The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, February 01, 1909, Image 4
The News-Herald PLATTSMOUTH. NISRASK A. EntaraH t th poitoffic at flattnwutb. Cax County, Nebraska, a Mccnd-clana mail matter. A. L. Tidd, Editor. R. 0. Watters, Manager. WOMAN'S SUFFRAGE, j Now bobs up the insinuation that' XXX"!X!"X Liniuin bbiu, nu mat i am, ur nuj'tr ot-naiur .uincr vi i-iniuui imrouuceq to be I owe to mv atre mother." I his woman's suffrage bill from selfish i William McKinley, in an address to ! motives. He is one of the proprietors an old settlers picnic in northern Ohio, of a big department store in the capital some years ago, said, "It is a proud , city, and pleasure to me to le able to credit to ! E. G. BOVEY . SON BATES OF SUBSCRIPTION Om Taar in Advanet. ia Maolhi .tt.SO . .75 Plattsmouth No. 85 Nebraska No. 85 It might be a good idea for the Journal to include the ground hog in its proposed gopher bill. If your neighbor has a good idea for the general benefit of the city, find a better one if you can, and go to the Commercial club and give it to the club. The suggestion of an interurban railway is causing much discussion. It may be possible to make this city the starting point for some interurban question of woman suffrage lines. Give the matter your best frngist woman in every community is thought. j the agitator. She is never found at- but al- my wife and to my mother whatever good things my fellow-countrymen as cribe to me. To wife and mother, man kind is indebted for those high moral qualities, gentleness, truth and virtue, which are so indispensable to good character, good citizenship, and a noble life. Our whole political fabric rests upon the sanctity of the American home, where the true wife and mother preside. They teach the boys and girls purity of life and thought, and point the way to usefulness and distinction. The world owes them more than it can ever repay. The man who has a pure and true love for mother and wife, re quires no bond for his good behavior, and can be safely trusted in every rela tion in life." The testimony of Lincoln and Mc Kinley ought to forever seal the lips of every self-respecting woman on the The suf- .'A It is push that makes a prosperous city. There is not another city in the ! west, that will develop as much push ' to the square inch this year as Platts-: mouth will. If you don't know how to ' T T T T T T T i i . : 1 1 .1 i . . i i i pusn neep buii, uun i let anyuouy Know f about it, they'll laugh at you. Push! Push! Don't object to a proposition which is for the general good of the city, simply because you think someone else is going to derive a little more benefit from it than you do. If vou can derive any benefit from it, even though your neighbor may derive ten times as much benefit, still it is a good thing. Don't grow cross when a committee from the Commercial club calls on you. They are your friends and want to do something for your benefit. They may have a good idea.and one that if worked out properly, might prove a greater benefit to all, than had been antici pated by any. Plattsmouth will run a number of trade trains during the summer. There is no good reason why every merchant in the city should not double his busi ness in 1909. Let extension of trade be the aim of every busines man. Give the people the best bargains ever offered, and better than can be found anywhere else. We'll wager you will get the trade. DE- MR. BRYAN ASKED TO CLARE HIMSELF. A committee of the allied temper ance forces of Nebraska, has issued an -address demanding that Mr. W.J. Kryan declare himself on the liquor tending to her own business, ways trying to run other people's busi ness for them. She assumes too much. She never did anything and did it well, except to make a noise. Some years ago- the suffragists sent a petition to the president asking that he make a recommendation to congress in thtHr behalf. The petition contained the following false assumption, "this was practically the unanimous desire of American womanhood as a whole." The president picked out fifty women, whom he thought would fairly repre sent the average American woman, and wrote each one a letter asking for her individual views on this question. To his letter the president received forty six replies with the result that forty five of these women said they had no desire to vote or were absolutely indifferent as to the question, and just one lonely woman said she might vote, but added, "probably when the time cume, I wouldn't bother about it." Investigation among various classes "That some may be rich shows that others may become rich, and hence is just encouragement to in dustry and enterprise. Let not him who is homeless pull down the the house of another, but labor dilli gently and build one for himself; thus, by example, assuring that his own shall be safe from violence when built." Abraham Lincoln. This saying of Lincoln is true in every walk of life. That your neighbor is prosperous in his business, only dem onstrates that you may become prosper ous in your business. Apply all your energy building up your own business and not waste it trying to bear down some other fellow's business, thus, by example, show that your own should be safe when you have built it up. P.e not jealous one of another. question. follow: Mr. Bryun also must choose this day whom he will seive. He can not any longer attract the moral and political support of the anti saloon church member and the saloon interests both at the Fame time. No flourish of moral pre tensions will shield him any longer in his harmonious relations with the liquor interests. He must come out into the open. He must either l for or against it, and the action of his legislature ought to and will be charged up to his account by that part of the Nebraska people who have believed in him and fol lowed him in part for his high moral character. The democratic party is now in power in the legislature and execu tive departments of the state gov ernment. Mr. Brynn is the leader. He is the acknowledged leader of both the national and state demo cracy. This legislature will do what he wants done on the liquor ques tion just as it is doing what he wants done on the bank guarantee I question. He is in control. If he I denies that he was a party to any i iwrgain to shield the liquor inter est, let him prove it now. If Bryan should come out into ihc open on the liquor question and demand that this legislature do for this Btatc what the Tennessee democracy did for Tennessee a few days ago, he would lose caste in the bartenders' association, the Eagles, which he joined recently, but he would gain among the better element of the people who are in the majority. If the pre-election bargain was made by Mr. Shallenberger alone, nd if Mr. Bryan had no part in it except as an innocent benticiary, he can and he ought to repudiate that bargain now, and the people of Ne braska will not believe him innocent until they see him do this. The committee is composed of the following: T. Q. Wimbcrly, chair man; S. K. Warrick, treasurer; Frances B. Hoald, secretary; Sam uel Zanc Batten, Thomas Darnell, A. G. Wolfcnbarger, C. C. Flans berg and E. E. Thomas. It is rafe to suy that Mr. Bryan will not make any rt p'y to this demand. In every campaign, wh .mi he has been a candidate, ho has had the loyal support of the liquor inte.-is.s, houses of pros titution, gamblers, and at the same time many preachers and the anti saloon organizations. How tan Mr. Bryan declare himself. It will be remembered that the Plattsmouth Journal, under a former management, namely, C. W. Sherman, did more to injure this city and its business interests and those who were employed in the B. & M. shops, who had purchased homes here, than all the other causes of injury combined. It is a well known fact that the Journal, under the management of C. W. Sher man, did more to cause the removal of the B. & M. shops from this city to Havelock than any other one thing, and almost as much as all other things com bined. Under the present management' of the J oil ru al . that tinner bv its sensa- The mothers of the boys who had a'.. , .. , A, , . . . ,t i tional write up of the floods in this city in the nast few veara. in th onininn of if that mother's care and teaching I . , , . . the writer, has done much toward keep- ling outside persons from investing in this city. In our opinion, the sensa j tional write up of the recent storm, I which appeared in the Journal last Fri j day, will do this city great harm, and j is a gross imposition. As a matter of j fact this city suffered less from the I ravages of the storm than almost any 1 other city of its size, and much less The address in part is as of women in Viirious ,orli,,nH of the i country have shown similar results, mother's care and a mother's teaching, if that mother's care and teaching were of the kind given by the mothers of Lincoln and McKinley, need have no fears but that woman's rights will al ways be protected. It may be safely said that there i no real reason or de mand for woman suffrage. ? ? ? f t ? f ? f ? $ ? V ? ? f ? ? ? ? t t ? ? t ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Y Special Offerings at a Large Discount We are invoicing and working hard every min ute of the time, nevertheless we are going to give a few specials this and next week; this discount ought to mean something to you because you can buy the specials here advertised for much less than actual value. aaaavaaaaaaaaBaBMaaBaBaaaBaaaaaaaavavaaBaaaHaaBaBHaHaMBMaiMBBaaBaaap 33 !0 Furs 33 25 0 Blankets 25 0 We will sell any fur in Any blanket in the the house regardless of house 10-4, 11-4 and cost at 1-3 off. Nothing 12-4 goes at discount of reserved. 25 per cent.' '"wmBBBBBBBBi iMaaaaaanaaaaaaBanammaaaiMaBaaiaataaaaauaBasaaaaaaaiaaaaaa Fleeced Wrappers Broken lo1 of Underwear A nice lot of dark This is a .? ancf t0 wrappers. Worth $1.25 save money lf 7e h to $1 50. Yours at your size. Good assort- ment now. Yours at.. 19c per garment 330 Fancy China 33 !o 33 Lamps 33 0 All our salad bowls, Here is an opportunity sugar and cream sets, to Set one of our fancy vases, salt and pepper Parlor lamps at less sets, fancy cake plates tnan you will ever buy and others go at 1-3 tnem again. Come and off the actual value. look at them, if you do you will buy. WHO OWNS THE WEALTH OF THE U. S. The capital invested in the farm prop erty of this country is $20,514,000,000 and this is distributed among less than 5,000,000 farmers, giving the average capital for each about $4,100. The manufacturing industries have a cupital of about $9,831,000,000, distrib uted among 703, 000 owners, and making a capital for each of about $13,0(10. comparatively than cither Omaha or Lincoln. Such journalism thould meet with prompt disapproval. WHO SHALL BE NOMINATED FOR MAYOR. During every campaign in this county the democrats and the democratic press The capital invested in railroads is nave advocated lhat the republicans estimated at ?1 2,000.000, 000, ar,d i ! HoukI vote independently of party, owned by more than 950,000 persons, so j Nw that the city election is approach that the capital stock of each holder J in we are frei! to advocate the nomira averoges about $12,500. j tion of a "trong and capable ticket. The great steel trust is capitalized at , We believe that a ck'a11- dupable busi $l..r)2K.000.(iOOnnd mw..ll,v mnr hnn ! "ess man should be nominated for THE JOURNAL'S PLAYFULNESS. When it tore loose last night it aroused all the boarders and tran sients at the Hotel Riley who verily believed that the end of the world was at hand. The rustling of the roof and the noise of the wind coupled with the sweep of the storm at the unearthly hour of the morn ing, all, served to make the guests uneasy to say the least. They fled pell-mell into the halls and corridors and for several hours the greatest difficulty was experienced by Land lord Dunbar and his force in han dling the panic-stricken guests. From the Journal's account of Thursday night's storm. It is harrowing to contemplate what might have happened had the doughty landlord and his force eventually lost control of the fear-maddened guests. They had doubtless wandered around in the intense cold till daylight, and nmy perhaps even perished. A move should be made to obtain a Carnegie hero medal for Mine Host Dunbar. V Business Men Eat here to their own great sat isfaction and profit. Our lunch from 11:30 to 1:30 meets most want9 of the man who looks for easily and quickly digested food tastily prepared apd at a price not prohibitive to one of ordinary means. Plenty of variety. Gla'l to see you any day. DR. A. P. BARNES V. S. SH5HSBJBEK3SS For Ho! Fires Get Egenber- ger's Coal! mayor of th'n city independent of par tisan politics. We shall therefore take the liberty to mention some of the 70,000 persons, which would average about 22,000 each. The total capitalized wealth of this i country in 1900. was $S4, 000,000,0(10. , name9 of Persons w"o have bei-n sug and the census for that ysar showed , B8ted to us by persons from both the population to be 76.000,000 persons, t Partit'8- The name;) of H. N. Dovey, showing the average wealth of every ! F H Steimker, H. A. Schneider and man, woman and childtobeover$l,000. j Dr- E- W- Cook nave bcei1 suggested from the republican side as good men If you have an idea that you think for the nomination for mayor. While might benefit the city generally, go to j on democratic side the names of F. G. the next meeting of the Commercial ' Fricke, J. M. Roberts, D. O. Dwyer club and tell them about it. Don't get I a"d Dr. E. D. Cummins have been sug offended, if your idea is not adopted at ; gested. Those men are the right kind once. If it is a good one, someone will : of timber for the office of mayor. From surely grasp the proposition and begin i the point of view as to what will be the to consider it, and the first thing you ! best interests of the ?ity and for the know you will have a staunch supporter, building up of this city, we shall take A good idia is sure to grow. the position that some such clean and - - capable man as a iy of the above named The Journal th'nks it would hi. ve gentleman should be sck i ted for the nothing more to wish for if the leg is-' next mayor of this city. Then support lature would only pass a law placing a them by a clean and capable city coun bounty on gopher scalpr. And in a ! cil and other city oilicers, and you will recent issue it am ojn.-es that it is real i witness progress in the development of "insistent" about the matter. Why the city a:id city n flairs. We favor don't formulate its ideas into the shape j this method or the adoption of the of a bill ntv.l puss it along to the j Galveston or Des Moines plan of city "kunnclV" I government. The News-Herald is in receipt of copy of the Western Investors Review, a neat little, publication in magazine form, w ith the name of A. U. May field as one of the editors. Mr. May field formerly lived in this part of the greatest state on earth, and this editor cannot understand his defection in re moving to Colorado. However, we join with his many friends in wishing him an abundance of prosperity in his new business venture. He has ability and Versatility and his influence will be felt In his new field of labor. Sure satisfaction every time you light a fire if on top of the kindling is ebony fuel from our yards. It's heat and light giving and slate-free when it leaves the mines, screened and cleaned again here and served to you full weight and with celerity of delivery. Order any way that suits you. Uoth telephones. J. V. ECENBERGER Get out your old musket and watch for his groundhogship tomorrow. The pesky little critter should not be al lowed to butt into the deliberations of i the weather man at this critical stage of the game. At.t. signs point to the fact that this will be a yearof unexampled prosperity for tlii j old town of Plattsmouth. Let us be on the alert to see that none of it gets away. Don't freeze up just becauso the weather man lias given us a touch of cold weather. There is a thaw to foil nv. REMEMBER THE GREAT CLEARING SALE now going on at our store. Below we quote many saving prices for the buyer. Buy now and be wise Radiant home, former price $45 now $31 00 Sapphire Ihrd Coal Stove, formey price $42.50, now.... DO 00 German heater, soft or hard coal, former price $29. 00.. .'19 50 Splendid Oak, nicely trimmed, former price $11.50 9 51) Gem Star Light Wood Stove former price $15.00 10 25 Round Oak, form'T price $19.00, now 13 5t) H. L ASEMISSEN & SON T T ? t t t T T t t f t T ? t t ? ? f t t t ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? f f t ?