The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, February 08, 1909, Image 2
PLATISHOUTH KIWS-HIRUD R. 0. WATTERS, Business Manager FLATTS MOUTH, NEfiRASKA AS lOLfl IK A LI A eJl-rNG DOWN OF THE NEWS OF THE DAY. MENTION EDIN5MALL SPACE The Busy Reader Can Absorb In a Few Moments a Good Deal of Information. Congress. Tho war depart n.ent wants con press to pass u retirement bill lor civil employes of Hie Philippine government and charge the expanse up to the Filipinos, General Edwards of the bureau of Insular nffalrs an j eared before tho house roininhoe v,l Insular nffalra in advocacy of such ,'i measure. Senator Teller made an extended speech on Senator Bacon's hill quoi Honing the authority of the president to withhold ollleial papers from con gress. Congressman Mondell of Wyoming In a speech In the bonne made a se vere attack on the forestry Horvice. The house locked horns with the Kcnato on the question of automobiles for the. White house nnd refused to accept an amendment to the urgent deficiency bill striking out the ap propriation of $12,000 fur that pur pose. Congressman l'ollard of Nebraska made an argument for federal Inspec tion of train. Tl senate has agreed to vote on the Aldrlch substitute for the Forakor bill February 23. The bouse reduced the appropria tion for balloon experiments to $2511. 000. A bill passed the senate to permit drainage of Omaha Indian lands. Congressman Pollard appeared be fore the Interstate and foreign emu inerco committee of the house in be half of his bill providing for the stand ardizing of grain for export only. The Hei.aie passed the house bill making hundredth birthday of Abra ham Lincoln a le?al holiday. Senator Gamble's bill providing for the creation of a new land district at Rollo Fourche, S. D. has passed loth houses. The house lncoriiated an amend ment In t ho army bill appropriating $750,000 for experiments in aerial navi gation. Organization of the committee of the next house presents a b'g problem to leaders because of defeat for re election of chairmen of a number of Important committees and promotion of others. HUM were passed by the house ex tending the time In which the city of Jlurliiigton inny .construct a bridge across the Mississippi at that point and creating a new land district in South' Dakota to be known as- the Belle Fourche district: Senator Bullion's bill appropriating $15,000 for the nurimso of additional ground for" the postofllee at Beatrice passed, the senate and probably will be attached to the . sundry civil n When that bill reaches the senate. Representative Kennedy Introduced a bill appropriating $100,000 for Urn rrectlHn of a postofllee building at Fort Mad'.son, la. Senator Aldrlch introduced a bill providing for court of inquiry to pas.t upon application of discharged negri roldlefs for enlistment. General. The California house passed Hie separate school bill, aimed at Japan rse, the worst of all, the president Bays. : The two Nevada senators are not in (sympathy with anti-Japanese legisla tlon in that state. There is no Indication that the llll- rois senatorial deadlock will soon be broken. Gov! Haskell of Oklahoma will not resign because he has been Indicted. Senator Cummins is an advocate cf specitle, rather than ud valorem duties' on imports. An Increase in battle efficiency has teen shown by the Atlantic fleet. Captain Qualt rough is reported to have been found guilty In the court mm Hal trial at Gibralter. Venezuela refused to sign the pro tocol drawn up by Buchanan. Speaking to an immense crowd at the race track at Tampa. Fla., Will iam J. Bryan said he brought to the denioirnts of the south a message of t;nod cheer and declared there Is a utoadlly Increasing sentiment that makes for i he growth of the democra tic party in the United States. The governor of Tennessee vetoed the bill prohibiting the manufacture of liquor In that state, but it prob ably will be passed over the veto. The governor of Kentucky Issued a proclamation asking the state to do lienor to Lincoln on his birthday. Captain (Jiinltroiigh of the battle ship Georgia was tried on the charge of Intoxication. The historic coach In which A.bra "ham Lincoln rode to Washington t" be Inaugurated was burned at Sharps ville. Pa. The South Dakota legislature passed a 2-cetit passenger fare law. The state court has issued a. writ of mandamus to compel its observance, and the federal court enjoins officials ,from enforcing It. M. LoopKine, former director of po Ice In Russia has been arrested on charge of high treason. Standard Oil company makes a proposition for a compromise in the suit In which It was ousted from tho rtate of Missouri. Henry Lair, promoter of the white slave traffic, was sent to prison for two years and fined $2,',0it by the federal court In Chicago. Foreign Minister Komura in an ad dress to the Diet declares Japan's policy is for peace and he says anti- Jap legislation will not lead to com plications. There is ihree hundred thousand dollars In sight for an Omaha univer sity If that city will raise $200,000. The Federal grand jury at Musko gee Is expected to bring In at least 100 bills Involving about twenty per sons In lot frauds. Tho Countess Do Losseps, widow of Count Ferdinand Do Iz-sseps, pro moter of the ship canals of Suez, Cor inth and Panama, died In Paris. Compels says he will not stop talk ing, notwithstanding court injunc tions. Presidentelect Taft Is pouring oil on the troubled political waters In Panama. Colonel Cocthals says the Panama canal will be completed by January IS, 1315. rbe lower house of congress met on Sunday to hear eulogies of the life and public, service of tho late Con gressman Powers of Maine. The lower house of the South Dar kota legislature killed the senate resolution for the submission of a woman's suffrage amendment. The California court of appeals In deciding a will case holds that a man's divorced wife Is still his wife, al though she has remarried. The Itiirllngton and Missouri Pa cific have come to an agreement about terminal differences la St. Joseph. Governor Hughes In an address in New York said ho hoped to see the time when legislators are acotintable to their constituents only for their of ficial acts. President Gome, of Cuba has with drawn i he nomination of Rlca.rdo Am auto for chief of secret police at the demand of Vice President Zayas and several cabinet members. Anthony Howard, a car cleaner of Council Bluffs, la., was frozen to death during the late Btorm. A Japanese student who Is a gradu ate of the Imperial Uunverslty of Toklo was driven from the campus of the University or California by a group of white students. President Roosevelt has given his consent to the plac'ng of the head of Lincoln on one of the popular eoin Southern Spain was shaken up by an earthquake shock and tho city of Barcelona is reported overwhelmed by a tidal wave. Trouble between the president and vice president of Cuba over political appointments may lead to resignation of latter official. Xew York Importers are preparing a protest against the attitude of the people of California toward the Jap anese, l oan agents have discovered It will not be safe to loan on Tripp nnd Gre gory county lands until five years from date of entry. Fire In retail district of St. Paul. Minn., destroyed six buildings, caus ing loss of $(100,000. Washington. Recommending that the standard of the different grades of cotton as fixed by them be adopted as the official iassllleatlon of the government, the committee, of export cotton classifiers designated by the secretary of agri culture to assist him in establishing such a standard, have made their re port to the latter. John Norrls, of the American News papers Publishers association sent to the house ways and means committee, a letter wherein he charged that the Irternatlonal Paper company In pre senting its argument for the rotca lion of the tariff on paper, had do lllieratcly misrepresented to tho com niltee the amounts paid by the paper ctmpiiny as wages to paper makers Surgeon Francis C. Nash, who has been on duty at the Naval academy at Annapolis, Is to bo tried by court- martial In Washington February in on charges of having administered im proper treatment to Midshipman Harry W. Stephenson of Nebraska. The supreme court of the Unit States refused to advance on the docket the ease of the Noble State bank of Noble, Okla., vs. Governor Haskell and other members of tht Oklahoma state banking hoard, involv ing the validity of the Oklahoma bank guaranty law. The annual report of the United States commissioner of patents shows that there wore issued xlurlng 1'.0S to citizens of Missouri patents to tho number of 055. or one patent to every 3, 2515 persons In the state; to citizens of Kansas 431 patents, or one to every 3.3KS persons. The Nebraska delegation ami their wives were entertained at dinner by Senator Buikott. All were present except Congressman Hitchcock. The Bulgarlen government sent a note to the jniwers complaining of th uncompromising attitude of Turkey. Personal. Judge J. J. Sullivan took the oath of office at Omaha and accepted ap pointment as Justice of supreme court of Nebraska from Governor Shallen herjer. , F'rst division of American battleship fleet under Admiral Sporry reached Gibraltar Sunday morning. Samuel Gompers addressed a labor meeting at New York In defense of his Pttltude toward courts. Charles E. Magoon. provisional gov ernor of Cuba, Is In Washington pre paring his final report. REFUSES TO PUT HIS SIGNATURE TO CENSUS BILL. OBJECTS TO SPOILS SYSTEM Work that He Thinks May be Done by Congress if the Eight Hour Law is Applied. Washington "The evil effects of the spoils system and of the custom of treating appointments 1o the pub lic service as personal perquisites of professional politicians are peculiarly evident In tho case of a great public work llko the taking of the census, a work which should emphatically bo done for the whole people nnd with an eye single to their Interest." In these words President Roosevelt summed up a message to the house of representatives returning without his approval the bill providing for tho taking of the next census, because of the provision provldln; that ap pointments shall be made on the basis of non-competlllve examinations In stead of through the Civil Service commission. As passed by congress the bill permitted members and sena tors to designate person for posi tions a?tcr they had undergone a simple examination. Incidentally the president referred to the provision authorizing the print ing of census reports by private con- erns and laid stress on the point that where work was so allotted the light hour law should be applied In iTeetlve fashion. Outside of these matters the presi dent said that on tho whole tho bill was satisfactory to him and represent- d nn improvement on previous legia at Ion on the subject. The house idjourned without action on the message. ' The president says he vetoes the bill with extreme reluctance, realiz ing the value of time In beginning the census, but declares it Is of high con sequence that It shall be conducted with extreme accuracy, that it shall not be c;ien to suspicion of bias on personal and political grounds nor to bring a waste of the people's money and a fraud. "Section 7 of the act," he says, "pro vides lu effect the appointments to the census shall be under the spoils system, for this is the real meaning of the provision that they shall bo subject only to non-competitive ex amination. The provisions added that they shall be selected without re gard to political party affiliations. But there Is only one way to guarantee that they shall be selected without re gard to choosing them after competi tive examinations from the lists of cli glbles provided -by the civil service commission." Continuing, the message says: "To provide that the clerks and other employes shall be appointed after non-competitive cyn,"tion. atnl yet to provide that iney shall be selected without regard to politi cal party affiliation, means merely that appointments shall be treated as 1 lie-perquisites of the politicians of bqth parties, Instead of as tho per quisites of tho politicians of one party. I do not believe In the doc trine that to the victor belong the spoils, but I think even less of tho doctrine that, the spoils shall be divid ed without a fight by the professional politicians on both sides; and this would be the result of permitting tho bill In Its present shape to become a law. WEST BOOTS GRIGG BILL Farmers and Others Urge Congress to Pa? Measure. Washington Westerners interested in agriculture are writing to members of congress urging the passage of a bill Introduced by Congressman Griggs of Georgia, appropriating $237,000 for soil Investigation. The bill was re ported back carrying $137,000 nnd an effort is being made to get the addi tional $100,000. Auto for President Taft. Washington. When Mr. Taft be comes president ho will ride In an automobile furnished by the govern ment. That question was settled by the adoption of the report of the con ferees on the urgent deficiency bills, which carries an Item of $$12,000 for the "purchase, care and maintenance of automobiles for the use of the president." The appropriation of $j(lo.0o0 to enable the secretary of agriculture to continue his cammilgn against the foot nnd mouth disease, also in dispute, was reduced to $$150. OOfl and adopted. Refuced Drink, Kills Three. Salina Cruz, Mexico- Play. Uipez, In the Twenty-fifth Mexican Infantry, went on a rampage because the bar tender at La Union Cantina refused to give him a drink, and began shoot- In? Into the crowd. When he had fin- Ished Ihree were dead. Hanning Stopped at Callow. Bismarck, N. I). The hangman's noose was ready and Invitations had been Issued for the hanging of Joe Peltier, an Indian, when notice was received that a new trial had been granted the condemned mum To Publish Tolstol'i Works. Moscow. A local publishing house is planning to bring out the long awaited comnlete edition of the work of Count Leo Teistol. an undertaken that up to the present time La been Impossible. NEBRASKA NEWS AND NOTES. Items of Interest Taken From Here and There Over the State. A sew bank is soon to be organized in Arlington. The hard wind storm played havoc with windmills all over the state. The Midwest Life of Lincoln sells life Insurance to prudent, thrifty and sensible men and women. Write for an agenoy. Orlando Davison, Rock county, was found guilty on six counts for rruelty to domestic annlmals and was fined $200. The annual corn show of Washing Ion county will be held in connection with the Washington county farmer's Institute on February 11 and 12. Fire at Cairo destroyed property valued at $25,000, made three families homeless and damaged adjoining pro perty to the extent of several thou sand dollars. Dr. R. 11. Holyoke, a physician of Lincoln, was found dead In his room at the Windsor-Clifton hotel. H1b death Is believed to have been caused by poisoning. Farmers should all have telephones. Write to us and learn how to get the bcRt service for the least money. Nebraska Telephone Company, 18th and .Douglas streets, Omaha. "Use the Boll." Gory Gates a colored porter In a barber shop at Holdrego was found at the foot of the stairs leading to the room occupied by him over the shop dead. It Is thought he fell down the stairs. An action for $10,000 damages has been filed in the district court of Cage county by John Trsek against Jake Dlvoky to recover for loss of a hand In a corn sheller. Bert Wendt, a roomer at tho Pra gue hotel, Omaha, was found dead In bed. The gas in his room was turned on full and tht; cracks in the door and windows and the keyhole were plugged. The Travelers' Protective associa tion of Beatrice held a largely at atended meeting at tho Paddock ho tel at which plans for the coming con vention, to be held in that city April 23 and 24, were discussed. The "wild" man found north of (lidy was declared Insane by the board and sent to Norfolk, He has only muttered three words in answer to different, questions asked him. "Joe Bohemia, fourteen." Walter B. Rowan, general mnnager (.f the Lincoln Coffee and Splco Mills and a prominent business man of Lin coln, was found dead in nn excavation near the city. Ho had suicided by shooting himself. Thomas Andrews, of Nebraska City, who runs a lunch counter and used a gasoline stove on which to do his cooking, came near being cremated. The stove exploded, throwing gasoline all over the Interior of the building and over him. Fire originating In the heating plant of the Green & Wiley green houses at Kearney partially destroyed several hot. houses. Broken glass nnd old completed what the flames start ed and the damage to the plant and stock is extensive. County Treasurer Lord of Richard son county, has remitted to the stale the tnxes collected in that county In 1008 for the state, amounting to $4fi. 420.18. This Is one of tho largest amounts remitted In one year from Richardson county to the state. Amherst. Mass.. dispatch: David R. Mowry of York, Neb., has been chosen to the "Hardy Sixteen" at Am hercst college to try for prizes of $30 and $20. The men nre selected for excellence ln,debates from the senior course In public speaking. State Treasurer Brian has compil ed a report that, shows the debt of the state of Nebraska, before any war rants for appropriations made,by this legislature have been paid not', to bo $388,1(19.05. considering all the state funds. The Missouri Pacific depot at Glen rock together with four boxenrs which were near, was burned to the ground. An extra train happened into Glen rock Just In time nnd pushed the burning cars down tho track a ways and saved the elevator and other near building. Nebraska furnished the earthquake sufferers in Italy through tin Na National Rd Cross society alone $l,305.3G. This information Is con talned In a statement sent the gov- ernor from the headquarters of the so clety. Considerable wns furnished, of course, trough other channels. Wetenkamp & Schmdor have Just completed a Job of sawing 2,300 feet of cottonwood lumber on Herman Oelshlaglr's farm, one nnd one-half miles south of Walton. The trees were planted thirty-four years ago by Mr. Kldenberk. pioneer, with the ex ception of a few logs that were hauled In by neighbors. Governor Shallenberger issued proclamation which was read In both houses of the legislature on the cele bration of the centennial anniversary of the birth of Lincoln, February 12 He asks that all "citizens of Nebraska display the flag, and assist nil patrlo tie societies and Jnstltutlons lu their efforts to venerate the memory of he lamented Lincoln." Ex-Governor Sheldon nnd family have gone to Mississippi, to remain till midsummer. The handsomelv remodeled Chris t tan church was dedicated at Con '.ral Citv Sunday with Impressive services, conducted by the Rev. Al en Jay. of Indiana, who has been do Heating churches in different parts of he Unltel Stales for fifty years. A buntlon and subscription .was taken it different hours during the day and ihout $3.80o in cash and subscriptions ere taken, $1,500 over and above the amount needed to liquidate all out standing Indebtedness. uuii rami A MEASURE THAT IS APPROVED BY TEMPERANCE WORKERS SOME OF ITS MAIN FEATURES Two Bills Providing for Agricultural Experiment Stations Passed Other Legislative Matters. Senator Miller of Lancaster intro duced senate file No. 209, a bill that has been approved by temperance workers. The bill provides that coun ty boards may grant license upon the application of a majority of the rest- dent freeholders of the town, If the county i under township organization and if It Is not under townshln orean- lzatlon then upon petition of a major- lty of the resident freeholders of the pfeclnct. The applicant must be a man of good character and standing and a resident of the state. The price for a county license shall not be less than $500. Such board has no power to grant a license in any city or in corporated village or within two miles of the same. In counties having 160,000 Inhabi tants the county commissioners may grant or refuse license within two miles of any city In the county. In all cases the power to grant a license shall be subject to the follow ing conditions: When petitioned by not less than 20 per cent of the qual ified voters of the county, as shown by the votes at the last state election. praying that the question of prohibi tion In the county be submitted, said question shall he submitted at a spe cial election, which shall be called In ten days after the filing of such petition and held not less than sixty days and not more than ninety days after filing of said petition. Several petitions may be Joined together and constitute one petition. Ten free holders nre to verify on oath that they believe the signature are genuine. The form of the ballot shall be Against saloons In county." and "For saloons in county" with a square following each propo sition wherein the voter may make a cross. The laws and rules of county nnd state elections shall govern and the expense shall be paid by the same authorities that pay for county and state elections. Important Road Bill, The Joint committee on highways Is preparing a bill that Is intended to be In harmony with Senator Laverty's bill for state supervision nnd state aid In road building. The committee Is revising Laverty's bill, but In addi tion it will Introduce a bill of Its own to create the office of county high way commissioner. Senator Ban ning of Cass, chairman of the senate committee on highways, says it Is de sired to have a county highway com missioner who shall appoint a deputy for each road district. The deputies shall be responsible to the county highway commissioner and that officer shall answer to the county for the work under his control. The county highway commissioner Is to bo the county surveyor or some other suit able person. 8ink's Bill Recommended. The railroad committee decided to recommend John Sink's fifty-car train bill for passage, but It is doubtful -If Mr. Sink will recognize anything more of tho 1411 than the- number and en acting clause. It was not any snap Judgment, that which the raijroad committee took, wnen it deciuetr to 'j.... simplify the bill. It was after four long, veary sitting that final action was taken. In the first place .the bill Is not to be a firty-car train bill at all, but a Blxty flve enr train bill. In the second place the bill as amended will provide that the railway commission may re move this limitation whenever in Us Judgment, the removal of the limita tion Is In line with better train ser vice. City Comptroller Bill. The senate passed the bill which re peals the uct of the Inst legislature making the county comptroller ex- officio city comptroller. In cities of tho metropolitan class. The Commistlon to oC"trol Stoecker of Douglas county would place In the hands of the State Rail wny commission practically complete control over eovry public franchise corporation In Nebraska, and to that end he has Introduced 11. R. 239. It provides that no corporation operat ing under a franchise shall extend that franchise or exercise any of its rights without first having cil.iined the cousent of the railway conums slon. No corporation operating under a franchise shall asslnn. transfer or lease, nor shall It make any contract or agreement affecting Its franchise. Advertlsina Amendments. The bill Introduced by Senator Tan tier of DoiiKla county, providing that the governor shall Instruct the sec retary of state In what newspapers to ndvertle the amendments to the eon situation, passed the senate, tho com bined ferro of republicans, against it making the vote of 19 to 12. It was iMa tan uhlrh the renubllcatis so bit terly contested In tho committee of the whole, because the secretary of uiaiu who bss done thin In the last fow years Is a republican, while, the governor Is a democrat. DRY FARM STATIONS The Lower House Endorses Two Bills for Same The house stamped Its approval upon furtherance of dry farming ex periments for sand hl'l farmers when It indorsed in committee of the whole two bills for the establishment or ex periment stations in the semi-arid re gions of the west and northwest. The limitations upon the location of these stations require that they be located somewhere In Kimball. Scotta Butte, Sioux, Sheridan, Cherry. Keya Butte, Souix. Sheridan, Cherry. Keya Paha. Brown or Rock counties. Brown of Keya Paha pleaded. In asking for the establishment of one of the stations, that It has taken the dwellers In the sand hills twenty-five years to find out what they can grow in those regions. Tho bills carry appropriations each of $15,000. Representative uaiK, in urgln j their passage, declared that he believes the state could not spena money to better advantage than In testing the resources of the sparsely populated, semi arid portions of the west. There is a tendency on the part of a good many of the members to con sider that the establishment of ex periment stations will answer the pur pose of a western agricultural college. Mr. Kelley denies this, however. He says a college Is a college and an ex periment station Is an experiment tlon, and this legislature will leave one platform unfulfilled If it does not provide for a school similar to the Lincoln school somewhere in the west. M. A. BATES Float Reprecentative from Cass and Otoe Counties. Long Hours for Saloons. Nebraska's saloons will not be closed all over the state from 7 p. m. to the same hour in the morning, tho r.enate committee on judiciary report ing to postpone Indefinitely the bill offered by King of Polk to this effect. Insurance Bill Is Killed. H. R. No. 15, by Gates of Sarpy. was put to rout by the house In the committee of the whole. The bill provides that farm mutual Insurance companies had the right to insure detached residence property and lim ited the liability of the members to one and a half times the board rate, nnd that losses could be prorated. The bill was Indefinitely postponed. As to "Dope Fiends." Senator Henry of Colfax does not believe the state should have to take care of dipsomaniacs and "dono fiends." He Introduced a bill repeal ing all acts that had to do with the examination of such persons and pro viding for their care. Want New State School. The Nebraska association for the protection of the blind has drawn a bill for the erection of a new state Institution, a manual training school for the blind. The school Is to be lo cated by the state officers, and build ings are to bo erected at a cost of $50,000. Placed on General File. The house committee on railroads placed on the general file the Evans bill to compel railroads to furnish scales for weighing grain, without recommendation, nnd deferred action on the Sink bill limiting the number of cars In a freUht train to fifty. Miller's Divorce Bill. S. V. 120, by Senator Miller of Lan caster county, is drawn to amend tho divorce law In general In accord with the unlorm divorce law that has been drafted by the congress on divorce Senator King of Polk has a measure that is drawn exnetly in accord with the uniform divorce act, but tho Mill 'r ll, '"odlflcatlon, and while It Is Intended to prevent emigrant di vorces It does not pretend to enact the entire law. For District Clerks. A bill In which district clerks of the state are Interested was Intro duced Into the senate by Senator Ran som. It provides that orders of the courts will bo filed without charge and fixed specific charges for entering all ether papers. The clerks have, had n difficult time lu collecting the money on judgments and other orders by tho court, and In many cases these have never been filed. Tho new list raises the proces of filing other documents so that the chnrgo will not have to be made for the ordur. , . t v.