The news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1909-1911, January 11, 1909, Image 4
The News-Herald Kolivl Hi tin' ijimlcllir" Mt rUlfnxiutli. Cam Wnly, Nilirkokn. nt'Diiil-iUra miol mitir.t'i. A. L. Tidd, Editor. K. 0. Watters, Manaukr. BATFH OK BUlWCKirTJON Om Ymr in Advnnt Sl.M) nManlh 76 reirPitOftf llatUmouth No. 85 Nebraska No. 85 what we believe to be right. We therefore solicit the cooperation of hII (food citizens. And, with the Mipport WORK. Honest labor is the motive-power of human prog re b. Iiefore Jesus appear and cooperation of ail, we shall en- i d on earth, manual labor wns dcavor to make this pnper n power for , ered as degrading to the freeman cf a shamecul organization. Tht legislature as now organized is a trave-ty on the toying, "Let the People Rule." The senate is helpless under tin- control of three men who have die- the upbuilding of tin- business inter- pagan Rome. Jesus did not make bin ta'ed ti e t-tart and are in a position to I exts of Cans county, and for the higher I appearance amid pomp and splendor, j standards of society. A. L. Tint). Coal dealers like it any way. TO THE PUBLIC. In making this announcement to the public, we desire to give to the patrons And reader of the Semi-wkkkly Nkws- Hkrai.d, hertofter to be called The1 IIbpohe wasting too much pity on Nkw8-Hi:kau, rii outlino of t he policy I your own Bad, unhappy lot, think of the fthe present management, and the ' thousands of absolutely deBtituteearth policy of thin paper. Under I he present ! quake sufferers. We are prone to mal management, there in not one cent of nify our own ilia. indebtedness against thin paper or the but came into the world an nn humble child of toil. Ilia early life was thatof a carpenter. lie thus rendered a great , . .. . , . t temporal boon to wan-kind by enno- It 13 cany to see thHt when Senator ' . . . . ., .. ., , , bling and sanctifying work. Tillman deserted the pitchfork, and . i genius ior worn is me secret oi success. The true workman is he who knows that labor is divine. Every blow on the anvil, on the earth, or whatever material he works upon, contributes something to the perfection of his na ture. The man who has a genius for work, so masters his work, that the more ho works and the better the prod uct of his industry, the greater and bettor becomes the workman. The work that degrades the workman, that blights the soul of the worker, and that weakens the body, should never betook himself to the tall timber lands he got out of his place. Beware of pessism. It is a cancer ous growth on the body politic more to be depored than cockle burrs in a cornfield. The optimist is the man who does things ',' ", ir i, i- .' Tiif probabilities are that the deir- cannon. and make the suffering Italians' , more thankful than ever before that ; ocralic Icf-ihriure will attempt to do Christopher Columbus discovered Ainer- some tinkering with primary law. The ica Philadelphia Record. people must rule. :r. kiju'FI-' kuu tiik j-'it'AitH I'.'vM.. tiit: purchase of the Hkmi-Wkkkia" Following the nfu-al of the supreme ' Xi.;ws-I1kkam wad purely a business dictate the finish. Reprcser.ting as they j C()Urt t entertain the government's ; an( illiS nothing whatever do practically every corrupt influence appeal in the matter of that I.andis. 'th nnliticr in the Htate, these three men will be ! """-' ' $SMM,M, the case goes back ; 10 1,0 ' ; . ! i,. ll .i minx' i f tii, i..t. Iii 'm' tin. Mnvrmtn , able to at least prevent any reform l'girf- . . , t Take a Tumble. J circuit to n stnn'iard of penalties for re- lation, and they may be able to force j .atinfr Jn tnc interest of the fquaic; Ernest Tuey while driving His through the other houne some thorough Ideal in the commerica! world of the , father' delivery wagon at a livelv Iv vicious measures. It remains to be I United States the penalties enforced ! pace around the Crab.ll cornet- toward J.u... ....... should be sufficient to break ud the 1 the .store this morning, was the vict in practice.-St. Louis Republic. FROM SK.NATE TO CAWNET. plant The busiiie-s management and it mai me scene sc ivae 1 a.i ao it.rforniofl. that at the end of ! there was at once a sisn of rest!e?sne fowmanship of t he p-., t mer.t : partmcnt of the government has invea-1 day,8 t()i,( hc shH bc ,mtu1. for!ttm, m)r,.hl.n,i,m amo. g the member, .hall be under the supervision of Mr. ; tignted ome of the senators, and nowjth(J ,Jo who (.U,WIB the public - A id usual in the -house, it was 1 It, O. Walters. Ho is a man of exper- nKc Wl,,,ts to investigate the 1 8trec.ts M.rforin3 nn honorable work, ' to bind and gH,r and tie up in a saek m, ieuce in the hue of work over which he Lt" 1 parimim.. ; an 1 is a ftreat bem factor to the uublic 1 manv individuals. So there i.-t seer, whether they can retain control of both houses. That the "interests' have been per mitted to thus take control through the . . . i t ue icinauoii m t nnunm i iiia nn(, rn:inv airenev of these three senators is n . . I K,,I,L ' i irom the United Mites senate in onier fact that should cause every democratic to enUp lhl. cMlwt of i.re8ill(,nt Taft head to droop in shame. The simple I will break a usage which hps become cattle constituting the balance of the j more and more established in recent 1 10 wai, bruised slightly. membershin of the senate should leave ivears- orrncrly many senators bo-1 thei able depart for home on the earliest trains. ' Mr. Cleveland's cabinet in W. and of ! ...... ... .. .. II. f .t.'.v t .. I in the nourio, while the interests ' , normun mw .wr. icimoy a in ; Tl . nv. .11)Ul,.y Wlvit PlattsraouUi Poople j of a little accident which landed hin ' under the wheel of a wagon. Ernest, ' with presence of mind held to the lines ! and etonned the horse before he had The resignation of Philander C. Knox annP m!inv rods. The wheel of the s senate in order t ,Hn ver hia Drostrate form, but nothing daunted he still held to the horse and prevented a bad runaway. . He was bruised slightly. embership of the senate j-houkl leave , u"m "J - i ,ir..H,p,i,,,lh .c,,:-t:;i'r;r:;'';. rsiis VERY ANNOYING de assistant sergeant-at-arms and ; .th8t of John (J. Carli.-le into! AU 1 1 iw ' H'.'T. New York Tribune shall have charge. He is u man of high moral standing and integrity. He painstaking cure to the demands and wants of the business At advertising and job work. Call on ' " l5& .4 Watters who has charge of this n x 1 1 'ipciiifvn r't7nn-nt. He will give you cour '"""(WiusTtreatmcnt, and prompt and elli :ient work. On hi I alf of the elitnriai department I K goggles may be all right if your eyes are weak ane" the doctor recommends them, but for heaven's sake don't wear them habitually while cunt.w or a Tr.A';i:rv. Oi' course, the cla'n;:- of tiio livir? come ti .-t, but there i.- so:'ieth!i!fr Ivir- rowil l' to i'.'i ir.ei :i'licnlili- im.tilict of an! is a great bem factor to the public many individuals. So there is hieki:, l.,,...,,., ,,.,,..,.,,, i-.,,., i;,. t m,,.1u if be docs his work well, for the health 1 against the outrage, and some hint.; of hikI the cene- of tiie -nt. eartlne!- ke (if the whole community is more or hen' independence. shock rnu-.t l.e b:Tn':;.rded by waihip, affected bv this unitary condition. This idea of independence, however. ' so l,-J,t tiui '1n'K' rwui f tho place , i ----- , Some of the gn atest thinkers of to ' will fade away as the ..c.-.-ion progiees. day are devoting thi-ir lives to the nub-j The caucus i-; the whip that i racks liursuinir the usual avocations of life. . .-I i , . .-. . iiect of sanitation in our great cities, about tlie legs of tin in. urrei't in a Y ur perspective is likely t be tainted i' t- may moke the only poJS'b'e burial f the dead. The iVi-lmc- ioucli i:s put to the wivile i'n icli'ii! t;-agi'iv i i t!ui mnk- Say of It. Any itchiness of the skin i:' annoying. Little daiiger in iuhin skin disease.-. they make you miserable. I)(an's Oir.tment is a never-failing cice. Fur Pihv.F.exemn.all it( hing trouble;. Piatt.-;iiMiitii citi:'.eii. ei. dorse it. Mr?. Jo-u-pli Warga, of Mno Main .street. F'latlt'fiiouth, hi., nays: eerience ha-i taught our family the ing fie ruins of their h.,i,i...: the only Vidue oi' IVan's Ointment. Mv laothi and you will become a chronic gruinb-! or. "Let a little sumhine in." Work that, is not really work is not logMativo body. ;ti:d i.-e::d t h'm i worth the doing. . ing to the kenrel. The e.-ueus A man losupport himeelf, must, ,-rrve pected t do i's work here, u e- vvlio enter i(. i,nw v. 'iii 'ni th.'i whin- is e- t i.O'.-e 1 in; HavelorlC Time -nfrgt . t.; that if others. He mt;;t do or pi"iUir we desire to say, that our aim shall he i k', !,pis!a Ugi.-.l-itur..' is not lo tend- i thing for their eoinf.-rt or gra! ii)c::t i 'hi'-. r In arted it might abolinli t he law of ' Tb' is on one of the be-tuiifiil ordi to give eeryh'Hly a :.uuai e de t!. policy shall be to .uivocate the Lu." ; ncs:i ; c-ipital f u.-iii-linient and s-.b-i itute there- lio:;;'.l t ) ii later ' Capital. in t!:e i' natioiiS of l'ro idei'Cc, tl'at, to e,i t hi useful. N'ow i for;, en'i'.aire rce'iii 'pin ond -itii (1 eri!n- hvi::g, a i..ivi n. innls to ride Irom Lincoln to I'avelock this i;s"fulii. ught to b. an er.d if in s-oine ef the Lincoln Tracl.inn Com-j his labor as truly as to earn a lining, pany's open bottom red cars. When at the ei d of inch working day, ! shall not only the material wealth of Senator FokAKKK snid there was ; the nation be iucreastd, but also each What OiliiTs Sj I 4 interiHts of this ci'.y and of i his euunty. We tlall at, all times idnnd for a ju;.t, upi'ight anil hone.-.t i itir.en'l.ip. In politics-, this paper i-hall not at-; tempt to remote the interest of any ne man, or faction of men, but shall do ai d say what it believes to be fur , nothing wrong in what he diil. Cover- i man w ho labors, be better for his toil, the best interests of the whole people, j nor Haskell, of Oklahoma, declared that then will the great problem of the t. ..... - - i . ... ... . .i. .... . i . . uoiievine, m rne principles anil policies he n in none nothing wrong in what he ; twentieth ernierv oc solved. Let our i an earifKSi.n.'. Die .VieiMerrai-e-.n of the republican party, it will be ajdid. And today Senator Tillman will ' homes, our s(;);ool.;aiid our colleges send . convulsion gives them a 'r at oppor- republicsn ajsr. Relieving in a pro- ikvlare. in the United States Senate, forth boy and girls with a Rem'u for tun:'y 10 f,!,'MV t,'t,r "u!li'' '" ,,. ,. , ,, , i,, . , ,. . ,. , .1 tight eg:-!'!.-'? famine and pesin aue. ressive republican poln-y, we shad ad-; Hint there was nothing wrong m Ins work. They will !' ba-e u e fv:- '-m voi-ate such policy. tiirdnr lands transaction, lie.i, Will the ; 'i'ii.vv v.iil ca. rv tli-e a ciit " :;h In all matters, w- elm 11 advocate i j.-ojl: l.oliovo any of them. Watc'n us giow. the aid of , ir.-e..- d .f grave., K iltiiis i .'a I loV. fa.' I. ; it..' t''l. iviii'v paii'M.:- d, till.' lil'i.o.'I a:cl icao. u 1 1 ro 'ila.s. tn , .ne. d ;r''1 -I !' I . :i.i):.iot:s .vissniN net n i:i-.v. When f'r sclent. Rwvi It .-.i-'.ru d our ileet of bati le.ships en tiieir 'iou.-.d-the-World voyave he cu'il net anticipated t f l -it ih'-y v.ouai caiount''" The l:n;.' i!is i er I poi'i lo , i.f ;!; ni'-rcifu'i; . ihi I coiiitil'.u i i! Ii.:.! meaning o the . lion we. 'Uj.' :.t , : o : i en'jin hi. :.:ri i u a.: s: it e.r.i : ati.-t .( ,l!.f. ' f. iUi I -I'd ..I'C nation a.- !. i l.e i,.i.; I.e.-ig r. Tim: rei'orii d i'. t '-. : .del . :l ti 'iM!.,ie.; and J i:oi. .- i !' p: -hend tiie af th" desaia- ; aim l'V, tr-'ll -.! .- U i) a si:.- 'i-im !:!: of i mi"d.'!.aia :.r t- .' ! I l"i ! was treuble-.i for a g 'o.l many years with a .-kin irritation en one of le : t'ev'. Lie; il.e the fact 'hai she tried remedies of a!'ioiis 1 ic.-is ii'i !' Iii f .vio -I nn .d : i e u - si D-v.'i s Din' -is ', by i h.siici ; he ! arr.etl i.irait ;.. iii.' i ar i ;.- : o iv Co. 's dm Vi'i--. .;'e;.ar..i c:i r t eniv i-ai - is! .'d : troui le :o. is e t.ia,' Isit e! - i ;. ! a o:-!'i;iv-'. nt a i i ab.-o'.uN- cnr--. I a! o u.-e.i JJ.'.'.i-'s Ointintiit fer r: teiribh- :tehi:i;.f n my rii.-'et hand and v ri A faw apph'a! io., reiiiaiii tie il!!aiilloio it'll nail Stonpi (I the itahil.. I h...'f. had ; o'.'.l'it tola lies of 1 "n- trouble siiu'i' Liui. an apie;d to'.s Omtine!:' ha? always given rne relief. We an never without, tiiis spieedid preparation in ii.e iioicje, liuiiiug it invahnible." h'oi sale i y all .dealer, i'vice ."o cen!,. I'.i1er-Mi!burn Co., I'.oir.ih 'ew York, role iigeius for the Un'i.-i Sta'.' s. l-'ir.-a'a.he:- the name Dean's a: 1 take no otiu-r. "i"s'5irr..rci.'w;-toy2m.''n.i-.'i-v.if "CTf ."' ' "' 7-v."-;"' o :' Us yew W Mk m m m m w m cr.-i .-a ' mi t.j-i it?, m : " ?.:-s iki fefii M Met 9kM ri m tin wn 1.. Mi 0 I CI 1 o o Were you a reader of the Daily News? Then we want you to become a reader of the News-Herald. This paper is now un der an entirely new management and will be conducted along business lines. We shall endeavor to give you such a paper as will be a welcome visitor at your home and one you will feel that you cannot get along without. Extra copies of this issue are being sent to the old subscribers of the Daily News, and we trust that if you are pleased with the paper you will send in your subscrtpiion. And if you will call the attention of your neigh bors to our paper we will be glad to pay you well for your trouble. We have secured a number of oxidized copper finish mantel alarm clocks and will present one to anyone who will secure us three yearly subscriptions at $1.50 each, one of which may be your own. These clocks are not cheap trash, but are really ser vicable time keepers and with proper care will last a lifetime. When down town call in and inspect them. O O JWr-'i.;;vF:.' F to. H ' J J