The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, January 18, 1909, Image 5
-1 A f v MOW OPEN FOR SETTLEMENT f Opening! i ? T ? ? ? ? T ? T f Y ? AN ; IRRIGATED .TRACT t OF 20,000-ACRES-20,000 IN The Great North Platte Valley ot Nebraska 'f v Y ? ? ? ? ? ? Y Y Y Y Y The irrigated land in this valley is, without doubt, the very best purchase on the market today. Conditions of climute, altitude, soil, geographical position and WATER SUPPLY alll favor this locality. This land will be sold with j-erpetual water rights from one of the earliest appropriations out of the North Platte River, the largest and best river that flows east from the Rocky Moun tains. This river may well be called the " River Nile of America." It carries double the amount of water of the South Platte, the Arkahsas and the Cache 1-a Poudre rivers combined. The silt and mud carried in ihe water leaves a coat of fertilizer each year equal in richness to that which for thousands of years has been annually deposited by the River Nile upon that rainless and otherwise sterile country of Egyjjt, making it one of the most fertile valleys on earth. , THE LAND OF SUNSHINE AND HEALTH i ir The country where every crop grown in this latitude reachet perfection where floods don't drown out your crops in spring, or drouth burn them up in summer; where SUGAR BEETS, POTATOES, PEAS or ALFALFA will pay 25 PER CENT on f2U0 PER ACRE. The North Platte Valley has demonstrated the adaptibility of its soil to trt the beet, um! during the past three years the crop was shiPed first to (.rand Island and then to Ames, Nebraska, and this year to Sterling, Colorado, the factory paying the freight. This they will not have to do when there is in cultivation the necessary acreage to insure a factory. (5,000 acres,) BEST OF RAILROAD FACILITIES The rielmont canal is in Cheyenne county. Its water supply comes from the North Platte River, which is the finest stream flowing east from the Rocky Mountains. The headgate is located about aight milesast of Bridg-Krt, Neb., and the canal follows along the foot of the hills, which rim the vaUey in the south side of the river, for over forty miles. Do you want land where there is no such thing as crop failure? Where you control both seed time and harvest. Where you have no long cold wet spells to interupt the cultivation of your crop? Where you npply the water when the proper stuge of growth is reached and the sunshine does tho rest? Where no ill-tiwed showers spoil your ungarnered grai n? And where you never fail to get tho highest market price for your products that are grown to perfection? If you do, now is your opportunity. For further information write Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y A Y Y Y 8 GEORGE L. FARLEY, OFFICE COATES BLOCK PLATTSMOUTH TELEPHONE 127 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y V For Hot Fires Get Egenber ger's Coal ! PURELY PERSONAL Items ot Interest Concerning the Going and Coming; of People You Know Sure satisfaction every time you light a fire if on top of the kindling is ebony fuel from our yards. It's heat and light giving and slate-free when it leaves the mines, screened and cleaned again here and served to you full weight and with celerity of delivery. Order any way that suits you. Both telephones. J. V. EGENBERGER Business Men Eat here to their own great sat isfaction and profit. Our lunch from 11:30 to 1:30 meets most wants of the man who looks for easily and quickly digested food tastily prepared and at a price not prohibitive to one of ordinary means. Plenty of variety. Glad io see you-any cay-. - DR. A. P. BARNES V. S. P'ter Keil of Cedar Creek was a 1 of Mynard transacted business in Om Plattsmouth visitor Friday. aha thin afternoon. S. B. Iiams, the Lincoln lawyer was Frank Kulesek and wife are the proud in the city on business today. parents of a baby daughter which arriv- L. C. Sharp left for Kansas City ! e( Saturday morning. Friday evening On business. j George Thomas and family arrived G. R. Sales visited his father. Geo. j Friday from his ranch in South Dakota, Sales at Cedar Creek Friday. ; and will winter here. J. H. Inhelder of Stanton, was a j Mrs- 'F K. Whitaker and daughter, Plattsmouth visitor Saturday. 1 Katherine departed for Lincoln Satur- Mrs. Happeman of Minden was the ! day to visit relatives, guest of Mrs. C. C. Parmele Friday. M H. Gartleman went to Omaha Victor Sherwood and wife arrived ! turif,vi.8j,ted over Sunday with Friday for a brief visit with friends. Mrs' Duv,d McAllister. Mrs. J. E. Douglass and son, Dean, ! L M- 0rr of Gregory, S. D., reaj returned from Maryville, Mo., Friday. ! estate dealer visited the metropolis on ... r., , . c , i business this afternoon. Miss Clare Coleman Fpent Sunday in ! 1 Omaha the guest of Miss Hortense i Charles Peacock drove in from the iurm otuuruay anti visueo me metro- Eads. port, Neb., Friday to visit relatives for a time. 1 Ray Hammers of Glenwood came to ! Plattsmouth Friday and may start a , l laundry. i Mrs. William Otterstant and children weVe" Lincoln" passengers Saturday to! visit relatives, ' i i Miss Alice Stander, teacher near Ne i polis, going on the mail. George A. Raker, of Eufala, Okla homa was a Plattsmouth visitor Friday looking after sale of Texas lands. Miss Ethel Rallancc came up from Peru Friday and visited over Sunday with her parents, William Ballance and wife.' ' Mrs. Laura Schale and her daughter, Mrs. V. Zucker visited relatives over Winter Has Just Begun But it is so late in the season that we find it to be necessary to release some of the money we have tied up in heating stoves,, and to that end are making prices that will be attractive to you. As an illustration of what is being done in the way of price reduction glance at thes four items: Buck's Radiant, No. 16 Buck's Radiant, No. 14 was$55, now. . . $50 was $-12, now $36 Buck's Hot Blast, No. Buck's Ventilator, No. 18, was $0, now. ... 18, was $38, now .... $17.50 $35 hawKa, spent Saturday with Miss Fos- Sunday n Omaha, going to the city on ter in this city. ' . the mail Saturday. 1 1 ILK. Davis, manager of the Bell! County Commissioners Switzer and Telephone at this place had a lively run Jordan net with Mr. Frederich Friday away Thursday. I and Sa1 lrday and looked after the Rev. F. W. Brink, the U. B. minister J checking of county officers. Ulltlll 1 Spend a Pleasant Hour at 0. am, xjVoj VVllltl ; ;TOM TROOP, PROPRIETOR' : IIIIHIIMMHHIMMHIM J I When in Plattsmouth get your J 't dinner at ; ; The Perkins House ; 1 ' (iuthmann A Cory, Props. ' ' MMIIHMIIIIIIIMHMIH Fc. A . MARSHALL, D. D. S. ..Graduate Dentist.. Prices Reasonable All Work Guaranteed Twenty-six Years' Experience wince in ruzgeraiu hiock Want Column i i i FOR RENT. mmmm - - -rr -nj JJUl J FOR RENT-Four-room cottage on Vine, between 12th and lath streets. For further particulars inquire at News office. tf FOR RENT- Five-room cottage, be tween 7th and 8th streets on Marble. Call up Plaits Phone No. 19U. FOR SALE. BRIEF MENTION i 1 NEWSY BITS OF INFORMATION OF A LOCAL NATURE CONDENSED INTO A FEW LINES STOCK FOODS It pays to feed it-especially . at this time of the year. INTERNATIONAL CONKEY'S PRATT'S LEE'S HESS' Theae are the five best brands on the market today. Sold by F. G. FRICKE & CO., DRUGGISTS AND EXI'KRT HIX MIXKKS FOR SALE-A number of 'argains in cottages, easy term. Cottage for rent. Windmun Investment Compur.y. FOR SALE -A nicely located five acres, for $l'MMl. Improvements worth more than half this. Windham Investment Compary. FOR SALE-My KM acre farm. 2J miles southwest of Oreapolis and ! miles northwest f Plattsmouth. For ! terms call Plattsmouth 'phone No. K : line II. Georgo Halmas. M-8t I FOR SALE-Team, wagon andhanHss, two hogs, enquire at Mrs. Ida Hixon South l()th. St. (r-.1 IK You are cordially invited to call and see our stock of goods. You will be treated courteously, and your patronage will be appreciated. Kroetiler Brothers C. A. Marshall, dentist. oo The Majestic, 5 and 10 cents. oo Try Barnes' Restaurant for a square meal. oo Hatt & Osborn's Restaurant open ail day and night. oo Egenberger, the coal man, is one of our new advertisers. oo We sell the Monarch Malleable Range. Kroehler Brothers, Coates Block, oo Something t.ew in post cards every week. Nemetz & Co. next to P.O. oo Some cigars are only cigars, but Pepperburg's "Buds"are a good smoke "Always reliable. j The season is now at hand when you I Bhould get your piano tuned. See Mr. ! Becker at the Plattsmouth Music Co. j .' 00 , Masquerade costumes and dressing ! rooms at Miss Mary Troop's store in j Kiley Block. Terms reasonable. CC-2 ! oo i Photo post cards of Taft at Platts mouth. . Now on sale-Ten different views at 5c each. Nemetz & Co. next to P. 0. 00 When buying candies, why not buy the best? We always have a fine line of the superior grades on hand. Ne metz & Co. next to P. 0. oo OLD GOLD WANTED - Bring us your old gold watch cases, rings, chains etc. Cash or goods for them. Silver also. -J. W. Crabill, Jeweler. 67-4 Improved Order ot I Redmen ! WILL (JIVK A I GRAND BALL FRIDAY EVE. J&N 22 T t i Music by Itner's Orchestra of Omaha. - COME EVERYBODY AND 1 HAVE A GOOD TIME AT COATES HALL. ; .. WANTED. CIGAR SALESMAN WANTED -In your locality to represent uj. Ex perience unnecessary ;$ 110 per month, Hnd expenses. Write for particulars. Monarch Cigar Co. St. Louis, Mo. WANTED-To exchange piar. for board in private family. Inquire for Mr. Becker at the Plattsmouth Music Company. WANTED-Girl at Riley Hotel. tf A Cood Investment. The Trump Card 320 acres of well improved land in Dickinson county, Iowa. Black loam, clay sub soil, slightly rolling. 9 room house, cellar and cistern, large barn with bnsement, corn crib, hog shed, chicken house. Good well and windmill. All fenced and cross fenced. Large orchard, large grove. About 90 acres in pasture and hay land, rest under plow; R. F. D. and telephone. 7 1-2 miles to nearest town. A new electric railroad is assured from Sioux City to Spirit Lake, and ttf land will be inside of 2 miles from station. Price per acre $00. Terms, easy. For further particulars call upon or address Gko. L. Farlky, Ind. Telephone, No. 127. Plattsmouth CG-4 ! Two neighbors in a Missouri village were arrested for fighting and brought 1 to court. The Judge asked the assail ant to tell his story. , "Jedge," he said "we war a-playin' , of seven-up, seven pints t' th' game, ( two bits on the corner. I had bin los ; in' all day, Jedge, an' I had up my last two bits. "I dole the kyardrf. He war two an' I war six. He begged an' 1 gin him , one. He flangs his queen an' I played my trey fur low. He Hangs his king an' I played my ten. He flangs his ace an' 1 played my jack, and then, Jedge, then he flangs his deice, an' I 1 hit him. "-Saturday Evening Post. i Send her a post card of your favorite ; float. At Nemetz & Co. b' Funeral el Mrs. Crimes. The funeral of Mrs. Mary F. Grimes occurred Saturday morning at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. J. G. Richey, at the corner of Granite and Eleventh streets, Canon Burgess de livered the address. Rev. Burgess psyed a glowing tribute to the life and character of the deceased. The music whs furnished by Messrs. Austin, Scott and Richey and Mesdames Austin and Britt who sang favorite hymns of the deceased, being "Asleep in Jesus," "Rock of Ages" and "Lead Kindly Light." Interment was had in Oak Hill cemetery, the pall bearers being Jacob Trcistch, Walter J. White, Chas. E. McEntec, C. A. Rawls, J. M. Robertson and W. D. Jones. The out of town relatives in. atten dance nt the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Claud Everett of Union, Edwin F. Grimes and wife and daughters, Miss Kitty and Mrs. Helen Mortensen of Omaha and James B. Tipton of Cedar Creek. Legal Notice. ! In County Court. Cst county. Neliruka. In the nutter of the t( of Jumn Skoumul, demwd. To all pernona Interested: You are hereby notified that on January, I 1309. Kraneex Ukoumal. filed a petition for the ap 1 pointnient of an adminiRlrator of the above re late, and apkinit that Rhe be appointed ru h ad mlnlntratiix; that there will be a hekhiia on aaid petition at my ottlce in the city of I'lattn mouth. Caju County. Nebraska, on the Uth day of January A. D. !'. at tto'chx k a. m objection! thereto mint be II led before Mid hour. Dated thift 6th day of January. A. U 1909. Byron Clark, Allen J, Rkmuin. Attorney. ttf-o County Judge. ' tstray Notice. Notice is hereby given that I lave! taken up, on my promises near Orea polis, on Thursday, January 14, 190!, the following described property, to wit: One bay mare with white spot in forehead,' one brown mare, two black mares. Owner may have same by prov ing property and paying charges. C7-10 " C. L. Stull. ; Be sure to see the premium dis play in the west window of the News- , Herald office. ! LOST OR STRAYED-Red calf with white face, about (! months old and weighing about 17.r pounds, Finder will be paid for his trouble by return ing same to Kunsmitii and Itamge or notifying them of the animal's where abouts. v-tf WANTED-To tr;Mtt, a tine piano for a good single driving lioie-Plattsmouth Music Company. 6!-tf Homeseekers' Low Round Trip Rales -To- TEXAS AND THE SOUTHWEST Every 1st and 3rd Tuesday OVER Missouri Pacific Iron Mountain Liberal Stop-overs Return Limit 25 Days When the wheat is gathered, take a trip to the country of low-priced lands, and see v. hut is offered to you there. Ask for particulars and literature. rtuh Norton, fluent M. P. Railway. j WANTED-Infornnitiim regarding a ! goo I farm or business for cale; not j particular about location; wih to ! hear from owner only, who will sell direct to buyer; give price, Hescrip ! tion and state when -possession can be had. Address L. flarbyshire, flox' 1320-A, Rochester, N, V. 95-4 WANTED -Honest, sober your? man to qualify for good position in the i Mail Service. Address H. R. B., care of this pa;cr. 6.V4 FOR SAI.E-A well improved !t-acre farm (i miles from Plattsmouth. The richness of the soil makes it one of the most productive pieces of land in Cass o.;nty. UimhI bu.Lliigs, good orchard, an abur.ilance of water, etc. May be houg'it for les than the pre vailing price of land in this county. Enquire of Gen. L. Farley, Coates block, Plattsmuuth, Neb. GO-4 He sure to secure one of thoseelegant ' mantle clocks which arc being given away by the Nenvk-Hkkald. See the announcement on tire editorial pajc of this issue. J