The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, February 01, 1909, Image 8

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Bank Building.
Murdock, Neb.
'Phone No. 99
What You Like
When You Like
But ilt'it your money
It is possible that you
have never felt the abso
. lute necessity of having a
bank account. It is prob
able you could drift ulonp;
for years without one but
in this life in a financial
way it is essential that
you have a Hank Account.
We give you a personal
invitation to make this bank
your depository whether
you have a small sum or a
large one to lay aside for
safe keeping.
Bank ot Murdock
H. R. NEITZEL, Cashier.
Individual R -sponsibility Over
Albert Strcieh was a Lincoln visitor
lust week.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Crink last Thursday.
Frank W. Zoz is serving on the pres
ent jury in Plattsmouth.
Mrs. A. J. Tool was an Omaha pas
senger last Tuesday noon.
Adam Hilderbrand came over from
Alvo and shock hand with old friend".
The family of Wm, Rennwanz left
for their home in California last Thurs
day evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Shank came up
from Lincoln to spend a few days with
the Westlakes.
Wm. Bourke and Paul Schewe each
had a car of live btock on the Omaha
market this week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Ruge are enter
taining relatives from Avoca and Bert
rand Nebraska this week.
A basket ball team came over from
Market Wheat, 9i)c; corn, 48 and.
52c; oats, 40c; hogs, $5.70; butter, 20c; !
eggs, 22c; cream, 30c; hens, 8c; spring!, I
11 cents. j
The sale last Monday of the Carl
Radtke stock wes exceedingly wt lli.t-j
tended and the articles brought a good
price, especially the chickens. j
Henry Denning took his boys to Lin-1
coin last week to take in the sale of(
pedigreed stock. That U the proper I
way to encourage the boys to stay on
the farm.
Andrew Blum has leased the Kate
Gakemeier farm of 240 acres near
Louisville and will move thereon in the
spring. Mr. Blum's farm of 80 acres
is being offered for sale.
! Some of our readers will remember
! Bert Austin who conducted a Club
! room here for several years. He hasj
I fallen into evil ways as the Omaha
; papers tell of his holding up a saloon
! there last week, getting away with the
contents of the cash drawer something
j like $24 and filling his pockets with
whiskey and cigars he took his depart
ure. He was captured before he had
gone very far and is now languishing in
; jail. We are sorry for Bert as he was
! such a good natured soul but he always
! seemed to have a great dread for work.
The wedding of Wm. Glaubitz and
Elizabeth Thiele took place in the little
chatholie Church at Klmwood last Wed
nesday morning before a large congre
gation of inivited guestsjaf ter the cere
mony these repaired to the hospitable
home of the bride mile north of town
where an eleborate wedding dinner w is
served. The Murdock band was on
hand to discourse appropriate music,
which was much appreciated. The
young couple start out on life's voyage
under favorable auspices as the weather
was fine, and the list of gifts from
friends was large and costly. The
Nkws-IIerald joins in well wishes.
We are more than pleased to an
nounce the probable recovery of Rev.
J. E. Baumgartner from a severe at
tack of pnuemonia. Last week his life
was despaired of for a day or two but
the constant care and attention bestow
ed upon him by the family and attend
ing physician seems to have brought
tion as proofreader in one of the legis- Soakad Friday Evening.
lative departments. Comrade T. W. Glenn called on H. I V
Mrs. Henry Hale, accompanied by j J. Streight Friday afternoon and took,?
her daughter, Miss Colon Hale, came i him out for a walk, for Uncle Henry's, X
health has not been the host nf latp. T
Tho atmnanKiirii waa Rna nrl llta av ' 5
soldier3 tramped as far as Rocky Point X
near the big bridge when the air j
reached the dew point. It was about as I
big a due as the boys had ever been out J
in, and they neglected to take anything I V
in their haversacks to take oft the chill.
There was nothing left for them but to
in from Lincoln last Saturday for a
few days visit with her sister, Mrs. Lcc
F O'n iti! Heacoc. '
Miss Ora Smith of Springfield, is
visitir.g a fvw days with Mi.-s' Ethel
Adams. 1
Mrs. Betts of Avoca, came up Mon
day to be w ith Mrs. Ed Betts who is
quite sick.
Mr. and Mrs. Teckharn, o'.d settlers
of Palmyra, visited at the home of
Mrs. McDonald the fore tart of the
B. F Judkins returned from Wiscon
sin last Saturday evening, after a very
pleasant visit with relatives of a months
Mr. and Mrs. Lubbers visited ih
Havelock, Saturday and Sunday, with
their daughter, Mrs. Poil, who was re
cently married.
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hardy departed
for their home near Ericson Monday,
after an enjoyable visit here with rela
tives and friends.
George Onken sunk a well for Mrs.
Rosallughcs lastTucsday. Mrs. Hughes
is getting the foundation under her
house and the flues rebuilt so will soon
have her new home fixed up nicely.
G. L. Myers is the new agent for
the Missouri Pacific at this point. He
was formerly agent at Fort Leaver -worth.
Mr. Myers, wife and one child
came with him and he will mjve his
household goods here, in the near fu
ture. We are glad to extend the hand
of welcome to this young couple and
trust they will like our little city and be
willing to stay with us for awhile.
Geo. E. Dovey, President.
F. E. Schlater. Vice Pres.
H. N. Dovey, Cashier
C. G. Fricke, Ass't Cash.
Elmwood last Saturday and cleaned up ! bout almost a miraculous recovery.
tiis son uev. &. (Mans) Baumgartner
delivered the regular morning sermon
at the Lutheran church last Sunday and
as his father showed every symptom of
getting well on Monday he left for his
own field of work in Chicago, the other
boys are still here but will leave for
their respective homes shortly,
the local bunch by the tune of 21 to 10.
A large number of our young people
took in the Methodist dinner at the
home of John Gustin last Wednesday.
Mrs. F. R. Guthmann came up from
riattsmouth last Tuesday and will spend
a short time with her daughter and
Maple Grove
Special Oorrmpoudeuce
Will Troop put up his ice this week.
V. H. Puis was a Plattsmouth visit
or Saturday.
H. BecL took a load of hogs to Ne
hawka Monday.
Ed. Murray is visiting rclativia at
Manley this week.
Emmet O'Brian spent Tuesday even
ing with L. C. Murray.
L. C. Murray was an Eight Mile
Grove visitor Monday afternoon.
.Wm. Puis and daughter spent Tues
. lay with Alfred Gnuacmer and family.
John Murray of Plattsmouth made a
short visit at the D. Murray home Mon
day. H. Beck and family and Will Rentier
and family spent Sunday with Chas.
llerren and wife.
Arthur Bayless and family of Broken
Bow, Nebraska are visiting friends in
Maple Grove this week.
H. Beck and family were visitors
Wednesday. Mr. Herren attended the
sale on the walker farm.
Mrs. Chas. Herren and Mrs. G. E.
Fritzpatrick were visiting Mrs. D. Mur
ray Tuesday afternoon.
D. Murray and family and L. C. Mur
ray and family spent Sunday at the F.
J. Spangler home near Manley.
of Mrs. Brendel's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Jameson.
Mrs. J. W. Berger and Mrs. Chas. E.
Carrol were Omaha passengers Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ost have return
ed from an extended trip to California.
J. B. Seybolt shipped a car load of
hogs to the South Omaha market Mon
Mrs. A. J. Stokes and Mrs. J. C.
Snarely were Omaha passengers Satur
day evening.
Oliver Slinwitty who is employed at
the farm of Chas. D. Spangler, spent
Sunday in Plattsmouth.
Sam O. Pitman and wife attended
the Elk'B dance Wednesday evening 'of
last week at Plattsmouth.
John H. Farris and J. W. Edmunds
attended the public sale of Chancellor
Phillip at Plattsmouth Wednesday.
Mrs. W. S. Smith delightfully enter
tained at a seven course dinner Mon
day and Tudcsday evening of this week.
W. F. Wenke and family of Norfolk,
are visiting at the home of J. H. Cook.
Mrs. Wenke being a sister of Mr. Cook.
W. G. Bocdeker and wife and Miss
Ida Boedeker were passengers Wednes
day, going up to attend the Elk's dance,
Miss Boedeker departed from Platts
mouth to Macedonia, Iowa, for a week's
visit with relatives.
From the ( o.irier.
Mrs. E.G.Lewis visited at Lincoln this
Mrs. W. E. Gess is reported quite
seriously ill.
James Stander was at Plattsmouth
Tom Parmele wa-s at Chicago
forepart of the week.
George and Charles Reichart were at
Plattsmouth Monday on business.
ueorge r rater was a business pas
sengers to Omaha Monday morning.
August Panska is at the county seat
serving as a juryman in district court.
Mrs. W. T. Starkey and children
visited at South Bend the forepart of
the week. '
Charley Spence was down from
Havelock the foreport of the week vis
iting with his family.
Mrs.-George Waldron was at Omaha
Monday visiting her husband who is in
the hospital. .
Nelson Dewey waa over from Spring
field Monday night and took a degree
in Oddfellowship. ' .
George Frampton, of Taupa, Okla
homa, came in this week for a visit
with relatives and old-time friends,
Mrs. T. Tennant and Bessie Waldron
went to Omaha Wednesday to visit
their father at the hospital.
J. E. Gullion of Greenwood spent
Sunday here with relatives and went
to Plattsmouth Monday morning to
serve on the jury.
Ceorge Wood, James Alloway and
Will and August Ossenkop went to
Plattsmouth Wednesday in Ossenkop &
Blake's automobile.
walk the chill ofT. They turned their
steps homeward, and when they crossed
lower Main street on the return march
the water was half way to their knees,
but they had the belief it was warm, so
that it did not injure them in the least.
When they arrived home there was
not a dry rag on them, and it dues not
appear who told them to get in out of
the wet.
Will Visit Mexico.
C. C. Parmele, Frank Schlater, A. S.
Will and Fred Eger.berger will depait
tomorrow morning for Old Mexico,
whither they go to look forlar.d invest
ments. They go to El Paso, Texar,
and cross over to Mexico at that point,
intending to look at a tract of land ju;t
across the border. Their objective
point, however, is in tho sub-tropical
country, and after looking at the coun
try around Torruon, they will go direct
to Mexico City, and then plunge into
the tropic?.
They expect to be gone about a month,
and will beyond doubt have a very en
joyable trip.
Fruit Treo True To Name.
I hae the agency of thi; Watrixjg
nuricrifS ot vva Moines, Iowa, tl e
most reliable institution of its kind in
the west. Elvery tree tested in the
nursery before being sent out. I have
dealt in nursery stock for years and can
say this stock is correct in every re
spect, and prices right. If in need of
anything drop me a postal and I will
call. Ornamentals of every description.
0-4 C. C. Dsspain.
Transacts a General Banking Business
and Repectfully Solicits a Share
of Your Patronage.
Intsrest Paid On Time Deposits.
Order ol Hearing.
Slate of Nibraka. 1
County of Cans. '
In tho matter of the eu'a'.c of James Skouina ,
When as Franco Pkoumal. on the 1st day of
February A. I). lCW. Hlird her petition in this
court aliening that Jamet Skounal departed this
life intestate, in La County. JVfbrapka. on ir
about theUHh day of December A. I). I9li. while
an inhabitant and a resident thereof, and that he
was seized and posKcsht-d of Fractional Lot six
teen anil thirty-pine of the south-east quurtcrof
the north-west quarter, section thirteen, township
twelve, north range thirteen. City of 1'luttsmuutn,
Cass county, Nebraska, said real estate living
listed in the office of the county clerk a lot six
teen, of the valuo of one thousand (1.(100.00)
dollars, and no more: that the said JamesSkoumal
left surviving him as his sole and only heirs et
law the following named children, to-wit: llo ie
Skoumal. aired nine years. Charles Skouman, aged
seven years. David Skoumal, aged four years aid
Lucille Skoumal, axed two years, and your net.
tioner his widow and that said estate is wholly
exempt from attachment, execution or othir
mesne process and is not liable for the payroll t
of the debts of said deceased, if any he left, aid
praying for a hearing; upon sa d petition and that
an order may be entered in thiscoort dispensing
with the regular administration of said estate and
establishing the date of the death of said de
ceased, his intestacy and the names of his heirs at
law and for a decree of assignment of said real
cstato to the parties entitled thereto.
It ia therefore ordered that said cause be ret
for hearing upon the 20th day of February A. D.
1IM9 at nine o'clock a. m. in the county court room
in the court house in tho City of Plattsmouth, in
said county and that all persons interested in said
estate, including the creditors of said deceased, if
any there be, be notified of the hearing of sa d
tit ion by publication of this order in the Nuwa-
erald. a legal newspaper published in aaid
county, for three successive weeki prior to aaid
date of hearing and that if they fail to appear and
contest said petition the court may grant the
order prayed for and enter a decree in accordance
therewith as prowled by law
Dated this 1st day of February, 1909. By the
Br kon Clark. Ai.lrn J. Bi:ion.
Attorney. County Judge.
SkalI 71
WINTER TOURIST RATES : Daily reduced rate excursions
to California, Old Mexico. Southern and Cuban Resorts.
HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS:-First andthird Tuesdays
of each month to many points west, so ath and southwest.
Superintendent Public Instruction of Nebraska.Mr. J. I. McBrien,
leaving Lincoln and Omaha December 19th. Write G. VV. Bonnell,
C. P. A. Lincoln, for itinerary.
Horn Basin and Yellowstone Valley: One of the last chances to
secure good farms from the Government at low prices. Go with
Mr. D. Clem Deaver on the next personly conducted excursion.
He will help you secure one of these farms. No charge for his
services. Excursions first and third Tuesdays.
W. L. PICKETT, Ticket Agent, Plattsmouth
L. W. Wakely, G. P. A., Omaha.
Lgal Notice.
In County Court.
H. Beck and family wont to Weemnir !
Water Saturday, where they spent the from the Ledger
day with Robert Jameson and family. Aubrey Davis has been very sick
Chas. Herren and wife went t, l far several days, but favorable eondi-
ty Wednesday. Mr. Herren attending ! tions wcre rt,P0,,ted last evenin'p.
the Phillip's sale while Mrs. Herren! James Comer of the vicinity of Avoca j Helves.
spent tne day with her sister in that n,a(lc several days visit with his Union
vicinity. j friends, returning home Tuesday.
Kevial Meeting's will began at Utter-1 L. G. Larson of Plattsmouth came
tein today. Every one should attend. ! 'own Wednesday to visit his daughter,
An Evangelist will have charge of these ! Mrs- R & Foster, southeast of town.
meetings and
may be done.
it is hoped much good
Special Correspondence
Miss Zetta Brown visited in Omaha
over Sunday with friends.
Mrs. W. C. Brown will entertain at
cards Wednesday afternoon,
Arthur L. Baker wag a business vis
itor in Plattsmouth Wednesday,
u Dr. J.;F. Brendel and wife spent
Sunday in Weeping Water, the guests
L. II. Simmons and wife came down
Tuesday night from Omaha to make a
visit with their Union relatives and
T. G. Barnum was a passenger to
Omaha on the Monday evening train,
having a shipment of stock at the South
Omaha yards.
Miss Meyrl Mark of Nehawka came
Tuesday for a few days visit her aunt,
Mrs. W. H. Mark, who has been very
ill several days.
Miss Carrie Banning returned to Lin
coln on Monday, where she has a post-
Nebraska Farmer Editor Talks
Regarding Contest.
To the editor of the News-Herai.d:
I consider the subscription rally in
which will be given away a five passen
ger, 22-II. P. Buick automobile, a fine
piano, and other prizes, the biggest
event 01 tne Kina ever pulled oit in
this state. I do not know of a contest
ever having been held in which the
prizes were so liberal, or the competi
tion so fair between all contestants. I
can say for the automobile that it will
be as fine a machine as $1500 will buy,
and is cspecilly suited to use on country
I do not want your readers to lose
sight of the fact that the opportunity
which is afforded them to procure the
Nebraska Farmer and the News-Hkr-ai.d
at the very low price of $2.00 is
one of which they should uvail them-
The Nebraska Farmer is being
used as a text in many hundred schools
in Nebraska, and for this reason, if for
no other, I think that every farmer
should have the Nebraska Farmer in
his home where it'may be read and
studied by the children in the rural
To the contestants I would suggest
that the old adage, "The early bird
State of Nebraska. '
County of Caro. I "
In the matter of the eatate of Martha Julyan, de
To all penton Intereatrd:
You are hereby notified that there nan been filed
in thia court the petition of Ldward Martin, ad
rriniatratar ot said eitato. alleging therein that
thia court entered a final decree in aaid eittate on
tho 3rd day of January, liwx. without legal notice
to the neira or aaid estate nor himnclr aa adminis
trator. Theoraverof aaid Detition ia that aaid
decree be aet andc and that aaid administrator be
allowed ts correct an error in hia final report,
howinir therein that he has a balance now
amounting to lioti 00.
You are further notified that a hearing will be
had on raid petition before thia court at the
county court room in the City of Plattsmouth in
aaid county on the 2Kth day of February. l'.KW, at
in o'clock a. m. That all objections, if any. must
be filed on or before aaid day and hour of hoannir.
Witnesa my hand and the aeal of aaid court thia
ZZnd day or January, 1909. Aixkn J. Hkkhon,
tiil-H Iskm.i County Judge.
Legal Notice.
State of Nebraska, ' ..., ,..,
County of C-asa. m' In Counly Court.
In the matter of the cstato of Amelia Hoffman,
To Julius HolTman and all persona Interest d in
said estate:
You are hereby notified that the Executrix of
the estate of Amelia Hntlman, deceased, has tiled
in thia court her petition, praying therein for a
final settlement of said estate, that her account
tie allowed and that the real and personal nmnerty
of aaid estate be assigned to said Executrix as
provided by the terms and conditions of the will
of said deceased, duly probated and allowei by
this court.
You arc further notified that a hearing will lie
had on snid iietition before this court at the county
court room in the City of t'lattsmouth. Nebraska
on tho iinl day of February. l'.Wit, at ten o'clock
a. m. and that all objections, if any, must lie tiled
on or before said day and hour of hearing.
Witnemy hand and tho seal ot the county
court of Cass counly, Nebraska, this 20th day of
January, ll'i.). Al.LKN J. Hkkhon.
6!)-S Iskai.I Counly Judge
pts .ev ttmaammmommmmcmmumKmmmmmmnmmammBmKmmmmm
Wise Talks by the Office Boy i
You can take my word for it whatever
a fellow hopes to be, he will be, '.unless he
gets on the wrong car. Whenever I hear
one those worldly wise chaps using that
1 T i .0011 T
expression, vvnereao i gei on: i r
always feel like edging up and saying, X
am . m .via.. .11 9
rut mm ou at riattsmoutn oecause ne
will then know just where he is going to
get ofT ar.d we will all know where he is
getting ofT. We know that he will get
off better than he expected for the
simple reason that we are primed
to the muzzle with new goods and we don't
care how soon the people know it. Times are improving,
business is improving, people are imtroving, everything
is improving except the weather and you (an't improve
that because it isn't made to be bossed. Have you tried
our Plattsmouth brand of M & J coffee? Then you can't
go wrong on.
in the court the account of the administrator of as sub lot thlrty-nino 30): the south-west quarter
said estate and hia petition for final settlement, of the south-east quarter, known of aub lot twenty
alleging therein among other things that the except a strip of land one hundred thirty-aeven
heira of thia estate nor himself as administrator 1 any one half feet (1117 &!,) in width from the
had no notice of the hearing before this court on , southern boundary of said tract extending aixty
the 3rd day of January. 1908. at which time final (ti'i) rods north along the west line; also, except
decree waa entered in thia eatate. The prayer of ing a lot commencing at the north-west corner of
aaid petition ia mat said aecree oe aet asute an i : raid south west quarter of the south-east
To I.inxy Mnyliee, defendant, take notice that
on the 12lh day of January, l'.mi), Martha Maybee,
plaintiff herein, filed her petition in the Cistrict
Court of l ass county, Nebraska, against said de
fendant, the obiect and prayer of which ia a
divorce from the bonds of matrimony, for the rea
son that the defendant has deserted the plaintiff
tor more than two years last past, and fails and
hia account as filed herein be allowed, and that he
be discharged as auch administrator.
You are further notified that there will lie a'
hearing upon aaid account and petition before thia
court in the county court room in the City of ,
1'lattamoulh in aaid county, on the 2rith day of 1
February, 'm at 10 o'clock a. m. Ihal all ob
jection, if any, must be filed on or before said day
and hour of hearing.
Witness my hand and the aeal of said court thia
22nd day of January. I'M. Al.l.FN J. lltKSON.
ti-S IcealI County Judge.
Legal Notice.
In the District Court of the County of Caxs, ;
Nebraska. j
Daniel Lynn, el at.. Plaintiff. I N(.(,c of
Andrew Lynn. -t nl .IVfendiint. Sule. ;
Notice is hereby given that upon February 20th
A. D. l'JHU at ten o clock a. m.. at th south door
of the court house in the County of Cass, Ne
braska. I will oil or at public sale the fullowing
descnlied land: Tho southwest quarter, of tho
southwest quarter, less one lot In the south side
thereof, numbered lot thirty-one (.11) containing
seventy-three (.7:0 one hundredth of an ncre;
lot eleven (111, in the north-eat corner of said1
land, being occupied by tho right-of-way of the
Missouri i'acitic railroad company, there being
ubout thirty-eight and eighty-one hundredth
CW.81) acres in the title of the parties herct .
Also, aub lot live (51 being the s"uth ten acres off
the north-west quarter of the south-west quarter,
except lot twelve U) occupied as milroad riirht-
of-way off the east end thereof, being about
running south twenty (20 rods thence enst twenty
("Jul rod thence north twenty (201 rods, thence
went twenty 20 rods to theplaceof beginning. all
n Section twenty-three IgsJ. Township ten 1 10 1
N. rth liange Thirteen 113. all in Casa county, No
braska. Thia sale is made pursuant to an order Issued by
the Judge of the District Court on January 2Mb
A. D. 1!(09, and at aaid sale said property will lie
offered in its separate tax subdivisions and also
in gross, and also in several subdivisions ruitable
for small places: these subdivisions will be an
nounced at the sale. M. H. Siiokmakkr.
Byron Clark, Sole Referee.
Attorney, (19-8
Caicnes me worm IS anpllcaDle in lni8 refused to support plaintiff, and Is an habitual ninety mn one nunnmiina i.; m an acre: also
, . . . . drunkard, and has treated plaintiff with extrema i ' ' "".Being uiesouin ten UH
luiui-at ouu nit; uiivs wilt) gel uui aim
begin hustling; at once and contin
ue to hustle from early until the con
test closes will be the ones who will
win the prizes. Yours very truly,
Nkhraska Farmer Company.
S. R. McKelvie, Editor and Manager.
Something new ih 'post ' cards every
week. Nemetj & Co. next to V.O.
You are therefor required to aniwrr aaid peti
Hon on or before March lit, I'.W.I.
Dated January 2l, 1909.
By M. Aai HKa. Martha Mayrkk.
hei attorney. 71-8 plaintiff.
Ltfal Notict.
KXToZW Count, Curt.
In the. matter of tha estate of Isaac Julyan, de-
To all persons Intereated:
You an hereby notified that than tiki beep flltd
John C. Wharton. Attorney. Room Slo-
lurk Life Uuilding, Omaha, Nchrnnko.
Hv virtue of a derive of partition of tho Dis
trict Court of t'nss County, .Nebraska, entered in
saidTourt on the 2!th diiy of Si ptemls-r A. D.
lui!" and nn order of sale entered in said C urt on
the Mh day of October A. D. l'l 'S in an action
therein pending wherein Idn M. Krnmpien ia
plaintiff, and John H. Krampicn and Martha
Krnmpien, his wife, Mntntie M. tiallup and John
N. Calluphrr hii'hund. Sophia M. Krampicn In
competent and Conrad Kauingnrtner.liuiirdian of
Sophia M. Krampicn, Incnnnietent and Julius M.
Flagler Mortagee are defendants, ordering and
directing the rale of the following described real
estate situate in Ca County, Nebraska to-wit:
The south half tS.'. I of the north-east quarter
(N. E.' and the south halfS.', of the aorth
half IN '.Oof the north-east quarter (N. E.')and
the north half t.N. of the south-east quarter
IS. E. I sj) in spclinn tvu.nlu-.i I'UI (n.n.hin
) acres nf the I tttrnlv. It'll M.,tk ... . int !..
north-east quarter of the south-west quarter ex- tith I'. M. in Cass county, Nebraska,
ceptina ; lot thirteen (U) off the east end of aaid NOW THKREr'ORE. I.Jamca Robertson, tha
lot six tbl, i occupied as railroad right-of-way. also, undersigned referee duly appointed by the dia
a hit ixmietimra called twentyont) 21) and aome-1 trict court of ( ass county. Nebraska, 1.make
time, called forty-one Ml), being the north ten partition of the lands hereinbefore descrlbSLwill
acre of the south-east quarter of the south-west on the 24th day of February A. D. 19 alAen
V !o i " T l K twenty- o ciock in tne forenoon of said day at the aouu
num.,.,,! 1.1.0 an cre in tne aouin-east , front door of the Court
corner mcrein, im seventy-two ieci wide and Nebraska. In the citi
extending north one hundred and twenty-five county and state. offer i
IIS iioTCIh.--? .-J TV mV."rt or ub Intiestat. above described at public auction t the
VhTXtJhZiJJ!.,Ti.ihn: "V"'0" to th terma thereof and coata
vnma bwui Hltnnur. JlUa HAllrlTlnN.
February A. U. 1W9 at Aen
in nf said day at the aouC. y
iurt House of Casa Caonty.v
ly of Plattsmouth in aaid
r for (ale and sell aaid rent 1
ren and one-half atr, and aometimei known 17-10