I vnR SCHOOL I n SHOES FOR EVERYBODY In making yourXselection of Christ mas presents your attention is called to our handsome stock of footwear. Our aim is to keep our stock, up to date at nil times, "and 'for the holiday shopping a visit to our store will well repay you' for the time spent. FETZER S SHOE STORE. We do First Ciss Shoe Repairing. A BUSINESS CHANGE f 1- MURDOCK SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE Harry Adair An Experienced. Restaurant Man Takes Over Emil Kuehn and wife were Lincoln 'AcKAm TU '.' I visitois Monday of this'wceki ' '-- I DAVID LLOYD DEAD 9 4 4 One Of Cass Couny's Represent- To F Home Canned Fruit Note the prices below. First class Koods at low cost. New crop English walnuts 20c lb. Fresh dates 10c lb. Fresh Figs 10c lb. Home made jelly, per glass 10c Home canned peaches, 1 qt.Mason jar.2oc Home canned Pears, lqt. Mason jar. .COc Large can Tomatoes, 2 cans 23c Large can Plymouth baked beans... 10c Hall's Cash Store ative Men Called ' . : "t " ' Miss Lottie bmrth t)f Havelock came ! Harry Adair, a y3Ung man of Kent, ; UD to sbend several davsTwith relatives. : David M. Llovd. a prominent. farmer br.'M. Hoops was a iincoln.'.passen-1 residing west and north of Murray, de ger Sunday enefiing. returning Monday 1 Parted this life at his home Monday noon. evening. Mr. Lloyd has been one of .. ,' i'-"tri"'Vnn'''' o r. I Cass county's leading men for. many Market -Wheat 90c,-corn 48c, hogs ,J.. , f iU .. -m u ' rfn oT i yeais, and his place in the community $o.l0, butter 20c, eggs. 2oc, cream 28c, ! J . , , , . F T1 A hens 8c " ' . .' i will be. hard to fill. David M. Lloyd '"" " " . j was borp in. New York state in the Some of our farmers are plowing, ; vear of ig4r d came..to Nebraska t . ....... t . . ' I and he takes hold of the business here wnicn is very unusual lor tnis time oi wnen quite a young man. Here he was with the expectation of making" his i year in Nebraska. -.. ' " I married - in 187G to Miss Catherine j cafe the Ieadinsr restaurant and short! Miss Martha : Goehry is spending her i Totten, Judge Newell performing the J order house in the city. He brings two weeks vacation from school duties I ceremony oh the 25th day of March of ; with him one of the finest cooks in the at Plattsmouth-with her parents here. I that vear. One son has been lorn to Miss Olga Neitzel leaVes for Greely, this marriage, a young man who sur Colorado. Friday," where she will spend vives his father. ...... ; lowa, .with, experience m running an ' up-to-date restaurants closed a deal I Tuesday whereby he becomes proprietor I of the retaurant, operated by Osborn ; brothers at Perry TJtterback's old stand j in the Gund building. Mr. Adair is a genial gentleman, i - j - t j uavuig xiuu a sueeessiui uusiiieascarefr, i state of Iowa, being Mr. Ed "Booth. J Booth is an adept in the art of good cooking, having had the honor of ! cooking for some of the swell banquets i in that old commonwealth. i Plattsmouth will no doubt welcome j Mr. Adair as he is one of the ablest i auctioneers in eastern Iowa, and it i will be Mr. Adair's pleasure to assist i Sam Smith in his Saturday sales. This j will not prevent him from giving his undivided attention to the needs of his ! customers at the cafe, and those living I in the country as well as others will j always find Mr. Adair kind and court eous in his treatment, always thought ful of the comfort and pleasure of his guests. Time Table Plattsmoutn, Nebraska TllAlN'S OOINU EAST No. 'Jit 1'ncifie Junction. 2 i. n. No. - Local Express, to Iowa iH:n:s. Chi' cago and the -asl &:03 i. ui. j No. 4 Lincoln to Pacific Junction, con necting with points north, rant ! and south (Exwpt Sunday 9:i4 a. ui. I No. 2r From Omaha 3:Go i. in. : No. rYrkht to Tactfic Junction 4:K. . m. No. C Through vestibule ;xprtfts H:C- a. tn. ' No. li From Omaha !:30. m. I TRAlSHOiM: WKiT v o l'J lM-al exrreta. daily. Omaha. Lin coln. Wruy. and inHrmiHi;t tati.mx 8i a. in. . 7 Kft mail. Omaha and Lincoln Kic.-pt rfund V-' P. tn. No. Xr Ih-iI rxire js. Iuivilli. Ashland W:iliimand5?chuvler S:S0i. tn. No Jv U.rl frfijjht. t'!ar Cn I ouisviMo and Saulh Itrnd 1" a. tn l'ily. except Sunday. Maple 6rove Special Correapondeuce Will Patterson was visiting Maple Grove friends Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harmond Beck were business visitors in Plattsmouth Satur day. Adam Hild and wife of Fight Mile Grove spent Tuesday at the Louie Puis home. ; D. Murray and family spent Sunday wun airs. i.ou l.omcr and sons near Union. ! Mr. and Mrs. (I. K. Fritzputrick and ! sons, Uov and Arnold were Plattsmouth ' j visitors Monday. Mrs. H. Beck and daughter and M DISCOUNT Commencing with Nov. 2 I will give 25 per cent oil' on all trimmed hats. E.B.MYERS Corbet t spent Tuesday Florence Fleming. Mr. Preston and Louie Larenseii of the winter with her sister, Mrs. Clara Hartung. ; The Johnsons who have been farm ing the old L. C. EickhofT farm the past several seasons will, move away in the spring. Herman Kupke hauled out a fine new six-horse power Lauson gasoline engine Tuesday afternoon. . Our if armers are progressive. The local school started ' on its . holi day vacation Tuesday afternoon, when , school was dismissed until the first I Monday in January. -The shooting match given last Thurs day by John Aires was well uttended and proved quite .interesting to a large number of contestants. John Kupke has purchased the John Deming farm of 130 acres, known as the old George Mattison farm, con sideration $100 per acre. A large number of farmers took part in a wolf hunt last Monday east of town and the boys succeeded in killing! two of the pesky critters. .. , Harold Tool left for Clay Center, Kansas, where he will enjoy the glad Christmas season with her aiHter, Turner McKinnon and family. Mr. and Mr. F. Wolf are entertain- I ing Mr?. Von Lackum and daughter of Omaha, they anived last Saturday evening and will remain 'until aftor ; Beside his wife and son, the deceased leaves surviving, three brothers, being Joseph of this city and George and John living on a farm in this county. One sister Mrs. Clint Totten survives also. The funeral of Mr. Lloyd occurred to day (Thursday,) at the Presbyterian ' church in Murray at 11 o'clock. Mr. ' Lloyd had been ill for some time prior j to his death with chronic stomach ' trouble, but until a few days ago it was j thought he was not dangerously sick. : The community sympathizes deeply ; with the grief stricken wife and son. in ', their bereavement. POULTRY FANCIERS Meet At Glenwood-Dr. Hall j Takes 1st On Cockerel -1 st j and 2nd On Pullets. j C. E. wescotf s Sons "WhJe Quality Counts." r i ! i i We S Wish You Merry Christmas C. E. Wescotf s Sons "Where Quality Counts. " The Glenwood Poultry Fanciers As- j sodiation met at Glenwood this week j in their annual gathering, and the deni- I f-o Zens Of the Other Side Of the nVtT were j will on tbethdayof January A. 1). lSi,t , , . , . o'clock a. in. of said day at the t'outh tKor of I (surprised When prizes were awarded! Court House in said county. b11 at publtc aoct SHERIFF'S SALE. F.y virtue of an order of Sale U.sued by June koixrtson. Clerk of tbe Uistrict Court within and for Cai count)'. Nebraska, and to mo ilirectod. I 10 the auction ' on score cardq bv tho iudires Dr J to the hijfht bidder for cah the followinf real . , UJl SLurt litrus uy im JUUJ,LS. lr. Lot numbered four 41 in Work li. nail oi tnis city nan a lew lwr.-.rli'r..r ..!-.... .. 11 of Jacob t". Swet'twood. HarriMMi U. JnrtU00d, " " - "h "... ...t... : Ksie Sweeuvood. Nathan K. Sweet wood, la'l A. round was a little finer than anvotliers. Sw-iwoi. Fiovd setwo.d. Wild; riiernd ni hhmi nun iwovemi oy ine .ivinjion Loan Of Special Interest To Women. IenS i numtiered eighteen 118) in Tountc Hnysaddidua to i HeCOrtl-J leirllil. lllf.livtl I mii-Hiwjin.vjM iiuiu.v .icuro,u.luci fniiTul ihnt thn lWr.r unturml and liuildirjr Aswiation MaintifraffBiiutBaidde- " - fnilarm I'attmouth. Neb. November M . IOCS C. I. Vji;iTON Visiting HITS, j rhristmns ! ! When the scoring was nil done it wa9 Aooipn Kucnn wno nas lieen 1 arming ii... L"-:. r..i : e 1... iik rviiiii- vjiiviiivitT iitriii ihiki'im i . . i -i . u. . ., .... i Weeping Water dined with 1. Mun.y l,rro and Louisville for man vears will .. " . , , . . - - uii tm-Kcrri aim iirst ani secoiui on leave lor nis own j.iace near hew:u-u in ; pu,lt.ts This spCllks wc fof ,)r the spring. .Hall's intelligent breeding. These The school children were thought- j were no chance birds for it will re-; fully remembered with boxes contain- j meinbered that about a year ago the ing candy, nuts, etc. by their respee- j Doctor invested a piece of money in a tii- teachers at the close of school j cockerel purchased from a poultry; Tuesday afternoon. ; j fancier at .Maitland, Missouri, where Mrs. John Luetchens very kindly ie-! thoroughbred stock of 'all kinds abound. I niombered Ye Scribe with a fine fat I The Doctor has given some attention! gcose for Christmas, for" which .he has j to the raising of good poultry anil h:is our thanks. Too bad that Christmas : some of the linct looking birds in the only comes once a year.. ! state. His success at Glenwood in the"" and wife Tuesday. H. l!eck and family and Mrs. C'or bctt were visiting with I). Muarry ar.d family Friday evening. Kd. Murray. Fritz Lutz and Mata and Laura Puis attended the dance at Mvnary Saturday night. Mrs. II . 15eck and daughter, Mar : garet and Mrs. Corbctt were visiting ; Mrs. Ray Davis and children Thursday. ; K. F. Oaks ami wife of Jefferson t t'ounty returned to their home Mon i day after a month visit at the Kuster j holtz home. i ('has. Mutz has moved into one of H. ! ('. Long's honses, and John Durman moved onto Chas. Chriswisser's place ; vacated by Mr Mutz. Mr. Mutz will It is doubtful if any nll-.rr newspuprr in the United States ofiVrs so tniu-li that is of interest to women and of value in the home as does The I'hioauo In the d ii'v issues :in boinjr levied upon and taken as the property j to be found a daily pattern MUtaMe lor home dressmaking, thedaily bill of far. chatty society news and Mine. Qui Vive's daily feature of answers tip":; beauty topics. . On Monday app nr-: "Martha's Management." devoted t household and culinary topics, while j short light reading for the whole fami! In County Court. ' , ;3 aiways found on the editorial i.ag,:. Tuesnay the 22nd inst. -Judue IJecson ' On Friday appears Dr. Withrow's rum granted probate of the will of Simon U. I ment on the Sunday school le.-M.n. ai:.! .ludkins which was set for hearing be-! throuch the week will be found cri.-p fore his Honor that date. On the same reitws of the new books. In th Sim- day a final decree was entered in the I dav-issue a complete section is dei.:. ! iai fmouth. Neb. November -JS A. 1). O. I. UL'INTON Sheriff rai. Countv, Nehraa. estate of Delilah J. Standley. Miss Gertrude I'eeson, the marriage license clerk was busy that day writing li censes. One was issued to Dr. J. F. I.rendcl of Murray and Miss Marge ret Our merchant report a line holiday j rillf? against breeders of much longer" -Lueile Jameson of Weeping Water, and trade.considering the fact that so many j experience; indicates what cool beaded one to Nicholas Schaefer and Miss of our people took in the corn show at j judgement will accomplish. We con- j Eunice May Barker. Omaha, where thev encountered all ! gratulate the Doctor on hi; (Mb TRAINS COIN; NORTH. No. In", (inula K.xprc.ii N'. Ui: NVI.rika Atnil N. !". l.M-al Freinlit.. TRAINS COI: SOUTH. Nc. lnl No. im; I .oca I Freight m. p. h n rtnfD)iie t Time mtWl Tabic j The pPular 5c Cigar. H j work for II. C. Long and Mr Durman will work for Chas. Chris wisser next summer. LITTLE LOCALS. a. in. .5:0- p. in. .2:0? . in. Ir- FACTS :':4 u. ni. UK)'! a. m . . 1:15 n. in BAILEY & MAGH THE DENTISTS UtfSt pll( iijU-Cr id-Ornll t'V Rfltoa it't rruK. Brl-'osiffprd Dentil 0 t.tt i th M.ddie West. ptct. discounts to citt ihsitoks n Mor l air.. i, I;.k . mi A ram. OtUH. NEB. The news items of the home com munity. J The things in which you are most interested. J The births, weddings, deaths of the people you know. lThe social affairs of our own and surrounding towns. TbM ara tha luad of facta taia papar it yoa ia wry iaat. Thar ara . cartainlr wortk Uj aabacriptioa prica. 5e V THE ADAIR CAFE REGULAR MEALS 20c Short OrderVt-AuH o o o o o o o o 0 O Mi--SlruK 5uRs O O 0 0 HARRY ADAIR PROPRIETOR 0 0 0 0 C. A. Marshall, dentist. January magazines are ready at win's. . John Chase from near Avoca spent j yesterday in the city. Photo card views of I'lattsmouth, 2 or 5c at Ncmetz & Co's. , George P. Meisinger was in from j Eight Mile Grove Wednesday. i Ralph White of Nebraska City called on his friends briefly Wednesday morn I ins- j E. Worth of Pender came in Tues day for a holiday visit with relatives in this city. Ed. Skilesof Leads, South Dakota r arrived Tuesday and will visit relatives during the holidays. j Carl and Louise Ebinger came down j from Plainview Tuesday to visit with I relatives during the holidays. ' w y 1; . irs. ioe Cameron is spenoing ine; holiday season with her parents, B. F. Marler and wife, at Mynard. Carl Humphry and wife of Des ! Moines arrived Wednesday to visit Mr. Humphry's mother for a time. i Photo post cards of Taft at Platts j mouth. Now on sale Ten different: views at Tic each. Ncmetz & Co. next to P. O. J. A. Hannah and wife and child left Wednesday morning for Osceola, la., where they will spent! the holidays with. friends aufenberger who has been attending the school at Peru, re turned home Tuesday evening for the Xmas vacation. J. Mason has taken a lav off during kinds of opportunities to spend their money. Lemuel McGinness, who is now sec tion boss at Richfield, was up Monday on business. He likes his work very much and is doing nicely, but says that his wife has entirely lost sight of one of her eyes. Louis Neitzel intends to leave for a short visit with his relatives in South Dend, Indiana, and Chicago, 111. He will take the afternoon train next Sun day, and will probably be away the balance of the week. Conrad L. Miller, wife and children arrived from Ogden, Utah, last week for a visit with relatives until after the holidays. Mr. Miller looks decidedly prosperous and hearty. He likes the j west and the west is surely doing I well by him I The section boss on the Rock Island i uiiiwui, .ui. Ayionvi naa iuii uvei and killed by the noon train Jast Fri day, while attempting to remove a ! hand car that was on the track when the train came along. The Greeks: in the crew jumped for the their lives and escaped injury, but the boss sought to save the car and lost his life in the effort. ' The Christmas cantata given by the children of the M. E." Sunday school last Tuesday evening in the Woodman hall was well attended. The "perform ances was well rendered and greatly enjoyed by those present; if reflects great credit on the managers and re sulted in atkh'ng something like $30 to the treasury. It was an innovation for m r a a. iviuraocK and seemed to strike argil sponsivc cord. -3. TitHe excitement was caused by a mix-up between the Stachctzki and Carl Bauer families one day last week. No blood was shed although the atmosphere was rank with filthy hot air for a time. These people should get together some day, on the out- i skirts of the village,- and do the Kil- and anticipate he will do future. winnings. more in the We sell the Monarch Malleable Range. Kroehler Brothers, Coates Block. to women, containing Mme. (.ui ie s beauty page, "Hints for the Home Dressmaker" by .leannette Hope, Mai -ion Harland's page. Dame Curtsey's "Novelties in Entertainment," smietv news and many special articles of. in terest to women. The Sunday M aga.ine of The Record-Herald Ls full oT good stories, in verse, wit, humor and mis cellany, with many beautiful illustra tions. It has the real magazine flavor. the hoi if lavs nnrt ?Arvirf rrl vontcrrliiv for Alliance to visit with his daughter, j kenny cat act' You wiU remember Mrs. Clement Koke. . , j the'e wn nothing left of them but the O00000 oooo 000000000000000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 tj?00000 i the city Monday and will be the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Smith during the holidays., Mrs. Gardner residing on ' Washing ton, avenue is confined to her house with an affliction of sore eyes, can hardly see any thing at all. other. ) Mrs. .Lec Sharp departed for her former borne in Michigan Wednesday morning, where she will visit her par ents over the holidays. ge . t. Matthews or Chicago who is ' the general storekeeper for the system 1 xt J- H- Burnett and wife of May wood, ! a day or two this w.eek. 'Neb.; who have been guests of James: , . , . ' ! Sage and wife for a time departed ! wJ?n ,Burley of Denver, . arrived ! Wednesday . morning for Chariton, i S? yJ f f! 1 will visit lla., where they will visit, friends for Plattsmouth friend, over the holidays. -f-wjnv - -: Mr. Burley was a one time resident of E. G."D0VEY & SOM t - ' We Wish all Our Friends and Patrons Merry Christmas Yecr E. (G. nwj & s 5 It. r. m - j : the city. e p OTOllIA. ; Ihs K:nd Yh Havg itiwars Bought Wa4 I of Basis tis ?