The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, February 01, 1909, Image 1

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s MewsHeral&
NEWS. F8ttir.!brl Nov. 5. 19:
HEKALD. EiUblishcd Ar'il It5.
Consolidated Jan. 1. 1-V.
Growers of Winter Wheat
vited to Inter-State
As a result of a number of con
ferences, paiticipated in by many
farmers of the winter wheat belt, it
was decided to call a mas convention at
Hastings, Neb., nnd invite the farmers in Nebraska on the subject of farmtrs
of Oklahcma, Kansas, Nebraska and , elevators, will be an active figure in
Eastern Colorado, to unite in a co-; the gathering.
operative movement with a view io 'c deferred this notice until the
establishing and maintaining a better : time should be close up to the conven
system of marketing than that which tion date so the matter will be fresh in
has prevailed in the past. To this end 1 your minds. Remember the dater,
the undersigned committee was ap-' Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Feb
pointed and instructed to make all ; ruary 11, 12 and 13 and let nothing
necessary arrangements and advertise ! stand in the way of your taking a .step
the meeting. We, your committee, j which the business world will applaud
realizing that the public pres3 is the
farmer's friend, have decided to ask
the newspapers within the territory j
embraced, to assist us in giving pub- j
licity to this convention. Without the ;
generous aid of the press we can ac-;
complish but little. ;
We think it is time that the farmer
should have a word to say about the :
price of what he has produced. If the ;
laws of supply and demand were al- j
lowed to operate without being inter- j
fered with, no one would have just 1
cause to complain. But it is a firm be
lief with , many that the interests of
gamblers on the board of trade have
much to do with the fluctuations which
occur in the prices of farm products.
Thi3 i3 not right and woutd not be so
if the farmers were organized so that
they could market their products grad
ually, just as the consumers' demand
calls for them. Farmers are getting
fair prices no-
But how often have
wC seen it this way when without any
apparent cause prices would break all ( from the northeast anu mis is mu oniy
to pieces? Gamblers can not always thing which saved the barn and cattle
control prices but they arc organized in shed. Mr. Vallery had just finished
such a way that they can do entirely his dinner and gone to the barn to look
too much in that direction. The only after some of the stock. As he return
wv in which farmers can protect them- ed to the house he discovered the build-
selves is through organization and a I
harmonious system of co-operation.
Farmers' elevator companies and farm
mers' shipping associations are doing
an immense amount of good. But they
could do much more good if they would
combine with regard to the final selling
end of the line also.
But ill of these matters will be fully
and ably discussed at this convention
and you will be free to join in the dis
cussion if you attend. Farmers, you
have made it possible for others to com
bine and become fabulously rich! Why
should you not take a little time off
and spend a few dollars combining for
your own welfare! If you don't look
after your own interests nobody else
will. Hastings and the farmers of
Adams county will be glad to meet you
at the court house, February 11, 12 and
13, and show you a good time. Come
the first day. Some of the most im
portant business of the convention will
be transacted in the forenoon of that
day, and at one o'clock in the afternoon
the mayor of Hastings, Hon. C. J.
Miles, who is always a happy speaker,
will deliver a cordial address of wel
come. Some of the most prominent
men who have consented to be present
30 Years ol "Knowhow"
We have had 30 years of experience in
selling good clothes in Flattsmouth. We
began when we could just chin the counter
and have been at it ever since. The founder
is still on hand to see that we do not deviate
from the established rule of "one price and
no monkey business." We have studied
the needs and tastes of this community and
feel we can supply your clothing for spring
better than anybody.
C. E. Wescott's Sons.
"Where Quality Counts."
throughout the convention are Thco.
G. Nelson, ot North Dakota, president
of the National Grain Growers' Associ
ation; J. C. Davis, of Wisrons'n, Na-
tional director and lecturer of the
i American Society of Equity: H. K.
! Holmes, of Kentucky, general salemun
; for the Tobacco Growers' Union of
'America. Mr. Holmes will probably
I tell us something about the night riders
and is in a position to give us the real
; facts about them; J. S. Canaday of
Minden. one of the best informed men
as wise and your
own conscience will
approve as just.
Yours Respectfully,
J. S. Canaday,
W. N. Thompson-,
E. P. Hi iiitAitn,
T. II. Vaiiah,
A. W. Vkei:lani,
G. A. Whkelek, Pres.
A. C. Tompkins, Sec.
Residence of C. II. Vallery
Near Murray Complete
ly Destroyed.
Friday near the noon hour while the
family of C. H. Vallery, living a few
miles west of Murray, were at dinner
his dwelling caught fire and was entire-
ly consumed. The wind was very strong
ing on fire. No flames could be seen,
but smoke was issuing trom unoer me
caves. He ran into the bouse and up the
stairs and asked the boys to bring
buckets of water. He found the build
ing to be on fire between the plaster
ing and the weather boards, and water
could not be thrown on the fire. It
seems that the wind carried the flames
downward as Mr. Vallery thinks it
caught from the flue. The house was
h substantial five, room dwelling one
and one half stories high. It was well
built and built for comfort.
Mr. Vallery and his sons succeeded in
saving some of the furniture. His in
surance policy was burned in the house,
but he thinks he has a record of pay
ment of premium at the bank. The
loss is quite heavy, and he and family
have the sympathy of the entire com
munity. Mr. Hetsa Horn Again.
Henry Hesse has returned home from
Omaha, where he unperwent an opera
tion for appendicitis. He has not yet
pntirelv recovered his strength, but is
looking well, considering the serious'
ness of the operation. His many friends
are glad to note his recovery.
JTO CHEATING or bargaining will ever get a single
V thing out of nature's "establishment" at half price.
' Do we want to be strong? we must work. To be
hungry? we must starve. To be happy? we must be kind.
To be wise we must look and think. --Ruskin.
fjt NEHAWKA ft
i I 1 lJ
On a site ideal in its location and one of the family circle of the News
condition, occupying a spot just far J Hkuai.o and nnd he was doing a good
enough oft the banks of the famed j business and that they had ft good
Weeping Water creek to insure health-1 town. Long ero this we had become
ful atmosph( re and security from those impressed of this fact. We passed
troubles which come to the river bot-1 around to the livery barns and yards
tonis. and almost as level as a Moor, i
stands Nchawka, a thriving little city
in southern Cass county. A representa
tive of the News-IIkuald visited this
hospitable place a few days since, just
after the severe weather of last week.
Although the traveling was very
precarious, there being doubts of one
getting through. When the train
stopped one wa3 reminded of a land ex
cursion arriving at its destination, and
the people disembarking. Many were
at the station departing and to see
friends olF and welcome those coming.
The weather was bobbing around the
zero point, but notwithstanding this
there were many of the citizens in evi
dence, with their ears tied up but seem
ing good natured and happy. As we
disembarked and passed up town, we
were surprised on such a cold day to
see so many people in the city. At the
market of Peter Opp we found that
gentleman looking afttr his thriving
business who said that business was
good and he was satisfied. His next
dcor neighbor, Henry Wessel, had
both front doors open and was wheel
ing out furniture, an evidence itself
of the good business he was doing. This
he maintains by carrying the best of
goods and his especially agreeable way
of treating everybody. The next place
we visited was the drug store, where
we found E. D. Adams with a number
of customers, who had just completed
their purchases taking their departure
for home. Mr. Adams said business
was very good. We then found our
wav into the oost office, where we
found the servant of your Uncle Samuel
actively distributing the mail which the
severe weather had caused to accumu
late, and a large crowd awaiting for the
news they had been deprived of for
some time. Here we met Henry M.
Pollard, formerly in the grain business,
but who some time since sold his eleva
tor to the Farmers Elevator company,
who are doing a good business. After
the mail was distributed, and the
crowds had departed, we were greeted
by the Postmaster, J. M. Palmer, who
also docs a good business in buying and
shipping stock as well as serving as
postmaster, and claiming a relationship
with "Nasby." Dropping into the
mercantile establishment of Frank
Sheldon, we found him very busy, as
well as his half dozen clerks. Frank
took time to chat a while with us and
said that business was good, a fact
which he did not need to tell us as the
institution appeared to be a veritable
bee-hive. While here we met Vilas
Sheldon, who lives in the edge of the
city. He invested in a News-Herai.d
subscription and spoke in glowing terms
of the home town, showing that all ap -
preciated the town which everyone was
helping to make. While we were in
the store Ex-Governor Sheldon, came
in with his broad, good natured coun-good membership, while the two!j
tenancc aglow with good health and a 'churches, the Methodists, and the Un-!..
warm and kindly smile and spirits, and
in conversation with him we found that
his heart was also attached to the home
of his boyhood, and he does not forget
to name it as his real home. From
here we dropped into the general
merchandise establishment of Sutphin
& Dale, formerly that of W. B. Bates,
and found them busily engaged, one
caring for the business while the other
was industriously making business for
the spring trade which comes on apace,
in the factory in the rear. We were
up to the hotel, but as the train was a
trifle late, were too late to breuk bread
at the dinner hour with "Mine Host,"
but were greeted by that worthy, in a
very friendly manner. He'sdoiiiR agtod
business and conducts a first class es
tablishment. We dropped into the pool
hall of Nels Anderson, and judge our
surprise when we found over a hundred
men there, all good natured and enjoy
ing themselves. Mr. Anderson became
ot u:e Cunningham tiros., where we
found a sale going on, a feature which
they have once every thirty days, the
bales being conduct! d by Wade Corral,
while the selling of the stock was done
by J. P. Spearman of Papillion. The
sale was well attended and the horses
all brought good prices. Coming along
by the ollice of the "Register" we saw
a string hanging out and went in
And spent a pleasant interval with
Col. O'Day, who prints as good a local
paper as can be found in many a day's
travel. We were more than pleased too,
with the broad view of people and things
which the Colonel entertains. The reg
ister is doing a good business under the
direction and coupled with the hard
work of Mr. O'Day.
Next door to him was the barber,
Billy Tinker, who with his assistants,
arc doing a fine business, and in looking
around we were pleased to see on each
glass in good sized plain letters the
Word "smile" and which we thought
should be an inspiration to all who
might read. For the smile will chase
away the frown, and gladden all around.
We dropped in on our old friend K. D.
Clark, who was a cheery and jovial as
ever and looking after his business in
line shape.
At the bank we noted Mr. Boedeker,
hard at work at the books, while D. C.
West was putting on his overcoat and
cap to go clerk the sale of horses noted
above. Mr. West gave us a cordial
greeting and hurried away to look after
the business of the sale. At the place
of Sturm & Co., the elevator and coal
men, we found all concerned busy and
happy, while Mr. Sturm said that little
grain was being recieved while the
weather was so cold, and that the
farmers were feeding a good many
cattle, and that for those reasons the
grain trade was expected to be light.
In the coal business they were doing
very well. We then stepped across
the street to the blacksmith and wagon
shop of T. E. Fulton, where we found
that gentleman and J. E. Buskirk both
a digging into it shoeing horses. They
both declaring that business was all
that one might desire.
With all we met and all we saw wc
were well impressed with the town, and
think we see the secret of their success
as a city, which is, that all are working
together for the good of the business
interests of the place, no one trying to
pull down the other man in the same or
any other business. Besides the enter
prises mentioned, Nehawka, has a good
flourishing mill which woudl be a credit
to a much larger place, while at the
quarries which are being run with a
force of men from twenty, which is now
: employed, to over a hundred in the
more busy portions of the year. There
j are lodges of the Masons, Odd Fellows,
; Workman and Woodman, all havinir a
ited Brethren, have a large member of
communicants, who worship at the
respective places.
j The public school building, is. a good
me, and the school privileges extended
1 to the one in pursuit of knowledge is
1 good, being on a par wilh other schools
similiarly situated. Here we found Ray
j Smith of this city during the faculty,
, and giving the best satisfaction. Above
j the school rooms in the upper Btory is
j what is known as the City Hall, nnd is
I used for an opera house as well, a good
room for the purposes. The city main -
i tains a lecture course among the winter
months and engages as good talent for :
j the purpose as can be obtained. Local '
talent of more than ordinary ability ;
frequently gives entertainments which
speaks well for the spirit and enter
prise of the people engaged. Taken in
all in all we were well pleased with our
visit at the city, and count it a gain
when we shall be able to visit the city
at another time.
Ledger Man it Sceptical.
A letter from Lewis Curtiss,
went to Greencasth
weeks ago to spend
Mo., several
the winter, in-1
torms us that his health is slowly im
proving, that he goes hunting every
day and has killed a number of rabbits,
but he didn't say how or how many.
We are all pleased to hear that he is
regaining his health and hope he will
weigh a ton when he returns, but we
regret that he has contracted the habit
of telling rabbit tales, and he must
show the tails to convince us that he
isn't handling the truth rather reck
lessly. Union Ledger.
A Year in College.
$250 cash or a year in College can be
eaisly earned by one young man or lady
in each county by September 190!).
Plan does not interfere with other em
ployment, and student can select the
State name of institution you wish to
attend. No money required. For par
ticulars address.
Morton H. Pemherton,
Columbia, Missouri.
Business Men of Spokane are
Camping on Trail of
Four hundred representative business
and professional men of Spokane, head
ed by William S. McCrea, will under
take to convert Rev. "Billy" Sunday.
ex-professional baseball player and
evangelist, at a complimentary dinner
in the Hall of the Doges at the close of
the revival services there, early in
February. It is planned to enroll him
as an honorary member of the chamber
of commerce, 150,000 club and the
Illustrious Order of Mystic E-Nak-Ops.
To join the last named he must demon
strate his qualifications as a "booster,"
after which the team of 23 husky tim
ber choppers and miners will give him
the Ninth Degree with all the trim
mings. Sunday has intimated he will
accept the invitation to join the "live
wires" at their revals.
"Mr. Sunday has made many state
ments, which are far from facts, in the
course of his sermons in the Spokane
Tabernacle," said Mr. McCrea in dis
cussing the purpose of the feast, "ar.d
we want to set him right on these mat
ters before he leaves the city on a tour
of California and the Southland. Many
of the things he has said do injustice to
our city. We do not believe he did this
purposely or with the view to injuring
any one, but simply because he did not
get his facts from reliable sources or
study the conditions.
"We want Mr. Sunday to meet our
people; we want him to talk with them
and hear their ideas. This will show
him that most of the business men are
in sympathy with the purpose of his
work if not with his methods. We be
lieve we will be able to show him that
our men are all good fellows, and that
as a community we are alive to our
responsibilities as well as our oppor
tunities. This, we believe, can be best
accomplished by a general expression
of views, and that is the chief object in
giving the dinner."
Winter Has Just Begun
But it is so late in the season that we find it
to be necessary to release some of the money we
have tied up in heating stoves,, and to that end
are making prices that will be attractive to you.
As an illustration of what is being done in the
way of price reduction glance at theafour items:
i X
I ?
1 1
' 1
! y
Buck's Radiant. No. If! lack's Radiant, No. II
was now ... S50 was $ 12, now. . . . S36
Buck's Hot Blast, No. puck's Ventilator. No.
IS, was ?a, now .... is, was now ....
$17.50 533
You are cordially invited to call and see our
stock of goods. You will be treated courteously,
and jour patronage will be appreciated!
Kroehler Brothers
Pleasant Rain Changes to Fierco
Blizzard and Dees Con
siderable Damage.
Last Thursday between 4 and 5
o'clock in the afternoon, this city wan
visited by a regular July rain accom
panied with thunder and lightning.
The rain was unusually heavy for the
time of year and gave the new paving
on Sixth and Main streets its first test.
It sustained no injury.
The rain was followed by a high wind
and a falling temperature. By seven
o'clock the rain had changed to snow ,
and sleet, and being accompanied by a
high wind made it the severest storm
of '.he season. During the night the
wind continued to increase in velocity,
doing considerable damage. A number
of chimney tops were blown off". At I.
Pearlman's old stand, now occupied by
D. P. Jackson's furniture store, a plate
glass window was blown in, causing
some damage to the stock of goods. At
M. Fanger'a store the ornamental corn
ice was blown from the west half of
the building. A number of windows
were broken in various portions of the
city. At the B. & M. shops some losi
occurcd. A smoke Btack was blown
down and some other Btnall damage
was done. A portion of the gravel
roof on the Pramcle Theater was torn
loose by the fierceness of the wind and
blown oft". At the Nebraska Masonic
Home, a chimney was blown down and
a portion of the roof torn away. The
Nebraska Lighting Company, during
the early part of the storm, had one of
the dynamos burned out.
In the country in the vicinity of this
city considerable damage was done by
the storm. Many wind-mills were
either blown down or damaged to more
or less extent. Stock that was without
shelter suffered much, but we have not
heard of any dying from the severity
ot the storm.
The storm continued for about forty
eight hours. The hills to the north and
west of the city afforded much protec
tion. All in all, we believe Plattamouth
suffered about as little as any city of
its size in the path of the storm, and
we are very thankful for it.
Suiclda at Paoifio Junction.
A man who has not yet been identified
was found dead in his room at the Pa
ton hotel in Pacific Jnnction Friday
morning with two bullet holes through
his temple and a 38-calibre revolver
clasped in his right hand. It was evi
dently a case of suicide. The man reg
istered at the hotel three days ago,
but his signature was so badly written
it could not be deciphered. Thursday
he complained of being sick, and when
called in the evening said he was
all right and would be around in the
morning. At 9 o'clock in the morning
he did not respond to a call, and when
the door was forced, was found lying
dead on the bed.
Little is known of him. He told one
man he had been working on a bridge
across the Platte river, but he did not
look like a laborer. He also said he
had no relatives living.
The Majestic, 5 and 10 cents.