The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, January 25, 1909, Image 1

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    The MewsHeralb
NKWS. F.Mallihrt Nov. 5. 1!I
H KHALI). Established April 16. 1A
Contolid.Ud Jan. 1. l'X
"Wizard" Sees Beautiful Houses!
at Low Cost and Other )
Improvements j
The next era will mark the most j
wonderful advancement in invention
that the world has ever known or hop-1
ed for. So vast will that advance be
that we can now have scarcely any con
ception of its scope, but already a great
many of the inventions of the future
are assured. It is only of those which
I regard as practical certainties that I
speak here, says Thomas H. Edison in
the New York Times.
"First-Within the next 20 or 30 i
years-and it will start within the next
two or three concrete architectuie
will take enormous strides forward; the
art of moulding concrete will be perfect
ed and, what is equally important
cheapest; there will rise up a large
number of gif ted architccts.and through
their efforts cities and towns will spring
up in this country beside which Turn
er's picture of ancient Rome and Carth
age will pale into nothingness and the
buildings of the Columbian exposition
will appear common. But great ex
pense will not attend this; it j will be
done so that the poor will be able to
enjoy houses more beautiful than the
rich now aspire to, and the man earn
ing $1.50 a day, with a family to sup
port, will be better housed than the
man of today who is earning $10.
"Second - Moving picture machines
will be so perfected that the characters
will not only move, but will speak, and
all the accessories and effects of the
stage will be faithfully produced on the
living picture stage. This, of course,
will not be done as well as on the regu
lar stage, but its standard will approach
very near to that, and the fact that
such entertainment will be furnished
for five cents will draw vast numbers
of the working classes. The result will
be that the masses will have the ad
vantage of the moral of good drama,
they will find an inexpensive and im
proving way of spending an evening
and the reign of the saloon will end.
"Third-In perhaps 15 or 20 years
depending on the financial condition of
the country the locomotive will pass
almost altogether out of use and all our
main trunk railways will be operated
by electricity.
"Fourth-A new fertilizer will spring
into existence, containing a large per
centage of nitrogen. This will be
drawn from the air by electricity, and
w ill be used to increase the arability of
the land. Even now this is done to a
large extent in Sweden.
"Fifth -All our water power will be
utilized by electricity to an extent now
almost unthought of, and will be used
with great advantage, both industrially
and for railroads.
"Sixth A successful aerial naviga
tion will be established -perhaps for
mails and will achieve a sound, prac
tical working basis.
"Seventh A new force in nature of
some sort or other will be discovered
by which many things not now under
stood will be explained. We unfortu
We are discounting all
winter suits and over
coats 10 to 25 per cent.
These are not old out of
style goods but new first
( lass "Quality" merchan
dise. A genuine dis
count and a genuine sav
ing for you. Everybody
treated alike.
: C. E. Wescott's Sons, i
"Where Quality Counts."
H-HHtHtll'HfUI'K-tl f MH
nately have only five senses; if we had
eight we'd know more.
"Eight We will realize the possibili
ties of our coal supplies better and w ill
learn how to utilize them so that 90 per :
cent of the e'..iciency will not be thrown
away, as it is today. I
"Finally, let it be said, hardly any
piece of machinery now manufactured
is more than 10 per cent perfect. As
the years go on this will be improved
upon tremendously; more automatic
machinery will be devised and articles
of comfort and luxury will be produced
in enormous numbers at such small cost
that all classes will be able to enjoy the
benefits of them."
These are some of the inventions
which the world is awaiting which it is
sure of seeing realized. Just how they
will be realized is what the inventors
are working now to determine.
James B. Wooten Delivered A
Must Interesting Lecture
Thursday Evening.
The Brotherhood of the Presbyterian
church of this city gave another of
the(r popular oyster Buppers last Thurs
day night in the parlois of the church.
A large number of the men of the city
were invited, and although the fog was
dense and the street light were not
turned on, yet a fine attendance greet
ed the management. The preparation
of the "stew" was in the hands of ex
perienced men such as W. J. Streight,
Dr. W: B. Elster and Mr. Hanks, and
was excellently flavored and came to
the banquet table smoking -hot. The
entire program was presided over by
Mr. Cooper, president of the Brother
hood, and he soon made every guest
feel comfortable. The soup was serv
ed by B. A. McElwain, Will Warga,
G. L. Farley and Mr. Hanks, and a
more obliging bunch of waiters were
never seen in the city, and be it said to
their credit that not one of them even
hinted that a tip would aid materially
in obtaining speedy service. After all
had feasted, Mr. Cooper made a few
felicitous remarks concerning the Broth
erhood and introduced Rev. Salsbury,
who also made a postprandial speech
and introduced the speaker of the even
ing, Mr. James B. Wooten, local editor
of the Omaha Bee, who entertained the
company for nearly an hour on the sub
ject of Jouralism. The lecture was
carefully prepared, and delivered with
out oratorical flourish and wan listened
to witn the closest attention. Many
expressions of commendation were
heard on all sides for the able and in
teresting address. At the close of the
lecture, Hon R. 1!. Windham moved
1 that the company extend a vote of
! thanks? to Mr. Wooten for the able ad
dress just listened to. A standing vote
was taken. Opporunity was then given
to any one who desired to ask Mr.
Wooten any question touching his lec
ture upon which information might be
sought. A profitable half hour was
Bpent in this way.
About 10:30 the company dispersed,
hoping for another opportunity to
hear Mr. Wooten on any subjeit he
may choose.
I H I rrt I I M II HHIM tin
I IttS-it I .'
i vmzw i d n i r. no i h k; i
A representative of the News-Hkr
ai.d visited the thriving little city of
Union last week and found the people
astir and doing business, as is their
custom. We found the hotel, which
has been conducted by a man named
Mr. Shaeffer for some time past, now
under the management of Daniel Farn
ham and his estimable wife, who are
conducting the hostelry in fine shape
and doing a nice business. The next
was the blacksmith shop of W. W.
Wolfe, where we found Will and his
clever assistant, Edward Chitcster,
busily engaged shoeing horses. Their
good business speaks well for the kind
and character of their work, which
keeps them humping to care for it all.
We found the genial editor of the Led
ger, C. L. Graves, sticking type and
looking after the ever elusive item,
wearing a happy smile derived from a
pleasant and profitable occupation. No
one can say but that Editor Graves is
a hustler and a very popular man.
We were pained to see the business
place of Louis C. Curtiss, the barber,
closed on account of his poor health,
he having not recovered sufficiently
since leaving the hospital, where he
underwent an operation for "appendi
citis and who is now trying to recover
his strength at Green Castle, Mo. His
next neighbor, C. W. Clark, the pro
prietor of the restaurant and barber
shop was busily engaged looking after
business, but found time to extend a
cordial greeting, then went on shaving.
At the drug store of A. E. Stites we
found that gentleman attending the
wants of his customers, while his clerk
was making some improvements in the
store which would add to the conven
ience of the place. At the store of
Robert Frans, we found Ray busily en
gaged marking new goods, of which
they are now receiving large quantities
for the supplying of their large trade.
He was assisted by the two lady clerks,
who look after the welfare of the many
customers. At the implement store of
the Banning Bros, we found the genial
Joe transacting business with a com
mercial traveler and looking after the
wants of the many customers, who
were callers at his place of business.
Joe stopped his whistling long enough
ti exchange a few words with us nnd
say that the past year had been one of
prosperity for him and that he was well
satisfied with the result. At the tem
percneo billiard hall of the Gruber
Bros, we found a number engaged in a
pleasant game of pool, and all good
natured and pleasant. At the bank
Mr. Will Reynolds was in charge and
busiiy casting up a column of figures,
while Mr. John R. Peirson, the presi
dent of the bank, was out clerking for
the sale which was being held at the
farm of Mr. Hargus. At the store of
J. A. Talkington, we found a crowd so
that it was some time before wo were
afforded an opportunity to transact
business with that gentleman. We
found Mr. Talkington a very agreeable
gentleman and doing a good trade
Former Ciliien Dies.
Jacob Volk a former Cass county
citizen died at the home of his brother
near Pekin, 111., last Thursday. Satur
day his remains were brought to Platts
mouth, and Sunday interred at the
Waldrat cemetery by the side of his
wife. Mr. Volk was a brother of
Hon. M. L. Friedrich's wife and also
a brother of Jacob Tritsch's wife.
His remains were accompanied from
Illinois by his brother, John Volk, and
his sister, Miss Lizzie Volk.
The deceased went to Pekin, Illinois,
last fall to spend the winter atthe home
of his childhood, and fell sick there a
few days ago and died rather suddenly
in the 55th year of his age. Jacob Volk j
was born near Pekin June 7th, 1851, !
and came to Nebraska when quite a j
young man. He was married to Miss!
Sarah Terryberry of this county, and
to them one son was born, viz. William
Volk who survives his parents. Mrs.
Volk died some years Bgo. Besides his
son Mr. Volk is survived by two broth
ers and three sisters. His brothers be
ing Blatz of Plainview and John of
Pekin. His sisters are Miss Lizzie of
Pekin and Mesdames M. L. Friedrich
and Jacob Tristch of this city. The de
ceased had the confidence and respect
of his neighbors and acquaintances and
his death is sincerely mourned by his
mny friends.
Tho Mejoitic, 5 and 10 ctnti.
which was the result of strict attention
to business. During the morning we
found the tonsorial studio of George P.
Barton closed as he was conducting a
lunch counter at the sale, but in tho
afternoon he was at his place of busi
ness and greeted us with his customary
smile and glad hand. The millinery
store of Miss Lizzie Spangler was
closed, she being called out of the city
on some business matters of the store.
At the store of Will R. Frans we found
that worthy gentleman busy with evi
dences that he was both happy and
prosperous. At the postoflice we
found the representative of your Uncle
Samuel handing out the mail and good
cheer to all callers. Vernon Arn
whistled while he did up the meat for
his many customers, who are numerous
and well pleased with the service which
he gives them.
We found L. R. Upton busy with his
customers, and improving a moment
now and then to look over the morn
ing's mail. With the business he is
doing he is well pleased and is ably as
sisted by that prince of good natured
men, Gabriel Austin. At the business
place of W. E. Stanton, there were
many evidences of a well pleased pub
lic with the work of that excellent
gentleman. On tho streets we met Mr.
McCarthy, of the firm of McCarthy &
Sturm, who laughingly said that the
farmers were too busily engaged at
tending sales and looking for the ad
vance of the price of corn to shell, and
he wbs waitin r their pleasure. At the
lumber yard of W. B. Banning, the
senator, we found that worthy away,
he being in attendance at the state
Ucgislatuc at Lincoln, helping make
new laws, we found Mr. Anderson
looking after the many interests of the
senator during his absence. James
TUiney returned from the sale and told
up that he was doing a good business
and was satisfied with the stirring city
as an abiding place, while uncle
Reuben Foster was busily engaged in
his wagon shop, repairing a buggy for
a customer.
The general character of the busi
ness of the city was such as would
favorably impress the stranger or
casual visitor with the old adage that
in Union is strength, and the city
shows the truth of his statement.
The city is well equipped for the
transmission of intelligence. Besides
some tight daily mails, the telegraph
and three telephones are at the ser
vice of the people. The Bell has a toll
station, while a farmers mutual, has a
large number of members and sub
scribers, and the Plattsmouth Tele
phono company, with toll station and
an exchange. The farmers of the vic
inity are supplied the mail daily by
Amos McNamec and John Drouge, both
gentlemen of pleasing address and
good business ability. Many a town
could well pattern after this stirring
city and become more prosperous. With
our visit at this place we were well
pleased and note their happiness and
prosperity with pleasure.
C. A. Marshall, dentist
Wcsell the Monarch Malleable Range.
Kroehler Brothers, Coates Block.
Something new in post cards every
week. Nemetz & Co. next to P.O.
Some cigars are only cigars, but
Pepperburg's "Buds"are a good smoke
"Always reliable.
When buying candies, why not buy
tho best? We always have a fine line
of the superior grades on hand. Ne
metz & Co. next to P. O.
your old gold watch'cases, rings, chains
etc. Cash or goods for them. Silver
also.-J. W. Crabill, Jeweler. fi'-l
A new supply of sheet music has just
been received by the Plattsmouth
Music Company. All popular hits, Mc
music sold at IJOc and 50c music at 25c.
Took Prise at Omaha.
A. R. Young was in the city a few
days since and while in conversation
with a representative of the News
Ht:n.i.n, said he had received a prize
on the seed corn which he had on ex
hibition at the corn show at Omaha
and which is of a very fine quality. Mr.
Young is thoroughly convinced it pays
to plant the best of seed. He has a
largo quantity of this excellent corn
for seeding.
A New Serial Story.
The News-Hkr. u.i) has made ar
rangements for the publication oi a
serial story which we feel confident
will be appreciated by our readers. The
title is "A Maker of Moons," and the
first installment appearing today.
Pushing a Good Work.
The various correspondence schools
throughout the country are yearly
growing in popularity and now occupy
an iniH)rtant place in the educational
facilities of the nation. Maintaining a
dace well in the van of these institu
tions is the International Correspond
ence Scools of Scranton, Pa. Mr. Chas.
P. Stump, a representative of these
schools, has been in this city for sever
al days past and has enrolled several of
our young people. He has had an at
tractive display in Ascmiasen'a show
window which has attracted consider
able attention.
Colonel McMaken Has Copy of
First Paper Published in
On the 30th day of July, in the year
1857, was issued the first newspaper
published in the city of Plattsmouth,
The Jeffersonian, a copy of which when
less than a year old being now in the
hands of Col. II. C. McMaken. The
paper in question is the property of M.
E. Buttery, the engineer at the Hcisel
rolling mills. Mr. Buttery has loaned
the relic to Col. McMaken and it is kept
among the collection of curios which j
Uncle Henry has. The date of this;
copy is May 8, 1 WW, that being the day
on which the parents of Mr. Buttery
were married, the ceremony taking place
at the home of M. U White with whom
Mr, Buttery was i i the giocery busi
ness at the time. Mrs. Buttery, who was
Miss Margaret Jenkins, and Mr. But
tery were acquainted in Burlington,
Iowa, whence they came to this place.
The editor of the paper at the time
was O. B. Ogden. We were particular
ly interested in an advancement of the
Burlington railroad, in which they claim
to make the unprecedented time from
Plattsmouth or Council Bluffs to Chic
ago in seventy hours, and from Fort
Des Moines in forty hours. They stat
ed also that they had at that time a
road running ten miles further west
than any other road in the state of Iowa,
the terminus nt that time being at
The time which the Burlington now
makes from Missouri liver points to
Chicago is about one-seventh of the
time made then. But when it is taken
into consideration that the distance be
tween here and Rome had to be made
by stage the time might be considered
good, as Rome is only thirty-seven
miles west of Burlington.
That was fifty years ago last spring
and it may be that in another fifty
years as great or greater changes will
occur in the matter of transportation,
as well as in many other things.
The home merchants are fully pre
pared to handle your business.
New Laundry
I have recently opened up a
laundry on South Sixth Street
:: and shall he pleased to receive
f: a share of the Plattsmouth
trade. Our strong feature is
:: handwork, eliminating the
j: liability of injury to the cloth-
I iug. A specialty will he made
of fine shirt and collar work.
If you have been dissatisfied
with machine work give us a
trial. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Held Over the Hody of John P.
Thicker at Union List
of Jurors.
The account given in the issue of this
paper of last Monday, in regard to the
shooting of Mr. John P. Thacker, was
practically correct, as we now learn the
story. From the time of the shooting.
Dr. Jacob Brendel, of Murray, and T.
P. Livingston, of this city, gave the
wounded man the most careful and
painstaking medical attention, and all
was done to save Mr. Thacker's life
that could be done. A day or so before
his death occurred it was observed that
the patient was gradually growing
weaker and weaker, and it was evident
that he could not survive. At 12:30
Thursday morning, John P. Thacker
died, at his home about four mites
northeast of Union. That night Coro
ner Clements, of Elmwood, held a coro
ner's inquest. County Attorney Ram
sey represented tho state, and Attorney
Byron Clifrk represented John Clar
ence, the man that did the shooting.
Court Reporter Earl R. Travis, of this
city, took the testimony at the hearing.
Sheriff C. I). Quinton assisted the Cor
oner in selecting the coroner's jury,
and summoning the witnesses. Lee
Thacker, Carter Albin, Earl Albin, Ira
Clark, James Stevens, Lcnn Crawford,
Dr. Jacob F. Brendel, and Dr. T. P.
Livingston were witnesses and gave
testimony at the inquest, and from what
we can learn from disinterested persona
there was some little conflict in the
testimony, but the facts were practical-
ly as related in these columns some
days ago.
The coroner's jury composed of the
following named gentlemen E. T Com
er, W. R. Cross, Charles Lake, A. L.
Becker, J. D. Bramblet and J. L. Pell,
after examining all the witnesses avail
able brought in a verdict that Mr.
Thacker "came to his death from gun
shot wounds inflicted by John Clarence,
Jr., "(a cripple) at the James Darrough
farm four miles north and a half mile
east of Union, Cass County, Neb., on
January 15, 1909.
The funeral of John P. Thacker was
had at his home north of town, Friday,
at 2 p. m. The services were conduct
ed under the auspices of the Modern
Woodman of America, of which order
he was a member. He was also a mem
ber of the A. W. U. W. The funeral
was largely attended by his many
friends.and his body was interred in the
cemetery at Union.
A widow and six children mourn his
loss, and they have the sympathy of
their many friends. Especially does
the Nkws-Hkrai.d extend to the family
t in! most sincere sympathy in their sor
row and sad bereavement.
Johnny Clarenco is now confined in
the county jail. No complaint has yet
been filled against Clarence by the
County Attorney. It is believed that
the defense in this action will be that
of self-defense.
Photo post cards of Taft at Platts
mouth. Now on sale-Ten different
views at 5c each. Nemetz & Co. next
to P. O.