The Semi-Weekly News-Herald 6EORGE L. FARLEY, Proprietor. DAILY EDITION. One Year, in advance, 5 00 Six Months 2 50 One Week 10 Single Copies, 5 SEMI-WEEKLY EDITION. One Year, in advance, .... tl 00 Six Months, 50 TE LARGEST CIRCULATION Of any Cass County Paper. The News-Herald could take some wood on subscription. Ex-President Krvgek received a royal welcome at the Hague. MR Dietrich doesn't seem to be in any particular hurry'in making his ap pointments. ALVO is going to Keep pace with nth or nitina and towns bv building a good hall for public meetings. TnE Eae-le Beacon comes out strongly in favor of Thompson and Kosewater for United States senators The official returns indicate that McKinleys majority is larger by about 248.000 than in 1896. which makes it nearly 848,000. The merchants are glad to see it get colder. The preasant weather has in terfered ouite materially with the sale of winter goods. FOR three papers a democratic, a republican aod an independent to emanate from one office will be some thing both new and novel for Platts- mouth. Who says fusion Is aeaar Mr. Bryan says he has heard noth ing of the Indiana movement to form a new party. Possibly the promoters are keeping the affair quiet for fear the Nebraska maa will want to join it. Omaha Bee. The Pirates of Penzance will be the first pirates many people, young and old, will have ever seen. Not many of ua have been on the high seas and but few of those who have, ever got a glimpse of a real pirate. For the first time in two or three years The News is the only daily pa per in Piattsmouth, but it seems it is to have the field for but one day only, as the Journal expects to start a ''non partisan" morning paper at once. "Manhood and citizenship" will be subject of Governor Iloosevelt's ad dress to the Y. M. C. A. of the coun try Dec. 30, at Carnegie hall, New York. A copy of the address is to be sent, to every Y. M. C. association of this country and Canada. It has been suggested that the beet and quickest way for the Morning Journal to work up a large subscrip tion list would be to have a voting con test and give the most popular, lady or perhaps the prettiest babe, in the city a fine Christmas present. Mayor Harrison has closed sev eral of the basement dives in Chicago, but the action was not taken because he thought the move a wise one, but, as he himself puts it, "I have bowed to the will of the people." The pres sure was greater than ho cared, to bear. The ratification at Washington on the part of the republicans from this state seems to have been quite an event Mark Hanna was conspicuou among the national republican lead ers. It takes some time for the fellows to get through rejoicing over their victory in Nebraska. Senator Thurs ton presided over the meeting. The governors of New Mexico and Arizona are in Washington to ask congress to admit these territories into statehood. Their reports indicate that in population, area and wealth these territories compare favorably with the conditions of many of - tad states at the time of their admission which tney believe justifies this claim. TnE army reorganization bill passed the house yesterday by a vote of 166 to 133. It was made a party measure, as but three democrats supported it, while but one republican voted against it. The amendment providing for the abolition of the army canteen system was carried by an overwhelming ma jority, the vote being 159 to 51. The temperance people will great'y rejoice over this. The reduction in war taxes, if the recommendations of the republican members of the ways and means com mittee are carried out, will amount to a little over $40,000,000. The people will appreciate the removal of some ol the taxes, more because they have been a source of annoyance than' any thing else. Except in certain in stances it can hardly be said that they have been burdensome. The opportunity to hear the world's most famous singers in grand opera in Lincoln next Wednesday will no doubt be taken advantage of by quite a num ber of our people. This company in cludes such singers as Melba, Nordica, Suzanne Adams, Schumann-IIeinK, Gadski. Olitzka, Homer, Frltze, Scheff, De Reszke, Plancon, Andreas, Dipoel, Solesa, Companari, Cremonini, DeLatour.Scotti, Journets, Manchenelli and Damrosche. All the railroads will give rates of one and one-third fares, which will be quite an advantage to the music lovers who are determined to enjoy this rare treat. BOER RESOLUTIONS IN. CONGRESS. (Chicago Times-Herald.) The resolution of sympathy for Mr. Kruger, which huve been intro duced in the house of representatives; would not help the Boers if they were passed, and if they had any influence at all it would be mischievous. We do not refer to the possible, irritation which they might cause among the English, but rather to the effect of the false hopes which they might arouse among the unfortunate and misguided men who are keeoin? up a disastrous struggle against the inevitable. No sane oerson who is not in the thick of the struggle and possessed by its passions can believe for a moment that there is the remotest chance of Boer success. It is barred by the ter rible logic of numbers and immensely superior resources of every sort. The emoerors of Germany and Austria recognize this fact and act accordingly. As they are not willing to offer the substantial succor of a military alli ance and so prove their sympathy by their deeds, they disdain the cheap substitute of valueless and delusive words and meaningless ceremonial forms. Hard as their repulse of the ex-Drejident may seem, it is at this juncture the best kindness they could show his people. Congress and congressmen might profit bv their example, for it is cer tain that the American government is as firmly resolved as they are never to participate in the South African con test. It went so far once as to make an offer of mediation, which was re- iected. and that was the end. The resolutions coming afterward would seem almost farcial, except to people clutching at straws. There is not even the excuse now of working up public sentiment, sines that effort has just failed in the presi dential campaign, and it is well known that the opinion of the people is past influencing. It is both divided and fixed as to the character of the orig inal dispute, but if it were all pro-Boer its formal expression would be of no assistance at this time unless it went to the extreme of a demand for inter vention. From whatever point of view we may look at the matter it is plain. as we have said, that the resolutions could do no more than encourage the wildest dreams which are impossible of fulfillment and only proloag a deith agony. iiumanuv protests against 6ucn a course, and true sympathy will counsel the Boers to surrender. Every life that is lost, every hearth that is de stroyed henceforward, is a pitiful, un availing eacrifice. A DISPATCH from App'eton, Wis., says that durirg the initiation exer cises of the Philatathean society, at Lawrence university, Frank Melby and Theodore Albert, two of the students, were severely injured. Melby was testing a jump in.o a blanket, which had been prepared for the vic tim?, and missed the blanket, striking on the floor twenty feet below on his head. He was picked up unconscious and did not recover consciousness for several hours. Albert, during his initiation, was stripped, blindfolded and plunged into a tank of ice water charged with electricity. The shock mude him unconscious and it was only by the most energetic work on the part of his tormentors that he was re vived. This is carrying things en tirely too far, and the faculty shou'd make the punishment to the perpetre- tors sufficiently severe to put a stop to this dangerous sport. lr TnE membership in the lower bouse of congress is already as large as it should be for the necessary dis patch of business, and an equitable re apportionment would give Nebraska but five representatives, it would seem as though she ought to be satisfied with that number rather t&an insist upon the number being increased to an unwieldy body. We want all that rightfully belongs to us. tut there is no use of asking for anything more. In matters of this kind congress hs to deal with cold figures. THE citizens of Chicago Hie going after the "Uives" in the city in great shnpc. The men who havu been run ning the worst pine s, and whose li censes were revoked by Mayor Harris on, are taking a hind in bettering the condition of hffairs. With them, how ever, it is a matter of reenge. It is their purpose to see that Sunday thea ters ere closed and thereby get even with a few people who havo stood in their way. The "hois; (f vice) is di vided against itself" and is bound to take a turn o' e. While one could scarcely expect The News to express regrets on ac count of the discontinuance of the Daily Post, we can but say that the relations between the papers have been most p easant during the year even mo-o eo than usually exists be tween papers of the same c mmunity, and the editor of this paper cculd have but the most kindly feeling toward Mr. and Mre. Fellows for the court eous treatment received daring our first years' exp;rienco in newspaper business. ( I L , 1 IMPORTANT RECOMMENDATIONS. Following are a few of the important recommendations made by President McKinley in bis recent message to congress: 1. Unification of the Hay-Paunce-fote treaty and construction of the Nicaragua canal. A special message on this subject, with the report of tne canal commission, will be sent to con gress tomorrow. 2. Final adjustment of the Alaska boundary dispute. 3. Legislation designed to build up American shipping. 4 A reduction of $30,000,000 in the war revenue taxes. 5. Army reorganizition on the basis proposed by Secretary Root, calling for an army of about 60,000 men, with power in the hands of the president to increase this force to about 100,000. 6. Reapportionment lor congres sional purposes "at the the presentees sion." 7. Ratification of the various reel procity treaties now pending. 8. Anti-lynching legislation. 9. .f ederal jurisdiction over crimes in which the international relations of the governmet are involved. 10. Economical appropriations by congress. EDITOR HlTCOCK and Sanator Alleu will probably receive the compliment ary vote of the fusion, members of the legislature for U. S. senators. It will not be like being elected, but they wil no doubt appreoiate the honor. No better opportunity will be given the democrats and populists to show their gratitude to Mr. Hichcock for services rendered the party, or, in other words apply a poultice to the "sling of in gratitude" given some time ago. PR H. H. ONEAL of Shelbyville 111., will lecture in this city Friday evening, Dec. 21, under the auspices of the Woman's club. Those who were so fortunate as to hear Dr. Oneal's lee ture on "The French Involution," given in this city some two or three years ago, will be glad oi tne opportu nity to hep.r him again. His subject this time will be "Napoleon." Reserve the 21st for this lecture. A MAN who is always just and reso' lute, cannot be diverted from a fixed purpose, either by the misdirected criticisms of his fellow citizens or by their threats of exile from popular favor. Moral courage the power and ability to follow one's own conclusions and to fight for them against out numbering adversaries is much de manded and little supplied in Amer ican politics. The Conservative. Walker Wbltenide Coming:. Uuder the catchy titlo of '"Heart and Sword," a new romantic comedy will be produce at the Parmele Theatre on Uecemoer lo, wttn Mr. wntte6ide as Prince Victor and Miss Wolstan as Princess bylvia. Judging from re ports, Mr. Whites'de has struck paying lead in digging into the silk c'othes and rapiers and puppet drama. In reality, "Heart and Sword" is t-atd to be a combination of both melo drama and comedy, telling a fascinat ing story of love, playing at cross pur poses in the romantic old days of prin cipalities in Germany, and, of course. a little war is thrown in to pupply at mosphere and cause "thrills." Mr. Whiteside plays the part of free and easy prince, a petty potentate, who loves comfort and the inditing of romantic verses to imaginary charmers better than the business of state. This indolence well-nigh precipi tates him into a "sea of trouble," but the other side of bis nature the manly and courageous asserts itself. resulting in winning back for him his inciptility and a princess bride in addition. Mia Wolstan Is said to make a cntrming Princess Sylvia, por traving tne lignts and suaues oi a capricious lady with rare art and grace. Among the members of the large company supporting air. wmtesiae ire the following well-known pliyers: avid P. Ilanchett, Frederic L. Power, illiam B. Mack, Harry Salter, Miss ertrude O'Malley, Miss Julia Ralph d Miss Helen Mar Wilcox. 9 Public Sale. jA. J. Augustio, residing one and one h A If miles west of R. ck Bluffs, is to hae a public sale Friday, Dec. 21, at 10 o'clock a. m., at which time he ex pects to dispose of 9 bead of cattle, 5 horses, 30 hogs, and his poultry and farm implements. THE' EOUCEHXlsT . This brilliant man walks up and down . Upon the streets of Spotless Town. The glitter of his shining star Arrests attention from afar. It lights the beat and goes to show That naught can beat SAPOUO 1 A housekeeper's attention is in stantly arrested by the condition of the shelves, paint, windows, and tins in her neighbors kitchen. These mark good housekeeping. No matter how fine the rest of the house may be, if the kitchen is not clean it shows the worst kind of unthrift. A basin of water, a cloth and APL0 will save you from this reproach. V V yr N .LESS, lz TOWN ) i city and county: SATURDAY. Matthew Gering visited in Omaha today. R. L. Latta of Murray was in town today. Mrs. G. F. Housewortb spent the day in Omaha. Alex Campbell came up from Mur ray last evening. Mrs. E. M. Wiley from near Murray is visiting in the city. D. S. Guild and wife have returned from their eastern visit. A. J. Conklin, a student of the Weeping Water Academy, was a Piattsmouth visitor today. I have several applicants for farms, do you want to sell? Address, R. B. Windham, Plattsmouti, Nebraska. Mm. D. Hawksworth, Mrs. E. W. Cook and Miss Nettie Hawksworth were passengers for Omaha on the early train. A marriage license was issued today to Eli Bogenreif and Miss Phoebe M. Forsythe, both of Eagle. For family use in numberless ways Ballard's Snow Liniment is a useful and valuable remedy. Price 25 and 50 cents. F. G. Fricke & Co. The B. & M. has a large force of men at work repairing its old main line track between Cedar Creek and Ashland. The men make their head quarters in this city. Carl Antone, the young man who attempted to commit suicide early Friday morning, is resting easy today, and the attending physician is now more hopeful that he will recover. For Sale Fifty-five full blooded Ply mouth Rock cockerels at $1 each, or four for $3. They are of the Hawkins and Westhrook strains. Enquire of or write Mrs. L. H. Young, Nehawka. Dr. Plimpton has purchased the property immediately south of his residence, from Mrs. Martha Williams. The deal consists of the house and three-fourths of a lot. Glenwood Opin ion. Worms take refuge in the small in testine, where they cn easily multiply. White's Cream Vermifuge will destroy these parasites. The verdict of the people tells plainly how well it ban succeeded. Price 25 cents. F. G. Fricke & Co. Methods for the examination of milk for chemists, physicians i nd hygien ic ts, compiled by Dr. Paul Sommer field, assistant chemist in the Emperor and Empress Frederic hospital for children in Berlin, has just been trans lated by Dr. A. T. Peters, of the ex periment station, and R. S. Hiltner, instructor in chemistry at the Univers ity of Nebraska. Many persons have hndtheexperi ence of Mr. Peter Sherman, of North Stratford. N. H., who 88ys,"For years I suffered torture from chronic indi gestion, but Kodol Dyspepsia Cure made t well man of me." It digests what you eat and is a certain cure for dyspepsia and every form of stomach trouble. It gives relief at once even in the worst cases, and can't help but do you good. F. G. Fricke & Co. MONDAY. The Burlington pay car made its regular monthly appearance this morning. Herman Streitweiser.the inventor of an improved corn husker, made a trip to Omaha this morning on business Manager Will Clement, of the West ern Union, is on the sick list, and Mr. Bertran will have charge of bis duties during his illness. King Wise, who for the past several months has been employed at Santa Cruz, Cal., arrived home yesterday for visit with his parents. When you need a soothing and heal ing and antiseptic application for any purpose, use tne original DeYVitts Witch Hazel Salve, a well knewn cure for piles and skin diseases. It heals sores without leaving a scar, iieware of counterfeits. F. G. Fricke & Co. Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Parmele have resumed housekeeping in the S. H. Atwood residence on High school hill, while A. W. Atwood and family will reside with the fo: mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Atwood. Don't use any of the counterfeits of DeWitt's Witch Hczel Salve. Most of them are worthless or liable to cause injury. The original DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is a certain cure for piles, eczsma, cut?, scalds, burns, sores and skin diseases. F. G. Fricke & Co. The funeral of George Young, who was Lccidentiy Kiiiea inursaayeven ing, occurred yesterday nf ter noon at two o'clock, from the residence of the Lid's father. V ash Young. Rev. Asa Sleeth, of the M. E. church, conducted the services, nud interment was made at Oak Hill. Help is n td -d a once when a per- ... . . son s Hie is in d ingi-r. A negiectea cough or co'd inav soon be ome eerious and should be stopped at once. One Minute Cough Cure quick. y cures coughs and co!ds and the worst c ises of croup, bionchitii, grippe nJ other thro it and lung troubles. Miss Myrtlo Griffith, who for the p 6t season has r-een emp oyed a trimmer at Mre. Manspeakcr s millinery store, departed this morning for her home at St. Joseph, Mo. Her sister. Miss B s sie Griffith, arrived here last evening from Fullertoo and acc impanied her ome. An attractive woman thrives on good food and sunshine, with plenty of ex ercise in the epen air. Her form glows with health and her faceb'ooms with its beauty. When troubled with a costive habit, she takes a few doses of Heroine to cleanse her system of all impurities. Price 50 cents. F. Fricke & Co. , Horses and Mules WANTED Good horses and mares weigh ing: from 1050 to 2000 lbs; will buy some good horses that are in fair flesh to feed. I want some mules; also will buy good drafty-built three-yr old colts. I will' also buy small horses and mared weighing- from 900 pounds up; all must be broke to work; also small mules. Will be at Jones' Livery Barn PLATTSMOUTH, neb. Monday, Dec; 17 ONE DAY ONLY. E. E- POWELL. Bring good horses. I will buy them. The most effective little liver pills made are DeWitt's Little Eirly Risers. They never gripe. F. G. Fricke & Co. Will Baird has secured a good posi tion with the Omaha Commercial and National bank, and will commence his duties in about a week. T TTTT? A. V - B . "stvuu juiiue uariy lasers are dainty little pills, but they never fail to cleanse the liver, remove obstruc tions and invigorate the system. F. G. Fricke & Co. County Commissioners J. P. Falter and Turner Zink departed this morning for Aurora, where they will attend the annual meeting of the state as sociation of county commissioners. Praise the bridge that carries you over either a flood or cough. Ballard's Horebound Syrup has brought so many over throat and lung troubles, such as coughs, colds, bronchitis, etc , that its praises are sung everywhere. Price 25 and 50 cts. F. G. Fricke & Co Sheriff Wheeler went to Greenwood this morning to serve summons on wit nesses for the case of the First Na-1 tional bank of Greenwood vs. Wilburn, which comes up in district court to morrow. Now is the time when croup and lung troubles prove rapidly fatal. The only harmless remedy that produces immediate results is One Minute Cough Cure. It is very pleasant to take and cau oe reiiea upon to quickly cure coughs,colds and all lung diseases. It will prevent consumption. F. G. Fricke & Co. Mr. Amiria Jackson McFarland and Mrs. Frances Edgerton, both of Piatts mouth, were married Saturday even ing at 7:30 o clock at the office of the county judge, the ceremony being per formed by Judge Douglass. Disease and danger lurk in the vital organs. The blood becomes vitiated and the general health is undermined whenever the stomach and liver fail to perform their functions as nature in tended. Heroine will tone up the stomach, regulate the liver, where other preparations only relieve. Price 50 cents. P. G. Fricke & Co. Peculiar In Merit. Because of its peculiar combination, j proportion and process, Bunsen's Pine Tar Cough Honey is the best cough medicine that money can buy. Sold I an a positive guarantee. iNo cure, no I pay. Price 25 and 50 cents: For sale by Gering & Ca Sin fT to Their Oxen. In France the oxen that work In the fields are regularly sung to as an en couragement to exertion, and no peas ant has the slightest doubt but that the animals listen to him with pleas- j are. f Paid Dear For Hla Lt-ff. B. D. Blanton, of Thackerviile, Tex., in two years paid over 8300 to doctors to cure a running sore on his leg. Then they wanted to cut it off, but b,e cured it with one box of Bucklen's Ar nica Salve. Guaranteed cure for piles. 25c a box. Sold by Fricke & Co., drug gists. NEW : nDYERTIS&MfcflTS HA1K JALOAm Cltnrt ni brsnUM Ck PmtiwM a ?nx urlftat wtww Stvtev Pail o BtttoN Orr Cur mlp itH air tmiitog. consTSPATiorj the frequent cause of ADDcndlckl and bumit othar mer lou 111 should nerer be neprlerted. Iha objection to the usual caui attic remeaies i ineir eoniv reaction vhicn inrreawa constipation instead of curing It. PARKEK'S GINUEK TON IO I the proper remedy. It acta on the Liver, ana wnen used as directed, permanently r the oonstipation. 60 cts. & at aU Drugglata. -j CHICHCSTKR'C ING ENGLISH PILLS Ormaff tor CHICHESTER'S KSQI i. urn --4 aialli tnaa. ith ki. ribtoa. Take a etfceev BIN Dntm SaWUtaaea aa lamlta tl.aa. Bar 7' DtmoUl, r aaa 4, ka uaM tor Partiealara, T rl alale. aa Relief for Ladle," kcur, r ratal- Mall. U.IamlaK. Bal Sriiiwi. Chlaheetc Cbesaleal Oe Matla ihl VP"- Madia . PBLL, f A. Dyspepsia (Cure Dlacsts what you cat It artificially digests the food and aids Nature In strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestire or gans. It is the latestdlscovered digest- ant ana tonic jno otner preparation can approach It in efficiency. It In stantly relieves and permanently cares Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache, Oastralgia, Cramps and all other results of imperfect digestion. Price 50c and tl. Large size contains ZH times small size. Book all about dyspepsl&m&lledfree Prepared by E. C. D WITT A CO.. CrjIcaflO Can't be beat. . That's the verdict of all who have ex amined our elegant line of . , . i We have sold lots of them we have lots of them left at prices charged elsewhere for shoddy goods. We are also showing some extraordinary values in . . . Dress Goods, Underwear, Flannelettes Especially would we call attention of mothers to a new goods we have just re ceived good that will wear like buck skin just what you want for your boy's waist. We have a stocking to match regular buckskin in quality . . . A Common Remark "No stale goods at the corner grocery" Try our genuine New York buck wheat flour and Log Cabin maple syrup, pure sweet cider. Monarch mince meat and Ralston Health Breakfast food. Also have some fine N. Y. Baldwin apples. We sell W. B. Corsets. If you have never worn one you don't know how a good corset feels. MBawBMS52S3 Zuckweiler Lutz Corner Sixth and Pearl Sts. .eiio, uentral I TTtTTTTTnnnnnnTTTTTTTTTHTnTTTTTTTTTTnTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTfTrfTTTTTT Say, give us the town we want to tell the people something about our.. .. HOLIDAY GOODS It is only a few days until Christmas and you should be selecting rour presents. We are opening the largest stock of Fancy China and other goods for the holiday trade ever brought to Piattsmouth. . . .Call and examine our stock and make your selections. ... You will not be crowded and we will hold your purchases until Christmas. BENNETT 6c TUTT. Sherwin-Williams Paint. Covers Most, Looks Best, Wears Longest, Most Economical, Full Measure. For nale in Plattsmoutn by F. G. FRICKE &. CO.. Druggists. Oeliability in Vehicles .THAT'S WHAT ..Buggies, Road and Spring Wagons. j See our Racine Bugrgies the best manufactured. We buy our busies in larcfe lots and c-et them at the ritrht fiirures. V also sell them reasonable. Hand-Made Harness Genuine Oak-Tanned Leather. Piattsmouth, 0 ore es and Outing Flannel IN you wish to have VV clot; thos made up to date or neat'y cleaned or re paired at a reasonable price give us a call in the Leonard block, up ftair. Platlsmcuth tele phone No. 2f. YOU FIND IN OUR. Carriages.. Nebraska.