The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, February 15, 1909, Image 5

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    IHmmmillMIIMHM' MiM HHMMM ;
When in
dinner at
get your
Spend a Pleasant Hour at
Tl. EJmmm. Dmmm Givm y0" the reading matter ia
IC HOtttQ HQpGr wiich you have th create in.
, n terest the home daws. Its every
issue will prove a welcome visitor to every member of the family. It
should head your list of newspaper and periodical subscriptions.
The Cosy Corner J
The Perkins House
Natures Store of Unused energy
Guthmann & Cory. Pirps. i
TOM TROOP. proprietor;
If tea n:td Ion on improvtl Firm
Lind, it rcasonaUt titt ct interest Write
Bt. N Delay. I S:S3ERNSEM.
208 btstai Stve B!di , Onihi.
P. F. GOOS. Prop.
Enough Spent in Lightning Flash, Ocean Current or the Heat
of a Summer's Day to Run All Machinery.
litest Atgil.ncrs Hl.h-Gr d Omtl t v Bfjvoc- I N
Prkf. Brst-'qiiippfdllKtal Or-
t.CflitHf t id e tst.
lit floor I ntin Illk . Iu. Knriorn. OMAHA, NEB.
Want Column
..Graduate Dentist..
Prices Reasonable
All Work Guaranteed
Twenty-six Years' Experience
rtm. l.i ni i.
Til 3 PlitUlTOUtn StOCk
and Grain Go.
Have a private wire to all the
market centers including Chicago,
New York, St. Louis and Kansas
City which guarrantecs the best
of service. If interested call for
any information concerning the
market, and ask for our market
Tlatts. Phone 45, Coatts block. Ij.
Now has the spring styles
merchant tailoring cloths
in stock. Do not
wait for
WANTEI)-To trade, a fine piano for
a good single driving horse Platts
nicuth Music Company. O'J-tf
HE wonders of nature are mir-! can serd a irrcat .leal, ami that is about
ackV'iaid a well-known electrical ! all the dilference there would be. Such
tngi-ccr tnc oincr coy. 10 me, . a development in human progress would
t nr.y rt-ic- they are chiefly of interest ; reduce the cost of motive force niight-
I because they represent such an ex-1 ly, if it were properly applied, and
1 of force put to an almost ; therefore reduce the cost of transporta-
useless j urpose. Ann i am u lover ui uon. mis, in proper ratio, woui.l ro
nature at that. j dues the cost of food, clothing, heat,
"Take a summer day's thunder- j ar.d the other necessities of life. And
storm, for instance. The amount of j the human race, rich and poor alike4
electricity generated ami discharged in would benefit,
one storm would run the engines of the,, "Ttrn, again, we arc going so"1'
nation fur a generation. Take a single j time to lake a greater benefit from the
Hash of lightning, and consider what it : woeful wastes of nature than we are
would cost us to produce the same : doing now. One of the early discoveries
thing, ar.d you will And that every time j of mankind was how to ouild a tidemill;
your locality to rnpresent us. Ex
perience unnecessary; $110 per month
and expenses. Write for particulars.
Monarch Cigar Co. St. Louis, Mo.
and furnish rig and all expenses to
introduce poultry and stock powders:
new plan; steady work; Address Big
ler Company, X I'OO, Springfield, Illinois.
until others have ordered ahead
of you. Be a leader. I am now
using the new French process of
dry "cleaning an9 pressing -does
not injure the daintiest fabrics.
ticlewonderful invention just pat
ented tremendous seller, i?25 a day
profits ea.y. Selling the "Patent
Head," a marvelous efficient device,
strongly appeals and quickly told to
grocers, butchers, farmers, hotel
men and others. The "Patent Head"
is the greatest economy ever offered.
It means a big saving. Stops waste
from barrels. Keeps their contents
sweet and fresh. Clamped in place
it remains there as solid as the barrel
itself until released by a simple turn
of the key. Positively make the
barrel germ, dust and air proof.
Agents are telegraphing daily big
orders. Hundreds of letters from
live agents say that they never made
so much money so quickly. You can
easily clein up ?."irt to $l,0tnj the
next 30 days. Act quick. Territory
going fact. Particulars free. The
National Sales Agency, 1210 Ohio
Building, Toledo. Ohio. 09-6
one of those forked wiggle-waggles
goes across the sky nature has spent
between $1300 and $2000 just making r.
show of herself.
"A ship at sea burns from one to
two thousand tons of coal a day, ac
cording to size, in battling with forces
that might be better employed than in
trying to stop her. Did you ever stop
to think how much it wonld cost to lift
any one of eur big ocean liners three
feet in a second? Well, the ocean is
lull of second and third-class wavelets
that can do it, and seemingly they take
great delight in doing it for no reason
at all and out of sheer pleasure in
wasting force.
''Professor Tyndall demonstrated
years age that heat is merely a mode of
motion. Well, motion is force. Think
of what a lot of force is going to waste
how to make the tide, running in, turn
the mill-wheel one way, and then, by a
reversal of gears, get just as much
force fiom it going out. Why not do
the same thing on a hrge scale?
"Anybody who knows anything about
Long Island sound knows that the
water rushes through Plum Gut, be
tween Plum island and Orient Point, at
the rate of over 20 miles an hour at the
flow of the tide. When the tide ebbs
the water comes back at just as high a
rate of speed. Yatchtsmen fear the
place and navigation there is like taking
your life in your hands, except at per
fectly slack water. There is one of na
ture's ways of throwing away force.
There is also just the spot for a big
"There is nothing in the world to pre
vent a company of capitalists from get
The News -Herald is equipped to do all kinds L
of Job Printing and will appreciate an opportunity
to fitrure with vnn when in rhp mnrkpr. fnr nnvf hinor
O J - - - V...J Iflll.Ifj I
i: r l i. - - i e... -1 mm i .
in uur line, ino joo is too large ior our atmuy 10
execute and no job is too small to receive our most ::
painstaking care, we cordially invite the attention ;
of our farmer friends to our sale bill department.
This is splendidly equipped for the prompt execu- ::
tion of work of this character, and our prices will ; ;
be found ty be as low as the lowest. To the bus
iness men, if you will telephone your wants a rep
resentative will call and quote you prices an any
thing you may need. We earnestly solicit a sh are
of your patronage.
We now have a Laxative
Fig Syrup Com
pound FOR 25c PER BOTTLE
Sure and effective. Sold by
nrij"riijirfr-i,ir'r mm
40 acres, 171 acres, 70 acres, 143
acres, 120 acres, 80 acres, and small
acrage tracts. Windham Invest
ment Co. 73-3
ATTENTION -If you want a home in
Plattsmouth, we have sixty from
w hich to make a (.election, terms to
suit purchaser. Call at office for
particulars. Windham Investment
Company. 7U-3
right in New York city on a good hot ; ting government approval to a plan for
day. If anybody should suggest that j putting a series of turbines out in that
there might be some way to use somej race and taking in shore the power to
of that heat or force in running subway be had. With modern methods of con-
trains, thereby making the day cooler stria tion it would not cost a prohibitive
and the trains cheaper, you would tell ; sum, and power enough could be secur
him he was a crank. You can't prove ed there to run New York city,
it, though. j "And there would be no need of a
"I tell you we haven't hit the right ! tail race. The trouble about taking
iika for producing motive force yet. We , power from Niagara Falls, aside from
dig coal out of the mines at a high cost. , the certain sentimental feeling all over
Transport it to the power house at a the country that made the legislative
high cost, liurn it under Doners anei in worK costly, was the tact that alter
furnaces that cost a great deal of taking the water into tho wheel pits
monev. And then we get scarcely half j above the fall there had to be a tunnel
of even the heat units that are in the ' blasted through solid rock, with an out
coal because some of the coal doesn't 1 let below the falls, to carry the water
burn, and some of the gases go up in I off again. That is what made the cost
the thimney, and a large amount of the of Niagara power higher than it might
heat radiates. Yet that is the usual i have been. At Plum Gut, L. I., the
method of r reducing motive force. water takes care of itself.
That is'the way ships are run. That; "There arc other places all over the
is the way houses are heateu. That is map where power is going to waste
the way electricity is generated. That where it might be harnessed. To the eye
is the way mills and factories are fur- j of the engineer they arc always full of
nished with power. You can burn oil, j interest. But, putting all these partly
wood, gas, alcohol, or any of the coal ; profitable ways aside, the real problem
tar products. It is just the same. still remains.
"The time is coming when we will cut ; "If we could only find out what force
down some of the waste, at any rate, is we could have a chance to learn how
Wireless lele'graphy is a fact. Wireless j to use it in the abstract; how to use
telephony is being rapidly developed, i the power of the dawning day to not
Wireless transmission of power is the j only light and heat the world but take
next step. Some day you will wake up j active part in other operations as well.
to fir.d power, probably in the form of I "But whether or not we shall ever
electricity, transmitted from, say, Niag-! solve that riddle, it does seem a shame
ara Falls to New York, something after ' to let such good force go to waste when
the same manner that the tick9 and we are going a very slow, expensive
clicks are now sent across the ocean, j and roundadout way to get what little
Geo. E. Dovky, President.
F. E. Schlater, ViceTres.
II. N. Dovey, Cashier
C. G. Fricke, Ass't Cash.
Transacts a General Banking Business
and Repectfully Solicits a Share
of Your Patronage.
Human Hair
24 Inches, 2 Oz.
or 22 inches
? uz. Biraigni
Greatest bargain
in Hair Goods
ever known. Send sample with
money order, and we will match
your hair perfectly. If not sat
isfied your money refunded.
Old Boston Store OMAHA, NCB.
Room 30J
I 52:55
to see such handsome turnouts as
goes from Manspeaker'a livery
stable. Our rigs are up-to-date,
our carriages arc swell in style
and comfortable to ride in, and
our horses are always well
groomed, well dressed and well
fed. When you want a drive
come to Manspeaker'a for your
Jones' Old Livery Barn
Seventh Main St. Plaltamnuth, Neb.
Interest Paid On Time Deposits.
See us for sale bills.
C. A. Marshall, dentist
The Majestic, 5 and 10 cents.
Keeping at it is what counts in ' ad
vertising. .
Send her a post card of your favorite
float. At Ncmetz & Co.s'
Something new in post cards every
week. Nemetz & Co. next to P.O.
We now have Compound Fig Syrup
at 25c a bottle. F. G. Frick & Co.,
Druggists. 72-4.
Some dears are onlv cigars, but
Pepperburg's "Buds"are ti good smoke
'Always reliable.
The little son of Will T. Richardson
who was operated on for appendicitis a
few days ago i3 getting along nicely.
Photo post cards of Taft at Platts
mouth. Now on sale-Ten different
views at 5c each. Nemetz & Co. next
to V. O.
Joe McCarty who had his eyes hurt
in an explosion at the brass foundry
some months ago is recovering his sight
Now is the time to have your piaoo
tuned. Mr. Becker of the Plattsmouth
Music Co. is an experienced man in
this line of work.
job printing of all descriptions is
promptly executed at the News-Hkr-
I ALD office. Let us fifure with you on
! your requirements.
When buying candies, why not buy
i the best? We always have a tine line
of the superior grades on hand. Ne-
metz & Co. next to P. 0.
'The jury in the Johnson will case
I were out when court convened thit
1 morning having wrestled with the case
1 since about 5 o'clock Saturday evening.
A new supply of popular sheet music
at popular prices has just been received
by the Plattsmouth Music Company. A
"If you can send a little foice, you , we can afford to use.
Talt Returns Home.
NEW ORLEANS, Feb. 11, -Mr. Taft
reached New Orleans at 3 o'clock this
afternoon. Hi3 entry into the city was
picturesque and thrilling. He came up
the hundred miles of the Mississippi
f wi-t Ita r- r 1 1 Vi rr tVifi c o n 1 1 f i i ant
JllMIl IVJ IIIUUVII VII HIV. lUUUV VlUinil i I J 1 i . .
r. . ... . ,. ... - ... .... i ociore and i am mucn interested in
U.l mini;11'"", ut mu ui uenny will- , . .. .. .
., . . , ii i having it within the next four years
ty miles un hour, breaking all records, i . . , , ... J
,,, ,. ... . . , i that canal will be competed.
.ill till, rnii'iriiin in iitli iiuu uit . . , , , ... ...
, , , , , ,1 And when that tune comes you wi I
rrol-j rlr.CQ Dnrl Qtt fur UQ llnvnn milftu i J
during the present two centuries, and I
am glad to say to you, who perhaps are
more interested in that work than any
other part of the people of the United
states, mat ine work is going on as
you would have it go on. That on the
first of January, 1915, at latest, if not
below the city the big, muddy stream
was alive with tugs and stern-wheelers
aboard crowds of shouting cit
The concert of steam whistles,
having aboard crowds of shouting cit-j
bra.-s bands, and banks lined with salut-!
ing enthusiasts added to the scene. j
A big sternwheeler carried the local
; see loading down this river your great
I commerce bound through those staits
to the west coast of America, to the
west coast of South America, to the
orient, and to Australia.
"The board of engineers that accom-
A Farm for $10
reception committee eight miles below panied me have examined the whole
the city, which, with a dozen tugs and ! work, and they say it is good; that it
other passenger streamers, hovered I shad go on as it has gone on; that the
around the sli'ek cruiser, with its war j organization on the isthmus, the Ameri
paint, as it slowed down and struck a j can push, and the good feeling that is
seven knot pace to keep in company, i there commends itself to them as men
From the flying bridge Mr. Taft wai j who understand great works of that
kept busy waving his cap and answer- j class, and convinces them that the
ing salutations, while Mrs. Taft, on ! canal is now an immediate prospect."
the quarterdeck, enjoyed the excite-'
raent. A big red barge, No. 23, was
brought alongside in mir'st'eara at the
foot of Canal street, over which the
party boarded the reception commit
tee's rteamer, from which a landing
was made.
A parade of citizens had been wait-
James W. Newell PrsmsUd.
James W. Newell, a son of Judge W.
II. Newell, has been appointed auditor
of freight and ticket accounts for the
Burlington lines west of the Missouri
river, to succeed J. I). Shields, who'
ing an hour, and the distinguished ! has been transferred to Chicago. The
guest was at once placed at iti head in ' appointment became effective to-day. j
a carriage drawn by four horses, and u . . . , , , '
,. , .... , , It will be reniebercd that only a few (
the line of march, which covered nearly i
five miles, was taken up. J" H he telegraph operator j
Mr. Taft expressed these conclusions t Oreapolis. He will now have about
on the steps of the city hall here today two hundred men under his charge, at
afier his arrival from the isthmus of the Burlingtin headquarters in Omaha.
Panama. This ia an illustration of what attentive- i
"I am here on my way from a great! ness to business and efficiency will do.
constructive work," he said, after pay- The promotion was one well deserved.
Sunny San Luis Valley
Free Trip To Examine Land
10 TO 1,000 ACRES
No Interest! No Taxes!
We want a reliable and energetic man in every
town to form clubs of 15 prospective purchasers.
We will furnish round trip railroad tickets FREE
to one member of each club to inspect land. We pay
liberal commission. Full particulars upon request.
Reference Any Bank
Kansas City or Denver.
or Banker in St. Louis,
San Luis Valley Land and
Irrigation Co.
Bank of Commerce Bldg.
piece of sheet music free to every lady ing c mipliments to the audience "the Accept
, caller at the store this week. greatest entered upon by any nation "Jim."
our sincere congratulations
Old Papers For Sale at This Office