The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, February 04, 1909, Image 8

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Bank Building. Murdock, Neb. 'Phone No. 99
Tht National Corn Exposition ! Stand up lor Platttmouth.
For 1900. 1 The Weeping Water correspondent t
When the stockholders of the Nation-' the State Journal under dater Feb. 1.
al Corn Exnosition met in Omnha last 1 has the following statement of the
week to go over the affairs of the corn
how held there la3t December, they
What You Like
When You Like
Hut deposit your money
It is possible that you
have never felt the abso
lute necessity of having a
bank account. It is prob
able you could drift along
for years without one but
in this life in a finnrinl
way it is essential that
you have a Hank f Account.
We Rive you a personal
invitation to make this bank
your depository whether
you have a small sum or a
large one to.lay aside for
safe keeping.
Bank ot Murdock
H. R. NEITZEL, Cashier.
Individual Responsibility Over
! The family of H. R. Neitzel left
luesday for a two weeks visit at Platts
mouth with Mr. and F. R. Guthmann
and family.
' Oscar Rikli left Tuesday night ftr
Oklahoma where he will visit friends
and relatives during the next two or
, three week.
Henry Bornemeier and Henry Gake
meier left Tuesday for South Dakota
to look after several farms which they
own near Huron.
We are glad to report that Uev. J.
E. Baumgartner is improving in health,
i although slowly, and we trust he will
soon be up and around again.
The Home talent play "Through
Snow and Sunshine" will be given at
the Woodmen Hall next Tuesday, Feb.
1 9th. Come out and give the young
people a boost.
The windmill and and gasoline engine
factories are doing a thriving business
since the heavy windstorm last week as
at least a dozen windmills were blown
down or wrecked in this vicinity.
; The "Rikli Tigers" Basket-ball team
were defeated for the second time this
convenience due to the storm: be
cause of the blizzard here V, eepinif
Water was without train service and
mails for two days. The rainfall Thurs
day afternoon amounted to about an
inch. The mercurv on Saturday n;or
Take Son lo Hospital.
Mr. ar.d Mr.'. W. T. cf
Mynard took their yeu-.g to iVv ah
Tuesday to place him in h vj tVr
teratnu-r.t. Ho had vlowe. .-! s:vp- 1
licit; and the Uv'. ph v
toms of append;
cian deemed an immediate
sential. lhe manv lrle:v. o: tv !n;
ily trust that he may pa.-s thiv.'ch th
ordeal safely.
decided to double the size of theexposi
tion if possible, or at least increase its
features and broaden its work in many
ways and the capital stock of the associ
ation whi?h U incorporated, was increas-' 'nK was ten below zero
e-J from $."A00O to ?100,0K; the old
board of directors was unanimously re
elected and Omaha businessmen pledged
to go behind the exposition ai an enter
prise which means more to the wct
than any similar undertaking in recent
Whi.'e the Ornaha business men stood
behind the exposition last year and
were willing to pay on sight if neces
sary $50,000 to $75,000 to make it a suc
cess, the affairs of the exposition were
so well managed and the people of the
we t so much interested, that the total
sum which show cost Omaha was just
$25,000. The gate receipts were some
thing over $25,000 ar.d revenues from
other sources about $20,000.
Indications are, however, that the in
terest in the corn show has been so
widely awakened that it will take a
much larger sum to swing the show the
coming year ar.d the business men of
Omaha, South Omaha and Council
BlufTs are prepared for it. They plan
on much larger and better buildings; a
premium list increased by substantial
j additions to the classes as well as in
offering premiums fully as larger for
the grains and grasses exhibited at the
CIeo. E. Dovey, President.
F. E. Schlater. Vice Pres.
H. N. Dovey, Cashier
C. G. Fricke, Ass' t Cash.
in the I
hasten j
season by the Elmwood High School
team in the Elmwood Opera House last J exposition of 1908
v s i mi t '
, wonnay mgni. i ne uoya report a n.ce lt was the Eenso of thc stockho!j,,rs
i clean game, the score being 42 to 2S in j and directors that npcil rtr,tin l.
given at the exposition this year to th
The dance billed for the Woodmen favor of the 42.
Hall Jan. 28 was called olT on account I H R iizc u jn receipt of a phnto.
of the Htortny weather. Rraph which wa, gent to him by (-urt
Mis Anna floihry left Sunday for opitz of Binger, Oklahoma, of the chief
Lincoln where she has accepted a posi- 0f the Caddo Indians, who is 25 years
tion with the Appel Mercantile Co. old and weighs 630 pounds. He lives
Ferdinand Lau is the proud father of ! one miles from Curt's house. The
twin girls and he is passing around the photograph may be seen at the Bank of
cigars to prove that he is a cood fellow i Murdock
John Schwin had the misfortune to
let a pump fall on his hand one day last
week breaking one finger and crushing
two others.
R. E. Neitzel came down from Water
loo, Nebr., Sunday night and spent a
few days visiting with H. R. Neitzel
and family.
The reception at Aug Glaubitz's
given last Wednesday in honor of Wm.
Glaubitz and bride was attended by a
host of friends of the young couple.
The day wa3 spent in feasting and hav
ing a general good time and after sup
per the orchestra started the dancing
which lasted until the wee small hours
of the morning.
Maple 6rove
Sinvlal Correspondence
W. H. Puis butchered his porkers
Fritz Futz spent Sunday at the Wm.
Puis home.
Elhert Bickner will work for Kay
Shepard this season.
L. C. and D. Murray made a trip
down near Union Tuesday.
The children of II. Beck and L. C.
Murray have the chicken pox.
Ed Murray will work for F. J .
Spangler near Mauley this year.
Mrs. T. C. Murray and children were
visiting Mrs. J. L. Young Thursday.
S. G. Tatta and Hjji from Murray re
paired W. H. Puis windmill Tuesday.
D. Murray and family and Ed Mur
ray spent Sunday with T. C. Murray
sura family.
Will Patterson of Weeping Water
was visiting friends here from Saturday
until Monday.
Art Bayless and family returned to
Nehawka Tuesday after a pleasant vis
it with friends in this vicinity.
Mrs. Stephen Bickner and Miss Gertie
Iloback from near Nehawka were visit
ing at the Rusterholtz home Monday.
D. Murray and family were Flatts
n.outh visitors Thursday and were un
able on account of the storm to return
home until Friday.
Mrs. Rusterholtz and daughter Flor
ence and Mrs. L. C. Murray and chil
dren were visiting Mrs. I). Murray
Tuesday afternoon.
For some reason unknown to us re-
vival meetings did not begin at Atter
bein as were announced last week. We
understand they will begin there Feb.
The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
W. H. Puis was christened Sunday at
their home. A number of relatives and
friends were present to witness the
Eight Mile Grove
Special Correspondence.
Frank Love was a business visitor in
Murray on Monday.
Tillie Meisinger the little daughter
of George Meisinger is suffering with
an attack of saint vitis dance.
Fred Beverage has become some
what tired of city life and has decided
to spend this year at home on the farm.
According to the weather record in
Omaha there has been no high wind
and rain at this time of the year that
will compare with the storm of Jan. 28
and 2!lth, as far back as 1873.
small grains and in making plans for
the show these will be tiken into con
sideration, though they were not over
looked at the last exposition. "Corn
Show" will mean as never before, an
agricultural exposition, comprising ex
hibits of the best grains, grasses and
their products which the world produces.
Public Building Delayid.
It is likely to be a year yet before thc
new buildings provided for Nebraska
by the 1903 bill are reached, and it may
be longer. There is a suspicion that
during these times of deficit
treasury the authorities do not
work w hich will increase the drain 0:1
the treasury. The plans for the York
building, which was in the 1!KW bill, are
about done, and wi',1 be ready for ad
vertising soon. The building is likely
to be constructed and well under way
this summer.
In 1906 the public building was heavy.
There are about sixty buildings still in
the list provided for in that building
bill on which not a scratch has been
made on the plans. The supervising
architect's force is limited. Usiair
plar.s made for other buildings is often
suggested, but is not practicable, be
c iuso the plans, even in such ca.-ies
must be re-drawn completely, and it
takes about as much time to make thern
as for new ones. Each building custo
dian must have a set of drawings for
his building.
Send her a post card of your favorite
float. At Nemetz & Co.3
Transacts a General Banking Business
and Kepoot fully Solicits a Share
cf Your Patronage.
Interest Paid On Time Deposits.
Free Employment Bureau.
Under the statutes the Deputy Com
missioner of the Bureau of Labor and
Industrial Statistics is made manager
of a free employment bureau, where
applicants for positions may file appli
cations and where those wanting help
may make the fact known. The em
ployment bureau is thus made a sort of
industrial clearing house. Unfortunate
ly, the legislature has never made
adequate provision for the maintenance
of this emiloyment. bureau, and it has
never been pushed as it should be. De
puty Commissioner Maupin has hopes,
however, of securing the necessary sup
port. In the meantime, he suggests
that Nebraska farmers who may be
desirous of employing farm help com
municate with him, as he is in receipt
of numerous inquiries from men who
want to secure employment on farms
The service is absolutely free, except
that those writing should enclose stamp
for reply. Address all communications
to the Bureau of Labor and Industrial
Statistics, Lincoln, Nebraska.
Reduced Priees
The associated press says, that re
duccd prices were largely the cause of
the fall of $307,000,000 in value of im
ports and $167,000,000 in exports in the
foreign trade of the United States dur
ing 1908, according to a report made by
the bureau of statistics of the depart
ment of commerce and labor.
It is shown that while the value of
cotton exported ir 1908 was $431,000,000,
against $470,000,000 in 1907, there was
an increase of 186,000,000 pounds in
quantity. Raw silk imports last year
: were valued at $64,250,000, as against
! $71,750,000 in preceding year, yet the
j quantity increased by 3,000,000 pounds.
Wool imports fell 40 per cent in value,
but only 24 per cent in quantity.
Peter Cveland in the City.
Peter Eveland one of the progressive
Republicans of Elmwood precinct was
in the city Monday evening on business
and spent the night. Mr. Eveland is a
stockholder of the Plattsmouth Tele,
phone company and came down to at
tend the annual meeting. He cast his
first vote for president of the United
States when he was 17 years old and
has been voting that way ever since.
The News-Herald was glad to regis
ter Mr Eveland among its list of readers.
Merchants Waking Up.
One of these days, and the time is
not far distant, every city and town in
the United States will have one or more
stores in which only nationally adver
tised goods are sold. Think of the pull
on trade such stores, and especially
those that are established first, will
have over the others! General adver
tisers are spending hundreds of thou
sands of dollars each year to make the
public familiar with their products, and
the retailers who handle them are get
ting the bent-fit of the publicity. The
advantage of having newspapers, mag
azines, billboards and other mediums
working to sell their goods without a
cent of expense to them is bo great
that the wonder is that all merchants
have not discovered it long ago.
F. A. Harman, a merchant of Lima,
Ohio, who advertises that he sells na
tionally advertised articles, finds that
the policy not only pays well, but that
it gives his store a prestige that it
would not otherwise have. -Printers
We have just received and have on ex
hibition one of the finest stocks of
valentines that ever came to Platts
mouth. Drop in and see them. See
window display.
WINTER TOURIST RATES: -Daily reduced rate excursions
to California, O'd Mexico. Southern and Cuban Resorts.
HOMESEE KERS EXCURSIONS:-Firstand third Tuesdays
f each month to many points west, south and southwest.
Order ol Hearirg.
State of Nebraska. '
County of Cain. i
11 the matter of thc ca ttle of Jamci bkouma'.
Whereai France Skoumal. on the 1st day of
February A. D. lnjy. hid her petition in this
court alleging that James Skoumal deported thin
ife intestate, in Cant County, Nebraska, on rr
about the 26th day of December A. P. llXK while
an inhabitant and a resident thereof, and that he
was seized and posscssid of Fractional Lot six.
teen and thirty-pine of the quartcrof
the norlh-west quarter, section thirteen, township
twelve, north range thirteen. City of I'lattsmoutn,
ass county. Nebraska, said real estate beinir
listd in the office of the county clerk as lot six
teen, of the value of one thousand (3l.OtO.00)
dollars, and no more: that the said JuincsSkoumal
left surviving him as his sole and only heirs at
law the following namd children, to-wit: Korie
Skoumal. aged nine yeirs. Charles Skoumal. igcd
seven years, David Akoumal, aura four years and
Lucille skoumal, aged two years, and your Del:.
tioner his widow anil that said estate is wholly
exempt from attachment, execution or ntlur
mesne process and is not liable for tho oayment
of the debts of said deceased, if any ho left, and
prayinir for a hearing upon said petition and that
an order may be entered in this court dispensing
with the r irular admtnistrat ion of said estate and
establishing the data of tho death of said de
ceased, his intestacy and tho names of his heirs at
law and for a decree of assignment of said real
estate to the parties entitld thereto.
It therefore ordcrd that said cause be ret
for hearing upon the 20th day of February A. D.
1909 at nine o'clock a. m. in the county court room
in the court house in the City of Plattsmouth. in
said county and that all persons interested in said
estate, including the creditors of said deceased, if
any there be. be notified ot the hearing of jshI
petition by publication of this order in the News-
Hkrald. a legal newspaper published in said
county, for throe successive weeks prior to said
date of hearing and that if they fail to appear and
contest said petition the court may grant the
order prayd for and enter a decree in accordance
therewith as provided bv law
Uatd this 1st day of February. 190i. By thc
Byron Clark. Allen J. Bekhon,
Attorney. County Judir.
SKALl 71
Superintendent Public Instruction of Nebraska.Mr. J. I.. McBrien.
leaving Lincoln and Omaha December 19th. Write G. W. Bonnell,
C. P. A. Lincoln, for itinerary.
Horn Basin and Yellowstone Valley:-On9 of the last chances to
secure good farm3 from thc Government at low prices. Go with
Mr. D. Clem Deaver on the next personly conducted excursion.
He will help you secure one of these farms. No charge for his
services. Excursions first and third Tuesdays.
W. L. PICKETT, Ticket Agent, Plattsmouth
L. W. Wakely, G. P. A., Omaha.
ll .MWIClt f
In County Court.
State of Nebraska,
County of Cass.
In the matter of the estate of Martha Julyan, de
To all person interested
You are hereby notifid that there has keen hied
in this court the petition of bdward Martin, ad
ministraUir of said estate, alleging therein that
this court entered a final decree in said estate on
the 3rd day of January, l'.W. without lpgal notice
to the heirs of said estate nor himself as adminis
trator. The prayer of said petition is that so d
decree be set aside and that said administrator be
allowd to correct an error in his final report,
showing therein that he haa a balance now
amounting to Slw 00.
You are further notified that a hearins will he
had on said petition before this court at the
county court room in the City of Plattsmouth in
said county on the 2fith day of February. 1 !0tt. at
lo o'clock a. m. That all objections, if any. must
be tild on or before said duy and hour of hearing,
Witness my hand and tho seal of said court this
22nd day of January, IUOQ. Ai.LKN J. Rkkmon,
it- IstAi.l County Judge.
Wise Talks by the OHice Boy j:
1 1
You can take my word for it whatever
a fellow hopes to be, he will be, unless he
gets on the wrong car. Whenever I hear
one those worldly wise chaps using
expression, "Where do I get off?
always feel like edging up and saying,
"Put him off at Plattsmouth because he
will then know just where he is going to
get off and we will all know where he is
getting off. We know that he will get
off better than he expected for the
simple reason ,that we are primed
the muzzle with new goods and we don't
care how soon the people know it. Times are improving,
business is improving, people are imtroving, everything
is improving except the weather and you can't improve
that because it isn't made to be bossed. Have you tried
our Plattsmouth brand of M & J coffee? Then you can't
go wrong on.
South Bond Felt Storm.
T 1 1 r r m
j. v . ueasenor ot fcouth Uend pre'
cmct, came down to attend the stock
holder's meetinir of thc Plattsmouth
Telephone company, Monday evening
and made the News-Hkkai.d a pleasant
call, Mr. Keasenor said the storm was
quite heavy in the country. On one
mail rmito thr-rn wnn. 'r. n m,t
j - ..v.w Mllllllllllia IU,
I out of business and on another route
X j there were 17. Mr. lieascnor got up
X just at dawn in time to save his
mill from going over.
Honest, industrious woman wanted to
introduce our large line of fancy and j n 'hat the ii
staple dress goods, waistings. trim-j MuTSl'to"
Legal Notice.
Slate of Ncbranka. . , , n
County of Cans. i In O.unty Court.
In thc matter of tho estato of Amelia Hoffman,
To Julius Hoffman and all persons interest din
said estate:
You are hereby notified that the Executrix of
the estate of Amelia Hoffman, deceased, has filed
in this court her petition, praying therein for a
final settlement of siiid estate, that her account
be allowed and that thc real and personal property
of said estate be assigned to said Kxecutrix as
provided by the terms and conditions of the will
of said deceased, duly probated and allowel by
this court.
You are further notified that a hearing will Ik- In the District Court of the l ounty of Cass
had on raid petition belore this court at the county I Nehrnskn. '
court room in the City of I'lattsmotith. Nebraska, ' Itanii-I Lynn, et al.. Plaintiffs, I M . , .
on the 2.lnl day of February. Usui. t ten o'clock vs. '.riticoor Kef.
a. m. and that ull objections, if nnv. must lie lilnl Andrew al .Defendant. I crev " t,alu-
un iir uvmri' sHKi oiiy ami nourot hearing.
Mimes my nunil anil the seal of the county
court of Ca -s county, Nebraska. this'Mth day of
January, l!i!i. Al.l.fN J. Hi.kson,
!. County Judge
in the court the account of the administrator of as sub kit thirty-nine 39; tho south-west quarter
said estate and his petition for final settlement, j of thc south-east quarter, knownof suh lot twenty
alleging therein among other things that the except a strip of land one hundred thirty-seven
heira of this estato nor himself as administrator I anyone half feel 137 & !t) in width from the
had no notice of the hearing before this court on ; southern boundary of said tract extending aixtv
tho 3rd day of January, l'.Hi. at which time final (Ki) rods north along the west line: nlu.i j ji'im '
decree was entered in this esUte. The prayer of ing a lot commencing at tho north-wesfcorner c'.
said petition is that said decree be aet aside an I j said south west quarter of the south-east quarter
his account as tiled herein be allowed, and that ho j running south twenty (20 rods thence enst twenty
be i discharged as such administrator. i C-Ml rods thence north twenty 1201 rods, thence
Xou are further notified that there will lie n west twenty 20 rods to the placcof beginning.all
m.riiiK utniii fN;u ni-truum unu feililO!l ormrc inks
court in the county court room in the City of i
Plattsmouth in said county, on the 2'th day of
February. 1!KW at 10 o'clock a. m. That all ob
jection, if any, must lie tiled on or before said day
and hour of hearing.
Witness my hand and thc seal of said court thin
22nd day of January. Vm. Al.l.KN J. IIKKSirN,
ti!i-8 IcKAi.l County Judge.
Legal Notice.
Section t Went V. three (2:11 Tnwnshln ten 1 10 1
N rth Rang Thirteen 1 13, all in Cass county.Ne-
This sale Is made pursuant to an order issued by
, the Judge of tha District Court on January 25th
i A. D. l'.HKI. and at said sale said property will lie
olTered in its separate tax subdivisions and also
in gross, and also in several subdivisions suitable
for small places: these subdivisions will lie an
nounced nt thc sale. M. H. Shof.makkr,
' Hyron Clark, Solo Referee.
; Attorney, tid-8
John C. Wharton. Attorney. Room 'l."-Ni-w
York Life Iluildinir, Omahu, Nebraska.
By virtue of a decree of partition of the Pis-
.'''.'irr mTe,'y ')''" U,Ht U",n r't'l'"""-y'-'0th I trict Court of Cas County. .Nebraska, entered in
To Limy Miiyhcc. defendant, tukn nnl iin thul
on ,h' 12th day of January, l'.mfl, Martha Mnyhec. ' Missouri Pacific railroad company
A 1. li.ui -I. ... . .. . .
n. ir. ir.j m n-n u chick a. m.. Ill III' south door
of the com t house in the County of Cus, No
j hraskn, I will otter at public sale the following
I doscrils-d lands: The southwest quarter, of the
: southwest quarter, less one lot in the south side
I thereof, nuinliereil lot thirty-one (.11) containing
seventy-three (.7:11 one hundredth of an acre;
I lot eleven (IP. in the north-east corner of said
iiinu, wing occupied hy the right-of-way of tho
there being
said Court on the 2',lih day of September A. D.
pin and nn order of sale entered in iinid C urt "'i
thc Mh duy of October A. D. j'.i' S in nn action
therein pending wherein Idu M. Krnnipien is
plaintilf. and John H. Krnmpicn and Martha
Krnmpien. Ins wife. Margie I VI. (inllup and John
N. Calluplier hiiKlinnd. Sophia M. Krampien In
competent and Conrad iiauntKartndr.(iunrdan of
Sophia M. Krampien, Incompetent and Julius M.
r lamer Mortagec are ilerendants. ordering and
Court of Cass county, Nebraska, against said de-
rcmtnnt, the object and prayer of which is a
divorce from the bonds of matrimony, for the res-
nciieiennant has deserted the plainlitr
han two years last past, and fails and
ii support nlaintin nH . hi,,...i
etc., amoilK friends, neiehhors ! drunkard, and has treated plaintiff with extreme
c crueiiv.
You are then-fore required to answer said Pctl-
ture a full line of perfumes and toilet l'D.MjVnux iSSC VMK
articles, no eoaps. Should be aide to I "uM- A,H,'HKR- . Martha Mayhkk.
vain v 'i iiiv.iv nLVM.1, LvnilllJj; uirvn
from thc mills our
i, In, m, tT I,.,..,... iirTi.: T .-. ' 7 . .. j ,,- v,hk . naiiier nmnagec are iieienoants, ordering nno
Court of Cau L!n7 M w 1, 'ho. V ,M,rci ' i ,h,,1'.-,"',,;l ''Khty.0no hundredth J directing the sale of the following described reul
and townspeople.
CIVHl) acres in the title of the parties heret i
Also, sub lot five (ft) being the south ten acres off i
the north-west quarter of the south-west quarter,
except lot twelve (121 occupied as ailroad riht- '
of-way olT the east end thereof, being almut
ninety six one hundredths (,9) of an acre; also
lot six iii, neing the south ten II1 ) acres of the
estate situate in Cass County, Nebraska to-wit:
The south half (S.1. ) of the north-east quarter
(N. K.') and the south hulf(S.'t) of the north
half (N.'t of the north-east quarter I N. E.') and
the north half (N. ',) of the south-east quarter
(S. K. '4 ) nil in section twenty-six. (2ii township
weive iiji north of ranife ten (10) cast of the
norin-cnsi quancroi ne soum-west uunrter ex. filh v M l i. mi i.
cepling lot thirteen (13) off the east end of said NOW THKHKKORE. I. l(l,Vtson. the
prices are low and
patterns exclusive. No money required.
Write us for full particulars.
Standard Dress Goods Co., Dept. 9,
71-2 Einghampton, N. V.
Legal Notice.
State of Nebraska, I . , .
County of Cass. In County Court,
In the matter of tho estate of Isaac Julyan. de
ceased. To all persons interested:
You are hereby notified that there has been (lied
lot six l, occupied as railroad right-of-way, ulsu,
a lot sometimes culled twentv-one 21) and some
times called furty-onc (41), being the north ten
acres of the south-cast quarter of the south-west
quarter excepting lot thirty-two, being twenty,
one hundredth (.21) of an acre in the south-east
corner therein, being seventy-two feet wide and
extending north one hundred anil twenty-live
feet: also, excepting therefrom a part of sub lot
ten (Id) olf the west end of said ten acres used
as railroad right-of-way: also, (he east three.
fourths of the south one-fourth of the north-west
quarter of the south-east quarter, being about
seven and one-half acni. and sometimes known
undersigned referee duly appointed tiVhe dis
trict court of Cass county. Nebraska. make
partition of the lands hereinbefore dcsenlicV""
on (he 2lih dav of Februarv A n Imsi u
o'clock in the forenoon of said day at the sop
ironidoor or the Court House of Cass Count
Nebraska, in the cilv of l lattsmonih In u
county and stale, offer for sale nnd sell said real
estate atmve descrilad at public auction to (he
highest bidder for cash to satisfy said decree In
partition according to the terms thereof mid coMs
and accruing costs. Said sale will remain oien
one hour. Jamej) Koumitxon.
"lo Referee.