The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, January 11, 1909, Image 8

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' ' Nil'
i i
Josh Wife says, "home men
Hiitcr ui Momfn'a .-hii(.fii g but
when vvi.iiit-ii Hiiop tin) i.di.'i bw
lO tat CiOVt'H lO (ll.-KU!- l nt
they've lift ii huin " ,-i-;ik i r
tf clove I tho k e nny i hi-Hriiuoiht'i-t
tu t- ol i iici 1 .1' t vi r
Union ,
' nil 11
t' -1.
I V ' I .
not liuymi: v
nccs hiii! 11!.. Will' r
handle l. , :
, Sour Oiie: ,
ins and Clin .
. I'd.
came "NtT tni
MHiif -im - art
inn' lin 1 i'I mi a
in"', ii.t Ii the :.
n J It . t i l fr. r:. 1 a i ' 1
mi n as ii.i mihoi.. -ii v , :,
p. I l-r I'lKl ll.lislanl. 'I !!
a Int. i'f tiool.l. I111 'J.i' .-. n
berau f U J' doi t I uv 11 i
thh r i t ti"iM r lorui ) dim
kind of cpice, hui nt 0 utm
all dope away wiih iin . ..In.'"
you (my (-puts at o'ir (to.v y.iu
.ind almond tdiclls or some kind of hull flavin ed with
it you are buying the real thing, perf. ctly pun-, and
'Kcr crumbs or Hny other dupe to ma t ii'un furl her.
-Wright Go's apices and flavor ng extracts, ermibir
' elery, Lettuce, Hananan, Nuts. Finn aid Dates,
:s, Candied Citron, Oranges and Lemons, i.urttH b'ros.
F in 'h ".Hi 1.
1'. F. Matland was ut Plattsmi u.h
Tu".-;t! y.
II. K Pa' .k-hiji ws,a hu.-iiics visit
or to I'mi'SiiioU' I Tn s I n , 1 iH'sd iy, Jan. 0.
Mr. m A A;n. Jo.' n Aln nt Suiday Mis Elizabeth SpannltT return d on
M '.iiiv. i.. I'lir.ift'iNMj'h. ; V('din;rliv fro-n Weenim' Water
Marry ir.i '.1,-i kt r ! v'!"'r' t-he had wn relative
rom the I.edi'r
Jaws Kiddy and wifi. riMiin ca't
'if town, are the parci U of a no .-o.i
that j 'in.'d their family circle on Wed-
tJCJ-.;Hri.,ajl..---M.ff , nMHiiiMimUi 'II' r.. ......... J.. ...M
Vl:l M.I3 1 ''. 1
r.- .1 ijiii ii. ,., 1;
1 '.!' . a' (I 1
I-.- it..i r.; in a . r ,11
.-!'. :;M' a. .
1 ai d 11 .1 I' ll J 1
ll.' i li II, It! .Cm'
Oiiiiih.i, w .
I. t ' ' I'
... i
i !'
i ii'in;r the holidays.
ii. ii. S'.rnw ..ft Su day ovenin;: t
ml f. :?!ys vShit n and I.ioKmijj:
!'it Mi;e h;i'iir,e.-s niattCM at. Me! c
' ' .i- 4: ' a 1! Couocil iliull'.,.
r ! ,a k k. a niece of .lame
n.iy ar.d wif , returned tt llouncil
H.uii'i lust Fiid.iy, after Hpem).
ind to '.veek-t at the Niday l:o-i.e.
Mrs. M W. J-jeksonof Waverly.lowa
1 a hi-ut 01 jonn 14. 1'ierson. vis ti-i ut
l:..- .... 1. . . . . .
i . I 1 . . u , ,. . 111 - " o!iie a lew uayi a t week
.il-.,e Jilrt .h um . I, ,) 'hilZalil'lh ,..,..;, 1 ....-: ,
..lutn. t.i en...-11 ,1 .... .1 ... w 1 "u" "B w wmana.
i l iP
For Infants end CMltlren.
mm at
MMa m m m m mm mm
lh) ijjiTfi ln.n Kswci
1.1 en
,i. .n, v.i.ho.i e uriifi finr,.' TuCs-
i ..11 I' a It!.. J.y 1 ,m Wiuiclliilida !
,.i.,C .1
.1 ,j
1 urn (. 11. ii-'iinr mid liitui!. imom h i.- Ii . ii ii wi r ' ii.
Chair. I) Grimes, Frank, Smith and
l.ivinir.'r.nn Iliehey, of haitsnioutli,
. eatht r thi e.k. La V 1 . v. U' ,Un(,M'V Ht tl!0
n. Lii r i t.. ,,1 . jUrtiidiui hvvr. tt home northeast of
. .. . ..... ... . , w
L a 01 ee A :.e.-, n ra 1 .era
ti ttj ill (Ha . ,, ., ,,!. -in1 H
.-.ure eyi , i ab . u e u a.iiM.
i Yc::r Dealer ar Plansifter Flour '
1 tnalaetnred by PlatuiDODib Uolini min
C MeiSt l.. 1- .prl.tor
ifi!i' - -a
H. J
1 Marion ThHflcpr whn U uttonrllr-cr K.
Grund Island ItiisinesH collect', was at
r.ift. til.. i.....i
iNale llaHt'i, is I, i,t i,.- nut -ad 1 11 t i i i j . 1 . .
... i.di, rt. nil l.i .'.ri.l lalullH nn rlK.i.trt.. I 1.: .
(. ,,: . ,, . . . . ' i ...... .. i.ivuuiiy n inuillV Ills
alur liib lectin exHt'i'itii!.'. in toi..K itj!SlU(it,.,
k , a Mi boon i'ncific car nil' itif! ' , . . , .,
iPUM, i cperatiirT. C. Laws and wife retum-
T, , . -d Tui'-'d iy nioroing from their holiday !
. " 1 ",ie: vM;t wl.h relaiive.s at, Mo.!
river wagon i rdK. licc- n,, r..r.nrl. m.,,, h.,A ,:,,!
OS'S - i
M. S.
RriL'L's of Plattt-nriuth. hns
yiNTER tourist RATES:-Daily reduced rate excursions
. ifornia; 0 ii Vlexico. Southern and Cuban Resorts.
MOMESEr K RS EXCURSIONS:-First and third Tuesdays
oh month (unany points west, south and southwest.
;ntendeit J'blic Instruction of Nebraska,Mr. J. I McBrien,
? Lincoln ; Jul Omaha December 19th. Write G. W. Bonnell,
i'. A. Lincolu. for itinerary.
'. nasin ait'l 'llowstone Valley. One of the last chances to
r !-.! jrood fa mm from the Government at low prices. Go with
'. iicmii ;' . ,Ton the next nersnnlv mnrlnpteri ovmromn
cure one of these farms. No charge for his
..tsrvices. Excursions first and third Tuesdays.
W. L. PICKETT, Ticket Agent, Plattsmouth
L. W. Wakely, G. T. A., Omaha.
.11 help yo
.ff.4iWw,c '
'i Lite Table
i ; " outh, Nebraska
.'a.:ific Jtint't
o.'d Kxi j'iJC' '
.oanil lbi" i
. .. ititxln u I'.i.'.i
ait i ..
..i ouih (I v ; .
'um On'iilvt
" Uiii la iv.
i.hik-1 wt'il' ;
, .
cal cxi :.
;n. Wruv. Cu ..
' tat nail, i.-n.
'.tfept 8tinil:. t
' xal axprru.', I
iboo and Sri, ii ,
Local fiviirlil
' nuiitvillr IM.4 A.
1 mcept Gtin.l
2ip. m.
ri:03p. m.
' UTiction, con.
north, aunt
.ndaj ) V:."4 a. m.
3:65 p. m,
i ".nction 4:lt p. m.
. i maa H:fts a. m.
9;S0 p. m.
' Onwha. Lin
... j mtermoillale
8K a. m.
it.d Lincoln
12:'i; p.m.
, villo, AnhuuvJ
I 80p. in.
' i"nlar " Ciwk "
llcnd .M0a.m
:mM Time i
TKAlN.-i (at . NOHTH,
VnnhaKkiui".. ,":'J7 a. m.
i'bNihla ti ,. fcC.' p, m.
. iii-iil I'ni' it 'j:o; p, m,
TltMh.-. .' . : MOUTH.
9Ao u. in.
Kb. in-
"! 9Mn. m
t hi: .- - ... . '
iraHiatf, -aarawrnravraraMaiav j
.af! "MA !.
i.'l:'i.W'ri,W '
flvyi i'rtA'i'' ac-ik i.'S..t
iy is cauM-f. r rejoieinu i v b-u'svillt
people. Tne hall'-wav tnaiK i,ia. been
pasned and si ill th. work fin ... mi .i i
by day, and the lon tluc uV whicii ' t',,;,rw pf thl' Curtif-s bar j
i" i-ivp and " Mi cor duct the hu.nness t
h'li' yr. ('urti-8 Hpenda a few m'ui'hs
i Mi-iiouri for the benefit of h'S health.
Ve hav.' known Mr. for nnm.i
to see hui h handsome turnouts as
goes from Mansponker'a livery
stable. Our riga are up-to-date,
our carriages are swell in atvle
and comfortable to ride in, and
our horws are always well
groomed, will dressed and well
fod. When you want a drive
crme to Mnimpeaker'a for your
.lorn. b' Old Livery Barn
S venth 4 Main Sla. rintumoulli, NVh,
Ckiiitito:: ingwith
Nov. 2 ? Sill give
U5 pet C tt off on
all triiM.i; d hats.
Homescekers' Low
Round Trip Rates
Every 1st and 3rd Tuesday
Missouri Pacific
Iron Mountain
Liberal Stop-overt
Return Limit 25 Days
When the wheat in gathercd,take
ft trip to the country of low-priced
landu, and ace what is offered to
you there Aalc for particulars
and literature.
ttugh Norton, fluent
M. r. Railway.
means to inucn 10 il c- s .: . .
Htr. tcilt tt ite f lik,' a .,. j,r 'j, .,u .
acio. ti e board ex. an-e u wti-r i;;n j
ice toward iln- o,j.i itr i.a.l.- Ii. iJ
now pn dieted tha. thu wmi wi h v.-i
i I
oeen coinpli leil nil I i .uu crursu i' iv
the first of February, tiarrin-: acc dont-.
Thia faci, will i.e a turpi i e to many
who freely expressed the o ilmt
the work would not le completed be
fore May or June. When Louisville
makcH up it mind to do n.tnmic she
generally is there with the goods.
if .
ross and Rret.CcatnLns iu raitr
Opiun.Moqi!iirj3 norMkicri
Noi Narcotic.
flfiiyla't Sr.xl
st mi Sad
torn Sen-Vstuftcatlaj'.
Ancrff rl forfunslk
i ion , Sour StoniarliDtarrwca
Worms .('onwlslons Itvvnsh-ncsstu!L0530FSLi'i:P.
Ff Sir.;': Siiji'tuwe of
.ru.Miiilz awMttAtiMAfi'uii!
L .ft
or Oyer
Thirty Years
Ff.lill th Hm ..
Mrg. Agnes McDonald spent Friday
ail Saturday in Lincoln, with friends.
Mrs. A. A. Fredri. k of Brock, is vis
iting at the home of her parents, Mr.
an.1 Mrs. G W. P, terson.
s. J. Earl who ha b'ei-n visiting rela
tives and tii nds in Shenadoah and
Ra idolph. Ioa. han returneil and was
accompanied houie by his niece, who
will vi-it here f .r a nil;-.
There is a i. ew baby at the home of
Conrad Witenkainp j .. hit' nig arrived
Sun lay ingiii, Jm uiij 3 Conrad says
its like the ton in Michiga'i, it s a
' She-Boy Gan." N. les, the lit
tie viiss i Mi'li'onv, th ,i..d her moth'-r
are tletiiiiift- aloi.g nict y.
Wm. Kent is nrnv r ;r two of his
hiiUieson ,he vacant lots torth of the
depot and fixing tlvin up. We are slad
to see improvement! goinj on, if they
do ma.- t'ie good li Mi th. re are
ot'ier places to 'lav bail aUliouirh the
boyj had a e.o t.1 nnnu Ii ground whin-1 thre-.' children, of Kc .Vorrfr. Colo., h
1. . t. . t
ber .f yenr! and can recommnd him us
a first class workman and n ercntleman
i;i every re-pect. 'The only thine: agaim-t
him i- the fact that he wan once a news
paper reporter and has no red hair (or
any other color) on top of his head.
"A deal was closed, on Monday hv
which Winfield Swan became the owner
of another fine 80 etc farm northeast
of town, known aa the Hargus farm
formerly owned by Henry Ruhman,
who sold it some time ago to Bruce
Stone of Nehawka. Mr, Stone put a
price on the land. $110 per acre, and as
Mr. Swan wanted it, they made a cash
deal at that price and without any
quibbling. That's their style of doing
business, and Mr. Swan feels that the
money is well invested.
Fr 'in thu "eiimtcr.
Miss Agnes Rough of Weeping Water
spent Sunday afternoon with Sophia
Mrs. Dunbar and IiUle son of Avoca,
have been visit irff with Mrs. Palmer
the past week.
Mrs. .lames M. I'almer spent Sunday
in I'lattamouth, the great cf C. I).
Quinton and wifo.
Leslie Ward of Wausa, viVC.nI at
iN'C; upp s tr.e past wtt K. lis u a i
nephew of Mrs. Opp's. j
Mrs. Fi. Rubv. acrmiii.i-.-.inl bv hr-rl
E-nact Copy cf Wrapper.
We Arc Now Ready
We are now ready to show you our COM
PLETE and UP-TO-DATE line of
to all that are interested. We carry all
grades and style.s at prices ranging from
$1.2:. up to ?60. We are also sole agfiits
for the famous Coles Hot Blast Heater.
Come in and let u: show you how you tan re
duce your coal hill ono-lh'nl with this stove
and gtt the .same amount of heat as from
other brands.
tmnw.t f-tirt,ti jcmn'rimnMna.Ma.'inr.vitnnn'ew,
th :.-.e houses are to sunid.
El in wood
Frm tlif LcitHir-lCchd.
W. C. Bartlett has returned from
New York and repoits a fine tri.
Mrs. Val Keyser. of Lincoln, is nt
the bedside of her mother again this
Mrs. Will Quinn, of Lincoln, came
down New Year far a visit at the
Dunkle home.
Mrs. Mable Blair, of Fremont, is
again at the bedside of her mother,
Mrs. Dickson.
Mrs. Charles Reed and daughter,
Mona, returned Monday from a visit
with Mrs. Reed's daughter, Mrs. Lafe
Cox and family, at Angus. Neb. Lentis
Cox acconpanied them home for a
visit with F.lmwood friends.
The annual business meeting of the
alumni association of the Kim wood hich
visiting h-r nieef, Mrs. T. Fulton
Victor. Ralph and Justin rftiinn vi-ot-od
with their grandmother. Mrs. Mc
Carthy at Wyoming during the holiday?, j
Miss Alice Stander of Louisville cnnie
in Monday evening to teach school nt I
Maple Grove, Miss Crothe having resigned.
Victor and Gertrude Sturm and L. G. i
Todd returned to their studies at the
Weeping Water ' Academy Tuesday
Peter Petersen while working 0:1 the
quarry hill on Tuesday froze bib nose
He was working on a very bleak point
and before he knew it, his r.ose was
perfectly white.
Mr. and Mih. Chritentien nnd two
children of Pones, Ncbr., visited at
Frank Moore's last week. They will
visit at Wi'cpinu; Water and in Sar.ty
County before returning to their himo.
Mrs. Christensen will be remembered
as Daisy Wisemnn.
SchOil u ia htAA si t iVn nnr.. c t:., Hor.i v Lindsr-v u ruU v aI m.
' iiwutv.- VI Hilary, "..1
Marie Smith Wednesday night of hist ofT"u"e WednesdHy. and when we ashed
week. Tin. follouim (;.... 1 him for news, lie iin.!tpfri.rt- "l u.n
-.......... viiiiVftia well., ... . . ;
elected for the coming year: President j dreadfully lonesome and noed a cook. ;
1 iiiiienis. vice president, Harry
Tolhurst; treasurer, Josephine Mueller;
secretary, Cora Mueller; corresponding
secretary. R. W. Green; reporter,
Minnie Sutherland; sergeant, Marie
And now Tom WiHcockson has "gone,
went and done it." On the editor's
desk lies an announcement of the mar
riage of Mr. Thomas H. Willcockson to
Miss Julie Frances Scully. The happy
event took place at the home of the
bride'a mother in Lima, Ohio, on Mon
day, December 28, 1908. They will be
at home to their friends after January
fifteenth, Savoy hotel, Kansas City,
Mo. Tom, old boy, we're juBt as tick
led as you are, mid unite with your
hosts of Elmwood friends In wiahing
you and your handsome bride a lonjr
life of happiness and prosperity.
Dr. C. S. Barnes of Burr was in the
city the first of tho week for a short
visit with his brother, Dr. A. P.
This cooking business is getting too
much for me." Which can be taken!
to mean that Henry is willing if the!
girl is. 1
Mother Cray's Sweet Powdera.
For children nucceBsfully used by
Mother Gray, nurse in the Children's
home in New Yot, cure feverishnoss,
bad stomach, teething disorders, moves
nnd regulate the bowels nnd destrov
worms. Over 10,000 testimonials. They!
never fail. At all duggiats, 25c. Sum- i
pie free. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, i
Lc Roy. N. Y.
Mart ie Radiol For Women.
If you have pains in the back. Uri
nary, Bludder or Kidney trouble, and
want a curtain, pleasant herb cure for
woman's ills, try Mother Gray's Australian-Leaf.
It is a eafe and never
failing regulator. At Druggists or by
mail COcts. Sample puckape free.
Address. The Mother Gray Co. LiRoy,
N. Y.
Although this range mcy havr
an exterior appearance resemb
ling the Ranges exhibited in other
utorca in the city, and therefore
does not appeal to you, as a sub
ject of special attraction. We
a"re you that it is decidedly
different from all 01 tier 111 construction, containing those pprticulor
features which make it. the best Range ever offered to tho user. The
firebox is so constructed that the heat will radiate into the oven at the
same moment a fire is i-tnrted. Consequently, soon as the (ire has at
tained the necessary 250 degrees of heat, the ovon also will register the
tame temperature; therefore, it is ready to bak'o. The results of this
direct action will have a tilling effect on the coal pile, saving nearly
half the fuel used in ordinary stoves. The fire back lining is guaranteed
for 5 years use. The front section of the top can be suspended, making
a convenient place for broiling or toasting. A special cover or lid on top
is arranged for cooking oat meal, milk.rico, etc., without fear of scorch
ing. The body is made up of three distinct walls, which ruUi.i all heat
into the stove. If you will call at my store and examine thin Ramre you
will admit thrc is no other to equal it at prices that will meet
your approval. I have some speciul bargains in esprcxs wagons, chikiti
and Misses Rockers, bookcases.
Tho Homo Paper SStrr
"""""!""" '.II'"1 1 Hmmm ttrant tlM bM mnl Itomrr
S"11 Pr"8 wWmim n wt amber M rh inn At. A
- - - - 1 . J mmm fTOWUTCW I