The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, January 14, 1909, Image 4
The News-Herald PCATTSMOUTH. NIBRA8K A. HrUTr.1 at tbr KtutW Hi f laliniiiiul'i. Cvi (unty, Nelini'ka, at wi-ond-claMi nmil nmttor. has Riven the president a chance to of duty. and patriotic purpose must accuse him of being a land-grabber it ! furnish the motive power. hat ives may be that Senator Tillman wi.-ih.-s to the state any worth is men. "lugh-.mnd-nn,n .m - v,ip,-t whi. h he miht cd men. who their duties know, and poor worthless creatures, h travel Ladies' Home Journal, thus; describes .you have nothing of what we unearthed i uti!ize in hj.. Chautauqua work next knowing, dare maintain" them. The thnwtrh duatv hiehwas from nillar to! it: "If there is the slightest doubt in i in my city. But the causes of eorrup- L...cnn. -Chicago Record-Herald, world has advanced in the science of TWO CLASSES OF TRAMPS. "comic supplements" to fall into the no better than the average American There are two classes f tramps, hands of the innocent chil l Ftudy it to city, w ith the single exception, of One class is that familiar horde of those see if then is any virtue in it. The of Philadelphia, and even here A. L. TiDi), Editor. R. O. Wattkrs, Manager. , KATES OF SUBSCIliraON On Taar in Advance fl.10 klMli 71 VEiertoE Hattsmouth No, 65 Nebraska No. 85 post, begging and working their way the mind of any parent on this point, '. tion are the same in all cities, in San on n never-ending journey. The other j let him tike, as 1 have done, a dozen or Frantuco we found two elements at is that cluss of persons, who are tramp-j more of th?se "comic" sections, lay .work. Coming from one source was ing from the ( radio to the grave, seek- i them out on the floor and study them, j the public service corporation and from ing, day after day, that elusive "oft j The vulgarity of style, the poverty of ! another was the saloons ur.d dives, snap," which shall afford a living with- wit and the cheapness of the urt in j while behinu our backs these forces out working for it. It is to this class, J these "supplements" is practically in-1 joined hands. that we shall now pay our respects, j dcscribable. Cheap and demoralizing, j "In its unholy alliance the boss wnsjing imperial airs, ought to make it You find this class of trumps pome-1 there is not even an occasional flash of : the connecting link, but he was simply j Kod to the United States. - New ork government, but in the art 'f govern- ment. not a great deal; but the public conscience is being aroused to the short comings of the art. Ohio State Journal. PKRHArS. If congress repays to American citi zens the $GC,000 ransom which was raided for the rcsrue of Miss Stone. the American missionary, from Bul-j garian brigands, the Bulgarian govern- j kivalry in bus, ami ment, especially since it is now assum- The naval board of construction has Otm light question is not yet settled. TllE council might authorize the com inertia! club to give us lights. Indications seem to point to the fart that riattsmouth needs more police protection. times in your own homes, sometimes in the schoolroom, and sometimes in every walk of lile from the street-corner loaf er to him who wait for his relatives and friends to furnish his support. If you find this sort of tramp in your own home, you can do nothing better than to promptly begin to innoculate him humor. The whole vulgar moss is the I the agent's real boss the big business! nun who wanted to exploit the public j prepared plans for three 33.000-ton bat tkships. Ten years ago lz.uw-ton out- Tribune. ; tleships were considered enormous. i What nation will be the first to launch r.tnwi-i .- wrnr.rrs- the 50,000-ton floating fort? -Chicago service corporation. The political boes ,, . , . , , , , i Reconl-IIornld. 7 . Fruliiy the senate defeated an amend- lworu was really the small duck ,n the pond. ment to placc 3 cmpoyt.H K . Behind hira was the public service cor- umjer civil nervice. The house already : i nriiaken iil'SIA.m plctk. poration and the Southern Pacific rail-' had defeated an amendment for corn-. Hardly has the Italian earthquake rudimentary tree; one of the children is j road. I p' titive examinations by a vote of US CCased to be a nine-day wonder when placed on the donkey's back ;the donkey! "According to my deduction, theitot.' w?th the senatt acli""' ' news comes that Messina is to be re- with the genius for work. In order to : is made to kick him and the child goes j head of the legal department of the ! Uention durin? present rumpus ovt.r' San Francisco way. and in all reroler him immune trom mis "tramp up into inc tree: Ann tma is 'humor , o nitncrn racmc rauroaa. w. r. net disease" your constant attention is re- with a little ungrammaUcal slang : rin was the Iwss behind that apparent work of a shabby crowd of vulgarians whose only claim to "fun" lies in crude exaggeration that takes,' for example, a repulsive distortion of a man, one or two vulgar children, a donkey and a with the president, this little survival ! likelihood Iwth Messina and Repgiu of the day of sjKiils is rounded up. ' lirjse fr()( their ruir.s. Man is :i TlJKRK is consolation in the thought that if we have our winter now we shall not have to endure a late spring. quired. In your own home you should ' thrown in to give point to this work of : boss. But I am convinced that Hcrriu j Thus is fulfilled the candid statement , 8maj animal, but he is certainly n teach your boys and girl to keep busy! art! Or. to vary the picture, an old. was after all, the tool ,,f the a.-tual "nc n?nU " n,nlivt? "f pertinacious creature. - Philadelphia Wjikn Mr. Bryan gets through with hia democratic legislature, he will be fsady to take up his campaign for the fourth nomination in 'M2. Tammany hall in the house: "We differ on tariffs and currencies and all th-m things, but we agree on TilK announcement that Messina and Reggio are to be rebuilt would seem to iudicate that San Francisco did not bmve a corner on all the pluck of the world. Tile world's output of gold during Ue post three years has been about H0,J0n,()u(l annually. Of this sum the I lotted States has produced about ?9il, W,t"0 annually, while the South African ines have produced about $K,uO0,i)Hl. hi evtiuv. speeches and interviews, Mr. W. J. Bryan has contended that iioiblrg short of a bank deposit guar anty law, which would provide for the "immediate" payment of depositors in case of a bank failure would be sutli cwiit tocarryoutthe pleilgeof the demo cratic party. Ifjt-l)r. V. I,. Hall, the biuik-r, Governor Shallenberger, the banker, and Chainnan Graf, the bank er, are "forninst" Mr. Bryan's pet fcobliy. Watch the fray and see the hankers win.. with some kind of work. Both manual J man, a rocking chair, a rope and two i boss-Harriman." and mental employment are essential. Iwys are introduced the fun consists : 1 When tla's kind of tramp finds his ; in pulling the old man over! . This is a . '"Thk Long Arm af the Law Gathers . the main proposition that when a man way into the schools, he needs prompt favorite design among these ."comics" in Bei t Taylor," is the w.-;y a h. adlir.e w01'ks ir- politics he should get some thing out 01 it. The episode provides a pleasantly attention from his teachers and school-1 vulgarians for teaching reverence for : reads regarding the Mimteii murderer, mutes. Try him on various subjects old age." litis humiliating to reilect. however, which reguirc the genius of mental j This vulgar and demoralizing "stuff" that he surrendered himse'.i". work, and also the genius of physical ' actually tenches the children irrever- i ....... ... work. Athletics furnish an excellent ; ence and lawlessness by ridiculing par-: In a cartoon in the Chicago News Mr. means for the innoculation with the ! cntal discipline, ami by maliitjg "cheap j Bradley gives a striking epitome of the genius for physical work. If ho does j fun" of old age. Parents hud far bet- bout between congress and the presi not show signs of excellence in athletics, tr spend enough money to place some ; dent. Although swathed in bandages ironic footnote to the heroics of out- .uch paper as The Youths Companion, from head to foot, con Htill dt-! - u. the ith ShX is jor St. Nicholas in the hands of the) dares "You never touched me." In : ftte can be depended upon to do that: We think that the aoverr then higher pressure is needed. When this kind of tramp makes his appearance as a street corner loafer, ; children. The mind of the child is active, ' the meantime the public is hugely i-n-i painlessly and tactfully at least once a two mistakes since the election. Oife Record. rr, NOT IIKAH KT, There is a considerable amount o: juoilation among the democrats of t!i--state in the opinion that Governor Sheldon has eommitted political sui- rayed dignity and righteous in.lignation tt'" not il!,lK,ar "l !910 R now shading the halls of congress. - 1 (l'date for governor against Mr. Chicago Tribune. : hhi,I,t",lH,rl'r or for stnator -j. Mr. Bryan. A good many men have ' been similarly killed, in the opinion of TACTFUL ARTISTS O.N TIIK JOB. politicil, OWJOlu.nU hut have A js'titioner from Bryan's state has ; failed to stay dead; and there is a con stat txl a campaign for the abolition of ; sidcrablr likelihood that this will prove l. governor has matte 1 who constantly corcplains about thoc receptive, and imitative. Antl, it is far joying itslf, and is tcsiping ciow.' tab : w'oo. - Washington Tost who are achieving success, and com- j better to fill it with things of, ahigher i on the situation, in i-an-t x:jc-tncy plains of the government of his couitry, i aostheko value. The depraved and : of the nest move. then he is a fit subject for the city vulgar will soon enough ftacJjtfieHmoc-l 11 t i i authorities to take cognizance of. The ent little ones., innoculation of the geniua for work j This in a matter worthy the attention may 1k applied to him bv giving him i of a "Cher's meeting arvl a mother's aliout eigh.t hours per d;;y on the rock pile, and bread anij water for awhile. Don't be a tramp from the cradle to j the grave. thixight. What Others Sav was the way in which he woivkxl th : telegram he sent to the members of ; the legislature on the subject of the .,..,...:..! : i ti... iLn. ....... n,,. the main keynote of (rovcrnori 1 ... Hughes in his message is the necessity W" to ho s"r'"e of economy. It is a good time to re- ur fhe (harK that ho promised ine ueiiiociam an even urciut on Nt:JLtXT!.t NOTI-S. mind neatly all the state legislature WHO WAS RESPONSIBLE. isn't It Awnx'f that they have been careless on this . u''rt"le ,mrt "PiX'inimenis, ana men subject in recent ve-.iv.-St. Louis ; w,nt ,,,ick 0M h,s work' bl,rt m,t lMeh Globe-Democrat. " proved -it depends on whether ho did ! or not. But the other two look very much like political mistakes. MI..N roNHTiTUTK tiik statk. However, the man who never mad This thing of trusting to ourconstitu- a mistake has not been discovered yt-t tion, our form of government, our glory t We believe that Sheldon is honest and of the republic, and all these foi ins of ; independent, and these are qualities sentiment, to establish liberty ami pro-. that are rare enough in public life to mote justice and virtue is .-imply ridicu- be valuable. We have an idea that Ions. Thi-v are onlv the machinery for Mr. Sheldon is not dead vet. Scot r Before thoughtlessly allowing these said: "San Francisco is no worse and l-i starting the investigation which which individual courage, honor, sense j Bluff Star. Francis J. Ib-ncy, the attorney. who Mr- Rwst'velt should understand that I prosecute and convicted the Sit : " contmu,- m ms present course . . : any longer without incurring the severe ;l-rancisco grafters, in a public address , (ijs.,iL,,lsuro f c,..,, ,nlb..-.,.n THE COMIC SUPPLEMENT. How many parents are putting the . the other day, makes the following Chicago Tribune "comic supplement" of the Sunday j charge of responsibility for the eorrup- 7TT papers in the hands of their children? tion and graft in his home city.' He i.ivk uxti kk Matkiuai.. CO 2 E CO Lid. T7T7 Etr o o o o u 00 Were you a reader of the Daily News? Then we want you to become a reader of the News-Herald. This paper is now un der an entirely new management and will be conducted along business lines. We shall endeavor to give you such a paper as will be a welcome visitor at your home and one you will feel that you cannot get along without. Extra copies of this issue are being sent to' the old subscribers of the Daily News, and we trust that if you are pleased with the paper you will send in your subscrtpiion. And if you will call the attention of your neigh bors to our paper we will be glad to pay you well for your trouble. We have secured a number of oxidized copper finish mantel alarm clocks and will present one to anyone who will secure us three yearly subscriptions at $1.50 each, one of which maybe your own. These clocks are not cheap trash, but are really ser vicable time keepers and with proper care will last a lifetime. When down town call in and inspect them. O O o o Cbe piattsmoutb Mews-F)erald 7 OO