Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, October 02, 1900, Image 1

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THK NEWS, Establsbed NOT. 5.1891. ' mnnoIl1a.1 J. 11IL
THE HERALD. Established April 10. 1S04. f Consolidated Jan. 1.1895.
VOL. IX, NO. H3.
Semi- weekey"
Reading's Proposition to the Min
ers Falls Flat, and Is
4 Entirely Ignored.
Lean Liberal Than That of the Head
ing Statement of What the
. Men Will Accept.
Hazleton, Ta., Oct. 2. Although the
labor leaders positively said they did
not fear a break in the ranks of the
anthracite coal strikers, they were nev
ertheless pleased to learu that the 10
per cent, advance granted by the Phil
adelphia and Reading Coal and Iron
company In the Schukill valley, was
totally Ignored by the striking mine
workers yesterday. It was predicted
bat many of the strikers would return
To -work under the belief that the lO
per cent. Increase would be the limit
of the operators' concessions, but the
I unanimity of the men in deciding to
f stand out for a further advance caused
many remarks of surprise.
Another Offer of Coal Operator,
i Wllkesharre. Pa.. Oct. 2. The coal
operators of the Wyoming, Laekawau-
tia and Lehigh valley regions "held an
Important meeting lu this city yester-
5 day afternoon and decided to offer the
1 miners an Increase of 10 per cent. In
wages and also to reduee the cost of
todeT to the miners from $2.75 to
$1.50 per keg. W. A. Lathrop. general
superintendent of the Lehigh Valley'
company, presided, and the meeting
was largely attended. The -whole sit
uationwas thoroughly discussed. neaT-
" ly all those present taking part there
in. The powder question was the chier
.fcubject of debate, and next came the
recomiitlon of the union. So far as
can be learned none of the operator
were In favor of recognizing the union
1b any way. The meeting lasted from
2 until 0 p. m.
Proposition That la Made.
Last evening W. A. Lathrop, the
chairman of the meeting, gave out the
following from the Lehigh Valley Coal
Notice: This company makes the
following announcement -to its mine
employes: Itwill adjust its rates of
wages so as to pay to Its mine em
ployes on and after Oct. 1, a net in
crease of 10 per cent, on the ss:.i.
heretofore received, and will ti up
with Its mine employes any grlt&nces
which they may have. jL -
"Note. It is understood Intl fore
going that powder -will be sold :4 (min
er for $l.fi0 per keg, and that thip dif
ference between this rate and :h old
"TFate of $2.75 shall be taken Into ac
count in figuring the net ad vanes jof 10
per cent, noted above for thus (class
of labor." - ,'f ,-
Strikers Will Not Accept.
-Similar notice to the above "vlll be
posted by all the other companies rep
resented at the meeting. The strik
ers say that under no circumstances
will they accept the offer. They claim
It la not as good an offer as the Bead
ing company made to Its men.' The
union Is Ignored and the net Increase
must come out of the price of parder.
E.M. Palmer, chairmian of the press
committee at United Mine Workers'
headquarters, said: "The men (-will
not return to -work under such condi
tions. It 1s not a fair offer." The op
erators will make no further mo; e un
til they hear from the men. ; j
Operator IV ho Retains Ilia Hops
A prominent operator said last night
that when the strikers come to diam
ine the notice posted they would re
ceive it more favorably. A 10 pel cent
net Increase is granted nl lemployes
outside of the miners, and with paivder
reduced to $l..r0 a keg the tnme.-jwill
earn in a month a 10 per cent.lneas.
Least That They Will Accept and
to Work Again.
At the United Mine Workers' head
quarters this statement was given out:
"What we want is:
"1. A better enforcement of existing
mine raws.
"2. To obtain that which is fully our
own. L e.. the value of labor actually
performed and hitherto taken from
"3. To obtain the right to purcase
our Implements of labor at a fair mar
ket value and escape from the com
pulsory rule which forces us to pay
the operators more than twice what
Hhe same materials can be purchased
or at retail in th eopen market.
"4. To allow a readjustment of the
wage scale that will nearly conform to
the normal conditions of the anthracite
"trade and establish as nearly as prac
ticable a uniform price for each class
of work In and around the mines."
The strikers say that until these con
cessions are granted and the union rec
ognized they will not return to work.
Hazleton, Pa.. Oct. 2. It was ex
pected In ome quarters that yesterday
would bring a turning point In the
Ftrike. but nothing came to the surface
that would lead to any indication of
the strike nearing an end. Since the
operators began to hold conferences
President Mitchell is receiving more
Information than formerly and giving
out less. The strike situation, In the
Lehigh valley showed a change in fa
vor of the men.
Notices of the increase In wages and
the reduction In the price of powder
decided upon by the operators at
Wflkesbarre yesterday were posted last
night at all the collieries in the Lehigh
region. President Mitchell, when
shown a copv of the notice, declined to
say anythintr at this time, but inti
mated that he might outline his posi
tion at the Wilkes barre mass meeting
todftv. He added, however, ihivt ther
woutd oe no resmmpTion of work until
convention of the anthracite miners
bad been called and the proposition
; Sera nt on. Pa.. Oct. 2. Reranton's In
dependent operators came back-from
the Wllkesharre conference with blood
In their eyes. They declare they will
pot Join in the proffer of a 10 per cent
increase on less tne coai-carrylne com
CnJea- agree to reduce their tolls or, to
exact, allow them 65 per cent. In
stead- of 60 per cent of the tidewater
eelllnc prices for their product. Tbeyl
are not maun iu per cent, on tneiri
. ia h Ha4.i
EV-to increase wares 10 ner cent, it
wU oractlcally wipe out their mrin
of profit and they might as wtll ckse
up theJr mines.
Declares Her Own Hoy Cnllly of a Cold
Itlooded Mur.ler.
Portland, Ore.. Oct. 2. A mother de
nouncing her son as a cold-blooded
murderer and threatening, in cae he is
not hanged, to see that he is put out
of the way by other means.- was the
spectacle presented here when Mrs.
Dora Lundroot told the story of the
killing of her husband by her son.
Louis Keutemeyer. on Sauvies island.
Mrs. Lundroot declares her son planned
the deed two year sago, and that ho
had been waiting only for a suitable
opportunity to commit the crime.
The trouble, she says, arose through
the jealously of Keutemeyer because
Mrs. Lundroot's mother deeded to
Lundroot thirty acres of land and gave
nothing to Keirteineyer. Sin.' declares
Keutemeyer bad threatened not only
his stepfather's life, but the lives of
other persons on the island, and that if
he Is not hanged she and those persons
will see that he Is put out of the way.
Thinks It Has Accomplished Iesirab!e
lira ii It in the Army.
Washington. Oct. 2. The following
of dan?, Oct. 1, was made public yes
terday at the war department. It is
addressed to the adjutant general of
the army:
"ir: My attention Iras been called
to a published statement attributed to
me opposing the army canteen. I pre
sume thi.s ytatemcut as published is
practically what I s.-i1d some yeiirs
since when interviewed upon the sub
ject, although I do not at present re
member to whom it was given. I did
not at first look with favor uiwm the
proposition to sell beer to -soldiers at
army canteens. That opinion was not
based upon personal observation, as I
had not been stationed at a military
post since the canteen was established.
"Owinjr to the general consensus of
opinion among line otlieers and mcdi
cal officers of the army who have had
ample opportunity to observe the ef
fect of the army canteen upon the hab
its of our soldiers, I am obliged to ad
mit that from a practical point of view
it seems to have accomplished very
desirable results in reducing th
amount of drunkenness in the army
and the disposition on the part of sol
diers to leave their stations fr the
purpose of obtataingspirituous liquors.
"Verv Respectfiillv,
"Surgeon General. U. S. A."
HSvTrm SiopTSre'YorlT'Ten aysEn
- , - . . Route. . ; ,. ? .
TJtlca, N. Y.f Oct., 2.- President Ben-
rjamin Harrison, his wife,: little, daugh
ter Elizabeth, and other members of
his party, spent half an hour in Utica
yesterday afternoon while en route
from his camp In the Adriondacks to
New York. He ,v?is greeted by several
hundred people, and appeared to be i a
the best of health. General Harrison
said be expected to remain In New
Yorfc ahont ten finr tturt wrrTM
go from that city to his home in In
dianapolis. r . . ; . .. , . '-; .
I do' not : know i yet," he -said,
"whether I'shal ltake an Active part in
the present -campaign, rl have been in
Camp Reverly in the woods all sum
mer, and can say nothing about the
political situation. ' I have heard but
one side of It, and all I know concern
ing the matter is what I have read In
the papers. ' - -
Death Comes to Husband and Deserting
la the Same Hoar.
Detroit, Oct. 2. A strange coinci
dence occurred last Friday in connec
tion With the death of Engineer Thom
as iramlin, of the Detroit, Grand Hav
en and Mackinaw railroad, who was
killed in a railroad wreck at Durand.
Mich. Three years ago bis wife deserted
him In Detroit and nothing had been
beard from her.
A telecramfrom Cleveland stated
Pe-4"'rtettmlliruUi Jeath- Of
Hamlin she was killed in an elevator
there. The brother of the deceased,
Owen Hamlin, declared: "It is a
strange coincidence that they should
be parted In life and united in death
at about the same time."
Senator Quay In the Fltht.
Westchester. Ta.. Oct. 2. Ex-United
States Senator Quay last night made
the first of what is to be a series of
speeches throughout the state of Penn
sylvania m ravor or rue election or
McKlnler and Roosevelt, and those
candidates for the state legislature fa
vorable to that faction of the Repub
lican party recognizing Quay as Its
leader. His speech last night was
made 'before a large crowd and Kstrne'l
to attentively. ; - .
Knitting Mill a 1'aying Concern. .
Quincy. Mich.. Ort. 2. At a special
mee-ting of the stockholders of the
Quincy Knitting company a dividend
of 5 per cent, was declared and by a
uanlmous vote the capital stocK was
raised to $25,000. A new brick build
ing will be erected this fall as addi
tional room 1s badly needed. The books
of the company show a very succtsfi'l
year's business.
John Penn, Conservative, -was the
first member returned for the nrw
British parliament.
Mrs. Lowell, of Trenton, Mo., was
killed and fifteen other persons injured
(none fatally) by the wreck of a South
ern Tacific train near the Utah-Nevada
Soloman City, Alaska, has been de
vastated by a storm- The population
was 200.
Another addition has been made to
the Lincoln park, Chicago, zoological
collection by the birth of two tiger
Colonel John C. Wyman. who once
saved President Grant from drowning,
is dead at Providence, It. I.
Turkey's minister at Madrid has
quit his position and closed his otHee
because his oniee was not paia.
A plot to rob Roosevelt and party at
Tueblo. Colo., was checked by the lo
cal authorities.
Premier Yamagata and the entire
Japanese cabinet are said to have re-
Joseph Rohden. a Chicago lamplight
or Vino, hewn sued bv Mrs. Amia Uoff
mann, widow, for $10,000 for breach
or oromise. - -.
The Chlcaco pension otnee will pay
I2.T50.000 to 75.000 peusioners for the
Quarter of 1hOO- r . .
Club Meeting at Indianapolis Ex
. pected to Be a Great Po
litical Qccason
aaaaa BW ;
Bryan to Speak Thursday to the Con
vent Ion Koosevelt'a First Day
"In the Enemy's Country."
Indianapolis, Oct. 2. Fifty delegates,
speakers and visitors have arrived for
the national convention of Democratic
clubs, which will bold its first session
tomorrow afternoon in TomUnson hall.
The speakers who have arrived are P.
S. Dow, of New York, ano ii. L. Slay
den, of Texas. Nicholas M. Bell, of St.
Louis, arrived last evening. He 1 a
member of the Jefferson club and was
a member of the committee that noti
fied W. II. English of his vice presi
dential nomination ki 18S0 in this city.
Many of tho prominent Indiana Demo
cratic leaders have arrived and have
engaged quarters. The Indiana leadera
who have arrived bring flattering ac
counts of th eattendauce their sections
will have, and the managers of the con
tention are confidently expecting a
large crowd. The estimates of &U.000
are believed to be high and if 30,000
arc here there will be satisfaction.
How the Hall Is Decorated.
The decoration of the hall was com
pleted last evening. National Secretary
Ihinsen had placed across the entire
front a streamer 150 feet wide an
nouncing the convention and speakers.
A special stage has been erected 1n
front of the speakers' stage for the
press, and the Instruments were put in
and tested yesterday. National Sec
retary Ihmsen announced last night
the delegates would be given their cre
dentials as fast as they arrive. They
will be distributed at the national head
quarters here in the .Grand hotel,
which Is one block from the Union sta
tion. The lower floor of the hall will
be reserved for delegates and the first
balcony. If necessary. The stage, which
will seat SOO, will be reserved for
speakers and distinguished visitors.
Ilryan to Speak Thursday.
Stands will be erected today In sev
eral places in the vicinity of Tomlinson
hall for QTW-flqw-ffnotlnCT. swrt. rrTn
as will
Cockran and the
other speakers. - Until the arrival of
National President Hearst the de
'tailed programme of speeches will not
be announced, but It Is believed that
Bryan will deliver his principal ad
dress before the convention Thursday
afternoon. Elaborate preparations have
been made for the parade of clubs
Wednesday night, and It U estimated
there will be 20,000 men In line. Some
of the estimates are much higher than
this. 'y'J.lj . ... - .
Hie Firat Day's Work Done In Bad Wwth
. er Thirteen Speeches Made.
McCook. Neb., Oct 2. Governor
Roosevelt's first day in Nebraska may
be regarded as successful, though the
morning started out wet and chilly
and the audiences os a necessity were
small. Thirteen speeches were made
during the journey and at night, end
as the day a3vanced the sky cleared
and the meetings at the different places
along the way showed a great deal of
interest. : Besides the inhabitants of
thevillages and cities a large number
of people mounted and in carriages,
evidently from the country, was no
ticed upon the streets and around the
- Probably 30.000 or 40,000 people were
addressed during the day. Governor
Roosevelt's special train remained at
McCook until late last night, when it
pulled out for NorthFlatte, andan
CUpir3ouxney. today,whleh will
cover a distauce of GOO miles, and will
Include within that distance eleven
speeches. Tonight a night Journey will
be made to Broken Bow, at which
point the train will arrive at 8 a. m.
tomorrow morning.
Kansas City, Mo., Oct. 2. Senator
Beveridge, of Indiana, spoke here last
night to a large audience In a tent In
Shelly park the tent In which Bryan
spoke two weeks ago. The capacity
of the tent was taxed, standing room
being at a premium. 'Senator Bev
eridire's audience wa3 very apprecia
tive. -
Did Not Know the Train Was Carrying
the Mall Kchoof the Co;ur dA!enes.
San Francisco. Oct. 2. The United
States circuit court of appeals has ren
dered a decision quashing the Indict
ments against ten men who were ar
rested in the Coeur d'Alene during the
mining strike there last year for inter
fering with the United States mall. It
was shown that the men did not know;
that the train which they Interfered
with carried the United States malls.
Ten men now Imprisoned at San
Quentin. in this state, under the Indict
ments will be-released as soon as the
decision -reaches Idaho and the neces
sary papers can be sent from that state
to the .warden at San Quentin. The
charge was conspiracy and the court
said it would be necessary to prove
that the - alleged eonsiprators knew
w:hat they were conslpring against.
t-iShtnlns; Creates m Pstnle.
Colomn. Mich., Oct. 2. During an
electric storm here a large maple tree
within thirty feet of an apple evapor
ating plant was struck by lightning
and scorched and splintered from ton
to obttora..- Several f the twenty-five
employes, most of ffioni are women
and girls, were thrown to the floor and
more or 1cm shocked, while" pandemo
nium reigned throughout the premises.
That Prince lias Been Fonnd.
Tari. Oct. 2. Prince Ikanrhor. son
of the king of Cambodia (Freneu Indo-Chin-a),
who was recently a guest of
France at the exposition, and who dis
appeared somewhat mysteriously, has
been fonnd in Brussels.
Fall and Broke Bis Week.
Marshfield, Wis., Sept. 29. Gottlieb
Fleischmann,.a leading farmer Hying
two miles north of the cityfell a dis
tance of twenty feet lajhls barn, strik
ing on his headHTs neck was broken
and he died, almost Instantly. He WS9
50 yearVoI age.
He Gets m Notice Ornamented With the
Skull aab Cross Bones.
Sioux Falls, S. D., Oct- 2. The lit
tle town of Irene, which enjoys the
distinction of being situated in three
counties Yankton, Clay and Turner
being located at the point Where these
three counties join, promises to attain
a certain degree of notoriety as the
resultof a bitter feud which has been
In progie&s for several months be
tween soms of the citizens of the town
and Will T. Bishop, editor of the
Irene . News. A threatening notice,
adorned with the customary skull and
cro8sbones, was found tacked on Edi
tor Bishop's office building.
A prompt offer by the editor of a
reward of. $100 for the name of the
person or persons who posted the
Whltecap notice was made, with the
declaration that "we will now run this
paper like Jesse James would with
shotguns." As Editor Bishop Is a man
of undoubted courage, any attack
upon him Is certain to result In the
services of the coroner being required.
President of tho Wisconsin Unlverjicy Will
Go on m Health Una. -,
Madison. Wis., Oct. 2.i-pTcsident
Charles Kendall Adams, of the Uni
versity of Wisconsin, has leen tem
porarily retired on half pay by the
board or regents. This action was tak
en in order that President Adams
might go aboard to recover ht health,
which has twen bad for the last two
years. The reiiremei t is for an ln
Imite period, no date being Bxed for
his return to the university.
Dean E. A. Birge, of the College of
Letters and Science., has been made
acting president and will serve in -that
capacity until President Adams re
sumes his duties. "
Elopers Now Man and Wife,
Springfield. Ills.. Oct. 2. Albert J.
Linck, the Racine, Wis., alderman,
and Mrs. Lena Wineman. of that place,
who two months ago eloped to Spring
field, and were later arrested upon
complaint of LInck's mother, were mar
ried here by a justice of the peace. The
woman has just been granted a di
vorce from her former husband at Ra
cine. Both are yet under bonds here
for their appearance on a charge of
living In an unlawful manner. They
will reside In Springfield.
Dead Engineer Made the Mistake.
Creston. Ia., Oct. 2. Engineer Peter
McAloon. of Ottunrwa, and Fireman
Lyman Sprowl, of Creston, and an un
known tramp, were JUUed tn a -wrecjr
lirtiiSifi. .miw leagorTnington
and Quincy. The enginemen were
burled under their engine. The wreck
was the result, it Is said, of a collision
betmeen two freights and was caused
by a misunderstanding of an order,
the mistake being made by its dead
engineer. . ;
Electrethanasla for Town Mayor.
Harrlsburg, Ills., Oct. 2. B. F. Rice,
mayor of this city and president of the
Harrlsburg street fair, which, had been
In progress since Wednesday, was
kiUHwl late Krltkay.ju'ltlt by aeelden tally
coming Invcoivtact with a Ilve.e-l-K-tric
light wire which bad ' burned In two
and fallen to the ground. He touched
it with his 'cane. The street fair was
declared off and the city went Into
Dulnth Over an Iran Mine.
Duluth, Minn., Oct 2. Workmen
engaged in making alterations In the
First National bank building, at the
most 1m port an corner In Duluth.
struck a deposit of Iron ore under the
boiler room of the building. The ore
assayed G5 per cent, metallic Iron and
It Is said to be as fine as anything
ever found In this country.
stannous Hare la Dead.
Berlin, Wis., Oct. 2. Nightingale,
the famous mare with a record of
2:10, was found dead In her stall at
Riverside stock farm. She was IT
years old and a half sister of Cresceus,
the famous stallion which won the
$20,000 stakes at Readville, Mass.. this
week. . . , ' ' -..n,
Insane Over Religion.
Chicago, Oct 2. II. II. Windsor, a
Northwestern student.of 17G2 Oak ave
nue, ' Evanston, 1s said to be Insane
over religion. He lately returned home
after an absence of several weeks and
attempted to convert the family.
Will Not Oppose tho Republican.
St. Paul, Oct 2. Both Democratic
candidates for supreme court having
resigned the state committee yester
day afternoon decided not to oppose
the Republican candidate. .
Mrs. R. C. Pickett was burned to
death at Minneapolis by the explosion
of a lamp she carried.
General Stewart I. Woodford and
his bride are at Chicago for a few
Imperial statistics show that 544,283
children in Germany below 14 years of
age are engaged in industrial pursuits.
Lieutenant Hobson has applied for
six months' leave of bsenee because of
trouble which has develied with his
The next international railway con
gress will te held at Washington in
October, 1!HU.
LieuteiMint General Miles in his an
nual reiMrt will renew his recom
mendation for the further use of the
automobile in the army.
William IC Yanderbilt has given his
check for $ to his daughter, the
duchess of Marlborough.
Sulslsteiice supplies to the amount
of $."mmh0 will be purchased by the
United States government In Chicago
within a week.
Colonel I. Freeman Ellsworth, an
old-time Democrat, once candidate for
governor of Itva, Is dead at Eldora,
aged OO years.
The legislative council of Victoria,
Australia, has rejected the woman's
suffrage bill ou ix-titions against It
signed by 27,000 women.
Prince George of Greece will resign
as chief commissioner of Crete.
Alderman Frank Green has been for
mally elected lord mayor of London for
the ensuing year.
Frank Work, the aged New York
millionaire, was arrested for fast driv
ing in Central park. New York.
Spain is t' build a new navy of eight
battleships, six cruisers and 100 tor
ped& boats.
Joslah R. Adams, a prominent law
yer and politician of-Philadelphia, com
mitted suicide by shootfeg -
Semi-weekly News-Herald 91 par jr.
Keeping the Politica Boom In
Motion In the West and
While the Democratic Chief Hustles
for Votes In Minnesota Their
Sunday Itest,
Kansas City. Mo., Oct. l.A quiet
day was passed by the Roosevelt par
ty at the Midland hotel here yester
day. Governor Roosevelt had Intended
to attend the Dutch Reformed church
in this city, but found that church
closed temporarily on account of the
absence of the pastor. Therefore he
accepted an invitation to attend the
services at Westminster Presbyterian
church, Rev. W. P. George, pastor.
On his return he expressed great satis
faction at the sermon he had heard.
During the afternoon he was driven
to the Country club, where he mount
ed a horse and took a gallop aloue
through the country woods. At 1
o'clock lie met the newspaper men of
his party at the hotel and immediately
went to dinner wiCh United States
Senator Bcverfclge, of Indiana. the
afternoon he whs entertained at the
liome of W. It. Nelson, editor of The
Star. He left here this morning, and
will spend Oct. 1, 2, 3 and 4 in Iowa.
HU Final Day In Kansas.
Immediately uion the arrival of the
Roosevelt train at this place Saturday
evening, the governor was escorted to
Shawnee park, in Armonrdale, Kan
sas Citj', Kas., where a large open air
meeting was held. On being Introduced
to the vast assembly an organized ef
fort was made by a large number of
men and boys on the edge of the
crowd to prevent hlj making a speech.
Cries and Interruptions were frequent
during the first few moments. Each
interruption was followed with hard
hits from the speaker until quiet was
restored, the speech was listened to in
respectful silence. On the conclusion
of his address here. Governor Roose
velt wa driven to Convention hall,
where and the large audience was as
Acmblcd. the great hall being filled.
During the day ho speke-at Ki- Dorado, J
jEiUreaa-iates Acuter, cnannte, isner
ry vale. Parsons, Cherokee, Weir City,
Pittsburg, Pleasanton, Paola, Olathe,
and Fort Scott, Kas.
Deft-Ins at 7 :30 A. M. His Day of Speaklaa;
: Nine Talks on Saturday.
Duluth. Minn:, pet 1. Colonel Bry
an arrived here yesterday morning and
spent the day as a guest of State Sena
tor Bldwln.'an old classmate at college.
He attended divine service at the Pil
grim. Congregational church, and lis
tened to a aermbn ty Ite v. Alexauder
Milne, the pastor of the church. He
spent last night at West Superior,
across the St. Louis river In Wisconsin,
and mude the first speecb" of the day in
that city this morning at 7:30 o'clock.
After that speech he returned to Du
luth and spoke both in this city and
West Duluth, the time for the meeting
here being fixed at 9 o'clock . in the
morning. . The other points at which
speeches are to be made during the
day are all in Minnesota and are s fol
lows: Crlton, Hinckley. Pine City, Rush
City. North Branch, Stillwater, White
Bear, St. Taul and Minneapolis. The
two hist named places will be visited
at night
Bryan explored the valley of the Red
River of the North Saturday, travers
ing this rich agricultural section from
Wahpeton to Grfton and turning back
from Grafton to Grand Forks, then
started eastward. He made nine
gpeeCfisa flylnir,Ktriirlay-svid eeyernf ;
of them 'were-more"" than" an hour in
length. The first stop was made at the
little town of Hankiiisou, and from
that point on there was speaking at In
tervals throughout the entire dav and
till almost 10 o'clock at night. All the
speeches were made In South Dakota
exeept that of the night, at Crookston,
Minn., for although the special train
which Bryan traveled ran during the
greater part of the day within sight of
Minnesota It only crossed the line once
prior to the final departure and then no
speaking was indulged In. Thespeeches
were generally addressed to farmers
and Bryan spoke to them as a farmer.
Co liar a iu Is Not Large Knoogh to Hold the
Great Crowd.
Chicago, Oct. 1. Ten thousand, 15,
000, 35,000, people Is the number re
spectively declared by three city pa
pers to haiti heard or tried to hear
Bourke Cockran, who spoke in the Coli
seum for Bryan, anti-imperialism and
the Democracy Saturday night There
was a tremendous crush to get in and
every seat 1n the building was occu
pied long Itefore the speaker of the
evening arrived. The Jam outside was
great so great that Cockran and the
other notables had to have a way
made for them by a body of police,
and then they were a good deal
"mussed up" before they got In.
Such was the press through whicU
Cockran, Mayor Harrison, Senator
Jones and wife, Judge Dunne and oth
ers in the party were obliged to Trnss
that for several moments it was a
question whether even the combined
efforts of the police could make a way
for them without the use of clubs.
Mrs. Jones was so severely treated
that 6he screamed with pain and
fright. Her husband, the senator,
raised bis arm as if to strike those
nearest, but help came to him and Mrs.
Jones was extricated from her peril.
The entire partv finally pushed Its war
through the throng and to the plat
form. Inside the crowd was enthusiastic,
and Cockran was cheered all through
his speech.
Meet of the Democratic Clubs.
Indianapolis, Oct 1. Lewis G.
Stevenson, western representative of
the National Association of Democrat
ic Clubs, and National Secretary Ihm
sen have arrived for the national con
Ton tl on this week. The first session
will be held Wednesday morning In
Tomlinson ihall and three sessions a
day will be held, the closing meeting
to bo held Thursday night
Wednesday . night - will occur
cay morning In Tomlinson hall, and i
thrft wiulAns n div will tt helH thai
dosing meeting to be held Thursday
night Wednesday night will occur
the great parade. National President
Hearst will arrive tonight. There will
be plenty of speakers, among them
William J. Bryan. Adloi E. Stevenson
and Bourke Cockran.
Debs Draws a Groat Crowd.
Chicago. Oct. 1. Eugene V. Debs,
candidate ofthe Social Democratic par
ty for presidentof the United States,
opened his campaign Saturday night
at Central Music hall. Seldom, If ever,
has tht historic meeting place held a
greater or more enthusiastic crowd
than tht which packed It from par
quette to gallery, and the noted labor
orator received a welcome that was al
most tremendous. Although the seats
on the lower floor were sold, every one
was disposed of days before the meet
ing. Tetotalers Back at Chicago.
Chicago, Oct. 1. The Prohibition
special arrived here yesterday at 7:30
a. in.. The ten days' -tour was con
cluded with a rally at Milwaukee Sat
urday night. The meeting was held at
Lincoln hall, about 1.300 persons being
present. The speakers were Henry B.
Metcalf. Samuel IDekie, John G. Wool-!
ley. Oliver W. Stewart J. B. Smith, of
Madison, and E. W. Chatiu. of Wau
kesha. Movements of Sejiator Buna.
Now York. Oct. 1. Senator nanna
left for Cleveland Saturday. It Is said
he will not return to New York till
the last week in Octolier. The sen
ator will aecompany Senator Frye on
a tour of South Dakota.
Col. Lynch la to "Shatter the Lias of the
British Press."
New York, Oct. 1. Colonel Arthur
Lynch, formerly in command of the
Second Irish brigade in the Boer
army, was a passenger by the steamer
L'Aquiraiue. which arrived yesterday.
Colonel Lynch redded in Paris, and
he returned there after the Irish
brigade in the Transvaal was dis
banded. He said: "I have come here
In behalf of the Wolf Tone and com
mittee of 1S0S memorial esociatlon to
collect funds for the Wolf Tone monu
ment I will als. while here, write
for Che Revue DeParis and will lecture
to set the Boers right before the peo
ple of this country. I will stay until
after election.
"I hope and expect" that President
Kruger will come to this country, and
that he .will -make a great- Impression
a-t&o-Auwi Kan peil gmt TnaftTVcy
will see that the grand old lead-
or of South Africa, mo scoffed at and
maligned by the English press, is not
only one of the grandest figures of our
time, but Is also one of the most ad
vanced. I believe Kruger has the quali
ties that will appeal to the pople of
this country, for he has a simplicity
of manner, a strength of mind, com
bined with an inflexible purpose. I
will not compare Kruger with Rhodes,
and will not deny that Rhodes is a
great man of capability and power
who has conceived a great purpose and
carried it to fruition.
It says much for the ability of Kru
per Mint s;mvdlntr at ttte htti of such
a amall people he has made a nnt so
long against Rhodes, backed by all the
power of England, stooping to every
act of Injustice, treachery and falsifi
cation. I want to shatter the lies of
the English press and I think that I
shall be successful here, for the Amer
ican people with their great regard for
Justice and liberality which has made
this nation the eample for all others,
will not submit to see a young republic
blotted out '
- Salvationists Going- to War.
Crawfordsvllle, Ind., Oct 1. The
Salvation Army has concluded to make
war on the approaching Crawfords
rllle street fair, and will nightly sing
a twenty-stanza song denouncing the
enterprise In rhyme.
Russia's Minister Leaves the Chines,! Bn,s
ltai Our Boekfcilt Ante.
et Petersburg, Oct 1. The follow
ing dispatch, dated Peking, Sept 27,
has been received from M. de Giers,
Russian minister to China: "In ac
cordance with orders from the highest
quarters, I am leaving for Tlen-Tsln
with the whole legation."
London, Oct. 1. A Peking dispatch
dated Sept. 27 says: "William Wood
ville Roektbill. special commissioner of
the United States, left Peking with a
cavalry escort today for Tien-Tsin. He
will visit Nankin and the Yang-Tse
valley, examine affairs there and ad
vise the viceroys to n a loriaiize the
throne urging the retur of the court
to Peking.'
Fatal Stabbing at Tana.
Pana. Ills., Oct. 1. Walter Selby. of
Tower Hill, stabbed Charles Prosser,
of this city. Saturday evening, sever
ing the jugular vein. Prosser and Selby
have had a long standing trouble. Pros
ser will die. Selby has been arrested
and Is in JalL Prosser belongs to a
wlel-to-do family.
Ortnpany ,Wnt an Extension. Taxpayers
Want Lower Bates.
Racine, Wis., Sept. 29. A Joint meet
ing of the special waterworks commit
tee and of the common council was held
to consider the report of tho commit
tee in regard to the extension of the
franchise of the Racine Water com
pany. Certain members of tho council
favored the adoption of the reports,
while others objected, and after con
siderable wrangling the meeting ad
journed. The report of the committee
will be printed in connection with the
old ordinance granting the franchise.
The water company agrees to give
the city for a thirty-year franchise 15
per cent of the annual hydrant rental
for the remaining eleven years of the
franchise and 20 per cent for the ex
tension. Taxpayers in general want a
reduction in the rates to the consum
ers. The water company agrees to dis
miss suits against the city for f 180,000
if the extension Is granted.
Condition of theNetlom4l Debt.
Washington, Oct. 2. The monthly
statement of the public debt shows
that at the close of business Sept 29,
1900 the debt less cash In the treasury
amounted to $1,106,156,671. which is a
decrease for the month of $6,122,435.
This is accounted for by the Increase
In cash on hand and the redemption of
2 per cent bonds. The Interest bearing
debt Is $1,001,499,200.
Seems to Be the Sentiment At All
The Points of Information
In the East.
On a Ten Per Cent, Increase In Wages
Offered by the Operators
Mitchell's Views.
New York, Sept. 29. The Herald
says this morning: "One of the meu
who has participated in the plans for the
settlement of the anthracite coal tuln- "
ers' strike, and is familiar with all tha
facts and attendant circumstances,
said In an Interview last night: The
rumor that negotiations looking to the
settlement of the strike are off is un
true. My belief is that the strike will
come to an end some time early next
week. It will not be ended by a blare
of trumpets or by sweeping general or
ders, but by the men quietly going to
work in colliery after colliery, day
after day, at the lu per cent, advance.
There is no inclination to recognize
Mitchell in any way, but as a matter of
fact the miners really deserve the 10
per cent advance, and they probably
would have obtained it anyhow when
the question first came up if so many
of the members of the different board
of directors of the mining companies
had not been away ou their vacations.'
Slojniaoant Trend of Prtoes.
"Prices foranthraelte coal in this
city have today dropped 50 or 75 cents
per ton, indicating that the end Is lu
sight and the rush of the retailers to
buy from the wholesalers is aluiostl en
tirely stopped."
Other Signs of a Settlement.
Shenandoah, Pa., Sept. 29. Sheriff
Toole late yesterday afternoon came
up from Pottsville and held a lengthy
conference with General Gobin at the
latter's headquarters. His trip Is said
to have been caused by the reports that
the strike was approaching a settle
ment. Adjutant General Elliott, chief
of staff of the division, after an inter
view with General Gobin said he felt
confident that the strike is nearing a
settlement and that the necessity for
the troops would soon be obviated. In"
-this towB-audJ)n.iiHgiiulring;min1ng
villages the reports that the .strike a
might soon terminate were received 1
with many expressions of satisfaction
and relief. The mine workers appear
to feel that they are on the eve of a fj
victory. ft
Call Hanna tha Central Flg-nre.
Scranton, Pa., Sept 29. Operators
here admit that Senator Hanna Is the
central figure in the negotiations for a
settlement of the strike, and while they
profess to be at sea as to the details
they are confident that he knows be
forehand what will be acceptable to the
miners, and that whatever conditions
tie has exacted or is exacting from the
coal mo tn Now Yor it will be nothing ;
less than what4wfll fnOy twtlfae
tory to the mlueiM. This confidence is
heightened by a generally credited
story that the delay in issuing the
strike order was to give President
Mitchell time to Interest Senator Han
na in the efforts at effecting a settle
ment Local operators In all the dis
tricts say they must do whatever la de- .
elded upon at New York.
Talks, Also, as Thoog-h He "Was Ex pec Una
News of a Settlement,
Harleton, Pa., Sept 29. Notwlth
tandlng the rumors of settlement and
of concession upon the part of the op
erators there was no change in the
great coal strike situation here yes
terday. That President Mitchell was
waiting for information from New .
York cannot be denied, as he Intimated
8eyeraItlBres durinlhe --tliat
omething might develop before night.
When he was pressed to say some
thing on the general strike situation
he said: "This has been the greatest
industrial contest between labor and
capital In the history of America. The
manner In which the men have vol
untarily responded for the strike dem
onstrates beyond the possibility of a
doubt that the conditions under which
they labored so long were so unbear
able that to continue working meant
to surrender absolutely all hope of
maintaining themselves and families
as the American citizen believes he
"The number of men who respond
ed to the strike order is fully up to
anticipation. If the 10 per cent In
crease mentioned In the newspapers is
correct while far from satisfactory!
it Is the greatest victory ever achieved
by organized labor, and won under
the most adverse circumstances. I, of
course, have nothing to say as to what
action will be taken as to the accept
ance or rejection of any proposition;
this must be determined by the whole
body of anthracite miners themselves.
"We take the position in this con
test, as we have in all others, that cap
ital Is entitled to fair comiensation
on honest investment but that no in
stitution has a legitimate right to exist
which does not afford labor a sufficient
rate of wages to enable those depend
ing upon it to earn a fair living." la
discussing the reported 10 per cent,
advance offered the men by the opera
tors Mitchell said: "Under the sliding
scale such an Increase would practical- m
ly amount to nothing; what the men
would gain in one day they might lose
the next" By the sliding scale Is
meant that wages are fixed according
to the market price of coal. If there
is an advance in the price the min-.L
ers share In it and should there be a. .
decrease the miners correspondingly. .
share such a decrease. -
T Holland Gets a Note from Sag-land..
London, Sept 29. -Great Britain
has sent a note to the Dutch govern- ;
ment according to a dispatch Trout
Amsterdam to The Dally Malt, which
contains a warning that If Kruger im
allowed to carry bullion or , state
archives on board the Dutch -warship
-which Is to bring him to Europe it will
be regarded as a breach of neutrality. ;
on the part of the Netherlands.
Hetl Be Lynched, of Coarse.
Elberton, Ga., Sept 29. Will
Branch, a negro who shot and killed
George Bell, a prominent farmer of
Elberton county, and wounded Mr. and
Mrs. McLanihan. aS white people, ar-
rested yesterday and is In Jaii at
Athens. There is much excitement
be-e and many threats are made.