The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, January 21, 1909, Image 1
wa. . aaf MewsHeralb, TWICE A WEEK N F. VS. nUhlhrl Nov. 5. 19! I HtHAI.D, EiUUi.htil April 1. MA S CunnolMa ird Jan. 1, IX'JG PLATTSMOUTir, NEBRASKA, THl'KSDAY, JAXUAKV 21, 1!0' VOL. XL V NO, 08 The HANDSOME PRESENT Grand Automobile -Piano Sub scription Rally Soon to be Inaugurated. The News-Herald, in connection with the Nebraska Farmer, of Lincoln, has made arrangements to run a great subscription rally for the pupose of se curing new subscribers to these publi cations and inducing the present ones to renew. We are going to give away some val uable prizes to those who are willing to assist us in this subscription rally and the prizes will be well worth trying to win. The giand prize to work for will be a Buick, five passenger automobile, the second grand prize will be a high grade Howard piano purchased from the Plattsmouth Music Co., and will be on display at that place. We arc publishing a page ad in this issue of the paper, which gives all the details of this contest. We hope to have the names of a great many con-, tcstants to announce in next week's paper. This is the best contest proposi tion that has even been announced by any paper in the state and we expect to make it one of the biggest ever. The automobile will be an attractive feature for anyone desiring to get in the race. In other contests where an automobile given the contest is thrown open to the whole state, and often to two of three states, but in this contest the race for the automobile will be confined to a very few counties and someone from this county has a splendid chance to win it, and there will be the piano and other prizes that the contestants in this county will win. Another thing that make3 this a good proposition for the people who get in the race is the fact that no one from the city of Plattsmouth is allowed to complete for the prizes. This ought to look good to a great many and we ought to have a score or more ladies and gentlemen from over the county, who aro willing to get in the race right at the start. Anyone wishing to enter should send in their names to the News Herald office at once and we will do the rest. Episcopal Church in Nebraska. The Living Church annual just issued gives the following statistics for the past year of the Protestant Episcopal church diocese of Nebraska: Clergy, 31; parishes and missions, 57; lay read ers, 30; candidates for orders, 5; post ulants, 4; haptisms, infants, 312;adults, 160; total, 482; confirmed, 405; com municant, 4,980; last reported, 4,805; increase, 175; marriages, 188; burials, 311; Sunday schools, teachers, 2S0; scholars, 2,179; contributions, $130, 85'J.K;. Returns From Hospital. Mrs. John Bcewii returned Sunday evening from the hospital in Omaha where she has been for some time past. While she is still quite weak, her case is progressing nicely, and she will no doubt soon be in her usual health. Her many friends rejoice to see her in their midst again. Home From Texas. Mrs. D. M. Godwin and daughter, Mollie, have returned from a visit in Texas. They encountered much cold weather during the trip and one snow storm of more than usual severity, though it did not last long. Several social functions were given in their honor while absent, and they brought home manv mementos of the occasion. W. C. T. U. Social. The ladies of the W. C. T. U. spent Monday afternoon at a social with Mrs. Thompson. Several papers were read, music was provided and refresh ments were served. Those present re port a most pleasant afternoon. fridaTiiThTstorv Popular Idea of the Day Would Seem to be Slightly Erroneous. It was on Friday, August 3, 1492, that Columbus set out from Palo?, Spain, on the mission of discovery which terminated so happily, to the infinite discomfiture of the doubters. And it was again on a Friday, Octo ber 12, 1492, that he discovered land off the port quarter, and was corres pondingly cheered and strengthened. The Mayflower, with the Pilgrim Fathers, came into the harbor at Pro vincetown, Friday, November 10, 1(520. And on Friday, December 1620, the Pilgrim Fathers landed at Plymouth Hock. No one will dispute the importance of the date of February 22 in American history. Everybody knows who was born on that day. But not all of us know that in 1732 the day of the week on which George Washington first opened his eyes was Friday. Friday, June 16, 1775, Bunker Hill was seized and fortified, and on Octo ber 17, 1777-and it was a Friday Burgoyne surrendered at Saratoga. We discovered the treason of Benedict Arnold on Friday, September 22, 1780, and on another Friday, September 19, 1791, Lord Cornwallis surrendered at York town. And, to crown it all, on Friday, June 7, 1776, John Adams, in the Continental Congress, made the motion that "the United States arc and should be inde pendent. "Cleveland Leader. John P. Thacker Dead. John P. Thacker who was shot three times with a 32 calibre revolver in the hands of John Clarence last Friday af ternoon succumbed to his wounds last night and died shortly after midnight. The coroner at Elmwood has been notified and will call an inquest this afternoon. County Attorney Ramsey will attend the hearing, after which there is little doubt but a murder charge will be filed against Thacker's assailant, who has been in jail awaiting the out come of the shooting. The murdered man leaves a wife and six children, some of them grown. You will never lose anything by patronizing your home town. .4 HANSEN'S ffi Gloves and Gauntlets FOR OUTDOOR WORKERS VIII stud ill kinds of wcilher, work nd wear better (ban any other lova became Ibtf ire perfectly reinforced, Ibi teams are properly placed tnd lbs leather thoroujhly stretched. There are no pincblnr, bindlnf rldfts r sestns In trip or palm. Long wear Is Insured fcecsns aiant rials art the beat to be had and tht con etructloa perfect. They are always comfortable becauaa they art 20 l Discount for cash on all sheep lined duck and corduroy 4 coats, also fur coats and buffalo coats. These are all new first class "quality" goods. Worth the price on one cold day. Buy now and save this discount. lUJUT LIKEAHAND FOR SALE BYi C. E. Wescott's Sons, f "Where Quality Counts." POLLARD STILL BUSY Congressman from the first Seek ing to Co-operate With His Constituents. During the holiday recess I attended a farmers' institute in each county of the First District, taking with me an expert from the office of public roads and another from the Bureau of plant industry. My primary purpose was to present the work that is being done by the U. S. Department of Agriculture which is of direct practical benefit to the farmers. The experts of the de partment have worked out certain methods which have been tried and proven to be a great success not only at the state experiment stations, but when applied on the farms. I have ar ranged with the secretary of agricul ture to have two experts sent to the First district next- spring to aid the farmers in introducing these improved methods. These experts will visit the farms and give every assistance possi ble in introducing these new methods. Other states are availing themselves of this opportunity and I am in hopes that the farmers of my district will take advantage of it and secure the benefit of the latest and best improved methods of selecting seeds and the cultivation of crops. Where these methods have been put into practice they have resulted in increasing the yield from twenty to fifty per cent. Any farmer of the First district who desires to receive the co-operation of the government in the introduction of these improved methods can do so by sending me his name and address. I should like to have all those who desire to partiiipate in this co-operative movement to write me at once here in Washington, as it will be necessary for the department to receive the names of such farmers as soon as possi ble in order that the preliminary ar rangements may be perfected by the time it is necessary to begin the work. Ernest M. Pollard. WILLIAM A. SUNDAY Noted Evangelist Meeting With Great Success on the Pacific Coast. Spokane, Wash., Jan. 20. -"Say for me that I've signed articles to meet Old Mephisto, the terror universal, in Jim Jeffries' fight pavilion at Los Angeles, early in February, following my Spokane engagement. Big Jim '11 be in my corner at least long enough to introduce me. Will I win! Surest thing. Take it from me that I've got the sWellest punch. The rules are to my liking; made 'em myselfj between rounds in this town." Rev. William A. Sunday, ex-ballplayer, gave out the foregoing at the close of a sermon in the Tubornacle here, where he is speaking to from 5,000 to 8,000 persons daily'ut a series of revival meeting to close January 25. "I look forward with interest to the meeting with the old boy on the Pacific coast." he added, "and what I'll do to him with the upper cuts and jabs, short arm jolts, swings and hooks, that I'm now bringing to a point of perfection in my daily training will make Jack Johnson, the negro heavyweight cham pion, feel he overlooked some important wrinkles in the fight game." "Several big cities on Puget Sound and the coast, including Seattle, Port land, Tacoma and San Francisco, and others in the interior want me to take falls out of their Nicks, but I don't see how I can accommodate the bunch until I return from a visit home some time late in the spring or next fall." Sunday's evangelistic methods arc bizarre in the extreme and his expres sions in rounding up h bunch of slang in the warfare upon vice and evil would make seasoned stage-drivers look to the laurels, but his work here has been productive of much good, and members of the Spokane Ministerial association say that any compensation he asks at the close of his meetings will be given irj a voluntary spirit. 1 1 1 Cbccr Up! V ? f ? f ? T f f TON'T kick because you have to button your wife's waist. Be glad your wife has a waist and doubly glad you have a wife to button a waist for. Some men's wives have no waist to button. Some men's wives' waists have no buttons on to button. Some men's wives who have waists with buttons on to button don't care a continental whether they are buttoned or not. Some men don't have any wives with waists with buttons on to button, any more than a rabbit. Lacon (111. ) Journal. ? ? ? V ? ? ? ? ? ? ? t ? 4e4 An Appreciative Reader. University Place, Jan. 13 1909. Editor News-Herald: Having many fond recollections of Plattsmouth and her people, we desire to express the fact to the many readers of the News-Herald. We must say that we are much pleased with the ap pearance of the News-Herald in its new dress, its new editor, its new man ager, and its new owner. It certainly bespeaks a forward movement that will bestire the editorial management and financial ability behind it to back it up and make it a power that will awaken the dead lethargy that has bo long par alyzed the life of the old town. So long as the town remains in its shell of indifference, the cloud of doom will hang over it. We hope the News-Herald will be able to crack the shell of indifference and liberate the people who have sat so long in the way of darkness, and create a zeal for self respect with regard to lights and pub lic enterprise. Yours truly, C. W. Green. Sells Another Piano. Joseph Hardroba this week purchased a piano from the Plattsmouth Music Company. It is a handsome instrument and he is to be congratulated upon this valuable acquisition to his home. Bet Editor to Speak. James B. Wooten, city editor of the Omaha Bee. will address the Presby terian Men's Brotherhood this evening at the church parlors. The subject of his address will be "The Making of the Great City Daily," and will no doubt be fine. Will Celebrate Anniveraary. The Knights and Ladies of Security at their meeting Monday evening de cided to celebrate the 12th anniversary, the 15th of February. Invitations will probably be extended to the Nebraska City council tD join in the celebration. Also the National Officers will be in vited to attend. The following exective committee were appointed: R. B. Windham, Sol Adamson, Mrs. G. F. S. Burton, W. S. Soper, J. II. Thrasher, Mrs. J. M. Leyda, Mrs. Lena Duke, Miss Gertrude Beeson, Miss Clara Brown, Miss Minnie Will, Judge J. E. Douglass, Mrs. C. M. Parker, Wade W. Windham, W. C. Ramsey, Dr. C, A. Marshall. Elect New Oflicera. The Social Workers of the M. E. church met Tuesday with Mrs. Ida Campbell and elected officers for the ensuing term as follows: President -Mrs. Emma Johnson. Vice President -Mrs. Bertha Crabill. Secretary -Mrs. Ella Kennedy. Treasurer Mrs. Ida Campbell. After the conclusion of the business meeting the time was spent in a social manner, music being indulged in, and refreshments were served. Mr. Becker Moveo. Mr. Becker of the Plattsmouth Music Company has this week moved his music store into the Riley block, two doors south of the postoffke. This was made necessary in order to get more room to accommodate his rapidly increasing business and to provide more room for the display of (roods. Mr. Becker feels very enconraged over the business out look in Plattsmouth. O. W. Zarr in Town. O. W. Zarr of South Bend was a Plattsmouth visitor today. Mr. Zarr has rented his farm for the year and will visit relatives in different parts of the United States, departing about March first for the Dakotas, from thence by wuy of the lakes he will go to Boston and other eastern cities. DOWN TO BUSINESS Attenda Annual Convention. John M. Jirousek left the first of the week for LaCrosse, Wis., where he goes to attend the annual convention of the Catholic Workmen, of which he is president. This is a fraternal insurance organization. Mr. Jirousek expects to be absent about a week. SNUBBED E. THOMAS Hon. Charles E. Noyes Refuses the Extended Hand to Champion. The Lincoln Correspondent of the Omaha Bee under date of 15th inst. gives the following account of a meet ing between our representative and Elmer Thomas of letter writing fame. The correspondent says: Elmer E. Thomas, attorney for the Anti-Saloon league, who has been in Lincoln off and on since the legislature convened, received a snub from Rcpre senativc Noyes of ('ass county, when the two were introduced. A mutual friend presented the Omaha attorney to Mr. Noyes. "Is this Elmer Thomas," inquired Noyes as he withheld his hand. "Yes, sir, Elmer Thomas," replied the Anti-Saloon league lawyer. "You are the man who wrote the letter about Governor Sheldon," said Noyes backing away as though fearing contamination. "Yes, sir," replied Thomas. "Well, I don't care to meet you," said Noyes. "I know Governor Sheldon and the things you said in that letter were not true." "Well, I don't know the governor like you do," said Thomas, "I know he associated with a class of people in Om aha that are in sympathy with the brewers, and visited with them after being at the Young Men's Christian association, where he spoke." After a few more shots at the Anti Saloon league lawyer, Mr. Noyes went on his way, and his hand has yet to touch that of the Omaha lawyer. "I should say I would not shake hands with such a man," said Noyes. "I have been associated with George Sheldon for twenty years, and the man who would sign such a false letter as that sent out during thecumpaign by Thomas can never have my respect." New Daughter Arrivea. J. T. Bates and wife Iresidine west of the city are rejoicing over the arriv al, yesterday, at their home of an eight pound girl. Jack had anticipated heln at the carpenter trade, but has changed his mind now and is resigned to allow ing Mrs. Bates the help later on when the young lady takes charge of the house. Commercial Club Holds Interest ing Meeting and Plan Campaign. The Plattsmouth Commercial Club held its regular monthly meeting at Coates' hall last evening. The mem bers were instructed to call at the, Bank of Cass County and pay their dues to the treasurer. The newly elected officers of the club are: President-'J. P. Falter. Vice-President R. B. Windham. Secretary-E. II. Wescott. Treasurer-Ray M. Patterson. The Board of Directors will be selected at the next regular meeting. An effort will be made to get some out of town parties to address the club on various topics of commercial inter est. A number of matters of particular importance were presented and dis cussed. Hon. R. B. Windham, Judge Harvey D. Travis and Mr. C. C. Par mele were selected as a committee to investigate the question of an inter urban ruilway and wagon bridge across the Platte river. Attorney A. L. Tidd, Mr. George E. Dovey and Mr. Phillip Thierolf were selected as a committee to investigate the matter of holding monthly sales days, and procuring special trains into the city on such days. Messrs. L. J. Lorenz, C. W. Baylor and A. L Trillity were selected to in vestigate a city park proposition. A general boost for Plattsmouth is to be made. I5e one of the boosters, won't you? A Delightful Alfair. The sixteenth annual ball given Satur day evening by the T. J. Sokol society was considered by those present to he a success from every standpoint. It wag a mask affair and many pretty costums were in evidence. The following prizes were awarded: Mary Gradevil took first for the best lady's costume, while Miss Pulacek took second prize in the same list. James Rebal, jr., took first prize for the gentlemen while Frank Ixrenz and Judie Rentier divided second prize. The characters represented by the two latter gentlemen was something unique, Mr. Lorenz taking the part of a fisher man while Mr.Renncr represented a big turtle which had been hooked. Many out of town guests were pre sent, especially from the Omahas. The local society is to be congratulated up on the success attending the function. Will la Probated. In the County court Wednesday Judge Beeson heard the petition for the pro bate of the will of the late Mrs. Mar garet Walling. Dr. Talcot of Green wood being one of the subscribing wit nesses to the instrument was in attend ance at court. The matter was continw ucd to the 26th inst., for the testimony of another witness. The will leaves the estate to the husband and six year old Bon of the deceased. Patronize the heme merchants. It will prove a paying proposition. Winter Has Just Begun But it is so late in the season that we find it to be necessary to release some of the money we have tied up in heating stoves,, and to that end are making prices that will be attractive to you. As an illustration of what is being done in the way of price reduction glance at thes four items: t Buck's Radiant, No. 16 Buck's Radiant, No. 14 wasS55, now. . . $50 was $12, now. . . .$36 Buck's Hot Blast. No. Buck's Ventilator, No. IS, was $20, now .... 18, was $:W, now .... $17.50 $35 You are cordially invited to call and see our stock of goods. You will be treated courteously, and your patronage will be appreciated. Kroehler Brothers