The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, February 08, 1909, Image 7
All Who Would Enjoy good health, with it h Mossing: must un derstand, quite clearly, that it involves the question of right living with all the term implies. With proper knowledge of what is best, each hour of rvrn iit ion, uf enjoy ment, of contemplation and of effort m:iy bo mudo to contribute to living aright. Then the use of medicine may lie Uh pensed with to advantage, but under or dinary condition in many instances a simple, wholesome remedy may le invalu able if taken at the proper time and the California I'ig Syrup Co. holds that it is alike important to present the subject truthfully and to supply the one perfect laxative to those desiring it. Consequently, the Company's Syrup of Figs and Oixir of Senna gives general satisfaction. To get its beneficial effect? buy the genuine, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, and for sale by all leading druggists. THE UNEMPLOYED. . B ITE BE THINKING About American Fathers By Charles Battell Loomis "There's plenty of work about If you only look for it." "Yes, and by the time I've found It all me energy's gone!" THE PERUNA ALMANAC. The druggists have already been sup plied with the reruna. almanac for 1909. In addition to the regular astro nomical matter usually furnished In almanacs, the articles on astrology nro very attractive to most people. The mental characteristics of each sign are given with faithful accuracy. A list of lucky and unlucky days will bfi furnished to those who have our almanacs, free of charge. Address The Peruna Co., Columbus, O. Not a Trcuble Maker. When six-year-old Oliver returned from his first day at Sunday school his father asked him what they had told him, whereupon Oliver related as best ho could the miracie of the loaves nu'. fishes. His father suggested that tins 6tory was a rather hard ono to believe, and asked the boy what he thought about it, but Oliver evaded his fa ther's question. The next morning, however, the two were alone at break fast. "Father," said the boy, suddenly and solemnly. "Well," answered the father. "I didn't believe that story about the loaves and fishes yesterday," con tinued the child, in a quiet, confiden tial tone, "hut I didn't say anything. I ddin't want to start mi argument." 6ucces8 Magazine. The Auctioneer's Hourglass. An auctioneer of Philadelphia col lects all sorts of objects pertaining to his ancient calling. He has, among other things, an Interesting set of auc tioneer's hourglasses. The auctioneer, a century or so ago, concluded a sale, not by saying "do Jng going gone!" and rapping tho counter with his hammer, but it was his better method to turn up a free running glass toward the end of tho bidding, and to end the sale Irrevoca bly when tho sands ran out. This caved confusion and dispute. Tho auctioneer's glasses in the Philadelphia collection are pictur esque. One Is of tortoise shell and mother of pearl. Another is of amber nnd cold. A third is of leak and ivory. DIDN'T KNOW Coffee Was the Cause. Many daily habits, particularly of eating nnd drinking, arc formed by fol lowing our elders. In this way ill health is often fas tened upon children. A flu. lady says: "I had been allowed to drink coffee ever since 1 could remember, but even as a child I had a weak stomach, which frequently refused to retain fooJ. "The taste of coffee was In my mouth all the time and was, as 1 found out later, the cause of tho stomach re belling against food. "I now seo that it was only from fol lowing 1 ho example if my elders that 1 formed nnd continued i ho miserable habit of drinking coffee. My digestion remained poor, nerves unstrung, fre quent headache, and yet 1 did not sus pect the true cnuse. "Another trouble was a bad, muddy complexion for which I spent tiino and money for creams, massaging, etc., without nny results. "After I was married I was asked to try I'ostuni, and would v.u believe it. I, an old coffee toper, took to I'ostuni from the very first. We made It right according to directions on the pkg., nnd it had a most delicate llavor, and I at once quit coffee, with the happiest results. "I now havp a perfectly clear, smooth akin, fine digestion and haven't bad a headache ill over two ears." "There's a Kasun " Name given by I'ostuni Co. Fatth" Creek, Mich, 'end, "The Howl to Well. ' vllte," lu pl;gs. l',rr rrii'l the nhine ellrf new one nnnrnr from time In lime. They nrr in-nuliir, irur, mW lull ul liiiimin UitrrraU (Copyright by W. U. Chupmau.) Have you ever been "the head" of a family made up of strongly indi vidualized members? "Ain't it awful, Mabel?" (to use a cant phrase that 1 particularly loathe). "Shall the people rule?" They do rule In my bouse, although I am the head. The "people" are my son John and my daughter Dorothy, our cook and the wife of my bosom, Mrs. Courtlay. It necessarily follows that I am Mr. Courtlay, because such a thing as divorce is unknown in my family, und so my wife's name is the same as mine. You know I hold that divorce doesn't really change a woman's name. If she gets married to a man to begin with that settles it. His is her name to the end of the chapter. It. may be a whim of mine, but if I can't have my own way in my own house I can at least have my own whims. Well, Mrs. Courtlay has a good mind and it is a mind of her own. I do not pretend to influence It. Oh, yes I do. "Ye," said mother, "they are nearer Christianity than any other sect." Hui to get back to my daughter. I am a Christian. She is an aguostie. It's only iudependenco. I tell you what, if 1 had understood how this new generation was coins? to act I would have become an infidel when I the children were born so as to Insure their being Christians. My daughter Is a well behaved child and I think she is well intentloned. and I know she is generous and kind hearted, but she will not go to church. It makes it very hard on me, because as John stays away from church bo cause he doesn't approve of our pas tor's brain, 1 have to go to church myself or else let my wife go alone. I'd rather play golf if I knew how. Mind you, I believe In churches. Why. my father always went to chinch, but 1 get so sleepy, and my pasior never has any new thoughts to give me. Hut I go faithfully, and they are thinking of making me a pillar of the church because I'm almost the only man left in the congregation. For a head of a family I'm oftencr at the foot than any man I know. Take one more example. Wo had to pull up stakes and move this fall. Owner wanted to keep house himself. I am naturally a man of decisive mind (I've been successful In busi ness and that counts for something these days) and I made up my mind at once that we would try the city, having lived in tho suburbs for a num ber of years. As my son Is a student at Yale It didn't make any difference to him where we spent the winter, so he did not ofTer any objection, but my daugh ter said: "That's Idiotic, father. You know how I like out of doors. We'll stay where we are. It'll be easy enough to get another rent." Jlv daughter used so authoritative EXTRAORDINARY INCREASE IK FARM LANDS, 'SOUTHERN ALBERTA IS A MIGHTY GOOD COUNTRY." No stroBger or better evidence can be given of the merits of a country than that, which conies from the testi mony of the settler who has deter mined to succeed. This Is why wo reproduce- the following letter, which speaks for itself. These people were In duced to go to Western Canada through the solicitation of a Canadian Covcrnment agent, who secured for them the low railway rates. "Cannangay, Alta.. Canada. 12 15 - OS. "Mr. C. J. Urougliton, Canadian llov- eminent Agency, 1,55 Adams Street, Chicago: We had audacity enough to tackle the proposition of buying four feet ions of land in Southern Alberta, thirty miles east of Clalrsholm and heading up on the Llttlo How, and our two boys eiuh got a homestead ad joining. Wo fenced three sections and the two homesteads, and built a house, barn, corrals and granary, and have since enlarged some of these build ings. We have broken 200 acres of land, which has been sowed to oats and wheat. During the severe winter uf two years iibo the winter wheat killed out somewhat, and our crop yielded only ten bushels to tho acre, but the spring wheat went 21 bushels to the acre. In this country wo must be prepared for storms and cold, at times 20 to 30 below zero, yet on tho whole the winters are mild ; and while there are exceptional crops, it Is fair to say that the average farmer can depend on having a yield in averago years of from 20 to 25 bushels to tho acre for spring wheal; and winter wheat in our imniedfato neighborhood yields from 25 to 80 bushels to the acre on tho average. We have- now quite a bunch of horses, over f0 In all, about. 1150 sheep, after having sold 140 for mutton this fall. We have 20 head of pure bred registered Shropshire, which are worth $20 each. The average prlco received for mutton sheep was $5.00 and a little over. Pork brings 5 and 6 cents a pound. We have about I'D head of cattle on ojir ranch now, and last winter they picked their en tire living from our pasture, running to the straw stacks for shelter at night. "The Increase of land values has been extraordinary. Our land four years ago cost us a little less than $0.00 an acre. We have sold one sec tion for $15.00, but. we would not sell any more for less than $25.00 per acre, as we expect the railroad within four miles of our ranch within the next, IS months. Southern Alberta of West ern Canada is a mighty good country for nny man or woman w ho loves out door life, and who wants to get good re turns for their labor and investment. "We have been pleased with our treatment from thp Canadian Govern ment, and can heartily commend South em Alberta as a uplendid country in which to locate. "Yours very truly, (Signed) "JAMES S. ATXSL1E AND SONS." The Head of the Family. To speak exactly, I do pretend to in fluence it, but everybody in my fMii ily Is on to tho pretense and we all lauRh at it together. My oldest child, John, is 22, and he has voted once. I havo always voted the Republican ticket. 1 did it because my father did it before nio nnd because 1 was brought up to think that a mugwump was a disgrace to any family, and it was, of course, out of the question to be a Democrat. So I voted the Repub lican ticket nnd was secretly glad when Orover Cleveland was elected. John voted for a Democrat who was Known to be inferior in every way to the Republican candidate for governor of my state, and he did it just to show his independence. I couldn't help be ing proud of him eveti while I de plored his pigheadedness. The evening before election day 1 bad taken him aside and I had said to him: "John, you are about to en joy the most blessed privilege that an American has if he doesn't hap pen to be a woman paying taxes and responsible for debts and owning real estate yuu are about to cast a vote, nnd 1 hope that you will show your party loyalty by voting as your fa tlier and grandfather did before you, even though the Hepuhlican candidate be the devil himself." And John, who Is taller than I, looked down at me henignnntly and said: "Father, I have a mind of my own and a vote of my own, nnd just to show that a Courtlay is not neces sarily a faithful dog with a collar on bis neck 1 will vote for Mulrennan, al though I do not think he Is as good a mini hs Uradford." "Aro you a mugwump?" I almost wept. "There is no such thing as a mug wump now," said he, "but they were honorable men with convictions who dared thro off the party yoke. Most men of my generation refuse the yoke, father, and you are a dear old moss back and a back number. And I'll tell yuu something else, father. I be liev that by next year I'll vote the Socialist ticket." Yes, that's what he said. Take my daughter, also. I don't mean take her away, because we are not thinking of marriage for her until the Is 22 at least, and she is only 19. 1 am n Clnistiiin. Well, of course, I don't mean that 1 act like one. That would be expecting too much. A fel low doesn't have to net like a Chris tian in order to be one unlets he hap p-ns to le: a I'nitarian. And I am not one. Some one referred to a I ultar'.an the other day u ' neur-ChristUu." an air, and there seemed so much to recommend a suburban life, that I suid : "Oh, very well; we'll see what wo can do here." Then my wife said: "No, I'm sick of suburban life. It's neither one thing nor the other, and as the city is bad for all our throats we'll move to the country. Brother George was saying the other' day there's an abandoned farm not three miles from his place, and it would be lovely there." "Very good," said I. "I'm perfectly agreeable" (and I am). "Let's go and look at the abandoned farm." "What, and be country frumps?" said my daughter. "Ah, I hadn't thought of that," said I, wavering. (I was born In tho coun try, but that was years ago.) Then John spoke up. "The best thing for you to do will be to move to New Haven and then I can seo some thing of you old folks." (I'm not yet 50, mind you. and I feel as young as 1 did when I didn't vote for Cleve land.) "The very thing to do," said I, but that afternoon my wife told mo that our servant whom we havo had for three years (we've thought of exhibit ing her) utterly refused to leave the suburb in which we live, and so we all of us bowed to superior force, and we're living across the street from our old house and I'm still running for trains. And I am also still the nominal head of the family. And I want to shake hands with thousands like me all over this broad land. We might he divorced. Needed All Three Seats. Managers of London theaters are not unfamiliar with men who nro so desirous of comfort that they book an extra stull on which to rest their hat and coat. At the duke of Yolk's thea ter, however, a man at the last mati nee paid for three stalls for bis solo use. lie explained that his comfort re quired i hat no one should share the arms of the chair he occupied, and for that reason he paid for a seat on each bide. On one of them he placed his coat and hat, on the other a bug of biscuits, whirl) he ute during the per formance. A lady w ho w ant d to move Into one of the tbn e seals because it was In a better position than her own Inquired, v.htn (he situation was explained lu her, if It would not be possible to pio side tliti Uiau with a bofu. Woman to Conduct Large Estate. Mrs. Jennie L. Donne of Hrockton, Mass., has been appointed to adminis ter the half million dollar estate of tho late R. N. Packard and also to havo complete control of his large shoe fac tory. Mr. Packard died suddenly without making a will. His heirs were a brother and two sisters, none of whom knew anything about his busi ness. Mrs. Donne had been in the employ of Mr. Packard for a number of years and ho had often spoken of her ability to bis relatives, declaring that she hud more brains than any two men of his acquaintance. Per that reason his heirs asked to havo her appointed and put in full charge of his business. with eve troubles, quick rc- lief by iihiiik I'l'ITIT'S I'.YK SALVK, 2. All druggist wor Mown rdlinH., Buffalo, N.Y. Take time by the forelock. Swift. Ho wise today; 'tis madness to de fer. Young. l'll.KM tTKKII IN O TO t4 DAYS. PAO OINTMKNT In Rimnnitrwl K -nr" an ,"M uf ItchlnK. Hllnil, WliHHiinn r rniiradlng r(h-ln 0 ti II diijn ur money nf unded. MK The words coined in the mint do not increaso our vocabulary. "Do you know of any woman who ever received any benefit from taking Lycha E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound ? " If any woman who is suffering with any ailment peculiar to her sex will ask her neighbors this question, she will be surprised at the result. There is hardly a community in this country where women cannot be found who have been restored to health by this famous old remedv, made exclusively from a simple formula of roots and herbs. During the past 30 years we have published thousands of letters from these grateful women who have been cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and never in all that time have we published a testimonial without the writer's special permission. Never have we knowingly published a testimonial that was not truthful and genuine. 1 lore is one just received a few days ago. If anyone doubts that this is a true and honest statement of a woman's experi ence with Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound write and ask her. Houston, TYmih. " When I first 1opnn tiildn? Lydia 1'. Plnk Imni's Wsotablo ('omnounil 1 wan n total wreck. I lnwl lncn nick for tlin'H years with female IrmibloN, rlironiti dyspepsia, and a liver trouble. I had tried several doctor's medicines, but nothing did 1110 any Rood. "For three years I lived on medicines und thought I would never get well, when I read an advert ismcnt of Lydia !. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, nnd was advised to try it. "My husband got me one bottle of the Compound, and it did 1110 so much good 1 continued its use. I am now a well woman and enjoy the best of health. "I advise all women suffering from such troubles to give Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a trial. They won't regret it, for It will surely euro you." Mrs. Uessio L. Hicks, 8 1 1) Cleveland St., 1 louston. Any woman who is sick and suffering is foolish surely not to give such a medicine as this a trial. Why should it not do her as much good as it did Mrs. Hicks. Thoeratestsmss 4- - 'wtWfg.fcVri Dfthoccnturv. fry'.;- John A. Saber Seed Co.1 Samo crow every Yhoro and yMds from 12 to IS tons ct hay, andlotsofpasturo besides per acre. Clovers Larcest growers Cl Clovors.Alfilla, Timothy & Grass Soad In America. Satw'i CaUtof It'll Chn rant oriel Pint I nk p"1 llihiflnndtlKladlr niiilh.Unlnti-iiiJliil mr !iarnifrri or ri'inlt 10a mnd t''t Iota of ri'mnrkAllo farm .imiilnn, IrirlndllK HUM"!) I Grniui.mifl lift ill tin fnrin tu gut lUrt WHO. LtCKOtflf, WISCONSIN IN ONE DAY Smoker appreciate the qunlity value of Lewis' Sinulo Hinder riar. Your dealer or Iwis' l'aetory, IVona, 111. MONARCH Visible A typewriter without an equal, lkst ma terials, best work manship, ease of op eration and absolute visibility combine to make it the Rest Typewriter TIIK MONARCH TYPE Wh ITER COMPANY 411 Smith i;th Street. Omaha, Neh. Mnn.rnn'S Cold Ilemeily Relieve! tha IieuiJ, tli rout onil lungn nlmnxt hmnerifnte ly. Check' Kevers, Htna DUiiiarijea of the none, tnkt' aw.iy all ai lie aud pains rniiKi'd liy colds. It etiren tirlp and ob Mltiate Courtis und prcvuuts l'ueuiuuula. l'rlee 25 Jlavo you ntiff or awnllen Joints, no rtiat ler luiw thronle? Ask your drugKlut for Munyon'R Kuemnatlsm Itemed aud see linw (illicitly you will tie cured. If you have nny kidney or Madder trou ble ct Muuyou'a Kidney Heniedy. Mtiiiyou'ti Vilallzcr makes weak tiiea trout; aid restores lost (tower. 1)K. MrlNTOSII reletirHled NATURAL UTERINE SUPPORTER iWenlnunmlliile relief. Hold tij all fiiiylral Inntrn. ini-iitili-iilnrsanil li-uiHny (IniKiiUtu In I. nll-1 Stu i';m.i.:i. ( iiiiiIiik Ji unci. sent on nt'plw'uuon. TIIK IIAS'l'ISliS ,V Mi -INTOCM Till MS CO.. tot WuIiiiii Ht.. rinlaili'liiliia, nmiiiiUi-tiirer of triiMHi-ii nnd Mile miikcr ul t Uo gotiuuio btauipod ' Mt INTofll" Hnnpurtcr. ill fAftKERS HAIR BALSAM Clftntrf iA twititic U tub I'rtuuotri ft lriTuriant frmwth. Nvfr Fail! to liMtore Ory jtair 10 ia xommui -oior. Cur tralp riipwi ft htif UUUig. ELECTROTYPES n itri nt rnrlctv fnr Kile nl the lnwi'st priori by . N. kfcl.t.lH.JMtl'i"lKIO., ;an.lrlanilHI.,tklM I.IVK STOCK AND MISCfaUMUIUS I A, You might Bay of "Certainly knot." a legal wedding, DEFIANCE Cold Wafer Starch niukes laundry work a pleasure. I'loz. ki;. luc. Urri Thompson's Eye Walcr N. U., OMAHA, NO. 6, 1909. W. Ask for the s Cocoa this trade- 't Baker0 bearing mark. D on be Refflnternt II. H. 1st. Office misled by imitations The genuine sold everywhere