. THE SEMl-WE-EKIA" NjbVSrllJSllAjLD. MONDAY JANUARY 4, 1901) r 1 - -i TkTt n Am i t nuniim1 mm 11! Pl2 ti 1$ ti ft I t r r. .s .1 j' V ;1 ti v -t I i L i 1 1 i (f I 4 A Dlu bUulAL JlYiini mapieurove i umun : . .tar- jjMS I. hi fc CHIEF NATIONAL RANGE Although this range may have an exterior aDDearance reaemh- ling the Ranges exhibited in other stores in the city, and therefore does noc appeal to you, as a sub ject of special attraction. We assure you that it is decidedly different from all others in construction, containing those particular features which make it the best Range ever offered to the user. The firebox i3 so constructed that the heat will radiate into the oven at the same moment a fire is started. Consequently, soon as the fire has at tained the necessary 250 decrees of heat, the oven also will register the same, temperature; therefore, it is ready to bake. The results of this direct action will have a telling effect on the coal pile, saving nearly half the fuel used in ordinary stoves. The fire back lining is guaranteed for 5 years use. The front section of the top can be suspended, making a convenient place for broiling or toasting. A special cover or lid on top is arranged for cooking oat meal, milk.rice, etc., without fear of scorch ing. The body is made up of three dintinct walls, which retain all heat into the stove. If you will call at my store and examine this Range, you will admit thre is no other to equal it at prices that will meet your approval. I have some special bargains in express wagons, childs and Misses Rockers. look cases. O. P. JMCKSOGVI PEARLMAIM'S OLD STAND We Arc Mow Ready We are now ready to show you our COM PLETE and UP-TO-DATE line of or 5 to all that are interested. We carry all grades and styles at prices ranging- from $1.25 up to $60. We are also sole agents for the famous Coles Hot Blast Heater. Come in and let us show you how you can re duce your coal bill one-third with this stove and get the same amount of heat as from other brands. JOHNBAUER Reception On New Year's Day in Honor of Rev. Moore and Geo. Porter and Families. The New Year's reception tendered by the Christian church in honor of the arrival of Rev. Moore and family and j of the departure of George Porter and wife was a most enjoyable event. Every church in the city was repre sented in the company and all vied in an effort to make Rev. Moore and his wife and daughter feel that their wel come to the city was heartfelt and warm. . A neatly printed program was handed to each guest as he or she en tered the room, and after being pre sented to the guests of honor each comer was made to feel at home, and was later ushered into the dining room and served with cake and fruit punch. The reception was given in Coates hall and was largely attended. About 4 o'clock the program was announced by Mrs. Mae Morgan, the first number being a piano selection by Miss Mollie Godwin, which elicited much applause. Miss Joe Hall then gave a reading, "In May, " to a piano accompaniment, played by Miss Ella Margaret Dovey. Miss Hall's readings never fail to please and this one was exceptionally good. A solo, "Her Greatest Charm," by Miss Zelma Tuey, was sweetly sung, while B. A. McElwain rendered a bary tone solo, "King of the Forest Am I," which was well received. A reading by Mrs. William Baird, who is an elo cutionist of rare merit, won the warm est applause. In response to an encore she gave "The Wordless Foem," which excited great mirth. Rev. Randall made a strong speech on "Wesleyan Welcome," after which Mr. H. S. Austin sang "Out on the Deep," by Lohr. This number was J exceptionally fine, as the song seemed ; to have been written for Mr. Austin's most excellent voice. Rev. Salsbury extended "Calvinist Congratulations," the speaker being in his most happy vein. At the conclusion of Rev. Sals bury's remarks Rev. Luther Moore gave a response to the words of wel come and congratulations spoken to him by his brother ministers. Rev. Moore said he appreciated the welcome ; extended to him, and thanked the pco i pie for it. Mrs. E. H. Wescott sang a solo after which Prof. E. L. Rouse jgave a short address. Mr. Rouse was I warm in his commendation of the har mony among churches of different de- nominations in Plattsmouth, and be lieved the time would come when his ' Satanic majesty would be driven out ; Plattsmouth. All of the speakers i regretted that Mr. Potter and wife i were going from our midst. A fitting j number for the close of the program j ! was a piano solo by Miss Ella Margaret i ' Dovey. j Thus ended one of the most success -! I ful New Year's receptions ever given i : in the city. J Special Correspondence J. A. Smith and Wm their porkers this week. D. Murray and family spent . Sunday at the L. C. Murray home. W. H. Puis and Louie . Puis -were Plattsmouth visitors Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Cha3. Herren were Plattsmouth visitors Wednesday. Ed Murray went to Eight Miie Grove Tuesday for a visit with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Neuman of Far nam, Neb., are visiting at the Beck home. The sales of Wm. Lewis and Ham Norris were the attraction Monday and Tuesday. Chas. Herren and wife spent Sunday at the home of Val Gobbelman south of Murray. Dr. Niley Davis, wife and sons. Dee and Ray are spending the holidays here with relatives. II. Beck and family and Mrs. Corbett attended the funeral of Wm. Chap man at Nehawka Friday. II. Beck and family went to Avoca Saturday for a visit with Geo. Shackley and famil returning home Sunday evening. Grace Porter, Clara Copenhaver, Glen I'orter, Arthur Copenhaver and Ed Murray spent Sunday at the Fritz patrick home. L. C. Murray and family returned home Saturday from a pleasant visit with relatives at Alva, Okla. They report Alva on the boom now. Mr. and Mrs Ham Norris and son, Earl spent Sunday at the H. C. Long home. They are soon to leave for Coleridge. Neb., where they will make their future home. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Fritzpatrick in vited a few young people in to spend Tuesday evening with their son, Ar nold, who will leave Fiiday for York to attend college. Those present were Misses Fern Shrader, Georgia Massie; Messrs Lester Shrader, Lovell Massie, Tom and Garland Tilson and G. E. Fitzpatrick and family IS VERY ANNOYING Old Papers For Sale at This Office Some cigars are only cigars, but Pepperburg's "Buds"are a good smokt l "Always reliable. 11 an Che Next Big Huct WiU be held on on Saturday, January 9. '09 This Hardly Expresses What Plattsmouth People Say of It. Any itchiness of the skin is annoying. Little danger in itching skin diseases. But they make you miserable. ' Doan's Ointment is a never-failing cure. For Piles, Eczema.all itching troubles, Plattsmouth citizens endorse it. Mrs. Joseph Warga, of 1400 Main street, Plattsmouth, Nebr., says: "Ex perience has taught our family the value of Doan's Ointment. My mother was troubled for a good many years with a skin irritation on one of her feet. Despite the fact that she tried remedies of various kinds no relief was obtained until she usd Doan's Oint ment which by chance she learned about and procured at Gering & Co.'s drug store. This preparation not only ban ished the trouble at the time but ef fected a permanent and absolute cure. I also used Doan's Ointment for a terrible itching on my right hand and wrist. A few applications reduced the inflammation and stopped the itching. I have had slight touches of the trouble since but an appeal to Doan's Ointment ha3 always given me relief. We are never without this splendid preparation in the house, finding it invaluable." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. From the Ledger- Mrs. Emery Hathaway and little daughter Ethel went to Nehawka Wed nesday forenoon for a visit with Mrs. Myrtle Rutherford. Harry Allen, the genial section f ore-1 man, returned yesterday morning from Arlington, Colo., where he had a fine time visiting relatives during the holi days. Ernest Smith and wife, residing south east of town, are the parents of a fine little daughter, born on Wednesday, Dec. 23rd, a very acceptable Christmas present. Moses Taylor of Geneva has been en joying himself here for the past week, visiting his brother James W. Taylor and other relatives and many old-time friends. The house on Mrs. Clara Davis' farm north-east of here was burned Wednes day night. The house was unoccupied, and the orgin of the fire seems to be a mystery. Liss Austin and wife, who made sev eral days visit among relatives . and friends in and near this village, depart ed Sunday morning for their home at Walthill. Miss Myrtle Swan of Alliance arrived here Tuesday evening for a visit with J her uncle Charles Swan and other rela j tives northeast of town. She goes from j here in a few day? to enter a musical college in Indianapolis, Ind. John Faris' little daughter four years old suffered a fracture of the collar bore by falling at the door Monday evening while they were visiting at E. L. Daniel's. It was a very painful in jury, but the attending physician stated that no serious results will follow. Mrs E M Pollard of Nehawka was a guest at the Barnum home Tuesday. She went to Omaha that evening to vis it a few days, after which she will ac company her husband. Congressman Pollard, to V ashington. They have been enjoying themselves among their Nebraska relatives and friends during the holiday recess of congress. Vim 2 - boo. $35 ' n hit (ft mm ALCOHOL 3 PfcK Cfc.N I'. ANcgelabk Pivpartion utAs ling tin' StoCTfts an-ift vcJs i Promoics D tts tion JCIir rrfuJ ness and IJestXcr.taln$ nnUw Opiuni-Morpliinc ncrliacnL ISOT AnCOTIC. lit LardMlftLJ IUBT. ApenVcl Remedy for Corsica Hon . Sour Stonuch.Dtamjn Worms .Convulsions. FAerish ness and Lo SS 0 F SUX?. FacSin;!c Sinarurf cf NEW YORK. For Infants and ChU&r eft. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of lUZ $5 Guaranteed uiulr lTw i Exact Copy cf Wrapper. 0 c ii r For Over Thirty Years BASHES! WISETALKS BYTHE OFFICE BOY Josh Wiie itayrf. "Soni men -recr t worm-n'i hoppirjf but when women thrp thy don't hT to eat dove to dit?uie what they've been buyir.f. " Spek:r. of clovej I think we curry the smoothest line of ppiccx that ever rame over the ee. You know ome spices are all drawn out of one barrel fo a to ppeak. ar.ij d -tred up with the ener.tml o.l to represent each particular ipue, uch as cinnamon, cloven. al!.pice, pepper and mustard. Tliat ave a lot of trouble for the pue rr.ilU. becau-e they den't have to have a ditTerent hopper forgrinii.rji every hind of epice, but f cour that i all don away with now. When you buy apices at our tore you are not buying grounrt a.mond shells r r some kind of htill t'avnred vuth essences and oils but you are buying th' real thinr. perfectly pure, ar.d not mixed with cracker crumbs or ny other dope to make it go farther. We handle Dwinell-Wright Co's spice and flavor ng extract, cranber ries. Sour Cider, Celery, Lettuce, Bananas. Nuts. Vig4 ar. i lat.-. Kai.sins ana currants, l-anrlutj Litron. Oranges and Lemon. Curti liix-. r i This sale will undoubtedittSebest of the saasunhelcl thus far. as is indicated bv the stuff already listed, which includes several head of unbroken western horses and four cows. You are cordially invited to avail yourselves of the benefits of these free auction sales. AARRKET PbfGE Smith & Smith, Props. attsmauthrebrasKa SixCi tnd Vine Sts. Quillhorst-Rouae. The Elmwood correspondent to the State Journal gives the following inter esting account of the marriage of two popular young people of Western Cass, which occurred at the Methodist church in Alvo, Tuesday evening December 29- th. The Journal says: Orville D. Quillhorst and Miss Flor ence Alfa Rouse were married at 8 o' clock Tuesday evening in the Methodist church at Alvo, in the presence of near ly a hundred relatives and friends. Elder J. Y. Heckler, pastor of the Dun ker church, officiating-aijJIothfamHiis BJtcWlFSnJWn In Cass county. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs J. P. Rouse, of Alvo, is a graduate of the Elmwood high school, attended the Nebraska Wesleyan three years, and has taught three successful terms in this county. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Quillhorst, resid ing near Alvo. Following the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride's parents, a three-course lunch eon being served. Mr. and Mrs.Quill horst will soon be at home to their , friends on a farm near Alvo. We ping Water From the Republican. Miss Mary Fisher went to Dubuque, Iowa, Friday to spend her vacation with uncles, aunts and cousins. Miss Henrietta Butler went to Her man, Saturday to visit her sister Mrs. Marie Johnson during the holidays. Mrs. J. R. Shannon went to Lincoln Tuesday, to see her sister Mabel. The latter was not improving very rapidly. Since the reorganization of the pen sion board and Dr. Rickard appointed in the place of Dr. Neely, Dr. M. M. Butler is acting as secretary. Elizabeth and Helen Day went over to Plattsmouth Monday afternoon to spend a few days of their vacation vis- lung ii. j. ocnneiuer s iamuy. s j oijves Peter Bates of Plattsmouth was a visitor with his sister?, the Misses Bates, Monday and Tuesday morning, going to Elmwood from here to look after some carpenter work. Bennett Chriswisscr and wife, and son Richard and wife, of Plattsmouth spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Z. Schrader. Mrs. Richard Chriswisser is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Shrader, and she visited several days. Miss Mary Hungate went to Falls City Tuesday evening to attend a house j party at tho home of Mra. T. J. Gist. She remains about three days, and there is every prospect that Mis Mary will keep things humming all the time. 1 W. W. Coglizer i3 over in Cedar j Rapids, Iowa. He ill be absent about one month. We have our suspicions j Due are not saying ne is marriea nor that he isn't. Not long ago he told us that when he got married he would let us know, and no message has come. r0an rr,o, in t,,, io Thnrartov I to California, Old Mexico. Southern ar.d Cuban Kesorts H. SUi. SOENNICHSEN The Home Paper ZJ:t::t:ZZZ Z terrw ti-r hnire r-rv I mvtt y i"uo will prove a welcome visitor us everr tnrtnhti of the fajau: it should head your list of ns-!.paper aril perio-iical kutcripiati. WINTER EXCUE3S3GNS LOW RATES WINTER TOURIST RATES: - Daily reduced rate rxcur.s;on. visiting his parents. Mr. Timblin joys renewing old acquaintances, his parents of course like to Thave come as often as possible. F. M. is quite feeble. I en- and J him I His father Lose Valuable Mare. A. Kaufenterger, residing west of this city was in town Thursday and HOMESEFKERS EXCUR3lONS:-Firstand third Tuesdays of each month to many points v. cst. south ::nJ southwest. PERSONLY CONDUCTED EXCURSION to Florida by Superintendent Public Instruction f Nebraska. Mr. J. I. McBrien. leavinpr Lincoln and Omaha Dwmber l'Jth. Write G. W.'Bonr.ell. C. P. A. Lincoln, for itinerary. GOVERNMENT IRRIGATED HOMESTEADS in tho lilz made the News-Hkrald office a pleas- i Horn Has in and x ellowstono alley: - Oopiu-th' y 3t chances to ant call. Mr. Kaufenberger had the j secure good fzrmQJXLXh Oftrrfnment at low pes. Go with misfortune to lose a valuable .ariTJvor on tl:c nGxt personly conduil-d excursion He will help you secure one of these farms. No chirgn for hi. Excursion.- first and third the 2Cth of DecejnbeFTfce animal was fliFlho pasture and either received a kick or blow on the right hind leg which broke it. A veterinary was called but advised Mr. Kaufenberger to kill the animal. This he hated to do as the animal was his favorite driving nag, and one he would not have taken $150 in gold for. Aa nothing could be done to relieve the mare, Mr. Kaufenberger j had it shot. I iiliilinyiiiii iiliiiil: lanaaaa services. Excursions hrst and thi:a Tuesdays. W. L. PICKETT, Ticket Affcnt.Fatt3mouth L. W. WAKELY. G. P. A.. Orniha. 3ISS State Agricultural Associations. Seventeen different Societies to hold annual meetings at the University farm and Agricultural School, J'.ruary 18-23 1909. With the new Stock and Groin Judg ing Pavilion, the Woman's Building and the new Veterinary Building, the State Farm is better ablo to accommodate the people who attend these meetings than ever before. Twenty-five hundred farmers and stock growers are expected to attend. Prominent men from other states will take part on the programs, The pwn inosoBinn,S, -- flCfSnall v . 1 Aim can not attord to miss these meetings. Something new in post cards every week. Nemetz & Co. next to P.O. Mother Cray's Sweet Powders. For children successfully used by Mother Gray, nurse in the Children's home in New York, cure feverishness, bad stomach, teething disorders, moves and regulate the bowels and destroy ; worms, uver iu,uuu testimonials, iney never fail. At all duggista, 25c Sam ple free. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, Lo Roy, N. Y. Your Printing Advertisements Attend Institute. J. G. Spangler and John Group, of Louisville came in Friday and were in attendance on the Fanner's institute. These gentlemen are alive to the in terests of the farmers, and to see the It should be a fit representative cf yoor business, which means the high grade, ar tistic kind. That.s the kind we do. Alt EXCELLENT ASSO&TXXT OF TYPE, GOOD TRESSES ALT) TYPOGRAPHICAL ARTISTS These represent our facilities for doing the kind of printing that will please vox Tb prices are right, and prompt deJivery the invariable rule at this office. r HAIR f3t.&AM H .r Is Its T 1-.1 C--mr7 Mir -- ni . f! mt would liLa Ask for Allen's Foot Ease. A powder for swollen, tired. hot. Also smarting feet. Sample sent free. Free Sample of the Foot-Ease Sanitary Corn-Pad, a new invention. Addres?, Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. C. A. IURSKaLL, D. D. S. ..Graduate Dentist.. 3AILEY a OGl THE DENTIST:! UtMl M'cr BrafMrv tut. S't r,'Kt. IniniM Hut ' fit. la tk e j ot t . ,tui 1 1 wi an. Prices Reasonable All Work Guaranteed Twenty-six Years' Experience urace in riugeraia niocx. piles Gunn? -MOKNtPZt ; -l Til PERMANENTLY All Rectal DUeaaee Trvetorf t ' uuraau. mim Matfc4 1 thvtlca; fwo MOMtY IN AOV AMINATION r- Wrtt . Rectal 0ae n4 T D.t.T.Y.724F. r m