The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, January 21, 1909, Image 7

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Food Specialist
Author of "Eating for a
Purpose." "The jVtfcw
Gospel of Health."
iiopyrlgiit, by Joseph li. Dowks)
Bread is the oldest of prepared
foods. Long before fire was dis
covered it was quite natural to
pulverize the hard Brains between
stones, to moisten the meal thus made,
press it into cakes and dry it in the
sun. This was the original unleavened
bread. Only the application of lire
to cukes accidentally fermented by
moisture and temperature was neces
sary to produce the modern staff of
Good bread will, alone, support life
Indefinitely. Thousands of our sturdy
foreign laborers maintain pood health
and strength chiefly on coarse bread.
I had an opportunity lately to examine
a Dutch laborer, about "0 years old,
who said he had lived all his life on
rye bread and coffee, and he was in
perfect health in spite of the coffee.
Thomas Tarr, an Fnglish farmer,
lived more than l.'O year en "coarse
bread, cheese, small beer and whey."
The bread was probably rye, wheat
Doing then used only by the wealthy.
Hread has one r 'vantage over nuts
as the chief staple food bulk. The
stomach is not absolutely necessary
to the digestive process; it is merely
a receptacle for the mass of food
taken at a meal, but has added the
capacity for reducing the mass to a
fine liquid before passing it on to the
Intestine or second stomach, where
the work of digestion is completed.
A German experimenter some years
ago removed the stomach of a dog,
after which it lived for several years,
regaining most of its lost weight.
The stomach has also developed the
capacity for converting proteld, of
which flesh, nuts mid grains largely
stanco from which all the tissues are
built. The same process is continued
in the intestine, if all the proteld is
not broken up and mnde soluble in
the stomach. The conversion of
starch into sugar by the action of the
saliva, begun in the mouth, continues
in the stomach till the mass becomes
saturated with the hydrochloric acid
of the gastric lluld, secreted by the
stomach, after which any starch re
maining must run the risk of fermen
tation before Its digestion la com
pleted in the intestine.
Experimenters who have lived on a
nut and fruit diet for short times
report a "craving" for other foods;
and this Is the invariable experience,
' for a time, of those who adopt the
"scientific" diet. Now a man of ma
ture years and on whose? word I can
rely, who has been living on the sim
ple diet for seven mouths, working as
a merchant, full hours, informs me
that this "craving" has entirely disap
peared. Another, a manufacturer,
says that he now. after about three
months, enjoys a meal of whole
wheat bread and peanuts or of prunes
as well as he formerly enjoyed, while
eating, a mixed meal, and of course
never regrets it afterwards, as he for
tnirely regretted overeating. The
Italian laborer, working hard phys
ically on rye bread, macaroni, garlic
and beer, has no craving for oysters
or pie or pork.
The merchant above referred to
commonly had u craving, formerly, on
coming homo from church or opera
late, and would ent a second supper
and suffer.
If all (he elements necessary for the
body's niitrititrt are supplied, there
will be no desire for some unnatural
food. We know that one who is eat
ing a few slices of whole wheat, rye
or corn bread and fruit at a separate
meal, can not suner lor lack 01 any
nutritive element, even if he eats no
nuts or does not drink the glass of
buttermilk before retiring.
Oats is the richest of the cereals
It contains more fat and more min
oral salts than wheat, but its starch
cells are encased in coarse cellulose
libers, so that it must be very thor
oughly cooked to make its starch di
gestible. The rolled oats are prcf
erable to tho steel cut.
Hye contains less mineral matter
than wheat, but Its starch Is equal
to that of rice. Artificial digestive
tests showed It to bo 1- times more
digestible than wheat starch. It fol
lows that the objections urged against
line wheat starch bread do not apply
to rye bread. The starch of rye bread
Is practically digested beyond the dan
ger of fermentation. No doubt this
explains the superior health of those
who live on rye bread. The Roman
gladiators were fed on rye, wheat anil
Now, considering the peculiar fea
tures of corn, rye and wheat, It Is ev
ident that a much better bread could
y be made from a combination of these
than from either separately.
llrcad should be cut into slices and
r allowed to dry to some extent at
least before being eaten. The less
soft cereal food Is eaten the better,
. ....lll.. .,1,11.1,.,,.. '!'!, ....!. .......
till 1 11.1 IIJMUM'U. A 11X3 IVUUI'liC
I.j to swallow soft food with little
mastication. Tho teeth, however, can
be properly developed nnd maintained
only by eating hard food.
The objections urjod against fresh
white bread do not arpty equal
ly to toast. The s'arch of which
toast, zwieback, or rank, chiefly con
sii's has been largely converted into
M: ;;ir by dry heat. This Is easily
digested, being open to the action of
the digest iko fluids. Hence for per
sons of Weak digestion It is much su
perior to fresh bread so far as the
supply of heat and muscular force it
concerned only. Crackers ure Inferior
to tcast. especially if soaked lu soup
or oilier liquid.
Pii! ire wheat bread is not adapted
to toasting, its albumen being already
too much coagulated for the best nu
trition. Evidently cheese should not
be toasted, foiled potatoes are the
better for toasting so far ns the starch
element is concerned, providing no fat
be used. Fried potatoes are a pro
line source of dietetic troubles.
One may he eating sufficient albu
men, starch, fat and sugar, which con
stitute lt,"i per cent, or more of nil
solid nutriment the body needs, am':
yet may become weak, sickly, ineffi
cient and finally die for lack of proper
nourishment. For perfect nutrition
we must have in the blood, in addi
tion: Potash, sodium, phosphorus,
calcium, magnesium, iron, sulphur,
chlorine and fluorine.
Potash Is essential in every part
of the body, but especially in the
brain and nerve centers. In all nerve
disorders It Is found to be deficient in
the blood. Perhaps tho quick wit
of the Irish is due, partly, to the
abundant supply of potash and phos
phorus they have got for centuries
from potatoes and wheat, which form
so large a part of their diet. The best
sources of potash are: lieans. pota
toes, peanuts, wheat, lettuce, prunes,
cucumbers, meat, walnuts.
Sodium is found in every tissue of
the body. Without it the processes of
nutrition eouhl not be carried on.
Sodium is one of the elements of com
mon salt, but it Is not necessary to
cat salt to get chlorine. Many careful
investigators, including a physician
of my acquaintance who has studied
the subject assiduously for many
years, say that common salt Is In
jurious. Certainly the average per
son eats far too much of it, weakening
the kidneys nnd exciting the delicate
organism. I have demonstrated that
there is enough sodium and chlorine
in peanuts and wheat.
The best sources of sodium are:
Milk, spinach, wheat, lentils, barley,
carrots, potatoes, cabbage, figs, ap
ples, eggs, nuts.
Sulphur seems to be very important
in nutrition, for the average body con
tains about, three ounces of it. Mrs.
Squecrs discovered that when given
in crude mineral form It has an effect
opposite to that which it is probably
designed to serve. Its best sources
of natural supply are: Potatoes, beans,
horseradish, peanuts, figs, lettuce,
olives, barley, milk, meat, eggs, oats,
wheat. White flour contains none.
Iron is a very necessary element in
the blood. While bread contains
none of it, milk a small percentage.
The foods richest in iron are: Len
tils, lettuce, peas, figs, nuts, rye, wheat,
apples, grapes, prunes, oats, onions.
Calcium is very necessary for the
formation of bone, especially in chil
dren. Its best sources are: Milk,
ligs, eggs, cocoanut, beechnuts, onions,
wheat, rye, meat, potatoes, corn.
Chlorine is necessary for the forma
tion of gastric fluid, used in digestion.
It also has an impor'ant influence in
the oxygenation of the blood. Jts
best sources are: Milk, cocoanut, let
tuce, nuts, cabbage, potatoes, eggs,
corn, beans, meat, lish. wheat. Fine
white flour contains no chlorine.
Silicon gives hardness to the bones,
hair, nails, etc. Its best sources of
supply are: Lettuce, cabbage, ligs,
oats, barley, wheat, nuts.
Fluorine seems to give elasticity to
the veins and Hillsides. It is best sup
plied by lettuce, potatoes, ligs. onions,
nuts, milk, wheat, rye, olives, apples,
Magnesium is always found in the
blood, though there is some doubt as
to its office. Its best sources are:
Nuts, beans, wheat, mill;, oats, corn,
l' ttnce, rye, potatoes.
Phosphorus Is essential to the
growth .if the cells. Prain and nerve
energy seem to depend largely upon
the supply of phosphorus, ll is vcrj
important to supply ninpl- phosphorus
in the food of growing children and
brain workers. One-twelfth of the solid
matter of the brain Is phosphorus.
The old theory that lish supply nu ex
traordinary amount of phosphorus
seems not to bo well founded. The
foods that best supply phosphorus ure:
lieans. peas, milk, wheat, rye1, corn,
eggs, nuts, potaioes, meats, lish, ligs,
carrots, cabbage.
It Is now dear that all the elements
of nutrition nr.- supplied by bread,
nuts, fruits, milk nnd meat. If one is
r.fitlsfb'd that meat is Injurious he
can gradually eliminate that from his
dietary. I have shown in a previous
article why buttermilk is better for
the adult than sweet milk, and I ad
vise It In every case.
It Is the various compounds of the
mineral el"inonts that are so Impor
tant In the processes of nutrition. io
Important are they that a school of
medicine, biochemistry, has been
based upon their administration.
Iron, sulphur or phosphorus may be
found deficient In tho blood ns In
dicated by symptoms, but you cannot
furnish sulphur to the blood by drink
ing a solution of sulphur water. Min
eral food must go through the vege
table or animal. If we want iron or
sulphur we must eat lettuce, egg?,
meat, peanuts, wheat or other nuts or
cereals. The vegetables, especially
beans, 'lettuce, potaioes and ruts, are
richest In the mineral salts. Nuts
contain, everything considered, iie
best supply. 1 shall deaf more V !
with this phase of nuti'.t'eii In ih
chat t rs on "TL; 1 Mot Cure" nnd th,.t
ull "Cooking."
elect High, Dry Locution Mistake ot Koophi..r Sluvp Too
Warm Must lie Avoided.
IS' taiilfii
The Barn
When in pasture she: p will always
si vp oil the highest and driest parts
of the field. Tills r.houhl be kept 111
mind in selecting the site for a sheep
shed. Warm close sheds are likely to
be injurious to the health of the sheep
is the titnperatu.e of their blood is
high and the fleece keeps in the body
i, at. Crowding Is to be avoided, espe
cialy at the feeding rack. Tin ac
eninrnnying plan, which is from the
booklet 'Practical Farm Hulldlngs,"
n. ;. W. i;iil & Son, Hamilton, Out.,
Una roq F.UrreNmq
- 4.'
The Ground
shows a building 40 feet wide nnd (10
feel long. It Is in two 'stories, the
first being nine feet high and the see-
The Frame Plan.
ond six fict from the floor to tho
eaves. Tho sills are (! inches by X Inch
es, resting pieferably on stone fotinda-
By Prof. V. J. Kennedy, Iowu
Experiment Stut'on.
Tho uge at which hogs should be
fattened will depend more or less
upon the market demands and the
locality. In some countries and In
different sections of the same country
we find that there uio differences in
the market demands. As a general
rule in Ibis country the fat or lard
hog has been the most popular.
When such l:i the case it is better to
market hogs at tin weight of from
:i()l) to 1110 pounds. There seem to
meet with the most popular favor of
the buyers.
In other sections of fje country
and In other markets where the bacon
type of hog Is prt.Vrred ever the fat
or lard hog, they must be :iiarketed at
an earlier age. The best weight for
the bacon hog Is between H'.O ami 200
pounds. They do not require to be
nearly as lat as the fat or lard bog;
still, on the other band, a bacon hog
I :i by no means a thin animal. They
should have a covering o.' about one
Inch of fat over the back. They
should be deep sided nnd long sided,
f 7 yT- '7 s
if hii4-"H
A Good Portable Feed Rack
Observe That This Long Feed Hack Is Constructed on Wheels, Thu'a Making
It Easy to Place Any vl-.ere in the Feed Lot. It AIjo Avoidj the Neces
sity of Unloading the Hay, as the Can Dj Hau'cd to tbe Hay Stack,
Filled and Then Left in the Feed Lot Wherever Dcoired.
th.ii, and. If set on posts, they should
be heavier. Honrs are all four feel
wide and those that are used by the
she. p should be sliding. Windows are
The "Grand Young Men" of the son
: fed wide and I'.j feet high. In the
center of the shot p apartment there
an- double (loins 10 feel wide. When
both are opened and the center post
removed a wagon can be driven
throir.h to lemove manure. The feed
rucks are all permanent, as there Is
no necessity for their removal and
and iww,
they form a wall for the passage-way
which runs through the center. Th
loft will give storage space sullleie'.it.
for fodder for the sheep. j
Light for Hogs. Harkness and
health in tho hog builness are never
found in the same place. The mortal
enemy of ull disease genus is the
bright sunlight nnd this at some time
or other should have access to every
coiner of the feed lot nnd breeding
pens. Darkness brings dampness,
dampness brings on bad health and
the lo. scs sustained from this source
are hard to estimate.
Second Crop Clover. Second crop
( lover buy fed alone to western tdieep
has given belter results at hinibini!
time than any of the other feeds tried,
own clover hay and grain included.
and must be firm In quality. When
the bacon bog is desired, as a gen
end rule it will be found most profit
aide to haw the hogs fattened atu
finished for market nt about five and
one-half or six months of age.
When- the fat or lard hog is desin i
t In- most profitable age to market in
order to meet the requirements of the
market would be about t ight to ten
months. I logs of this age should
weigh in the neighborhood of 300 to
;!.V) pounds. As a general rule, how
ever, ll may be slated that the great
est ami especially the most econom
ical gains are made on t ln younger
animals. This Is one point lu favor
of the bacon bog.
'fhe season of the year at which
the fattening should be done will de
pend upon various conditions. In a
great many instances, hogs are fat
toned dining the fall and early winter.
In other Instances they are fattened
dui'iig the spring and early summer.'
(leiier.illy speaking the most econom
ical gains can be made during tho
early fall or spring months. The
weather is then not to Id nor loo
warm-In fact, about right for the
best gains. In real cold weather a
considerable amount of the feed Is
ii; ed for ihe production of bent to su
ply the heat requited for the main
tenance of the animal bodv.
tt A I? VI 11
Uoddt'.h plum colored cloth Is used for the first costume Illustrated. The
skirt I.-, r. nine-gored pattern with wrapped Beams. The coal Is semi fitting
atui is elaboiaiely trimmed with black silk braid of two widths, nnd braid
covered bullous. Large hat of stretched uatln trimmed with (he same.
Maleilals lequlred: 7 1 -j yards 40 Inches wide, about 10 yards wide bralfl,
ii'id J dozen line braid, 1 '-j buttons, 4 4 yards skirt lining, 15 yards silk
tor lining jacket.
Per the reciiud, cedar green cloth Is employed. The long, slightly trained
skirt is quite plain. The coat lias a rather short-walsted, tight llttlng bodice,
tho back of which Is continued the whole length through the basque. Incis
ions are made lu the collar, through which wide sa.ln ribbon Is threaded, the
eii'U being drawn up and finished by tassels; Ihe cuffs are also threaded
with ribbeii; s.UMi covered buttons are sewn on the back and are also used for
fastening. Hal of velvet of the tame color us the costume, trimmed with and wings.
.Materials required: ll yards 4il Inchon wide, ( yards skirt lining, 4 yards
silk for lining jacket, yards ribbon.
Pretty Dress for Girl of from Eight to
Ten Yearo.
litre Is a pretty Utile dress In wll-low-ncen
cashmere. The skirt Is
slightly lull, and has a wide box plait
lu the (enter front. The blouse Is
sn'ocki d each side front, and bus a
box plait lu center, which, with the
turnover collar, Is trimmed with cord
loops and silk buttons.
The sleeves are smocked at the
w lists, tb" hemmed edge of material
being loft to foini a frill. Hash of soft
ribbon of a darker shade than the
Materials requited: 4 yards 4 1
liu lies wide.
Shading in Embroidery.
When 'l ading in embroidery one
cannot be too careful In doing the
The colors should be run Into each
other gradually, i-o the changes will
t;i;ril!y be tioileid. As the shades of
silk are numbered, you should not find
the work ihliicult.
Ho not use ihe very d'-op tones ex
opt where the Mower or leaf Is en
tlrclv in the shadow.
Trimming for Cashmere.
A cliarmln; trimming for cashmere
or heioP tta dinner I rocks Is messallne
s. -in lu j ( If-toiie, with matching sash,
and a tucker and hall sh oves of gold
I. ice or Hue m i. F.cru nets embroidered
In colors harmonious with the cash
ie ,(. nnd a novelty tilininiug or pus
seiuenterle to outline Ihe tucker will
f.ive a smart touch to Ihe costume.
Cend Flowers.
A novelty In millinery Is flowers
made of beads. These, however, are
cot likely In become either popular or
common because of their expense,
their weight, and usually their lack of
erace. Pose., are made of fine Steel
beads with i liver stamens, and on
black or gtay vlvct toques afe ef
? I ftp K
Artificial Bouquets Are Worn with tho
Evening Costume.
As every woman knows, it Is rather
Injurious to fine fabrics to pin heavy
bunches or real flowers on them. They
also fade before the evening is over
and are apt to be discarded.
The present fashion Is to wear a
lurge hunch of French blossoms, won
derfully colored and fashioned. There
Is no attempt to avoid during and
vivid combinations. This Is a feat tiro
of this season's dressing.
Scarlet popples as well as American
Ileauty roses are favored, (lardenlas,
with their glossy green leaves, are
worn on black, purple and crimson
frocks, Combinations of flowers aro
not in as good taste as they wero
some seasons ago. The bunch Is of
one kind. It Is pinned a little below
the bust at the left side. This seems
to be the exact spot accepted ns the
fashionable one'.
Among tho rare flowers which are
put on extra handsome gowns are
lilies of yellow satin with green
Complexion Suffers Where There Is
Lack of Self-Control.
The fcirl who has a very quick tem
per must expect to have trouble with
nor complexion. Sometimes red spots
come out prominently and refuse to be
hidden even by powder. ..Sometimes
there Is a flush, and when' it disap
pears the skin Is quite dry and feels
almost painful.
The cause of all this Is tho excite
ment of getting angry. Very little can
be done for the skin while the temper
remains unchecked. Perhaps It would
be a good Idea for the girl who is wor
ried about her poor complexion to ex
amine herself to find out If a hasty
temper Is the cause of the mischief.
Should this be so, lei her set about
gaining sell control before she at
tempts to improve her looks by the ap
plication ot creams and lotions.
Checks for Trimming.
Many of the newest fall dresses aro
showing a touch of trimming or piping
of checked material. For instance, a
black suit Is bountiful trimmed with
a tiny piping of black and white
checked serge. A dress of plain ma
terialserge or panama is very
modish trimmed with bands of checked
taffeta. What a difference a new
touch like this makes! Kven In an
old fasliioiK.'d dress quite a new ef
fect may be obtained by just a little
modern trimming, which lightens up
the whole and ut once shows tho
wearer Is uii todate.
Newest Aprons.
Among the newest fancy aprons are
those made of cross-barred muslin or
The edge may be llnished with In
sertion and lace and a dainty design
embroidered across the bottom and up
the sides.
The embroidery can be done with
colored silk or with white mercerized
cot ton,
The work to be well padded and
worked solid. I, ace beading Is used
across the top, run with a delicate
shade of ribbon to nu.tch the embroidery.