Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, December 24, 1908, Image 4

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I do aot use the dangerous
"Ono Treatment'
. nor an j other doctor's method.
I am the Inventor of th painless sy e of
curing rupture, and the only Jpcf?.J&
thLscount wb holds from bota the Unltea
states and Canadian governments Pat"J
trade-mark for a Rupture Cure, which ims
restored to health thousands In the past
twenty years. AU others are Ip1'
proUuifcurt without pain orm turffxeai PraWon
in tither th young or tTola I f a patient dou t
my ability to cure. Just put .the money in
bank and pay when satisfied, o other Vx
will do this.
I have a treatment for the cure of
Rupture that is safe; it is convenient
to take, and no time lost.
Arnold Born. Norfolk.Neb; Raymond
Leonard, Holstein, la; Fred Johnson,
Elk Point, S. D; W. E. Andrews,
Ponca, Neb; Hans Wilier, Akron, la;
Jas. B. McMillan, Rock Rapids, la.,
John M. Coe, Sioux City, la; Amon
Crozier, Cherokee, la; L. P. Palmer,
Salt Lake City. Utah. W. II. Nolte,
(Postmaster) Holstein, la; W. H.
Roeber. Wakefield, Neb; Chris Ar
duser, Belden, Neb.
When taking my treatment patients
must come to my office, and they can
return home the same day. References:
First National Bank, Sioux City. Ia.,
and the U. S. National bank, Omaha,
For further information, call or write
FK. D. WRAY, M. D.,
Itoom 224 Bee Building. Omaha. Neb.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is a
regular cough medicine, a
strong medicine, a doctor's
medicine. Good for easy
coughs, hard coughs, desper
ate coughs. If your doctor
endorses it for your case, take
it. If not, don't take it. Never
go contrary to his advice.
We pubUfch our tetania
We ur yo to
oaault ur
The dose of Ayer's Pills is small, only
one at bedtime. As a rule, laxative doses
are better than cathartic doses. For con
stipation, biliousness, dyspepsia, sick
headaches, they cannot be excelled.
Ask your doctor about this.
M1 by th J. C. AjtrCo., twU. Mum --
m 1 1 nJ
Smith & Smith, Props.
Sixth and Vine Sts. ". Plattsmouth, Nebraska
Newspaper Inaccuracies.
It is commonplace to speak of rumors,
oral and other, as only "newspaper
talk. " A good example of 'newspaper
talk" is the reported election of Taft
U the presidency of the United States.
Hi election has not yet been officially
declared. That Me is actually the
choice of the people of the United
Stttes for president is vnly "newspaper
talk." Most likely the report will be
verified. Why? Because the news
papers, as ia usual with them, have
goae to the most trustworthy sources
of information on the subject. If, how
ever, it should turn out that the coun
ters made grave errors in the reports
supplied to the press, and that Mr.
Bryan or Debs.or Mr. Chaffin or Mr.
Preston was chosen,' do not blatne us.
Like the organist in the cowboy church,
we are doing the beat we can.
Sources of information, like all things
human are fallible. For instance, al
though Mr. Bonaparte, several months
ago, denied that he made a certain
speech, Mr. Beck, only the other day,
quoted the speech as genuine. Re
porters who once heard Henry Ward
Beecher deliver a lecture, accurately
reported him as saying that the Dec
laration of Independence delares "all
men are born free and equal." When
a treat divine is so inaccurate, would
it be fair to blame the newspapers?
If Shakespeare can put a seacoast
on Bohemia, and Dickens represent the
school boys of "Dotheboys" Hall"
weeding a garden in wintor, why be so
sever, dear critic on "newspaper talk?"
Prof. Huxley, in an essay, makes
the same mistake about the Declaration
of Independence that Beecher did. So,
you see, the reporter must be wary of
the scientist, too, although he is sup
posed to be the paragon of accuracy.
But should not Huxley have made such
a mistake and thereby misled the poor
reporter? If a reporter had gone to
Aristotle, a philosopher besides whom
Huxley is a pigmy, and asked him
which had the more teeth, man or
woman, the Greek would have replied
"man." But up-to-date newspaper
men would, wo believe, even at the
risk of losing a finger, try to find out if
Aristotle's answer was correct. Phila
delphia Ledger.
St. Louis Man Finds Ten Thou
sand Dollar Bill In Tin
Tomato Can.
A Press Dispatch to the Omaha Bee I
under date Dec. 22 from East St. !
Louis give3 the following account of a ;
rich find of a driver of an ice wagon.
The dipatch says:
Patrick Sullivan, an ice wagon driver,
txlay found a $10,000 bill in the bottom
of an old tomato can which he picked
.' up in an alley in the residence part of
! town. Conrad Reeb, cashier of the
i Southern Illinois National bank, ex
jaminedthe bill through a microscope
i and it appeared to be a genuine good
gold certificate. The bill will be taken
to the Bubtreasury in St. Louis tomor
row for further examination.
uc c e
Spelled with, great -big letters, has
thus' far marked the efforts of the
business men of PlattsmoutfiMn es
tablishing and maintaining- a free
auction sale weekly for the benefit of
the farmers. As before explained,
this innovation has been inaugurated
solely with a view to coming in clos
er business relations with the farm
ers, hence are cordially invited to
avail themselves of this free market.
Phe next sale will occur on
t .
...AT THE...
Senator Knox Prepared to Hold
Down Position of Secre
tary of State.
The New York Evening Post in com
menting on the fitness of Senator
Knox for the position of secretary of
state, to which responsible place Mr.
Taft is about to call the senator, says:
Senator Knox's acceptance of the
State department assures a steady, un
emotional and thoroughly competei t
conduct of foreign relations under the
new administration. In seeking a secre
tary of this type Mr. Taft shows, what
was otherwise abundantly evident, that
he wants quiet, but able, men abcut
him. It is impossible to imagine. Mr.
Knox doing anything explosive. The
fact that he had been a corporation
lawyer, and that by his exposure of
the unconstitutionality of Mr. Roose
velt's original railway rates bill, he got
on the list of undesirables, has not de
terred Mr. Taft in looking for special
skill and the judicial temperament
wherever they were to be found. He
is quoted as say that Senator Knox was
not merely a man in public life who
was a highly qualified secretary, but
the "only one. " This is a little hard
on the others.
Decorated china at Irwin's.
At the Residence of Mr. and
Mrs. E. H. Wescott For
Miss Ina Randall.
A very pleasant pre-nuptial party in
honor of Miss Ina Randall was bekl at
the residence of Mr. and Mrs. E. II.
Wescott last Monday afternoon. The
function was participated in by fourteen
young ladies, members of the Euterpian
Glee club, of which the guest of honor
was an efficient member. A most uni
que form of entertainment was adopted
for the afternoon, and consisted in each
guest writing a description of the wed
ding of the other members of the club.
Some of these were startling, in their
originality, and caused no end of mer
riment among the fourteen lady mem
bers of the club who were present. We
regret the hostess burned these valu
able additions to Nebraska literature
before they were given to the press.
Delightful refreshments were served
the happy company, and before it dis
persed the club presented Miss Randall
a handsome set of silver spoons, which
rhe accepted in a neat speech.
An Improvement Due.
Now that the supreme court has de
cided our high financier need not neces
sarily answer all the inquiries fired at
them by zealous prosecuting attorneys,
we suspect the recollection depart
ments of the said financiers will be
come rapidly convalescent from recent
atrophied conditions. Washington Her
ald. Fine Stationery and Xmas Boxes at
Irwin's, on West Main street.
s AiirvririMrrB
This is an Easy Test.
sprinkle Allen s Ioot-t,ase in one
shoe and not in the other, and notice
the difference. Just the thing to use
when rubbers or overshoes become ne
cessary, and your shoes seem to pinch.
Sold everywhere, 23c. ' Don't accept
any substitute.
Here is Raliel For Women.
If you have pains in the back. Uri
nary, Bladder or Kidney trouble, arid
want a certain, pleasant herb cure for
woman's ills, try Mother Gray's Australian-Leaf.
It is a safe and never
failing regulator. At Druggists or by
mail 50 cts. Sample package free.
Address, The Mother Gray Co. LeRoy,
N. Y.
Everybody Looking.
Nearly everyone is looking to see
what is new on display in the way of
Christmas novelties. While you are
looking, don't fail to drop into Crabill's
jewelry and see Mrs. Howland's beauti
ful line of hand-painted china. Brooches,
50c to $1.25; pin trays, 50c to $1.00;
plates, $1.25 to $10.00. You will also
find jewel trays, toilet articles, nut
bowls aud many other novelties especi
ally appropriate for Christmas gifts, tf
Evry Woman Will be Interested.
There has recently been discovered
an aromatic, pleasant herb cure for
woman's ills, called Mother Gray's
AUSTRALIAN-LEAF. It is the only
certain regulator. Cures female weak
nesses and Backache, Kidney, Bladder
and Urinary troubles. At all Drug
gists or by mail 90 cts. Sample FREE.
Address, The Mother Gray Co., Le
Roy. N. Y.
Never can tell when you'll mash a
finger or suffer a cut, bruise, burn or
scald. Be prepared. Dr. Thomas
Electric Oil instantly relieves the pain
quickly cures the wound.
Plattsmouth People Can Give
You Many Good Reasons
Why it is So.
Doan's Kidney Pill cure the cause
of disease, and that is why the cures
are always lasting. This remedy
strengthens and tones up the kidney3,
helping them to drive out of the body
the liquid poisons that cause backache,
headache and distressing kidney and
urinary complaints.' Plattsmouth people
testify to permanant cures.
J. W. Hickson, employed with the
Plattsmouth Water Co., and living on
Oak Street, between Seventh and
Eighth streets, Plattsmouth, Neb.,
says "My experience with Doan's Kid
ney Pills warrants me in giving them
my strongest recommendation. Off and
on for twelve or fourteen years I was
subject to attacks of pain in my back
and other symptona which gave evi
dence of a deranged condition of my
kidneys. Procuring Doan's Kidney
Pills at Gering & Co.'s drug store, I
used them as directed and the benefit
derived was so pronounced that I am
able to attest to the remarkable value
and merit of this remedy. Not only
did Doan's Kidney Pills give me entire
relief from the pain in my back but
they toned up and invigorated my sys
tem generally.
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
N. Y., sole agents for the United
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other.
Toys of all kinds at Irwin's.
South Bend
Special Correspondence.
County Supt. visited the schools Wed
nesday noon.
A. W. Zaar will hold a sale at his
place Jan. 12th 1909.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Deming were
Ashland visitors Monday.
fiibsXto Ashland Tuesday.
Mrs. Morehead and Mrs. Ockerman
were Omaha visitor Monday.
The "little eon ofA. C. Wooley has
been seriously ill the past week.
Miss Foster and Mrs. J. E; -McHugh
spent ? Wednesday afternoon " afc he
Corn Show In Omaha.
, Mrs. August Vogel has commenced
excavating for a new residence just
west of the S. Long home.
Skating has been fine the last week
and much pleasure has been taken in
the sport on the Reinke fish ponds.
The M. W. A. large hall has been
painted and papered and a fine gas light
ing system installed. They now have
the beat lighted hall in the county.
J. M. Deming sold his farm near C.
R. I.P. railroad for. one hundred dol
lars per acre and intends locating near
Broken Bow where he has purchased a
large farm and will take possession in
the spring.
Frank Rennie of Madrid arrived in
the city Tuesday and will visit over
the holidays with relatives in this city.
Mr. Rennie is holding down the HoW
ridge ranch near Madrid, and is doing
a Xod job. being well pleased with his
Evervone will be pleased to learn of
!rW. J. O'Brien' reappointment as
OUpU VCUit; CWW riNHUira- uvihiw
Shallenberarinade m very good choice
in retaining MrsxvOBrien, as he ia an
expert in fish cultureejid his work at
the fisheries demonstrabeK.tbls fact to
the many who visit the placebaway of
treasure and information that is livra
through out the different stages of th
developement of the numerous species
of fish.
Primary Grades of City Schools I
Give Fine Entertainment
Friday Evening.
The teachers of the grades, beginning !
with the primary and upward gave one i
of the finest Christmas entertainments
at the High school building nt the
close of the term, that has ever been
presented to the public by the Platts-
mouth schools. The attendance was i
excellent and the receipts very satis-;
The entertainment was a cantata i
entitled "The Teddy Bear's Christmas."
Twenty-two of the primary boys were
costumed as little bears, mostly of the ;
brown bear species, while sixteen of
the little primary girls were dressed as
fairies. The cantata opened with a
woodland scene in which appeared a
father and mother bear with a daugh-!
terandson and two cubs, "Nickie"
and "Slickie," while up a tree sat an 1
owl which hooted lonesomely. Before I
the scene closed a sleigh dashed up '
with a load of city bears. Soon there j
was a wooing and a marriage of the
country son and daughter to the city i
bears soon followed. The ceremony !
was performed by the owl and was a
Some very fine ducts and choruso3
were sung by the Teddys, shortly after
tho wedding scene, a hunter and hounds j
appeared in the distance and the bear '
company broke up hurriedly and all i
took to the woods. He was a brave j
hunter and gave an inventory of his i
fighting qualities in a song, which was
very well rendered. Hardly had his j
song died away when two huge bears j
i ut in an appearance, and it was the j
brave hunter's turn to take to his heel?.
A Santa Claus bear soon came on
greatly to the delight of the little:
Teddys. The owl sang a solo "Look
Wise." Irvan Cooper took the part of j
the owl and sang his solo nicely. The
closing scene was a fitting climax to
this splendid program. In this scene I
everyone which had been in the pre
vious scenes of the cantata, were on
the stage, making a most beautiful ,
tabler. Superintendent Gamble and
the grade teachers are to be congratu
lated on the splendid success of the
How Taft Will Measure up with
two of his Illustrious
An Ohio editor places an estimate on
our next presidect making tho follow
ing observations:
Judge Taf t's eloquent eulogy of the
late President McKinley causes many to
attempt a readjustment of their esti
mate of the character of the next presi
dent. They had been led to believe
that Mr. Taft would be a second Roose
velt; a little less Btrenuous and less in
clined to fly in the face of proprieties,
perhaps, but still a continuation of the
man who made him his successor. The
president-elect spoke of Mr. McKinely
in a way, however, to indicate that he
would try to model his personality and
his administration after the last Ohioan
instead of the last New Yorker, to oc
cupy the presidential chair.
It is manifestly unfair to Judga Taft
to say that he will be either another
McKinley or another Roosevelt. The
nation will like him better if he adopts
whatever was best in the administra
tion of each of his two predecessors, j
add to them whatever original good '
qualities he may possess and give the
people what they have by their votes
decreed shall be given them a Taft
admistration. Let Mr. Taft be not an- j
other McKinley nor another Roosevelt,
but just Taft.
Touching on the value of eulogy, how
ever, as an indication of future conduct
it might be worth while to recall what
Mr. Roosevelt said at the bier of Mc
Kinley and how thoroughly he has in
the latter years of his official life shat
tered,; every hope raised by that softly
spoken promise. Cleveland Plain
Somo cigars are only cigars, but
Pepperburg's "Buds"are a good smoke.
"Always reliable.
In' Police Court.
Wednesday was a busy day-
Judge Archer both the criminal and
civil sides of the court did consider
able business. Policeman John Corey
who left early Tuesday rooming to
round up two farmers near Rock. Bluffs
charged with desecrating the city speed
ordinance by rushing their horses on
Main street, returned Wednesday
morning with his prey and returned his
warrant to the Judge duly served.
The Judge drew from his drawer a de
cision which read something like this,
"five dollars and costs " The costs
were twenty cents less than the
fine so that all that young Schwab
and Tigner had to raise was $9.80 each.
On the civil side of the court
were a few attachments, one brought
by C. D. Quinton, for money to M. W.
Pratt, when he needed funds to search
for his spouse who had fled to South
Dakota. This attachment was levied
on a gray mare and the case was con
tinued to January SOth for service, as
the defendant is sworn to be out of
the state.. .
Yet another attachment is out for
the property of the same defendant,
this in favor of Dr. A. P. Barnes,
dental work done for the same gray
mare. The tangle ia almost as bad as
Uhts mayoralty fight between Gering
anfr$7, L. Pickett with J. P. Sattler
holding seat.
rn r :
A cgelabk Pnepaniion !brAs
similaiinJ tficFoodantJIuia
ling ilic S laaaas aoJBuwIs of
Promotes D ivs tionlrerfut
ness and RL'siXontalns vc'tta
Upiinu.Morphine ncrMincraL
Not Narcotic.
sirustSitd tUlvteaakSmla
VP w
Aperfect Remedy for Ccmsflpa
I ion , Sour Storirli.Djarrtm
and Loss of Sleep.
Facsimile Signature of
f am ppd undTr IhTFoodj A
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
t'nMmiiui wi mail ii
m ."v-. nr.. .-
1 1 "
vou buv ppires at ot;r store jou
:re not buying ground a.rnond shells i.r some "kind of hull.- l!a.r! with
essences and oils but yoa are buying the real thinr. perfect l pure, and
r.ot mixed with cracker crumbs or any other dope to make it t? fmt her.
We handle I)wi:iel!-V right Go's spices and Uavor ng extruct. rrar.lwr
ries. Sour Cider, Celery, Lettuce, Hnnanas. Nuts, f-'ijrs and l:ite.
Raisins and Currants, Candied Citron, Oranges and Lemons. Curtis I!rs.
Tho Homo Paper S
issue will prove
a welcome vmtor
should head your list of newspaper
WINTER TOURIST RATES: Daily reduced rato excursions
to California, Old Mexico. Southern and Cuban Resorts.
HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS:-Firstand third Tuesday
of each month to many points west, sojth and southwest.
Superintendent Public Instruction of Nebraska, Mr. J. I.. McBrien.
leaving Lincoln and Omaha December ll)th. Write C W. Ronnell.
C. P. A. Lincoln, for itinerary.
Horn Rasin and Yellowstone Valley: -One of the last chances to
secure good farms from the Government at low prices. Go with
Mr. D. Clem Deaver on the next personly
He will help you secure ow of these", farms.
r$ services.
Your Printing
It should b a fctrepresentative of year
business, which means lis high grade, ar
tistic kind. That. the kin l r o.
These represent our facilities for do sir,
the kind of printing tht will please da.:
The prices are right, and prompt dgifc-Tj
the invariable rule at this cilice.
C. A. IURSKUL, 0. fc S.
..Graduate ,usntist..
Prices Reasonable
All Work Guaranteed
Twenty-six 'Years Experience
Umce ia. i KZjreraiu ciock
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
thi ciarauii con. new oaa rrr.
-Josh Wise says, .nnie mm
srerr at women's shopping but
when women ."hop they don't have
to eat cloven to disguise what
they've ben buying." Speaking
f.f cloves I think we enrry the
smoothest line of spire that ever
came over the seas. You know
some apices ure all drawn iit of
ne barrel roas to speak, and
tored up with the essential oil to
represent each particular ue,
i-uch as cinnamon, cloven, nllspire,
pepper and mustard. Thut .aves
a lot of trouble for the sfi-p n.ill.
hecau-e they don't have to have a
different hopper for grinding every
kind of spice, but of eoure that i.-
nil d"nn nway with now. When
Give you the rej!.n in itter in
iic;h ru h.Tvt! lrie Jtr .fel
tert tfi! houj ni- lis every
to every mrmber ol ths tinulf Ii
and prrira!
al sulcr;pti(mv
conducted excursion.
No charge for his
and third Tucsdavs.
ions first
W. L. PICKETT, Ticket Agent,PIattsmouth
L. W. Wakkly. G. P. A.. Omaha
CIrr.r jj4 i-t ti,,
W.t Fa.: io 14v.r- iln
H:r t it Youikfil I'owir
a urn r 1m.j.
Oven (or ny (ubtUoce
jv.ouj to kfhh found ta (J iroci the u cf
Calumet cr,
V ' I
in- J 1
a '