Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, December 14, 1908, Image 4

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To The Gulf Const Country
1st and 3rd Tuesdays
of Each
Over the Missouri Pacific Railway
23.63 for the Round Trip TIcketstiood For 25 Days
Cow stop off any where going or coming
i; arrives Kansas
Occasionally a Lad negro robs his cm-
ployer's fur closet, and the would-be i
wit to whom "all coons look alike,"
Political Boss and Arch Criminal ' say3 d-n the niggers", or a worse ;
of San Francisco must one perpetrates a horrible crime and ;
Go to Prison. i v' make it the signal for an indiscrim- j
After one of the most sensational' "iaLt -
Miss Fox and Mr. T. B. Salmon
Married Thursday After-
noon At 2:30.
The First Presbyterian church was
the scene of a very pretty wedding !
Thursday afternoon," when Miss Eva !
Knapp Fox and Mr. Thomas IJ. Salmon j
wertrtmited in the holy bonds of wed- !
lock by Rev. J. II. Salsbury. The;
church, tastily decorated for the oc-
casion with potted plants and cut
trials lasting for weeks, the jury in the ' lawless of us burning their bodies,
case of the state against Abe Ruef at I while we, who think ourselves more
San Friscisco brought in a verdict respectable, content ourselves with
Thursday of guilty. The jury was out j blackeninR their reputations and wish-
twentyfour hours deliberating on evi-' . , . ,, .
, , . . v u ing them "back in slavery.' The crim-
dence and arguments in the case, which : - j
had required 100 days to lay before ; nai minority nguic.-, """u.., j fWers, was crowded to its utmost'
them. I newspaper headlines, while the six or j capac;ty i,y relatives and friends of
The scene in the mom during the sevon millions of patient, industrious the contracting parties.
reading of the verdict was Ummatie, j . f . v f ., t t iu8tioe i Promptly at two o'clock the familiar ;
although the court, allowed no demon-! strains of the wedding march were
stration. The states chief prosecutor, '" 4t v
Francis J. Heney sat at the council 1 An effort was made, immediately
table for the first time since being i following emancipation, to elevate the
seriously wounded, by an insane man,
during the early stages of the trial.
race by statutory enactment and gov
prmtipntnl nnternalism. It failed, as
sounded by Miss Verna Cole, who pre
sided at the organ, to which the bridal
party entered.
The bridesmaid was Miss Florence i
Dovey, cousin of the bride, in yellow j
The court set next Saturday as the day ; . , . .. . . : and can-vine yellow chrysanthemums. !
i it win a w ivs ueiausc ii v nn .
ax- : -
Train loaves Plattsmouth, Nebr., 12:0:; a. in;
Tuesday morning t" o'clock.
Makinc connections with the fast train g 'in? -"''th to the Culf
We have a private Pullman and Dining Car (.Julia.)
50 cents for berths and :'.." cents for meal--.
We are closing out a ranch near Kl Campo. Texas, of lU.Ooo acres,
at 522.50 to $no.00 per acre, on easy terms. We have so,! over one-half
of this land to farmers who will at once commoiuetii: .prove their lands,
build good houses and barns. Also other lands i. oar I Mna and Victoria.
If you want to make this trip with us, let us know in time to get
you a ticket. Buy your tickets over the Missouri Pacific to Kansas City;
Santa Fe Railway to Houston, Texas, and from Houston to San Antonio
over the G. II. & S. A. Railway.
Texas Land Agent
ana the maid ot honor, iviiss Helen
Chapman, in green and t arrying yellow
chrysanthemums. The ushers were
always and everywhere, work i w. C. Ramsey, Grover Dovey, cousin
-,t n,m ,wtinv or. me wine, ana iienry uoos. air.
ot oronoune.inrr mdcement. ins m
imum penalty for the offense is fourteen I the fact that emancipation simply made
years in penitentiary. The court room the negro a free man, and that men
! was cleared of spectators immediately ; must
after the case was completed, none of
' the jury would discuss the verdict nor ! . Earl Lincoln of Aurora, 111., supported
state how many ballots were taken to i " encouragmg to note hat in our W
arrive at a decision. ; own city the small colored contingent j Jy her father
i is acting on the advice of that honored; The bride appeared very charming
negro who rose from the greatest ob- , in white silk and carried a shower
The Kind You Ilavo Always Bought, and rhlch ha been
in use for over 30 years, has borno the signature :'
' - and has been made under his jxt-
J&FrJtx sonal supervision since it infamy.
ftAry -coccJUte Allow n one to deceive you lu this.
AH Counterfeits, Imitations and ".Tust-as-jjomF are but
Experiments that triilo with ami endanger th health f
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a Jiarmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is llea-ant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other 2farroti
substance. Its ajjo is its guarantee. It destroy Worms
and allays Fcverisliness. It cures Diarrhwa and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Trembles, cures CoustipatioM
and Flatulency. It assimilal.-; the Food, regulates the
Stomach and IJowels, jrivit.jr healthy ami natural lep.
The Children's Panacea TIjc .'lothtr's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
P. O. Box 605
Platts. Phone 202
Vn.1 "
There will be more than just
keeping the stomach supplied if
your meals arc eaten at this taste
fully f iti-d-ii" restaurant. TaMe
ware and tin orj correct and clean
and deft .-rue Minpliment deii-i-ious.
well cooked viands and you
j-lioiihi have real pleasure in at
tending to the wants of the inner
man. Suppose- you try a break
fast, luncheon, dinner or supper.'
You may count on satisfaction,
even as to yur bill.
Wetenkamp Block. 1st Door West of N'ews Oflice.
Plattsmouth People Can (live
You Many Good Reasons
Why it is So.
Doan's Kidney Pill cure the cause
of disease, and that is why the cure-;;
1 are always lasting. This remedy ,
strengthens and tohes up the kidneys,
helping them to drive out of the body
the liquid poisons that cause backache.
headache and distressing kidney and
urinary complaints. Plattsmouth people
testify to permanant cures.
J. W. Hickson, employed with the,
Plattsmouth Water Co., and living on !
Oak Street, between Seventh and
F.ighth streets, Plattsmouth. Neb.,
s:rys"My experience with Doan's Kid-
ney Pills warrants me in giving them
my strongest recommendation. Off and
on for twelve or fourteen years 1 was
subject to attacks of pain in my back
. ami other symptons which gave evi
dence of a deranged condition of my
kidneys. Procuring Doan's Kidney
; Pills at tiering & Co. "s drugstore, I
used them as directed and the benefit
dci ied was so pronounced that I am
!e to attest to the remarkable value
m d merit of this remedy. Xot or.iy
.d Dn in's Kidney Pills give me entire
relief from the pain in my back but
they toned up anil invigorated my sys
( tern generally.
For sale by all dealers. Price r,0
cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
N. Y.. sole agents for the ITnited
Remember the name- Doan's and
take no other.
a ity to be a guest of the president bouqet of white chrysanthemums.
C. A Marshall, dentist.
of the United States. In this city, al
though few in number and none of
them, as we are advised, in more than
modern circumstances, the colored
peo;4e are pursuing a course which
commands respect. We hear no clamor
for 'social rights," see no seemly
efforts to push themselves un
invited, into association with
those of another race. Instead they
Trail fully forming ties of their own, or
ganising their own social life on the:
sun- foundation of mutual attraction
and mutual enjoyment. They orgar-;
ized and are conducting successfully, a :
club numbering a membershipof twenty- i
one, having for its objects social enjoy-
nv.'nt and mutual improvement. It is
conducted modestly, inoffensively and:
inexpensively the meetings being held 1
at the homes of the members.
On the evening of Thanksgiving day j
they celebrated the occasion by a ball
and banquet. The writer rapped at!
the door toward the close of the func
; tion and was both surprised and pleased
; with the scene. He was courteously i
received, and introduced to the prt-si-
dent of the society. Mrs. Haley, and ;
the secretary. Mrs. Berry, who gave
the information on which this writing!
i is founded.
I During his presence the president j
j announced the banquet. She did it j
' with becoming dignity, gracefully ami ;
I in well-ihosen words. The chaplain J
invoked the divine blessing.and the fast '
After the ceremony the bridal party,
relatives and many friends repaired to j
the home of Mrs. Jennie S. Schild
knecht where a marriage reception was
held by Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Fox, par
ents of the bride, from three to five. I
The parlors.attractively decorated with
chrysanthemums and ferns were
thronged with many of the friends who '
nad known Miss Fox from childhood j
and who offered their good wishes and
re hopes for a happy future. j
Mesdames II. N. Dovey, Dr. K. I). !
Cummins, Wm. McCauley and Miss j
Si arle assisted throughout the parlors.
In the dining room Mrs. C. K. Duke
assisted by Misses Frances Weidman
and Ruth Johnson served the guests!
delicious ice cream, cake, coffee and
The presents were numerous and
beautiful, among them being acheck
for $100, from a relative in Illinois.
The bride is the accomplished daughter ;
of Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Fox. was born!
ar.d grew to womanhood here and has
ho.--ts of friends whose bestow ishes will
ever attend her. The groom holds a
lucrative position at the Burlington
storehouse and although having been a
resident of this city for only a few
years, has made many friends who will
join the News-Hkrai.h in wishing him
and his estimable wife happiness and
prosperity. Mrs. Salmon iteparted on i
No. 2. over the Burlington Thursday
evening for Aurora, lil., where they
will visit the groom's parents and other
relatives during the holidays. They
will be at home to their many friends
The Kind You fee Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
tmc ccn-Aun coawif, tt iuimi tmcct. n. yo eir.
II 'am
U 77
9 j a i i A
iiifn f r Mi 'itir "ifrf ft
5r P.Ki
proceeded joyously as befits a Thanks- j
giving feast, but with perfect decorum.
There never will be race trouble in
! Huron. There would be, perhaps,
, if our colored neighbors lacked the
Spelled with g-reat big1 letters, lias
thus far marked the efforts of the
business men of Plattsmouth in es
tablishing and maintaining a free
auction sale weekly for the -benefit of
the farmers. As before explained,
t.h i s i n n ovation hasbjien inaugurated-,.
goo.l sense they are manifesting.
! tliov ti-no wi!flv rlioPli Uie
rnul ii tlu i'(snift .Hid i-onlidence of
the white majority.
When they shall have demonstrated
their ability to stand alone On their own
manhood and womanhood they will
have eliminated the race problem for
ever from their intercourse with the
world.- Huron (S. D.) Journal.
solely witlTa view to coming in clos- i
er business relations with the farm
ers, hence are cordially invited to
avail themselves of this free market.
The next sale will occur on
Smith & Smith, Props.
Sixth and Vine Sts. . Plattsmouth, Nebraska
Kills Large Wolf.
Thursday night, just after midnight,
James Lee a farmer living a short dis
tance north of Rock Bluffs heard his
f'dogs barking furiously as thoughgreatly
excited. He dressed himself and took
his trusty ride in bis hand and went to
see what the trouble was.
Near the carcass of a dead horse ly
ing in his liog lot , was a large gray j
ing were encouraged to charge on the
wolf which started off at "a good gallop.
It had not gone far until it wheeled
and came at' the dogs savagely. The
attack caused the dogs to retreat to
the house. Mr. Lee was behind a crib
and not observed by the wolf when it
stopped. The moon shining on the
snow made the night almost as light as
day, and Mr. Lee leveled his rifle at
the brute and fired, to his surprise the
animal dropped in its tracks. It was
one of the large grey species and stood
about three feet tall. Mr. Lee says
quite a number have been sighted in
that vicinity this winter and it is re
greted that there is no bounty on kill
ing them. , -
Thomas Re-Elected'
A special to the Lincoln News from
Omaha under date of December 10,
says: '
"At the regular annual meeting of
the anti-saloon league, which was held
last night at the Young Men's Christian
association rooms, these officers for
the coming year were elected: E. E.
Thomas, president; H. A. Stone, secre
tary; J. W. Marshall, treasurer; and
City And County-
The Majestic, 5 and lO cents.
rhoto card views of Plattsmouth, 2
;"c at Nemotz & Co's.
Something new in post cards every
week. Nemetz & Co. next to P.O.
Charles Makinster of Creenwood,
and Miss Lulu Wade of Weeping
Water were married in Lincoln last
Charles Grimes who was called to
Union Monday by the serious illness of
his mother, returned Thursday and re
sumed his duties on the Journal force.
"Had dyspepsia or indigestion for
years. No appetite, and what I did
eat distressed me terribly. Burdock
Blood Bitters cured me." J. II. Walk
er, Sunbury, Ohio.
Never can tell when you'll mash a
finger or suffer a cut, bruise, burn or
scald. Be prepared. Dr. Thomas'
Electric Oil instantly relieves the pain
quickly cures the wound.
I leg to announce that I have secured
ui . Tt; a'vuii, vice
large and chairman of ward organiza
tion. The executive committee con
sists of W. T. Graham. D. C. Pohn,
W. V. Bennett, L. J. Quinby, II. T.
Brass, E. E. Thomas and II. A. Stone.
?exclusive agency for the well known I It
ana popular wona S Star rtosTeTyiuTn
Underwear, the kind that wears. Call
at the 5c and 10c store, south of the
post office.
Constipation causes headache, nausea,
dizziness, languor, heat palpitation.
Drastic physics gripe, sicken, weaken
the bowels and don't cure. Doan's Reg
ulets act gently and cure constipation.
25 cents. Ask your druggist.
The transcript in the case of the
State vs. Charles Hixon was filed in
the district court by Judge Archer
Thursday morning. It is likely Hixon
will be arraigned next Saturday before
his Honor Judge Travis, and his bond
John Rainey of Plainview came in
Wednesday afternoon and will visit
Plattsmouth friends for a time. Mr.
Rainey formerly lived in this city. He
may continue his stay during the winter,
as the climate at Plainview has not
agreed with him during his stay there, j
This is an Easy Test. j
Sprinkle Allen's Foot-Ease in one J
shoe ami not in the other, andnoticej
the difference. Just the thing to usei
oL'Coine iic-
lo.-'h Wise say. "Some rren
.i.eer at women's shopping but
when women shop they don't have
to eat clove to disguise what
they've been buying." Sp-akiig
of cloves 1 think we curry tb"
smoothest line of spices that v r
i.ime over the seas. You kr.ow
some spice are all diaw:i out ff
or.f barrel so as to sfaW. d-M--toretl
up with the en-n-ntnd nl t
represent each particular ;ue,
such as cinnamon, cIov-s, alUpicr,
pepper strut mustard.
a lot of trouble for the .-.? mills.
J'ecaiw they don't have to have a
different hopper for grinding cry
kind of spice, but of course tl at i
nil donr away with now. Whrn
you buy spices at our stoic you
not buying ground almond she!!.; .r some kind of hull tlavored itJ
nces and oils hut you are buying the real thing. p rfM-tlv pure, ami
mixed with cracker crumbs or any other dope to make it g- fjuthr.
handle Dwinell-Wright Co's spices ami rlavoring extract . cranbrr
, Sour Cider, Celerv, Lettuce, Bananas. Nuts. Fig !:.! D.itrs.
'.ins and Currants. Candied fit ron, Orangrs nnd Lemon. Curti Hro.
H The Popular 5c Cipar. j
C The news items of the home corn
muni t'.
QThe things in which you are most
J The births, weddings, deaths of
the people you know.
The social affairs of our own and
surrounding towns.
The ftr tba kiad of fact thU papw
(ie yott in wry imi. They T
cartaJnlr worth tko ubocriptioa prico.
home. It is gona foraver it you send it ta
the Mail-Order House. A siance through
our advertising columns miA give you an
Idea where it will buy the most.
Homeseekers' Low
Round Trip Rates
Every 1st and 3rd Tuesday
Missouri Pacific
Iron Mountain
L'h'ral Stop-Ovr
Return Limit 25 Da
When the wheat is gath.-rnl.take
a trip to the country of low-j ricthl
land, and s e vhat is o!fere! to
ymi there. Ask for particulars
rtugh Nf)ton, ftaen!
M. iHRailway.
WINTER TOURIST RATES: -Daily vJucex rat.' 'cursi..n.s
to California. OKI Mexico. Southern and Cuban IJcorts.
HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS:-First an 1 thi-il Tues.hty.?
of each month to many points west, s.uth and snu hwest.
3erintendcnt Public Instruction of Nebraska. Six- J. McHrien.
vine; Lincoln and Omaha December l!)th. Vrit C V. Ilonnell.
cessary, and your shoes seem to pinch.
Sold everywhere, 2"c. Don't accept
any substitute.
Ask for Allen's Foot Ease.
A powder for swollen, tired,
smarting feet. Sample sent free. Also i
i Free Sample of the Foot-Ease Sanitary '
Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy. N. V. ' 1 Signature of
Jor Infanta and Children,
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
leavinp; Liincoin anu uraaiui liccvmiici i;n. ri
C. P. A. Lincoln, for itinerary. 1
Horn Basin and Yellowstone
secure prood farms from th
Mr D. Clpm nwwr nn th
He will help you secure one of these larms. No charge for his
services. Excursions first and third Tuesdays.
W. L. PICKETT, Ticket Agent. Plattsmouth
L. V. Wakely. C. P. A., Omaha.
5ne Valley: Ons of tlif last chances to
lie Government at tow !rrices. Go with
he npl pnrqnrly rnrrii Ctn excursion.
(iiiuflF j
5T- Old Papers For Sale at This OiTicn