Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, September 21, 1900, Image 2

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    The Semi-Weekly News-Herald
GEORGE L. FABtEY, Proprietor.
One Year, in advance, t5 00
Six Months, . ........... 2 50
One Week, 10
Single Copies,
One Year, in advance, .... tl 00
Six Months, - 50
OI any Cass County Paper.
t For President
- For Vice President
For Presidential Electors
J. T. NESBIT of Burt.
R. li. WINDHAM ol Cass.
FD ROYCE of Custer.
L. M. HAGUE of Kearney.
P. DAVIDSON of Johnson.
L. JACOUSON of Douglas.
J. U KENNEDY of Douglas.
JOHN L, LANGER of Saline.
For Congress, First District
E. J. BURKETT of Lancaster.
For Governor
C. II. DIETRICH of Adams.
For Lieutenant Governor
' F. P. SAVAGE of Custer.
For Secretary of State
G. W. MARSH of Richardson.
For Treasurer
For Auditor
For Commissioner
GEORGE D. FOLLMER of Nuckolls.
For Attorney General
F. N. PROUT of Gage.
For State Superintendent
V. K. FOWLER of Washington.
For County Attorney. .
JESSE L. ROOT, of Flattsmouth.
For Commissioner, First district,
LLOYD D. BENNETT, of Plattsniouth.
For Senator,
WILLIAM H. NEWELL, of Plattsniouth.
For Representatives,
Float Representative,
DAVID A. BROWN, of Otoe.
WAIIOO has organized an Ida Mc
Kinley republican club.
, Nebraska City raised $265 to as
sist the distressed in Galveston.
Coloxel JJuYAN hiid accepted, with
thanks, the nomination for president
by the populists.
Loui.svillk has ordered fifty uni
forms for their Roosevelt club. They
will bo on hand October 2.
The question of taking care of the
people that will attend the Roosevelt
. meeting is not a simple one.
"The producers of wheat and cottpn
have a special grievance; aa Bilvcr goes
down the prices fall." Bryan's Rook,
page 98.
Tiikke soeras to be quite a desire in
Plattsniouth to hoar Mary Ellen Ieaso
talk politics. Sho Is being well re
ceived over the state.
The special train over the Missouri
Pacific, from Eagle to 'Plattsniouth for
the Roosevelt meeting October, 2 will
leavo that placo at 2 p. m.
Several . organizations might do
well to bo prepared to serve supper or
lunch October 2. One or two of the
.epocial trains will arrive about 5
o'clock. .
The fifty-two rough rider uniforms
ordered la9t week have arrived and
are going like hot cakes. Another
order will have to be sent in at once to
supply the demand. -
Tub best campaign thunder for the
republicans tnis year are extracts
from Mr. Bean's speeches of lS9t.
"The First Battle" is today a compila
tion of false predictions.
"UNTIL the money question is fully
and finally settled the people will not
consent to the consideration of any
other Important question." Bryan's
Letter of Acceptance, 18.
Mr. Webstek prosorved his reputa
tion in this community last evening as
aa eloquent and logical speaker. lie
is one of the ablest men in the state,
and it is always a pleasure to hear him.
. The individual who thought Gov
ernor Roosevelt would lose his head
on the etump is doomed to disappoint
ment. lie is a man of common sense
and brains and is -making a glorious
campaign. ,'
. GiiEENWOOp has a uniformed rough
rider club of fifty or seventy-five mem
bers and a ladies' club with a member
ship of fifty or sixty, also uniformed.
There is nothing slow . about the re
publicans in that section of the county.
: C. Ill Dietkich surprised his many
friends Monday both by his presence
and by making a rousing speech. Mr.
Dietrich makes no 'pretentions as a
public speaker, hence the surprise,
lie made a most favorable impression
upon his hearers. .
. "MARK my words. If the gold
standard goes on, the gold standard
advocates, instead of trying to improve
the condition of the people "will be
recommending that you close your
schools so . that the people will not
realize how much they are suffering."
Bryan's First Rattle, page 72.
Asiibury Park, N. J., Sept. 13.
My Dear Mr. Whedon, Lincoln, Neb.
I have received a democratic paper
published in Nebraska The Falls
City News which in opposing the
election of Congressman Burkett prints
an editorial from which I copy this re
garding Mr. Burkett:
"But he did vote against a pension.
The widow of the brave and honored
Stotsenburg made application for a
pension, believing that the government
owed this much to her in return for
the life of her husband, who was
"killed while battling in the Philip
pines. It is charged that Mr. Burkett
voted against the bill upon the ground
that Colonel Stotsenberg was a demo
crat." I really cannot understand how any
person can make or publish such a
false statement.
Last autumn when I was visiting at
your house Mr. and Mrs. Burkett
called on me and the former then vol
unteered to do everything in hia power
to secure for me an increase of pension.
After congress met ho introduced
my bill and bad charge of it until it
became a law. No one could have
been moro earnest or active In my be
half than was Mr. Burkett.
After the committee reported in
favor of giving me $40 per month, he
succeeded in getting the amount raised
to $50 per month in the house.
The statement that he voted against
my bill is utterly untrue. Both my
self and my little girls are greatly in
debted to Mr. Burkett for his effective
but he changed his mind, as great
men sometimes do.
THE demand for city and state war
rants is one of the best signs of the
times. When 4 per cent state war
rants bring a premium, and when 7 per
cent city warrants that run but a short
time bring 2 per cent premium, think
ing people conclude that money is more
plentiful and that times are not to be
compared to the gloomy period from
which the country emerged shortly
after the election of 1896. The organ
ization of new savings banks and the
seeking of small investments by wage
earners indicate that the money power
has for the time being relaxed its hold
on the country's financial throat and
that it is possible to live and enjoy
plenty while the country is adminis
tered by a wise and capable govern
ment. Lincoln Journal.
There is one Nebraska farmer who
has discovered a logical reason for vot
ing the democratic ticket. He had a
big crop this year and bad to harvest
it without help, for the simple reason
that he could hire no one to help him.
He complains that while he was work
ing like a nailer getting in his crop
large crowds of able-bodied men with
plenty of money jingling in their pock
ets were attending ball games in town.
Sioux City Journal.
"The goIH standard makes dear
money and dear money makes cheap
products and cheap men. Prosperity
must begin with the workingman and
Coloncl Cbeodore Roosevelt on finance
and expansion,
(Extracts from His Letter of Acceptance).
To put into practice the principles embodied in the Kan
sas City platform would mean grave disaster to the nation,
for that platform stands for reaction and disorder; for an up
setting of our financial system, which would mean not only
great suffering, but the abandonment of the nation's good faith,
and for a policy abroad which would imply the dishonor of the
flag and an unworthy surrender of our national rights.
The policy of the free coinage of silver at a ratio of 16 to 1
is a policy fraught with destruction to every home in the land.
It moans untold misery to the head of every household, and
above all to the women and children of every, home.
If we are to prosper, the currency of this" country must te
based upon the gold dollar worth 100 cents.
The parallel between what Jefferson did with Louisiana
and what is now being done in the Philippines is exact.
The simple truth is that there is nothing even remotely
resembling "imperialism" or "militarism" involved in the
present development of that policy of expansion which has
been pnrt of the history of A merica from the day when she
became a nation.
The only certain way of rendering it necessary for our re
public to enter on a career of "militarim" would be to aban
don the Philippines to their own tribes, and at the same time
either to guarantee a stable government among these tribes
or to guarantee them against outside interferenee.
Properly speaking, the question is now not whether we
6hall expand for we have already expanded but whether we
shall contract
assistance and I very much regret that
he should be so maliciously maligned.
Very truly yours,
Maky L Stotsenburg
. P. S. I should like to write further
on this subject because I feel that tt is
an unjust aspersion on Mr. Burkett's
conduct of ray pension caso but I feel
very much exhausted this evening,
having just returned from New York,
whcre.I wont to consult a specialist in
regaid to my health. Trusting that
you will correct this false statement, I
am very sincerely
. - Mary L Stotsenburg.
(Extracts from Speeches.)
The best policy in this world for man
or nation is duty.
Cultivate good homes, make them
pure and sweet, elevate them, and
other good things will follow.
The geaiusof the nation, its freedom,
its wisdom, its humanity, its courage,
its justice, favored by divine provi
dence, will make It equal to every task
and the master of every emergency.
Patriotism must be faithful as well
as fervent; statesmanship must be wise
as well as fearless not the statesman
ship which will command the applause
of the hrur, but the judgment of pos
terity. Can we leave these people, who, by
the fortunes of war and our own acta,
are Helpless and without government,
to chaos and anarchy, after we have
destroyed the only government they
have had? Having destroyed their
government, it is the duty of the
American people to provide for them
a better one.
"If McKlnley and the republican
party are successful and put in power
for the next four years wages will be
decreased, hard times will come upon
us, and over the land the price of
wheat will go down and the price of
gold will go up; mortgages on our
homes will be foreclosed by the money
lenders; shops and factories will close.
We will export no goods and we will
import' from foreign lands all the
goods we use; thus will ruin, want and
misery be with us." Bryan In 1896.
Mr. Bryan insists that he would,
under no circumstance, accept a sec
ond term. If he were president now
and doing as well for the nation as
President McKInley, the people would
certainly insist on his re-considering
the matter and again accept the honor.
It will be remembered he said he
would stay on his front porch this fall.
the farmer and work upward. The
free coinage of sliver will do this,
hence, when wo open the mint wo will
start the fact; there is no other way."
Rryan. .
"I HAVE no lieht or knowledge not
common to my countrymen. I do not
prophesy. The present is all-absorbing
to me. But I cannot bound my
vision by the blood-stained trenches
around Manila, where every red top,
whether from the veins of an Ameri
can soldier or a misguided Filipino,' is
anguish to my heart, but by the broad
range of future years, when that group
of islands, under the impulse of the
year just past, shall have become the
gems and glories of those tropical seas
a land of plenty and of increasing
possibilities; a people redeemed from
indolence and habits, devoted to the
arts of peace, in touch with the com
merce and trade of all nations, enjoy
ing the blessing of freedom, of civil
and religious liberty, of education and
of homes, and whose children and chil
dren's children shall for ages hence
bless the American republic because
it emancipated and redeemed their
fatherland, and set them in the path
way of the world's best civilization."
The attendance in our High school
has increased from seventy in 1893 to
204 in 1900. This not only speaks well
for the school itself, but it shows that
the children of the masses are now
taking advantage of the opportunity
to get a High school education. A few
years ago the sentiment prevailed that
it was nonsense for a boy or girl who
did not expect to teach or enter some
profession to secure a High school
education; today the people generally
feel that every boy and girl, who can
possibly do so, should complete the
course of study arranged by the board
of education.
Tite people of Plattsmouth take
pleasure in looking through the Bew
opera house as it nears completion.
It is to be a model play-bouse, in
beauty, convenience and general ar
rangement a building in which the
city can take pride.
Columbus feels very much puffed
up. Senator Beveridge of Indiana
makes but one speech in Nebraska
and that is to be delivered at Colum
buB. That town is certainly to be con
gratulated, for Beveridge Is a host in
Pure drugs and all the best patent
medicines at A. W. Atwood's drug
To the Number of Those Who
Are Striking in the An
thracite Region.
While Turbulence Begins to Show
It6Qf Prospect of Serious Trou
.V-io trie In One District.
Philadelphia, Sept. 19. The leader
of the strike said at the end of th
ewond day that 118,000 of the 11,000
mine workers in the anthraolt coal
fields were idle. No representative of
the mine operators made a statement
for their side of the matter, but In
dividual mine owners disputed the
strikers' figures, aylng that there are
more men at 'work than the union
leaders will admit. The first advance
In the price of coal as a result of the
strike was made by the Philadelphia
and Reading Co. yesterday, 25 cents
per ton being added. This advance
was promptly met by the local dealers,
who Increased the price to consumers
50 cents a ton. Tru to its declaration
made before the strike was ordered,
the Philadelphia and Reading Co. yes
terday brought Its mules to the surface
In two mines near Shamokln that had
been closed by the strike, and an
nounced that they were permanently
Turbulent Prom ply on Hand.
A dispatch from llarrisburg says:
"Trouble is brewing in the Lykens vaU
tey region between the Union and non
union anthracite miners over the re
fusal of the men at Wllllamstown to
join the strike. The mine employes' In
the neighboring towns of Lykena and
Wiconlsco are on strike, and threaten
to compel the Willlamstown men to
qelt work. A meeting of the Williams
town men was held last night, at
which It was decided to stand firm
against any attempt on the part of the
6ttiiker9 to force them to Join the strike.
Sheriff Relff has sworn in 150 deputies,
who will act in conjunction with a
double force of watchmen on duty at
Wailiamstown colliery. Some of the
strikers at Lykens and Wiconlsco
threaten to drive out the men at Wlll
lamstown before Saturday, and serious
trouble may be expected at any time."
Concession to 5.000 Coal Digger.
Concession was voluntarily granted
the 5.000 employes of the Lehigh Coal
and Navigation company. In the region
west of Mauch Chunk, who will here
after work ten hours a day with a con
sequent increase in earnings. These
men were unorganized, and had not
presented any grievances. It Is stated
that there is not a discontented miner
In that locality. The mine work era are
organized and "Mother" Jones and two
other labor agitators went there last
night to bold a miners' meeting. Their
reception was so Indifferent, howeveT.
that they cancelled their engagement
of the hall and left town.
Will Not Negotiate with Mitchell.
The operators said they had nothing
to glv eout last night beyond the fact
that they can see no settlement In view
aa long as President Mitchell, of the
United Mine Workers, Is In charge of
the miners. One oprator said: ,I know
It to be a fact that the operators to a
man will never consent to treat with
Mitchell either through arbitration or
any other means."
How the Hands at a Waataary Were Par-
auaded to Quit ftlosanqua.
Scranton, Pa., Sept. 19. Conditions
in the Lackawanna district yesterday
were practically the same as Monday
in the miners' strike. The Columbus
washery, which supplies fuel for the
electric light, city steam and trolley
pints, and which shut down Monday.
resumed yesterday by permission of
the strike leaders, who did not desire
to cripple public utilities, but the strik
ers evened things up by Inducing the
twenty men at th eadjacent coal com
pany's washery to turn. out. This
washery was bent on working night
and day. Late Monday night the men
were stoned from a hill overlooking
trie cuim piles ana driven to seek she!
ter 1n the engine room, but when the
assailants dispersed, operations were
At 9 a. m. yesterday & crowd of
more than 100 men and women assem
bled near the washery, and by Jeers
and threats induced the whole force to
quit work and go home. The strikers
persuaded! a Delaware, Lackawanna
and Western crew to go back to the
yard without the train load of coal
which they were sent to take out of
the switch of the Diamond washery,
one of the three Delaware, Lackar
awnna and Western places which axe
keeping at work. Later the engine
and crew returned carrying a squad of
defectives and a case of rifles. The
strikers had gone away In the interim,
and the coal train was taken out with
out Incident.
A dispatch from Wilkesbarre says,
referring to the almost complete shut
down in the Wyoming valley: "The
only exception, as was the case on
Monday, was the colliery of the West
End company at Mocanaqua. It
worked yesterday again with full force.
the committee of United Mine Workers
who went to the town being unable to
get the men to Join them. President
Nichols, of the Third district, took the
matter in hand himself last nisrht and
said he would go down and see what
he could do. The miners held meetlnca
i nvarious places yeseterday afternoon
and evening. President Nichols came
up from Hazelton yesterday afternoon
and addressed a large meeting of union
and non-union men at Sugar Notch.
.Before tne meeting the union and non
union men started to quarrel. The non
union. men accused the union men of
calling inem nara names.
There were several knockdowns he
fore the fighters could be separated.
As a result of an appeal from Nichols
nearly all present joined the union.
The stoppage of shipments of coal has
thrown nearly 1,500 railroad men,
mostly brakemen. out of work. The
following roads are affected: eCntral
Railroad of New Jersey, Lehigh Vat
ley, Ontario and Western, Delaware.
Lackawanna and tVsrrn. noinwura
and Hudsony and Pennsylvania.
A Word to Mothers.
Mothers of children affected with
croup or a severe cold need net hesi
tate to administer Cbamberlald's
Cough Remedy. It contains no opiate
nor narcotic in any form and may be as
confidently given to the babe as to an
adult. The great success that has at
tended its use in the treatment of colds
and croup has won for it the approval
and praise it has received throughout
the United States and in many foreign
lands. For sale by all druggists.
A new compartmeet car is being run
on Burlington trains Nos. 5 and 12. It
is called the Zama. It has six sections
with upper and lower berths. The up
holstering is very fine. Each compart
ment has a lavatory. The compart
ments are divided by sliding door par
titions, thus enabling passengers to
engage a "suite of rooms" on the car.
The observation end of the car is furn
ished with wicker chairs and a secre
taire. Fine stationery is furnished
patrons of the car free of charge. The
car is the newest work of the car
builders and Is said to be one of the
finest cars ever run on a western road.
Reinhold Jahrig left for Alliance
this afternoon, after a week's visit
with his father in this city. He is em
ployed at the Burlington's shops at
that place.
How's This.
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for
any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by
Uall's Catarrh Cure.
F. 9. CHENEY & OO.. Props.. Toledo. O.
We the undersigned, have known V. J
Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe
him perfectly honorable In all business
transactions and financially able to oarry
out any obligations made by their firm.
West & Tbcax, Wholesale Druggists, To
ledo, O.
Waldino. Kinhan & Marnin, Wholesale
Druggists. Toledo. O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally
acting directly upon the blood and tnuoous
surfaces of the system. Price 75o. per bot
tle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials
Hail's Family Pills are the best.
Harder at
Milwaukee, Sept 20. Lewis Miller,
an engraver for Bunde & Upmeyer,
was murdered late Tuesday night. lie
was found lying on the sidewalk In
front of Glmbel's store In Grand av
enue unconscious, with his skull frac
tured, evidently by a blow from a club.
He died at the Emergency hotel. There
is no clew to his assailant.
Tabler's Buckeye Pile Ointment re
lieves the intense itching. It soothes,
heals and cures chronio cases where
surgeons fail. It is no experiment; its
sales increase through its cures Every
bottle guaranteed. Paice, 50 eta. in
bottlee;tubes 75 cts. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Russia's Blind People.
There are more than twice as many
blind persons in Russia as in the rest
of Europe. They number 190.000.
which is equivalent to two In every
1,000 of the population. In France and
England the proportion Is not quits
one per 1,000.
A diseased liver declares itself by
moroseness, mental depression, lack
of energy, restlessness, melancholy
and constipation. Herbine will re
store the liver to a healthy condition.
Price 50c. F. G. Fricke & Co.
should always i boSjeRffii
the housoforthelfobT"
lowing reasons;
FIRST Because.
in any
of the family t hasfalhardTcoIdr it
will cure itr
SECOND BecauseTif the chil
dren are delicate and sickly,' it wll
make them strong and-wellr
TII'FID Because," if the father or
mother Is losing flesh and becom
ing thin and emaciated, It will build
them up and give them flesh and
strength. .
FOURTH Because it Is the
standard remedy in all throat and
lung aifections.j
No household should be without It,
It can be taken in summer as well
as in winter. mZZX
50c and tt.oo, all druggists.
SCOTTdc BOWNE, Chemists, Mew York.
Wi will pay the above reward for any case of
stiver complaint, uyspepsia, sick neaaacne
Indigestion. ConstiDation or Oostiveness wecan
not cure with Liverita, the Up-to-Date Little
Liver fin, when the directions are strictly com
plied with. They are purely Vegetable, and
never fail to rive satisfaction. 25c boxes contain
100 pills. 10c boxes contain 40 pills, 5c boxes con
tain 15 Dills. Beware of substitutions and imita
tions. Sent by mail. Stamps taken. NKKVITA
nc.uit.Ab uu. cor. Clinton ana jaexson bis.
Chicago, in. Bold by f . i-ricice to.
n l
Never rails to Jeexor vrmj
Hur to lta YcrathXnl Color.
Cum snip d'umi hair tallios,
0c.jdiux Druggies
tho frequent cause of Appendicitis and many other setw
lous ins mould never De negieciea. me objection to too
usual eatnanic remedies is tneir cosuvo reaction which
Increases constipation Instead of ourins; it. PARKER'S
GINOKK TONIO is tho proper remedy. It acts on tho
uver, ana worn asea as airectea, permanently removes
uw ooniiupauon. w cu. s ai.w at au vruggms.
A. 6. Bach & Co.,
... DEALERS IX... .
Staple and
Hoq: Sale
40 Poland Chinas and 40 Duroc-Jerseys
Tops only at farm, 5 miles southwest of Louisville,
Neb., 8 miles northwest of Weeping Water, and O
miles northeast of Murdock, on
Thursday, Octoher 4.
Free Lunch at 11:30.
Sale Begins at 12:30.
Also a Fine Line of
Cured Meats and Sausaoes
TERMS OF SALE Sums of S15 and under, cah; on
all sums over $15, one year's time will lie jiven, with 7 per
cent interest. Parties wishing credit must have lank refer
ence or good security.
C. J. GAEBEL, Owner.
Col. W. M. Hardin, Auctioneer.
H. EJ. Pankonin, Clerk.
Fall and Winter Woolens
I have just received the most up-to-date line of
Woolens ever brought to Plattsniouth. This class of
goods will not be found in Sample lines. I will be
pleased to have you come in and see these goods, whether
you desire any garments or not.
J. C. PTAK, The Tailor.
coni r fooiV.
r.ailiutLth I'; 'lit
Reliability in Vehicles
..Buggies, Carriages..
Road and Spring Wagons.
See our Racine Buggies the best manufactured. We buy our
buggies in large lots and get them at the right ligures. We
also sell them reasonable.
Hand-Made Harness
Genuine Oak-Tanned Leather.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
Cash paid for Butter and Eggs
PlatU. Fbons 136.
County Directory.
Treasurer J L Barton
Clerk James Robertson
Sheriff W D Wheeler
Probate judge J E Douglass
Recorder George A Hay
Attornev J Koot
Superintendent Schools W C Smith
Coroner P P Gss
Surveyor E E Hilton
I First dist J rrtnei
Commissioners.. Second disf V5
I intra aisi
District judge... . ....Paul Jessen, Nebraska City
Clerk o court.. Georgo nousewonn
1L-J-J l
S3 I I
(A . .
ntrx PsLE
r -jpii r turf v
A New Discovery for the Certain Cure of INTERNAL and
Tubes, by mail, 75 cents; bottles, so cents.
JASUES F. BALLARD, Sole Proprietor, - 310 North Main Street, ST. LOUIS, M3.
F. G. Fricke & Co.
Sherwin - W illiams Paint.
Covers Most, Looks Best, Wears Longest, 2Jo-.t
Economical, Full Measure.
For Bale in Plattsmoutu by
F. G. FRICKE & CO.. Druggists.
I For20 ? Years HaFLcTalTv Renews. W2 -&3&
The Warmer
the Weather,
The Better the
Ice Cream Soda.
Coats you ten centa when made
kioiit the way we make 'era.
Mint Pboephate and Ginger
Ale Soda, the warm weather
drinks 5C
F. 0. Fricke & Go.
Old papers for sale at this office-
cents per hundred.
If you have not yet
purchased your Fall and
Winter Suit, call and
five us a chance to show
3-011 our fine line of samples
and cpiiotc you prices.
Garments made in our
shop are always in the
latest style and
We Guarantee a
Good Fit Every Time.
HudeceK & MGElro"
Rockwood Block.