The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, January 11, 1909, Image 5
r a. UK .ill UV-LiilllS J ( I 0 RfcNT ' FOIl RF.NT Four-r,...m co taeV oh Vim, bitwei-i 12 li and III I; stntt " PUPPI PV Til A" Uniircmedii.ited S rmon. ,u.i DUilUlinU 1 ill iUlHi A rn ti ,s contain.! t ! week in U f l i. LO .A,. tii" nilvi ru-cm, :it of tin1 l' i -ii'inir h '.u.k ,-er our tn. v juI-i this v"-k. .Vli'i' ( ,M:pany. Ill setMint !; J t the1 t il una.v Suvak Thieves aU-;ini .-. to l.e tlt-nvxl from t-uvii-L , . . . . , , , .. . . Got Iiimv iinil so, nr.' one cf our o ; , ; I., . ,. I s;, ... . i:u!ms !r.-!i a m.-si doavr Mr. x r, , ', Ij 0 1. N'U'i;:! Nolo 1 , nuum , loci..-. i'.fi u,ii,"i,.u 1'iiisiy, hliM'.' the Kf- Alai .Journal (.IJi'lCO. not,. ,ii s.M.itiosi ' w Ire h -hruid W .li'iiay i lu t i A'iik thii'r-. tl.n'.ft! )(i;;il'!,,l well by , v, r lioi'y brfo'-e I I'lioto curd view of lnttsmuth i h vu,.l,m. e nf Merchant Police .lohr i senduu; an eider out ot town for any J for or at N'cuictz it Go's. I' !'. y .,:;, li.i qnle an anictl' t of li- . t li : jjr which can he purchased litre; oo pupation. . i,, m;,:rs lumber Listen to Info: "If u pot held of a I ,.r ,,,., ,.ir(1 of yur fV()r, , , , . : ol'it'r was .uiKi ii ii.:o itr.i I ho 1'niiibi'in-; poor rni'kafrt' of c-iiin, ,1 poods, if llie n,,.,. , v.,.., c. , u' lor further particulars moutre ut , , , . . . ., ., . . , . J,,Nlll"u,Uo1' ... ' 1 . t ii.. on hii sate imd.llid with, tin." rabco T print doe'ti t measure up to I NCWH Ofllttf. tt .. . ... ., .. , , .. :!., ...a' , -t . . .... . : I " i .tic m.u ii i!,.r. i- rorn ii,al plav the ' of dothii jr tl o local (lonlrr will make j W'ol Ow Monnn-h MhII.-hMo lw Krocn'or isroiiT'-s. i;.mtei hiook. FOU RKNT Fivo-nioiii n.ttHk?,'. he-1 th!cUh n.a;f a lino for 11. M. 'oc-n-1 it jrootl " Th. re is the whole story, tween 7ih ai.d h stroot. on Marble, j ..i,.,,,, r t,rt. wht.K. u t)roko tt win. am, U,on nfloctSont h0iV true it fo. Til iri l .itl a Ph.. i... ,i Hi' . . J. ... ... . . Call up I'latLa I'hone No. VM FOR SALE Smncthii'jr now in post CHnls overy (io'.v lilit ami crawU'il liotween the I.OHvint; out of cotihidoration the fad no i Liis, .p, r., d the dour and helped that it is the taxes' of tho local dealer j WCi., Noructz & Co. next to I'.O. iheniselve.s to hoinothiii over $1.00 j thnt keeps up the homo town, and i from the c ish r, isu-r whioh they ! looking only at the buyers oupeot of the FOR SALK-A number of Harr,ains fi'uud unlock, d. Nothing was disturb- j question, we w ill to ahead of the game in cottages, oasy term. Cottag,-u for J t-'d except two boxes of ei!rn nenr the ' by giving our trade to the home man. rent. Windman Investment Company. 1X)U SALK-A nicely located live big safe at i. onh end of the stove. NojMr. Becker's argument in to the cii;trs were tasen, but the buses were j point arid xhould be considered by every left on the drnr, and liiul evidently been one when tempted to do any trading FOR ItiO aero Jan.;. ir.i!i8 r.ortli'.vr.-it u' I::.:iis i.ou:h. l-'w term-: cull I'latUnvajtii 'pl.i..!.- No. .- a line H. (kor:rc H;.Si.i;..i. ;-!': I oo Did von get one of the souvenirs be ing given by the l'lattsmouth Music Company? oo Some rtgnr. are only cignrs, but l,epperburg's,'l'!uifo"are a good smoke j "Always reliable. Will Build Infarurban. j oo Dr. C. S. Banna of Burr. Neb., I . ..... 14 ...... I ...... I ..111... .1 h.lAt..l.1. : i. ...ii .1 ... 1 ..,... .......,. !, I..,...-' n new ir,n i-,..,,- ..,,,: -j, f . t V if . -,u , . : i tbv Ciir.'o !.. hurley, late owner of!,. . i b:-o'-.. a -!:! in the wintlowof iho.Jour-, p:,rt ot t!i.; w-, k for a visa wi'h bis,1' !,,.!, .Me, neluvt.i U He,vthcv were 'brother. Dr. A. V. Barfe;.. Dr. Barnor ' NKWd-lii.KAi.i.. , y aci.-idi.-tttly atiuck by a fool in p.nsKiiig acres, for SlOW. Improvements 141,(1 :rm tne i'lielt, whicti wan rth more than half tin. "' 'uu r '!' -W "w ('llsn lr"" Windham lnvci.tmnit Gmiranv. ,r''l-"r. t:'" hieve oviciontiy ha.J out of the citv. ...;.l ;.....! ,,u ,..!. n.f I-:.-. I. ren n , uli. i. im-.-t nf t l;r H Hie (".in.- wriv ii tL cir , ii;:-ei-:;n-!- n v.- w.mvh c I'.r ii'fi-ii Tb- N'r'A's-Hi.H u h lurnii'.g on' ;,i:,i re v-1. !'.-v, ' v.l.y nailv. ay. a.l i.mI th" iioi: .r ,,t,.f tH.w .1 ii,.n,-rv for Hie Cass H t.'i.ii ,!v !-t'd tl.clr bo el.-et. ,1 aetiti,: vice prev.dent ol Hie , rou,,tv und.-iV elio. association oo FOR .ALE-Te:..m,w.-.on and harness ; two hogs, craj:re at .!:n. lia il".-n S..uth !t);h. Sc. .Vo VYANTE.D. n:.i a ' in . .' i '. neg rn iww -r I'li'i;.. ii.i pi'ipi " inb Tl: v v:i r.i. '.' K.':.:.!'!!:-.:: S. lia r's . rn ! .-ii. t an rli r'nc lire Ir.nn Omaha :,.,t .Mar!. -I vlu-re I Lev to-!; ;t ' to Maslimrs. and the d,-ct.)i- amvi im ; Tn l'latl,-m..i.!h Music ( ompany Has v . ... .... i . . ... i i:.. .,(" i rt" . w. : c - r. . i . ;-i... i. '. . i i .i m ... . w in i'... . , hi j r-. i An . . ki .:. v I 11 i .' i. u- . i". ' - f, ' wii- l i . 1 1 ii i; i !.i '.!. .1 ; i I o In rcl.i-.t-; ' in.r :-;.rii-.!, riabt of way f,.,- almo t ina'c. Ap"! select ion and popular - - " - - ' :' i: CdC.AR I.J :s vv.-r,-K!. l i t-, i-t- : !.o:;lily to . -i !tt l!--. 1.-:- a !'".' 1 peril', r.' u:i:--i. . .-.-:) ;;!''.) ; '.it '.1. il";: 1 :;'u! r;;; ,!-" . Vv'r.t :'.r ;a flic .!.i:' i ;. 1 '".'g..r 1..'... !.o..i-. .V.... ... I is !'! fr:.:-. tr., .M, ! , i he : -.Li. v dt: t ('. b.aviog beea.soc-uri'd. ' price. 1 -e v.i o t; a! Hi.-- 1 ! n.) ;vi' h n p-'vitg n v'!.... ,....;...r 10 bv t iV it hnv . .'. v n (!!( (. vei' d . '. ',' ,. r I t P'- Ii- 1 ; v. .1'" IIV- nilvi" 11 lire I"" ,va::tk'.) ..-r! 'ure I'. ir .V,.:!! : Cray:-- 1 l.r'.rl. tj: -.riiAYi.D-i-:- 11 c .11' w oh ii.. o 1! ,'i:u: . -'vhii: - 1."." ...'.it ids I'm. lor oil! no i..:.'t lor to. i .iii;t t rotu' 1 10 1 ; : 'itn, to ur..i.'!i".:i.: ;:: 1! (!' !,i'. ij'i li-c';-. r .:; :...,! ,. in ':.' alKiuU. Oa If V a.. : A'. ,! I'm:, i,o. :.,; !: ! U ' Tlr-iv !ois V- feo'.K .. .(r, i. ''1; . Tt : . r'i'olo, -'nsi . . 'I, . . i: . ..!! L....1 l '. ". i'! . O'.l I I ; . '-. I ''.-:A MAS '.I:.' ' . !: 1 1 no o;-!j ; j,. 1 ,i; .. ( 'ill !! .. We M v4 : ; at S.i:.;v:;i.'. i . . . "... V ,. ,. hvi !;., .:..! : 1 - .. : . . ... ..! v' . .' ! -...-I.;, --. ' t.ii 1 - .,- ;!.., .:..( , tvrl.t . .''!.'..' - ii:-' .;.(: r ' i:':y (... l.o t0'.(. . - : :: , !:.;-! .. ' ; t-!.-.!p.'t.:or. !'"i'-i j i!i.;l i..v j. Majli- if! I .t .: ' 'x Coin i.-r t -1 i, f t!n- :iu - i'i-. on lumd. N' i..;.: . Co. i io I'. (). rn i'i t ,f Ta.'' at B!:.M-U: ;, Ten (lr ---.'lit 1 ,v,-'.,t t' 9 : .; 'I'f ' rL 'fe. it . ,.- ..';.. . ..'... a V T.i; Pi , ji.'A -A r . . .. .. ! .VSr.-Vp. . ' ' " ill . 11 U?? -.V:l N 'l 'Ot. .'V l.'ll. Ill'lvf v, ;:. v. ; 1 Ai-ct-oo faJca Po&'ponec!. 'p. :)t.-ii b Mu-ie Cointu-.y r.n- j Ov..;: g 'o t.e siovf re ro'd wraf her ' that ii v. i'i present to "VtTV j A ! I, i ;t.,i,.r, i . . ii. , 1 l'.D- l ii tl.l t. , :: ;iiH J)-;;i 1 r t-r.- a gwa m ::!'!: lr.vs.:-,' ticr.-io - r.ati: mouth .Mur-lo Ce!.r-a!.v. ;:: tf C. A M sl.-., fi.!i.;r ;',l,i!i o: WAXTi::)--l. got.' far.M or . -.. parl.'cnla.- a',.... j ho-ir from 'v: direct ., ! i tion ,i-'.'l had. Mil,.-l.;L"i-A. iiocti- t '; ar.'r i; i". jl;.t S.'e.-.!'- tli... !' e ;uxti..n -aV . lady crdili'B :t jv.nii'ii haii be. :i t --.du-feil at the Mar- souvenir. . I .. . i a. i; .ic. .-m:i. M"..mi i or Knpii' -r til-.e : ; i r-1 V,':;.' .''; li.tii.u, .1 Ul til the ' . . .... 1 1 1 .... -. 1 . S .... I. I'I ' I ' ' . . .'.I. K-l ' i.e. . . , . . . ... ... i ,. ;, I V : job f.l lli; lt'.'.r. O ref pi'l 'l IIIIV innn ; Tlr oH tore a hand, urno I .(' i:i:'l e.i a smvialtv of ft J.. Mr ' i.t '.m;-.. ion. i!. i '-! r e . I i 1 1 ' . ,. in in. "i:'1,:!:.:". I'.rr'ire wn... ..... i..i a'.etit ion ol the . . I S MOW IS THE T: to buy your new overr Pre -inventory sale. 10 20 per cent discount for c Reliable qualities. L, a. WESCOTTS ' "Where Quality counts.'' .: i"5 .1 ll-m :1. v.-:h tr .. . .'! V.l:l ", j j-. . ..I ; :ii o '..'i. '.-- !'.i.i-n " i' , j.'T'b-.- ;;iU, I" J i ' :1r:it . ') i. '!! - t:, ne tlirrn as .-"..:i t' ar.yll:mr yoi: " ay lu-ed in this line. oo rnc.-oaspil ;i iT.. The I'.tato .b.i i 1 vestorday g.ves j -.-air,. : ' tii" ;:' .In untf for rinrria"' li-1 t,')'" 4 . i a i;.-:. o.l I! a;r ir rt fe,.r , . inr v. i; ! Ii'' ; i.-:-'ir Cio i r';: e at I .::"!': Kr(d A. VVolher. ol" - ' "': J ,., . -. r. 1. 1 tU" : '' VANTl-.l '- !!.,,,:. .,i..r v-'un: :! 1?! 1:Y LOfli?? - to (' l ilii'y l'T e-oe.l ii'V.i.'o.'i in K : in.;:-.- !- is OavMee vr.ic'i w,n f. el tuiro put".-' a . ! a"!.- i:;, t;. ,-ii .'-on a. ' f) r.;,r h i.-.o.-e ! i-irlili' i.-;-o ILMail 5-a n loo. of this li. l: ' a-! ,. .-i:.i.r.'ia.'.- liv ,ur re-u'ers. ' fiov. W'r.'i ;r r Vva'i . and Marie Aali r-1 hilo .-n'l. Oi ,'filao.ii. i on ii. The I'i.itt -n.oiith Music Company!: .arries a really t M1 lino of piano.-;, anil '; 'rf -- r Mi: ). X .1" ' '-i:. I 1 I .". . 1. Irrjiicino. 11 P ?1 1 1 r .; .'. V O t "P 0 '3 ; - ' 7 A1 ! we ::;ve 1'ir! rl .i.ilio'i en.. : tl,' '. ,. Oi tiiie-! ;ly i.'-.'l. gra.le j.j-i: ii.-: IH--U a.- iv, r i ro'V.!.' to 1'lio t.-'.vo'.ith. Tb-r i- a distsai-t ;ie' iint :',' in buvi'-.i' ai : hi-ig fr-i.e a iocal dealer, i-,1 ia!iy i- thi i irue o!' I'.ari.'-. i.' y hi i" i !-o.! of a poor p; i .',a:..;o if i ar:;r.i good.-, ii' the i.-Lro . i ,v!at ,a, m't iia.'.eure u; i'i I' i1 -t; ; .I.;:.!, if you i't t a i... My pi"..- of i-jt:.i:.i. - tl : a! iei.l. r v. ill tni,!:e i: jiood. ilt i. . ii e-- is io in'ike yon :!.! i.-lit 1. Hi- i lUII'e ill t he coiiitroi' !. .li ,.!:' J.-'oll hi'- oi i:..' van i.'Niic'iy whi.t you pay f..r. V;C. .' tn: il ier li.ui-es it 's i.-r'g a (io .iti.i.i of getting your i.,.r. y. And this is i s).. i :al V. true- in the l'.iiau buslner.-. V.'e ; i'. sent only lions. ; of in.-iiu,i-li;;:i..ii ,-tiindiiig and iitt-jirity, an.-; in uildiiaiu to the gtiar ai'tee of tile inauulact u;ers we place lit ro k bound gustrut.U-e o... every 1'iano that leaves our store. Ai d we are in the same (lass with the re.-t of your local dealers. Our future in your community depends upon our living up to our advertised prom ises. We shall appreciate the courtesy if you will call and in spect our Mock, even if you are not !:(. iii the market for a piano. A handsome souvenir will be given to every lady caller this week Now is the time to have your I'iarai tuned and put in good shape. We make a specialty of this line of business. The Plattsmouth Music Co. Tuning and Repairing. J. A. Becker, Manager t.i g,-t ;i;i-o!l'c-'..-i!ili.-'hi! Mr. Ib-cker : j i., i,:t"in: prices in many insiiincc-, L hou i - ,:t ' -.e; l-wor th.r the oat (ii'-to'.v:i houses. It j weil ; ti'.'nl- w tin tii" 1 nine man. t t:i Vi:or; iv i;I. .er.s n. ay sooi, :;:,( to r ai.;io!-i:-et ii .,f '(. aning up y i-"l ri-t, i i',-.(.;.';;:. :...' tne pff:,i year, ( :; Int.' V. U':e 0 1- ! ..... ,...,...!., .',..,. Io 1. tpie,r,l t hat 1.1 It ' WITll 'f ! 1011 be of .: - , with V;il V- i :j 111' trill n i atnrr.i is U",.ewi-lillie for tin: , K 1. I 1 -- v ' rrv, - X-:''' KJ.j i v. 1: Ask lor Allen's Foot Ease. tuning and r-pairii.g of planus. Tliisja ' 1 jjji A p-evder f'.r .--wohon. tired, hoi, . woik can be a, sure- rsfully done now ihVTaXlXiUVZttVCC Wj smart ir.:;-feet. Sample i-ent five. Al.-o uj; at any tune of Hi! year, ami a m I I'm o .San.'.li: of :I,o Fo.,t-!-:,i:-,e Sanitary l''-itt- ut li now has a rodent iunint Businc I'at here to tl n i a ii-ii'itctioii and ; 'i;r from ll:.'ll) to . ; i.h,m wfints of the i , no i oi easily and qui ',. . !, il taslily prcpiir 1 '. at a not. rohihitiv. i ' f or.' means. 1'len! . ; y. t o see you any dr. a. r. . e v. 3. Wi , i. ,.' (-itn.nn. .'J ate r ooi -...i.-ic .-saoitarv 1 """.' 11 " " "" - i P'Corn-l'a-l. a rcw invrntion. Addles.-, man of laimvn r.b.lay our people will j K , Allct! S. Oimstc..!. l.e R..y, X. V. d-.; avail th-n:.-.olves of the p- j ;1 jpt - pi.-iiit:ity to g t tr( ir instniur ut.- put i'i Tho Majestic, G ard 10 cent?. j in Is rat. class condition. : --PURELY PERSONAL Items ot Intercal Concerning tb Goirg and Coming of People You Know Winter Mas Just Be? v n :! Judge Travis ypeut Friday in Omaha, friends, and relatives in KnowiHc, la. i it t i ... u c- .: .: :.. 1 1 ' . ... ... ..... .... .. I i. it. I' i., ...fine iioa. a visit in v . 11. .-.riven w.'in io v eunr V reeiv , t)klahoma. Friday on a short business trin. lie T. W. Vallcry of Murray was - in the ieions a jiro.-.penms year ior ttie stone , city Friday. ' " . iurries. ; L. C. Sharp was an Omaha visitor' Mrs. K. M. Stephens and daughter,, Saturday. Olive have returned to their home in! Mis, Anna Kanka was an Omaha vis- .-tna after a visit iu this city with j itor Saturday. relatives. j Mrs. T. M. Patterson visited in Dm-' Mis" iM;,' v1!'y who has H position j .,,).,, wr the winter at the state capital do- i n in ixivuiuiiii i no Hill St'ilunluu "... I I,,....!,. ... I.,.,,:.. I I 1 1 Geonre Thierolf was u from Cslar ...... ; , ,. , ner uuiies. ; I f "reek .Saturday. Mr n-i.l Ij V W If I iU I r, ft tt . , i . ..... ... f, . , , tl.ln hMUl kll , , Rev. J. IL Salsbury made a businesA . . , , . . , . v. . ,, I. . , , c. , have returned to their home in Notloli; , H.p w v..,......, .l,u,u, f . . . . . -w i, "'IU m wil.1 KILJ nikii I , IlitWIV Hut il is ,",r) Ivtv iii tlic season that v h to lie neeeM-iry to rckvisc some of the i .... y v. i;ivf tu'dup in hcatinjr stoves,, and to ,:i:t. w. i iivv makin", prices that will be attracti yo ;. As tin ilhistfation of what is being dorj '. tiie way of price reduetion glance at thesfo-u ;, .ns: Ruck's Radiant, No. It Ruck's Radian: . .. b! wiiS'iT), now .. $50 was $-12, now . S:1U Ruck's Hot I'.last. No. Ruck's Ventih.t .-. .'i i. IS, was &II, t:n ... 18, was $.18, i. .. $17.50 -rj Cm For Hot Fires Get Egenber ger's Coal ! j S. S. Huntley of La Hat to was a ; l'lattsmouth visitor Friday. You are cordially invited to call ar.; our stock of poods. Yoti will be treated cu. , n.-.h , and ;,our patronage will be ap,! .. Kroehlcr Brothers Sure satisfaction every timr you light a lire if on top of the kindling is ebony fuel from our yards. It's heat and light giving and slate-tVeo when it lo.tves the mines, screened and cleaned again hen and served to ou full weight and with celerity of delivery. Outer any v. ay that .-.nits yi.u. II . t h telephone.--. f.jf i F M F $f s worth and family.- Miss Gertrude (toon went to Oiiml-.a Karl Rarclay went to Cedar Creek the .aU(.r ,,.rt of , , ... the latter part of the we.-k. rr!uiiiiMm-i;l for the H.oh c, l,o.,l d.- Supt. Askwith of the Masonic Home i bate to be held soon i was bii umana visitor r ruiav. i i i ..i...... iv.:.... Mr. and Mrs. Mark White of Rock , from Omaha when- she has been taking . R'.utl's were in the city Saturday. treatment. She shows a marked im- Ji!Xm.t13X!SSSiaEBU8tTm F.d Miller has returned to hi work in 1 provemciit in health. - - South Omaha after a visit in this city. Mrs. C. W. Stiehr who has been a !r. A. I'. Mario , ihe ;rriiial restaur- some oxeeptiona .!. v prices. Mrs. Frances I.euchtweis is siu-ml- : JTivat sulfeier of rhetuniilisiii. left Sal- au'. taan. has a r.ew ad in t his issue of j and it will prole. to your B inr a few days with friends and iv-la-! uiday for Lincoln where (.he will ent.-r !h. N' v.s-Mkuai.:;. I" addition lo be- Io read the ant- . taent. V H ti'.'es i.u Oinuha. . u similarium for trealnieiit. ii ir -.a -.f the vei.-r.: arii.:. in the .season is sum.". : advnnc. V. I. I'erry of Ki-ht Mile Grove was Mrs. Ma'iM.i Lin;rron i-'un,.d S.-.- :;t, ' v . ' r(A in the city Saturday and in.,de the ' uiday to her lun.e in iJen-;....!.. b.vva, "! ' '" Nt:vs 111-.!: una pl asant i.dt. Utter a ill. a.-ant vi-il with lief i l! I i J. S. R hi h of Nehawka was a ltd-city. Mr.-. Auu.-l And, r-.oo. li. th vi it or Fridt.y. He mad.. S,m A,:'.!:t:ll f R.-rtlev. ..wa. at i'j a i i",: -aii!. ."i I on trie ' r:vv.-;-II r.i: m.u. .r' ilie Nebraska ,ha jut begun :.. ; As. ovi :nu, the stove. I,a 1 I, ; . tlir.e t'.i . i .I".'' . l.e .,( tile i.i-t "a' or ; li.ii. ;,i:.'m. ri litis pari id' t'v !..lo. No I.; itl.i.o Clllrnt. Ro sure to sen- mantle clocks jJ " ' ' " ' ' ' hi'-m .'. r--.o.J in .I,- ci:y (..lay t.. ta!,e up (he away by the N. 11 lluruitt ami wife are home l...i her ba.-iiav v. i! !i V. I1. ( '.,o;. Ti'.o Kr.i'llrf Rr' are new adver- aunouncenieut ... 1 lat!:&XMttZ&M2J&3Z uiTo.i:. f a del.tfi.l visit with younji man is ;i nephe.v of Mr. C .1 ltl.!V .-oof;!,, are I , !' !t.I ii. : -dibri..: i-. :s this wivl.. Tl.iy are. makirg , this jgsuc. 1