The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, February 08, 1909, Image 5
1 i V When in UMllHllllllllimnU' 'MMMIMIIMimMIIIMt get your 4 T Spend a Pleasant Hour at The Cosy Corner Plattsmouth dinner at The Perkins House Cuthmann & Cory. Props. 4 TOM TROOP. PROPRIETOR STIRS UP A LIVE ONE Sri MONEY FOR FARM LOANS. If toi Mi Isia lasrtvts' Tim lui. it rtiMuilt rite f lsttmt. Write M. NtDttiT- I SIQBEIKSEN, 208 bwt.s Stwt BUt,, Oatka. ! I Want Column Rev. T,i:iy" Sunday Must Take ! as Well as Give V.ody Blows. I "our every action gives the l:e toi your professed Christianity; you aret their children to witness a hate to Koil your fatherly little story, Mr. Sunday, but the truth is that Ganick never had any children, though h;ijipi!y married -to a French danseue, by the way. ll-mth's wife was his leading woman, while it is. gen erally understood that his daughter was his severest critic and he highly esteemed her judgment. "You say that a certain actress. The Home Paper Gives jroo the reading matter la wiich voa have the greatr In terwt the home news. Its ever welcome visitor to every member of the family. It isue will prove should bead your list of newspaper and periodical subscriptions. 0 . rmrcr ucurV K,.ur..a or ..mocouy : h . , fi . L'on thut tht cttiirt uni rnrriint in !)uuhi.iuc rt-KruinK wallers in jour,,, lt i,ranchefc J j sermon on "Amusements is laise. iou BAILEY & MAGIl THE OENTISTS latest 0!Uicr Bl.l-Ori' DfttlMrt Iftltf turrkfi. Hri u.lpped Deo(e Of fice Is (be Millie Mill. teciti discounts to ot visitom. Id riooi Witcn Hik itiu rnm, OMAHA. NEB. FOR SALE. 1 1 untruthful, as almost every statement tHj tQ y can not imagine w hat sort of a company she had been connected with, but she wa9 undoubted- 1v tinfnrtunntA in rHnnwincr htr invafTA. . tr 1 t... " -t-n- I have repeatedly perjured yourself as a 1 minister of the gospel, while your C. 1. MtRSHtLL, D. D. S. ..Graduate Dentist.. Prices Reasonable All Work Guaranteed Twenty-six Years' Experience umce in r uzgeraia uiock : T1.3 PLiumouih Mock I and Grain Go. I FOR SALE-150 improved farms in i Kansas. Lands for sale in Oklahoma, Texas and Colorado. Improved farms in various counties in Nebraska. Let us know what you wnnt for we can furnish it. Windham Investment Co. BARGANS IN REAL ESTATE -30 acres adjoining Plattsmouth 585.00 per acre. Well improved five acre tract $1000. Eight room house with two acres $900, eusy payment?. A $1250 property for $850. 15 acres well improved on Chicago avenue, $2(500. A 7 room cottage at one-haif its cost on easy Payments. Cottages to sell on $10 monthly payments. Cottages for rent. Windham Investment Co. Have a private wire to all the he 1 market centers including Chicago, New York, St. Louis and Kansas X City which guarrantees the best A of service. If interested call for any information concerning the J market, and ask for our market letter. FRANK COBELM AN. MCR Platts. Phone 45( Coates block. i I JAMES SOCHOR :j: i TAILOR t T X Now has the spring styles of ? merchant tailoring cloths f !j. in stock. Do not !j! jj - wait for 15 YOUR SPRING SUIT 'S( Y until others have ordered ahead X of you. Ee a leader. I am now X 1 using the new French process of J, y dry cleaning and pressing-does y not injure the daintiest laoncs, LAND AGENTS JOIN US-The Kan-! sas City, Mexico & Orient Railway I now has a completed line through i Kansas, Oklahoma and a portion of Texas, opening up a new and rich I territory, comparatively undeveloped. An immigration uepartrner.t is now being organized and active, reputable land agents are wanted. Act quick; write F. A. Hornbeck, Land Com missioner, Kansas City, Missouri. 70 3 WANTED. WANTED-To trade, a fine piano for a good single driving horse Platts mouth Music Company. C3-tf WE PAY $S0 A MONTH SALARY and furnish rig and all expenses to introduce poultry and stock powders: new plan; steady work; Address Big ler Company, X 900, Springfield, Illinois. AGENTS-SALESMEN-The best ar ticlewonderful invention just pat-ented-tremendous seller. $25 a day profits easy. Selling the "Patent aroused the disgust of every true Christian and the ridicule of the out rider who merely looks on." Mrs. Harry W. Smith, daughter of a minister and a bible student, profes sionally know as Jessie Shirley and head of her own stock company, which has played in Spokane nearly four years, consecutively, reads the fore going indictments in an open letter in reply to Rev. "Billy" Sunday, ex-baseball player and revivalist, who viciously attacked the stage and the theatrical profession in a discourse of two hours' duration at the Spokane Tabernacle re cently. After declaring that Sunday probably realizes that he can reach his class of heart n more directly by the use of smut and s'ang, Mrs. Smith says "there is something irresistibly funny in be ing called a 'mut' and a 'lobster,' and when you hear a so-called Christian shriek, 'This whole town can go to hell,' you have listened to the seme of elo quence." Mrs. Smith continues: "If you feel that you must attack the theater to hold your job, look up a few historical facts regarding the sub ject and don't become the laughing stock of all well-informed theatrical You state that not only the but the press condemns the theatre; What do you mean by 'the press".' Do you mean the Christian Advocate and the War Cry, or that mighty poer-the American news paper, in whose columns will daily be found a review of the current plays, with usually an intelligent criticism of the Eame? Or do you refer to the en ormous list of monthly magazines that almost without exception have an in teresting dramatic department us one of the leading features? "Nor does the church in general con demn the stage. Not only the Jews and the catholics, but a number of the Protestant sects are liberal patrons of the theaters, and there is today in America a strong organization know as the Actors' Church Alliancp, designed and organized by a few broad-minded I people. HH"SM,y t I JUST RECEIVED A special consignment of of fine Linen Box Stationary at a special price. 15 different styles at only 25c PER BOX Head," a marvelous efficient device, strongly appeals and quickly sold to grocers, butchers, farmers, hotel men and others. The "Patent Head" is the greatest economy ever offered. clergymen with the object of bringing It means a big saving. Stops waste the church ar.d stage in from barrels. Keeps their sweet and fresh. Clamped it remains there as solid as the barrel I reajzts the immense influence of the Stops waste the church ar.d stage in still closer contents , t0Ul.n, in place "The progressive Christian of today i i i F. C. FRICKE&CO., DRUCCISTS Human Hair "wTSwifch 24 Inches, 2 Ox. ; A or 22 Inches i'j vi. airaigni Greatest bargain i in Hair Good , ever known. Send sample with ' money crder.and we will match your hair perfectly. If not sat- J isiied your money refunded. OMAHA HAIR CO. I Oli Boltc n Oitfl AuillA kirn Rocm303 OMM. KM- 825 itself until released by a simple turn of the key. Positively make the barrel germ, dust and air proof. Agents are telegraphing daily big orders. Hundreds of letters from live Bgents say that they never made so much money so quickly. You can easily clein up $500 to $1,000 the next 30 days. Act quick. Territory going fact. Particulars free. The National Sales Agency, 1219 Onio Building, Toledo, Ohio. (59-0 if $u IT'S VERY UNUSUAL to see such handsome turnouts as goes from Manspeaker'B livery stable. Our rigs are un-to-date, our carriages are swell in style and comfortable to ride in, and our horses are always well groomed, well dressed and well fed. When you want a drive time to Manspeaker's for your turnout. M. E.MAN SPEAKER Jones' Old Livery Barn Seventh & Muin Su. I'lstUmouth, Neb. Return ol U. S. Battleship Fleet. GIBRALTAR, Feb. G.-The home ward journey of the American battlt ship fleet began today, anchors were weighed and with the bands playing "Home Sweet Home," Rear Admiral S perry's sixteen war vessels turned their prows toward the United States. The last lap of the circumnavigating cruise of 45,000 miles was begun. One hour later the ships were well clear of the land and steaming westward in double column at a speed of ten knots an hour. Admiral Sperry has laid his course along the southern route to Hampton Rwds, a distance of 3, COO miles, and about 1,000 miles off the American coast they will be met and escorted home by the third squadron of the At lantic fleet under Rear Admiral Arnold. The American battleship fleet left Hampton Roads Dec. 10, 1907, and when it again anchors in that port Feb. 22 it will have been gone one year and sixty-eight days. No accident has marked the progress of the greatest armed fleet that ever made such a long voyage. The cruise has been in every respect an unqualified success. I The trip has been watched with the greatest interest by all foreign powers, I and wherever the vessels called, South ! America, Australia, Japan, China, Cey I Ion, Egypt and the ports of the Medi I terranean, the officers tnd men have ! been given hearty official and private i welcome. stage, which, having the advantage of effective settings and lifelike represent ations, can and does drive more ser mons home than is possible to the limit ed scope of the pulpit. Preach me a sermon as strong, as touching and as eloquent as 'the Holy City' and 1 will listen to you. "Even in the most poorly constructed melodrama virtue triumphs and vice is defeated. In that respect I regret to say that the drama is not always true to life, for in real life we often see the hypocrite and rascal prosperous and se cure, while the honest man goes under, Still, the intention of the dramatist in meting out the proper amount of punish ment and reward is a worthy one and to be commended. "You say 'take the leg shows off the stage and the theaters would not make their salt.' Wrong again, Mr. Sunday. The life of the average musical show is but a fleeting one and the few that sur vive owe their longer existence to the real merit of the musical numbers and the wit of the text, while the greatest moneymakers have been found in the stronger and deeper plays that live for years and are always welcomed by in telligent audienceF. "I do not claim that all plays are moral. That would be a foolish state ment, but shall we sweepingly condemn the stage because some objectionable works have found a hearing there? As well wipe out literature because there have been obscene and immoral books published at various time, or destroy the church because it has sanctioned many crimes-countless murders, during its career. You say: "The only way to purify the theater is to turn it into something else.' Wake up, Mr. Sun day, you are not living in the dark ages now, but in the 20th century. We have happily passed the period when we could cheerfully burn at the stake any one who did not happen to believe as we did and then justify our crime un der the mysterious work, 'witchraft,' and delude ourselves unto the belief that a long face and a tiresome Puri tan Sabbath had squared our crimes ments. I have been on the stage near ly 15 years, yet I have always been as sociated with ladies and gentlemen of honest and upright principles. Many of them are devout followers of differ ent creeds, and of all the scores of act resses I know I can not now recall more than one or two of whose morality there was the slightest question. "Columns could be written on the subject of 'The Stage,' both its moral and intellectual aspects. The fact that the stage has not only survived the struggles and vicissitudes of its earlier career, its persecutions by narrow minded bigots, its discouragements and hard knocks, but has risen steady above them to become what it is today the greatest institution of modern times, patronized by brilliant and refined men and women and constantly progressing toward a higher standard, seems the best proof of the fitness of its surivival. "Mr. Sunday, you repeatedly say the Bible is good enough for you. It is; it s good enough for any one. What does it say about bearing false witness against your neighbor? What does it say about 'Judge not lest ye be judged'? What does it say about calling your brother a fool? What does it say about Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels and have not charity am become as sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal'? "You profess to be a follower of the gentle Christ, who said, 'Suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not,' yet you banish the little tots from your services. You wheedle $50 out of 'Jimmie' Durkin, liquor deal er, an then with the coolest nerve you openly say, 'I would not have the saloon keepers' dirty money.' 'Consistency, thou are indeed a jewel?' Your every action gives the lie to your professed Christianity. "Probably with your usual courtesy and refinement you will call me a 'yellow dotr.' aB you called the others who ventured to criticise your methods, That is a very easy way of side-stepping an argument; but after all it is not so bad to be called a 'yellow dog.' Surely the little yellow dog who has the cour age to bark at the heels of a humbug is entitled to more respect than the crowd who runs away from the bark "You say you hate the theater be cause God hates it. How do you know He does? Point out to me one passage in which Christ denounced the theater, which was in existence several hundred years before His advent, and I will give $100 to any worthy, charitable organ ization in Spokane. Now, Mr. Sunday, it's up to you." JUST A WORD ENTRE NOUS The News -Herald is equipped to do all kinds of Job Printing and will appreciate an opportunity to figure with you when in the market for anything in our line. No job is too large, for our ability to execute and no job is too small to receive our most painstaking care, we cordially invite the attention of our farmer friends to our sale bill department. This is splendidly equipped for the prompt execu tion of work of this character, and our prices will be found to be as low as the lowest. To the bus iness men, if you will telephone your wants a rep resentative will call and quote you prices an any- t thing you may need. We earnestly solicit a share t of your patronage. Jt. AJ. AJ. J. J. J-tUt-.V'. A...'..X.'.A.!..W- j. A AA4.4..4.4.4-4.4-4"V-V-!-"!!"M-!.- Winter Has Just Begun But it is so late in the season that we find it to be necessary to release some of the money we have tied up in heating stoves,, and to that end are making prices that will be attractive to you. As an illustration of what is being done in the way of price reduction glance at thes four items: Buck's Radiant, No. 16 Buck's Radiant, No. 14 was$55, now... $50 was $42, now.... $30 Buck's Hot Blast, No. Buck's Ventilator, No. IK, was $20, now. . . . 18, was $38, now ... $17.50 $35 You are cordially invited to call and see our stock of goods. You will be treated courteously, and your patronage will be appreciated. TfrnohlW Rrnthore v in UUUV1 Ul VUIV1 u J Farewell Party. A pleasant farewell party was given by the Ladies Auxilliary and Men's Brotherhood of the Presbyterian church in this city Thursday evening in the parlors of the church. The function wa3 in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Chancel lor Phillips and Mr. and Mrs. W. L, Cooper who are soon to depart for new homes. Mr. Phillips will engage in the banking business in some city yet to be selected by him, while Mr. Coop er has accepted a position as store keeper for the Chicago and Alton at Bloomington, 111. The full member ship of both organizations above re ferred to was in attendance last even inn. Toasts were responded to by C. A. Rawls, Mrs. Rawls, Miss Searl, Mrs. Cooper, Prof. Gamble and Mr. Cooper. Rev. Salsbury acted as toiistmaster, and gave each speaker his or her sub ject and a "send off which aided im mensely in the amusement of the com pany. The evening was a thoroughly njoyable one and will be treasured in memory of those who stay as well as those departing. Lectures On The 1 1th. Prof. M. M. Fogg, head of the de partment of Rhetoric of the State Uni versity will deliver a lecture on Abra ham Lincoln at the High School as sembly rooms, next Thursday after noon at 3:30 o'clock p. m. All are in vited, no admission charged. This lec ture is given on the 11th so as not to in terfere with the G. A. R. program. A Farm for $10 IN THE - High School Debate. On Thursday next Feb. 11 at&o'clock p. m. in the assembly room at the with the Almighty. High School Building, will occur the I "It is our glorious privilege to be liv debate between the Plattsmouth High I ing today and reaping the benefits cf School team and the Auburn High! 20th certury progress. You might School team. Subject dated will be ' just aB well talk of abolishing music, "Resolved that Compulsaty Arbitra- literature or any of the arts as to talk 1 tion should prevail in disputes arising ; of abolishing the stage. It has too i b .'tween railways and their employe." j firm a hold on the hearts and minds of , ; The Plattsmouth school will be repre-j those who appreciate its beauties and : sented by Joe Hall, Marie Douglas and realize its tremendous power for good, j John Falter. Admission 15 cents. "You gay Booth and Garrick never Fruit Tree True To Name. I have the agency of the Watrous nurseries of Des Moines, Iowa, the most reliable institution of its kind in the west. Every tree tested in the nursery before being sent out. 1 have dealt in nursery stock for years and can say this stock is correct in every re spect, and prices right. If in need of anything drop me a postal and I will call. Ornamentals of every description. 70-4 C. C. Dksi-ain. Some cigars are only cigars, but Pepperburg's "Buds"are a good smoke 'Always reliable. Sunny San Luis Valley OF COLORADO Free Trip To Examine Land WE HAVE DIVIDED A 54,000-ACUE TRACT INTO TRUCK FARMS CONTAINING 10 TO 1,000 ACRES PER FARM AT $200 EACH $10 CASH AND $10 PER MONTH No Interest! No Tnxest We want a reliable and energetic man- in every town to form clubs of 15 prospective purchasers. We will furnish round trip railroad tickets FREE to onemember of each club to inspect land. We pay liberal commission. Full particulars upon request. Reference Any Bank Kansas City or Denver. or Ranker in St Louis, San Luis Valley Land and Irrigation Co. Bank of Commerce Bldn. 71-8 KANSAS CITY, MO. X