The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, February 01, 1909, Image 5

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H"HI1 Ij
L .... ........
nen in i'lattsmoutn get your T
rtinner nt T I
The Perkins House I f
Guthmann & Cory, Props.
' j ' .
Hit. . .1,.... ipr.v,. Tvm B. I Vatlt .111111. I I
I uni, ii rtauDtM nil si utirtil. Write UZ I vwihiiih
208 bHn Start BiJg.. Oath.
latest ilttf fll:-Gr if DfMI try Itmt-
Me met. Bct iniopf d ltfHtt Of
fice li the M4dir Hett.
ecciti Ciacouma tc city iitom
M floor t-aniun Hik .iMi. A Karutm, OMAHA. NEB.
C. . MIRSHUL, D. D. S.
..Graduate Dentist.
Prices Reasonable
All Work Guaranteed
Tw enty-six Years' Experience
uince in t'lizgeram uiock
Human Hair
24 Inches, 2 Oz.
A or 22 Inches
Aft Af 2 ,Oi. Straight ,
Greatest bargain I
V& in Hair Goods!
ever known. Send sample with
money order, and we will match
your hair perfectly. If not sat- J
isfied your money refunded.
4. 5-5;'M,,HM,J,';,;"3fr-VM--!5". j-
I TUii Fldttsmouin Stock I
I and Grain Go. !
Have a private wire to all the
Market centers including Chicago.
rNew York, St. Louis and Kansas
City which guarrantees the best
of service. If interested call for
any information concerning the
murket, and ask for our market
Platts. Phone 45, Coates block.
Now has the spring styles
of f
merchant tailoring cloths -j-in
stock. Do not X
wait for
until others have ordered ahead !
of you. Be a leader. I am now .j.
using the new French process of T
dry cleaning and pressing-does y
not injure the daintiest fabrics.
It pays to feed it - especially
at this time of the year.
Thee are the five best brands
on the market today. Sold by
to see such handsome turnouts as
goes from Manspeaker's livery
stable. Our rigs are up-to-date,
our carriages are swell in style
and comfortable to ride in, and
horses are always well
roomed, well dressed and well
l'i. w nen you want a drive
come to Manspeaker's for your
Jones' Old Livery Uarn
Seventh & Mnin St. Plattumoutli, Neb.
Spend a Pleasant Hour
The Cosy Corner
rOK SALE-Two or three loads of
seasoned hedge post-10 and 15 cents
each.-Wm. Gilinour, route 1, Plntts
mouth, Neb. 70 2
FOR SALE 150 improved farms in
Kansas. Lands for sale in Oklahoma,
Texas and Colorado. Improved farms
111 various counties in Nebraska. Let
us know what you want for we can
furnish it. Windham Investment Co.
acres adjoining Plattsmouth SN5.00
per acre. Well improved live acre
tract $1000. Eight room house with i
two acres S9J0, easy payments. A I
$1250 property for $850. 15 acres well 1 Miss Mary Sharp has gone to Omaha,
improved on Chicago avenue, ?2t'00. j where she w ill take a course in a busi
A 7 room cottage at one-half its cost . ness college.
on easy Payments. Cottages to sell
on $10 monthly payments. Cottages !
for rent. Windham Investment Co. 1
sas City, Mexico & Orient Railway
now has a completed line through
Kansas, Oklahoma and a portion of
Texas, opening up a new and rich
territory, comparatively undeveloped.
An Immigration Department is now
being organized and active, reputable
land agents are wanted. Act quick;
write F. A. Hornbeck, Land Com
missioner, Kansas City, Missouri.
WANTED-To trade, a fine piano for
a good single driving horse Platts
mouth Music Company. C3-tf
our interest in Cass and adjacent
counties. Salary or Commission. Ad
dress Lincoln Oil Co., Cleveland, O.,
Chicago .Mail Order House to distrib
ute catalogues, advertise, etc., $25.00
a week. SGO.OO expense allowance bers of the board Wednesday. A gen
firsr month. No exiierience renuired. I erpl inspection of the bridges of the
Manager Dept. 500, :W5 Wabat,h Ave.,
Chicago, Illinois.
AGENTS-SALESMEN The best article-wonderful
invention just pat-ented-tremendous
seller. S25 a day
profits easy. Selling the "Patent
Head," a marvelous efficient device,
strongly appeals and quickly sold to
grocers, butchers, farmers, hotel
men and others. The "Patent Head"
is the greatest economy ever offered.
It means a big saving. Stops waste
from barrels. Keeps their contents
sweet and fresh. Clamped in place
it remains there as solid as the barrel
itself until released by a simple turn
of the key. Positively make . the
barrel germ, dust and air proof.
Agents are telegraphing daily big
orders. Hundreds of letters from
live ugents say that they never made
so much money so quickly. You can
easily clem up $5(10 to $1,000 the
next !!0 days. Act quick. Territory
going fact. Particulars free. The
National Sales Agency, 1210 Ohio
P.uildinir. Toledo. Ohio. i9-6
A Cood Sale.
Chancellor Phillips' sale amounted to
about $;5000. One young brood mare
brought $250.00. Who said the auto
mobile would ruin the sale of horses?
League Social Postponed.
The Epworth League social which
was to have occurred Friday evening
at the home of Roy and Lillian Thomp
son has on account of the inclemency
of the weather been postponed until
next Friday.
Commercial Club To Meet.
The News-Herald is in receipt of
the report of the proceedings of the
Fourth annual convention of Commer
cial clubs of the state which met at
Grand Island last year. It comes in a
neatly printed phamplet of 50 pages.
The secretary Mr. A. F. Buechler ex
presses the hope that the Plattsmouth
Commercial club will be represented at
the next annual meeting which occurs
at Norfolk on the 17th of March.
I Union Waking Up.
i The following from the Union Ledger
; would seem to indicate that our south- j movements of the prices of grain stocks
1 em neighbors are arousing to the neces-j or provisions, nlso the receipts of live
( sityjeoncerted action in things munici-: stock, and the movements of all kinds
pal. j of commercial commodities, ns well as
"This town needs a lighting plant, the conditions of the growing crops,
waterworks and a town hall, and it is The wire service of the company is un
time now to begin the work of securing surpassed.and their facilities for the ex
one or all of those things as a part of ! ccution of orders excellent. Mr. Gobcl
our spring improvements. The only ' man is a very agreeable gentleman and
way to get them is to get together will look after the interests of the cus
and pull together. Why not get busyltomer which shall be entrusted to his
now 1
Items ot Interest Concerning
People You
I Hon. H. A. Schneider made a busi- (
! ness trip to Lincoln Wednesday. 1
t Tf"riTit iou Ijiva-r Hninli i i
v- vv-wn, t.-i ii iivii 'uiaun
and spent Sunday with hs family.
Mrs. B. Seidlitz has gone to Wood- i
; bine, Iowa, for a visit with relatives.
A. A. Wetenkamp made a business
trip to Fairmont the first of the week.
Col. Robert Wilkinson departed for
his home at Berlin Thursday morning.
Miss Carrie Allison of Murray left
for Norfolk to visit relatives Wednes
day. Mrs. Henry Lahoda went to Lincoln
Saturday to spend Sunday with rela
tives. Mrs. J. W. Crabill is spending sev
eral days visiting with relatives in
Mrs. J. W. Johnson went to Lincoln
last eek and will visit her sons for a
few days.
J. F. Bock, of New Castle, Wyo..
the guest of his father John Bock
this city.
William Volk left Tuesday for Pekin,
Illinois, on business connected with the
estate of his father.
Mrs. Fred Ramge and daughter,
Edith, are visiting with friends and
relatives in Havelock.
Mrs. W. S. Chalfant has returned
to her home in Omaha, after a visit
with friends and relatives in this city.
Mrs. C. Gravitt and J. II. Gravitt
and wife and child, of St. Joe arrived
Home From Iowa.
D. A. Young of near Murray, was in
the city today, having driven in to meet
his w ife who has been making a visit
with her parents at Moorehead, Iowa.
. To Buy New Machinery.
A. L. Becker, of Union, stopped over
awhile in the city Tuesday and made
the News-Herald a pleasant call. He
wai enroute to Omaha to purchase some
additional machinery for his elevator.
Will Inspect Bridges.
County Commissioner Friedrich went
to Louisville and met the other mem-
I west end will take place as fast as it
1 can be done.
Sustains Severe Aceident.
Mrs. August Hesse, mother of Henry
Hesse, slipped and fell on an icy side
walk Friday morning and sustained a
fracture of the right ankle. While the
injury is exceedingly painful it is hoped
that r.o complications may arise and
that the lady may soon be about again.
Listol Letters.
Remaining uncalled for in
oTice at Plattsmouth, Neb,
the post
, Jan. 25,
Mrs. Henry Brockman (pkg), Mrs.
II. G. Ginny (pkg), Mrs. Minnie Heitz
hausen, Mrs. Bertha Maiers, C. L.
Brom, Oscar Eledge, Andrew Hicks,
Chas. Hanbeck, Master Thomas Hein
rich, Kaiserl Deutsche Konsulat, Henry
Lautenschlager and F. C. Robinson.
These letters will be sent to the dead
letter office February S, 1909, if not
delivered before. In calling for the
above please say "advertifed" giving
date of list. C. II. Smith, P. M.
Better Buy Spanker.
We understand that a petition is be
ing circulated which will be presented
to the town council asking the passage
of curfew ordinance. In towns where
the curfew law has been tried it is
looked upon more as a joke than any
thing else. The parents who cannot
control their own offspring ought not
expect the town officials to herd
them up at a certain hour each night
and send them home. The council had
better buy a few patent "spankers"
and present them to the parents who
cannot keep their children off the
streets after 9 p. m. A cerfew bell or
whistle has no terror for the average
young American of today. Tabor (la.)
An Enterprising Firm.
In another colunm will be found the
advertisement of the Plattsmouth Stock
and Grain company, of which Frank R.
Gobelman is the manager. They keep
posted at all times the latest markets,
and facts pertaining to the same, which
they are pleased to furnish any one
wishing to know regarding the daily
1 care.
hp Going and Coming of
Wednesday to visit relatives for a time.
o. F. Sattler. of Rartlett. la., who
rmo f Li mi....t a I XT sv . '
! iv v ii uiv ui'M IH 1 . X , 1. Ll ill ill 1 TIB
and family returned to his home Satur-
via v .
W. H. Taylor and family, returned
to their home at Plainview after a
pleasant visit with relatives in this
1 vicinity.
j T. Frank Wiles and family spent
; last Sunday with Mr. Wiles' parents.
Capt. Wiles and wife, returning to Om
aha Wednesday.
H. B. Waldron, of Waterloo. Neb.,
was n Plattsmouth visitor Saturday.
Mr. Waldron is in the banking business
in his home town.
II. W. Hunter, formerly of Pacific
Junction has moved his family to South
Bend where he will engage in farming
the coming year.
Rev. Lampe, of the Omaha Theolog
ical seminary at Omaha preached two
able sermons at the Presbyterian church
in this city yesterday.
Miss Mary Bird who has been re
cuperating her health while visiting
her parents in this city, left for Park
College Wednesday to renew her
John Karvanek living north of the
city was a pleasant caller on the News
HeraLd Thursday. Mr. Karvanek is
a thrifty Bohemian gentleman and en
joys farm life.
George Everett and Mr. Irwin of
Liberty were Plattsmouth visitors
j Wednesday, and called on the treasurer
at the court house. George says it
costs a good deal to live on a farm
these days.
C. A. Marshall, dentist.
Are you reading our serial story?
Send her a post card of your favorite
float. At Nemetz & Co. a'
We sell the Monarch Malleable Range.
Kroehler Brothers, Coates Block.
Our new paving admirably withstood
the rigors of the rain storm Inst Fri
day. Some cigars are only cigars, but
Pepperburg's "Buds"are a good smoke
"Always reliable.
Do you regularly read the advertise
ments in the News-Hkrald? They
maKe fine reading.
Henry Speck, the NEWS-HERALI)',
lightning type artist, spent Monday
afternoon in Omaha.
Photo post cards of Taft at Platts
mouth. Now on sale-Ten different
views nt 5c each. Nemetz & Co. next
to P. O.
The great automobile-piano subscrip
tion contest commences today. Apply
at this othce for supplies and get
out and hustle.
rsow is me time 10 nave your piano
tuned. Mr. Becker of the Plattsmouth
Music Co. is an experienced man in
this line of work.
When buying candies, why not buy
the best? We always have a fine line
of the superior grades on hand. Ne
metz & Co. next to P. O.
your old gold watch cases, rings, chains
etc. Cash or goods for them. Silver
also.-J. W. Crabill, Jeweler. 07-4
A new supply of sheet music has just !
been received by the Plattsmouth j
Music Company. All popular hits, dOc
music sold at 30c and 50c music at 25c.
W. L. Cooper Resigns.
Mr. W. L. Cooper, lumber forcmnn
at the local shops resigned his position
a short time ago and has accepted the
position as assistant storekeeper of the
Chicago & Alton at Bloomington, 111.
The News-Herald will much regret
the change if it should require the re
moval of this estimable family from our
A New Salesman.
Matt Jirousek the clothing salesman j
formerly with the Kraft Clothing Co., !
has entered the employ of C. E. Wes
cott's Sons, taking up his duties at that
place Monday morning. Mr. Jirousek
is a Plattsmouth product having lived
here all his life and his many friends will
be glad to know he has determined to
remain in Plattsmouth and has connect
ed himself with so reputable and rclia- j
ble a firm.
Honest, industrious woman wanted to
introduce our large line of fancy and
staple dress goods, waistings, trim
mings, etc., among friends, neighbors
und townspeople. We nlso manufac
ture n full line of perfumes and toilet
articles, no soups. Should be able to
earn $20 or more weekly. Dealing direct
from the mills our prices are low and
patterns exclusive. No money required.
Write us for full particulars.
Standard Dress Good Co., Dept. 9,
71-2 Binghampton, N. Y.
Stove Too Large for Chapel and Too
Small for Cemetery.
The heating of churches In winter
was by no means general In the early
(lays of New Knglaud, the warmth and
fervor of the orhiieis' piety supply
ItiK to some degree the lack of bodily
For some years after lis erection
there was no means of heating the
little St. Augustine" chapel In South
Hoston, and Father Lynch, one of the
early pastors, often hud a very cold
rlile to the chapel In winter. He ac
cordingly suggested to the parishion
ers that a stove would be a alee thing
to have. The parishioners raised the
money aud bought the stove, which
was of generous size and quite large
euough to heat the whole chapel. In
fact, It was too large, for the men who
brought It were unable to get it In
through the door, and so they left It
Juiit outside in the ccpietery, where It
was standing when Father Lynch ar
rived the following Sunday morning.
He took In the situation at a glance
and said to the little group of parish
ioners who were shivering In the cold:
"Friends, I think you must have
misunderstood what I said last Sunday
ahout the stove. We want to heat the
chapel, and not the cemetery."
Rati' Cold Weather Retreat.
Many animals snuggle together for
warmth In bitter weather as the
squirrels and the rats. Those who go
ratting In hedges und dells In the win
ter know they may try a dozen fresh
ly used burrows without finding a rat
when suddenly from a single hole
the rats will come pouring out In a
stream of frenzied fur. Twenty or
more rats will be together In one
They are clever enough to block up
a hole on the windward side to keep
out the draught so that when a rat
hole is noted, newly stopped with soli,
turnip leaves or grass, here Is almost
certain Indication that rats are with
in. Like the squirrels they store food
for winter and the keeper may find
it more difficult to secure bis potatoes
from frost thun from the attack of
the most numerous of his furred foes.
A Leading Question.
Superintendent McLaren of San
Francisco's system of public parks was
inspecting the worlt of restoring I'nlon
square to Its former beauty, now that
the little St. Francis has been re
moved. "I'm for heavin' this tin out; It's a
bum little bush," remarked a garden
er with a brogue.
"Which one?" Inquired McLaren
"You don't mean this beautiful little
Scotch heather? All It needs Is more
water and It will grow as tall as you
"You're not so tall yourself, Mr. Mc
Laren." "Not extraordinarily so."
"I say, Mr. McLaren," reflected the
gardener, thoughtfully, "did you ever
try water yourself ?" San Francisco
Fire Alarm Sunday Morning.
Pete Carlson's chimney burned out
yesterday morning, and for a time it
looked as if the blaze was strong enough
to endanger the whole building. Ac
cordingly the fire alarm was turned in.
But no particular damnge was done.
A Farm
Sunny San Luis Valley
Free Trip To Examine Land
10 TO 1,000 ACRES
No Interest! . No Taxes!
We want a reliable and energetic man in every
town to form clubs of 15 prospective purchasers.
We will furnish round trip railroad tickets FREE
to one member of each club to inspect land. We pay
liberal commission. Full particulars upon request.
Kansas City or Denver.
San Luis Valley Land and
Irrigation Co.
Konk of Commerce Hldg.
Experiments with New Safety Device
for Fcrjgy Weather.
The I'nited States government Is ex
1( ilnieniing in Kan Frunclseo bay
with a sulety device for foggy weather
which Is remai kahle In the uniqueness
of its Idea. It Is nothing less than a
fog buoy which will make no noise of
lis own, hut which will he expected to
rat ell Use sound waves of a vessel's
whistle and echo them buck across the
The h: :y, or Miurluie, g construct
ed cf cm : ugated Iron sheeting, placed
(ii llts, and built in three wings
placed at c'lffercnt angUs. F.ach wing
Is liJ L et sipiuro.
Ti e id a wa.-i r.lven li'rth accidental
ly. Tlete him alwuyn been much
trouble in the upper pnrt of San Fran
e'Hco bay because the shore light .
cannct he seen when Urn weather 1
bad. Pilots ai d nkiiipeis began to no
tice, however, l ow leuily the. corru
gated steel wnrehi. iround llenicla
returned the m mid of I heir whistles,
and for some time luivo been guiding;
their w ay aloiii; by I he echoes. Tlu
government Is cnuftilt nt Hint the new
htie.yj will act In the K.anie manner.
Superstition Hen Ccrrc Down to
from the Ancient Romans.
(litis m.d hoy a have all heard, per
haps, that It is "unlucky" to spill r-idf,
but thai the evil effect e. inny prohaMy
lie averted by throwing some of It
over your liyht '.boulder. It Is won
derful how old mime of thene super
sliilons are! Thin one ahout the salt,
for example, ciliiie to us from Urn
ancient Kenians. Salt was regarded
by thein n-; an emblem of purltViillon,
and they always placed some on the
head of a victim in tacrlflco. If the
salt were spilled In doing this, It waa
looked upon as !'. bad omen.
It Is said that I be (tomans got the
custom iioiii 1 lie Jews, and after a
while the spilling of salt on any occa
sion was regarded as unlucky. The
custom of throwing a part of It over
the right shoulder arose from their
belief that anything pertaining to the,
right side was lucky, but to the left
tide, unlucky.
All Germicidei Not Good.
Of late many count lies have been
making ohiclul tests ns to the value of
germicides. As a result II Is declared
that the public should be careful In the,
selection of a disinfectant, for there
are in the market many which huve
no germicidal act inn whatever. Prof.
Hewlett, as u result of his tests, says
that not only is the public defrauded,
but there Is also a giave danger Intro
duced when a person believed he was
using something which would totally
destroy genua and was thereby lulled
Into a seme cf security when In reali
ty no sense of security was justified.
He claims that lor many years past
I sanitary authoi itieii have been living
' In a fool's paradise vainly Imagining.
: that the fluids I hey have been sprlnk
I Hug nround have been dealing death
j aud destruction to all germs und bac
terial Intruders. Ills advice Is that
I before buying a germicide th public
i should Insist on receiving with It a
j copy of a report on lis value by a bac
I lerlologlst or properly qualified medi
cal man of standing.
for $10
or Ranker in St. Louis,