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About Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 4, 1909)
Semi-Weekly News- Herald PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. Entered at tha postoffice at Plattamoutb, Caaa entity. Nebraska, as second-class mail matter. ' - J. E. Douglas, Trustcv. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION One Year in Advance $150 Ix Months ?S TELEPHONES Plattsmouth No. 85 Nebraska No. 85 IP you made any New Year's resolu tions, for heaven's sake stick to them. As a preliminary step to the race of 1912, W. J. Bryan has recently joined the Eagles. "The people must rule." The year of 1908 has been one of the hardest on fire insurance companies, and some of the strong one's have rein sured their risks and quit the field. The disastrous forest fires in the north have been a heavy drain on the accu-" mulated surpluses of the companies, j Yet there are those who claim that in surance rates are too high. The Beatrice Express changed hands : the first of the year, the new owners' being Henry W. Munson of Lincoln and Frank O. Edgecombe of Geneva, re-! cently associated together in the publi- j cation of the Nebraska Farmer. The j Express has been one of our most val- j ued exchanges and we note with pleas- j ure that the new management will rc- j tnin E. W. Huse as editor. Leading democrats of Topeka have j organized forhe purpose of starting a ! daily paper in the interests of Mr. j Bryan's campaign for the presidency ; at the end of Mr. Taft's term. And it is said that similar organizations are to be effected in every county in every i state in the union. Business men who i had hoped that the election would set-1 i tie matters, it seems, are not to have j their hopes realized. Last Friday, New Year's Day, Pres ident Roosevelt kept open house fcr the last time during his admfhistration. He stood in lino for three hour.-? while the Washingtonians of every color and condition filed past and grasped his out stretched hand. Seldom has a presi dent filled the chair who has been ns strong a champion of the rights of the whole people. The meanest citizen of the United States has only the highest respect and love for the president, and when he steps down and out on March 4 next, he will have completed an ad- ministration which will go down in his- J& 1 9 0 9 pL JOB PRINTING! ii1 - in IS that the kind of print ing you want? Bight TJp-to-Date in the mat ter of Stock, Type and of Composition? Do you like neat, tasty and stylish sta tionery or other printing at reasonable prices? And do you sometimes need a job done in a "rush"? Then COME 4 - m---TmJmf" "" OTTRj Job Printing De f partment is riht utj to 1909 in every resrject. We have a reputation for Goocl Work and prompt Delivery. We have expert Letterpress artists whose tasteiad knowledge of the craft a5e well known. Our urices are consistently low. i PRINTERS tory as one of the greatest since the organization of the government. In discussing the municipal owner nership idca a prominent business man recently he expressed the fear that under that system inefficiency and gross mfeifianajffmer.t would be the rule. The News-Herald assures him that his fe3rs are groundlesss. Statis tics prove the contrary, and the infor mation rosy be obtained in our own state that municipal ownership is proving n ideal solution to several vexing problems. Charles P. Taft's withdrawal from the senatorial race in Ohio will redound to his credit all over the nation. The fact that he was a brother of the president-elect would not require the renun ciation of any of his personal ambitions, and the fact that he was big enough and broad enough to sacrifice his own aspirations on the altar of his country's good, when that opinion was anything but unanimous, stamps him as a man of the first magninude. Ohio has fur nished the nation with many illustrious men, and cf these Charles P. Taf t 13 nf)t e least Plattsmouth the old town on the Muddy just below where the Platte empties itsjsand-laden waters into the larger river, and makes a pale streak down the west side of the murky stream Plattsmouth, which in the early days had every prospect of becoming the metropo lis of Nebraska, but failed owing, not to locality or topographical condition, but by reason of internal indifference and short sightedness Plattsmouth, the town which has had its ups and downs, which has flourished, boomed, faded and retro graded, and suffered from various vicissitudes, from floods, fires and fickle fortune is, apparently, com ing ouLof its shell of desuetude and getting busy. The younger geneta tion is taking hold of the reins of public affairs, and a dawn of a new era is breaking. They have orgar -ized a commercial club. There is no town, large or small, which can keep abreast of her neighbors and up to the times withcut the active and constant operation of a live and agressive commercial club. When is Red Oak going to get busy along this line. Red Oak (la.) Ex press. Thank you, brother. And we believe that our younger generation is cim poscd of just enough vim," vign- ?.m virility to) accomplish that which it wills. Our commercial club starts out most auspiciously and the "dawn of a new era" is rosy with promise. Teachers Take to Matrimony. Contrary to the general belief, mat- j rimony plays havoc with the teaching j force in the state of Nebraska. Most , of the teachers are women. Not long TO US i HERALD VL I J !7 ago a woman teacher who had taught ; e ' for twenty-five years was given a pub- t . . , ... i for her services. A prominent business man living in the same town got to thinking over the esteem in which she was held and decided that he thought a great deal of the lady himself so he proposed marriage ane was accepted and there will be no more public recep tions to teachers in that town. County Superintendent S. A. Reason er of Buffalo county, with headquarters at Kearney, sends a tale of woe to State Superintendent McBrien. He re grets to report that there are twelve vacancies in the teaching force of his county, and sad to relate, most of the vacancies are due to matrimony. He does not blame the women teachers entirely, because in each instance there wa3 a man in the case. William Haw ley Smith often advised teachers not to leave a $50 job for a $23 man and the women teachers of Nebraska have gen erally livad up to this." However, some of them have taken the $50 man. Lin coln Journal. Our city council is certainly afraid of the light proposition. Habit has a strangle hold on most of i us. Do you invariably write it iwj.' First thing the weather man knows some fool body will be worrying about a shortage in the ice crop. j a golf enthusiast of j While Taft is the first water, Sherman is a baseball fan among fans. Their office boys will doubtless preserve these facts for fu ture reference. While we are having our municipal trials in securing an adequate light and power service, our sister city of 15ea trice is wrestling with the question of n better water supply. F.USINESS men of Plattsmouth should lend their best endeavors to the work of the commercial club. This organiza tion can be of almost infinite benefit to our municipality if we will but take hold and boost. At least one guaranty bank law bill has already been framed and will be introduced in the senate as sooVi as that body convenes. Senator Volpp, representing Washington and Dodge I counties, is the father of the measure, and the Scribner News says it is a "com pliment to its author." Henry C. Richmond seems to be in the fight to the finish for chief clerk of the house. He should have it if he wants it, handed to him on silver plat ter, but the state will be infinitely the winner if the other man pulls down the persimmon. It isn't much of a trick to make a chief clerk, but good newspaper men are scarce. A reader inquires what effect Mr. Roosevelt's retirement will have on the business of the stork. We frankly ad mit that we don't know much about it, but it is our opinion that the pres ident's influence in this particular has been popularly overestimated. And late advice3 from Cincinnati seem to confirm this view. The juvenile court as conducted in some of the large cities of the country is proving a potent factor in dealing with the criminal tendencies of the young. They are of incalculable good to a community when presided over by men so eminently fitted for the work as Judge Lee Estelle of Omaha, and j Judge Ben Lindsey of Denver. Keepinc everlastingly at it is what counts. Have you a cherished ambi tion? Would you better your condition in life? Are you dissatisfied with what you are accomplishing? Are you satis fied with your caliber? Then resolve that what you want is yours, give your best endeavors to its accomplishment cess will surely follow. IN THE HANDS OF FRIENDS. Most of those who are reported as "being seriously considered for a place in the cabinet" are apparently doing the considering themselves. Philadel phia Press. m HISTORY REPEATS. Someone once publicly pulled Presi dent Andrew Jackson's nose, and now another someone has" pulled President Fallieres' whiskers. All of which shows that mankind is essentially scrappy and that history is prone, to repeat itself. Philadelphia Record. 1 ?:' " ! POSSESSES EGO. j 7 . U 1 A 1 , i not ready for postal saving banks, and j when Aldnch says the country isn t ; - --- It What Others Say j rally be expected to decide that thejTQ V17PV ANNflYINP country isn i no maner wnai 'uu IUIA1 fill 11 V 1111 U country uav-'ii may imiitv. in-iuiu-1 Herald. 7WZ ALWAYS TWO KINDS. By a small majority the democrats carried Nebraska at the recent election and now itseem9 that there are two kind. of democrats in the new legisla ture, one 'kind considering the party platform too radical on the state guar antee of bank deposits. Nebraska would be better off if it had not turned its election into a personal compliment. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. rr; RFPUBLICANS ARE THAT WAY. Despite the exaggerated professions of scepticism on the part of some very superior critics of all things that are, it looks more and more as if the repub lican majority at Washington would loyally fulfill its promise of tariff re vision, and that according to the reason able rule that the way to revise is to revise. New York Tribune. HIS MONEY WELL EMPLOYED. If thes report were true that Andrew Carnegie had provided $150,000 to carry on the Pittsburg inquiry into municipal corruption he would have initiated a de sirable form of moral philanthropy. Endowment funds for the exposure and prosecution of boodling are a novelty which may ultimately appeal to million aire bounty am1 in which there are abund ant opportunities for possessors of swollen fortunes to avert the disgrace of dying rich. New York World, rr: IS JOHN A DEMOCRAT? At a recent Fontanelle club dinner, j0hn L. Webster attacked the Drimarv system, which he said had not brought the results anticipated, and urged that we should do well to revert to the old system of county and Trtate conven tions, where men got together for ex change of ideas and to receive the en thusiasm which only personal contact affords, afterward returning to their constituents not only to communicate to them this enthusiasm but a clearer understanding of the party platforms. ; State Journal. A HARMLESS OCCUPATION. Almost anybody who reads the news papers can sit down with a paper and pencil and build a cabinet for the nex president of the United States. All that is required is a knowledge of people who bulk large in their various profes sions and consideration of those who lUe F. H. Hitchcock, have performed notable services for the party, Buch as running a steam roller. Cabinet-making for persons who have nothing else to do do is almost as interesting as fit ting together one of those cardloard puzzles. Among the nine cabinet of fices it is almost impossible not to guess at least one, and so every person who has nothing else to do is making his little guess. Quite a harmless oc cupation, assuredly. Pittsburg Post. Stand up for your own rights if you would command the respect of your fellows. This applies to communities as well as individuals. Hence the need for a strong, active commercial club. Now is the time to commence your advertising campaign for 1909. Strong well-directed publicity is a bigger factor today in the business world than ever before. Are you getting your share of the business of the community? Forty-four Years. L. B. Brown who has been a resident ofiCass county since 1S65, was in the News-Herald office Monday and re newed his subscription to this house hold necessity. Mr. Brown got the first issue of the Plattsmouth Herald forty-four years ago coming February and has been a constant reader of the paper since that time. The Herald was started February 1865 by H. D. Hathaway who published it until 1872. Mr. Brown has been a faithful friend and has stood by us in all the vicissitudes of forty- four years, and he expects to read the Herald whether by that name or some other a3 long as he lives. Mother Cray's Sweet Powders. For children successfully used by Mother Gray, nurse in the Children's home in New York, cure feverishness, bad stomach, teething disorders, moves and regulate the bowels and destroy worms. Over 10,000 testimonials. They never fail. At all dugprists. 25c. Sam- Olmsted, When Rubbers Become Necessary And your shoes pinch. Allen's Foot Ease, a powder to be shaken into the shoes, is just the thing to use. Try it for Breaking in New Shoes. Sold everywhere, 25c. Sample Free. Ad dress, Allen S. Olmstead, Le Roy, N. Y. Don't accept any substitute. Ask for Allen' Foot-Ease. A powder for swollen, tired, hot, smarting feet. Sample sent free. Also Free Sample of the Foot-Ease Sanitary Corn-Pad, a new invention. Addresr, Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. F. L. Curtis of Fairbury, foreman of the Fairbury Journal of that city was a Plattsmouth visitor Monday. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. C3 Kind TC3 It 273 AWi 2JS LCXCl . -x Barg tfla Vyiii-V .rkuuress, Alien S. Le Roy, N, Y. Hardly Expresses What Plattsmouth People Say of It. Any itchiness of the skin is annoying. Little danger in itching skin diseases. But they make you miserable. Doan's Ointment is a never-failing cure. For Piles, Eczema, all itching troubles, Plattsmouth citizens endorse it. Mrs. Joseph Warga, of 1400 Main street, Plattsmouth, Nebr., says: "Ex- perience has taught our family the value of Doan's Ointment. My mother was troubled for a rrood manv vears with a skin irritation on one of heri feet. Despite the fact that she tried ; remedies of various kinds no relief was ; obtained until she used Doan's Oint- ' ment which by chance she learned about : and procured at Gering & Co. 's drug ; store. This preparation not only ban-1 ished the trouble at the time but ef fected a permanent and absolute cure. I also used Doan's Ointment for a terrible itching on my right hand and wrist. A few applications reduced the inflammation and stopped the itching. I have had slight touches of the trouble since but an appeal to Doan's Ointment has always given me relief. We are never without this splendid preparation in the house, finding it invaluable." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Plattsmouth Again Winner W. C. Hamilton who has been a poul try fancier for several years and most successful breeder of sinele comb Buff Orpington fowls, made a splendid show- incr at the Trans-Mississippi pet stock show just held. Mr. Hamilton captur ed many valuable prizes, his winnings being as follows: First and second on hen; third and fifth cocks; second, fourth and fifth cockerel; second, third, fourth and fifth pullet; first and second pen. Mr. Hamilton was by far the strongest breeder represented in the Buff Orping ton breed, and carried off more prem iums than any other in that line. everybody Looking. Nearly everyone is looking to .see what is new on display in the way of Christmas novelties. While you are J looking, don't fail to drop into Crabill's ; jewelry and see Mrs. Howland'sbeauti- j ful line of hand-painted china. Brooches, j 50c to $1.25; pin trays, 50c to $1.00; plates, $1.25 to $10.00. You will also j find jewel trays, toilet articles, nut j bowls aud many other novelties especi ally appropriate for Christmas gift, tf Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of the Farmers Mutual Fire and Live Stock Insurance company of Cass county. Neb., will be held at the Heil school house (District No. 88) on Saturday, January 9th, 1909, at 1:30 j. m. for the purpose of electing officers for the coming year and trans acting such other business as may come before the meeting. Jacob Tritsch, J. P. Falter, President. Secretary. Every Woman Will be Interested. There has recently been discovered an aromatic, pleasant herb cure for woman's ills, called Mother Gray's AUSTRALIAN-LEAF. It is the only certain regulator. Cures female weak nesses and Backache, Kidney, Bladder and Urinary troubles. At all Drug gists or by mail 90 cts. Sample FREE. Address, The Mother Gray Co., Le Roy, N. Y. Fred Draper Disappears. Fred Draper the fourteen year old son of A. B. Draper of Atlantic, Iowa, disappeared last August. Sheriff Quin ton received from the boy's father a description of the boy. He has brown hair, large blue eyes, corner of one front tooth broken off, scar on scalp, weighs about 110 pounds. A reward of $200 is offered for news of his where abouts. Exchanges please copy. Here is Relief For Women. . If you have pains in the back, Uti-j nary. Bladder or Kidney trouble, and j want a certain, pleasant herb cure for woman's ills, try Mother Gray's Aus- . tralian-Leaf. It is a safe and never j failing regulator. At Druggists or by i mail CO cts. Sample package freJ Address. The Mother Gray C. LeRoy. j fiT " f 111 ' " " Sustains Fracture ot Leg. Will Campbell who operates a saw mill between Wabash and Weeping Wateri had the misfortune to have a heavy log fall on his leg, breaking it. Mr. Campbell was taken to the Elmwpod hospital where medical at tention was given him. , Elmwood Lady Sick. Mrs. C. D. Kunz, wife of a prominent Elmwood retired farmer, is reported quite sick, and was taken to the local hospital for treatment Thursday. It was found necessary to perform a sui- ejcbI operation and Mrs. Kunz s con- dition is very critical. j When You Put on Stockings. Of the heavier sort, do your shoes i pinch, and your feet swell and perspire? ' If you sprinkle Allen's Foot-Ease in j your shoes, it will give you rest and ! comfort, and instant relief from any : annoyance. Sold everwhere, 25c. ' Don't accept any substitute. Mr. and Mrs. John Dunbar and wife : ami nnn pf Aync.a ariV' ra TT""r ,. I wcssj , i : f- - - . ' ri r r av . ! Nehawk'a'are guests of Sheriff Quinton This Real Fstate Transfers. A. Gerdes to E. Kuehn w. d. Lots 22, 2.1, 21, block 1:1. 1st add. $-100. Mur- dock. J. G. Hansen to E. (i. Hansen w. d. $1. S E 1-4 and S 1-2 N E 1-4 11-10-12 N 1-2 N E 1-4 14-10-12. J. G. Hansen to F. A. Hansen w. d $5200. J. G. $3500. J. G. d. $1. S W 1-2 S5-11-12. nanscn to C. N. Hansen w. d. N W 1-4 3-10-12. Hansen to Lena A. Dysart, w. N W 1-4 10-10-12. J. G. Hansen to J. Hansen et al. w. d. $1. N E 1-4 9-10-12. J. D. Shrader to W. A. Scott q. c. d. $150. Lots C, 7, block 3 Murray. I. Pearlman to Mary E. Egenbergcr w. d. $300. Lot 10, block 33 city. J. B. Higley to Perry Marsh v.: d. Part N W 1-4 N W 1-2 l'.-12 -14. R. B. Windham, trustee to Perry Marsh w. d. $40. Part N W 1-4 N W 14 1912-14. Opportunities For Young Wo wen. The Philadelphia school for nurses. 2219 Chestnut Street. Philadelphia, Pa., offers Free Scholarships in Trained Nursing to young women in every state in the Union. The scholarships cover the full two years course, with roorr, board, uniforms, laundering, etc., in cluded, and railroad fare paid to home town or district upon the completion of the course. A homo study course and a .short resident course are also pro vided, which quickly open the i!xr to opportunity and enable progressive students to render a noble service to humanity and at the same time acquire for themselves a substantial income from the best paid occupation now open to women; besidesquahfyiug every student to deal with emergencies in the home that may mean the saving of a loved one's life. Far-seeing philanthropists are adding i to the resources of this school, with th view ot ultimately extending these benefits to earnest, energetic young women in all country districts and in all the smaller towns and cities. The institution is approved and en dorsed by leading physicians and edu cators of the entire country. Some of the leading men of this state are its strong supporters and endorsers, as will be seen by the catalogue which will bo sent to any one who writes to the school for it. photo card views of plattsmouth, 2 f0v c at Nemetz & Co's. , . FACTS CJ The news items of the home com- munitv. 3 The things in which you are most interested. fl The births, weddings, deaths of the people you know. fThe social affairs of our own and surrounding towns. TheM ara th kind of fact thi ppw gives you in ry ima. Thar ara cartainlr worth taa ubacription prica. grenrasc - r PIH We have just established our selves in your city with a fine line of strictly high-grade pi anos, a stock which is strictly up-to-date in every particular and which is absolutely guar anteed as to quality, workman ship and material, both by us and the manufacturers. In or der to introduce ourselves we propose to quote you some :: Bcepf ionaliriLow Prices and... Your wn Terms We also carry a handsome line of sheet music at popular prices and will appreciate the cour tesy of a call at our store. Sat- . isfaction guaranteed. Two in struments used but a short time will be sold at a great sac rifice.' Come in and see them. The Plattsmouth Music Co. A BAPTIST ELDER Restored to Health by Vinol "I was run down and weak from in digestion end general debility. alo suf fered from vertigo. I saw a rod liver preparation called Viuol advert isfd ani! decided to a trial, and the re sults wen most gratifying. Alter tak ing two bottles I regained my strength and am now feelins unuS'iaUy well." Henry Cunningham. FM-r Bap tist Church. Kingston. N. Vinol is not a patenr mrdW Ine but a preparation composed cf the ineJUlnal elements of rods' llrers. combined with a tonic iron and wiue. Vino! reaten a hearty appetite, tones v.; the organ of digestion ami makes rlcli. red blood In this natural manner. Vinol rente strength for the run-down. over worked and debilitated, and for deli cate children aud old people. For chronic coughs, colds and bronchitis Vinol is unexcelled. All suth iersotis in this vicluity are asked to try Viuol ou our otTer to re fund their money if it falls to give at Isfactlon. GERING & CO. PLATTSMOUTH. NEB r Have One Doctor No sense in running from one doctor to another. Select the best one, then stand by him. Do not delay, but consult him in time when you are sick. Ask his opinion of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for coughs and colds. Then use it or not, just as he says. A publiah aar frala r&.ijers ttum our laadiasaaa Wa nr.! T l nsiiii yawr aaavar Always keep a hox of Ayer's Pills in the house. Just one pill at bedtime, now and then, will ward off many an attack of biliousness, indigestion, sick headache. How manv years has your doctor known these pills? Ask him all about them. w . lfa by taa J. C. AfT to.. I-a-wall. :H The Popular iiC Cigar. ?1 rT YOUR DOLLAR Will coma back to tou if pn-i it at home. It is tn? fira' if ou It t the Mail-Ortier M'ni'.e. A e'.mrcm thrown our column w.a si jnu an idea wriera it wul tjy tn noil. t0 r O -rerT-f?J il?!' -V jdelibe deliberative body on earth may gen- Bagnature ox wfaV7 5W and wife.