The News-Herald PLATT8U0UTH.NI Enteral at the poatoffir at Plattsmouth, Cam Cuunty, Nebraaka. u aecond-clana mail matter. A. L. Tidd, Editor. R. 0. Watters, Manager. i RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION On Taw ( Advance., U Hon tlx fl.SO . .78 TELEPHONES Plattsmouth No. 85 Nebraska No. 85 Don't freeze up. The weather man is treating ua fairly. EaHMIIMM Ark you hustling, then you will suc ceed. We never knew it to fail. Wanted-more optimism, and less pehaimism among the citizens of this city. Let the other fellow wear the long face and talk pessimistic, you and I haven't time. Ik things don't go, push them along. This is to be the best year in the his tory of this city. Don't let your goods become Bhelf worn. Sell them or give them away and get new ones. Wake up! Be cheerful, and speak a good word for our business men. Platts mouth is one of the best cities in the State. Let people know that you are doing something and they will help you. Let people know that you want to sell your goods, and that you want them to buy, and they'll buy. Have you tried to get other people to come to Plattsmouth tobuy theirgoods? If you have, good. If you have not, then you have not done your part. Our merchants can duplicate Omuha or Lin coln prices. Try them. Plattsmouth wants factories and business institutions and we'll get them. Do you went to help get somethinc? The editor of this paper, six years ago, rommenced working for a Federal Build ing for this city, and a year ago the appropriation was made. This sum mer the building will be erected. It was Congressman Pollard, who secured the appropriation. Did you ever thank him for it? BIGGEST LAWSUIT IN HISTORY. President Roosevelt's administration will go down in history as having wag ed one of the greatest legal battles in all history. The suit to dissolve the Standard Oil company of New Jersey was commenced on December 6, 1906. In all 192 wit nesses were called by the government and 140 by the defense. The record of the testimony proper totals up 4,500,000 words. The exhibits, consisting of over 73,000 groupa of words and figures, adds another ten million words. The print ing office at Washington has been kept busy night and day for months complet ing the record which, when bound, will make twenty-two printed volumes. The maps showing the company's pipe lines and oil fields are printed in four colors, a procedure heretofore unknown in legal record making. From the printer's viewpoint, it is the greatest case in legal history. Arguments of both sides next April before the full bench of the United States circuit court sitting in St. Louis, will further enlarge the record, and as the case is to be given to the supreme court of the United States, no matter what the decision of the circuit court, the final bulk of the record in the case promises to be appalling. It cannot truthfully be said that the President has not waged a giant fight against the greatest trust in the world. Mr. Roosevelt has not hesitated to go after "big game" while in public office. He cannot, therefore, be blamed for hunting big game, when he becomes a private citizen. What's the difference between im pulsive insanity and insane impulsiveness. We are doing well, our business is in creasing. How is your business? Keep at it and you'll win, we intend to. When our business men get their heads together and all their shoulders against the same wheel, something will commence to move. The republican policy is to make busi ness good, so good, that the democrats are now worrying about bank guarantee deposits. Who h;id a bank deposit at the end of four years of democratic administration? A BILL ON NEPOTISM. ' What is considered the biggest joke of the legislature so far is the contemplated introduction of a bill to prevent nepotism in the state j house, state institutions and the ' judiciary. Such a bills as sure of passage through this economical, businesslike democratic legislature as a freeze-up in August. j But the obstacles in the way ; of the passage of such a bill are insur mountable. Take it in the house alone and the death knell of the bill Is already sounded. Nepotism runs rampant through this legislature. Here are a few of the obstacles in the way of the enactment of the bill into law. Henry and son, Snyder and son, Brown and son, Bates and daughter, and nephews and niece and other relatives too numerous to mention. -Omaha Bee. Honorable "Colonel" Bates' be. con- i Bistent with your practice and vote against any such bill, but don't attempt to make a speech against it, for'' the other fellow may be laying in wait for you with a bundle of PlattFmouth Jour als in which you have condemned your own practices. There is an old adage "Chickens will come home to roost." E. G. DOVEY SON FARM WEALTH IN 1908. While the year 1908 brought to the railroads, manufactories, and general trade such depression as was inevitable after the financial crisis of the preced ing autumn, the twelve months follow ing the panic were for the farmers of the United States the most prosperous in the history of the county. Secretary Wilson's report of the Department of Agriculture gives the final figures of the size and value of the year's crops, -and amazing figures they are. The total value of farm products reaches $7,778,000,000, a gain of 4 per cent over the value of these products for year 1907, and again of 05 per cent over the year 1899. In this decade the farms have produced new wealth amounting to the staggering figure of $30,000,000,000. Corn is still king in Ehe long the election of new city of ficers will be held. It is time you be gan to think of some good, clean, and capable man for mayor. Give us the names of persons you think would make a good business manager for the city. Let everybody be on the lookout. A town is judged by its newspapers, much as a man is sized up by his clotheF. The whole community is thus a partner in it 8 journalistic enterprises. If you want your city to put its best foot for ward, Rive the home paper the support it needs to keep on expanding and grow ing more attractive. Uep. Sink is somewhat of a man, in stature as well as in intellect, and the probabilities are that he knew exactly where he was at whin he in troduced his bill regulating the length of i said to have been due to TRAMPS AND THE ASHLAND METHOD. ' Last week we spoke of two classes of tramps, and dealt with one class at some length. This city is infested to a far greater extent with that class, who wander from place to place, begging and pilfering as they go. Ashland, 'Ne braska, seems to have been infested like Plattsmouth by this worthless horde, and the authorities of our neigh boring city have adopted a method that seems to be effective. We shall call it the Ashland method, and we give it be low and commend it to the attention of the local authorities. Here it is: The city authorities have devised a method of ridding Ashland of tramps that has proven successful beyond all expectations. Until about a month ago the town was overrun with tramps, as many as six to ten being nightly lodged in tho local jail. It had been custom ary to turn them loose every morn ing, allowing them to beg from door to door for breakfast. Now, however, the tramps are provided with accommodations in the jail, which is heated, but are given no food or water, and are not released until the afternoon following the night of their incarceration. They are then marched to the citylimiti and told to keep moving. Within two days after this rule was put in effect tramps gave the place a w ide berth, and in the last three weeks there has not been one tramp seen in the town. Collision On Rio Crande. Number of known dead ....21 Identified dead ,12 Unidentified dead 9 Seriously injured ;40 Glenwood Springs, Colo., Jan. 1C-Twenty-one persons were killed and forty injured, many of them seriously, in a head-on collision between west bound passenger train No. 5 and an eastbonnd freight train on the Denver & Rio Grande railroad between Dotosero and Spruce Creek, twenty-two miles from Glenwood Springs, at 9:36 o'clock last night. While nothing official has been given out as lo tne cause ot me wrecK, it is a misunder- V t t t y t ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? y f y t ? ? ? ? v ? ? ? ? ? f ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? t y ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Y Special Offerings at a Large Discount We are invoicing and working hard every min ute of the time, nevertheless we are going to give a few specials this and next week; this discount ought to mean something to you because you - can buy the specials here advertised for much less than actual value. 33i0 Furs 33 25 Blankets 25 "We will sell any fur in Any blanket in the the house regardless of house 10-4, 11-4 and cost at 1-3 off. Nothing 12-4 goes at discount of reserved. 25 per cent. Fleeced Wrappers Brokcn lot ol Underwear A nice lot of dark This is a .f ano,e t0 wrappers. Worth $1.25 save money lf haIe to $1.50. Yours at you. Good assort- ment now. Yours at.. 19c per garment 33 Fancy China 33 33 Lamps 33 All our salad bowls, Here is an opportunity sugar and cream sets, to et 0IJe of fancy vases, salt and pepper Parlor lamps at less sets, fancy cake plates than you will ever buy and others go at 1-3 tliem again. Come and off the actual value. look at them, if you do you will buy. But standing of orders on the part of En- bigger the hole the more doughnut it its contribution to the farmer's pocket; ! takes to go around it. the value cf the 2, 043,000,000 bush-j - els raised in 19J8 was $1,615,000,000,1 Aug our merchants prepared to meet or more than one fifth of the value i the competition, constantly growing bed sheets to be used in hotels. that other man who wants to get a law mwr UUSH" w,HO" 01 ine VKr , . . , ' Olson, however claims he undersood passed regulating the si:.o of the hole;.- . .- , ., . . . , ' " his instructions perfect v. but that he in a doughnut is clear off his base. The nijsrc-ad his watch, thus encroaching on the time of the feight train which was being drawn Dy two locomotives, the first of which was in charge of his brother, Sis Olson. NEHKASKANS AMONG DhAD. Dr. Arvilla Oleson of Avtfll. Wlv. of the total products of agriculture. stiffer, of those alluring spring catalogs . reported killed, has been a prominent This year c it '.on has wrested second place, in rank of value from the hny crop, which has always, until 1!K)S, been from the metropolitan department physician in his home to'-n for seven stores? Of cour.-o the harrnin- t fcnm.. i ycara hvm a graduate of Rush med- An Able Address. Luke Wiles returned Tuesday from Lincoln where he was in attendance at a meeting of Ked Polled Breeders' as sociation. On that day he made an ad dress before the association on the sub ject "Why I Breed Red Polls in Nc braska," which was well received by those in attendance. Mr. Wiles is an extensive breeder of this species of cattle, and is well posted on their many good points. Since this country has ceased to be the great beef producing territory of the west, and is depended upon for a large share of the dairying products of the nation, he contends that to keep abreast of the times it is necessary to turn the attentoin to the growing of dual purpose cattle-those which may be turned into beef after 1 serving a time for dairy purposes, and he claims that the Red Polls more fully meet these requirements than any other breed on the market today. One breed j may serve better for dairying purposes , and another may prove more profitable for the growing of beef, but for the , dual purpose necessary m tnis panic-1 ular part of the country in order to , secure the best returns for the labor j expended, he is mor.t enthusiastic about the Red Polled cattle. Legal Notice. In County Court, Cass county, Nebrahl'a. In the m .tier ot the estate ot Jaints Skoumal, ileceued. To all persona inti'M-Nted: You are hereby notifH-d that on January fith, , 190!, Kranrrs Skoumul, filed a pttition for the ap- pointu'entof an administrator of the ab ve es tate, and asking that nhe be appointed u h ad-1 min'ntratnx: that there will be a hearing j on aid petition at my otlice in the city of I'laltx-1 mouth. Casx County. Nebrasaa. on me inn uajr Business Men Eat here to their own great sat isfaction and profit. Our lunch from 11:30 to 1:30 meets most wants of the man who looks for easily and quickly digested food tastily prepared and at a price not prohibitive to one of ordinary means. Plenty of variety. Glad to see you any day. DR. A. P. BARNES V. S. El 5 For Hot Fires Get Egenber gcr's Coal! arc better, when you consider that in i it .... , . . . i oi January A. if ;'! at ru twa ICal College, Chicago. With IllS Wife j X-retomuni Tb Hied before a.d hour. Sure satisfaction every time you light a fire if on top of the kindling is ebony fuel from our yards. It's heat and light giving and slate-free when it leaves the mines, screened and cleaned again here and served to you full weight and with celerity of delivery. Order any way that suits you. Both telephones. J. V. ECENBERGER Blld tWO-VPif-olll ll.-lhv h U'ua nn Kia next to corn. And yet the hny crop is j our own shops you get more personal j wy to Spokane, where he was prepar the greatest ever produced,-6S,(HKl,(KK) I attention and a better chance to return J ing to locate. Considerable anxiety is ton, worth to the farmers $621.000.(XKt. ! unsatisfac'.ory goods. But the public i felt f(,r nis wit'e H,,d child, whom it is Close after hay comes wheat, the 6G0,- 000,000 bushels raised in 1908 having a value of $620,000,000, which is more j live newspaper. than 10 per cent, in excess of any pre-1 vious wheat crop's value. Minor crops, i J .u ; i . - . . . forgets this. Trade has tobedrummed, i un.c.eni.neci dead. ... ,-.. . ! C. Kettle and his daughter, May and the ettic.ent drummer , Kettle, who are listed among the dead. : lived at Ashton, Neb. Until recently Dni.d thimthduv of January. A. L 1109. Byron Clark. Allen J. Bkkson, . Attor-ey. 6.V0 County Judge. REFEREE'S SALE. .l.,hn C. Wharton. Attorney. Boom "jlH-New York Life Building-. Omaha, Nebraska. By virtue of a decree ot partition oi ine uia trict Court of Cajw County, Nebraska, entered in iiaid Court on the 2mh day of September A. D. I'niv ami an order of nale entered in faid C urt on K ..!.. hi . . the Mh day ot ucioner a. u. in an atuuu ettle has been a prosperous farmer I IZLLZ ,ln.u therein Ida m. krampien is One frequently hears the cla m made near that place. He had just purchased J "n' J.t uHTJSn barley, rye, beet-sugar, and potatoes, ! that the English language is but a poor H rPm in -'- nd with his NjTt were, except the last, which suffered vt'hic,c for lhe conveyance of thought, mU,C! tW daut,ltc n,1(J seventeen-: ? hl. m Kmmpn. ncon,,,ent j JUuM. , t c ""i Kuiuiiu, year-old son, were enroute to theirnew , n"1,,r " are defendant, ordering and from unfavorable weather, well un to 1 "that 11 ' 'ing in those finer shades 10me. Kpl hn, a "'j " : tSf..ilV!mS ' in, i inaiiv - - the records in point of quantity, and all ! of exl're8!?l') accredited 10 some of the other relative living in the vicinity of i made new records in value. Dairy pro ducts brought the farmer nearly $800, OJO.000, poultry and eggs even more than the cotton, and animal , a whole, nearly $3,000,000,000. The farmer in 1308 produced new wealth 1 four timps a great as all the minerals 1111,1 wu'' "ve Klurs r:ies a ta'en from the eromd. inrlnH no- it , mvum.g as forceful as it is delicate Ashton. John Williams of Th unit h half IS.1') of the north-east quarter (V. E.' and theaouth half (S.') of the north half (N 1 .) of the north-eant quarter (N. E.' and tongues lying further south in the World's FCOirratihv. t'lisaiiur fur tho1 n,.,., hi, ',, .;, , ,1,,,i. IW 'i'"l.k:1!"1, --""r11 ui- niui mur unturvii. tie was on ma t "".;:... V. h. n,rih hnir IN. '.) or the nouth-eatt uuarter Chirks, Neb., re-I S. E.' all inaction twenty-aix. (US) townahip I twelve 12. norm n imk i.-h v. -orasKa. . i-- ... NOW 1 a., I. janie nuw-rieun, in o,.. V,.. ..... ..I : ..i... "',r,v'" i"3 . ,i1.r, referee duly auwinted by the ilia- '"Vk '"u" " 18 1,11 ",0Sl way to Fruita. Colo., where he had ac-1 trict court of r county. Noi.ra.k.. to make expressive oi, earth. Were you ever 'cepted a position on a government 1 JStWr:,:! "stung?" Then you know that this irrigation ditch. Friends are waiting 1 Wo'urtSiotef c. '., 1 .f f!.,o lnn... : tor news from his Wife. 1 N.-hraka. in the cily of JMattumouth in naul vviu m ii. c nuus v.liril-S H I ... ..I. .r.,1 ..II m W. I). mack, Who Was injured IS a estate above denmlied at public auction to the traveling snl.mmnn fnr nn r.,.10Ku V,,... i hiKhent bidd.rfor rah to atify wiiil decree in .n 1 the pterojs metals.-Kcview of ! and leaves nothing to the imagination ware jobbing hou,.Ci lu. his homc u . 'ilTi lZ Keviewi. i as to exactly what is meant. I Denver. !?-?.'0h"ur' JA"M """'"ree. REMEMBER THE GREAT CLEARING SALE now going on at our store. Below we quote many saving prices for the buyer. Buy now and be wise Radiant home, former price $4" now on Sapphire Hird Coal Stove.formey price $42.50, now.... :!) 00 German heater, soft or hard coal, former price $1!0. 00. .10 Splendid Oak, nicely trimmed, former price $14. Ml 9 50 Gem Star Light Wood Stove former price $15.00 K) 25 Round Oak, former price $19.00, now 13 ry) H. L. ASEMISSEN & SON ? ? ? ? ? ? ? y ? t t ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? y y y y t y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y