The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, February 11, 1909, Image 1

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    "he MewsHerald.
NEWS. Fa'abliflixl Nov. 5. 1-91
11 SKALD. EfULlithcd Api ii 10, H"4
Ccn.'oliJatid Jan. 1.
Congressman Pollard's Ideas In
corporated in Forest Re
- serve Measure.
After protracted consideration by the
Committee of Agriculture of the ques
tion of procuring National Forest Re
serves and after having had before it
six or seven bills bearing on the subject,
the Committee has finally reported a
comprise measure which embodies the
principal features of the so called
Lever-Currier Appalachian and White
Mountain Forest Reserve bill which was
introduced at the last session of Con
gress and the Follard bill on the sume
subject. The Committee has held pro
tracted hearings on these bills having
examined witnessess from all parts of
the country as well as experts from the
Forestry Bureau and the Geological
Service of the Government. In the
consideration of this subject, it is grati
fying to know that Nebraska's member
of the Agriculture Committe, Mr. Pol
lard, took a deep interest in this matter
and was influential enough to stamp his
ideas upon the bill that is now pending
in Congress and will in all probability
become a law before the present ses
sion closes. Mr. Pollard has been an
active advocate of the conservation of
our forests. In an interview given out
at Washington he stated that he was
disappointed in the present bill but was
supporting it becnuse it was a step in
the fight direction. The entire areas
included in the water sheds of the
sonthern Appalachian and White Moun
tains could have been brought at once
into the Forest Reserves had his bill
been agreed to. He has, however,
given the present measure his hearty
pupport because he considers it to be
th-i best that can be secured at the
present time. The greatest obstacle
that has stood in the way of securing
the most effective legislation has been
the determination of the people who
have been behind the bill insisting upon
the purchase by the government of all
these areas.
A large part of the lands in question
wore bought a few years ago by specu
lative lumber-men at prices ranging
from 10 cents to $1.00 an acre. These
lands were covered largely by heavy
timber. All of this commercial timber
is now removed. The original pur
chasers have made all the way from
$,")() to $1000 an acre on this land. Hav
ing stripped it of its commercial timber
they now desire to unload it upon the
government at a price of from 200 to
300 per cent higher than the original
cost. The Committee of Agriculture,
as well af Congress has been unalter
ably opposed to any such plans. Had
the bill originally presented by these
people been enacted into law, it
would have entailed upon the govern
ment an expenditure of no less than five
hundred millions of dollars.
We are glad to know that Mr. Pol
lard steadfastly opposed this steal. The
bill the Committee has reported pro
vides for a co-operative system of
supervision between the states of this
region and the Federal Government,
each bearing a portion of the expense, i
It also contemplates the purchase of i
limited areas where found to be neces-;
sary to protect the navigability of navi- j
gable streams and to preserve the for- j
..... 1 I. ik.l !... '
any other
Votes will Be Published for the F:.rst Time Next Week Now is
the Time to Commence to Hustle.
! Railroad in the Far West will
j conduct Experiment with
S Electrical Equipment.
1 Electrification of 100 miles of the
j Chicago, Milwaukee t Puget Sound
Railway company's main line over the
Bitter Root mountains with two power
j stations of from 20,000 to 25,000 horse
power each on the St. Joe river in
' Northern Idaho and the Missoula river
j in western Montana, is the project
I anounced by C. B. Pride, hydraulic en
gineer, with headquarters in Spokane.
'Contracts will be awarded in two
I weeks, the installation to be completed
j as rapidly as possible.
Mr. Pride says the operation of trains
' over the mountair.3 is really an experi
: ment, but he believed the problem pre
i sented on the Milwaukee will be solved.
He added that the company's engi
! neers are investigating the possibility
j of replacing steam locomotives with
electric equipment for all traffic at
points where power can be generated
; or transmitted over high voltage lines,
i The company has power plants in vari
i ous parts of Washington, Idaho and
Montana, where it will erect plants as
rapidly as they are needed.
"If the system to move trains over
the mountains is as successful as ex
pected," he said, "there is every rea
son to believe that electric operation
will be installed between St. Joe, Ida
ho, and Puget Sound. There is an am
ple water power in the northwestern
j states to move the traffic on all lines
! a.nd leave several million horse power
; for lighting and manufacturing pur
; poses. I am told that in the state of
Washington alone the streams have a
total horse power of morg than 3,000,-
fan ' "
! The Great Northern Railway com
j pany will operate its trains through the
Cascade mountains, west of Spokane,
j with electric power. Four locomotives,
, each of PJJ9.000 pounds, have been built,
! and one of these is now being tested in
j the east.
Notice to Subscribers.
! Attention is called to the new mail
ing system recently adopted by the
News-Herald. The date following
the name indicates the expiration of
the subscription, a feature which we
feel sure will be appreciated by all our
subscribers. When a subscriber makes
a payment on subscription the date fol
lowing his name is advanced to the
time paid for, thus obviating the poj
siblity of a misunderstanding as to the
j proper credit. Afterpayment i3 made
at this office a short time should be al-
lowed, usually from two weeks to a
month, for us to make the proper cred-
its. , Then if you have not been credit
I ed properly call our attention to the
fact and the matter can be rectified
while it is still fresh in the minds of
both parties.
At the close of each season
there comes a time when the
wide awake merchant is willing
to sacrifice on his merchandise
and offer liberal discounts to
make room for new goods.
That', where we are just now.
Wearedicounting dl winter suits
and overcoats from 10 to 35 per
cent. It's a good time for you
to buy. You need some of these
goods. Buy them now and save
money. Our loss is you gain.
C. E. Wescott's Sons
"Where Quality Counts."
The News-Herald and Nebraska
Farmer's subscription rally is getting
started in earnest and the following
nomination have been made as con
testants: t'NION, NEHK.
Octa Austin
Reu Frans
Orilla Frans
Ben Roddy
Agnes Pearsley
Zola Frans
Blanche Mougey.
Ray O'Day
Victor Strum
Fern Schrader
Gladys West.
Sherman Austin
Clyde Lynde
Alice O'Donnell
Vivian Everett
Bessie Kendall
Orville Mctjuinn
Violet St. John
Stewart Rough
Hall Pollard
O. M. Ward Wayne Switzer
Carl E. Day P. E. Day
Chas. Joice O. O. Ogden
H. I). Reed.
Ralph Clifford
Charles Gaebel
VV. H. Hoover
George Ducrr
M. N. Drake
L. F. Haddou.
Fred Westlake.
This is quite a lUt of nominations
and we would like to hear of them get
mg busy as the contestants who start
out riyht at the first will have the best
chance to win. All of the above nom
inees have been supplied with small
receipt books and subscription blanks
and they can get other supplies at any
time by letting us know here at this
The followiug nominees have signified
thir intention of getting in the game
right and are now out after the sub
scriptions that will make them the
Harriet e Adams.
F. S. Sheldon.
Pauline Burris.
Zetta Brown.
Lincoln's Gettysburg Speech
FOURSCORE and seven years ago our fathers brought forth upon
this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to
the proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in
a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so con
ceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great bat
tlefield of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field
as a final resting-place for those who gave their lives that that nation
might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.
But in a larger sense we cannot dedicate, we cannot consecrate, we can
not hallow this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled
J?. here, have consecrated it far above our power to add or detract. The
!j! world will little know, nor long remember, what we say here. It is for
I us, the living rather to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which
J they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for
.j. us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us, that from
, thesa honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which
they gave the last full measure of devotion; that we here highly resolve
that these dead shall not have died in vain; that this nation under God,
shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of thd people,
by the people, and for the people, shall not perish from the earth.
Manota Perry lone Kiser
EJ. Vallery.
Vance Pittman M. G. Churchill 1
Fred Towle Mabel Bauer !
W. C. Timlin " A. G. Brann
James E. Golden John Creamer
Frank Hulfish J. A. Wislon
A. H. Waltz Zetta Brown
Fred Buell Bessie Vandenberg
John J. Gustin Chris Miller
Iva McCrary Frank Melvin
J. L. Gochry Wm. Rush
Wm. Langhorst Wm. Schewe
E. H. Miller.
lone Kiser.
E. H. Miller.
We hope to have the names of many
more good active contestants to pub
fish by next week. Anyone wishing to
get in the race cin do so by letting us
know at this office whether they have
been nominated or not.
lhe standing of the votes will be
published for the first time in next
week s raper. We hope all will try to
have a good showing the first time they
arc published so their friends will see
they arc really in the race and working
to win.
Votes are allowed on all subscription
payment as follows:
At Christ Church
First Church of Christ Scientist,' of
Plattsinouth, will hold Lincoln day
service in the Coates Block, Friday
February 12 at vleven o'clock, A. M.
Subject, Freedom. The public is in
vited. 7;i-2t
1). O. Dwyer Appointed to fill
Vacancy-Routine Busi
ness Transactsd.
Last Monday night at the usual hour
the city council convened in regular ses
sion, with all members present. After
the reading of the minuteH, the resig
nation of Councilman H. J. Sehluntz of
the First ward was read and accepted.
Acting Mayor Saltier appointed I). O.
Dwyer to fill the vacancy, who was
promptly confirmed. This looks like
"sop" indeed, as it will be remembered
that only a few weeks ago, when Mr.
Dwyer was nominated by Mayor Gor
ing for city attorney, his nomination
was promptly rejected by the city coun
cil. Mr. Dwyer must have reformed
very rapidly, or the council must have
not considered him a competent person
to be City Attorney, or possibly their
act was intended as a rebuke to Mayor
Goring. Such proceedings look a good
leal like horse play or something un
Mr t , -.I ..... v.
. i. icmeni, my ireasurer, re
ported $7,5:i:i.4D in the treasury on the
first of the month.
The following claims were allowed
and warrants ordered for the payment
of the same:
Jos. Fitzgesald, salary $50.00
Jas. Skoumal, poll tax 3.00
Olive Jones, salary 25.00
Platts. Tel. Co., rent 1.50
Ben Rainey, salary 50.OO
Jas Donelly. salary i rn
Public Library expense 1.15
J. N. Egenbcrger, fuel 14.25
Jas. Mrasek. street work A 7.1
Mike Sedlak, poll tax 3.00
J. V. Egenberger, fuel 14.50
M. Archer, salary 30.OO
Phil Harrison, street work 3.15
VV. B. Rishel, street work 1.2.1
Chas. Bates, hauling cinders 1.40
M. Herold, stationery 50
To the claims
C. L. Martin, livery 3.00
It looks like the allowance af $50.00
per month to Joe Fitzgerald, as cheif
of police, as "salary" was a misnomer,
it should be "donation." Very few
taxpayers can see where any value re
ceived is given for this allowance.
An ordinance was presented for the
purpose of allowing business men to
put up electric signs. We believe this
a good ordinance, but doubt the ad
visability of limiting the signs to
electric Higns, as someone might choose
gas, for lighting purposes.
Ossenkop Case Brought to a.
Standstill Until the First
of March.
There will be no further proceeding
in the trial of Fred Ossenkop until the
first of March. When court convened
Tuesday morning a motion was intro
duced by the defendant for a continu
ance over the term, accompanied by an
affidavit in which he set up that the
testimony of Ed. Ossenkop and Fred
Ossenkop, nephew and son of William
Ossenkop, was necessary for his de
fense, and that they were quarantined
at their homes with smr!l-pox. This
motion was strongly opined by County
Attorney Ramsey, and after hearing
the report of Dr. Hay of Lincoln who
was selected to investigate the rent
ed case of small-pox, Judge Travis
ruled that the trial be postponed until
the first of March, and decided to let
the jury return to their several homes
after admonishing them against talking
over the case or permitting anyone to
talk it over with them.
It is learned that the small-pox at the '
Ossenkops' is in a mild form, and Dr.
Hay believes that the w itnesses wanted
can be out of quarantine within ten days
I or two weeks.
Ray Horn Jas. L. Terrybcrry
Fred Heil.
Eva Stander Stanley Richards
V. D. Harris.
Henry Nolting John KafTenberger
F. S. Sheldon Pauline Burris
Emil Parkening Harriettc Adams.
Joe Capwell Clark Gonzales
Noel Tyson Pearl Woodard
J. R. Baird.
Summer Hall
Gladys Applcman
Oscar Kitzel
Henry Roelofz
R. A. Stone.
Pearl Betta George Reitter
Merle Carr Clyde Trimble
Jay Adams Clarence Root.
Mrs..J. Armstrong
Frank E. Cook
George P. Foreman
George A. Sutton
V. D. Conn
A. C. Clymer
Wm. Chandler
E. A. Howard
W. E. Newkirk
D. L. Talcott
J. H. Albert
S. W. Ball
H. H. Denning
Frank Gadway
J. M. Hoover
John L. Burn
O. T. McDonald
L. L. Coleman
V. S. Flood
F. E. Nichols
Wm. Stone
Walter Pailing.
W. A. Clcghom
J. F. Bradine
A. J. Deitrich
John Group
James Allows
Ben Barker
Each year's renewal subscription to
the News-Herald counts 400 votes.
Each year's new subscription to the
News-Herald counts noo votes.
Each year's renewal subscription to
the News-Herald together with a
year's subscription to the Nebraska
Farmers, 1,200 votes.
Each year's new subscription to the
News-Herald together with a year's
subscription to the Nebraska Fanner,
l.fiOO votes.
Five years paid to both papers counts
2,000 extra votes.
Ten years paid to both papers counts
5,000 extra votes.
r if teen years paid to both
counts 10.000 extra votes.
The prizes to be awarded at the
close of the contest consist of a fine
Buick five-passenger touring car as
grand prize, and it will be given to the
contestant receiving the most voles in
a group of twelve contests all conducted
by local county papers. A first class
Howard piano purchased from the
Plattsmouth Music Co., a combination
desk and book case purchased from
Straight & Streight, and a $10 due bill
on any merchant advertising in the
News-HeralD will be awarded the
contestants In this contest. Someone
in this contest has a fine chance for the 3!
automobile so why iwt begin work to
J day? The subscription price of the
I News-Herald is $1.50 per year. The
! clubbing price of the News-Herald
I I . 1 I... I.. A.
HiKi mc m-orasKU runner is tj.
Tin Wedding Surprise.
Monday was the tenth anniversary of
the marriage of Judge and Mrs. A. J
liecson and a number of their friends
determined to celebrate the event bv
giving them a surprise party. And as
a departure from the usual form of such
functions those attending went cn
masque. II. A. Schneider was select
ed to deliver the felicitory oration, and
it is said by those present that he ex
celled even himself. A most pleasant
evening was spent.
Those attending were D. C. Morgan
and wife, Jas. Donnelly and wife, W.
K. Fox and wife, W. K. jr., H. A.
Schneider and wife, N. H. Isbell and
family, Mrs. Minor, Mrs. A. Beeson,
Misses Mary E. Foster, Alma Larson,
Teresa Hempel,' Anna Hassler, Mai
Gering, Gertrude Beeson and Katie
Departs for Bloomington.
W. L. Cooper, who recently resigned
his position in the B. & M. supply de
partment, departed Tuesday night to
begin his new duties with the Chicago
and Alton railroad.
The General Storekeeper of that road
will find Mr. Cooper's ripe experience
in hia line of work a valuable assistance
in the reorganization which we under- .
stand is being made in the store de-
partment of that road.
Mr. Cooper received a highly appreci
ated surprise from hia co-workers,
who presented him with are elegant
traveling bag in token of the high re
gard in which they held him and ex,
pression of regret in losing him, but all
united in complimenting Mr. Cooper
upon receiving such a desirable position,
which came to him aa a surprise and
unsolicited one more proof that effici
ency in work is recognized and finds it
Takes New Position. .
Miss Alma Larson, formerly book-
keeper in the News-Herald office, ha.v.
accepted a position as stenographec
and assistant to the auditor with the
Plattsmouth Telepnone Company. Miss.
Larson excels in office work, and the
telephone people are to be congratulate.
ed upon securing her services.
Send her a post card of your favorite
float. At Nemctz & Co. a'
A piano of today a piano most
welcome in the field, because it
is high in quality while small in
cost. We have given you an
inkling of what to expect: we
don't want to disappoint you
when you come to our store to
make the acquaintance of the
Howard. Prices right.
We do expert piano tuning.
We have a slightly used piano
which will be sold at a great
Plattsmouth Music Co.
J. A. BECKER, Manager