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About The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1909)
: mi Iff U IT'S VERY UNUSUAL to see nurh handsome turnouts ab goes from Manspcaker's livery stable. Our rigs are up-to-date, our carriagea are swell in stylo and comfortable to ride in, and our horse are always well groomed, well dressed und well fed. When you want a drive crmc to Mnnnpeaker'8 for your turnout. M.E.MAN SPEAKER Jones' Old Iiivcry Barn Seventh h Maw Hi. l'Utluinoulh, Neb. MURDOCH DLPARTf'OT Ol H R. NEITZEL. Bank Building. Murdock, Neb. Phone No. 99 E. G. DOVEY a SON 1 Homeseekers' Low Round Trip Rates -To- TEXAS AND THE SOUTHWEST Evry tut rd 3rd Tuesday OVER MissQitriPacific Iron Mountain Liberal Step-overs Return Limit 25 Days When the wheat is gathered, take a trip to the country of low-priced lands, and we what is offered to you there. Ask for particulars and literature. ttuh. Norton, fluent M. I Railway. if It ? I y y y y y y g 1 Jyyynr Deposit What You like When You Like But depo.-it your money HERE. It is popaible that you have never felt the abso lute necessity of having a bank account, it it! prob able you could drift along for years without one but IF YOU EXIECT TO FORGE TO THE FRONT in this life in a financial way it is essential that you have a Dank .Account. We Rive you a personal invitation to make this tank your depository whether you have a email sum or a large one to lay aside for safe keeping. Bank ot Murdock H. R. NEITZEL, Cashier. Individual Responsibility Over $300,000. j I tended nnd the crowd seemed to ap- 4 , premte the e ntertainment very much, I Tl .l 1 .. 1 nuu mule I'l.tttsmouth, Nebraska TRAINS GOING EAST No. 20' Facille Junction 2:55 p. m. No. 2 Loral ExiirrxH. to luwt points. Chi. capo anj the C:03 p. m. No. 4 Lincoln to Pacific Junction, con necting witl). pointd north, cast ml south (! need und.iy) 0:' a. m Miss Viola Everett is entertaining her father from Elliott, Iowa. Will Sehewe is getting ready to move into his fine new dwelling. The Misses Emma and Anna Bore nemeier are at present in Omaha. Harry G. Schmidt and family will move unto a farm near Raymond, Neb. A daughter came to bless the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Ncitzel last Tues day. Mr. and Mrs. August I'anskn visited last week with relatives near Dillcr, Neb. Don't forget the sale of Chris. Eich- , mann whivh ia to take place next Mon day. j David Rager of neur Ft. Scott, Kas., is -here visiting relatives for a short j time. 1 Mrs. P.. Guthlstoroff and her eon, I Edwin, were Omaha passengers Wed I nesduy. The stork brought a fine son to the ; home of Mr. and Mr I last Monday. There is till another number on the program of this course. Carl Kadtkc is billing a sale of his horse.?, rattle, etc. to be held January 23th on his place que mile west of Mur dock. He has some lino stock which should se ll well. The Hemkc boys, August and Ed l ward brought in five musk rat skins and ; one beautiful mink skin lust week, the . animals had been trapped on their farm ; three miles west of Murdock. j A chimney burning out at the home I of Mrs. Crawford in town last Monday : morning caused considerable excite- tner.t but little loss to property as it j required but a few hours work of the j carpenter to repair the damage, j JohnT. Evans and Sturzcncg i ger left for a trip to Mexico last 1 ues i (ley evening to look after their mining : interests. From reports these gentle man will be ns rich as the famous chief of the Montezumas, und wo wiBh them succees in this enterprise. Ole Carr has rounded up a bunch of likely local talent for a little play to be given as soon as rehearsals nhow the troupe is ready for a public appear ance. The subject is "Through Snow and Sunshine" and those who have read over the manuscript say that it is a fine play. Strange as it may seem, with so much live stock being thipnerl to South Om nha from this vicinity, Henry West lake our local butcher found it to his advantage to go to South 'rnaha and there buy a car-load of cattle to supply his demand for beef steak. They will be cared for on the Fred. Weaver place until they arc to be cut up for the trade. We understand that a good sized audience witnessed the play by local talent of Murray in th'j little sketch en titled "Valley Farm" on the boards of Murdoch Opera Houso lust Saturday evening. The weather was very incle ment which worked agnint a large turn out. The play was well rendered and the crowd went home pleated with the entertainment. Maple Grove Special tUuresjioiiilenc 0 Ben N'oel shelled nnd delivered his Carl Schlophof ; corn Friday. Mrs. Will Rentier spent Monday with The revival melting nt the local I Mm. Ben Noel. Evangelical church were closed last 1 Mrs. D. Murray spent with Mrs. Will Saturday evening. I Renner Tuesday. This is great weather for the ice man Kay Shepherdson was a Weenintr . V::.Op.m. No. 06 From Omaha No. 30 Freight to Pacific Juration... No. 0 Through BtilMUu eiprnss No. II Frum Omaha TRAING GOING WEST No. 19 Ical oxpreta, daily, Omaha. Lin coln, Wray, Cot., and Intermediate tathina s:ii- a, m, r-o.7 Fast mail. Omalia and Lincoln (becept Sunday) 12:::' p. m, No. S3 Local exprws. lauu'fillc. A ihlaiwl WahonandBrtmylpr No. 29 Local frwitrht. Cwtar Cn-k Louisville and .South ilvnd MO a. m 'Daily, except Sunday. :S5 p. m". i an(1 our ,wcal mcn are hwy Putti,,R: !P : Wiiter visitor Saturday. ..4 ir, p. m. ; a supply for next summer. L. C. Muirayand familv were Platts- m. Iiourke has been busy slapping mouth visitors Saturday, out a carload of live rfock every other W5 Honrt and famj,v Su. clay the past week. wit!l rh;ifl Hamn Jim, Markets Wheat, One; com, rc; oats. Fri(, 1mU .m Mij!9 M.lta PuU -IHc; hogs, f-..r,r: butttr, c; eggs, '"c; , ritsmouth visltm-x Sxtux- "j F. J. Snangkr of Weeiiin ' Water ? ? ? t t ? T T ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? X v T T t ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? t ? ? T ? ? T t Special Offerings at a Large Discount We are invoicing and working hard every min ute of the time, nevertheless we are going to give a few specials this and next week; this discount ought to mean something to you because you can buy the specials here advertised for much less than actual value. 33 l0 Furs 33!o 25 Blankets 25 !0 We will sell any fur in Any blanket in the the h?" regardless of house 10-4, 11-4 and cost at 1-3 off. in vthmg 12-4 goes at discount of reserved. 25 per cent. Fleeced Wrappers Brokcn lot ol Underwear A nice Jot of dark . TbiG is a .f to wrappers. Worth $1.25 "ave mone lf 7e have to $1.50. Yours at your size. Good assort- y5c ment now. Yours at.. 19c per garment 330 Fancy China 33 ;0 33 lo P8 33 00 All our salad bowls, j Here is an opportunity sugar and cream sets, ! to ?et 0IJe of onv fancy vases, salt and pepper Parlor lamPs at less sets, fancy cake plates j than you will ever buy and others go at 1-3 I llQ asam. Come and off the actual value. j look at them, if you do you will buy. j t ? y T t ? T f f v t V ? i y V f wise iasKsoyuieumce Boy Remains Brought From Kansas I City Tuesday and Interred Yesterday. f WPl Time TI;AiN.-. ;(i:v; N. ! No. 10.'. Omaha No. lftl NYlinista Mnd No. U Lwal fnMiUi TCAINS iMN(,KOI No. 104 No. I0ti I.ociil FiTiu'it HOMY FOR FARM LOANS. If 19 o4 lain an tmpraytf firm Li it mtaaMt nt r Utneit. Write t. flaOrlif. I. SIBBERItSCfl, 204 buiM Stvt tH , Onihi. hens, c, cream. 27c. Conrad Wohrmann has fmrchaswl a 8fl0p.m. ; handsome and strong span of horses from II. Hart, pnyii.g? 100 for the team. Mis. Richard Nutzmann and daugh ter, Penrl of Avocn visited the Wes-t-lake family several days of last wee's. Miss Minnie (iutliinann eume to Mur dock Tuesday evening and will spend a few weeks visiting In r sister, Mrs. II. R. Neitxel. and familv. T'llllC ,L'0I'e (Tuck! Vanderburg ha- been 1 J on the nek list the part two weeks but we that he is on the mail to recovery tt this writing. .lehn Kupe loft for n short vi.-it in his old home in Kentucky last Saturday, wh'To'he will endeavor t sell his Ken tucky real estate holdings. We are ip formed tliut the Pawnee i Creek school U t;w closed while the yaigagm a teacher Mi-1- Cora Mueller is being upent Wednesday at L. C. Murrayss Mrs. R. C. Pnilcy und Mrs. R. A. Yonni Noel. Will Patter; pent Friday with Mrs. Pen i Fred Yogtman, formerly a resident1 of thiii city died at the home of his son at 10,'X; Shawnee street. Kansas City last Saturday night of lick con sumption. His remains were brought 1 j to Plnttsmouth Tuesday morning and ? n I. I taken to the Hild undertaking estab- I lishmer.t from which the funeral wns Oil Was MSltinC at the i lu,l,l W,lI.v nmrninc nndor triK Husterholt-vhome several ,iy this nu, pkw flfthcA. 0. U. VV. lodge of Nu" ' ! which deceased was a member. hzru Whitiiicer f Weeping Water! The deceased was 03 years of age, t spent Sunday and Monriay. with liar-J but as he lay in the Lunal ctsket he mond Keck. j did not look a day over forty. His two Mr.s. Will Kergcr and children wcre'S('n8 Adolph and Albert accompanied visiting the familic of .. 0. and 1. ,ne'r father's remains to Plattsmouth. Murray several davs thi.i week. . also Albert's wife and children. The M. 111. - I' " :l. Ill- " " a. m decease was buried by the side of his over the arrival of 1 1 nn,l .Untl" "? vv" preceded mm to me great oe- Mi'. and Mrs. W. H. Puis are iviocing ' ! ond several years ago. Mr. Yogtman was born in fiermany and married there, opt rated ti on for nu attack tlieitis. at their home tndav morninL' Jan. s. .. V ' T V ' v. , , i himself nnd wife coming to Plattsmouth larger and childn n aru h il Murrav ' i , ,.Ti.. - u i. y about twenty .wars ago. Three sons soei't Ihuvsuny at the It. Murrav home. i . . r l j "u.ia, iionii. i ViyQ born to them, twoof whom snr- I). Murray. Fdd Muvray. L C. Mur-. vive their parents, both residing in ia an.i iay .aepner-ison attended thei Kansas Citv. !n!e south of 'Nehawka ! You can take my word for it-whatever a fellow hopes to he, he will heirless he ets on the wrony ear. Whenever I hear one those worldly wise chars u.inir that (xrrcsKicn. "Where do I get off?" I always feel like edqn up and sayinr. "Put him eft at Plattsmouth because he will then knew Just where he is going to ,?et crT and we will all know where he' is getting off. We know that he will get c;F hotter than ho expected for the simple reason that wo are primed to- the muzzle with new goods and we don't care how soon the people know it. Times are improving. Ijusu.css is improving, people are imtroving. everything is improving except the weather and you can't improve that because it iin't made to be bosssd. Have you tried our Plattsmouth brand of S: J coffee? Then you can't go wrong on. H. m. SOENNiCHSEN .va.xi. Vhf tt 1 1 n 1 1 M M M II Mi of nppvn- VYarden-Pn'.r.t Tuesday. , The illustrated lecture and iin,ior- sonuting by Prof, (ireen last Tuesday levelling, given uiuKr the auspices of . the local Woolmr.n was well at- REMEMBER THE GREAT CLEARING SALE now gointf on at our store. Uelow we quote many saving prices for the buyer. Buy now and be wise Padutot home, former price $45 now $31 w Shjj4uee Htd Coal Stove, formey prke WiW, now.... Hit 00 Otwan licatcj". soft or ham! coal, former pricr $JD.0N. . . W 50 Snledl Oak, ricriy trimmed, former price f14.f0 9 SO Gem Star I.Jgljt Wwnd Stove former price $15.00 10 IS PvOiii (Ink, former price $19.00, tvow 13 50 Q. L ASEMISSEN & SON A Cood Investment. ! :'.JiJ acres c.f w in-.troved land in' liekiivou eour.ty. Iowa. Pluck loam, I clay sub .-.oil, slightly rolling. 'J rooini , house, cellar and cistern. large bam with basement, corn cril, hog shed, i chicken house. Cood well and windmill. I All fcnewl and cross fenced. Large i orchard, large grove. About AO acres in pasture nnd hay land, rest under! ; plow; R. F. P. and tekphone. 7 1-2 j miles to nearest town. j A new electric railroad is assured! I trom Moux City to Spirit Lake, and I the land will be inside of 2 miles fwm I a stntioii. I Trice per acre JCO. Tcnw, easy. j For further rarticaJarsi call upon or address Ceo. L. Faiu-CY, Ind. Teleplwoe, No, 127. fhittsmouth. Operated On At Omaha. 1 Mrs. John Ncmctz was taken to Om aha Monday by her husband, where she suffered an operation yesterday noon. Mrs. Xemetz stfKid the ordeal; well for one weakened by sickness. Mr. : Ncmetz and wife have the sympathy of this community, having suffered much soitow of lute. It is to be hoped that , the lady will speedily recover perma- j nent health. ! RTQDR&SCSZSSSSSa 8KB Thomas Wik j fr.e ef the prv?jieroua i farmers residing just outaklc the city I limit? departs toAty for Kurlirifton j when' he will visit his son Lorain for I seAcrnl weeks, after which he will go j to Topeku. and nmain the bidanco of the winter with bi.s dui;h. ttr. Wedtfing Reception. Monday afternoon John Tupou and Mis Mary Svehla were married by Judge Deoson at the private office of the Judge. The groom was attended by Ed. Kalosek of this city and the bride by Miss Josephine Buranck. Af ter the ceunxmy the party repaired to the bride's borne on urrt IVarl eteeet, where a reception was held by the bride's parent in bonor of the mar riage. Many gue?t3 were present and a eumptuous dinner was eentrd near the hour of six o'clock. Aftc dinner the young members of the company and they were all yourc, tripped the light fantastic for a few hours. Try Parres Restaurant for n square trfU'. WJNTER EXCURSIONS LOW RATES WINTER TOURIST RATES: - Daily reduced rate excursions to California. Old Mexico. Southern and Cuban Resorts. HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS:-First and third Tuesdays of each month to many points west, south and southwest. PERSONLY CONDUCTED EXCURSION to Florida by Superintendent IHiblic Instruction of Nebraska, Mr. J. I,. McBrien leaving Lincoln and Omaha December lfHh. Write G. W. flonrvell' C. P. A. Lincoln, for itinerary. ' ' ' GOVERNMENT IRRIGATEO HOMESTEADS in the Big Horn Basin and Yellowstone Valley: -One of the- last chanwa to Mr. D. Clem Deavcr on rbc next pw-sonly conducted excursion He will help you secure oik? of these farms. No charcv far hi senrscDS. Excursions first and third" Tuesdaj-s. W. L. PICKETT, Ticket Apent, Plattsmouth L. W. Wakely. G. P. A.. Omaha. l:iiiii(iiiiiin t a rj