The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, January 21, 1909, Image 2

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R. O. WATTERS, Busmen Mamger
Epitome of the Most
Important Events
Gathered From All
Points of the Globe.
Congressman Willol t of Now York
made un attack on President Roose
velt m full or vlllillcation that the
house compelled him to take his scat.
Hllhu Root wuh chosen for senator
liy a caucus of New York Republican
legislators, ami Senator Reed Stnoot
was tunned for re-election by Ropub
J i e it 11 member of the I'tali tclslat ui.
Warning congress that, IIioiikIi tlio
movement to sectiro control of the
wuter power of the country is still In
its Infancy, "unless It Is controlled the
history of the oil Industry will bo re
peated in the hydroelectric power In
dustry, with results far morn oppres
nlve nd disastrous for the people,"
President Iloosevelt sent a special
message to the house vetoing a bill
that provided for the construction of a
dam ucross James river, in Stone
county, Missouri, the purpose: of the
dam being to gel water to create elec
tric power.
An nppropriutlon of $1C1,OIS,000 for
pensions was agreed on by the com
mittee on appropriations in the draft
ing of the annual pension appropria
tion bill.
Senator naeon Introduced a resolu
Hon declaring that "any and every
public document Is subject to the call
or Inspection of the senate."
The- bill to prohibit the sale of oil
intoxicating liquor In Tennessee,
passed the lower house of the general
assembly after having passed the Ben
ate. Theodore Hurt on of Cleveland was
fleeted by the Ohio legislature to suc
ceed J. H. Forakcr as United States
H. F. Shlvely will succeed llenien
way In the United States senate, be
ing chosen by the Democratic mem
bers of the Indiana legislature after a
long struggle.
1. J. Kleran, former president of the
Fidelity Funding Company of New
York, who is held responsible by many
Catholic churches and societies all
over the country for the loss of funds,
and whose whereabouts have been
unknown to the public lor several
months, went to Pittsburg, surren
dered himself to the authorities and
gave bond In two eases.
Charles S. Deiicen was Inaugurated
governor of Illinois for the second
Clara Morris, the actress, who has
!een 111 a long time, Is In n serious
condition and her family and friends
sire very anxious about the outcome.
President-elect Tart was warml: wel
comed to Atlanta, Oa., and was the
guest of honor at an elaborate ban
quet. J. iJ. F. Rlnehnrt, former cashier
and vice-president of the Farmers'
and Drovers' National bank of Waynes
burg, Pa., was found guilty of wreck
ing the bank, and was immediately
sentenced to serve 13 years In the
Elbert L. Morgan, charged with
wrecking the Friendly (W. Va.) First
National batik, was sentenced to tlve
years In the penitentiary.
Hear Admiral Sperry was received
In private audience by the king of
Cardenlo F. King, formerly n lloston
broker, was sentenced to servo not
less than ten and not more than H
years at hard labor.
Secretary of the Interior Garueld.
through his special agents, has
learned of wholesale frauds, chiefly
in states west of the .Mississippi, by
which In the last two years coroora-
lions and Individuals have wrongfully
acquired public lauds estimated to be
worth about $110,000,000.
On a warrant sworn out by Gov.
Haskell, chnrgiiig conspiracy to de
fame the governor, Scott Mat-Reynolds,
attorney and special agent for
William It. Hearst, was arrested In
Guthrie and a mass of dalii on the
governor's libel suit against Hearst
was seized In his room.
John II. Woodbury, a well-known
racial specialist, committed suicide at
Coney Island.
Scarlet fever appeared among the
students at the Cornell College of Ag
riculture at Ithaca, N. Y.
A number or young women students
narrowly escaped being burned to
death when the dormitory or llenzonla
college at llenzonla, Mich., burned to
Hie ground.
While getting money to hand to a
robber, L. Tiimbull, a restaurant
Keeper or Union, la., was hot twice
through the head un.l Instantly killed.
William c. and John S. McKee.
hankers or Eltncnton and Cllntonvlllr,
l'a. were sentenced to live years In
prison fur misapplication of funds.
Having earth d out a prearranged
I lan to die together, Schuyler C. Cars
kndilon and wife were found dead In
their bedroom in South Norfolk. Va.
The supreme court of the United
States affirmed the decree of the stat"
courts of Texas Imposing a fine or
ll.WU.OUU on the Waiers-I'ierce Oil
Company or St. Louis and ousting it
from the state on the charge or vio
lating the Texas antitrust law.
A strong umlulalory shook In Mes
sina caused much alarm ami resulted
In the fall or the remnants of a num
ber of shattered walls. So far as Is
known no one was killed.
Snydeitown, Pa., whs thrown into a
panic by the collapsing of un aban
doned coal mine, causing a shock like
an earthquake.
The Spring Hill college at Mobile,
Ala., the largest Jesuit Institution In
the south, was deslioyed by lire.
The supreme court or the United
States decided against former Presi
dent .Moyer of the Western Federation
r Miners in the damage suit brought
by him against former Gov. Penbody
of Colorado.
J. I). Wood of Salt I,uke, millionaire
mine owner, and perhaps the largest
sheep owner in the west, was instant
ly killed by a Union Pacific engine.
Seven foreigners, who are said to
have been stupefied from liquor se
cured at a wedding relchrutlon, were
burned to death in a Are which de
stroyed three houses at Goodtown, Pa.
Miss Violet Gordon Chaiiesworth,
whose mysterious disappearance a
short time ago cnused a great deal
of excitement because of her remark
able career and her Intimate associa
tion with extensive stock deals, has
been found at Oban, Scotland.
Fire in the most extensive automo
bile storage and repair plant In llos
ton, Mass., destroyed ;8 automobiles,
valued at $730,000..
Heroism of nurses saved the lives
of 1.") putients of the Trull hospital In
lllddleford, Me., when fire gutted the
Twenty-one persons were killed and
.10 Injured, many of them seriously, in
the head-on collision between a pass
enger train Hnd a freight train on the
Denver & Rio Grande near Dotsero,
The schooner Swallow of St. Johns.
N. F was wrecked off Hie coast or
Long Island and her crew of about 12
men lost.
Lee Quinn tried to rescue his
brother from an ofllcer on a train near
Fort Smith, Ark., and in the resulting
pistol battle Irvln Brasslleld, a pass
enger, was ralally wounded.
A triple tragedy was discovered in
Seattle, Wash., when W. I,. Seeley, an
attorney and former national bank ex
aminer for Illinois under Comptroller
of Currency Eckels, his wife, Mrs.
Kate M. Seeley, a member or the na
tional society of the Daughters of the
American Revolution, and his daugh
ter. Miss Rena Seeley, a student at the
University or Washington, were found
dead In a bathroom of their home. It
was neileved Seeley killed Hie two
women and committed suicide.
The navy department began the
work or loading vessels with building
material and sending them to the
earthquake survivors or Italy for the
erection of small houses.
Frederick HerreshofT, Yale man, goir
champion, and youngest son or J. It.
Francis HerreshofT, a wealthy manu
facturer of New York, astonished his
parents by announcing he had se
cretly married Miss May Faulkner, a
show gill, last August.
Arter reviewing the evidence Tor 22
hours and taking 15 ballots before all
were agreed, the jury in the trial of
Thornton Jenkins Mains at Flushing,
N. Y found the prisoner not guilty as
a principal with his brother, Capt.
Peter C. llalnss, Jr., In the killing of
William K. Annls. It was believed
Capt. llalns would not be put on trial.
lirlg. Hen. Robert M. O'Reilly, who
lias been surgeon general of the army
for the past seven years, was placed
on the retired list after 45 years' sen
leo with the advanced rank of major
Miss Frances Livingston of Boyd.
Wis., who advertised In papers In all
parts of the country for a husband and
received 1,000 proposals of marriage,
has chosen Louis Struvanz of Dor
chesetr, Wis.
The National League for Industrial
Education, designed to foster national,
state and local co-operation in the pro
motion of Industrial training In
schools, has been organized In New
York with James J. Mill of St. Paul as
honorary president.
In a fire that completely burned the
residence of Samuel Higgins, general
manager of the New York, New
Haven & Hartford railroad at New
Haven, Conn., yesterday his mother,
Mrs. Higgins, lost her life.
Thrilling escapes, many lnluiies.
and one death accompanied the de
struction by fire or the famous Cope
land hotel In Topeka, Knn. Isaac E.
Lambert or Emporia, familiar through
out Kansas as attorney and politician,
was burned to death. Fifteen persons,
a number of them well known in the
state, were Injured. It is likely all
will recover.
Mrs. Lizzie Harbin, aged 41. was
shot and killed at her home in Wash
ington by Fdereiick J. Kraetner, who
then killed himself.
Mrs. Nathan Shenard and four chil
dren were burned to death at a lum
ber camp 20 miles from Ashland,
Cyrus Campbell, 71 years old. a
pioneer resident of Cherryvale, Kan.,
was burned to death and his wife
fatally Injured In a fire that destroyed
their home.
The corporation of Harvard collego
sent to the overseers of the college
tho name of Abbott Lawrence Ixiwell,
prufvor off the science of govern
ment, as their choice as president of
the college to succeed President
Charles W. Eliot.
Chief Justice, Vice President and
Speaker of Houce Given $15,000
Per Year Each.
Washington. The salary or th"
president or the United States was
on Tuesday lixed at Jlon.iioo per an
num to far as the senate could fix li
and the salary of the vice pie; Idem
and speaker or the house or repre
sentatives was fixed at $ir.,Oiio each.
The Kiilary of the chief justice of
the supreme court or the United
States was Increased from SKI.Miio to
$15,000 per annum an those of asso
ciate justices from $12.noo to $14,500.
These changes were made as amend
ments to the legislative, executive and
judicial impropriation 1)111 and after
an extended debate. Amendment.! al
lowing $.-,.()iio to the vice president
iilid the sm.'aker of the house for
horses and carriages were stricken
from the bill.
An amendment to reduce the salary
allowance of do president from $l'to,
Hot) as proposed to $75,000 was de
feated by a vo'e of 311 to :!2.
The amendment inert asing the
salary of the president to $100,000
was adopted by a vole of .".5 to .10. The
republican senators who voted against
the Increase were lleveiidge, Borah.
Ilrown, lierkett. (iapp, Dolliver, I. a
I'olette and Piles. No democratic
senators voted in favor of the In
crease. An amendment was adopted
providing for an 'under secretary or
Mate" (o be i aid $Kl,iioo per annum.
Senator Raynor's resolution calling
on the attorney general for in fori ia
lion concerning the Milt he propones
bringing against certain newspapers
on the charge of libel in connection
with the purchase of (he Panama
(anal properly was referred to the
committee on the Judiciary after a
strong light to have It adopted with
out such reference.
House Pauses Pension Bill.
Di:.j osing or the speech of Repre
sentative Willctt,or New York Mon
day attacking the president, by refer
ring it to a special committee, Ihe
house or reprcsenti.tives proceeded
to take up the various appropriation
hills that have been reported within
the laM few da vs. The pensions and
urgent deficiency bills were passed
without delay, and when adjournment
was taken the naval appropriation
bill was under consideration.
Fire Sweeps Messina Ruins.
Messina A serious fire broke out
here anion; the ruins or the earth
quake wrecked city. The remains
r the Pennesi palace Tell In and
added to the c:infrag.ii:iu. The
flames are spreading and in spite r
(he work or the soldiers to control
I hem, and the situation Is serious.
Bill Based on Bryan's Idea Intro
duced in Legislature.
Trenton. N. .1.- Following the lines
if William J. Bryan's l.ank guarnntie
deposit Idea, a bill was Introduced hi
the New Jersey legislature. It l.i
fathered by State Senator Gtbhardt
and provides for a tax on banks and
trust companies, lo be held ;1s an la
solvency fund, by means of which
losses of Institutions which fail can
be liquidated.
President Accepts Invitation by Em.
peror to Lecture.
Washington. President Roosevelt
has accepted an invitation of the Uni
versity of Merlin to give a lecture to
the students and factily of the uni
versity in May, IH10. The Invitation
a as hrt light by Count von HeriislorlY,
the (lerinan ambassador and was sup
ported by the Herman emperor. Mr.
Roosevelt it la understood, will accept
no more Invitations of this kind In
Europe, but will I'mit his addresses
to one before the Sorbonne in Paris,
one at the University of Oxford and
the one he has new pi-emlsed to de
liver in Merlin.
Teller Anderson io Free.
Jefferson City, Mo. William C.
Anderson, for eighteen years teller
In the First National bank at Kansas
City sentenced In fun; t0 four years
in the penitentiary for Mealing $'.umn,
finished his term ttnd wan released
Anainst Postal Ba"k Bill,
Chicago -The Chicago Clearing
House association adopted resolutions
condemning the postolllce savings
bank bill now pendin; In congress,
on the ground that the proposed
means of conducting It were
Bill Coven Indian Lands.
Washington. Senator Clapp, chair
man cf the senate committee on In
dian affairs, has Intiodticcd a bill pro
vidlng that If an Indian of a tribe
whos'e surplus lands have been cedt d
receives an allotment embracing
poses, such allotment tuny he can
celled and her land within the reser
vation nlloted to him. The object of
the bill Is to give the secretary of the
Interior authority to correct mistake?
In making allotments, which in souk
Instance have "worked hardship to
Legislative Facts and Cossip News
of the State Capital.
Governor Shallenberger's Appointees.
Oovernor Shallenbergci i n Friday
morning gave out a complete) list it
the appointments that hav V it ma I"
by him to date. This nltowH that S.
L. Mains of Crete had been appointed
chief food commissioner, while L. .1.
Tuel. the traveling representative of
a patent medicine house, is named as
a deputy, together with three- others
Mr. Tuel supposed that he was to be
plated upon about the same basis as
Mr. Mains, one to look ul't.'i- one
branch of the work and the other to
handle the remainder. The list given
out by the governor Is as follows:
Institute for feeble minded Dr. G.
L. Roe, superintendent; Look Wer
ner, steward.
Chief deputy state oil ItiKjiocior
Arthur F. Mullen, O'Neill; deputies
Francis Coifer, McCook, lift), district;
K. E. Harmon, Auburn, first; T. .1. O'
Connor, Omaha, second: Fred Pratt,
Humphrey, third: M , ,. Bouse. David
City, fourth.
Chief deputy game warden Dan
Gellus, Onii'.'ia; deputies John Don
ovan, Madison; Joseph Boehler, Or
leans; Isaac King, Suieiior; depu
ty Dsn commissioner w. J. OiJik-u
Chief deputy labor commissioner
Will M. Maiipiu, Lincoln.
Soldiers and sailor' home, Grand
Island Ell Barnes, commandant.
Soldiers and s illori;' home. Mi I ford
-David Howeii, Omaha, commandant.
Indus! rial school for boys C. M.
Manuel. Si. Paul, siipeiintenlenl ; J. I.
Bennett, Kearney, physician.
State penitentiary T. W. Smltii,
York, warden- Dr. . js Lowry, pliy
siiian. Hospital fou
M. W. Baxter
lent; Dr .1.
insane, Hustings !;. i
n ' . i
roose.', .siipermteii-
I'. Stele. Hi-jit assis
tant physician; Dr. Cniti lie;-, Mt. Chilr, '
second assistant; .le.-tse (ildley, Satin-;
ders county, steward. '
Hospital for Insane, Lincoln Dr. 1). j
S. Woodward, Aurora, superintendent; j
Dr. Ki nest O. Webber, first assistant '
physician; Dr. Halle Kwitig, second)
:i.sislant; II. F Bishop. Lincoln, .siew-i
aid. I
Hospital for insane, Norfolk-Dr.
Joseph IVicival, Omaha, supeiinten-!
iletit; Dr. II. L. Wells. West Point, I
first assistant; Herman Coiceke, No:-. !
folk, steward.
Home tor the friendless, Lincoln1
Mrs. ICninia ('. Johnston, sup.'i intt nd-'
cut. . I
Stale velerinailaii Dr. Paul Jut-Kill- '
ess. South Omaha.
Institiile for blind N. C. Abbott,!
i'eknmah, supcrlntcnoicni. 1
Deputy food commissioner S. L.i
Mains, Crete; Inspectors I,. J. Tuel.1
Liien ln; chas. Feinland. South (im
iha; C. W. Carson, Kdgar; .1. H. Vovle j
Adjutant general John C. Ilartigan. j
Fair bury. ;
Quartermaster geaeial Allan I). !
Falconer, Omaha. ;
Insp"(tor general A. D. I-'etlernian, ;
Omaha. '
Judge advocate - William Mitchell,
Alliance. j
Surgeon general Dr. A. P. Fli.sini-i
uioiis, l ecumsea.
Assistant adjutant general Kruest
H. Phelps. Lincoln.
Members of governor's s t j ft' with
rank of colonel -D J. dates Albion:
K. M. Wesiervelt, Lincoln: Chas Fan-.
nlnir. Omaha: Wll'laei KVvm.'.Iv Om.i
ihii; .1. V.. Siiinaier.t. Omaha: Felix .1.
McShane, Oi.iala'; B. I). Marsiin'll.
Omaha; I'M. P. liei rynian. ():u:tha ; Kd.
W. (lotion, Oinahi; W. U. Muiidiv.
South Omaha; Scjiliits F. Noble. U;a-
ilia ; L. .1., Nebraska City;
lames 11. Quig.ey. Vaieatiiie; Charles
Snirha, Mllllgiin; .'.!. II. Weiss. He
bron; J. (I. Tii(,:ii!.-,.in.. Alum; J. II.
Kelly; Cothctihui ; ParrU Con.ier.
Crawford; Roller; O leiivid'T, Sidney;
R. K. PHler. .Ml!!er.o:i;
K. Weber, j
Omaha; James (I. Mat tin. South Om
aha; K. J. Shinn. Beatrice: Howard
.1. Hill, Lincoln: T. (i. I me, Om.ihn;
W. K. St i null. I.lnuiln.
Banking Baaru Appointments.
The stale baiuiug b..ard, eaaip.ised
of the auditor, state ire .usurer and n:-
toruey general, met Mo:ui. and re
appointed the old officers, examiners
and clerk, as IoIIoa.s: Seeretni-v K.
Koyse; chief clerk, N. . perslngtr:
examiners. K. K. H.iimtti, c. . t-iiti-mont.
C. W. Fa win. K. s Ml. kev v..
II. Mullowuey. 'In.'derk and stenog
rapher Is Ml-s Maude I logo.
Recanvass of thi Amendment Vote.
During the past week the legisla
ture made a recti uv ass of the vote on
the constitutional iiiueiniiiu m. de
clared it cai-iied nn I now it U up to
(lovernor Shallenlierger to Issue his
proclamation and appoint four new
judges of the supreme court. The
leader in this move:(iint wih Senator
Ransom of Omaha, who took tiie stand I
that the state e iiivasslu bnai-.l b i,t I
lio authority to canvass the, vole on
the nmeiidmeiiis and that ihe up
point incuts of dovciiior Sheldon were
lot legal
The House Committees.
Following is Hip list of the chair
men of the house committers as Fe
lected by the democratic committee
on committees which held several cau
cuses between the time the house ad
journed and th" time of convening
Clarke, way s and means.
Taylor, corporations,
(iriiff. banking.
Kuhl, privileges and elections.
Henry, railruids.
W. V.. Taylor, enrolling and engross
ing bills.
Howard, labor.
Shoettger, agriculture.
Fries, roads and bridges
Kelley, public lands and buildings.
droves, accounts and expenditures.
Humphrey, penltnitiarv.
llroderick, asylums.
Lawrence, militia.
Kraus, internal improvements.
Brown, federal relations.
Shoemaker, constitutional amend
ments. (Irelg, county boundaries.
Wilt-on, judiciary.
McYicker, benevolent Institutions,
lleffermaii, lisli and game.
Sink, Insurance.
Bowman, telegraph and telephone,
Talbot, medical societies.
Netlleton, soldier's homes.
Murphy, deficiencies.
Thomas, cities and towns.
Bates, public printing.
Pilger, insane hospitals.
Swan, libraries,
Kotouc, public schools.
Case, university and normal schools.
Skeen. mines and minerals.
Hos;)t:ds!;, immigration.
Fogurty, maniii'acture ami com
Worthing, school lands and funds,
denies, miscellaiieoil:-, subjects.
Snyder, claims.
Harrington, live stock and grazing
Intel cuts.
Hales, revenue i.nd taxation.
Pool, rules.
Pickens, iippoitioiitnent.
Maiiett, tees and salaries.
Miller, irrigatlin.
Pool, t ninlmcs.
Huland, drainage.
Williams Asks for Week's Salary.
J. A. Williams, ex railway commis
sioner, has filed a claim with Auditor
Barton for seven days' salary that ho
did not receive for Lie first week In
.li'.uui'ry. The claim has been referred
to tiie attorney general for an opinion.
Usually state ollkvrs are paid up lo
the time they go out of office, the
l ist Thurslay alter ihe first Tuesday
in January. Their terms of office be
gin about ot wet k alter the first of
the year and I it y remain In office
about one week alter the end of the
car. Mr. Williams did not begin his
term cf office lil several months after
the first of the ytar. The commission
having been orated by a constitu
tional amendment it did not organize
and draw pay till March III, HiiiT.
Th last legislature appropriated S-3u
tor CoimuHsioncis Wi:mett and Wil
liams for investigations taey made
before the commission organized.
This fact in iv have no bearing on th-'
present chin of Judge Williams.
Bryai Electors Meet.
The eight democratic ( lectors of Ne.
luaska who cast their votes for
W. J. Br.wiii met Monday after-
riuin .-it 1 hi ktitln !mi;.'ii ottf ....I ;, ...
law, and cast their vote and will send
cop;,- ihercof lo Washington and the
messenger, who will be one of the
cl.-ctors. v ill gi t a nice fat mileaga
fee tor his trouble, besides the eniov-
ment of u trln in the miiinniil .nnltiil
While the elect, is have given up
i.,,,,,. 0f electing Mr. Bryan by their
votes, they intend to vote 'or straight
just the same. Covernor Shullenber
i-cr aad th:. pleasure of meeting with
tlu electeis and talking over the po situation. The electors are M.
Harrington in' O'Neill. Ilenrv It
tiering of Piattsn.oulh, It. K. Watzke
il 1 1. lMbo!. It, Soplnis V. Noble ol
Omaha. Douglas Sliawvan of Loretto,
K. (.). WcIkt of Valparaiso, Frank T.
Swansou of Clay Center, and A. D.
Cameron of Spauldlng.
The Legislators Get Busy.
Up to the time of its adjournment
Thursday there had been ninety bills
introduced into the seiiate and when
the lions.' ji IjoiiineJ Friday about the
mine number mid been introduced in
that cf the legislaturt
cover almost every known subject
that colli I be imagined that would bo
at all likely to b. brought up and
include several schemes for bank
guaranty, new experiment stations,
iit:d cue seeks to appropriate $100,000
lor the election of, new building's at
th.- Hastings asylum. So tar nothing
iias I een done ill either house except
introduce bills and it Is not likely
liuit the oratory will begin to flow In
their behalf until some time the coin
ing we.'k. II is expected that by that
time tiie solons will have ( i-ht their
i-eeond breatii and get down to hard
Inspecting State Institutions.
The senate c.iininlitee on public
lauds ami buildings began its trip or
iie-pectlon or state institutions Thurs
day, Is-aving foir (iraud Island, where
the operation of the Soldiers' Home
there will be Investigated. Tho Hoys'
Industrial school at Kearney is next
on the Hit, following wlilc.i the mem
bers will go io I Listings, where Sen
ator Tilth is will play host. The
Hastings hospital, under Hie manage
ment of SiiMt l intendent Kern, has
been enhirgt tl, niid it compares favor
i bly with some of this larger hos
p'tals for tiie Insane hi "llie'" easl.
'"'"wug gtuiivjiig
Religious, Social, Agricultural, Polit
ical and Other Mattert Given
uue Consideration.
Tho Midwest Life of Lincoln has In.
surance In force amount to $1,452
000. Its officers arc: N. Z. Snell,
president; Dr. U. B. Davis, Omaha,
vice president; A. J. Sawyer, secre
tary; H. S. Freeman, treasurer; Dr.
M. II. Everett, medical director; C. R.
Ensterday, actuary, and J. H. Mockett,
Jr., superintendent of agents. The
Midwest Life issues all the standard,
forms of Insurance. Local agents
wanted In every town In Nebraska,
Home office, 1007 "O" street, Lincoln
Mrs. Tolly, a widow woman of Sew
ard county, lost her home by fire.
A local firo department has been or
ganized at Weston.
A. II. Tice, a former merchant of
Gage county, died In Ohio last week.
Dr. Rose, a Kearney dentist,
dropped dead on the street from heart
trouble. Ha was C9 years old.
, It is reported that the postmaster at
Fordyce has left tho country. An In
spector Ls looking over his accounts.
The weather has been making flno
lee and great quantities of it is being
Sixteen thousand dollars worth of
horses were sold at Grand Island at
tho last horse sale, one team of Bel
gian mares breaking tho single team
record bringing $1,500.
The program for the spring meet
ing of the Dixon and Dakota County
Medical association has been ar
ranged. It will be held In Emerson on
March 22.
Noel Moats residing southeast of
Sutton was drugged and robbed of a
gold watch and $110 in money, and a
check for $100. Tho gentleman lives
alone and was In a semi-conscious
condition when found.
Michael Theiss and Fred Dean,
neighbors in Keith county quarreled
nbottt tho ownership of a harvester,
during which Theiss was bhot, not
dangerously, however.
The waterworks system of Weston
has not been accepted on account of
several defects in the tank and leak
age of pipes, though In an emergency
tho system can be used.
Tho Otoe County Farmers' Protec
tive association met and re-elected
tho old officers and made their an
nual report. This organization has
been in existence In tho county for
the last ten years.
The quarantine placed on the In
mates of the Girls' Reform school at
Geneva on aeoiint of several cases of
scarlet fever, before the holidays, will
be raised in a few diys, no new cases
Governor Shallenberger Issued a
requisition on the governor of Cali-!
fornla for the return to Kcarnev
county, Nebraska, of Bert Taylor, ac
cused of murdering his sister-in-law
at Minden last, spring.
At the regular meeting of the county
commissioners of Cass county, Dr. M.
M. Butler was apjiointed a county
physician. The expenses of tv.e county
for the coming year was placed at
$Ji9.n;n. of which $.10,000 was for
bridges and S23,0nO for roads.
Dan B. Todd, manager of the York:
lee conpaoy, had his leg broken and
almost torn from its socket while
working at the ice house. He fell onto
the chute up which they pull the leo
Into the house, and his feet caught In
the chain.
Dr. B. H. Burd of Nelson was rim
down by a freight train at the cross
ing of the highway a mile north of the
town. The buggy was demolished and
the doctor seriously injured, hut not
beyond recovery.
The State Banking board, composed
of the auditor, state treasurer and at
torney general, met and reappointed
the old officers, examiners and clerk,
as follows: Secretary. E. RoyBe; chief
clerk, N. R. l'erslnger; examiners, E.
K Stinnett, C. 11. Beaumont, C. W. Ir
win, E. s. Mickey and E. II. Mullow
uey. York merchants state that the use
c f automobiles by farmers has helped
business in York for the reason that
the farmers living a distance from
York having antos who formerly
traded nt their nearest town now come
to York, nud the increase in business
from York county farmers owning au
tomobiles and living a distanco is
quite noticeable.
In a decision or widespread Import
ance to telephone interests throughout
Nebraska. District Judge Corcoran of
York held Invalid that section of a
contract entered into by various inde
pendent companies by which they
agreed not to exchange toll business
with tho Nebraska Telephone com
pany. Tho ruling was made In to suit
Instituted by the Independent compan
ies of Grand Island. Hastings, Shelton
Kenesaw, York and other cities.
As a fitting close to his long pcrhal
or public service as county couimls
sloner, male friends and neighbors of
T. A. McKay of Hamilton county, to
the number of twenty or more cailed
at his homo and presented hltn with
nn cany chair. , ,
Captain Frazier of Madison, met
with a large body of the cliizens of
Geneva to see what could be done to
reorganize company c, of the Nebraska,
National Guard. After a number of
speeches It wn decided to appoint a
citizens' committee in reorganization
of the company, and putting It upon a
good working basis.