The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, January 28, 1909, Image 1

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.1 111 Ifti
NKWS. EflaM'nWrf Nov. B.
HliltALD. lUtablithid A til 16. H4
Consolidated Jan. 1. l-tfj
Interesting Session of the Fath- j proposition to Make Drinker Buy
ers Discuss Light With Heat
And So On.
If one has formed the idea that the
city fathers are not in earnest about
the light proposition, one should attend
the meeting of that body. Last meet
ing was a sizzler from the stand point
of fervid oratory and things not done
but going to he.
The counciltnen were all in their seats
License Instead of
Liquor drinkers in Washington will
be forced to carry licenses, embellished
with their h)tographs and other data
of identification and anyone will be
permitted to engage in the traffic with
out the payment of fees, if the meas
ure framed by Elmer E. Hall of Spo
kane, and fa hered by State Senator
when acting mayor Sattler let the gavel i Whitney of Spokane county, is adopted
lau .nunuuy iiikuu lAwpk """"""-jwi oy tne legislature, now
i Ti. I ..I J ! ' .
and he came in soon after and one could
session at
01..mmn Tko niiinAan iti tn rpvnli!-
see with half an eye that trouble was tionize the existing saloon system and
ituuuiiuK ivri,iw. j. I genie me liquor quesuun.
The minutes were soon disposed of j ycenses to drink anything stronger
and the deck cleared for action. Clerk
Elster read a petition signed by hund
than ginger pop and the various other
"stiekloss" concoctions will cost $5 a
Imnufiont pit.i7.pna nf the CltV Sr- TU., I.. nr clwllrwr ai-ulp Thl
i Hi iiiiiwi.iviii . . i y IStll , nitric in l ' '
pealing to the council "to shoot or give j raRged individual with a battered dime
up the gun," on the light issue. The j and a camers neck thirst will then oc
petition asked that a contract be drawn 1 cupy tne same status as a newly made
installing six arc lights and eighty-two millionaire with a sud:len fondness for
incandescent electric lamps to be placed crystal bubbles rising on the juice of
. . .1 1 I iL! l 1 1 1 1 I . . -11 1 -
as tne council snouiu mum uui im mi- ( tnc grape. The licenses win dc non-
vertise for bids and the let the contract transferable and will permit the holder
buv drinks only from dispensers in
the county where the permit is issued.
With the view to encouraging tem-
nprnnpp it. is nrovided also that the
penalty upon conviction for intoxica
tion shall be forfeiture or the license
itiiv ,nl m v....... - - -
bids and the let the contract j transferable and will permit
to the lowest bidder. Also $1.50 gas i to buy drinks only from Au
was demanded.
A motion was made to refer the peti
tion to the light committee which open
ed the fireworks. Several impassioned
Bi..uvoiiitv..wvv-. r nun rutin iuivimiw vi
tory methods employed to keep the : for . neriod ranging from 30 tofiOdays,
people from obtaining light. Council- at tne discretion of the trial judge, and
man Bookmeyer of the third was strong that thP license shall be declaicd per-
in his denunciation of the wasted time manently forfeited upon the second
and he was warmly seconded by Vorn- conviction. Similar penalties are pro-
dran and Neuman. Mayor Sattler favor- vfed for gelling liquor to any one not
en sending the petition to the light ; p0gsessing a permit or to intoxicated
committee but to save time proposed pen?ons with permits.
for the committee to act at once ana . genator Whitney pays there is
then have a special meeting of the coun- j ctrnnir sentiment in favor of such
cil to act on the suggestion of the com
mittee. The motion was then put and carried.
The proposition for $75. 'per year
room rent was then taken up and the
increase of $25.00 was allowed and the
proposition accepted. The usual grist
of bills were allcwed. The bill of the
water company for hydrant rentals for
the year amounting to $3471 was pre
sented and referred to the proper com
mittee. After another heated discussion of
the light subject the council adjourned.
'aw; "and," he adds, "there is a
chance for its passage during the pres
ent session if the local option fight does
not crowd it off the calendar."
Die at Weeping Water.
Plattsmouth Man Again Captures
Important Office of Bohe
mian Workmen.
The National Catholic Bohemian
j Workmen's association at their conven
. tnn t La Crosse. Wis., have elected
J. W. Davi3 passed away here Satur- j the following supreme officers:
day night. His age was sixty-eight! Chaplain-Rev. John Vleck, Prague,
years. He had lived in this community Nebraska.
and at Louisville for a number of years, J President-J. M. Jirousek, Platts-
his wife being buried at the latter place. ' mouth, Nebraska.
Deceased was a veteran of the civil; Vies president -J. N. Novotny, Vesc-
war and a member of the A. 0. U. W. vilk, South Dakota.
He was buried Monday in Glcndnlej Secretary-F. 0. Hovorka, New Pra-
cemetery, ten miles northwest of this'gue, Minnesota.
city. -Stale Journal. j Treasurer-F. J. Polak, Trague, Neb.
t Treasurer Reserve Fund-VocVochal,
Col. Wilkinson in Town. 1 Omnha, Nebraska.
C. A. R. and W. R. C. Meeting.
Col. Robert Wilkinson, of Berlin, was : -nn
nvermVht visitor in the citv this I
week. He was on his way out toj A special meeting of the G. A. R.
Chancellor Phillips residence to cry his
public sale. Col. Wilkinson is one of
the best auctioneers in southeastern
Nebraska, and knows the art of getting
the best prices going for live stock.
Post and the ladies of the W. R. C.
will be held at the G. A. II. hall on
Saturday evening next. A full attend
ance is requested.
Thomas W. Glenn, Ajt.
Our Established Discount
Aside from our special discount sales which
we give at the close of each season wc have our
established 5 per cent cash discount which we
allow on every $10 worth you buy. Our cash
register issues a star ticket with every cash
purchase and every $10 worth of these entitles
you to i per cent discount. -We are the origina
tors of this idea in Plattsmouth and it is only
one of many advantages this store is constantly
putting forth in the interests of its customers.
Please bear this in mind when you want to buy
C. E. Wescott's Sons.
"Where Quality Counts."
Yt! !!
.jOW shall you learn to know
qjhl yourself? not by contempla
tion, but action. Strive to do
your duty, and you will soon discover
what stuff you are made of. Goethe.
New Bridge Completed.
The last benta in the new wagon
bridge across the Platte river at Louis
ville were placed Tuosday, flooring laid
temporarily and the first teams driven
across. There is consideraole work yet
to be done in bracing the structure, and
completing the permanent floor. The
contractors had feared trouble from th
ice in the river breaking up, but th?
water was so low that th" ice wai
melted gradually, and has not jammed
against the bridge. The new structure
is situated immediately below the Mis
souri 'Pacific bridge, which has beer,
practically rebuilt and which acts as a
buffer for the wagon bridge. The esti
mated cost of the new wagon bridge ii
Fremont Alarmed.
Reports from Fremont are to the ef
fect that water nearly a foot deep is
flowing over the ice in the Platte river
and an early breaking up of the big
stream is looked for. Three years ago
when the river broke up in January,
Fremont had one of the worst floods in
its history. That flood promoted the
new dyke district and drainage law,
the passing of which was followed by
extensive operations southeast of Fro
mint for the protection of the city.
Men who are familiar with the situa
tion say that the conditions at the river
are right for a serious flood. It is ex
pected, therefore, that within the next
week the dyke work southwest of Fre
mont will be given its supreme test.
Like Rome which sat on her 8eni found Chas. Boedecker, J. A. Walker
hills and rnli.d tho world. Murray sita' and Val Gohelman, all glad they were
on a hill gently sloping to the east, j"- "till as jolly as ever
called to Omaha on some
Dr. C.
) II nilmmir wan nut. nf thp ritv hnvinor
WMUiu near uiu iiiui. runs inu u ' been
Missouri Pacific Railway, on its daily
pilgrimage from the metropolis of Ne
braska, to the thriving city at the
mouth of the Kaw, Here is gathered
a few hundred souls, the merchants
prosperous and the citizens contented
and happy. A representative of the visited the hurtling!
little city a few days since, and was
greeted by its many friendly 'and
energetic citizens. As we decended
from the car steps we met that smile
which will not wear off which makes
its abiding place on the pleasant
features of D. C. Rhodcn, the hustling
liveryman, who is amply assisted by
Mr. McQueen, a very worthy man and ! tic
clever as he is good natured. At the I
fessional business, which speaks well
for his skill as a practitioner. We found
O. A. Davis at his post at the hard
ware store which is operated by him
and Sam Pitman. While Sum was at
the elevator in the absence of his
father, D. J. Pitman, who is visiting in
Indian, his old home; while the grain
J business is looked after by Sam and his
able co-worker, James Hatchet. The
farmers elevator is being satisfactorily
conducted by C. D. Spangler the secre
tary of the company. This institution
in season also handles farming imple
ments. We also found James Lough
ridge busy at the anvil and caring for
large volume of business which
c mies his waj, while his father, Wm.
station we observed "Billy" Scott i Loughridge, who is also the senior
hustling around, attending to the wants member of the partnership, keepa shop
of the traveling puplic and the duties j at the old stand, on the east side of the
of the station agent, which position he ! track. Holmes & Smith were whistling
occupies. On our way up town we away at their work and attending the
were met and kindly greeted by his wants of the customers, and doing a
highness, M. G. Churchill, or "Mac" g md business. Mrs. Stokes was ably
as the boys call him, the pr; pr!etor of caring for the wants of the telephone
the tonsorial parlor, who makes go(d company, and giving good service to
use of his spare time carpentering and ' its patrons. The Drs. Brendel &
enjoys a little sport hunting the festive, Brcndel, were busy looking after calls
rabbit. Nexj to his place of business , and had not time more than to greet
was found John Caok, the horse milli- m with a cheery good morning. We
ner and mule jeweler, who aho ci rres called to see our old time friend, J. S.
a line of buggies and implements in i Wnite and found that worthy gentle-
I terns of Interest Concerning
Things Educational in
j The Semester examinations were
! given last week in all departments of
! the school. A very good showing was
j made. The Supt. will recommend at
j the next board meeting that hereafter
students who average iM) per cent in a
subject he excused from examination
in that subject. This will apply to tho
high school and grades seven and eight.
Statements for high school tuition
due from country districts will be sent
out this week. The free high achool
law was recently tested in Richardson
county and declared constitutional by
the District court. This decision will
settle all question as to whether this
tuition may legally be collected.
The Board of Education recently sent
a letter to the President of the State
Teachers Association protesting against
the date on which the association is
held. Receiving no ratisfaction they
wrote a circular letter to other Boards
in this State asking them to join them
in an effort to have the date changed.
The outcome will be watched with in
terest. The East Central Nebraska Declam
atory Association will hold its annual
contest at South Omaha on March 31.
Plattsmouth will send a contestant this
year. A local contest will be held next
Saturday under the auspices of Miss
Fitch to determine who will represent
the schools in the contest.
Preparations aro being made to ob
serve Lincoln's Birthday in the schools.
The day will be observed by fitting ex
ercises in every room in the city.
Four Nebraska Towns Exper
ience Distinct Shocks -r
, Little Damage
The following dispatch from Norfolk
to the State Journal yesterday would
seem to indicate that Nebraska is in
the earthquake zone:
A violent earthquake shock was felt
through Pierce and Knox counties at
2:15 Tuesday afternoon. The noise re
sembled a powder explosion. Horses
became frightened, cattle stampeded,
and chickens cackled. A team of mules
ran away from Light1 and at Foster, a
young man herding fifty CHttle, nar
rowly escaped their stampede with his
life. The school building at Plainview
was shaken by the jar. The shock
lasted but a few seconds. Horses were
more alarmed by it than by thunder.
The shock was felt at Pierce, Plain-
view, Foster and C'reighton and for ten j A Year in College.
miles on either side. At C'reighton the I ?2.'.0 cash or a year in College can be
noise is said to hav - resembled a wagon I eaisly earned by one young man or lady
season, and for the convenience of
the puplic doctors Bick watches and
clocks, and has a reputation of being
able to perform almost miracles with
them. At the hotel, we wero enter
tained by "Mine Host," Alex Graves,
who with his estimable wife conducts a
man out of town, having gone to county
seat to look after some business. At
the new residence of Sam Pitman,
which is being erected Dy the con
tractor, W. W. Hamilton, an artist in
his line, we found Albert Young, Ora
Whitehead and P. A. Kennedy, as
neat and well appointed hostelry. Jus-t sisting on different parts or the build
across the street we found the lumber ( ing, and how the saws, hammers and
yard of Edmonds and Brown, presided
over by the former gentleman and Will
Brown, the energetic business son of
the latter. As well as doing the lum
ber business of the city they also carry
a line of painters' materials, and
handle the coal for the community. B.
Ladies Auxilliary of Presbyterian
Church Meet With G. L.
Farley and Wife.
The Ladies of the Auxilliary society
of the Presbytern church of this city
held their annual meeting yesterday
afternoon and evening with Mr. and
Mrs. George L. Farley. A pleasant
little surprise was planned and executed
by the ladies. The president of the
society is Mrs. C. A. Rawls, and it' oc
curred to her that it would be quite
the proper thing to have the husbands
of the members to dinner on this occas
ion, and surprised Mr. and Mrs. Farley
at the number of real live working
members. Accordingly Mrs. Rawls ap
pointed as a committee to work the
matter out, Mrs. Cummins.Mrs. Hanks,
Miss Seatl (whose husband could not be
present), Mrs. McCauley, Mrs. Elster,
Mrs. Asemissen Mrs. Wurl and Mrs.
Warga. Mrs. Farley was acquainted
with the fact that the society was to
nleet with her this week, but kept in
blissful ignorance of the rest of the
program. The president phoned Mrs.
Farley that she was not to serve re
freshments, but on consulting Mr. Far
Icy, who also knew nothing of what
was in store for him, it was decided to
have refreshments in spite of the pro
tests of the president. When the mem
bers arrived with their baskets of de
licious edibles, the host and hostess be
gan to understand why refreshments
had been forbidden.
After spending the afternoon making
aprons for the market the ladies took
possession of Mrs. Farley's kitchen and
soon had a smoking dinner prepared
and at six o'oclck were ready to serve
it to an assembled company numbering
between forty and fifty.
The bill of fare consisted of escalloped
oysters, bread and butter, cold meats
jelly, pickles, potato chips, cheese and
cake ami hot coffee. After dinner Mrs.
Latshaw visiting friends in the
city favored the company with a fine
selection on the piano, and Miss Bernese
Newell gave a reading which was
enjoyed much. The omission was one of
the most enjoyable the society
had since the one of a year ago.
The Lincoln Anniversary.
February 12 is the centennial anniver
sary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln
and McConahie Post G. A. R. and the
! ladies of the ,W. R. C. have made
arrangements to celebrate the event at
the M. E. church in this city. An in
vitation is extended to all organizations
of the city to meet with them on this
occassion. Rev. Randall will deliver
an address on the life and character of
rolling over a bridge, while southwest
of Pierce, it was like a dynamite ex
plosion. Farmers driving along the
roads, stopped to look and their horses
became frightened. It was the severest
quake yet felt in northern Nebraska.
Last summer there was a shock at
Niobrara and Verdigree in Knox
in each county by September lUirj.
Plan does not interfere with other em
ployment, and student can select the
State name of institution you wish to
attend. No money required. For par
ticulars address.
Morton H. Pemberton,
Columbia, Missouri.
trowels rang out on the clear morning
air, making music for the thrifty go-ahead
American, such as are building
the west and making the former
prairies blossom as the rose. L. H.
Oldham, "Uncle Lee," was in evidence
and was buying and shipping hides, pro
A. Root, known as "Doc," the city ' duco, and as happy as ever. While we
druggist, smiled upon us as we entered j were there it came time for recess for
his place of business and had a good i the schools, and the children who but a
story to tell to add to the cheer ex-; moment before had been engaged in
tended to us. At the store of Jenkins earnest and hard study, came bustling
& Jenkins, we met Col. Jenkins, who
said all he had to complain of was a
good business and that they all were
taking good care of it. He was as
sisted by Earl, the junior partner, and
out of the school house, and played
with a vim which told of their former
hard study. From this place
"uncienamuei naj one rural carrier,
and makes daily pilgrimages to the
your : ;t
Winter Has Just Begun
But it is' so late in the season that we find it
to be necessary to release some of the money we
have tied up in heating stoves,, and to that end
arc making prices that will be attractive to you.
As an illustration of what is being done in the
way of price reduction glance at thes four items:
a r jstler at work, good natured at the i country with great leads of mail for
day is long, and an up-to-date business j the farmers. This very agreeable j
man. At the bank we found Glen I gentleman is Rex Young, and a general
Bocdeckor, the good natured cashier,
looking alter business, and that too, in
a manner which is well pleasing to its
many patrons. He is assisted by Mips
Zetta Brown, who besides doing the
corresponding for that institution, helps
with the books and other duties at the
bank. W. II McDaniels was looking
after business at his general merchan
dise store, and seemed well satisfied
with this world and its way. At the
post-office we found a number of peo
ple awaiting for that good natured
piece of humanity, A. L. Baker, to
distribute the morning mail. Here we
This city is an example of w hat a
few energetic, wide-a-wake citizens
can do when they work together, for
they have a little city which would put
many a larger one to the blush, by
their business tact and go-a-bead-ness
and which is making a winning as a
good market town. The farmers have
a good market, as J. B. Seybert, and t
David Amick ship live stock every
few days to the markets of South Om
aha and other towns adjacent, for
which they pay the highest prices the
market will afford.
Buck's Radiant, No. 10 Buck's Radiant, No. U
was ?,", now... S50 was $12, now.... $36
Buck's Hot Blast, No. Buck's Ventilator, No.
IS, was $:o, now. . . . IS, was ?:!S, now. . . .
$17.50 $35
You are cordially invited to call and see our
stock of goods. You will be treated courteously,
and jour patronage will bo appreciated.
Kroehler Brothers