The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, January 14, 1909, Image 7

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    W1IXARD K CmjflSiiN
: .1 i-i
Route lor Girl
Cloth JhM.
14 to lb i-u.
OK tho thirteenth time in
his j .id-year career l n-
fl I tic Sain is Retting ready
to count noses, I ensus
takitm will occupy all
his energies in 1910, but
even to-day he is getting
ready lor that Herculean
task. It is the bluest
tiling the I'd it od States
does onco in every ten
years, but to-day the sys
tem for its accomplishment has no
peers auywhere in the world.
The reason is because America
low has a permanent census bureau,
one which is always making prepara
tions for the next decade's count.
The country's solons will go down
Int6 the public trmsury this winter
for $14,000,000 for the 1910 census,
and of that sum, $1,500,000 Is for
maintainencc of a permanent bu
reau. Speaking in smaller figures, it
costs the United States government
17 .cents for counting each and every
man, woman, loy and girl once In
ten years. It costs just as much to
count John D. Rockefeller as it does
the. lone Immigrant ' from Norway
who arrives at New York with $2.1
as a nucleus for his prospective for
tune. It is estimated that the population
. .. .
j4 v,-,'
! placed upon the payroll of the United
States government next sunimer and
shortly afterward this great counting
process will be commenced. After the New
Year the greatest problem which Direc
tor North faced was of getting enough
money from congress to fully guarantee,
a complete count, which would fully set
forth all that statisticians wished to
know. The census budget was up before
congress last year, but was turned over
to the 190S09 national legislature.
Lawmakers much regret that whereas
the constitution of the United Slates re
quires thai each ten years there bo a
of this country has increased 20 per
cent, since the last census was
taken In 1900 and according to con
servative guesses by men who are
qualified to know, the number of
persons should total in the neighbor
hood of 90,000,000. As i conse
quence statisticians have arrived at
the decision that in 1920 the popula
tion will touch the 100,000,000 mark.
The census of 1910 Is to cost tho
people little more than that of 1900
for the reason that machines, which
are wonderful In their makeup, have
been invented by members of tho
censuB bureau and these do far greater work than
the old style counting devices in use when the
Job was started nine years ago.
There are two styles of machines one is the
card punching device and the other, the tabulator.
Tho first punches the holes in tho census cards,
which are arranged much as in the conventional
card Index. The wonderful tabulating machine
then takes tho pasteboards and solely by mechan
ical means adds, classifies and makes up totals
from tho cards, which pass through the device
faster than tho eye can follow them. Moth ma
chines are essential and each is dependent upon
tho other for success.
The new card punching machine, which s a
great Improvement upon the old system, Is an
electrical contrivance.. Hitherto the operator was
compelled to play upon it like a typist, b.(t to-day
all that Is necessary is to touch the key doBlred,
press a lever and the machine keeps or. punching
cards as long as the power is kept o:i. The old
hund puncher was capable of send'ng out 900
cards each day while the new automaton attains
a speed of 3, .100 and saves the operators' nerves.
Another feature of these new mn.'hlnos Is that
the United States will soon know, after tho cards
have been turned In by the great wmy of statistics-gatherers,
Just where It standa on population.
Classification is also a great feature, divisions
being made of whites, blacks, jnd other races,
along with females, males, ntties, foreigners,
married and single persons.
One hundred and fifty of thct-o new machines
are In Hie process of construction for tho census
taking of 3910. Three thousand persons will do
the clerical work In the government offices at
Washington. So you see there Is something to
this census taking .business.
Director North of the census declares that as
soon as the incoming cards are punched ho wllj
bo able to give to the country the total. The
tabulating machines are now a closely, guarded
secret. In a little machine shop at the census
burenti offices In Washington and at last accounts
the experts at work upon. It were perfecting the
details of Its construction. It Is a government
Invention one person gets the credit for It,
but it will revolutionize the business of counting
In other 'years Uncle Pam work of taking R
map shot of his people was llko a man In the hay
tod feud business Jumping into a print Inu shop
ik jtrr tJTMfzl
V. 1-.'
la C :r
and trying to make good.
The conditions each ten
years were so much dif
ferent from those of the
decade previous that
even though the same persons were given the
care of the offices connected therewith, they found
themselves at sea within a few days. Now, how
ever, the permanent census bureau .makes the
counting of the population a business for all time
with Uncle Sum and this gigantic Job will be
given the attention of his weather eye from day
to day, though the fruits of the work will be
thrust Into the public gaze only once in ten years.
Men who are experts on taking the census of
countries declare that, the system by which the
government will take the count in 1910 Is admit
tedly a model which the whole world should fol
low, if It would be as up-to-date as this corner.
Another project is on foot to-day which will great
ly facilitate (IiIb census program. That Is the
erection of a permanent home for the population
counters. IT congress allows Director North to
erect such an edifice, It will be a specially con
structed statistics manufacturing plant. In a
communication to congress Director North sets
forth his plans. He plans to expend the sum of
$ii75,000 for the purchase of a site and for the six
story fireproof building upon which he Is laying
his program. This, bo says, will provide ample
accommodations for the 3,000 persons who are
engaged in this work from year to year.
To-day, if you were to visit. Washington, and
wished to see the census bureau, you would bo
led to u one-story brick structure which was
erected for the tabulation of statistics .lu 1900.
One great, space problem which the government
faces Is the storing of census reports and this
took tip- Just about all the room of the old struc
Jure, so that most of the clerks and other help
had to be accommodated, elsewhere. If was re
cently estimated that It would house just about-one-fourth
of the clerks- needed for the census
next year.
The great army of house-to-house canvassers
who will count you and- your family In 1910 are
not as yet even estimated by Director North, but
It Is recorded that one man counts only about
10,0(10 persons, ninny of them counting less In the
small space of time allotted to the tabulation.
Thousands upon thousands of extra men will
complete, satisfactory census of all the souls in the
country, no adequate plans were made when the
republfc- was planted on this side of the Atlantic.
For that reason every decade saw a hurry and
scurry to count the population, great confusion
distress In some sections and general prevalence ol
conditions bordering on chaos. So, for more than
a century it continued thus each year, for the pre
ceding administration, it is stated, did not care
about giving the next successful party anything up
on which the caption of "spoils" might be hung,
it Is declared.
So nobody went after a real census system very
Hut modern Ideas have been injected Into the
counting process and the gigantic move for a per
manent bureau having succeeded, we nre now to
have a census which will enumerate, speedily, ac
curately and give results to the people In the
shortest possible time. The establishment of a per
manent bureau will also bring about the perfection
of more accurate, faster and far better Ideas at
later dates. Kach decade will see changes for the
best, it is declared by those lu power at Washington.
Cultivate the Open Mind.
President Mint says the open mind Is a fruit of
culture. And It Is likewise, a Christian virtue. The
man with an open mind Is an agrpcnhlv person. He
is Just and kindly. One can talk wltn him with
pleasure, for one can be quite sure, If lie mind Is
' open, there is no prejudice, env.v or Cl will there.
The open mind is where the trut 1 Is welcomed, and
where It Is not tainted with nieaii'ness 'of any kind.
As a general thing, the more -Ignorant a person
Is the tighter Is his mind closed. He thus becomes
exceedingly absurd, and consequently pitiful. He
loses Influence and In lime, respect. He likes to say
his mind Is made up, which means thai the doors
and windows of his soul are shut and no more light
will be let in.
That Is a bad situation for n person to get In.
It Is full of cold gloom, pessimism, and malign med
itations; and stnnds in the way of the world getting
better. And who wants to ba such an obstruction?
Mouse for (iirl from II tolfi Yrnrr. ('renin wincey Is. employed, for this
blouse; two tucks are made from shoulder to bust each sldo. t hp- ( rimming
consists of bauds of embroidered galloon, round collar, down center front, and
round arinholes and sleeve; the tight under-sleeves nre buttOiletf nearly to tho
Materials required: Two and a half yards ;;o inches wlde',twi)rihd three
quarter yards trimming. . I j '
A Simple I House. A firm kind of washing silk Is admirable for a blouso
such as this; two Inch-wldv tucks are made from shoulder to bust, mid about
six small one-.! between; the box-plait down center in covered wllfi lace or
embroidery, a band of the same being taken down outside of sfecw. Tho deep
cuffs are of finely tucked silk.
Materials required: Four yards 22 Inches wide, one ami ;oiwHlf yards
trimming. ' ' '
Cloth Jacket. Here Is a practical, easily made Jacket. I n"A;ma7.on cloth,
to match the skirt. It is fitted by a seam taken over the shoulder from edgo
of basque, back and front. The front slightly wraps over below bunt, anil Ih
fastened by invisible hooks and eyes, and ornamented with buttons and cord
loops. Kmbroldered galloon outlines the . neck. Felt hat trimmed with a
buckle and quills. ;
Materials required for Jacket: Two and a half yards 4C Inches wide, on
yard galloon, three buttons, four yards silk.
In Russet Brown Velveteen and Fine
Face Cloth.
Here Is a very elegant combination
of russet-brown velveteen and fine face
cloth. The plain trained skirt is of
velveteen, so are the tight-fitting uu-
Especially for Bedrooms That Havo a
Chilly Aspect; ;
For Inside curtains heavy linen,
either natural linen color, In whlto or
colors, Is very popular. They arc so
lected, of course, in accordance with
the fillings of the room and ara
trimmed either with applique of linen
In contrasting colors, with braid or
embroidery In heavy linen thread.
Chintz hnnj;'ngs are also" very popular
and clihiU ami cretonne nre now
shown In a more reiuarkablo variety
of colors and designs (ban ever bo
fore. There is quite a fad at the mo
ment for the blue and white or tho
ml and while chintz haugiiigs for use,
of course, in rooms suitably, decorated.
The wall of a room, for Instance, may
be In pale gray or white and gray
when blue and white or rod and white
chintz will be used for hangings and
upholstery. These chintzes nro not
quite so striking as they sound, tho
red chintz, In fact, being quite mild In
effect. The color Is a light and rather
dull red and the patterns show a great
deal of while. For Borne bedrooms,
such, for Instance, as have a rathei
chilly aspect, these chintzes are ad
mirable. They seem moro suitable for
men's rooms than the flowered chint
zes in pink and green, lavender and
yellow which are bo charming.
The Pierrot Ruff.'
der-slecves. The oversklrt and pina
fore bodice of tho cloth are trimmed
with a Greek key pattern, worked with
gold and brown narrow braid; velvet
covered buttons form a further trim
ming. The yoke Is of piece lace.
Hat in velvet of the color of the
skirt, lined wilh soft, pink satin, and
trimmed with a rosette of satin and a
long brown feather.
Materials required: For the dreHS,
nine yards velveteen, four yards
clolh 48 inches wide, several dozen
yards of narrow braid, three dozen
buttons, one half yard piece lace.
High Boots of Tan.
As the winter weather advances
there is wider popularity for the
smart tan boot that laces or buttons
six and eight Inches above the
The extra heavy soles are not used
ns much as they were for city streets.
They are kept for county roads. The
fashionable shoe has a sole of or
dinary thickness, is well arched, has
a slightly rounded toe, and a high,
straight Spanish heel.
A I'ierrot ruff, but having a huge
bow at the sldo In which little Pierrot
would not have known himself, Ih one
of tho pretty little gifts to pass from
friend to friend. Choose marquisette,
crisp chiffon, net or point d'esprlt In
one of the catawba or wistaria shades.
Huffs of these exclusive colors may bo
found In some of the shops, or tho
materials may be bought and carefully
doubled and quilled into shape. The
very full quillings are then fastened
on to a soft fold of silk of the same
shade, measured to tit tho neck. Tho
bow of satin ribboa is, again, the lden
Ileal color, and be sure the match la
While it Is very lovely to say "tie
on with a big soft Imjw," it Is far
wiser to caution the giver to have tho
bow tied permanently, and to fasten
Pierrot's ruff with a hook and eyo. i
Frills on Muffs. j
A pretty fashion is that of adding a
frill of soft Biitln or closely 'plaited
chiffon to the lower edge of for
muffs. . .
Ilrown Is used with all brown furs, ,
black with black and white with such
furs as ermine and white fox.
When furs nre scant tbt- addition Is
a decided improvement, i-m .
The Immense round muffj that are -forcing
their way to the fore have the
cosiest-looking arrangnent of quilled .
aud primly looped ribbo at the ends
where the hands nro received.
Frank Philosopher.
The late Charles Kllot Norton, In his
Harvard lectures on the hlslory of art
used -often to describe a meeting be
tween Thotn'as Carlyle and the philos
opher Mullock.
"Mallock wys a wise man," he. would
say, "but his views differed from Car
lyle's, and hence, though they were
true views. Carlyle deemed them false
'ind pernicious. We should all culti
vate a broad outlook so as to escape
.'mm the. rrow liitolcrurica o a Car-li'lc.
"When Mallock cnllod J)h ' Carlylo,
he talked, In his ftVni 'way.-'.for two
straight hours. "Their hH rose '.to go.
"At the door Carole, "who bad
smoked the whole time tn grim bI
lence, took his pi do from his mouth,
and said, mildly: j
"WH, good by, Mr. Maljock. Pvo
received ye kindly because 1 knew yer
mlther, but I never wamt to set eyes
on ye again."
Prusslc acid poisons every living
thing, plants as well as animals.