The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, January 14, 1909, Image 1
e MewsHerald, TWICE A WEEK Sl-WS. i: t-f .1 N,v. 5. !-n HKKAl.D. I. alii.' ! ArnlH., W i L'inMl.!ati(l Jun. 1, ISM PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, JAMIAItY 1J. 1!K VOL. XLV NO.6 5? THE COUNCIL MEETS Much Discussion But No Light Flashes Athwart the Gloomy Streets. A very interesting session of the city Fathers was held last Monday evening at the regular meeting of that body. Some nw mid knotty problems pre sented themselves touching parliamen tary usages. Afte.' the minutes of the irevious meeting hud been read and tpproved, u communication from the :iuw owner of the building in which the 'ouncil holds ita eittings informing that 'tody of a material increase in rent dating from Jonuary first was read. The increase was fifty per cent of the former rent, and 80 euddenly did the Matter fall on the ear3 of the mem bers that all councilmen at once eat up ;ind took notice. The increase was from $o0 the old rate to $73 per year in the future. In addition to this shameless manner of depicting the city treasury, the owner of the building also demanded an immediate vacation 'f the room directly north of the coun cil chamber, which the city has oc cupied as a sort of store room for ex hibits oaoful in police court proceed ings. The matter was referred to the proper committee. It may be decided i hat it will be cheaper for the council to move than to submit to the increase m rent, the linancc committee re ported the usual grist of bills which were allowed. City Clerk Elster re ported the receipt of $117.74 since the tormer report. Clerk Litter also prophesied that he could got the $700 rom the commifbioncrs this week which they had promised to pay into the city treasury, all of which made tne leel pleasant, lhe treasurer's ret tort was then road show ing the sum of ?"2.'w!l as a net balance u hand. The fireworks did not begin until the report of the light committee was called for, hut shortly after there was music In the air. The committee is composed of a councilman from each ward, being Falter in the First, Weber in the Second, Eookmeycr in the Third, Schulkof in the Fourth and Von dran in the Fifth. There was a double iturreM rcjxjrt to be submitted, the .'.Hijontv composed of t alter, Schulhof ; nd Weber desired to report favorably op allowing the Nebraska Lighting Company to install I!0 Boulevard gas lights of !" candle power on the Main Greets and avcr.ucs of the city for the s im of SS 10 or fiiS per light per year. Vliile the minority Vondran ana Look nmyer wanted to report recommending electric lights and power. Councilman Falter moved the i.'dop : ion of the majority report, which I're.-idcnt Sattlt r declared out of order, and in an extended speech said in effect that the citizens did viA want gas light .fi the streets. His idea was that the matter had been settled by .he meet ings of the joint committee of the coun lilandthe Commercial club that gas nil? not desirable. President Sattler l.t lieved that the council should draw '(Imnance ar' puss it fixing the Sl'iOO and submit it to the Nebraska j Light Company and if it , accepted, it ull right, otherwise let the contract to Uortenlanger or any other company who would furnish the light for that sum. After the councilmen had aired j their opinions the matter was referred ! to the judicia.y committee. This committee promises to give us a ! rod hot time the next time the council I meets. i The bond of Earl Wescott was j tioned and the matter placed in the hands of the city attorney to convert ; into cash by means of a suit to be com- menced at once. i The following claims were allowed: j Neb. Light Co., light $ :$ 00 I F. G. Frickc & Co., mdse 50 1 Ben Kaincy, salary 50 00 Joe Fitzgerald, same 50 00 Jas Donnelly, same 4 50 Olive Jones, same 25 00 Public Library, expense. . .. 1 '15 Roy Taylor, street work 7 83 C. G. Fricke, poll tax 3 00 Platta. Tel. Co., rent . 1 50 M. Archer, salary 30 00 P. HarriBon, street work 11 03 Neb. Light Co., light 1 50 H. L. Asemissen & Son, mdse . 3 00 Plattsmouth Journal, printing.. 19 20 Wm. Wehrbein, livery 2 00 John Waterman, lumber I 60 A Mnaisslppi Abstract el Title. A Miseissippian, having occasion to j make a loan on a tract of land in an : other part of the state, wrote to a i young attorney in the vicinity to make him a complete abstract of the title. , After some little time he received the , following. Abstract of W. C. Miles property. Lot in Coffeeville. (Description.) 110 x 110 Joining public sts., on two sides sts. I know not the No. i Said lot was sold by Newbcrger. W8 THE LIGHT QUESTION! DEVASTATED SICILY Citizens are Unanimous in Their Demand For Light-Should Be Supplied. We have our views on the city light question. There is no question ateut ! the citizens desiring lights. It is be-1 lieved that if the matter was submitted to the citizens, it would be found that j more than two-thirds of them would be ' in favor of electric lights. There is but one way to light the city, and that seems to be by the use of arc lights in the business district and incandescent lights in the resident portions. The whole people must pay for the lighting of the city, and the resident portions, if they pay their share of the expenses, are entitle to be taken into consider ation in the provision for lights. We believe the city ought to be fairly well I ghted for the sum of $1500 per year. As to who shall furnish the lights is a matter that id not material. If there is a sufficient demand for power, then power should be included, but if there is not such demand, then it is absurd to contend that a power plant should be installed. A power plant would cost a considerable sum of money, and the writer full;- believes, whenever the time ; tains of )ittlt, k,g!, tlian ,m j t cumes that a demand is made for power j height. It presented a most picturesque and all day service, the same can and . appearance to the traveller, u he up matter who has ,,r0achod from the sea. It was built the lighting contract with the city, j in a yenuIircle around the harbor, The discussion of the light proposition m the houses rose in tiers upon the has been long drawn out. but it all ! of the foot WUh, with the moun- Histoncal of that Portion of Italy Recently Stricken By Earthquake. "Italia! O Italia! thou who hast The fatal gift of beauty, which became A funeral of present woes and pust, On thy sweet brow is sorrow ploughed by shame, And annals graved in characters of flame." -Byron The islund of Sicily belongs to Italy, and is separated from the mainland by a narrow channel about two miles wide, called the straits of Messina. It Is triangular in shape and has an tire of about 9,M0 square miles, nr a little more than one-eighth the size of the State of Nebraska. Its principal agri cultural products arc cereals, and about three-fourths of its surface is covered with grain fields. More than 30,000 of its people tire employed in the sulphur mines, there being more than 300 mines in operation, Sicilian sulphur is re nowned in JLhc markets of the world. The population is upwards of three and a half millions of people. Messina was a city of about 200,000 inhabitant!, built between the sea and a sharp and rugged range of. nioun- in Spokane Will Entertain. The Spokane chamber of commerce will make a canvass of the city early in March for $100,000, the amount required to maintain its organization during the year and take care of the 17th National Irrigation Congress, August 9 to II, and the National Apple Show, some time next fall. The chamber of com merce is headud by Frederick E. flood all; Robert Insingcr is chairman of the local Iward of control of the irrigation congresa and E. F. ('artier Van Dissel is chairmm of the board ff directors of the National Apple Show, which has decided to make thecxhibition of apples an annual affair. Tho chamber of com merce expended $CO,000 in its work in 1908, and this is to be enlarged. It is expected there will be from 3,500 to 5,CkO delegates and thousands of visit ors attend meeting of irrigationists. The apple show, which occupied 85,000 square feet of space, is to be doubled and the premium list probably will be larger than in YM, when $33,000 was distributed in prizes. AS SEEN BY OTHERS Has Suit Caae Stolen. E. B. Vroman who has been visiting hi9 parents for a couple of weeks de parted Monday for Omaha, from thence he expecting to ship for Ten nasBeo with a group of young men. He had arranged for his transportation. and ste pped to the place where he had left his suit case, and to hi surprise i CVL'r a man can honestly earn money found it had been stolen. The case ' ',v no mutter what his social position. An English View of Americans by a Man Sent Here For That Purpose. "Thero is no mistaking native Ameri cans, und as one observes their inde pendent bearing, their shrewd acute ness and general air of alertness, one begins to feel prepared for interesting development! in every phase of national life. Perhaps their most atrikhig characteristic is their intense devotion to everything American -a not unna tural devotion, though perhaps at time emphasized in aggressive character. The finest in the world is a phrase fre quently on their lips, but one soon feck so strongly the wonderful fascination of a country which has such superb natural advantages that one can hear the harmless boasting with equanimity. Another characteristic ono cannot hch noticing is the prevalent desire for mak ing money. Even the children are in -spired by it, and perhaps one result of this national ambition strikes as at first an novel, but on second thought it hi natural enough. This is the absence of any false pride, which, speaking broadly, results in, the unconsicous re cognition f the dignity cf labor. What- rontained some good suit? of clothing and other articles useful to the owner. Mr. Vroman then decided that he would return to Plattsmouth, which he 1 he counts it no disgrace to do. Americans have seen clearly enough that the greatest force to enable them to win their wav in the world's markets did late Monday night. The loss quite , is education, nnd they have made won-dk-conccrtcd the young man, and he derful strides of late years to improve will visit the home folks for a short ' this. So far as I could judge, thero is time yet. from Ncv.berger to a negro, named seems to be wind, so far. It would be I tains forming a verdant background fhVarVJ.'J0, m00!'1 t0!ansy t0 out om the : This city was foun,,ei, :::2 c. Mol Carr, Mol Carr sold to V. C. Jones W. C. Jones sold or transfcred said lot to W. C. Miles last year 1W7 for $450.00. W. C. Miles holds title to .said property now and has improved the same very much. Can our abstractors produce ine like that? : . 1 a i r. i.t ' vanou ernes vi mis Mate, wnicti are ( This ja the city destroyed by the re of the same dass as Plattsmouth. as to , ct.nt c:ilthqua!;e, nnd the whole island what light service is furnished, and at i;4 wrapped in sorrow i.f.d distress. The "lwun:,M OI inu v'w we. , balmy weather which has nrcvailed has been a (iod fend to the injured, sick, and desolate of this stricken coun- Littol Letters. Remaining uncalled for in ollice at Plattsmouth, Neb.. Mrsi I.auretlia Add. Mrs lleikman, Miss Pearl Carey, IMiss ' ontmnrrlle and with this information at hand the council ought to be able to make its oner ,-iam, ana men ic would te up to; try. Thc lhiU(i st;it(,s ,, IR,U, some lighting institution to accept its ' qui( kjy in rc,sponSL. to thL () for proposition and furnish the lights. We aid to these helpless and stricken peo caiinot hope to get lights at less than ' P'1-'- The American Ked Cross society other cities are now navinc. but wn urol has l,0,'nc il share in this beneficent A Surprise Party. What proved to bo most pleasurable event was a surprise party given Satur day nitrht to Emil Ilolmbere-and familv. ..... ..v,n.H.hnu.i I'uiwK.ijiu eniiueM 10 jusi as good a contract. n farm near Wausa Neb., intending j Whcn thc C(1Rtract j3 k Ml Discover. Pearl, to move his family there about the first , , , -t(.Kt. ir uu- ,.r .w.r tk . m . -p of i). ..omi,.,r month an l vk -,.,v,.h Lc 80 dl" lwn that there would be lit) bradv w e of the ,i(.prk tor. of of the tomn.g month, and his .Swedish j I the new restaurant formerly owned by neighbors and friends concluded to give i question as to its validity. And the iIarrv Adair vvas scrvin(. ers over him a farewell reception, with the party making the contract should be !., . .."i,..- k panics were t,Hci'il under a bond fullv .eiifTirient to tho 'nor foi -rnr.p to tlitil fin.. ... cover any and all failures of compliance. "c l"ok the pearl to H. A. McKlwain, It is hi lieved thr.t . thi. rite, the Main street jeweler and was of. ous for lights, and are willing to bear hlK'.abUhuay, Mary (jrooh, Mrs. Mary Jones, Miss Pertlia Lahr, Mrs. Minnie Mc.Vcaly, Mrs. Emma Smith; Dr. J. S. Armstrong, M. Pannister, Mat dross, J. W. Edwards, Frank L. Hawkins, Frank Hesse, Carl Juline, H. I!. Mil ler, (Jlen Porter, E. H. Pobinson. These letters will be sent to the dead letter office January 2't, V.m, if not i little dilTerencc in the elementary j school life of America and England. . save that the former has no religious j difficutly to contend with. There is, in fact, no religious education in America, ' as wo understand the term, vet secular Myrtle ' education there produces results that at any rate, bear comparison the post . Jan. 11, i with our own. There is a remarkable j absence of bad language in the streets; j this was particularly notit cablo in j the Saturday night crowds. I It struck me that there was an ap j parent desire on the part of many par ents to allow their children to continue I at school after theordinary leaving age, j and all who are acquainted with work- (leliveriTi I.efY.r.. In nillin,. (.... v, above please nay "advertised" giving j in ,cl,USB ,h(.0mt'8rwi11 bnow nnd "W' date of list. C. H. Smith P. M. ! ute the self sacnfireof parents whoallow ' i their children to enter on four viun' Our Latchstring is Always Out. :.!l ! mount to be paid to any company at' above result. Music and indulged in and later refreshment.? were served. Mr. and Mrs. Holmberf; were presented with a set each of tea and table spoons and knives nnd forks as a mark of the esteem in which they are held by their neighbors and friends. Departs For New York. Pert Spies, a former comositnrof the News leaves Sunday for f Irooklyri, . Y. where he will master the intricacies of the linotype machine. P.ert is one of our brightest young men and will make good. lVred ?1 1 for it. Mr. Prady thought it worth more monev so he sent it to New their fair .share of the expenses. Give ( York, and will no'dmiM realize a neat us lights. eum for his tied. their children to enter on a four years' course in a commercial school after onn Albert, one of the well-to-do: i ,, ,, rh,uA in M,na,i..i,.ki f of 177 boys, 55 were thc sons of work ingmen. Technical schools constitute farmers from near Ctflar Cre k, came in yesterday to get acquainted with! the new management of the Nkws- II Mr l i . '""" i g-au w meet mr. hipher education. Mechanic arts arc a Albert and tru,t that many others will ! fom of tt,dinit.H, Thefie art. example in extending the srin,tilin, one of the great features of American imitate his right hand of fellowship. all BRIEF MENTION NEWSY BITS OF INFORMATION OF A LOCAL NATURE CONDENSED INTO A FEW LINES ' appliances being of the best and ' free. Equal opportunities here are i indeed possible. In one fine school at sin-1 liu-tton the principal pointed out to me Ma- in u haphazard fashion a lad who Card ol Thanks. We de.ire to express our most cere und heartfelt thanks, to the sonic lodge, Grand Army men, and our; the son of thc richest railway director many kind friends for their beautiful ' in the state: on one side of him was the floral ailt! their great kindness ! son of a lartre builder, and on the other a lad who sold newspapers in the street shown us, in our late bereavement. Mrs. Alexander Clifton and daughter. at night. C. E. Wescott's Sons. "Where Quality Counts. Genuine Holeproof Sox Now 25 Cents a Pair You can now buy a box of six paint of Holeproof Sox formerly $2.00 for $1.50 X 1 : i t; The Majestic, 5 and 10 cents. oo Notice th'- card of the Perkins House in this issue. Three cash subscribtions secures one of! them. let busv and secure one of our miuin clocks. pre- Those who have always paid 25 ceats a pair fur inferior sox can oow have tho best at this price. Holeproof are the original guaranteed 60i tho first that were sold under a 6 months guarantee. The makera pay tl top market Sice for their yarn they buy oaty fiaest aad softest Egyptian and 1 6ca Island cotton. But the top market price Is now less than it was, so the makers are now saving you 50 cents on six pairs. Yet you get the same sox as before. Come is and see what Holeproof are like. Judge If you want the genuine. Decide if any other brand Is ooe-balf so good. Learn what you save and gain when you wear Holeproof. C. E. Wescott's Sons. 'i "Where Quality Counts." Kat at Ilatt & Asborn's Uestaurant, ! best place in town. oo This continued zero weather assures X j an abundant ice crop. ., Photo card views of Plattsmouth, 2 X I "or 5c at Nemetz JL- Co's. 00 Just what you want may be secured ' by an ad in our want column. Thc ; rates are reasonable. oo An undressed kid glove, mole color, hHS been left at this office. may have eame by calling. ) 00 I It will pay anybody to buy u Wooltt x Cloak at Fanger's cleaning sale, they i are going at about half price, oo , ,i e . . . . iwi i lurgci 10 stop inu ranker a ' Department utore and buy a Wooltc.x Cloak at the 6teeial sulc, they arc go-; ing at about half price, oo You will regit t it if you do not so-i cure one of thowe mantk' clocks whkh i the Nl.Ws-Hi:t.o is giving awav. 1 oo Panics' Pe.-.taurant is an ideal plii' e to drop in for a meal. oo Tin1 Co.-y Corner. Tom Troop, pro prietor, has a card in this issue. Fifteen new names ver our Hiltscription list for the issue. P.. A. McElwain, th( nouncirg a "grab sale" for this week Mr. McElwain takes this means ofjj cleaning up his odds and ends. J ) plai ed on I X Monday's ! V ). I jeweler, IS ail- .j. t Notii'e our window display of thc i It mantle clocks. You can senire one of jr. tJiese handsom-. timekeepers by secur- , ing three new subscribers to the Ntrws- X Hwui.rt. oo Hatt & Osborii are the new proprie vori of thc restaurant fonnerly ofer ated by Wm. Uarclay. They ore c.v pTieiici resta'irant men and will ap preciate a portion of your patmruigv. A change hai taken place in the Pur- j. lington office fovce. Mr. W. J. .losslyn, V the storekeeper, bus been tiansferml y to Sheridan, Wyoming, and his place IX bore is Uvrg filkd by Mr. H. M. X i;eirncr, oi narrt;inaT. ijo. ' w. We're Here to Stay And we have on exhibition one of the finest lines of strictly hiih grade pianos that was ever brought to Plattsmouth. There is a distinct advantage in buying anything from a local dealer, ar.d especially is thi.i true of Pianos. If you get hold of a poor package of canned goods, if the calico or print doesn't measure up to the slandaid, if you get a shoddy piece of clothing.-the !a! dealer will make it good. Mis business is to make you satisfied. His future in the community depends upon his giving vou exactly what you pay for. With the mail order houses it is largely a question of getting your money. And this is especial ly true in the Piano business. We represent only houses of un questiomd standing and integrity, ann in addition t the guar artee of the manufacturers we place our rock bound guarantee on every Piuno that leaves our store. And we are in the same cla-s with thc rest of your local , dealers. Our fnturc in your community depends upon our living up to our advertised prom i.s. We ehall appivciate the courtesy if you will call ar.d in spect our stock, even if you are not now in the market for a piar.o. A handsotue souvenir will he given to every lady caller this week. Now is the time to have your Haj;o tuned and put in pood shape. We make a specialty of this line of business. I I t The Plattsmouth Music Co. Tvmirg and Repairing J. A. Becker, Manager