The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, February 15, 1909, Image 6

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R. O. WATTERS, Business Manager
The Busy Reader Can Absorb .in
Few Moments a Good Deal of
A Mil relieving Frontier county. Ne
braska, farmers has been favorably
Via blent Roosevelt vetoed the sen
ate bill authorizing the secretary of
the navy to niitigalo or remit tho
pruritics of loss or citizenship Imposed
upon deserters from the army and
navy. The objection is based upon
the infringement, of the executive'H
power of pardon.
For nearly six hours the house of
representatives discussed the hill
materially changing the methods of
administering the Panama canal zone
mid const met ini; the canal. Amend
ments almost, without number were
aimed nt the measure, hut with one or
two exceptions they failed of adop
tion! Secretary Carlleld sent to congress
1od;iy at the direct Inn of the presi
dent the draft or a hill providing for
the disposal of all unallotted land Pi
the Omaha Indian reservation In Ne
braska. The "Insurgent" resolution mm tid
ing the rules, presented In the hnue
recently, was sbmod by twenty-nine
republicans, including all from Ne
braska, and Hubbard. Hepburn and
llaugheti of Iowa. Judge Norrls of
Nebraska, whose amendment wan
adopted by the Insurgent conference
In relation to curtailing the power of
the speaker as to the appointment of
committees, said that he dl.l not look
for anv action on the resolution at,
this session..
An attempt will be made
next session of congress to
at tint
(he Interstate commerce law.
President Roosevelt sent another
Veto message to the house. With it
he returned without approval a bill
which would advance In rank Lieu
tenant Commander Kenneth McAlplne
nf the navy.
Representative l lull appeared before-
the public lauds committee of
the bouse to advocate the passage of
S bill for the establishment or a new
land district In South Dakota, with
headquarters nt I.ebeau. The com
mittee, of the house has ordered a
ravorable report and Ihls practically
secures the passage of the bill by both
houses of congress at this session.
Senator Allison or Iowa was eulog
ized by members of the senate r.t u
special memorial session.
The house passed u number of
amendments to the national bank
ruptcy law.
Senator Newlands of Nevada urges
national legislation to deal with the
Japanese question.
Wednesday the senate and house
nn t In joint, session to declare the re
sult of the presidential vote.
Senator Hurkett has received com
plaints from attorneys in Nebraska
nirainst the delay of cases In some
divisions of the federal court by
reason of the law providing all Issues
r p. lawsuit must he tried In the
division where they original
The senate agreed to the confer
ence on the urgent deficiency hill. It
carries $15n,ono to continue the light
on foot and mouth disease.
The president Vetoed the bill pro
vldine for the next census because it
Ignored the competitive system.
Taft was received Willi lmielt cere
inonv on his arrival at New Orleans
The Nebraska senate voted to tie
cept Carnegie's pension fund for uni
versity professors.
The senate passed the bill reduc
ing the salary of the secretary of
Btate to fs.tlOu a year.
Speaker Cannon refuses to consil
rr a proposition to "elect him Cnlted
States senator from Illinois.
An Oregon state senator said Japan
was "Jetting the Idea that the Cnited
States was afraid of her.
The body found burned in the Her
man legation at Santiago, Chile, was
not that of the Germnn minister.
King I'd ward was nccorded the un
usual honor of being made guest of
the municipality or P.erlln.
The I.emp divorce case nt St. I.ouls
Is attracting more than can get in
the court room.
Czechs and Hermans had a collision
in the Austrian parliament.
The log cabin in which Lincoln was
l.crn was dedicated by a large crowd
and President Roosevelt laid the corner-stone
for the Lincoln memorial at
Ifodguuvlllc. Ky.
The pno hundredth anniversary of
lb" birth of Abraham Lincoln was
observed till over the country on the
The llli.iels Central railroad hns
liled a rnort tare on all its property to
n'cttre Slin.ime.ooii Issue of refunding
RejM r-titatlve Hepburn of Iowa de
clares the reports Hat he will with
draw frnta his contest against Senator
Yi. 1). Jntniesou tire Ilea, lie will
light tu a finish.
There Is every pro ;perl the postal
avin-.s l ank bill will be put through
centres this session.
ltobert T. Lincoln was an honored
guest at Springfield; Abraham Uti
le la's old home, uud William J. Uiyau
delivered tku prliiciul address on
Taft and Slu'rman were formally de
dared elected president and 'vice
president of the I'nlted St .tea.
Presiilent-eh-et Taft was th guest
of the citizens of New Orleans at an
elaborate batuiuct. In the afternoon
he addressed a mics merting of ne
groes". Representative- levering charged in
the house that, the charges of corrup
t. on against President elect Taft, Wil
liam NcImiii I'roiuw ell and others tiro
the result of a blackmailing plot by
which l was hoped to extort a large
sum from Mr. Cromwell.
Alderman Joseph Rollout of Chi
cago, disiipiMilnted because his ward
clill) rellised to emlnU'Se him, coJ.llllllt
tcd suicide.
Count AUdsiino, .lapauobt consul
general, in a spec h at New York,
said war talk does jiut leprosum the
real sentiment of t2te people of Ja
pan or the Cnlted States. .
The Indiana hoiiso passed the bill
repealing the county option law.
Secretary Carlield wants an addi
tional $i)ii,ini to prosecute Jand and
timber thieves.
The Danish riksdag approved treat
ies of arbitration with the United
States, Norway nnd Sweden.
Jerry Howard has a bill in tho Ne
braska leglslalurc to softregjtte Jap
anese laborers in the pacVing houses.
The Chinese of San Fninelsco com
plain that the president discriminates
In favor of the Japanese.
Senator IlayiHT complained that the
senate had no power under the Roose
velt regime.
President Roosevelt In ;i message
sent to congress glva n reiwrt of
the country life commission.
France and (ierniany have entered
Into an agreement entieornini; Mor
occo. About twenty persons were killed
by u storm which extended from the
east Tennessee line to the Texas
A special from Livingston. Mont.,
says that a theft, said to involve $50,
(ion, has been discovered In that city,
and a large number of conductors,
brakonicn. engineers and firemen of
the" Northern Pacific are nllced to be
The American battleship fleet left
(libraltar for the last Ian oil' the 4."v
butt tulle ttiy around the warhl.
The house passed Itcpivscntutlvo
ioyd's bills enabling the Otmaha and
.v'innebago Indians to protvet their
rilml lands from overflow, said lauds
being located within the boundaries
of any drainage district in Nebraska.
The Hritish premier lias a hard task
to make the Income of the country
meet the necessary expenditures.
Importation that the government
will carry out the survey plans of the
Salt creek valley in Nebraska with
out, any charge to the people con
cerned has been dissipated. The gov
ernment will bear the major part of
the cost, but nbout five hundred dol
lars must he contributed by the peo
ple In the valley or the work will not
he done.
The hill to permit Omaha and Win
nebago Indiana to drain their lands
passed both houses. Senator Hurkett
seeiis to secure denatured aiconoi
still for Nebraska, university.
Miss Martheiiii Harrison, grand
daughter of the late ex-l"tesident
Harrison nnd of the late Senator
Akin Saunders of Omaha, led the
cotillion at the fashionable Chevy
Chase club ;ivon by a party of danc
ing bachelors and benedicts.
The senate concluded consideration
of the District of Columbia appropria
tion bill, carrying an aggregate of
about eleven and a luilf millions of
dollars. A conference report en the
urgent deficiency hill was agreed to.
It appropriates $12,UW for the "pur
chase, care and maintenance of auto
mobiles for the president," and $t.V).
UUd to enable the secretary of agri
culture to continue to combat the foot
and mouth diseases In horses and ( at
tie. The friends of Representative ,1.
F. Royd of the Third Xeliraska dis
trict will be pleased to learn that
his wife, who vas taken ill a week
after the commencement of the pres
ent congress, has now almost re
covered her health.
Miss O. !,. I'adjjet of Laramie.
Wyo.. has been appointed clerk in the
forest service at Oiidon. I'tah.
Moses (5. McNanghton of Hurling,
ton, la., has been appointed guard
at the Leavenworth, Kan., I'nlted
States penitentiary.
President Roosevelt. (letiernls
Wright and Wilson, (lovernor Wilson
ef Kentucky, former (lovernor Folk
of Missouri and Hishop (Jalloway
were sneakers at memorial exercises
on Lincoln's farm nt llodgetivllle,
Dr. Nathaniel S. Thomas of Phila
delphia has been elected Fplseopnl
bishop of Wyoming.
The niakeuo of Tuft's cabinet. Is
still in the dark and will so remain
until March 4.
Woman suffrage was killed in the
Nebraska somite by a small vote,
William If. Leavlti will come to
America to fight the divorce proceed
Ings of his wife, daughter ef William
J. Hryan
An effort will be made to make Sen
ator Knox eligible to the ofllce of
secretary of state.
The name of Franklin MacVengh Is
connected with the treasury part folio
In the Taft cabinet.
Senator Hurkett has accepted nn In
vt'atiou of the Atlantic City Hoard ot
Trade to speait tietore tnat mniy ut a
bnuaurt on February 2".
Great Tent Spread Under Which
Over Six Thousand People
Attend Exercises.
llotlgenville, Ky. Henceforth the,
birthplace of Abraham Lincoln is to
be marked by a pile of stone. The
emancipator of a race, and, more than
that, the liberator ;f the thought of
a nation, builded his own nionumeat
in the hearts of the world, and ap
propriately the physical structure
which has now found a beginning at
the place where Lincoln first saw the
light takes the simpler name of a
memorial. It is to he a simple but
classical building of granite, and it
Is' hoped that It may he completed
some time next fall, when the then
president, Taft, will olllclato in dedi
cating it, as the present president,
Theodore Roosevelt, on Friday of
ficiated In laying its foundation stone.
The eornor-stono laying took place
after appropriate forensic ceremonies,
which were participated in by tho
president of the Cnited States, Gov.
Wilson of Kentucky, former Oov. Jo
seph W. Folk of Missouri, president
;f the Lincoln Farm association;
Hon. Luke K. Wright, secretary of
war, who spoke as an ex-confederate
soldier; (Jen. James (Jrant Wilson of
New York, who represented tho union
fiddlers, and I. T. Montgomery of
M'sslsslppl, a negro and an ex-slave.
AVith one exception the ora'ors repre
sented net only the conflicting s'ldes
In the great struggle, but the present
generation as well; the two principal
parties and the white and black races
as well as the different, sections of
the country, spoke from the same
platform, and with the same flag, a
splendid new specimen of the stars
and st rijies, fluttering over them.
The ceremony was full of interest
ing and novel features apart from the
occasion which Inspired it. and not the
least Interesting ' of which was the
character of the crowd that composed
the celebration. There were probably
i. ikio or 8,()iH) people present. Many
of them had come in on special trains
centers, and some had been attracted
from Louisville and other Kentucky
centers, and some had been attracted
to the' settle as far as Texas. The
bulk of the assembly was composed,
however, of the country folks front
Larue and adjacent counties. The
site of tln birthplace of the great
American is an out-of the-way corner
of the world, but while there was con
trast In the appearance of the conn
to m n and the city-bred dignitaries
(here was no marked difference In
deportment. There was a notable
absence of negroes in the crowd
present, but those present were
wedged in among ihe whites, show
ing that notie had been kept away bo
cause of race prejudice. Anion? those
who had been expected to be pres
ent was Mrs. Hen Hardin Helm, the
only surviving sister of Mrs. Lincoln,
ft 2 years old, but she was kept at
her home In Louisville much to the
regret of all. by her Infirmities.
Said to Be Former Nebraskan.
Denver. Colo.- Charles O. Charles
ton, said to he a former member of
the Nebraska legislature, and of the
Chicago board of aldermen, was ar
rested here, charged with numeroiH
forgeries of checks.
Plot to Depose Sultan.
Herlin-The recent changes
Turkish ministry ate duo to
covery of a plot against the
In the
a dls
sultan that had for its object his deposition,
according to the Constantinople cor
respondent of the Frankfurter Zoit-
ting. The plan was to dethrone tho
sultan while he was riding to tho
selatnllk celebration and proclaim as
sultan Prince Issedln, the eldest son
of the late sultan. The publication of
the correspondencp with Prince
thus clearing up the incident
Declares Present Congress Will Make
No Reduction In Tariff.
Pciisacota, Flo. William J. Hryan
in a speech here, said:
"Tills country need not hope for n
revision of the tar'ff at the hands of
the present congress. There will be
no revision, lor the reason that the
republicans cannot afford to lower
the tariff, for every man who has
schedule has contributed to their
campaign fund and must be pro
tected. It Is true that the contribu
tions to the national fund were pub
llslied, but moneys received by the
congressional fund were so tainted
that the republicans dared not pub
ltsh them even after the election
"While there may be talk of revl
slon and a lower t:iriff. there will ah
solutely be no change."
Soldier Drowned.
Leavenworth, Kas.--Private Kobert
F. Waller, Company F Thirteenth In
fantry, was drowned near here whllo
skating. The lwnly was recovered.
Wif" Murt'er at Waverly, la.
Waverly, la Hidden behind a tree.
Frank Thompson shot and killed his
wife, 1 years old, as she stepped
from tho house at night. Thompson
then commuted suicide. A year ago
Thompson married the girl, who was
F.dlth 1 Ionian, nnd look her to Colo
rado. She left him and returned to
Whverlv Saturday.
Items of Interest Taken From
and Thers Over the State.
Tho store of Mr. Jeuulnjs at Axtell
was destroyed by fire. Loss $6,000.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Dillon of Vesta cel
ebrated their fortieth wedding anni
versary. Prof. Gamble has been re-elected to
the head of the Piatt sinouth schools
lor another ;ear.
V, S. Ferguson a grocery merchant
of Franklin, was fined $'J for selling
tobacco to children under nge.
A wolf hunt Is being organized in
territory just north of Mead, to take
plnce on February 20. Tho wolves
are reported as being numerous.
A brakeman new at the business,
failed to close a switch completely.
onsetpiently the engine of a freight
train that was doing some work at
Dorchester, went off the track.
Farmers should all have telephones.
Write to us and learn how to get. the
best service for the least money.
Nebraska Telephone Company, 18th
ind Douglas streets, Omaha. "Use
the Hell."
II. M. Dohrends, a hanker ot
Juneau, Alaska, is in Nebraska City.
on a visit witn relatives, mis is ine
first visit to his oni nonie In seven
teen years. He Is one of the wealthy
men of that country and went up
there some twenty-five years ago.
An effort is being made in Wymore
to capatllalze a company for $50,000
to bring water to that city from the
springs north of Hlue Springs. It is
thought Blue Springs will sell a right-
of-way for a main through the corpor
Farmers in the vicinity of Cortland
held a meeting and organized what.
Is to bo known as the Cortland
Farmers' (Jrain and Coal company.
The authorized capital stock is $10,-
000 and a greater part of this amount
is already subscribed.
The members of the Christian
church of Heaver City held their an
nual meeting. Over 2U0 were present
and a pleasant and profitable evening
was spent. Reports were made from
each department of the church work
which showed that great progress has
been made the past year in every line.
While the Ravena school board
were Ht the school building the fire
alarm was unexpectedly sounded to
test the efficiency of the fire drill
which has been practiced in the
school during the past three months.
The building was entirely vacated by
the nearly four hundred pupils and
teachers in one and one-half minutes.
Vice President Mohler of the Union
Pacific denies vigorously a story
printed in a Denver paper which
represents him as intimating that the
purpose of the extension to Fort
Collins was to heal off the Colorado
& Southern from building a link be
tween Wellington and Cheyenne and
thus to compel the Hill road to re
new its trackage ngreemcnt between
Denver and Chevenne.
Land is touching high mark In price
in and around Minden. Something"
like ten to fifteen farms have been
sold at $luo per acre as far out as
eight and ten miles from town. These
are not brlngin; that price because of
the goad improvements, hut because
the farmers have come to realize that
land that can raise wheat, corn, al
falfa, cattle and hogs is tho best in
the I'nlted States.
Parties entered the chicken house
of Kd Highland about four miles
south of Clubertson and took away
with them several chickens. Mr. High
land tracked a buggy from his place
to the resident of the Swart z boys
nnd later had Harry and Fred Swartz
arrested for stealing chickens. The
trial came up before Judge Knowles
and they were bound over to the dis
trict court in the sum of $200.
Following is the mortgage record
for Johnson county for the month of
January: Farm mortgages Number
filed, 18; amount, $02,281,15; number
released, IT: amount, $S".SlC.2u.
Town and city mortgages Number
filed, 10; amount, $G.40ii; number re
leased, 8; amount, $G,8no. Chattel
mortgages Number filed, fl;
amount, 520,727.1"; number released,
00; amount, $;lO,7fi8.30.
Hiram Chase, the Indian candidate
for county attorney of Thurston coun
ty who won In the last election over
Waldo K. Whltcomb, has been de
clared by the court entitled to the
office. Tho court holds the election
was fairly conducted and that tin
plaintiff. Whltcomb. Is estopped from
questioning me validity of the elec
tion because of his advice to the
election board and his upparent par
ticipation in their act of changing the
place of election.
Andrew J. White of lyons arrived
there tho other day front San Fran
cisco, making the last lap in his jour
ney around the world. Mr. White left
Lyons in August, U0S, accompanied
by his daughter (irnce and son Frank,
who is one of the general superintend
ents of the schools in the Philippine
Islands. Starting via New York they
passed through the various countries
of Kurope and Asia and as the- guests
of his son Frank Mr. Whitn and
daughter made a prolonged stay In
the Philippine Mauds, with head
quarters at Manila.
Klghteen students of te Heatrlce
school were hauled into po!h,'' court
on the charge of mealing ten gallons
of Ice cream from the home of (leorco
Ward, where a class party was to he
The pioneers of Nebraska City are
nrran;liu; la celebrate the liftleth an
niversary of the first fair held In thli
Rtate. It was held In Nebraska City
In September, lS.'S. and li was n
county fair and held In th city park.
The following year the tetrlti rlal fair
was held there and It Is this last
event which will be celebrated by
the plon1'9 ttt i1'5 t'llO.-
Woman Suffrage Favorably Recom
mended by the Senate General
Legislation Matters.
A bill of utmost Importance on tho
general revenue, that dealing with
the taxation of real estate mortgages,
passed tho house by a vote of 08
to 21.
Several bills dealing with the same
g'xieral subject were introduced, but
that by Taylor of York was the one
selected for consideration.
This bill, if it passes the senate
and becomes a law, will' have a tre
mendous effect upon the system of
collecting revenues of this state. K
Is probably one of the most Important
and far reaching changes ever mado
or ever attempted to bo made in the
revenuo system of the state. The
measure follows:
"A mortgage, trust deed, contract,
or other obligation by which a debt
Is secured on real estate situated
within this state shall for the pur
poses of assessment and taxation be
deemed and treated as nn interst in
the real estate affected thereby except
as to railroads and other quasi pub
lic corporations. In case of debts so
secured, the value of the real estate
affected by such mortgages, trust,
deed, contract or other obligation,
less tho value of such security, shall
be assessed and taxed to the owner
of such real estate and the value of
such security shall be assessed and
taxed to the owner of such security,
In the county, city, village or district
in which the real estate affected
thereby is situated.
"The taxes so levied shall be a Hen
on tho real estate and also on the
security and may be paid either by
the owner of the real estate or the
owner of the security. If paid by the
owner of tho security, the tax paid
upon the real estate affected thereby
shall become a part of the debt so
secured. If the owner of the real es
tate shall pay the tax so levied on
such security, it shall constitute a
payment thereon and as to the
amount of such payment a full dis
charge thereof. If any such security
or indebtedness shall be paid by such
debtor or debtors after the assess
ment of such security and before the
tax is levied on the same tho amount
of such levy may be likewise retained
by such debtor or debtors and shall
be computed according to the tax
levy for the preceding year."
Woman Suffrage.
The first round on the woman suf
frage bill was fought out In the house
and siiiTrnge won, the bill being
placed on the general file for dis
cussion in committee of the whole
after a vigorous effort to secure its
indefinite postponement. The anti
suffraglsts were put completely to
rout, preferring to withdraw from the
Held rather tlran stand the test of a
vote. The bill under consideration
I-) that of Jerry Howard of South
Omaha which provides for the sub
mission of a constitutional amend
ment making "all persons" instead
of all "male persons," with the
usual exception of ajo, imbecility, in
sanity and the like, voters. The ju
diciary committee recommended the
bill to the general (Ho and Fries of
Howard opened the attack on tho bill
by a motion to Indefinitely postpone.
A dozen speeches were made on the
bill after which Mr. Fries withdrew
his motion. .
Primary Bill Recommended.
The senate committee on privileges
and elections has recommended the
Ollls primary bill for passage, with
amendments nnd this probably will
bo the party primary bill. The
measure provides the primary shall
he held the second Tuesday in Au
gust nnd for the onen vote and rotat
ing ballot, every voter being confined
to his party column, however. Pre
cinct committeemen are to be elected
at the primary in the same manner
as party candidates, Instead of being
selected by the county candidates
as at. present. County committees
will meet and organize the second
Saturday after the primary. At tho
same time they will elect delegates
to the state convention. There will
be one delegate from each county
which cast less thnn 5,000 for the
party candidate for governor and one
fur each 5,000 or major fraction
thereof. Tho state convention will
meet. In Lincoln on the first Tuesday
In September, thus giving the dele
gates nn opportunity to attend the
state fair.
Telephone Bill Dead.
Tho Holmes bill to prevent tele
phone companies from durglng more
than $4 a month for any telephone
was Indefinitely postponed by the
standing committee of the house.
Pensions for Disabled Firemen.
Senator Hansom's bill providing for
the lienslotllni of disabled firemen
was recommended for passage by the
senate committer of the wimle. It
provides that any fireman iiernuv
nentlv or temporarily Injured In the
service shall receive a pension of $30
a month. .
School Tax Levy.
The bill providing for n school tax
levy of 40 mills Instead of 23 mills
which was Introduced by Senator
HowolL was passed by th senate by
a vote, of Zi to 3.
Initiative and Referendum In Lower
Miller of Custer county introduced
In the house the much talked about
bill for a proiiosed constitutional
amendment providing for the Initia
tive and referendum. The bill pro
vides that upon a petition signed by
8 per cent of the voters of the state
tiled with the secretary of state, ask
in? for certain legislation, that officer
shall submit the question to the vot
ers. The petition must be filed four
mcnths before the general election
and it shall contain a lull text of tho
proposed legislation.
For the referendum it is required
that a petition signed by-5 per cent of
the voters of the state shall be filed
with the (secretary of state within
ninety days after the adjournment of
the legislature asking that the law en
acted be set aside.
Hills to bo passed upon by the peo
ple shall have for an enacting clausQ:
"He it enacted by the people of the
state of Nebraska." The governor
shal1 have nc power to veto any law
enacted by the peDple.
Reciprocal Demurrage Bill.
A reciprocal demurrage bill will be
drafted by a joint subcommittee of the
joint railroad committee of the legis
lature to embody features that may
bring closer relations between ship
pers and railroads in Nebraska. This
was decided upon after a session of
the joint committee to listen to rail
road experts. Demurrage was dis
cussed by Arthur Hale of Chicago,
chief of the bureau of statistics of
tho American Railway association,
car service department and formerly
superintendent of the Haltlmore &
Ohio railroad, and also by A. W. Dick
son, assistant superintendent of
the car service department of
tho nurlltulon railroad of Chicago.
The side of tho choppers was pro
coal dealers.
t-'--W'-A v-;
Secretary of the Nebraska Senate.
Opposes Change In Pure Food Law.
flie Loose-Wiles Biscuit company of
Omaha Is opposed to any change In
he pure feed law and it has mailed
the following letter to members of tho
Omaha delegation In tho house:
We understand that a bill has been
ntroiluced under No. 222 which will
nudity the existing state food law in
;'iioli a way that it will give manufac
turers outside or tno stato privileges
'.lowed those located within the
We beg to say that we are satisfied
with the pure food law now in force
and we will appreciate It if you will
vote against the bill above referred to.
We have a large investment in the
stato and trust that, you will encour-
ige us by allowing tho pure food laws
to remain undisturbed.
Sunday B?se Ball Still Dead.
Schoelo of Seward lost out In an at
tempt In the house to get his Sunday
v.ise ball bill recommended for pass-
ige. scneeie nan uenaiureu nis
measure tr tno extent tnnt it pro
vided time games could be played out
side of the limits of a city, but It did
not holy the matter.
Constitutional Amendments.
Dy a vote of 19 to 12 the senate
passed S. F. No. 15, by Tanner of
Douglas, to give tho governor tho
right to designate newspapers in
which tho secretary of state shall
publish promised constitutional amend
ments. This means that this pie will
go to democratic, papers for a couplo
of years at least. (Jiving out of this
patronage has heretofore been In the
Reciprocal Demurrage.
The joint railroad committees of
the two houses of the legislature de
cided to recommend Senator Han
nlng's reciprocal demurrage bill and
this was done in the semate. The
provisions of this hill aro exactly
similar to those of the Noycs bill In
troduced in the house. The agent l.i
required to receive freight Immedi
ately and start It nn Its way and
from one day after its receipt It
ty tulles a day.
Snckett Law Discussed.
Howell's bill to repeal the Sackeit
law, one similar to which was re
cently kllb d in the house, was dis
cussed lor n time in die senate ami
final action was deferred for the pres
ent, 'ihe bill was fii-8t on general
file and Senator Howell moved it bo
recommended for passage, when Sen
ator King called tho attention of tha
senate to the character of the bill,
nfter which Senator Howell explained
It more In detail. He said he was
representing his constituents when ha
labked for the repeal ut tu law.