Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, December 31, 1908, Image 3

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Home Canned Fruit
Note the prices below. First class
. goods at low cost.
New crop English walnuts 20c lb.
Fresh dates ; . . . , 10c lb.
Fresh Figs 10c lb.
Home made jelly, per glass 10c
Home canned peaches, 1 qt.Mason jar.25c
Home canned Pears, lqt. Mason jar. .30c
Large can Tomatoes, 2 cans 25c
Large can Plymouth baked beans... 10c
Hall's Cash Store
0OOOOS oooooo
o o o o
o o 5 o
o o
Short Orders At All Hours
0 00000000300000000000 0
0 0 O 0
0 0- 0 0
000000 0O0OO0
t .- .mm
1 Ask Your Dealer for
Mannfacrorsd by Pltttsmoutn Bollsr Mills
c tlEISEL. Proprietor PUttsmovta. Ncfcrsaka
Want Column
- - - - ... v.vr.v.-Avuvr.vrrrr I
FOR RENT Four-room cottage on j
Vine, between 12th and 13th streets, j
For further particulars inquire at!
News office. tf I
FOi: KENT- Five-room cottage, be
tween 7th and 8th streets on Marble.
Call up Platts Phone No. 193.
FOR SALE A number
in cottages, easy terra.
of Bargains
Cottages for
VVindman Investment Company.
FOR SALE A nicely located five
acres, for SlltOO. Improvements'
worth more than half this. 1
Windham Investment Company. 1
FOR SALE My ItU) acre farm. 2i
miles southwest of Oreapolis and 5
roilea northwest of Plattsmouth. For
terms call Plattsmouth 'phone No. 8
line II. ('eorge Halmns. rS-St
l'rtr PW'II A VPP IPll nnrn form
StCClc .nty, Mi,.., ni.;La..nmith
of" St.
Paul. Wan't
property or a small farm near Platts-
y mouth. Address J. E.
mouh. Neb.
AGENTS WANTED -To distribute 100
Free packages Borax-E Washing
Powder three to each home. $4.00 .
100 paid. " Experience unnecessary. "
New-Method Borax Co., Burling- -tor,
Iowa. 62-2t.
your locality 'to represent us. Ex
perience unnecessary ;$110 per month,
and expenses. Write for particulars.
Monarch Cigar Co. St. Louis, Mo.
WANTED Girl at Riley Hotel.
tf !
LOST OR STRAYED -Red calf with
white face, about 6 months old and
weighing about 175 : pounds, Finder
will be paid for his trouble by return-
ing same to Kunsman and Ramge , or
Plansiftef Flour 1
notifying them of the animal's where
abouts. 53-tf
acres, high and sightly, first-class six
room cottage, furnace heat, neces
sary outbuildings, in city limits, in
Walking distance of postofilce, $1,000
cash, balance on easy terms. No
trade. J. Hochstrasser, Chicago ave.
first house south of Patterson ave. on
east side of road, Plattsmouth. 62-2
PLE OFFER, (15 days only,) bright,
sparkling, famous, $5 Barnatto Sim
ulation Diamond Ring; brilliancy
equals genuine detection baffles ex
pertsfills every requirement of the
most exacting pleases the most
fastidious at only one-thirtieth the
cost of the real diamond. As a
means of introducing this marvelous
and wonderful scintillating gem, j
and securing as many new friends as I
quickly as possible, we are making
a special inducement for the new
year. We want you to wear this
beautiful ring, this masterpiece of
man's handicraft, this simulation
that sparkles with all the beauty. and
Hashes with all the fire of the gen
uine diamond. We want you to Bhow
. it to your friends and take orders for
us. as it sells itself sells at sight
and makes 100 per cent profit for
you, absolutely without effort on
your part. We want good, honest
representatives everywhere, in every
locality, city or country, in fact, in
every country throughout the world.
old, who will not sell or pawn the
. Barnatto Simulation Diamonds under
the pretense they are genuine gems,
as such action sometimes leads to
trouble or embarrassment. If you
'want a simulation diamond, a sub-
. stitute for the genuine don't wait
act today, as this advertisement may
not appear again first come, first,
served. For free sample offer,
beautiful ring; earrings, stud or scarf
. 4 (stick) pin, address
The Barnatto Diamond Co.
Girard Building, 59-6 Chicago.
Every Woman Will bo Interested. -
There has recently been discovered
an aromatic, pleasant herb cure for
woman's ills, called Mother -Grav's
AUSTRALIAN-LEAF. It is the only
certain regulator. Cures female weak
nesses and Backache, Kidney, Bladder
and Urinary troubles. At all . Drug:
gists or by mail 90 eta. Sample FREE.
Address, The Mother Gray Co., Le
Roy, N. Y.. - . . ... ,, . . ..
J Celebrated by the -Local Lodge
of Masons Banquet is an
: : Enjoyable Feature.
Plattsmouth fcoaitfe . Nov, 6. A. F. &
J A. M..'helda8pedameEftlhe Monday
night which was one of the "most pleas
ant events of.the'kind enjoyed'for some
time. : ;
The early hours of the evening were
deyoted to work in the Master Mason s
degree, at the close of which a banquet
was given in commemoration or bt
John's Dav. which fell this year on
Sunday, the 27th. This was the fea
ture of the evening, and was partici
Dated in bv about sixty euests. The
master of the .lodge, '.. p. C. Dovey,
acted as toastmaster,' and responses
were made by a number of the breth
ren. A number of out of town guests
were present. . ,
George M porter" .and. .Wife
Change theirDomicile to
the; State Capital. .
On Mondav evening a farewell party
I was eiven at the residence of E. B.
Verrv in the western Dart of the city.
in honor of George . Porter and his
estimable wife, who left for Lincoln
Tuesday noon expecting to make the
capital city their future home. Mr.
and Mrs. Porter have hosts of friends
in Plattsmouth who regret to see them
sever their relations with us.
Their place in the community in both
the -social and business' life of the city
will be difficult to fill. And to give
them a fitting farewell their many
friends were glad of 'the opportunity
of coming together at the Perry home
to enjoy one more social evening with
them before they left.'
The hours fitted quickly away, the
company being regaled with music by
Misses Godwin and Mullis. also games
and other forms of amusement were
indulged in. while oysters were served
in approved style before .the close; of
the evening.
Those present on this enjoyable . oc
casion were: Misses Anna , Portrr,
Daisy Perry. Stella Gooding. -. Celia
Taylor, Minnie McKay, Muriel Mullis,
Mollie Godwin, Blanch O'Neal; . Carrie
Decker, Edith Buzzell and Ada Porter;
Messrs. James Hunter, Ralph 'Mullis,
Hallie Perry, Henry : Perry, Jesse
Brady, Ratio Taylor. Burton Gorton,
Everett Gooding, Oscar Wilson," George
Porter and Jesse Perry.
Samuel J. Pitman and Miss Marie
Terrace Hennings at Resi
dence of Bride.
On last Tuesday evening 'at the resi
dence of the bride's mother, Mrs.
Hennings, in this city her daughter.
Miss Marie Terrace Hennings was hap
pily married to Samuel J. Pitman, son
of David Pitman of - Murray. Rev. J.
II. Salsbury of the Presbyterian church
performed the ceremony which united
these popular young people for life,
using the ring form of service." ; ,
Just previous to the wedding march
B. A. McElwain sang a fine baritone
solo '0 Promise Me, ".'at the close of
which Miss Freda Herold struck the
soft chords of Mendelssohn's beautiful
march. Presently the' doors of ad
joining parlors swung open and'the
groom and officiating clergyman walked
I slowly into the roootn keeping step to
the wedding march. These were fol
lowed by J. II. Merriam, as best man,
on his arm was the bridesmaid Miss
Christina Schaf er. Directly following
was Lucile Urish, cousin of the bride
bearing the ring and followed by the
bride leaning on the. arm of her mother
who gave the bride away.
The groom is a bright young business
man of many Stirling qualities, and the
bride the charming and accomplished
daughter of Mrs. Rose Hennings, and
is a graduate of our High school 'and a
young lady of high merit ' and attain
ments. Those attending : the wedding
from out of the city- were: Ora Davis
and wife,' DaVid Pitman and wife, Glen
Perry and wife, Will Sporer nnd wife,
and Richard Pitman all -of Murray," Mrs.
Anna Mumcer,;of. Alliance,. and;Jhn
Goonadture.-.of .Berlin, Wisconsin. .
Reception at Coates Hall.'
The following program will be ren
dered Friday. January 1, at Coates
hall, at the reception tendered Rev.
Luther Moore awl wife, and Mr. George
Porter and wife. The annual business
held from 2 to a and' .the reception from.
3 to 6. . The public Ss' extended a cordial
invitation; f
Piano aolo. "Twittering of tbe Birds". . .". . Milium
Miaa IIouje Godwin. :
Readinir. "In May'... Mvim-M. $trm
Mzss Josephine Haia . -Vocal
olo. (a) "Bnt I Hav You"
(b) 'Her Crateet Charm"
t.'arrie Jurnim lloH'i
tlias ZklmaTuet.
Vocal aolo. "King of the ForaU Am I". . . IStrkf
Mr. B. A. McElwain.
Reading-. "New Yara DaC tf. Vrrg
Mas. Witi4AM Baird.. "..'..
Vocal solo. . . . . . ; slrte,l
Mrs J. W. Gambub.
A Wesleraa Welcome. .Rev. A. Allan Randall
Vocal aolo, Ont On the Deep"-. .t.Lnhr
Ma. II.S. Austin.
Calviniat Corurrorations Rev. J. H. Salsbury
Reapooae.. ;.Rev Luthsk Moorb
Vocal aolo . . : .SfUcfftl
. Mrs. E. H. WxscoVfc ''
"Aold Lanr Syne" i ..MiuEU Rous
Piano Sol vValae in C Sharp Minor
I...-.' 1 1 fhnnim
Miss Ella ICabgarbt Dovsy.
John, the Eleven Year Old Son
i of John Pritchard and Wife
is Kined.
V "fhe State Journal of . Wednesday
-contains an. account -of" a ; distressing
accident which occurred-jiear Weeping
Water and Manky, in which John, ; the j
eleven year old son r of John Pritchard 1
and wife, formerly of this city, .was j
killed Tuesday afternoon.. . ;
Mrs. Luther Hall received a phone!
message Wednesday morning request
ing her " presence- . -at Mr, Pritchard's
home as Mrs. PrHthard was on .- the
verge of collapse, so .-great was her
grief over the sudden-loss of her son.
The State Journal says:
"The eleven-year-old son of John
Pritchard, Missouri Pacific section fore
man, whose home is at Weeping Water,
while out hunting in the country be
tween Manley and that place Tuesday
afternoon was accidentally killed. : The
casualty happened at 2:30. Pritchard
and two companions about his own age
were together in a field. The 32-caliber
revolver that Pritchard carried did not
work very. well. He was .examining
the gun and endeavoring to learn what
was the matter with it. He was look
ing into the barrel of the revolver
when it discharged shooting him through
the eye, the ball lodging . in his head.
He died instantly.
The accident happened - just two
miles south of this place. The boys
who were with Pritchard gave the
alarm, and the remains were taken to
the home of the parents at Weeping
Water. i
Monday afternoon at about 4 o'clock,
Johr Prit chard, a boy of about fifteen
years, son of John " Pritchard of this
city, accidentally shot, himself fatally.
Three or four ; boys 'were out hunting
with shotguns, and besides his gun he
had a pistol. As the boys were resting
the Pritchard boy Was examining his
pistol and looking into the murzle when
it was in some way discharged, the
bullet entering the right eye, killing
him instantly. The boys were about
three miles from town when the oc
curred. The hbdy was brought in as
soon as jossible. The accident is a sad
blow to the father and mother, ami a
shook to the' community.
At The Trans-Mississippi Show-
Judges Award First
On Cockerel. ;
Dr. J. H. Hall of this city , has .won
laurels again. In the poultry, fanciers.
Trans-Mississippi exposition at Omaha
this week he was awarded first prize on
Barred Plymoth-Rock cockerel, the
same bird which carried off the sweep
stakes at Glen wood last week, was the
winner at .Omaha. - The Doctor was in
competition with some of the best
breeders in the United States and it is
a feather in his cap to come out winner
in a show whe-re 'competition was so
strong. He succeeded in taking third
on pullet, many fanciers would have
been content with thatj but not the
Doctor, he would riot bfe content 'With?
out the first on cockerel. It looked a
little doubtful at first blush, when there
were pens from some of the best fan
ciers of New York and Wisconsin. The
winning bird was almost perfect in the
material points, and scored higher than
his competitors, and its comb, was
much superior to the others. The Doc
tor is no doubt elated over his success,
as well he may be. To succeed in com
petition with states that have been tak
ing prizes for so many years, is an hon
or that would make any one feel proud.
The Omaha Bee of the SO inst has the
following to say of the awards:
That Nebraska poultry breeders are
to take many premiums on their high
scoring birds was shown last, evening
when the judges announced the winners
for; barred Plymouth Rocks perhaps
the favorite variety of : every poultry
show. The first premiums for cock
cockerel and pens- went " to Nebraska,
while the first for pullet :. went to New
Ybrk. The following are the awards
announced by the judges last evening:
S. S. Nevins, South Omaha, Neb.,
first cock; fourth and fifth pen.
Perry Strandherg, Davey, Neb. , sec
ond cock; first, second, third, and fifth
hen; fifth cockerel, second pullet, first
and second hen,
George M. Mangold, Beeington, Neb.
thirk cock.
F. C. Ahlquist, Omaha, Neb., third
cock. '
Ave Bros.,
jonn Burtr
Maynard, 'N. Y. fourth
hen; first pullet. '
J. II. Hall, Plattsmouth, Neb., first
cockerel; third pullet.
John H. Atkinson, Truman, Minn.,
second cockerel and . fourth cockerel;
fourth and fifth pullet,
W. J. Palmer, Fremont, Neb., third
G. W. Feuerstein, third pen.
Everybody Looking.
Nearly everyone is looking to see
what is new on display in the . way of
Christmas novelties. While . you are
looking, don't fail to drop into Crabill's
jewelry and see Mrs. How land's beauti
ful line of hand-painted china. Brooches,
SOcto $1.25; pin trays.' 50c' to $1.00;
plates, $1.23 to $10.00. You will also
find jewel trays, toilet articles, nut
bowls and .many other novelties especi
ally appropriate for Christmas gifts: tf
BMntlM Iha K'nd You Hax Alws Eotght
Copyright I90S. Dutchess Mfs. Co.
The Majestic, 5 and 10 cents.
Photo card views of Plattsmouth,
for 5c at Nemetz & Co's.
We sell the Monarch Malleable Range.
Kroehler Brothers, Coates Block.
Frank Oliver of Havelock spent
Christmas with his parents Will Oliver
and wife, returning to his home Mon-
County attorney-elect W. C. Ramsey
moved his law library into the south
east room of the basement of the court
house Tuesday.
J. L. Polk and W. A. Armstrong, of
Greenwood, were looking after business
matters at the county seat Tuesday,
and called on the News-Herald.
Mrs. Ploetz of Lexington spent
Christmas in this city the guest of her
mother, Mrs. Charlotte Gorder. Mrs.
Gorder has been quite ill of late, but is
improving now.
Rolw?rt Hayes, general foreman of
the Burlington local shops, has returned
from Peoria. III., where he spent
Christmas with his sister Mrs. Otto
Wnrl ami husband.
Notice to Creditors
In I hi- District Court of the
Ihr district of Nebraska.
In th matter of. (
tleonjv I.. Karloy.
hankrunt '
Unilsl Stuffs for
Caso No. I.",
In Bankruptcy.
To the creditors of Grornre L. Farley, bankrupt.
Notice is hereby given that J. E.
Trustee of the above named bankrupt, has made
a report as such trustee, and has recommended
that it is to the best interests or the estate that
the property of the bankrupt be disposed of at
public sale, and he has been ordered tn sell the
property herein briefly described, and will sell
the same at public sale to the higrhest bidder for
cash, on the 5th day of January. 1H0H. at - oVlnck
in the afternoon, at theoflicesof thesemi-wcekly
Nf.w-Hk.ram. at Plattsmouth. Neb. The as
sets to be sold are a newspaper, printing press s.
uaDer. fixtures, etc. baid property will be sold
in parcels or as a whole, as to the trustee may
seem most desirable. A I property will he a W
free from liens and taxe.
Witness my hand this 2th day of December.
100S. Cmari.ks C. McDonald.
Keferce in Bankruptcy.
Don't be satisfiied.with n:i(t
iifj about Dutchess Trousers.
Call and see them. We will
not have to argue you into buy
ing. . The argument is ex
pressed in the finished gar
ment. They look good . and:
they wear as good as they look.
We have sold them in Platts
mouth for. over 20 years. $1.50
to $5.
C.E. Wescott's Sons
'Where Quality Counts."
Real Estate Transfers.
j A. O. Vincent to D. A. Vincent,
j c. d. $1. Lot 18, block 5, Alvo.
2 Elmira Davis to II. H. Ashton w.
j $1. I.ot 5. block 33 City.
E. J. Wilson to W. J. Horton q. c.
$300. Lot 5, block 83 Weeping Water, i much food tor serious . thought. At
E. E. MarrtoJ. W. Miller w. d. ! the opening of the meeting Rev. Sai-
$2500. Lot 15, block 23 Elmwood. I bury announced that next Sunday be
C. A. Bryan to L. A. Seybert w. d. inff the first Sunday in the month, the
$1000. Lots 463, 464, 463. Louie-! Men's Brotherhood would have charge
L. N. Cross to F. W. Young w. d.
$725. 1-6 int. 50 acres m e. 1-2 nw.
J. Gruber to V. P. Sheldon w. d.
$1600. 1-3 int. ne sw & s 1-2 bw. 16-10-13.
J. M. Jensen to A. D. Welton w. d.
$200. Lot 388, Greenwood.
M. E. Kaufman to P. Stoehr w. d.
$575. Lots 3 & 4, block 2 and lots 2 &
3 block'3. Cedar Creek.
W. R. Davis to E. .11. Shoemaker, '
w. d- $8000. E. 1-2 nw 1-10-12.
A. Woitzel to G. Woitzel w. d. W.
E 1-2 sw. 35-12-1)
M. F. Dewey to A. Woitzel w. d.
fcMiiu'. run. 9
. - .
Jury List.
I The following named gentlemen will
i serve on the next jury which will be
called at the January term of the dis
trict: John Weichel, Henry Pollard,
- Frank Gustin, Clark Newlan, Frank
Jameson, John Schulhof, Frand Zoz,
Wilber Hayes, Lewis Hobcck, : W. C.
Hamilton, Ben. Horning, August Panska
Hugh Armstrong, Guy McMaken, J. O. !
Ward, Lee Kirkpatrick, George Horn,
James Gullian, Lloyd Gapen, W. L.
Thomas, II. E. Becker, B. Woiph, C.C.
. Baldwin, O. H. Hudson.
Some cigars are only cigars, but
Pepperburg's "Buds"are a good smoke!
"Always reliable.
We wish you all
New Year
be the most pros- j
perous is the wish of j
E. G. Dovey & Son I
- ('
- Copyright ncS, Dutches Mfi;. Ca,
Judge Estelle Coming
Sunday night at .jhe Presbyterian
church Rev. Salsbury preaclnil th.-.
d. j second in a series of sermons on the
"Power of a Holy Life." ' The dis
d. , course was a one and contained
; of the services m ine evening.
ithat Judge Estelle, who presides
the juvenile court at Omaha
will le
the speaker of the evening.
! Judge Estelle will talk on 'Juvenile
Offenders," and the methods employed
in dealing with, the delinquents of
youthful age. The Judge is a good
speaker and will give a most interesting
discourse on the topic which is of much
importance to society.
All well meaning citizens
should hear
List ol Letters.
Remaining uncalled for in the
office at Plattsmouth. Neb.. Dee
. 2S.
Ivy Hobart
Miss Julia Nolan.
: M. T. Osborn; O. O. Andrews. M. Y.
i Burgan, Geo. Burnett. Wm. ('. I'.uck
! ley, J. W. Dixon. L. (). Cilii. pie. . 11.
; J. Kelso, J. W." Kerns. J. O. Ingersoll.
j J. E. Morse. F. South, K. A. Smith.
I W. T. Smell.
These letters will be sent to the dead
: letter office January 11... ItJO, if r.t
j delivered before. In calling for the
i above-please sav 'advertised' giving
date" of list. C. 11. Smith. P. M.
Ask for Allen's Foot Ease.
; A. powder for swollen, tireil. hot,
smarting feet. Sample sent free. Also
Free Sample of the Foot-Ease Sanitary
Corn-Pad, a new. invention. Addres?.
Allen S. Olmsted.' Le'Roy, N. Y.