasantly spent at "Forty- Two." II. N. Dovey, Cashier C. G. Fkicke, Ass't Cash. On Time Deposits. THE or Ranker in St. Louis, 7M KANSAS CITY, MO. 4. 1 v i J 1