The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, January 14, 1909, Image 5
Y Y Y Y Y Y V Y Y Y Y SflOW OPE TTLMEOT N FOR SE J. t Y ! t Y Y i r n. a. f Opening! AN IRRIGATED TRACT OF 20,000--ACRES--20,000 IN The Great North Platte Valley of Nebraska t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y V 4l The irrigated land in thin valley in, without doubt, the wry l st purchase on the market today. Conditions of climate, altitude, .soil. geographical posit ion and WATER SUPPLY all! favor this locality. This Inr.d will be sold with perpetual water rights from one of the earliest appropriation. out of the North Platte River, the largest nnd best river that flows east from the Rocky Moun tains. This river may well be called the " River Nile of America." It carried double the amount of water of the South Platte, the Arkahras and the Cache La Poudrc rivers combined. The Kilt and mud carried in the water leaves it coat of fertiliser each year equal in richneds to that which for thousands of years has been annually deposited by the River Nile upon that rainless and' otherwise sterile country of Egypt, rn.ikir it one cf the most fertile valleys on earth. THE LAND OF SUNSHINE AND HEALTH The country w here every crop grown in this latitude reaches perfection -where floods don't drown out your erops in spring, or drouth burn them up in summer; where SUGAR BERTS. POTATOES, TKAS or ALFA LEA will pay 25 FEU CENT on 3XJ PER ACRE. The Norrh Platte Valley has demonstrated the adaptihility of its soil to to the beet, nnd during the past three years the crop was shipped first to Grand Island and then to Ames, Nebraska, and this year to Sterling, Colorado, the factory paying the freight. Thw they will not have to do when there is in cultivation the necessary acreage to injure a factory. (5,000 acres.) BEST OF RAILROAD FACILITIES The Belmont canal is in Cheyenne county. Its water supply comes from the North Platto River, which is the finest stream flowing east from the Rocky Mountains. The headgato is located about eight mile east of Bridgeport, Neb., nnd the canal follows along the foot of the hills, which rim the valley in the south side of the river, for over forty miles. Do you want land where there is no such thing as crop failure? Where you control both seed time and harvest. Where you have no long cold wet spells to intorupt the cultivation of your crop? Where you apply the water when the proper .stage of growth is reached and the sunshine does the re9t? Where no ill tiwed showers spoil your ungarnered grain? And where you never fail to Ret tho highest market price for your products that are grown to perfection? If you do, now is your opportunity. For further information wntc GEORGE OFFICE COATES BLOCK L. FARLEY, PLATTSMOUTH TELEPHONE 127 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y T Y Y Y y y y y y y Y Y Y y Y v For Hot Fires Get Egenber ger's Coal! Sure satisfaction every time you light a fire if on top of the kindling is ebony fuel from our yards. It's heat and light friving and slate-free when it loaves the mines, screened and cleaned ajrain hre and served to you full weight and with celerity of delivery. Order any way that suits you. Both telephones. J. V. ECENBERGER PURELY PERSONAL l(ms ot Interest Concerning the Going and Coming ot People You Know. Business Men Kat her to their own gvtat sat-isfiic-Joi and profit. O-jr lunch fron-. 11 M to l::jt) me. t.s mo.-t . war: ':" tho man who koks for easily ! quickly digested food ta.-C.v iv-1 and at a prie-e not ; ."'-ih.:iv.; to ore ol ordinary moa-Iv.-tity of variety, Ga 1 to ..' ;,v. at:y c ay. DR. A. P. BARNES V. S. Winter Has Just Begun But it is so late in the ei.S'.r: that we find it lo U necessary to release .some oi tlv money we hae tied up in heatinp; stoves., fird to that end are makiiij; prices that will ht attractive' to you. As an illustiation of what is done in the way of price roducti -n lunc.- r.'. tr.tsl'uiir item.'?: ; Loaia Hotter was in Omaha yesterday. J. W. Crabilt ard wile in OtinJia yes terday . T. B. Bates tjAt ia the metropolis Tut-sJay. K. A. Lorew. was a,ri Omaha visitor -C. C. C'hatrvikr: of Ashlo.'vi kh n tho city Tw jay. I), O. Dwyer trar..atttl busirveys in Ow.aha yesteixiay. Mrs. Williaai Schmidt ma nn spent yesterday in Oniuha. H. M. Tarth is irx!tir. aftt-r ba-nes-i ttat'.rs at McCook. ! J. Heir.i it of Bellevue was traiv-act- i ine ic thi- city ycrterday. j Mr-. W. t. Tiiiperis npent th- after-. Hour. yest'T'Jav in Oraaha. Mrj. J.ejih Drot'p-c vinitid the met-; lorjolis yestcKlay i.l't;r!KMn. Her.ry I.-ke a:u! wife of Lal'httte wt ro vWtir.;? in tl.ii- city yeatenlay. Mi1-. V. T. K'i".d nraUwhy are vi-Mt-with ri'liitivi-s ut Fremont. A. . Kirvv of (Central City U trna? . nctir. 'LunintM bu.-irte.-.s in the city. I. I. (iirof T.rejrory, S. I)., left yetf-: tcnliiy after a busirit--"-, visit if) thif i-ity. A. Clabauchoi the .'brao.:a Liuht ir.i Co. wasar.OriKiha visitor ye.teniy. V.'. W.f of Otnaha has U:,-n in th: city th i week t.tti -nJintr t" bu-iness matte rv. K'i'ii.' Tj;ki of Lincoln attendee the Taio:i-.5v:hla vVel(.!ii4, i--tu: homei Tui -J.iy r.oon. T. J. Th'ima. of S.ith On. aim in the city yestcnlay, rtttemlitifrtoaomf buainesf" matters. A. S. Will lei t this morning for a visit to several Colorado xintd. llo will he absent about a week. Clarence Robine of Omnha is in the city looting after business matters uvl visiting olJ frierula for a time. 0. F. Davis, real estate dualcr of Onvaha was in the city today on a deal for a live acre trnct near the city. Mrs. Hunks, wife of the genial Hur lington man, has returned from a visit with ricr daughter at Calesburg, III. Mr. and Mm. L .1. Kasler have re turned to their home in Omaha after a .short visit with friends in this city. Hon. K. t!. Windham is in Lincoln LITTLE LOCALS. C. A. Marshall, dentist. oo Hatt & Osbom's Restaurant open nil clay and night. oo Kgcnberger, tho coal man, is one of ot'T new advertisers. oo We sell the Monarch Malleable Range. Kroebler Brothers, Coatee Block, oo Something new in post cards every week. Nemetz & Co. next to P.O. oo Some cigars ure onry cigars, but Ptpperburg'a "Buds'W a good smoke "Always reliable. oo Tho season is now at hand when you should get your piano tuned. See Mr. Becker at the I'lattsmnuth Music Co. oo Masquerade! costumes and dressing r Want Column i i i FOR RENT. FOR RENT-Four-room cottage on Vine, between 12th and I'Jth etroets. For further particulars inquire at News office. tf FOR RENT- Five-room cottage, be tween 7th and 8th hUkhHs on Marble. Call up Platts Flionc No. FOR SALE. attending a ineeting of the territorial I rooms at Miss Mary Troop's store in pioneers, and incidentally diking in the' Riley lilo.-k. Terms reasonable. M-2i F) legislature. oo .Mrs. J. W. Newell has returned to , I'ho'.o ;st cards of Taft at Flatts Iht home in Omaha, after a visit with '. rn"'-"''- N'' " sale - Te n ditfc rent her parents in this city, Mr. and Mrs. ' viiW! ilt :,c ''!i' n- Nemetz ci Co. n. xt A. W. Atwood. , to I. 0. eonrt-hrwt. of the dependent T. le- tXV,b,'n l n' v;hy phone Corriiios which is being held 1 i' always have a line thin week in Lincoln. of th surH rr BA' hand. mctz cV Co. rk;.t to P. O. C. ('. Johns, representing the Nebras- ui Farmer, wits in the city Tuesday looking after business matters- connect ed with his publication. FOR SALE -A number of Bargains in cottages, easy term. Cottages for rent. Whitman Investment Company. buy line Ne- SALE-A nicely located five acres, for MUR Improvements worth more than half this. Windham Investment Company. FOR PALE-My lift acre farm, 2J milcis southwest of Orc-upolis and rf miles northwest of Plattsinouth. For te rms call Phittsmoutb 'phone No. 8 line If. Jtie Ualuias. .r8-St This oMii'e makes a specialty of job printing. We r'npectfully i-'licit an optefirtj: itv to figure wi'.h vo j for W. 1' Cook, 'the barla'r, accompanied , anythir g you may nei d in tlii.- li.iv. by his nephew, Samuel Arthaud, of " - - Hartley, Iowa, and who is employed' Trying tor Priie. with Mr. Cook in his barber shop, were . Howard and Claud Ston.iker of Ida' business victors in Omaha Thursday tiiove. la , were in tin . itv M ndav ::ttermioii. FOR "vLE- Team, wagon and harness, two bvnfs. enquire at Mrs. Ida Hixon H-vAh Vhh. St. tr-:i WANTED. Luck's Relialit, X". 1'i 1'. 1 ii . liii!lt. No. I I v. a.- S.V., now ... SSO - -'-.'J. iw, . . . S36 Buck's Hot LList. No. li ; W.-tilator, No. 1, was $'J. now ... 1" v...-s.'.s, now .. SI7.50 S35 You !eie oordinliy invited t c:.ll and see our slock of "ods. You will be treated courteously, :.:d vour patronage will appreciated. Krochlcr Brothers When in l'laUsmeiith get your dinner at The Perkins House f ('lUhniiinn & Coiy, rnim. MARSHALL, D. D. S. ..Graduate Dentist.. Prices Reasonable All Work Guaranteed Twenty-six Yeters' Experience Office in FitzjreraJd Block Spend a Pleasant Hour at The Cosy Corner I'O.M TROOP, PROPRIKI'OR'' A A A A A . . A . . T T 1 Notice. InCoiinK ( oin l, Cim iiiiniv, N'i'liiii l.i. Ill I hi- n.nll.T uf I l.i- o'lili' i.f .linnet SknuiMil. e!r fiiM i. To nil r-i.iH inti'iilnl: Vimijiv hi'ii'liv rn' llial in .I.numv Oh, I'.ii:'. h I'iini'i" .Sl.ii.iinul. Ii!id u"'H! fnrlti" hi' liuinlii'rpi nf an H(niini..ij:,t(.r ul :he n l v i .. I;i! linil U't.llH' Km! hp !. :ir.ii.ntiil .i h h'l mim.'i t n t ei . ih'ii 1 1 . -1 - .nil 1- ii'1'.c "n siiul in litimi .it m "'I i' ti tl'i' i ii ,,f run '. mulltll, rii-i I'lillllle. NhI,. ,. a. mi tin- :'.:h i!uy nf .lu"i,ai A. ti !'iii:'i .,. . k. in.. .,l.'i'i mn'i. Ilieri'iii lilii. t be I'l.ll l''ui" m l Iniir. I Iii- i.tli .hiv of J.iiiimn. All !!. . KM'inl link. A I I I.N .1. Ill I.miv A""nri, iM.ii Ci.i.nn Ju.litp. I Sv!id b r a post nwd of your iVsoiite tleet. At Nemetz et Co.' i Death ot Mrs. Crimes. ; The many friend- were paii.e d to : lean. tl.i morning of the death of Mrs. ; Mary F. (.rimes at the residence of her di'j't.ter, Mrs. Claude Everett, near I'nioii. Mrs. Criiins had been ill for , about a year past, and while her deal h ! w;i r.o; unexpected, it came as a shock neu.rt'.iclcss. Mrs. lii'iitics was picci de d in death by her husb.-nd, IKniy C. (Iriuies, several year.-', and leaves to mourn her ' loss four children, Mrs. Claude Everett of Union, Mrs. .1. C. Kie la y of this city, Ed. F. Grimes of Omaha, iimI i Charles of this city. She had reached the advanced age of 72 years. months and 11 days, having lived in this state since IkHii. Delinite funeral arrangements have not yet been made, but it will he hi Id ' Saturday in this city, ami the inter ment will be nt Oak Hill cemetery. Banning lo the ront. Senator Banning got in at the open ing of the legislature ill ,'oinl form, and landed the chairmanship of some of the important committees of the senate. Tlici- may not be as good picking on these as some ntliei committees, but Kill don't nee d it any way. and he en joys the work. Ho eot the chairman ship of llie committee on Hiehwas, Bridges and Ferrii's, besides being placed on other iinjMirtant commit lees such as Enrolled and Engrossed bills. Public Lands and Buildings, and I'nivcrsitics nd Normal schools. Senator Banning is a lively worker, and is a safe lazi ness man and can be relied on to do what he can for his constituency. Furnace fxplodes. F. L. Cuir.mi is, the dentist had an expeneine yesterday morning which h will not care to have n -Heated soi n. While attending to the fui inidO an ex-plo-ion occurred, badly burning him about the face. The left ,-ye iwrticil lurly seemed to receive the force' of the impact arsl will probably be carried in "linn for u l-.v days. INSTALLED OFFICERS I'l'IAR SALESMAN WANTED -In yKU' l'V-ality lo represent us. Ex-pi.-r.enee unnecessary ;1 10 per month, ar,d expenses. Write for partic ulars. Monarch Cigar To. St. Louis, Mo. piano for board in private family. Inquire for Mr. Be 'ker at the Pl.itt miouth Music Co,pa:iy. W.WfEIi -Girl at Riley Hotel. Helling the Saturday Evening Post. These boys are striving for a pri.e of JWiand a Shetli:r:.l pony. Howard called on the uiilerand sol.lhim a copv. u-avtl t. . ii; n i r...- ... c... WAMKr' " vxebange . ' ' -..t ii II.' I.IVVIII.II i tit J'il.n him first for the pony, and a close K'c ' ond for the big prize of $."oo. Lust Odd Fellows and KeieKall! Hold year the l..,,s won a trip to Mie-higai. .Ioint,8es.sion To Kstablish Officers. At a joiiit. session of the Odd Fellows and Rehekahs held in the Odd Fc Hows' hall Tuesday evening ollicers for both societies were- installed for the year 1 !'!. Councilinaii Fred II. Steimkcr olliciated for the I. O. O. F. as insiall ing odicer whiie Mrs. Be-rtha Petersen performed the same ceremony for the Rehekahs. Mr. Steimkcr placed the following named gentlemen in charge: Win. Holly, N. G. Thos. Olson, V. G. Virgil Mullis, Secretary. .1. P. Sattier, Treasurer. Emil Ptak, Warden. Philip Theirolf, R. S. . (;. John Corey, L. S. N. G. John Rusche, R. S. V. C. P. C Pe t.-rsen,!,. S. V. G. Olive Wallengi'.'n, I. G. The ladie s installed by Mrs. Petersen: Mrs. J. M. Leek. N. G. Mrs. H. Waintroub, V. G. Mis. F. II. Steimker, Treasurer. Mrs. P. D. Bates. Warden. Mrs. II. .McKay, Cmalr. Mis. John Busche, R. S. N. G. Mrs. A. Kurtz, L. S. N. G. Mrs. John McNurlin, R. S. V. G. Mrs. Win. Holly. . G. Mr-. John Rusehc. O. G. A 1'te r the installation cen nionies. a for thetiiv, vcs and their e ntire family, selling ti." Tin ! remains t.vo weeks iif the month h which the pri,:i' is to In '.von. Meetings To Begin Revival n.e t-tinu's will bocin at; Lilier ty I'nitod Brethren Church '1 I-:! miles so'lih of lo.Vli, iieM S'lml.iy the 17:h. R.'V. W. M 'Nulls of ohie, one of t'le ino.-t hje .'C'ssl'iil Revivuli.-ls, will c'iiiiiiict the meeting--. Mr. McNulty is of tlii' Sam Joins type, yet entirely original. He touches every ca-c, nnd always means "yini." You are invited to a'tend every meeting Buys Fine Pi.ino. John Seh.'.li'er one of the leading farmers of PlaUsMioutb precinct was in the; i ity Wednesday and pin-chased a line new uprieht piano from .1. A. I'.ecker. manage r of the Piatt--mouth Music company. Mr. Schatl'er has throe or four ehildieii nlil euou ..h to he irin taking, and realizes (lure i-' nothing i,;. ikes the home more invit ing than n nice instrument, and some one to play it. tf LoSi'ol: .'TRAY El) - Red calf with '.. i. Me face, about li months old and weiirhing iebnui 1?' ponml-i. Finder will be .i:d for bis trouble hyivturu ing same lo Kunsman and Rainge or noti!'; ing iheiM ortlvanimal's where abouts. ".tf WANTED -To trade, a line piano for a good single driving horse-Plaits-mouth Music Company. CU-tf WANTED - Information regarding a go 1 1 farm or bu-iness for Mile; rot parlic ilac about location; wish to hear from owner o ily, who will sell duvet to buyer; pin; price, descrip tion i.nd stat'.- w hen possession can he had. Address L. Dai bvi-l.iiv. Box A, Rochester, N, V. A Bouquet for the Judge. Co-.gri-s-n'.an E. !. Pollard has ac tiiircd cmtiol of the.- Plat Ismouth News plant. Not that he intends con did 'ting a newspaper i:s mkci as his WANTED- Ibmest, s-oher young man to ip.ialify for good position in the, Mail Service. Address II. R. R., care of this paper. FOR SALE --A well improved oii-rfcre farm il miles from PlaUsmouth. The richness of tho soil makes it one of the most productive pie-ces of land iif Cass cv.,nty. Good hidings, good oichiTd, an aluii'.ilanci.- of water, etc. May be bought for le'ss than the pre vailing price of land in U,m county. Euitiire of Geo. L. Farley, Coatos' block, Platt.-inoilth, Neb. IH',.4 x term of oihce expires, but its aeoui.-.i- line li-nuel was serveel, l.n-ing w holly ti u -,S !l be tter bL'.-'iness propeisition prepared by the Ri'hel.ahs. at wl.ichthe t,!" lo.-ing the money already invested, bc.-t the bind idl'oid-e were served. A Judge .1. E. Douglass as trustee has very enjoyable evening was na.ssn! mul been e-cbting the iianer and we wunt in "lcs start the: new year with eongi ululate him on the able manni'r tol prosiK-ct.-. : ..i.:. .,. ,. ..,, ;, I... t..'.... - ie- i sine co secure one o t noscj t-legailt OASTOniA, news and e-dtorial work. A nioiv re-1 mantle clocks which are being given BMr.ti. ft I'iU Hi." -'V'W Bftt e-imt clwinge shows Attorney A. L. away by the Ni;ws-lli;itALl. Seethe spicia. sat SAJtf . iioi.-i.'O'.tor. wo wr. Walters, mnna- announcement thes tin- I . i-;er. W eir.g Wntcr Republican. , this Is on the editorial paje of n