The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, February 08, 1909, Image 8

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Troon the Rescon.
Mrs. Reach and children visited
Crandma and Grandpa Witenkatnpover
Rlith Peterson was umble to be in
lb postoftice last week on account of
an attack of tonsilitis.
Mrs. A. Crawford returned to Lin
coln Wednesday, after a weeks', visit
with the editors family.
ii. L. Myers, the new station affent
has moved his family into the Ed Wil
liams' houJ south of the Beacon office.
Mrs. Carey and Mrs. Parriott of Pe
ru, mother and sister of Mrs. A. D.
Uunliek arc visiting with the latter a
few days.
Sometime ago Miss Mamie McAllister
had the misfortune to freeze her feet,
and they are causing her considerable
trouble at present.
f. G. Johnson is building a house for
I. F. Waldron in University Place.
He started the building last week and
uhen completed it will be one of
nicest cottoges there.
From .the KcxUler.
John Harter came in from Invale on
Satunluy for a visit with relatives.
Mrs. Carroll Quinton visited with
3lrs. Palmer from Suturduy until Mon
day evening.
Mrs. Clinuncey Orton came in Mon
day evening from Weeping Water where
she has been visiting.
Mr. and Mrs. Neumister and children
are visiting the bitter's parents Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Hehrns.
) Mr. and Mrs. Case who have been
visiting their daughter'Mrs. Viall went
to Weeping Water Tuesday morning.
Fred Gorder and daughter came down
from Weeping Water on Sunday and
spent the duyjwith IIenryWessel and
1M. S. Briggs one of the best writers
that ever pushed a Falter in Cass
County was in Nehawka on (Saturday
ami made the pencil pusher of this
paper a short visit. He was here in
tkejinterest of the tllerald.
Elizabeth Rough has quit the) high
txhoul here and will attend school in
Weeping Water in company with her
sister Ethel.
George Holmes came in from Chari
to, Iowa, Monday morning. He and
fcis wife came in to attend the funeral
of Mra. Reynolds.
Mra. Hunter who has been visiting
Iter sister Mrs. Isaac Pollard, went to
Lincoln Tuesday morning. From there
tbey will go to South Dakota to visit a
Ma before returning to her home in
Canada. Mrs. R. C. Pollard accompa
nied her as far as Lincoln and will visit
for a few days with Mra. Emma Wal
face. At Christ Church
First Church of Chriat Scientist, of
Phttamouth, will hold Lincoln day
service in the Coatea Block, Friday
February 12 at vleven o'clock, A. M.
Subject, Freedom. The public is in
witud. 7H-2t
Hotio C. A. R. and W. R. C.
All members of the G. A. R. and la
dies of the W. It. C. are requested to
twsetat the G. A. R. hall at 10::tl) Fri
day morning for the purpose of attend
ing services commemorative of the
airtij of Abraham Lincoln which will
he held in the Christian Science room
ia Coates hall. Also meet at 7 o'clock
m the evening to attend services which
bo held at the M. E. church. By
order of Committee.
City And County
The Majestic, 6 and 10 cents.
Send her a post card of your favorite
float. At Nemetz & Co.s
Issac Stradley, of Greenwood spent
Saturday i i the county seat.
Paul Robert of Cedar Creek visited
Plattsmouth relutivcs Saturday.
Oscar Kiel, of Eagle was looking
aftur business in the city Saturday.
T. V. Vallery of Murray was a
Plattsmouth visitor on business Satur
day. William J. Bryan will deliver the
oration for the graduating this
Geo. Thierolf of Cedar Creek was
looking after business matters in Platts
mouth. L. C. W. Murray was looking ufter
business in Plattsmouth Saturday afternoon.
J. A. Henning of Eight Mile precinct
transacted business in Plattsmouth
William Gillespie, of Murray, looked
after business matters in Plattsmouth
We now have Compound Fig Syrup
at 25c a bottle. F. G. Frickefc Co.,
Druggists. 72-4.
Invention of Frenchman Discovers
Subterranean Streams.
A rational device for finding under
zrnuu'l currents of water has been In
vented by .a Frenchman named Div
ert. It was siiKsested by the Instru-'
mont known as Das'iin's acoustele a
devleo for the analysis of sounds, look
ini; somewhat like a nwgaphone. To
use it a holn about a foot deep is Bunk
the earth and the lare end of tho
horn Is placed In It, tubes attached to
the small end being Inserted In the
ears. If there Is underground running
water anywhere In tho vicinity it may
be heard plainly, the sound resembling
that of the wind in a forest. Still wa
ter, of course, ciinnot be detected. Ex
periments with this Instrument near
known subterranean streams have suc
ceeded well, but it does not appear
that It has ever discovered any hither
to unsuspected stream. There seems
to be no reason, however, why it
should not be so us?d.
C. E. TefTt, lawyer of Weeping Water
perambulated Plattsmouth streets Fri
day for a few hours.
Webster Joslyn and family departed
for Sheridan, Wyo., Sunday afternoon,
their future home.
Miss Edith Martin of Omaha spent
Sunday with her parents, Dr. and Mrs.
J. B. Martin of this city.
Mrs. May Morgan and daughter
spent Sunday with her father W. L.
Street at Immanuel hospital.
Miss Gladys Sullivan, who has been
visiting friends in Omaha for a time,
returned to this city Saturday.
James Latram.the hustling hardware
man from Eagle was in the city Satur
day attending the Osscnkop trial.
Conrad Meisinger of Eight Mile
Grove precinct drove in to Plattsmouth
Saturday and transacted business.
R. 0. Waiters of the News-Herald
force visited his family at Grand Island
over Sunday returning this morning.
The Epworth Leagures met Friday
evening with Miss Lillian and Roy
Thompson. A most enjoyable meeting
was had.
The Osscnkop trial was adjourned
Saturday noon till Tuesday forenoon.
The jury are patiently waiting for the
time to elapse.
Mrs. Charles Emirick, of Omaha,
who has been visiting relatives in this
city for a few days departed for her
home Friday.
Mrs. Knee returned Friday from a
visit with her sister at Topeka.Kansas,
and is making her home with C. E.
Wescott and family.
Visitor's Speech Dealt with Frankly
by Youthful Critic.
Princess Lwoff Parlanhy, the Hun
garian painter, was asked In Philadel
phia to address a women's club on
portrait painting a subject that
would have much Interest, for the
artist has done portraits of the kaiser,
the czar and others celebrities.
Hut she declined to deliver the ad
dress. "I cannot speak Impromptu,"" she
said, "and what Is more wearisome
than a speech read from notes?
"A friend of mine once Bpoke before
a class of school children on literature.
She had spent a week writing the
speech. She read It to the little ones,
as sne Hoped, witn great success.
"But the next day she beard that a
boy, on being asked by his mother
what had happened at the school, re
plied carelessly:
"'Oh, nothing much, except a lady
talked to herself on a piece of paper.' "
Jim's Simple System That, Strange to
Say, Caused Discontent.
Jim Saunlers, the veteran oystpr
dnaler of the village, wm mad. His
honesty had never before been im
peached. He stood In the open door
way of his one-room shanty down near
th station, catching each passer-by In
turn and pouring Into his ear a re
hearsal of his woes. The country doc
tor was the nineteenth by actual count
who had passed that way since early
Jim drew himsplf up proudly and
wiping tho tobacco Juice out of the
corners of his mouth with his coat
si "eve, answered, stoutly:
"Taln't, doctor 'taln't that. I
keeps double entry jes like all the
storekeepers hereabouts, I reckon, and
I never overcharges."
The doctor smiled quizzically.
"What do you understand by double
entry bookkeeping, Jim?"
Jim stared at the doctor, astonished,
his big slothful brown eyes opening
wide as he ran his hand through his
shock of whitening brown hair.
"Well, do tell, doctor, don't you
know? An' you a college man! Why,
man, It's jest as simple as rollln' off a
log. A man comes along and asks
fer orschers, and you gives 'em to 'lm,
and ef he don't put the money down
on the counter, then, you charges him
up In the book for uO days. Then ef
he don't pay up In 30 days, or, say, six
weeks, you puts him down in the book
again. There ain't that slmpl??"
Geo. E. Dovey, President. H.
F. E. Schlateh, Vice Pres. C,
N. Dovey, Cashier
G. Fricke, Ass't Cash.
Transacts a General Banking Business
and Repectfully Solicits a Share
of Your Patronage..
Fresh Grapes All Winter. .
The grapes were very fresh
"These must be hothouse grapes,"
said the guests.
Hut the host pointed from the win
dow toward his gray garden, where,
sheathed In Ice, a leafless vine shiv
ered In the blast.
"The grapes came from that vine,"
he said, "two months ago."
"Hut how have you kept them so
"I'll tell you the secret. When 1
want to keep my grapes I cut each
bunch with a long stem, with quite
eight Inches of stem. Then I take a
lot of wide-mouthed bottles and fill
them with water. Then I hang the
grape bunches In the cellar, their long
stems each in a bottle, taking caro
that tho grapes themselves are In con
tact with nothing (that would rot
them), and that the stems are burled
deep in the water. They keep so for
Ave or six months. I can keep so a
hundred bunches all winter without
losing a bunch."
Interest Paid On Time Deposits.
Burglars Last Night.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Petersen attend
ed ciiurvh last evening, and in their
aW-nce festive burglar entered their by climbing the back porch
mj ruuui-u ineni ti someming over
$24.00 in the coin of the realm. Mr
Petersen thinks the theif was frighten
1 away by their return home as another
pTMi containing money remained un
touched which was in the same drawer
with the one robbed. Mr. and Mrs. Peter
m returned from church about 9 o'clock
anJ discovered their loss immediately.
The thief evidently had left in a hurry
as the back door was ajHr.
Something new in post cards every
revk. NemetJ! & Co. next to P.O.
Maine Sexton for SUty-8ix Years.
After Oil consecutive years' service
Obed W. Russell has resigned as sex
ton of the Union church In the town
of Phillips, and he Is probably the
dean of Maine sestons. And for all
these services he has never accepted
a cent In payment.
All the old Phillips families of his
time have been greeted by the sound
of the bell rung by Mr. Russell's
steady hand, and when the last scens
of ell came It was Mr. Russell who
sounded the knell. In those days
there was a custom to signalise the
departure of each member of the
church by tolling the bell at Intervals
of about 30 seconds to the number ol
the departed's years, and on many
occasions Mr. Russell has been called
from his warm bed to climb the
steeple In all sorts of weather.
Pure Iron at Last.
Chemically pure iron has never been
obtained until very recently; It has
been found almost impossible to re
move the last traces of Impurities, es
pecially of sulphur. Hut a German
chemist, Dr. 11. Kreusler, has finally,
by a long series of ingenious pro
cesses, partly chemical and partly
electrical, succeeded In IsolatlnR the
pure metal, the properties of which he
reports to differ greatly from those of
the Impure Iron that we know. Iron
prepared by Krcusler's process resem
bles platinum.
So Tired.
He was the laxlest tramp that ever
waited at the water tank for a south
bound freight.
"Pardner," he drawled when a
young man passed that way, "got any
"Guess so," responded the youth,
fumbling In his pocket and pulling
forth a bag of mixture.
"Got any cigarette papers?"
"A few."
"Well, make me a cigarette, that's a
good fellow."
With a few desirous twists the
HtrnKr handed over the "coffin nail."
The tramp yawned.
"Say, pardner," he said, finally,
"would yer mind puffing dat dope an"
blowing do smoke In my face? I feel
awfully tired too tired to smoke."
During Gun Firing.
The Hrltish admiralty has Riven at
tention to the question of ear protec
tion during heavy gun lirliii;, and it
has been decided to use plasticine.
with the addition of cotton wool, but
tho form of ear protection to he use:!
Is to be left to tho Individual clioice of
officers and men. Plastb-lne iu;iy bo
supplied to ships and gunnery schools
If specially demanded. The addition of
50 to 60 grains of cotton wool ha;;
been recommended to Insure perfect
safety. It Is pointed out that the cost
of the material Is very small and Its
use Is often desirable.
Order ol Hearirg.
State of Nebranka.
County of Canst. i
In the matter uf the ea'ate of James Skoumal.
Whereas France Skoumal, on the 1st day of
February A. I). l'lO'J, tiled petition in this
court alleging that James Skoumal departed this
life intestate, in Cass County. Nebraska, on or
uhout thc2'ith day of December A. 1). 190X. while
an inhabitant and u resident thereof, and that he
was seiied and possi sued of Fractional Lota six
teen and thirty-nine of the south-east quarter of
the north-went quarter, section thirteen, township
twelve, north range thirteen. City of I'lattsmouth.
Cass county. Nebraska, said real estato being
listed in the oflicn of tho county clerk as lot six
teen, of the value of one thousand (Sl.000.00)
dollars, and no more: that the said JamcaSkoumal
left surviving him as his sole and only heirs at
law the following named children, to-wit: ltoi
Skoumal, aged nine years, Charles Skoumal, aged
seven years. David Skoumal. aged four years and
Lucille Ssoumal. aged two years, and your peti
tioner his widow and that said estato is wholly
exempt from attachment execution c other
mesne process and is not liable for the payment
of the debts of said deceased, if any ha left, and
praying for hearing upon said petition and that
an order may be entered in thia court dispensing
with the regular administration of said estate and
establishing the data of the death of said de
ceased, his intestacy and the names of his heirs at
law and for a decree of assignment of said real
estate to the parties entitled thereto.
It ia therefore ordered that said cause tie set
for hearing upon the 20th day of February A D.
19uv at nine o clock a. m. in the county court room
in the court house in the City of Plattsmouth. in
said county and that all persona interested in said
estate, including the creditors of aaid deceased, if
any there be. lie notified of the hearing of said
petition by nub iration of this order in the Nkws
Hkrald. a liral newauaper published in aaid
county, for three successive week prior to aaid
date of hearing and that if they fail to appear and
contest said petition the court may grant the
order prayed for and entor a decree in accordance
therewith as provided by law
Dated this 1st day of February, im By the
Byron Clark. Ai.lkn J. Bkeson.
Attorney. County Judgi
Seal! 71-fi
WINTER TOURIST RATES: Daily reduced rate excursions
to California, Old Mexico. Southern and Cuban Resorts.
HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS:-First and third Tuesdays
of each month to many points west, south and southwest.
Superintendent Public Instruction of Nebraska, Mr. J. I,. McBrien,
caving Lincoln and Omaha December 19th. Write G. W. Bonnell.
P. A. Lincoln, for itinerary.
lorn Basin and Yellowstone Valley:-0ne of the last" chances to
secure good farms from the Government at low prices. Go with
Mr. D. Clem Deaver on the next personly conducted excursion.
He will help you secure one of these farms. No charge for his
services. Excursions first and third Tuesdays.
W. L. PICKETT, Ticket Agent, Plattsmouth
L. W. Wakely, G. P. A., Omaha.
We have just received and have on ex
hibition one of the finest stocks of
valentines that ever came to Platts
mouth. Drop in and see them. See
window display.
l 1 1 1 1 1 I t....H -H"t"l i M' I I I I H4H4"rl-H -H H I W
World's Sugar Production.
An estimate by tliw British board of
trade of the) sugar production of th
world for 190(5 makes a total of 14.
312,716 Ion tons, of which 7,317,472
tons were cane and 6,995.244 tons beet.
the production of both kinds advancing;
practically at the xanio rate since 1898
In the production of cane sugar Hrltish
India had the Urgent output of 2.22.1.
400 tons, and in beet augur Germany
ranked first, with an output of 2,362
li tons, in consumption or sugar
per head Australia stands first nt 129
pound, the I'nlted States coming next
with 89 pounds, ami the I'nlted King
dom following at M pounds.
Legal Notice.
K'JF&S? ( County Court,
In the matter of the catate of Martha Julyan, de
To all person interested:
You arc hereby notified that there hax Wn Tiled
'in this court the petition of hdward Martin, ad
mimstrator of aaid estate, allerlac therein that
thin court entered a final decreo in aaid extateon
the 3rd day of January, lOuK, without legal notice
to the heira of naid eatata nor himself aa adminia
trator. Thepraverof aaid petition ia that aaid
decree be aet axida and that aaid administrator be
allowed to correct an error in hia final report
ahowmir therein tnat no naa a balance now
amounting to S10S 00.
You are further notified that a hearing will be
had on aaid petition before thia court at the
county court mom in the City of l'lattrmouth in
aaid county on the 2iith day of February. liKKt. at
l" o'clock a. m. That all objection., if any, must
be filed on or before aaid day and hour of hearing.
Witnesa my hand and the aeal of aaid court thia
22ml day or January, lt0. Al.l.KN J. IIkkmon.
iW-S 1st: At. I County Judge.
u Be'ra Fireo
"UuRgles. bow did you catch that
"Well, I'll tell you. Ramase. I lost
my Job the other day. It was the first
time such a thing hud ever bnppened
to me, and 1 sot kind o' reckless, you
know, and exposed myself, nud
um! "
I see. You caught It on tho first
Honest, industrious woman wanted to
introduce our large line of fancy and
Btaple dress Roods, waistings, trim
mings, etc., among friends, neighbors
and townspeople. We also manufac
ture a full line of perfumes and toilet
articles, no soaps. Should be able to
cam $20 or more weekly. Dealing direct
from the mills our prices are low and
patterns exclusive. No money required.
Write us for full particulars.
Standurd Dress Goods Co., Dept. 9,
71-2 Birghampton, N. Y.
Legal Notice.
Stalo of Nebraska. ' . i, r.i. r,u,.i
County of Ciuw. I " ,n Coun,y Court-
In tho matter of the estato of Amelia Hoffman,
To Julius Hoffman and all persons interest d in
said entate:
You arc hereby notified that the Rxerutrix of
Iheextateof Amelia HolTman, deceaaed. has tiled
in this court her petition, praying therein for
final nettlement of aaid estate, that her account
be allowed and that the real and personal property
of aaid estate be assigned to said Kxerutrix as
provided by the terms and conditions of the will
of wiiu deceased, duly probated and allowc I by
this court.
You are further notilied that a hearing will be
hail on said petition before this court at the county
court mom in the I ity of rlattsmotith, Nchraxl.a,
on the ilrd day of February, limy, at ten o'clock
a. m. anil that all objections, if any, must tie tiled
on or before said day and hour of hearing.
Witnissmy hand and the aeal of the county
court of Cs county, Nebraska, tin 20th day of
January, WW. Al.l.KN J. Hkixun.
9 s County Judge
uyi. n Tf,iMw
Wise Talks by the Office Boy I
You can take my word for it whatever
a fellow hopes to be, he will be, unless he
gets on the wrong car. Whenever I hear
one those worldly wise chaps using that
expression, "Where do I get off?" I
always feel like edging up and saying,
"Put him off at Plattsmouth because he
will then know just where he is going to
get off ar.d we will all know where he is
getting off. We know that he will get
off better than he expected for the
simple reason that we are primed
to the muzzle with new goods and we don't
care how soon the people know it. Times are improving,
business is improving, people are imtroving, everything
is improving except the weather and you can't improve
that because it isn't made to be bossed. Have you tried
our Plattsmouth brand of M & J coffee? Then you can't
go wrong on.
tl( MIM I Illlllll
in the court the account of the administrator of as sub lot thirty-nine 3UI: the south-west quarter
aaid estate and his petition for final settlement, of the south-east quarter, knownnf sublot twenty
alleging therein among other things that the except a strip of land one hundred thirty-seven
heirs of this estate nor himself as administrator i any one half feel U;t7 41,) in width from the
had no notice of the hearing before this court on ' southern boundary of said tract extending aixty
the itrd (lay of January. l'M. at which time final , (t0) rod north along the west line; also, axecpt
decreo was entered in thia estato. The prayer of ing a lot commencing at the north-west mrnur nf
aaid petition is that said decree be aet aside an t I said south went quarter of the south-east quarter
his account as tiled heiein be allowed, and that he
be discharged as such administrator.
You are further notified that there will he a
hearing upon said account and petition before thia
court in the county court room in the City of
IMattsmouth in said county, on the 2ith day of
February. 1J09 at 10 o'clock a. m. That all ob
jection, if any. must be Hied on or before said day
and hour of hearing.
Witness my hand and the seal nf said court this
22ml day of January. VJW. Al.l.KN J. Kkkhiin.
lit- cKAt.l County Judge.
Legal Notice.
running south twenty (20 rods thence east twenty
(201 rods thence north twenty U"0 rods, thence
west twenty M rods to tho place of beginning, all
In Section twenty-three (2.0. Township ten U0
Ntrth Range Thirteen 13, all in Casa county.Nc
braska. This sale ia made pursuant to an order issued by
the Judgeof the District Court on January 2Mh
A. 1). IsaW, and at said sale aaid property will be
offered in its separate tax subdivisions and also
in gross, nnd also in several aubdivuiions suitable
for small places; these subdivisions will he an
nounced at the sale. M. H. Shokmakks.
Hymn Claik. Sole Kefereo-
Attornry, 6.s
In the District Court of the County of Cass.
Daniel Lynn, et al.. l'luintilTs, I ,;,. ni John C. Wharton. Attorney. Room SI5-Ncw
y. T ore.". L . ' York Life nuilfting. Omaha. Nebraska.
Andrew Lynn, et nl .Defendants, ' lm 0,Ki I (y virtue of a decree of partition of the Dis
Notiee is hereby given that upon February Jfllh trict Court of Cass County. Nebraska, entered in
A. D. l'JW at ten o'clock a. m.. at th- south ricmr i said Court on the 2'.'th day of September A. D.
of the court hmii-e In the County of (", No- ;ms and an order of sale entered in said C urt on
To t.lnsy Muyhoe, defendant, tnke notice that
on the 12th dav of January. l(.MSl. Mnrtha Mavlw
plaintiff herein, filed her petition in the Cistriet ! aooui
bniskn. I will olfer at public sulo the following
described lands: The southwest quarter, of the
southwest quarter, less one 'otinthe south side
thereof, numbered lot thirty-one ( ill containing
seventy-three (.'.! one hundredth of an acre:
lot eleven (ll. In the north-east corner of said
land, being occupied by the right-of-way of the
Missouri 1'aritlc railroad company, there being
thirty-eight and eighty-one hundredth
Court of Casa county, Nebraska, against said di
femlant, the obiect and prayer of which is a
divorce from the bonds nf matrimony, for the rea
son that the defendant has deserted the plaintiff
for mote than two years last past, and fails and
refused to support plaintiff, and lean habitual
drunkard, and hoa treated plaintiff with extreme
You are therefore required to answer said peti
tion on or before March lf, V.W.
Dated January i. IW9.
By M. Ast-HK. Martha Mayskk.
net attorney. 71-8 plaintiff.
Legal Notice.
a.Sr'"'!-- ""Count, C,urt.
Inthema'ter of the estate of Isaac Julyan. de
ceased. To all persons Interested:
You are hereby notified that there hai been filed
ClvtUl acres in the title of the parties heret
Also, sub lot five (M being the uth ten acres off
the north-west quarter of the south-west quarter,
except lot twelve (12) occupied as railroad right-of-way
off the east end thereof, being about
ninety six one hundredths 1,M nf an acre: also
lot six (til, being the south ten (10) acres of the
north-east quarter of the south-west quarter ex
cepting lot thirteen 113) oft the east end of said
lot six (til. occupied as railroad right-of-way. also,
a lot sometimes called twenty-one 21) and some,
times called forty-one (41). bring the north ten
acres of the south-east quarter of the south-west
quarter excepting lot thirty-two, being twenty
one hundredth (.21) of an acre in the south-east
corner therein, being seventy-two feet wide and
extending north one hundred and twenty-five
feet: also, excepting therefrom a part of aub lot
ten (10) off the west oral of aaid ten ai res used
aa railroad right-of-way: also, the east three
fourths of the south one-fourth of the north-west
quarter of the south-east quarter, being about
even and one-halt sent, and sometimes known
thcMhduy of Ortolier A. D. litus in an action
therein iiemling wherein Ida M. Krampien ia
nlaintilf. and John H. Krampien and Mnrtha
Krampien. his wife. Maggie M. tisllup and John
N. liallupher husband. Sophia M. Krampien In
competent and Conrad Itaumtiartner.t.uanlian of
Sophia M. Krampien, Incompetent and Julius M.
Flanlcr Mnrlagce are defendants, ordering and
directing the sale of the following described real
estate situate in Cass County, Nebraska to-wit:
The south half (S.1?) of the north-east quarter
(N. F 'il and the south half (S. 4 1 of the north
half ( N. ' of the north-east quarter (N. E. '! and
the north half (N. ',) of the south-east quarter
(S. E.1) all in section twenty-six, XI township
twelve 111!) north of range ten (10) east of the
6th I'. M. In Cass county, Nebraska.
NOW THKKKFOKF.. I.James Robertson, the
undersigned refeiee duly appointed by the dis
trict court of Cass county. Nebraska, to make
partition nf the lands hereinbefore described will
on the 24th day of February A. D. m at ten
o'clock in the forenoon nf said day at (he south
front door of the Court House of Cass County,
Nebraska, in the riiy nf I'lattsmouth in aaid
county and state, offer for sale and sell said real
estate almve described at public auction to the
highest bidder for cash to satisfy said decree In
partition according to the terms thereof and rosta
and accruing eosts. Said sale will remain open
one hour. James Koikton,
ffl-10 Referee.