Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, December 21, 1908, Image 4

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To unload our stock of Ladies' and Misses'
WOOLTEX CLOAKS. As we have explained
before we are overstocked on these goods and
in order to move them are making prices with
out regard to the cost. $20 coats for $12.50
$15 cots for $9.98, etc. And they make hand
some Christmas presents. Also, everything in
the millinery department must be moved, and
your price is our price.
! Hold Regular Session and Trans
act Big Batch of Purely
Routine Business.
Plattsmouth, Xcb., Dec. 15. 190S.
Board of county commissioners
j met pursuant to adjournment, with
! all members present. Minutes of
! previous meeting read and approved.
' whereupon the the following business
was transacted in regular form:
The following bonds were approv
ed: Nebraska Construction Co. for
bridge work; C. F. Hall, justice of
the peace Salt Creek precinct; J. A.
Wilson, road overseer road district
Xo. 7; James Hoover road overseer
road district No. " ; W. C. Ramsey,
county attorney. Request of promot
ers of Salt Creek drainage district to
postpone date of hearing to about
March 1st. 1909 was granted.
County clerk was ordered to can
cel the tax charged against Mrs.
Catherine Hadroba, 100S. this tax be-
' ing assessed in error. County clerk
J also instructed to cancel the tax
i charged against 13. E. Woolsey on
j mortgage of $4,200.00 which had
! been assessed in Otoe county and not
1 liable in Cass county, also poll tax
! of J. fl. Yorke, account being under
! age: also Grant Wcttcnkamp ac
count invalid.
Tft...i.: 1:..... AA (
i till Mtriii, iuri) f v-ri
i . . ... . - o i
I litu.s. rnune vt irni 30
Wcsscott's Hons, mdse 6 00
.Iop Fetzer, mdse 2 00
O V IJaylor. coal $I0 92
.1 II Penson, constable 26 80
K Mansneaker. balif f . . 40 00
C O Quinton. post. Eloc 26 30
Mrs Emma Miner care Mrs Moore 4 oq t Preparations for the Alaska-
ClaJm Allowed oft Road Food. !
lukon Show Are On a
Henrv Wessell. mdse f. No. 11' 1 95
Henry WesSell. mdse R D N'o. 9 4 60
Chas Odwnrker, mdse fi I No. 14 6 23
Chas Odwarker, mdse R D Xo. 13 40
Hans Kemp, road work No. 1.. 15 00
Fred Obernalte. road work No. 8 53 00
C J Vincent mdes No. 6 3 40
Joe Vickers, road work No. 6.. 17 10
C M Seybert. road work No. 4.. 38 00
Charles Anderson, road work 6 3 00
The following? list of names were se
lected from which to draw the Jury for
the February term of the district court:
riatt.smouth City 1st ward John
Wlrchman, John Beeson.
Plattsmouth Cltv 2nd ward U. C.
TIppens, Uuy McMaken. W. C. Ham
ilton. I'lattsmouth City 3rd' ward K. J.
Klcliey. is. U. Wurl. O. C. Hudson
Charles Troop.
City 4th ward John
H. Kgenberger, John
I'lattsmouth City Gtli ward J. Vorn
rirnti, Kohert Patton.
Plattsmouth precinct Geo. Horn, Hen
Horninp, V. L. Thomas. .
ICiRlit Mile drove precinct J. O.
MciniiiKer. H. 1C. Becker, J. O. Ward.
Avoki precinct H. "Wolpli. Lewis Ho
lm ck.
Neliawka precinct Henry Follard,
Lee klrkpatrick.
Liberty precinct Jeff Cross, James
Pitmann, T. O. Barnes.
Hork ItlufTs 2nd district Peter
Campbell. K. O. Furlonp.
Hock lilu as 1st district Lloyd Gap
en. Geni'Ke Lloyd.
Alt. Pleasant precinct Clark Newlan.
Charles Meyers.
Center precinct Frank Jameson, C
C. Baldwin.
Louisville Precinct C. O. Mayfleld,
AuKtist Panska.H. R. Pankonln.
(Jieenwood precinct Kd Parsell. Met
Tipton nreclnct Hans Wolf. Lafe
Mullen, J. V. Capeley.
Steve Creek precinct James Turk. C.
O. Bailey. Frank (Justin, Wilbur
Salt Creek precinct John Buck.
Janit-s Gtillinn, llutrli Armstrong.
Silk and HeaOierbloom Petticoats
Our line of these poods is superb and you will
not be doing yourself justice if you fail to see
them. As with everything else in our store
those goods are strictly up to the minute and
the prices will compare favorably with those
of any store on earth.
Ti,n fii., ;., ,.i;,v., l.T.i.,,r niin.,i ouin i.fmi - precinct jonn
on the general fund: ::imw.ood , P'ecinct John Welchel,
, . Frank Znz, Georpe Towle.
James Robertson. State vs. James YVeepinK Water City J. W. Wise. ft.
Smith $H. 1-. I i. MoNurllng. Frank J. Davis.
W K Fox. State vs. .lames Smith :'. 1 W.-eoinir Water nreelnet John
Thus B Salmon. St vs James Smith 2 00 ! Jionik, Bvroii Baker.
Kva K Fox, State vs James Smith 2 00 i Board adjouned to meet January 5,
Ben Kainey. St. vs. James Smith 2 00 j iiii. W. K. Itosencrans,
. Joe Fitzjyera Id, State vs James 'Countv Clerk.
Smith 2 on i "
; Will Fitzfierald, State vs James
Smith 2 o 1
Chester Tuev, State vs. James
Smith 2 "
I.I T 1 on:iluie. State vs James
i Smith I 1 0 j
j A Bawls, State vs James Smith in :
, F K Sehlater juror certificate.. ::t: II
Virtfinia McVii kers. costs Osken- ' . ,
! k..p ::i 1 'i Plattsmouth People Can Give
! F S White, mdse to poor 4 on 1
1 II M Soeiinicliseti. mdse to poor.. :'.:: I". V.. Tl T " .3 D .
W L Bates, land for roadX.... ' I nil iVlilll.Y nctUUMS
J V Kirenberirer. :t 1 to county. .11':'. '." j
S II Sliuinaker. repairs to pump. . " "o i
B Mil riiiai tit. room for 2 dec- j
lions 7 " ; , ,
' P. C Mariiai dt. mdse to poor.. n ml! lloail
Stone Mercantile o.. nulse to
: State Journal Co.. 1 c li nd i ntr I i 1
Xel. Liilit Co. ftas
A 1. Tidd. in.siira nee
Thos. Walling, insiirniice
IS I Boyles. room for election.. ::
; L I Swllzi-r salary and -xpenses "'.I
i Ted Flood, livery I
' I-: Wurl mdse to p in no
Ceo l'.allauce. juror I 0(1
i J C York, juror j on
: Michael Martin, juror 2 4(1
Will Starkjnhii juror L' in
' .1 F Cluney. juror ::n
P. F Wiles juror 2 "n
j II .V Sclim ider juror 2 en
elms Miller, juror I mt
.IoImi I'.i ittiiiu. juror 2 no
.1 K Wiedemaii. juroi- .".70
.1 .) Svoloda, mdse .".I 77
Large Scale.
'It will unquestionably be the most
beautiful exposition ever held in the
world and the remarkable progress you
have made so far ahead of the opening
date amazes me," said Charles Dana
Gibson, the creator of the "Gibson
Girl, "after a trip over the grounds;
where the West is building the Alaska- j
Yukon-Pacific Exposition which will
be held in Seattle from June 1 to Oc-1
tober 16, 1909.
Mr. Gibson stood at the head of the
Cascade Court, the central decorative
feature of the grounds. Straight in
front of him but 80 miles away Mount
.Riinier,. the highest mountain peak in
the United States reared its head un-
Jtil its snow covered crest was lost in j
the white fleecy clouds that hovered j
around it. To his left the Cascades !
,made . a rugged outline against the
aky and to his right the Olympics rose
to majestic height from the shores of
the Pacific Ocean. Away off to the
northwest the Selkirks carried a sea of
snow-capped peaks to the distant
horizon. In the immediate foreground,
through stately pine trees that have so
far withstood the march of progress,
Lake Washington glittered. It was
a December morning but Mr. Gibson
and Norman E. Hapgood, editor of
Collier's Weekly, who was with him,
wore in their button holes roses they
had plucked as they strolled over the
exposition grounds.
"I ha've made no particular hobby of
expositions," continued Mr. Gibson,
but I have been to all those held in
' recent years and from what you have
j already here combined with the lav
j ish manner in which nature has done
; her share for you, I think I am safe
! in saying that this will be the most at-
1 traptivo riiio fpr holrl I ha1 nr in-
Why it is So. : tentkm when Ifleft New York for corn-
Kidney Pill cure the cause ! " to this country again for some years
but 1 will be back here next June to
rrTl I 1 II
m mmmm
similaiing ihcfbadandRtgula
ling die Siomartis andBofcelsof
Promotes DigestionJChf erful
ness and Ikst.Containsneitlw
Opiuni.Morphinc nor Mineral.
fhmjtiit Serd"
Vniilvfrmit tutor.
Apcrfect Remedy for Consfipa
t ion , Sour Stomach.D larrltoca
ness aiidLossorSLEEP.
Facsimile Signamre of
Tor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
r -,- Marx , : i-f i fa n
r VTTtersI I 1 nnl II fill X II 13 II 111
ESS" GuarameeaunaBr-'i5a II n f ui II Mil II II It
minimi it-ti'" yujiTiiJJ u liUUU
tni ciitauii coanw. ftw Venn mm
Guaranteed under the
Exact Copy of Wrapper,
For Over
Thirty Years
j of disease, and that is why the cures
; i ;; j strengthens and tones up the kidneys, j completed picturefor anything."
I-' 7". i:in- nKv.iv.vt lastino-. Th! reme.K' see your tair. I woukien'l miss the !
-X W While, iiisuranec 10
I l: Wiiiiliiain insuiiiiu-- S4 00
II l l:-i'il insurant-!- s no
M I.t-ytia. insurance l' no
'has iilvai!;i'r, coal to inr.... 1'
Win IIdIIv. iiistiraiu'o ;:: no
I" I: .Ionian salary ami f.... 17 00
II l Keeil. room for t l i t ion . . .". 00
M 1 Kriftlrirh, salarv anl -x.. 10 oo
S V I ;irarl.-l. in.lse is 70
M Arclior, !' hill State vs Mion s 10
V M Thonas Si vs Ilion.... I ID
lr J II Mall, witness St vs liixon 1 10
Jaeoh I'arr. witness SI. vs liixon l l(
KaTherim Miller, witness St vs
ilixon l ::i.t
Win Savles. witne-'s St vs liixon I ::i !
i "has .M'ilh'f. St vs liixon I :: ;
Will I'YriCltsoii witness Si. vs
liixon i r.o
' 1' Ijtiii.lon. tees St vs liixon i' 00
'el. Tel. I'o. lent ami lolls.... t; so
M Jlerohl ir..lsi- 1 r.r.
Hans .lohnson. room for eleetion ! 00
W K Kok. in.-ui ance i'.:: no
Weepinti Water l:e.ln. Ptiijj.. 1 .'.o
! helping them to drive out of the bodv r- "apgooti was equally enuiusias-
' I the liquid poisons that cause backache, j tic and he and Mr. Gibson will return j
headache and distressing kidney and
urinary complaints. Tlattsmouth people
testify to nerntanant cures.
.1. W. Hickson. employed with thej
Dal tsmouth Water Co., and living on
Oak Street, between Seventh nnd
Eighth streets, " Tlattsmoutl), Neb.,
says"My experience with Doan's Kid
ney Pills warrants me in giving them
my strongest recommendation. Off and
on for twelve or fourteen years I was
subject to attacks of pain in my back
to Seattle next summer to see the ex
position and will also make the trip to
dence of a deranged condition of my
kidneys. Procuring Doan's Kidney
Pills at Gering & Co. 'a drugstore, I
used them as directed and the benefit
derived was so pronounced that I am
a!.le to attest to the remarkable value
and merit of this remedy. Not only
did Do-in's Kidney Pills give me entire
relief from the pain in my back but
they toned up and invigorated my sys
tem generally.
For sale by all dealers. Price ,r0
cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
N. Y., sole agents for the United
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other.
Spelled with great big- letters, has
thus far marked the efforts of the
business men of Plattsmouth in es
tablishing and maintaining a free
auction sale weekly for the benefit of
the farmers. As before explained,
this innovation has been inaugurated
solely with a view to coming in clos
er business relations with the farm
ers, hence are cordially invited to
avail themselves of this free market.
c ...AT THE...
m. bot boa
Smith & Smith, Props.
Sixth CZi Vine Sts. PlnHsniniitliVehrnskn
Liberty Precinct Citizen Who
Died Some Days Ago Was
a Unique Figure.
Horn July 4, 1861, two miles south
east of here. Died at 3:20 Friday af
ternoon, Dec. 11, 1908, at home of his
brother, Eli M. Smith, five miles north
east of Union. ,
The death of Russell Smith was no
surprise to people of this part of the
! countv, as it has been known for some
time that he was broken in health and
that his death would be the result. In
his early life he was an invalid, and he
was never a robust man and met with
numerous misfortunes. His father left
him a farm of 100 acres south of this
village, and this lias been his support
since his father's death. His health
has failed very rapidly ever since he j
suffered a stroke of paralysis about a
year ago, being helpless much of the
Senator Burkett Addresses the
Senate on Postal Sav
ings Banks.
Senator Elmer J. Burkett of Ne
braska made a strong speech Thursday
in the senate, in support of postal sav
ings banks. The Washington corres
pondent to'the Omaha Ree in referring
to the speech says:
"Senator Burkett in his speech today
in favor of the postal savings banks,
wa listened to by a large majority of
the senate. His arguments were closely
followed and those who heard the
speech say it was along proper lines
and that it cannot be answered. It
was in all essentials a particularly j
good speech and in line with his party's j
Referring to the many plans that
have been suggested for the rejuvena
tion of the present banking system.
Mr. Burkett said that all of them
would fail to completely meet the
situation because they eliminated from
consideration the great class of de
positors that the postal bankB are in- j
tended to provide for.
The fear of the bankers that the
postal savings institution would make
an unwelcome competitor we do not
believe to be well founded, said Senator
Burkett, and he expressed the. opinion
that the postal institution would do in
America as they had in every other
country, take care of themselves and
build up their own clientele from
entirely different sources than that
from the present depositors in banks.
He said that while they might draw
some deposits from their present
channels, the percentage would be so
small that it would be more than offset j
by additional depositors that the de- j
posit habit would build up.
Decorated china at Irwin's. j
c::-:: .i
11 5Ie?iPiP
Josh Wi.-r says, "Some men
sneer at women's shopping but
when women shop they don't have
to cat dove to disguise what
they've !een buying."
of cloves I think we carry the
smoothest line of spices that ever
tame over the peas. You kmiw
some ppices are all drawn out of
one barrel soaa to speak, and doe
tored up with the essential oiU to
represent each particular -pice,
such as cinnamon, doves, allspice,
!epjer and mustard. That saves
a lot of trouble for the h-pice mill,
because they don't have to have a
different hopper for grinding every
kind of spice, but of course thnt is
all done away with now. When
vou buy spices at our ..tore you
are not buying ground almond shells or -.uime kind of hulls flavored with
essences and oils but you are buying the real thing, perfectly pure, ar.d
not mixed with cracker crumbs or any other dope to make it K" farther.
We handle Dwineil-Wright Co's spices and Havering extracts, t rnntier
ries. Sour Cider, Celery. Lettuce. I'ananas. Kuts. Figs and Date,
liaisms and Currant?. Candied Citn:i. Orange : m d l emons. CurtN I'.n
The Home Paper
Gives yo-j the re.iibup fevtr in vou haw? re-'mi in
terest -th home D- l-ery
issue will prove a welcome visitor to everr member of the ttnu'.j li
should head your list of newspaper and periodica! snbcxiptiuuv
time. The funeral services were held u-t - --T - - -
-inuiin ii i i I n TTTilTniTirTnfrrrTt to women ana 01
Mount Hope church, conducted by Rev,
Crum, and interment was made in the
Cemetery adjoining the church.
Deceased - was a man of peculiar
tendencies ih-'-same respects, but in no
way did he ever intentionally wrong
anyone by word or act. and had the
friendship of all knew him. His favorite
pastime was playing hia violin and
traveling, he having made the journey
on foot to Idaho in 1890 and returning
three years later, and again about
seven years ago he went to Idaho and
Washington and remained on the coast
about a year. There are many people
here vvho have known Russell a long
time, and all have good words to speak
of him,, not a single word of censure.
Union Ledger.
Of Special Interest To Women.
It is doubtful if any other newspaper j
School Supplies at Irwin's.
Every Woman Will bo Interested.
There has recently been discovered
an aromatic, pleasant . herb cure for
woman's ills, called Mother Gray's
! AUSTRALIAN-LEAF. . It is the only
certain regulator. Cures female weak?
nesses and Backachejpdiie.
tift.d Liiijury troubles. At all Drug
gists or by mail 90 cts. Sample FREE.
Address, The Mother Cray Co., Le
Roy. N. Y.
value in the home as does The Chicago
Record-ti'erald. In the daily issues are
to be found a daily pattern suitable for
home, dressmaking, the daily bill of fare
chatty society news and Mmc. Qui
Vive's daily feature of answers upon
beauty topics. On Monday appears
"Martha's Management," devoted to
household and culinary topics, while
short light reading for the whole family
is always found on the editorial page.
On Friday appears Dr. Wi throw's com
ment on the Sundaylschool lesson, and
through the week will be found crisp
reviews of the new books.' In the Sun
day issue a complete section is devoted
to women, containing Mme. Qui Vive's
beauty page, "Hints for the Home
Dressmaker" by Jeannette Hope, Mar
ion Harland's page, Dame Curtsey's
"Novelties in Entertainment," society
news and many special articles of in
terest to women. The Sunday Magazine
of The Record-Herald is full of good
stories, in verse, wit, humor andj Tnis
cellany, with many beautiful illustra
tions. It has the real magazine flavor, j
To The Guh Coast Country
1st and 3rd Tuesdays
Over the Missouri Pacific Railway ((
23.65 for the Round Trip Tickets iood For 25 pi j
Can stop off(injherojo:ni or comlag t
arrive Kansan ( ity
Train leaves Plattsmouth. Nebr., 12:03
Tuesday morning 0 o'clock. l
Making connections with the fan train going south to the C!f
We have a private Pullman and Dining Car (Julia.)
50 cents for berths and ."" cents for meals.
We are closing out a ranch near El Campo, Texas, of lfi.Ooo acTs,
at 522.50 to $30.00 er acre, on easy terms. We have sold over one-fctlf
of this land to farmers who will at once commence to improve their lacc-.
build good houses and barns. Also other lands near Edna and Victoiii.
If you want to make this trip with us. let us know in time t g-t J
you a ticket. Buy your tickets over the M:ssouri Pacific to Xansas Ci1f ; j
Santa Fe Railway to Houston, Texas, anil from Houston to San Antix::f
over the C. H. & S. A. Railway. I
Ask for Allen's root-Eaee
Bwoiien,- tired.
hot, !
smarting feet. Sample sent free. Also
Free Sample of the Foot-Ease Sanitary
Corn-Pad, a new invention. Addres,
Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y.
Platts. Phone 202