Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, January 04, 1909, Image 3

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bottom of the Baking
Powder Question.
Buy a can of Calumet today. Put it through
the mou rigid baking test that you know. If
it ilat not fully come up to your standard; if
the baking is not just as pood or better lighter,
more evenly!, more delicious and whole
some, take it back to the grocer and get your
money. C. Calumet is the only strictly high
grade baking powder selling at a moderate cost.
Don'i accept a substitute. Insist upon Caluriet
and get it.
tfAfi n n Da fc1
irMLaVUVULi U Powder
Received Highest Award
Food Exposition, Chicago, 1907.
When You Bay Oysters
Don't Pay For Water
Why should you get a pint of water
wiii every quart of Oysters? Water i
heap bloat and bleaches the oyster
spoils its natural flavor.
You have never known how good
oysters tj'i be unless von liavr bad
They are shucked into air-tight s'eel
cans and shipped d.recl from the Ixrtls
puked with ice around the container, not
iti contact with the oysters,
til solid meats. And how
VoU eel
" Sealshipi"
fresh, wholesome,
t:t;ererit they are:
hr "Jsealshipt Sense," a 1ookht
lT"T i r i : I n o ster.
1 1 ..i:r l ir doesn't sell "Scaishivl. "
The genuine "Sca'.shipt" Oy!prj ere always sold from a
White 1 ti-iu 1 'i:plfiy O.i -e Lvariug the "beiilshipt" trade
r;urk i:i Hue. u fur your piouction look fiT u.
The "Seali'iipl" C rrier System is p.t'-nicd Infringe
Cie-Kts w.H be pr.:.cCUtel to 1 ho full eMcnt of tl.o law.
Ask Your Dealer fat PlansiftSf Flour !
Manufactured by Plattsmnatb Roller QCill
r. neiSF.L. proprietor PUttsmouth. Nebrttk
Want Column
KOI; RKNT Four-room cottage on
Vine, between lJth and K'.th streets.
For further particulars inquire at
News otlire. tf
FOR RENT - Five-room cottage, be
tween 7th and Sth streets on Marble.
Crdl up Platts Phone No. VJ.
FOR SALE -A number
in cottages, easy term.
of Pargains
Cottages for
Windman Investment Company.
FOR SALE -A nicely located five
acre?, for $10o. Improvement
worth more than half this.
Windham Investment Company.
FOR SALE-My H".0 acre farm. 2 ;
miles southwest of Oreapolis and
miles northwest of Plattsmouth. For
terms call Plattsmouth 'phone No. S
line II. dcorge Halmas. "K-8t
FOR EXCHANGE U.0 aero farm in
Steele county. Minn.. (' miles south
of St Paul. Wan't Plattsmouth1
property or u small farm near Platts
mouth. Address J. I'.. Tuey, Platts
mouth. Neb. -l-2
Fre if packages Borax-E Washing
Pow'ar three to each home. $4.00
ltKVp'aid. Experience unnecessary.
New Method Borax Co., Burling
tov Iowa. o-2-2t.
Lvojir localitv to . represent us. Ex-1
pe-ience unnecessary;$110 per month.
anil icxpenses. Write for particulars
Monarch Cigar Co. St. Iouis. Mo,
AN'TED Girl at Riley Hotel. tf
L0T0R STRAYED Red calf with
vr iu face, about 6 months old and
' w-ighing about 175 pounds, Finder
w.ll be paid for his trouble by return-
r same to Kunsman and Ramcre or !
hn tifying them of the animal's where-
. 4 . .
rtttfs, high and sightly, first-class six
tSam cottage, furnace heat, neces-
I ry outbuildings, in city limits, in
irJkimj distance of postoffice, $1,000
j m- -. - . . 9
Get at the
World's Pure
ppctizim and deliciously
i outlining jk-w ar.d a':actiw ways of
h-re .:;e Minu who :
cash, balance on easy terms. No
trade. J. llochstrasser, Chicago ave.
first house south of Patterson avo. on
east side of road, Plattsmouth. i'2-2
PLK OFFER, (15 days only,) bright,
sparkling, famous, $" P.arnatto Sim
ulation Diamond Ring; brilliancy
t equal genuine detection baffles ex
1 perta tills every requirement of the
most exacting pleases the most
fastidious at only one-thirtieth the
, cost of the real diamond. As a ;
means of introducing this marvelous
and wonderful scintillating gem,
and securing as many new friends as j
quickly as possible, we are making j
a special inducement for the new i
year. We want you to wear this;
beautiful ring, this masterpiece of:
man's handicraft, this simulation i
that sparkles with all the beauty, and
flashes with all the fire of the gen
uine diamond. We want you to show
it to your friends and take orders for
us, as it sells itself-sells at sight
and makes 100 per cent profit for
you, absolutely without effort on
your part. We want good, honest
representatives everywhere, in every i
locality, city or country, in fact, in J
every country throughout the world. ;
both men and women, young and '
1 1 ...'II it .1. i
oiu, f wjii iiui jeu or pawn me
Harnatto Simulation Diamonds under
the pretense they are genuine gems,
as such action sometimes leads to
trouble or embarrassment. If you
want a simulation diamond, a sub
stitute for the genuine don't wait -act
today, as this advertisement may
not appear again first come, first
served. For free sample offer,
beautiful ring, earrings, stud or scarf
(stick) pin. address
Thk Parnatto Diamond Co.
C.irard Building. ."9-f. Chicago.
WANTED-Representative for sole
management Premium Cash Register,
introducing a new brand chewing gum
with merchants. Large monthly in
come. Address National Gum &Mfg.
Co.. 414 Lankershim Bldg., Los
, WANTED To trade, a fine piano for
a good single driving horse Platts
mouth Music Company. 6C-tf
Married ai AiiDurn.
Last Monday at the residence of the1;
bride's parents at Auburn occurred the j
marriage of Maxwell Long of Tarkio, j
Mo., to Miss Mary Jane Haus, Rev. i
D. W. Wilt of the Methodist church!
j "atinS;
The young couple departed on thejeat distressed me terriblv. Burdock
evening iram xor a inp mrougn tne
soum ior a montn, alter wnicn. they
will be at home to their friends at
Tarkio, where the groom is engaged in
the general mercantile business. Mr.
Long is a nephew of Mr. and Mrs.
A. W. At wood of this city,
, Ellis Daniel's Neighbors Tender
Himself and Family Part
j ' ing Reception.
Ellis Daniel and family, who are soon
I to remove to Oklahoma, were the vic
tim- of a pleasant' surprise Monday
evening, a number of the neighbors
calling without giving previous notice
of their intention to "storm the castle."
However, they were given a cordial
welcome and spent several hours in
having a general good time. Mr. Daniel
declaring that he enjoyed it more than
the Oklahoma badger fight. Nice re
freshments added much to the enjoy
ment of the evening.
The visitors were Winfield Swan and
family. Blair Porter and wife, Dean
Austin and wife. Creed Harris and
wife, John Faris and wife, John Chal
fant and wife, Wm. McCarroll and
wife, John Hostetter and wife, Elmer
Chapman and wife, Mrs. James Dar
rough and children, Miss Lottie Wun
derlich, Charles Swan, Vance Harris,
Jack Chalfant, Hi Gruber and Sam
Redmnn. Union Ledger.
Army of Workers Depending On
Transportation Industry
Railway statistics for 1908 show :
Gross earnings (estimat
ed) $2,342,499,753
Decrease over 1907 10 per cent
Miles laid during 1908 ... 3,214
Decrease over 1907 2,409
Card built during 1908 73,271
Decrease over 1907 109,917
Locomotives built during
1908 2,124
Decrease over 1907 5,238
Total spent for rolling
stock and power during
Decrease over 1907. . .
. 127,000,000
. 73 per cent
Not for fifteen years have the rail- j
roads experienced such n disastrous j
twelve months' period as the one clos-1
ing Dec. .".I. The
down in railway history
year will go
as the worst
since the panic of lSttl'. and almost as
bad as the year 1S70.
i The railroads of the United States
j were compelled to see their gross rev
j enues decrease by at least $2l0.(HK.(ti'
I ami their net earnings lowered 'by at
j least $180. 000, (MX). Such a sudden drop
in the revenues of the railroads mces
j aarily crippled many industries besides
! that of manufacturing anil selling
j transportation. II is estimated that
j an army of at lease o.OoO.OOO people de
pends uimii the railroads directly for
its living and that a greater army of
fully 17,HH),000 is dependent directly
or indirectly upon railway activities for
daily bread. That this army was
j severely put to it to maintain itself
j during the year just closed, goes with-
ui ujwiK. i no economies wnicn me
railroads were compelled to effect sud
denly and without sentiment threw
fully 400,000 employes out of work.
This in turn necessitated reductions; in
the forces of factories and shops which
look to the railroads for the principal
portion of their business. Record-IIer-
X . A ft
C. A. Marshall, dentist
Webster Joslyn left last evening for
r-,.... i...
V1111.UUV in vviiii'tui v I'uoi I iur.
i Ed Mason and wife of Omaha spent
i Sunday with relatives in this city.
Judge J. J. Sullivan, of Omaha, was
in the city on legal business Saturday
George P. Meisinger of Eight Mile
attended to business matters at the
county seat Saturday.
Rev. Father Bradley of Lincoln ar-
rjVcd Sunday evening to visit his Platts-
mouth friends for a short time.
Mrs. Mort Coleman of Minco, Okla
homa, arrived a few days ago to make
a visit with J. C. Coleman and wife.
Judge Estelle and little son of Omaha
wore overnight visitors in the city, de
parting for their home this morning.
Photo post cards of Taft at Platts
mouth. Now on sale Ten different
views at Tc each. Nemetz & Co. next
to P. O.
The Plattsmouth Music Company has
on display a handsome line of sheet
1 musicAoixl clectioULUuI. popular
When buying candies, why not buy
the best? We always have a fine line
of the superior grades on hand. Ne
metz & Co. next to P. O.
Miss Emma Woodford of New York,
who has been visiting her parents at
Weeping Water during the holidays, is
the guest of Judge and Mrs. Travis.
' W M- Stewart and family who.visdt
ed in the city a few days at the homes
: of W. H. Newell and J. M. Robertson,
returned to their home at Wymore last
i Friday.
i Mia Filler. winrlh fn r-v,;
Friday evening, where she goes to
study art for a time. Miss Ellen real-
izes that those who specialize win the"
successes of life. .,
.Hn, HvaTwna:a ' ,. i,;trOBt;nn fnJ
years. No appetite, and what I did
-j-r-r .fc-
, Blood Bitters cured me."- J. H. Walk-
ie- Sunburv. Ohio.
The Kind Von Ham AiHtcts rapt
Bttrsthft j
1 flinaM JJL
Addresses the Presbyterian j
Brotherhood on Boy and
Girl Delinquents. '
Judge Lee Estelle, of Omaha adress- i
i ed the Presbyterian Brotherhood at the
! church Sunday evening, on the .subject
.children- delinquents. His. lecture was
.very entertaining, and instructive. Be
fore proceeding with hi lecture Judge
Estelle paid a fine tribute, to Judge !
Samuel Chapman, deceased, Judge ;
Chapman being one of the first! men in '.
Plattsmouth with, whom the speaker'
got acquainted,' and he referred to the
Judge Chapman's courage and fidelity .
with much feeling. The lecture deliver-;
ed by Judge Estelle was far out of the j
ordinary, his subject being in his daily j
work.. Many times during the discourse
so vivid were the Judge's portrayals, and
sq pathetic the objects of his decisions,
many eyes in his audience were moist.
The speaker wa3 of the opinion that
two of the most wholesome laws on our
statute books were the Childs labor law
and the law establishing the juvenile
court. The Judge says that society will
have to answer to the child that is
deprived of the chance of going to
school, and that society should support
the invalid mothers and helpless broth
ers and sisters, and allow the. boy and
girl a chance to go to school. That
many children needed less mathematics
and more love of the beautiful instilled
into their natures.
The sneaker said that the system was ,
wrong that did not build character, and
that an education that did not make
character is a menace. The lecture was
full of pathos and touching incidents of
human frailties which had come under
the Judge's observation, and was one
to the hearts of his listeners, more
than any the writer has heard for a
number of years.
Vprrliet of Turv For S12 5(H) Set
Aside by Judjre Travis
For Errors.
Thursday afternoon the motion for a
j m.w tHa, in the case of nerou against
,,.... i,n..-,i lr.,,-,. .Imlir.. Travis.
V'IMli n 1 X 111 m .... -r - - "
and the motion sustained as to the s c
ond cause of action, on which the ver
dict was for $7.rtH) and the verdict si t
aside. Further time was given the par
ties until Saturday evening at 7 o'clock
to present authorities on the- motion
touching the first cause of action. The
verdict on the first cause of action was
. , , . , . . r. ,
$r,000 based on slander while the .,. 0
' ,
based on malicious arrest. Saturday j
evening Judge Sullivan, A. L. Tidd ,
and Matthew Gcring-appeared for the;
plaintiir and Byron Clark for tho de
fendant and submitted arguments to
Judge Travis on the instruction in
which defendant claimed there was an '
error, while the plaintiffs counsel as j
stoutly maintained that there was no j
error, and the verdict should stand.
Judge Travis took the matter under I
advisement until this morning when he !
handed down his decision sustaining the
motion for a new trial on the second
cause of action, setting aside the ver-1
diet for $7,.r00 and granting a new
trial. On the first cause of action the j
court found there was evidence suffi
cient to sustain the verdict and ordered
a judgment entered for the sum of
Farmer's Institute.
On the first of January the Cass
county Farmer's Institute closed a two
days session in this city. The meetings
were fairlv attended considering the
season and the many attractions in t he j
city to draw the farmers away from
the meetings. The speakers were of
more than ordinary ability this session
and with the exception of the night
session on the first day, they were all
present to fill their dates. The talk of
Mr. Eldridge the road expert was
practical and gave the farmers new
ideas relative to securing the best of
attention to the roads. In about
twenty states Road Commissions are
formed in the state, which looks after
the roads question. The commission is
represented by local superintendents in
the counties, who report to the county
commissioners and thus an organized
body of men are entrusted with the
work, and good results always follow.
The Farmers institute promises to do
many good things for the farmers and '
a better meeting is being planned for
next year. i
Buys Fine Piano.
IeS?ln?h?f tlnr pr6JTUi.ei.-t
farmers of Plattsmouth precinct was in
the city last week and made a purchase
of a fine piano, buying from J. A.
Becker, the piano man. Mr. Becker
has the finest line of pianos in the
eastern part of the state, and can save
money to anyone wishing to buy.
The instrument was a Christmas pre
sent for his daughters, whom Mr. Hirz
told could have their choice, between
the piano aud a gold watch each. The
young ladies displayed the same busi
ness judgement of their parent, and
decided at once that the piano . would
afford them more pleasure than the
watches, and accordingly made that
an Ea,y Test'
bpnnkle Aliens root-tase in one
shoe and not in the other, and notice
, .i t.. v ,
i the difference. Just the thing to
; when rubbers or overshoes become ne-
cessary, and your shoes seem to pinch
Sold everywhere, 25c. -Don't accept
any substitute.
,lh8 K'nd You Have Always Bought
Copyright lytS. Diitihcss Mf;;. Co.
At Smith and Smith's Barn Best
Attended and Better Patron-
ized Than Any.
The public auction of live stocK which
occurred at Smith and Smith's barn
Saturday of farmer's horses and cattle
was the most successful of any yet held
in the city since the new movement
was organized.
Severalgood horses were sold at a
price fair to both purchaser and seller,
Cattle also were cusposea 01 at miny ;
I good prices. Mr. Smith who is expend-
ing much energy and time to msfke the
sales a success, has at last been reward
ed by a representative crowd in town
i and a host of appreciative bidders.
i There were more people on the streets
and in the stores last Saturday than
j nas neen seen on one uay i-mvc
; celebartion last Fourth of July.
j The merchants who have in any way
j assisted in promoting the sales have
j been gratified to observe the ihterest
growing in the sales, as evidenced ly
the increased numbers on the streets.
! The farmers like it better too. when
! they come to the city, they like to
! greet their friends from the different
; pieiii cU ai:d the bigger crowd in town
the more life and sociability prevails.
! Fanners are urged to bring in tluir
i live stock f what ever kind which yon
.1 t- .......I .....I i ftii.i lull it
nil Mill Ill-Ill, .mil iv V .-..v --...j .v
who does need it.
Judge Thomas Jefferson O'Day, who with their grandparents in this city,
presides with dignity over the supremo : Mr. and Mrs. William McCauley, do
judicial court of Nehawka, was brush- ! parted yesterday morning for school,
ir.g up against the Plattsmouth judges the boys to Council Bluffs and Miss
Wednesday evening. He made a pleas- Doris to Concordia Kansas. Mrs. M-
Hiit call at the olliee. 1 Cauley accompanied them.
Don't be satisfied with read
in a about Dutchess Trousers.
Call and see them. We will
not have to argue you into buy
ing. The argument.-is ex
pressed in the finished gar
ment. They look good and
they wear as good as they look.
We have sold them in 'Platts
mouth for over 20 years. $1.50
to $5.
C. E. Wescott's Sons
"Where Quality Counts."
The Majestic, 5 and 10 cents.
Send her a post card of your favorite
float. At Nemetz & Co.s
. 1Ie" , Bestor has been enjoying a
visit from his son Henry, of Illinois.
i you KCt one Gf tne SOUVcnirs be-
I ing given by the Plattsmouth Music
j Company?
j prof. e. L. Rouse and son Phil of
j peru were plattsmouth visitors over
j;ew Year's.
j A pet.ker of the Plattsmouth Mu-
sic Company ppent Sunday in Omaha
j wRh his f amUy
Henry Lippert who was severely in
jured at the shops last Tuesday, is
recovering as rapidly ns could be ex
pected. The' Plattsmouth Made Company an
nounces that it will present to every
! lady calling at the store a nannsome
j Miss Ethel Rallance left yesterday
morning to resume her studies at Peru
after spending the holidays in this city
with her parents.
F. S. Wills arrived Friday
from Nuchols county where
been ilointr some 1'armiiiLr. lie
he has
will vis-
it his parents for a time.
County Attorney Kawls has moved
his olliee into the tine suite of rows
over the Fiit National Itank. where
he cm be found and consulted on any
legal proposition.
Miss Doris Patterson an brothers
wno nave neon spending ine noiuniys
We wish you all
New Year
May the coming year
be the most pros
perous is the wish of
E. G. Dovey & Son
TI3U ....
S, Duttlicss MfR. CO
Indigestion Vanishes
T:nros and You
in Five
i Feel Fine.
Why rot start now - today, and for
ever i id vourself of stomach trouble
and indigestion? A dieted stomach
gets the blues and grumbles. Give it
a good eat. then take Rape's Diapepsin
to start the digestive juices working.
There will be no dyspepsia or belching
of gaa or eructations of undigested
food; no feeling tike a lump of lead in
the stomach or heartburn, sick headache
and dizziness, and your food will not
ferment and poison your breath with
nauseous odors.
Rape's Diapepsin costs only 50 cents
for a large case at any drug store here,
and will relieve the most obstinate case
of indigestion ami upset stomach in five
There nothing else better to take
gas from the stomach and cleanse the
stomach and intestines, and besides,
one triangule will digest and prepare
for assimilation into the blood all your
food tho same as a sound, healthy stom
ach would do.
Whin Diapepsin works your stomach
rests gets itself in order, cleans
up a id then you feel like eating when
you come to the table, and what you
eat Will do you good.
Absolute relief from all stomach mis
ery is waiting for you as soon as you
decide to begin taking Diapepsin. Tell
your druggist that you want Pape'a
biapi'psin, because you want to be
thoroughly cured of indigestion.
Wcscll the Monarch Malleable Range.
Kriuldcr Brothers, Coatos Block,
V -V
'J f