EXPIATION DEMANDED Germany Makes It a Condition Precedent to Diplomatic Re lations With China. LOBD HIGH EXE0UTI01IEES WANTED No Small Fry Will Satisfy the Kaiser Leader of the Boxer Devil- . tries To Be Punished. Washington, Sept. 10. A copy of a German note demanding the punish ment of the leaders of the rebellion la Ohina was presented to Acting Sec retary Ad at the state department yesterday from the German embassy. The German charge. Baron Sternberg, helng temporarily absent from the city there could lie no attempt at discussion of this most important communication. The baron Is expected to return today, when the subject may be taken up with him. Meanwhile the note Itself will receive the earnest attention of the president and such members of the cabinet as are in Washington to day, the president at this writing being en route from Canton. O.. to the Capl toL The German note was 9ent to the German embassies here, at London, Paris. St. Petersburg, Koine, Vienna and Tokio. States m Condition Precedent. The text of the note Is as follows: The government of the emperor holds as preliminary to entering upon diplo matic relations with the Chinese gov ernment that those persons must be delivered up who have bt-en proved to be the original and real instigators of the outrages against international law which have occurred at Peking. The number of those, who were merely in struments in carrying out the outrages Is too great. Wholesale executions would "be contrary to the civilized con science, and the circumstances of uch a group of leaders cannot be complete ly ascertained. But a few whose guilt Is notorious should be delivered up and punished. Kaiser la Fishing- for Whales. "The representatives of the powers at Peking are In a position to give or bring forward convincing evidence. Less importance attaches to the num ber punished than to tbelr character as chief Instigators as leaders. The government believes It can count on the unanimity of all the cabinets iu regard to this point, insomuch as In difference to the idea of Just atone ment would be equivalent to indiffer ence to a repetition of the crime. The government proposes, therefore, that the cabinets concerned should Instruct their representatives at Peking to In dicate those leading Chinese person ages from whose guilt in Instigating or perpetrating outrages all doubt Is excluded. Signed "VON BUELOW." It la Mow Up to Tour I'ncle Sana. The state department has been all along directing its efforts to the speedy opening of negotiations for a final set tlement with the Chinese government, and has so far not been heard from relative to the matter of punishments beyond the indirect reference con tained In the notes that have defined the government's purposes. The ques tion Is now presented plainly whether or not the negotiations shall be pre ceded with a decision on this point. WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS MEET They Will Urge Congress to Modify the Patau! Medicine Tax. Chicago, Sept. 19. The twenty sixth annual convention of the Na tional Druggists' association convened at the Auditorium hotel yesterday for a four-days' session. At the same time the Proprietary Association of America opened its convention to act In conjunction with the druggists. The two associations represent 800 of the leading wholesale druggists of the country. Between 400 and 500 dele gates are present. The enactment of a national pure drug law to -be urged by the conven tion will be an attempt to regulate the inspection snd sale of drugs by a federal statute Instead of, as at pres sent. by the laws of the various states. Modification of the war stamp tax also will be urged. Before the ad journment on Friday the associations expect to have a committee on its way to Washington to present their project before the congressional com mittees. Insurance Company Accused. Springfield. Ills., Sept. 19. State Superintendent of Insurance Van Cleave and Insurance Attorney Perry Hull heard the charges of Hartford, preferred by H. II. Klayer. a former employe of the company, and took the case under advisement. The Insurance company demanded a full examination of its books and this was granted. Klayer charged the insurance company with over NH violations of the Illi nois Insurance laws. Politics Dead In TbU County. Okemos, Mich., Sept. 19. Never In the history of Ingham county has there been so little said politically Just pre ceding the national campaign, as this fall. The wisest politicians are won dering what It means. Four years ago you could tell how nine out of every ten men would vote because he had hi hat and coat off shouting for Mo Kinley or Bryan, as the case might be. Position of the Trainmen. Denver, Sept. 19. P. II. Morrissey, grand master of the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, arrived In Denver yesterday. Asked whether the organ ization of which he is the head would call out his members to aid the mine workers of Pennsylvania who are on strike, his reply was non-committal. "Naturally the sympathies of our men bers are with the miners," he said "Our order has an agreement with the carrying companies, and to observe agreements made In good faith and demand their strict observance by the railway companies is oue of our prln ciples." Elroy. Wis., Sept. 19. .v enicago troniimr man was held up near Oil City. The robbers fired two shots at him, one striking him In the snouiaer, Thief Makes Small Ilaal. The home of Peter Welsh, on Third street, between Pearl and Granite, was visited by a thief Monday night. A wagon was backed to the shed in the yard and about half a ton of coal loaded on, together with a sled and rocking chair. The thief was undoubtedly stocking up for winter. The officers are watching a certain party whom they suspect is guilty of the theft. Pepperberg'a That's alL Buds 5-cent cigar LOWElt COUKT AFF11U1 Supreme Court Kinds the Missouri flc Company Liable For V5,UOO. From Thursday's Daily. The supremo court yesterday affirmed the decision of the district court of Cass county in tho case of William K. Fox. as the administrator of the estate of AmosTbomas,decea3ed, vs. the Missouri Pacific railway com pany. Matthew Gering, as the attor ney for the plaintiff in this case,, se cured a judgment again6t the defend ant for 35,000 during tho March, 1S99, terra of district court. The company, however, appealed tho case, with tho result above stated. On October 28,1 S92, Amos Thompson, a brakeman for the Missouri Pacifie, was killed at Union, this county, while making a coupling on a freight train. W. K. Fox was appointed as his ad m!nistrator,and suit for $5,000 brought against the defendant company. -Tho victory is not only an important ono for Mr. Gering, but means much for the deceased's widow and three? chil dren. ' - ' ki:li kf of this . ii:oiLi 3 Nebraska State Itar Association Diprnssca Needed Legislation. Fifty or seventy-five members of tho 9tato bar association met in this city yesterday and considered tho legisla tion of Interest to the profession and to the people, says the State Journal. The meeting was held at the etate capital in representative hall, but as tho supreme court was hearing oral argument at the same time many at torneys were unable to attend the meeting of the association. Judge E. Wakeley of Omaha, president, and Iloseoa Pound of Lincoln, secretary, wero at their posts when tho hour for the meeting arrived. The special businces to be considered was the formulation of a plan to re lieve the overcrowdoJ condition of the supreme court docket, which now con tains over l,G0O cases. Tho committee on legislation recommended the enact ment of a law creating a commission not to comprise less than six attorneys to aid the court. As an expedient for temporary relief the commissioner sys tem was favored by nearly every law yer present, but some contended that it was unconstitutional and that lhe better way was to go before the people with a constitutional amendment pro viding for the election of an increased number of supreme judges. As a re sult of the meeting some interesting discussions were brought out, but- no action was tatten further than to in struct all standing cGmmittea to bring bills embodying their ideas before the next annual meeting of tho association which will be . held sometime, "during tho session of tho noxt legislature. Funeral of Mrs. Mi ruck. From Thursday's Daily. The remains of Mrs. Morgan Shrack, whose death occurred in Om;ha Tues day, arrived in the city at 11:.'!0 this morning, and wero taken to the homo of tho deceased' sister, Mrs. C D. Kads. Funeral services were held at 1:C0 this afternoon, conductod by Kev. Baird of tho Presbyterian church. The music consisted of two hymns, en titled "Beyond the Smiling nnd the Weeping"' and "Sometime We'll Un derstand," sung by a quartet. Tho remains wero followed to their last resting placo in Oak ITill cerai to-y by sorrowing relatives and a largo number of sympathizing friends. A Farewell Surprise Party. Miss Edna Elton's Sunday school class and a few of their friends gavo Miss Eunice Davis.who is a member of the class, a uleasint surprise Tuesday evening. The young people gathered at her home to bid her farewell, as 6ho leaves with her sister this week for Lincoln, where they will attend the university. A good socibl time, with conundrums and music, was enjoyed. Light re freshments wero served. Those present were Misses Edna Eaton, Rose and Clara Button, Gertrudo Beeson, Margaret Kennie. Myrtle Dunn, llermie Windham, Margaret Mapes; Messrs. Charles and Merritt Kerr, Cliff and Hilt Woscott, Will Hamilton, Dr. Piimpton, Clyde Lessor. Smith Was Drugged. From Thursday's Daily Orrin Smith, the man who was brought from Greenwood Monday evening ana wno was tuougnt to be mentally unbalanced, was released this afternoon. He seems to havo entirely recovered, and was able to givo a very intelligent accouni of himself, lie said that he had been working on a farm eight miles south of Lincoln, and that he had $15 in money when he reachod Greenwood. He also stated that his companion had drugg d him and taken the money. Smith has gone to Iowa, where he claims to hive relatives. As usually treated a sprain will dis able the injured person for three or four weeks, but if Chamberlain's Pain Balm is freely applied a complete cure may bo effected in a very few days. Pain Balm also cures rheumatism, cuts, bruises and burns. For ealo by all druggists. First church of Christ (Scientist) will hold service Sunday at 11 o'clock. Wednesday evoning at 8 o'clock. Reading room open Tuesday and Fri day from 2 to 4 in Fitzgerald block. Many years ngo truth was discovered lying at the bottom of a well and we have no subsequent record of " its res cue. ' Whites' Cream Vermifuge is per fectly harmless, and will remove every worm. It is also a tunic, and by its strengthening properties "will restore to pale cheeks the rosy hue of health. Price 2-5 cts. F. G. Gricke & Co. ; ' The Ebinger Hardware Co. has a full line of pumps and is now prepared to do pump work of all descriptions. 1YSTEKI0DS CASE Deputy McBritle Brings an In sane 31 an from Greenwood Some Who Are Familiar With the Cir cumstances Arm Inclined to Believe That He Was Doped by a Companion - airs. Koehler'a Strang Actions Dr. Miller of Omaha Becomes Insane. From Wednesday's Daily. Deputy Sheriff McBride returned from Greenwood last evening with an insane man named Smith. The author ities at Greenwood reportthat the man came to that place Monday evening, and that his queer actions at once at tracted attention. He imagines that be is being followed by people who in tend to kill him. The unfortunate man is very despondent, and nothing has been learned as to where he came from or the cause of his condition. There is a mystery connected with this unfortunate case, and those famil iar with the circumstances are in clined to believe that Smith was doped by a companion who was seen with him Monday evening, but" who has since mysteriously disappeared. The suspicion is strengthened by the fact that Smith, in the course of his mutter ings, froquently speaks of some green backs which he had at the time he ar rived in Greenwood and which are now missing. Hopes are entertained that the man will soon recover sufficiently to give an intelligent account of himself. Made Eaormoni Purchase. From Wednesday's Daily. Mrs. Lena Koehler, who resides on Wintersteen hill with her husband, was taken in charge today by the offi cers, as sho displayed unmistakable signs of insanity. Mrs. Koehler came down town this morning, and.entering Egenberger & Troop's store, asked that a hundred sacks of Hour be taken to her home. She also visited several other stores, and at each place she made enormous purchases. The unfortunate woman was confined in the asylum at Lincoln several years ago, but was aiscnargea as curea. sne is tho mother of a young child. It is probable that tho board of insanity will take some action in regard to her case tomorrow. A Sad Misfortune. Dr. George L. Miller, the veteran physician, editor and political writer of Omaha, is at present confined at St. Bernard's hospital in Council Bluffs. Dr. Miller has been suffering for some timo from a mental ailment, and his disease took a, violent form Monday evening. It is said he spent a portion of the evening in the lobby of the Pax ton hotel, where ho attracted some at tention by speaking disjointedly about a fortune of $4,000,000 that had just been left him. He insisted on hiring twenty carriages to celebrate the event. Ho afterwards became so vio lent that it was found necessary to take him to the police station for safe keep ing. It is thought this outbreak was the culmination of a mental breakdown that has been noticed by Dr. Miller's friends for some timo. Until recently his mental derangement has usually taken the form of despondency, and he has frequently complained that since his misfortunes he has not had a friend upon whom he can rely. His physician believes that his ailments are directly traceable to the misfortunes that have befallen him recently the loss of a magnificent residence and many val uable relics and curiosities at Seymour park, and the, death of his wife and the dwindling away of his means. Owing to the unfortunate man's ad vanced age seventy-three years it is feared that his mind is permanently affected. - Death of Mrs. Schrack. From Wednesday's Daily The many friends in this city of Mrs. Morgan Schrack will be sorry to hear of hor death, which occurred at ber home in Omaha yesterday. She leaves a husband and one child to mourn her demise. Mrs. Schrack was a sister of Mrs. C. D. Eads and Mrs. Clel Morgan of this city. , The remains will be shipped to this city tomorrow morning for burial, and the funeral will take place from the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Eads in the First ward at 1:30. Interment will be mado in Oak Hill cemetery. Krowlek- Black. William Krowlek and Miss Sarah Jane Black of this city were married last Wednesday morning by Rev. Asa Sleeth the happy event being consummated at the minister's home. The groom is well known in Platts mouth, where he has been employed at the B. & M. shops for a number of years. The bride recently came to this city from Iowa. Tjik News wishes the young couple much joy and happiness. - The Bravery of Woman. Was grandly shown by Mrs. John Dowingof Butler, Pa., in a three years' struggle with a malignant stomach trouble that caused distress ing attacks of nausea and indigestion. All remedies failed to relieve her un til she tcied Electric Bitters. After taking it two months, she wrote:'I am now wholly cured and can eat any thing. It is truly a grand tonic for the whole system as T gained in weight and feel much stronger since using it.' It aids digestion, cures dyspepsia, im proves appetite, gives new life. Only 50c. Guaranteed, at F. G. Fricke & Co's Drug Store. . For Rent Walker section (No. 16), Mt. Fleaeant precinct. For further particulars inquire of Mrs; Emma F. Walker, Plattsmouth, Neb. . An Ohio giri who was unable to de cide between two admirers finally set tled the matter by marrying one and eloping with the other, all in one day. ft H CITY AND COUNTY Z WEDNESDAY. D. J. Pitman was in town today from Murray. Ex-Senator Orlando Tefft of Weep ing Water was in town today. E. F. Richards of Weeping Water was a visitor in the city yesterday. Carl Kunsmann purchased twenty six head of fat cattle at South Omaha yesterday. The government guage .indicates that one inch of rain fell during the storm last night. Mrs. Mathew Akeson from near Manley spent yesterday in the city the guest of Mrs. S. A. Davis. William Krowlek and wife went to Havelock this afternoon for a visit with relatives and friends. OMrs. S. L- Carlyleof Kimball, Neb., arrived last evening to attend the funeral of her father, H. P. Beach. Alex Beach came in from Alliance this morning, having been called here by a telegram announcing the death of his father. F. R, Guthman is erecting a fine two-story house on his farm near Mur ray. The dimensions of the building will be 28x28. B. Spurlock returned to his home at York today after a visit of several days in this city with his son, George Spur lock, and family. Miss Florence White was in Murray yesterday, where she has a class of ten pupils in voice culture. Miss White is well prepared for her work, and is making a success of teaching. Charles E. nolmes,the man arrested Monday morning by Detectives Malone and Flynn on the charge of stealing brass from the B. & M. shops, will be given a preliminary hearing tomor row morning at 8 o'clock. Dana Sleeth, who has been spending the summer vacation with bis parents in this city, returned to Lincoln this morning to prepare for attending the coming term of the state university, which opens next Monday. A Plattsmouth man eays the coming winter will be a bard one. He knows it by readings of the goose bone and by further fact that his mother-in-law will spend the winter visiting his fam ily. Nebraska City Press. THURSDAY. William DuBois of Union was in town today. D. Clem Deaver of Omaha, editor of the True Populist, was in town today on business. J. H. Becker and wife loft this morn ing for Knox county. Mo., for a few days' visit with friends and relatives. W. B. Porter of Council Bluffs, who has been visiting in the county for some time, returned home this morn ing. The News ha9 just printed some large colored posters announcing the Roosevelt meeting to be held in Platts mouth on the evening of October 2. Misses Katharine Terry, Madge Young and Maud Rusterholtz, whoso homes are in the vicinity of Nebawkn, are attending the High school in this city. The president and vice presidential candidates on the prohibition ticket will pass through Plattsmouth from the east at 6:4? this evening. They have a special train. The infant child recently adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wheeler died at 5 o'clock last evening as a result of stomach trouble. The funeral occured this afternoon. The funeral of II. P. Beach was held at 4 o'clock this afternoon, the services being held at the A. O. U. W. hall and were conducted by Rev. Asa Sleeth of the Methodist church. In terment was made in Oak Hill ceme tery. The county commissioners yesterday gave Egenberger & Troop the contract for furnishing coal for the court house. They are to receive $3 98 per ton. The contract for furnishing coal for the jail, poor farm and paupers was let to Week bach & Co., their figures being $4.10 and $4.25 per too. A hearing on the matter of the final settlement of the estate of Michael Kennedy, deceased, was bad in county court today. Mrs. Kennedy, widow of the deceased, S. W. Orton, executor of the estate, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kennedy and Attorney C. E. Tefft of Weeping Water were in attendance. Constable J. R. Denson and wife are taking care of Mrs. Lena Koehler, the young woman who became insane yes terday. Mr. Denson informs The News that last night the unfortunate woman's condition took a sudden turn for the worse and that she has been unable to leave her bed today. Her husband is working on a farm south of town. Holmes Bound Over. From Thursday's Daily. Charles E. Holmes,the man arrested Monday morning on the charge of stealing brass from the B. & M". shops. had a preliminary hearing before Jus tice Archer this morning and was bound over to the district court in the sum of $1,000. Henry M. Cary, Charles BelLGeorge Kroehler, Ed Swoboda, James Malone, J. A. Gutsche, H. J. Helps and John Chase appeared as witnesses against the defendant. Several of them testi fied as to having seen Holmes in the act of stealing the metal, others In re gard to having missed the brass from the shops, and altogether the evidence was of a very damaging character. Holmes' wife was present at the hear ing. County Attorney Root and Byron Clark conducted the prosecution and A. N. Sullivan appeared for the. pris oner. . " : SUi:S THE AKGO COMlANY Attorney General Smyth Declares It Is In the Starch Trust. Attorney General Smyth is now after J. Sterling Morton's starch company of Nebraska City, and yesterday filed an information in the supreme court to enjoin that company from doing busi ness in the state under the present management. The allegation is made that the Argo company sold out to the United Starch company, which is op erated as a trust. Speaking of the matter the State Journal says: "This action of the attorney general was not un looked for as the report was published several weeks ago that he would soon attack the octopus in its lair at the home of the Sage of Arbor lodge. The petition is an information in the nature of a quo warranto. The attorney general in the name of the state asks that the agreement by which the Argo Manufacturing company sold its property and rights to the United Starch company be adjudged void and that it be decreed that the United Starch company is an unlawful trust and that it be excluded from this state and be enjoined from doing business in this state. "The petition alleges that the Argo Starch company was incorporated June 2, 1894, and in violation of law sold out to the United Starch company on Aug ust 28, 1899, the consideration being $125,000 "and other valuable consider ation," and has since refused to do any of the business for which it was organ ized." A Powder Mill Explosion. Removes everything in sight; so do drastic mineral pills, but both are mighty dangerous. No need to dyna mite your body when Dr. King's New Life Pills do the work so easly and perfectly. Cures Headache, Constipa tion. Only 25 cts. at F. C. Fricke & Co's Drug Store. An old bachelor says a woman's heart is like the moon constantly changing, but there's always a man in It . The most delicate constitution can safely use Ballard's Horehound Syrup. It is a sure and ploasant lemedy for coughs, loss of voice, and all throat and lung troubles. Price 25 and 50 cts. F. G. Fricke & Co. Bobbed of 300. Eli Eaton, of Union, who was in the city yesterday looking for a trace of $300 in gold that was taken from his trunk at his home on the farm near Union, returned home last evening without having been able to secure any trace of the yellow metal that he hoarded up and which was filched by someone who probably thcugVt they could put it to a better use than to allow it to lay there and mildew. Eli will probably have some confidence in the banks In the future. Nebraska City News. Editor's Awful Flight. F. M. Higgins, Editor Seneca (Ills.,) News, wns r filleted for years with Piles that no doctor or remedy helped until he tried Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the best in the world. He writes, two boxes wholly cured him. Infallible for Piles, Cure guaranteed. Only 25c. Sold by F. G Fricke & Co., druggist. Carious Irony of Fate. By a curious Irony of fate the great fortune made by Erckmann of the Erckmann-Chatrian combination, in praising the military glories of France, has now been inherited by a Prussian officer. The officer In question mar ried Erckmann's niece almost imme diately .after the cession of Alsace and Lorraine. David City, Neb., April 1. 1900 Genesee Pure Food Ca,Le Roy, N. Y. Gentlemen: I must say in regard to GRAIN-O that there is nothing better or healthier. We have used it for years. My brother was a great coffee drinker. He was taken sick and the doctor said coffee was the cause of it, and told us to use GRAIN-O. We got a package, but did not like it at first but now would not be without it. My brother has been well ever since we started to use it. Yours truly, . Lillie Sochor. Yellow rtver at Havana Havana, Sept. 19. The yellow fever situation Is decidedly unfavorable. An drew B. Patterson, of Wheeling, W. Va., died yesterday of this disease. August Flower. 'It is a surprising fact," says Prof. Hou ton 'that in my travels in all parts of the world, for the last ten years, I have met more people having used Green's August Flower than any other remedy, for dyspepsia, deranged liver and stomach, and for constipation. I find for tourists and salesmen, or for persons filling office positions, where headaches and general bad feelings from irregular habits exist, that Green's August Flower is a grand rem edy. It does not injure the system by frequent use, and is excellent for sour stomachs and indigestion." Sample bottles free at A. W. Atwood's. Sold by dealers in all civilized coun tries. akes short roads. ood for everything that runs on wheels. Sold Everywhere). Hade by STANDARD Oil. CO. 1M l fa i r fcLnd light loads. WONDERFUL CURE OF DIARRHOEA. A Prominent Virginia Editor Had Almost Given Up. But Was Brought Back to Per fect Health By Chamberlain's Colic. Chol era and Diarrhoea Kent dy Read His Edi torial. ' From the Times Hillstillc. Va. I suffered from ditirrhoea for a long time and thought I was past being cured. I had spent much time and money and suffered so much misery that I had almost decided to give up all hopes of recovery and await the re suit, but noticing the advertisement of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rimed y and also some tes timonials slating how some wot.derful cures had been wrought by this rem edy, I decided to try it. After taking a few doses I was entirely well of that trouble, and I wish to say further to my readers and fellow-sufferers that I am a hale and hearty man today and feel as well as I ever did in my life. O. R. Moore. Sold by all druggists. Feature of thai Sears Case. Eau Claire, Wis., Sept. "JO. Judpc O'Neill sentenced Eliot Carter, aged 23, to the Green Bay reformatory for one year for daytime burglary. He also sentenced Frank Sear to three years at Waupun for an attempt to break Jail. The Sears case Is remark able because the prosecution for burg lary, on which charge he had been put in tall, had been nolled. Endured Death's Agonies. Only a roaring fire enabled J. M. Garrettson, of San Anton io,Tex.,to lie down when attacked by Asthma, from which be suffered for years He writes his misery was often so great that it seemed he endured the agonies of death; but Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption wholly cured him. This marvelous medicine is the only known cure for Asthma as well as Con sumption, Coughs and Colds, and all Throat, Chest and Lung troubles. Price 50c and $1.00. Guaranteed. Trial bottle free at F. G. Fricke & Co's. Drug Store. Brewery Workers Adjourn. Detroit, Sept. 19. The convention of the National Brewery Workers' asso ciation ended yesterday afternoon aft er having decided to tax each member of the association $1. The delegate to the American Federation of Labor was Instructed to advocate this same move ment In all uniions of organized labor, the lda being to raise a great strike supporting fund. The great success of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in the treatment of bowel complaints has made it standard over the greater part of the civilized world. For sale by all druggists. A SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. Dr. Agustus Ruggles, Treasurer of the Greater New York Medical Association, says, "There is just one scientific compound known as Diamond Digest Tablets which can be relied upon to cure dyspepsia and constipation so they will stay cured. Posi tively the only ad vertlsed dyspepsia remedy ever endorsed by prominent physicians. They promptly digest every particle of food taken into the stomach, and are positively guaranteed to cure the worst forms of Dyspepsia, India-cation, Heartburn, Sour Stomach, and Con stipation, restoring? the bowels and liver to perfectly natural action In two weeks or money refunded, by all druggists. 25 and 50c. DIAMOND DRUG CO.,83-86 W. B'way.N. V. PENNY HEADACHE CURE. A truly wonderful discovery containing none of the dangerous drugs found in ALU OTHER headache remedies, One Tablet Curea One horrible Headache, la Just One Minute, for only One Cent GUAKAMTKKDW Ask your Druggist for Strong's Peony'' Headache Tablet. - - Fan 160 acres, two miles north of Eagle; 130 acres under cultivation; (air improvements: price $6400 80 acres four miles northwest of Eagle; 70 acres cultivated; good young orchard and small fruit; fair improvements; good tubu lar well; price 2800 160 acres, three miles northwest of Eagle, all smooth and cultivated; fenced and good improvements; price 7000 160 acres, three miles west; rich and level land; fenced and cross-fenced; one of the best improved farms in Lancaster county; price 8000 340 acres of good, smooth land, 6 miles south west; fenced; two sets of buildings; about 200 acres broke; will sell in 80 or 160 acre tracts; price $35 per acre CO acres, 5 miles south; 130 acres cultivated; all fenced and cross-fenced; good pasture and orchard; improvements fair; price.. .. 5600 160 acres, 3 miles east; level and finely im proved: as good a farm as there Is in Cass county; desirable in every particular; price 8000 160 acres, four miles southeast; good, new substantial improvements; W0 acres culti vated, balance in pasture and hav: a num ber one stock farm; price 5000 200 acres, three miles east: smooth and first class: tinelv improved: fenced and cross- fenced; a modern farm; price 9000 200 acres. 5 miles southeast; 160 acres broke, balance in pasture; fair improvements; all fenced and a splendid stock farm; price... 0000 For further particulars concern ing these properties, inquire at or address. Bank of Eagle, EAGLE, NEB. Notice to Creditors. State of Nebraska. j-ss. In County Court. Cass County, In the matter of the estate of Joshua Gapen de ceased. Notice is herebv given that the creditors of said deceased will meet the administrator of said es tate, before me. county judge of Cass county, Nebraka. at the county court room in Platts mouth in said county, on the 13th day of Novem ber. A. D.. 1900. and on the 15th day of Aprii.1901, at 8 o'clock a. m, each day for the purpose of pre senting their claims for examination, adjustment nrt illnaranM. Six months are allowed for the creditors of said deceased to present their claims and one vear for the administrator to settle said estate, from the 13th day of October, 1900. Witnan mv hand and seal of Said COUtltV court at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, this 15th day ol September. WUU. . r ISBAI..J J. C UUUULUM, County Judge. First publication September 13 4 SORES ACJB Sores and Ulcers never become chronic unless the blood is in poor condition is sluggish, weak, and unable to throw off the poisons that accumulate in it. The system must be relieved of the unhealthy matter through the sore, and great danger to life would follow should it heal before the blood has been made pure and healthy and all impurities eliminated from the sys tem. S.S.S. begins the cure by first cleans ing and invigorating the blood, building up the general health and removing from In OONSTANT DRAIN all morbid, . effete matter. UPON THE SYSTEM. When this has been accomplished the dis charge gradually ceases, and the sore or ulcer heals. It is the tendency of these old indolent seres to grow worse and worse, and eventually to destroy the bones. Local applications, while soothing and to some extent alleviate pain, cannot reach the seat of the trouble. S. S. S. does, and no matter how apparently hopeless your condition, even though your constitution has broken down, it will bring relief when nothing else can. It supplies the rich, pure blood necessary to heal the sore and nourish the debilitated, diseased body. Mr. J. B. Talbert. Lock Box Z4V Winona. Miss., says: "Six yesrs sko iny leg from tbekneeto the foot was one solid sore. Several physicians treated me and I made two trips to Hot Springs, but found no relief. I was induced to try b S. S., and it made a complete cure. I have been a per fectly well man ever since." is the only purely veg etable blood purifier known contains no poisonous minerals to ruin the digestion and add to, rather than relieve your suffer ings. If your flesh does not heal readily when scratched, bruised or cw t, your blood is in bad condition, and any ordinary sore is apt to become chronic. Send for our free book and write our physicians about your case. We make no charge for this service. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA. 6A. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS Legal Notice. In the district court of Cass county, Nebraska. Lorenzo D. Curtis vs. Joshua Brown, Jairus E. Neal, Adam uavis, trie neirs ol cmer son H. Eaton, viz William T. Eaton. Mrs. William T. Katon, Simon V. Eaton. Alice Eaton and Frederick Eaton, et at. NOTICE loshua Brown. lairus E. Neal. Adam Davis. W illiam T. Eaton. Simeon F.Eaton and Fred erick Eaton will take notice that on the 8th day Of September, A. I)-, 1H00. Lorenzo D. Curtis, plaintiff herein, riled his petition in the district court of Cass county, Nebraska, against said de fendants, the object and prayer ol which was to quiet the title to the loltowing-described real es tate, to-wit: Lots one (1) and two id), being the north half of the northwest quarter, and frac tional lot three (3), all of section four 141. in . l. : I 1 A 1 n r r l. ni ranA f . . .. r .. fill east, in Cass county. Nebraska, as against said defendants herein named, by reason otit appear ing of record that they, and each of them, claim to have some title and lien in and to said real estate, and parts thereof, and that the plaintiff and his grantors have been in the open, actual. notorious, exclusive, Adverse, continuous ana peaceable possession of said '.and for more than ten years prior to the time of tiling his petition, and each of said dclcndants be forever enjoined from ever having or claiming any right, title or interest, either legal or equitable, in or to any part of said land, and that judgment may be en tered continuing plaintiffs title in and to said land, and each and every part thereof, and the same be declared free and clear from all claims held by any of the said defendants, and for equitable relief. You are required to answer said petition on or before the th day of October. A. D., 11. Dated this 13th day of September. A. D.. 1H00. LORENZO D. CUKIIS, 1'laiutitt. Byron Clark, O. A. Kawls. A. J. Graves, Attorneys for Plaintiff. First pub Sept 10-4 Probate Notice. In County Court of Cass County, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of George F. Terry berry, deceased. William Volk. Elmer Boedeker. Roderick Bae deker, Leonard Terryberry, Nettie Terrybery and Mary Terryberry, legatees and devisees under the last will and testament of George F. Terry berry. deceased, and all other persons interested: you are hereby notified that on the -th day of August. litUO. James L. TerryberJy. executor, hied herein his tinal account and petition, alleg ing among other things, the payment of all debts and expenses and all demands against said es tate, except the specific bequests to the aforesaid named persons, and that said estate was fully and finally settled, except the execution of the specific bequests to the aforesaid devisees, and asking that his said final account be allowed, and that he be allowed commission, attorney's fees and expenses and for extraordinary services, not required by an executor in the common course of his duties, and that all of said estate, except that specifically devised and bequeathed to the aforesaid devisees be assigned to the said James L. Tenyberry. residuary legatee under said will, subject to the lien of said specific bequests, and that said ex ecutor be discharged of all obligations and liabil ities as such executor, except the execution of conveyances and payment of bequests to the aforesaid legatees as provided by said will. Take notice that if you iail to appear before said court on the 19th day of September, A. D., 1900, at 9 o'clock a. ni., and contest said petition, the court may grant the prayer of said petition and make such further orders, allowances and decrees as the court may deem proper, to the end, that all matters pertaining to said estate may be finally settled and determined, except the execu tion of conveyances and payment of bequests t the aforesaid legatees as provided by said will. Witness my hand and tne seal of said Court at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, this the 2Hth day ol August, A. D., 1900. J. E. Douglass. (Seal) County Judge. First publication Aug. 28-3 Legal Notice. In the district court of Cass county, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of 1 Eugenia M. Thorngate. NOTICE Deceased. I Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an order of the Honorable Paul Jessen. judge of tne district court of Cass county. Nebraska, made on the 21th day of August. A. I). 1WK), for the sale of the real estate hereinafter described, there will be sold at the south door of the court house in Plattsmouth. Cass county, Nebraska, on the U"th day of September. A. D. 1100. at one o'clock p. m., at public vendue, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real estate, to-wit: Lot five (5) and lot five and one-half !'i, both in block sixty-six (tiri), and the south twenty-two (32) feet of lot four (4), and the south twenty-tvto feet of the west halt of lot three (H), both in block sixty-four (64), all in the city of Weeping Water, Cass county, Nebraska, and lot eight (8), in block one (1 , in Rector's addition to the city of Weep ing Water. Nebraska. . Said sale will remain open one hour Dated this 28th day of August. A. D.. 1900. Ella Thorngaie, Administratrix. Byron Clark & C. A. Rawis. Attorneys for the estate. First publication. August 24. Notice to Creditors. Rl.t. nt V.hrs.lra Cass Countv. I In County Court In the 'matter of the estate of William Wallace Hull, deceased. Notice is herebv given that the creditors of said deceased will meet the executor of said estate be fore me. county judge of Cass county. Nebraska, at the county court room in Ftattsmouth in said county, on the 29th day of October, A. D. iwou, and on the 1st day of April. 1901. at o'clock a. m each day for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and allow ance. Six months are allowed for the creditors of said deceased to present their claims and one year for the executor to settle said estate, from the 29th day of September. 19U0. . Witness my hand the seal of said county court at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this 4th day of Sep tember. 19U0. . . Seal J. E. Douglass. County, Judge. First publication September 4-4. . Articles of Incorporation. Notice Is hereby given that The Murray State Bank of Murray. Nebraska, has been incorpor ated for the purpose of transacting a banking business (Commercial). The authorized capital stock of this corpora tion is Five thousand dollars, fully paid up. The highest indebtedness of this corporation shall not exceed two-thirds of the paid up capital. (Except deposits). This corporation shall begin business on the First dav of September. lMUU. and shall terminate on the First day of September. 1920- The principal place of business of this cor poration shall be at Murray in the County of Cass, State of Nebraska. . . - - E. B. Finniy. E. Finney, R, E. Finney, 5 Incorporators. First publication September 7-4. If you know anything new call No. 85.