The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, February 18, 1909, Image 4

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    The News-Herald
A. L. Tidd, Editor.
R. 0. Waiters, Manager.
Ooa Taar in Adrane f 1.60
la Montbf 75
Hattsmouth No. 85 Nebraska No. 85
r Piattsmouth 1
Judge A. N. Sullivan was a Lincoln
visitor yesterday going on buusiness.
i Mrs. Thomas Walling was operated
Entered at th poMonic at riatfnv.uth. Ca on Tuesday morning at Wise Memorial
County, Nebraska, an M'cond-claaa mail matter. , hospital
J. F. Saxon, of Union changed cars
here yesterday while enroute to Cla
rinda, la.
F. C. Weber of the Water Co., was
a visitor in the metrolis yesterday
Fred Hawksworth and wife were
guests of their parents D. Hawksworth
and wife over Sunday.
Joseph Sedlack and wife are rejoic
ing over the arrival of a baby son, the
incident occuring Tuesday.
Albert R. Stokes and wife went to
Lincoln yesterday where they will vis
it friends for a short time.
Mrs. Charles Freese and infant son
departed for Lincoln Tuesday for a
few days visit with friends.
Mrs. Charles Green, of Havelock re
turned to her home Monday after a
pleasant visit in the city with friends.
M. S. Davis, of Wilmington, Col., is
j in the vicinity the guest of his parents
J. A. Davis and wife of near Murray.
Mrs. Andrew Fudge, of Covington,
Va., arrived yesterday to be present at
the funral of her father George Sayles.
A. F. Hendengreen, superintendent
of bridges was in the city the first of
the week looking after the work on the
Mart Thomas, who removed to Mis
souri a few months ago has returned to
Piattsmouth, and will resume his trade
I of painter.
Mrs. George Bruhl, of Lincoln who
has been the guest of Deputy Sheriff
Manspeaker and wife returned to her
home yesterday.
E. 0. Furlong and wife, of Steam
boat Springs, Col., who have been vis
iting friends in this vicinity departed
for their home Tuesday.
A. M. Thomas and wife who have
been guests of A. J. McKinney and
wife for a few days returned to their
home at Council Bluffs yesterday.
That cement merger will probably
be a hard one to dissolve.
Indications point to the fact that
King Alphonso has added a matrimonial
bureau to his cabinet.
John Steinhart says pay no atten
tion to the knocker, go right ahead and
do do business. Knockers are every
where, and always will be.
The speaker at the commercial club
Tuesday said to make use of the
energy of the young men. They may
make some mistakes, but keep them
at it.
THE Kansas legislature proposes to
keep pegging away until a law is
iramed that will "prohibit." And that
they are making progress is attested
by the report that 2,000 drug stores are
for sale in that state.
Give you words of praise to the liv
ing, -they can do no possible good to
the dead, and they may mean renewed
effort on the part of some poor strug
gling mortal who is in need of a kind
word in his daily battle with the cares
of life.
Guess the Louisville Courier man
would better have his lawn paved.
"Kunnel" Bates has not yet introduced
a bill providing for a bounty on gophers
and groundhogs, and when it is con
sidered that 050 bills hnve been intro
duced and only two passed, the prob
abilities are that no legislation along
these lines will be accomplished at this
session. However, notice to the effect
that gopher scalps would be taken on
subscription might afford the Courier
man temporary relief, though as a
general proposition we are opposed to
private citizens being compelled to do
that which is manifestly the duty of the
Trade Train Recommended.
Mr. Hughes, the traveling passenger
agent of the Missouri Pacific Railway
Company, met the committee from the
Commercial club in this city Wednes-
Commercial Club Elects a Board
of Directors and Listens to
Fine Address.
J. P. Falter, President.
R. B. Windham, Vice-President.
E. 11. Wescott, Secretary.
Ray Patterson, Treasurer.
A good number of Piattsmouth enter
prising business men met at the Com
mercial Club room in Coates Hall last
evening at 8 o'clock, it being the regu
lar meeting night of the club. Reports
were had from various committees, and
the secretary reported a party desiring
to open a hospital in Piattsmouth and
several smaller industrier seeking loca
tion here. The following persons were
elected as a board of directors: George
E. Dovey, F. E. Schlater, A. L. Tidd,
C. C. Parmele, Louis Lorenz, H. A.
Schneider and Phillip Phierolf. The
above gentlemen together with the of
ficers constitute the board of directors
for the purpose of transacting business
for the Commercial Club.
Mr. John Steinhart, a leading spirit in
business circles and Commercial Club
work delivered a most excellent address
to the local club. He told vividly of
his experience in Commercial Club
work in Nebraska City. He said they
had repeatedly organized Commercial
Clubs in Nebraska City and the Club
would live for a time and thon die. They
would re-organize and try over again
and this had been done up till three
years ago. When three years ago they
organized a Commercial Club on a busi
ness basis and incorporated with a cap
ital stock of $25,000. that they issued
1,000 shares of $25.00each, which shares
were taken by the business men, farm
ers and others interested in the well
fare of Nebraska City. That in three
years Nebraska City had located a num
ber of small factories, one being a shirt
factory, another being an over all fac
tory, another being a vinegar factory.
That they had located a wholesale pro
duce house, that they had organized a
local company and bought the old Argo
Starch works and were arranging to
put in an alfalfa meal mill and that they
had bought 45 acres of land for dark
purposes and were arranging the park.
That this had been accomplished at the
expenditure by the Commercial Club of
probubly less than $5,000 in the three
years. Mr. Steinhart said that the pol
icy of the Commercial Club of his city
V v
,1.... nrfAHn.. ,1 :., u 4 k. i :
uojf uiiciuuiu iu uiaruaa wic u mic irtuil
proposition. Mr. Hughes is a splendid j waB not to buy any business, but to in-
gentleman and he said his road would uute a man Wlin cnPllal ant business
get out a new time card in the spring, enerBv nnd ability to locate in Nebraska
and that he would recommend the put- Clty- an(1 assure him the 1,earty SUP'
tine on of the round about train which Port antl co-operation of the business
! was run last year. This train would I mt'!1 of that community. He advised
reach this city in the forenoon and , that Piattsmouth might organize a sim
leave here between three and four''nar Commercial Club, but probably
o'clock in the afternoon. J w'th a less capital stock. The audience
appreciated his address and gave him a
rising vote of thanks
The Bryan-Democratic legislature
have spent thirty days and $50,000, and
passed two bills, one appropriating
their salaries, and the other appro
priating incidentals for the use of the
The general
sentiment seemed to be thatof "Push."
Johnson Will Case.
The jury in the Samuel S. Johnson
will case returned a verdict
members. This looks like a "busy" j the validity of the will after having
legislature, and is certainly composed j bee" out for a period of 00 hours. This
of "shrewd fellows." This is what j ,s one 01 imi mosl m!'ortnt will con
may rightly be termed
economy." Mr. Taxpayer, what
you think of a legislature spending
$50,000 and only enacting two bills, one
for their own salaries, and the other
for "perquisites" for themselves?
tnata ntm. tiw.l ... tUn .nu.i. . f
'democratic i . 0 . 0 T ... ,
I ""i. k-uiinuci o. ouiiiiMuii mie 01
do I Elmwnnd. WhrnKln )v hid 111 rn.,
' , j ..... "... fcvt
to his widow the income from his estate
and gave small specific bequests to his
brothers, sisters, nehpews and nieces.
and a specific bequest of $1,000 to the
i Masonic Home of Piattsmouth, and the
residue of his estate was civen to
VFBV MIIPU Dlieri en
- . ...wwii 1 1 r r u. 1. 1 , I -
One of the incidents of the Secret The fine of $50,000 assessed against j Edwin Jeary, the banker of Elmwood
Service discussion was a disclosure" thc Waters-Pierce Oil Company by the I with whom the deceased Tmd been asso
um l,,BCC senator unman, of South v" " wood for a number of vear. Tho
suit, which was prosecuted by Attor- j t.stte is estimated to be worth from
Hadley, has just been ' $100,000 to $150,000.
Carolina, in an embarrassing nosition.
Senator Tillman has always rmml t ! ney-General
be without restraint or nice cruple in puu1, lhl!i company will also bore- Mr. Johnson left no children surviv
the use of vituperative Hnguage. Gon. I juired to show that it has freed
erally it proves true that men who are ! from the S'amlard 0,1 Lom- I van, Hon. William DelesDernier" and
reckless in speech are not of delicate ' HiU,loy 13 a rIubl"'an, and is now Gov j non. C. C. Flansburg, of Lincoln,
scruple in action; yet Senator Tillman 1 ernor Missouri- Sooner or later the : while the proponents of the will were
. great corporations will learn tint they i represented by Attorney Byron Clark
' i . . ... i r tw ,.;.
must ohev the :iw nn i f r v riMi I "" v,tJ
the people. The sooner they recognize
February 17, 18 and 19
On these three days we will place on sale
short lengths of almost all kinds of goods from
our stock. Our new goods are coming in and
we must have room for them. We feel that
we have too many remnants and they are
going to be sold during these three days.
Come early and get the biggest bargains.
Dress Goods, Ginghams,Percales,Calicoes,
Outing Flannel, Eiderdown, Cloaking, Silk
oline, Galatea, Towling, Odd Lace Cutains,
Sheeting, Muslins, Flannelette. Creton, Silks,
Plaid Suitings worth 20c per yard, 4 AA
Remnant price.
One lot of Fascinators worth 75c to
$2.25, your choice at
has always been regarded as a man
personal honesty ami also of a correct
sense of honor as respects most mat
ters of conduct that pertain to the posi
tion of a public man. The matter
whereof he was accused last month did
not involve any violation of law, but it
roust certainly be regarded as seriously
involving thc dignity of a public man.
In the case of I.po va H ill
this fact the better it will be for them occupied the the court Wednesday, and
j which was a suit over the title and
Willi AMJ. HRVAN, the' democratic ;rnTnfMa ""V '
, . , I island in the Missouri river, south of
boss, m his speech before the leg isla-; this city, the jury found in favor of
turo, gave the temperance people the the defendant
cold shoulder. It was no more than
. ...., .... ... - . - i ipo case of Henry R. Gering vs.
If the conditions under which old land I thty 6hou,J have ooA tor. A few !johnM . of ' , . '
ETant were made have not been com-1 8 ,no"ths ago Mr. Bryan joined the I damages wherein Gering claims $5,000
plied with by railroads or other corpora-i orcler of EaC'-,. 'Ke proportion of ( damages on a charge of malicious
tion, it should be the endeavor of nuh-i inc memberblnp of which is composed , F'"wun Krowing out or the suit
or saloonkeepers, bar tenders, and deal-; v.rt.n.wia mea
u v . r ti ,! a complaint against Gering for violat-
ers m the liquor traffic. How could , in. thc SWllm , aai .
-- r. ...... ait uig DaiC VI 111-
, League Oebate.
Tomorrow night will occur the joint
lie men at Washington to secure re- of saloonkeepers, bar tenders, and deal-; ,v Y . n mea debate between Weeping Water and
.wit-iiuiiui! to secure re- ! a comulaint aira nst nw tnr vini.. m... .v i . ...
versal to the national domain and com- the '"l traffic. How could ; inR the slocum . - " " I ""t
pensation to the treasury. If western Mr' be Pttd to support, Seating liquors last summer is now ! cmencing, 8 VctekV vWt 2 i
puouc lands that, when granted, had w , niCnn,rr w .u,.,!, ume oi ir.e court ana team will be composed of Roy Clark
' hio i.inIi.,." i lUrV. m i
demonstrated Tuesday evening that IJS
this saying is true. Mr. and Mrs.
Austin, Margaret Dovey, Mrs. Gamble
and Mr. Baylor favored the company
with solos and ti.e new quartet Messrs.
Seiver, Falter, Statts and Scott sang
two numbers which was very much
appreciated. Refreshments were
served during the evening.
A fatmTaccident
Herman Herold Meet3 Death in
Peculiar Manner Yester
day Afternoon.
Herman Herold, while engaged in
cutting down a tree, about 3 o'clock
yesterday afternoon met with an acci
dent which resulted in his death a few
hours later. When the tree commenced
to fall, he attempted to get out of the
way, and owing to the slippery condi
tion of the ground he lost his footing
and was pinioned underneath it. He
died from internal injuries.
He was born in Germany in 1836, and
in his youth came to this country. He
was married to Martha Balsinger, of
St. Joseph, Missouri. Mr. and Mrs.
Herold have lived the greater portion
of tho time in this city. Ho left sur
viving him, a widow and four children,
Mrs..Clara Skinner, of Lincoln, Otto
Heroll, Mrs. Minnie Fitt, and Freda
Herold, of this city. Mr. Herold was
a kind husband and father, and was
respected by all who knew hi.n. The
bereaved family have the sympathy of
their many friends.
Funeral services will be held at the
residence Saturday, and will be conduc
ted by Canon H. B. Burgess. Inter
ment will occur at Oak Hill cemetery.
! wesssBssaasBSSEass
Business Men
Eat here to their own great sat
isfaction and profit. Our lunch
from 11:30 to 1:30 meets most
wants of the man who looks for
easily and quickly digested food
tastily prepared and at a price
not prohibitive to one of ordinary
means. Plenty of variety. Glad
to see you any ay.
V. S.
For Hot Fires Gel Egenber-ger'sCoal!
Sure satisfaction every time you light a fire if on
top of the kindling is ebony fuel from our yards.
It's heat and light giving and slatc-free when it
leaves the mines, screened and cleaned again here
and served to you full weight and with celerity of
delivery. Order any way that suits you. Both
no market value have been held by
land grant companies until the timber
on them is worth, perhaps, $100 an
ucre, there is no equitable purpose
served by involving a rlau?e in the con
ditions of the grant under which a
senator from South Carolina could se
cure these vabable lands in Oregon
for himself and for all the members of
i jury.
Old Time Social.
Grace Teegarden and Mary Hungate
while the home team will be the same
as before being John Falter. Marie
WK heard one of i u the home otZZ7oS fJZ
he other day. say that he tl.oight the Dr. . L. W. took Tuesday evening wa8jbe Prlncipn, D. Ut GrMfr lmh&
....... " ,..n (f,.,...i ....i . . " lw '-'Hi raa
i-musmouin Journal inui a severe at- " .-uai. io enjoy 8Cnools and Superintendent J.
tack of 'ir.tenrbanitis
.. . . . . . " PI.IIUVIIB aim kiuiii'i iniciiUL'iii j. ij, flic-
the enter nrnment very much. At half , Clai of Florence. This is a egular
Z rr,vc , league meeting nnd the winners will
j . . . , . . W'-IJ HUVHOllH
. j i.itvc v. iiiuok. iivc iu weiy i.iav uisirumeniai muic it nni .i wrvi hpn .l ....
Jievicw. !' i, ,i,..fM ,uS. l ' ru-nainu 1 he admission is very small.
now going on at our store. Below we quote many
saving prices for the buyer. Buy now and be wise
Radiant home, former price $45 now. 00
Sapphire Ihrd Coal Stove.formey price $42.50, now.'! 30 00
German heater, soft or hard coal, former price $J9.oo. . .Jio r0
Splendid Oak, nicely trimmed, former price $14.50 9 50
Gem Star Light Wood Stove former price $15.00 10 05'
Round Oak. former price $19.00, now 1;1 r)0
, ...w . ...v .w,. n. , aiu me om songs were uesi ana it was only 15 cents.