Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, August 24, 1900, Image 4

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William AVetenkanip Has a Close
Call lor His L.ile.
Neighbor Succeed In Rescuing Him My
Beating the Enraged Animal With
Clab Little Boy Kan Over By s Cr
rlsge Damage Cased a Result of
Last Night' Storm.
William "Vetenkamp,the well known
farmer who resides a mile and a half
west of Mynard, was in town today and
while here called at this office and re
lated a rather exciting experience
which he had with an anjry bull
Wednesday. Mr. Wetenkarop had oc
casion to go into the pen, and the an-
nnlv nroccoded to roaUo ft
vicious attack upon him chasing him
around tho yard. His efforts to pro
tect himself wore almost futile, and his
strength was nearly exhausted, when
a couple of neighbors, hearing the
commotion in tho j'ard, rushed to Mr.
Wetenkamp's assistance. Armed with
clubs, thev succeeded in heating the
savage beast in submission, and its in
tended victim was rescued.
Mr. Wetenkamp was fortunate
enough to escape without sustaining
serious injuries, but he is of the opin
inn that it was about the closest call
he has ever had.
Hoy Ha m (.'lone Call.
Theodore, the eight-year-old ajn of
Mr. and Mrs. John Schiappacasso, met
with a rather painful accident about
o'clock last night. lie was playing
near the front of his father's store
with several other boys, and, while
running out into tho street and look
ing back to see if he was being followed
by his companion?, he ran into a Uv
ery team which was passing up the
street at tho timo. Fortunately, the
horses did not run over him, but ho
wa knocked down and the wheels of
the vehicle passod over the middle
part of his body and also over one of
his ankles. Ho was quickly picked up
and carried into Gering's drug storo
and a physician summoned, but besides
beintr badlv scared and having two
O f
teeth knocked out, ho was not seri
ously injured.
The vehiclo was a heavy one and
contained four people, and it was in
deed a wonder that he escaped with
out sustaining a serious fracture.
Last Night' Storm.
Fred Ileinrich, who resides out south
of town, reports that during the storm
last night the wind tore off half of the
roof of his bitr wood shed. The
strangest part of tho incident,howover.
is the fact that Mr. Ileinrich was un
able to find even a shinglo of that part
of the roof which was torn off,although
he searched around the neighborhood
for three hours this morning. The
well curb and other small buildings
standing nearby wore not damaged in
the least. This is a freak of tho wind
which cannot be explained.
The storm was unusually sovere, and
many small buildings and trees were
leveled to the ground in different parts
of the city. Considerable hailfell,and
the damage to fruit will bo quite
The telephone companies suffered in
a number of instances by wires being
torn down or crossed so as to greatly
inconvenience the service.
The roof of a merchandise car at
tached to the Purling ton's fast freight
No. 77, was blown off near Cullom las
night. The car was loaded with mer
chandiso and when the train reachod
this city the damaged car was set ou
and the goods transferred to 'another
The government gauge at the Burl
inton depot indicated a rainfall of
1.63 inches.
Amnnltel and Kohbed.
Edward E. Batch, assistant cashier
of the Omaha National bank, was as
saulted and robbed in a Pullman
sleeper on the Northwestean train
while coming from Chicago to Omaha
Wednesday morning. The cashier
was roughly handled and brutally
mauled about the bead and he did not
regain consciousness for soveral hours
after the assault. The perpotrator of
the deed escaped with $r0 in cash and
two drafts of $.'0 each belonging to Mr
Balch. Several other passengers in
the car wero also roblcd of valuables
but none of them wero bo roughly
handled as the cashier.
As a motive for the assault made
upon Mr. Balch, it is generally be
lieved that he was spotted by some
Chicago crook as a banker who had
considerable money with bim Thi
crook probably boarded the same train
as Mr. Balch and bided his chance to
rob him. After secretly gaining en
trance to the sleeper, ho accomplished
his purpose and is supposed to have
left the train somewhero in the vicin
ity of Boone, la.
Northwestern officials aro making
every possible effort to apprehend the
robber, and police .officers in all the
towns along the Northwestern route in
Iowa have been instructed to keep a
sharp lookout for all suspicious char
acters. Because of Mr. Batch's condi
tion be has not as yet been able to
make a statement, and it is not known
whether or not he will be able to iden
tify the robber.
Half Katee to Lincoln State Fair.
' Septemb?r 3 to 7, the Burlington
route will sell round trip tickets to
Lincoln at half rates, plus 50 cents for
admission to tho state fair.
Ask agent about special trains to
Lincoln, landing . passengers at fair
grounds. Homo same day. .
That Throbbing Headache
Would quickly leave you if you used
Dr. King's New Life pills. Thousands
of sufferers have proved their match
lees merit for sick and nervous head
aches. They make pure blood and
build up your heallh. Only 25 cents.
Money back if not cured. Sold by F.
G. Fricke St Co., druggists.
C. A. Marshall, Dentist.
repperberg's Buds 5-cent cigar.
That's all.
II. W. Swearingen waa In town today
from Murray.
Drink Mellowrich coffee. J. Halt,
exclusive apent.
Sheriff Wheeler was a passenger for
Omaha on the fast mail.
Judge Jessen came up from Nebraska
City this morning on legal business.
E. M. Stephens of LnPiatte was do-
ng business in the city this afternoon.
Pure drugs and all the best patent
medicines at A. W. Atwood's drug
El Kroehler, who has for some time
been working at Pittsburg, Kan., re
turned homo j-estoiday.
The Ebinger Hardware company
will sell the balance of their ice cream
freezers at cost.
II. F. Goos is petting to be quite an
artist as a window dicorator. lake a
peek" as you pass.
Miss Margaret Tighe of Weeping
Water is spending the week in the
city visiting relatives and friends.
A new lino of samples of imported
and domestic cloth goods. Lome in
and examine them. Hudecek & Mc-
The Sattler Furniture company will
be pleased to have you examine thoir
stock before purchasing. Unruh a old
Mrs. G. M. Patton and son, Laurie,
returned this morning from Liouis
villo, whoro they attended the A. O.
U. W. picnic.
Mrs. B. J. Reynolds and children de
parted yesterday for Sidney, where
they will visit for a short timo with
relatives and friends.
Mrs. P. Peterson departe d this morn-
in for Missouri Vallev la., when she
will visit with her daughter, Mrs
Chris Chrislenson and family.
Buy your furnituro of the Sattler
Furniture company. You will Ond a
well selected stock and prices reason
able. Undertaking a specialty. Call
at Uuruh's old stand.
E C. Twiss, Jackson Barker and B.
W. Teodorski of Louisville were visi
tors at the court bouse today, iney
were here on business in connection
with the Livingston estate.
The soothing and healing properties
of Chamberlain's Cough Kennedy, its
pleasant taste and prompt and per
manent cures, have made it a groat
favorite with the people everywhere
For sale by all druggists.
Otto Wurl uses only the best brands
of tobaccos in tho manufacture of his
cigars. Lovers of a good smoke will
find no bettor cigars on the market.
"Gut Heil," 5 cents; "Silver Wreath,
10 cents.
Adam Express Company's Detectives Will
Affect an Important Capture.
The deetives for the Adams Express
company aro hot upon the trail of the
roblers who recently stole $:!5,G00 in
currency, 6ont from Chicago to Burl
ington, la., and substituted a dummy
package. General Manager Damsel of
tho express company is positive that
they have evidence in their possession
which Aill bring altout the capture of
the guilty parties, but refuses to di
vulge tho nature of tho evidence. Tho
best detectives of tho Pinker ton
agency are working on the casp, and.
because there were lew persons in
volved in the handling of the package.
it is expected that the thieves, clover
though they may be, soon will ba con
fronted with evidence of their guilt.
Two employes, Night Clerk Mercea
and Driver Yocum, of the Adams Ex
press, company ai lsuriingion, were
brought to Chicago on Tuesday . and
closely examined as lo thoir connection
with the package Tho package was
in charge of Mei cer for three houss and
was delivered by him to Yocum, who
conveyed it to the National State ban k.
to which it had been tent by the Com
mercial National bank of Chicago
Other employes are being questioned.
but the results of the examinations aro
closely guarded by tho officials. The
detectives are doing the greater part
of their work at Burlington, and this
indicates their belief that the substi
tution of the package took place at
that place. The officials of the exprees
company, while refusing to express
opinions as to their thoory of the rob
bery, evidently inclined to the belief
that tho substitution took place before
the package was delivered to tho com
pany. Cashier Joseph T. Talbertof the
Commercial National bank said tho
bank was not responsible for the loss
and thai me DanK detectives were
working for the express company.
The theory is suggested by some of
the men engaged on tho case that the
theft was the work of some one whose
business had nothing to do with the
handling of the package, but who in
some way learned the combination of
the safe and shifted the package in an
instant when the safe was not closely
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
With LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot
reach the sest of disease. Catarrh is a blood or
constitutional disease, and in order to cure it
you must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh
Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the
blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure
is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by
oue ot the best physicians in this country lor
years, and is a regular prescription. ' It is com.
posed of the best tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the
mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of
the two ingredients is what produces such won
derful results in curing catarrh. "Send for testi
monials, free. . .
F. J. Cheney & Co.. Props., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, price c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best. -
The Ebinger Hardware Co. has a
full line of pumps and is now prepared
to do pump work of all descriptions.
Ice cold soda Atwood's drug store.
FOR SLE At a bargain One heavy horse, a
single horse, a top buggy and a light wagon.
Inquire of W. T. Melvin, over V ienna bakery.
Thieves Make a Good Haul in
the Village of Greenwood.
Twenty-seven Pairs of Shoe Carried
Away Local Officer Think the Cul
prits are Heading In This Direction
Baby Killed In a Runaway Near Elm
wood Other News.
From .Thursday's Daily
Meagre details of a burglary which
occurred at Greenwood Tuesday night
reached Plattsmouth this morning.
The Raploglo shoo store at that place
was broken into, and, so far .s known
at tho present timo, twenty-seven pairs
of 6hoes .were carried away. It is
thought likoly that the thief,or thiovos.
are headed in this direction, and tho
local officers are keeping a closo look
out for the culprits. The burglary was
undoubtedly tho work of tramps.
For several months past robberies of
this sort have been of frequent occur
rence in various pans oi me county,
and the officers find it a difficult matter
to apprehend the thieves as tho rol-
ei iiiiii liuiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiuuimuimuiiumuiuuiiuiui luiiiuiiuimiuiiiinniiiii WAS
Ail' ft it ay HAi'i'KN'iNtiS.
W A Ilnnl. ir rnmn nvArfrnm Klin-
m. m -a. ' w p j 'w - -
wood for a short visit with relatives
this week.
Misses Mabel and Anna Tlnd of
Larnod, Kan., aro visiting Miss Bess
Walker this week.
Mr. and Mrs. G-iorgo Wood departed
Monday for Colorado, where they will
visit with relatives for a month.
The high wind Tuesday wrecked
several ouiiamgs in town, ii uiso
wrecked the plans of a picnic party.
Mr. Mast, ono of the prosperous
farmers residing near Murraj-, pur
chased a Cne Story & Clark organ last
Miss Lethe E. Watson of Cotner uni
versity is in Murray instructing a class
in elocution. She wilt remain about
threo weeks.
A now bank ard a creamery aro the
business ventures to be launched here
soon. In everything except oaso nan
Murray is strictly to tho foro
B. A. Root accompanied his nephew,
Lawrence Root, to Omaha last week,
where the latter had a very delicate
operation performed on his eyes.
Tho Plattsmouth Stars c-imo down
Monday and defeated the Murray
aggregation in a hotly contestod game.
The writer would rather not give the
Dr. George II. Gllmore's new office
is complete, and the doctor will move
in a few days. The building is a very
neat and well r.rranged structure, and
is quite an addition to the street.
Bll'SlXCiS OK A mukkayitk.
Last Tuesday was the ill win 1 that
blew nobody good.
Some of tho buildings in Murray are
homelier than Weeping Water girls.
The ratio of girls to young men at
the recent Woodmen picnic is said to
have been Hi to 1.
A Murray young man drove nine
miles to see his girl, and found her out
driving with another fellow.
Some people imagine they aro witty,
when they are only advertising their
vulgarity and lack of breeding.
A Murray girl suggestod to a young
man who doesn't know when to leave
that he buy a bicycle so ho conld go
Dr. Gilmore ha boon wearing twelve
yards of bandages and a pained ex
pression this week, the result of a boil
on his neck.
The shirt waisted dude and the hick
ory shirted and bowhiskered boor aro
on a parity. Neither can ho endured
by people of refinement.
It is reported that a certain villago
in tho sunflower state contains one
hundred handsome young ladies and
only ton young men who could support
a wife.
Murray is to lo represented in the
gold medal contest at Palmvra next
week. There aro only throe people in
in Murray who don't hold some kind of
an old medal.'
A Murray girl has seated herself at
tho parlor organ and played "I Would
Loave My Happy Home for You" four
times in ono week, and still tho young
man does not catch on.
Mrs. Saylesand daughter,Eva .drove
to Lincoln Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Wallinger and
children are on the-sick list.
Miss Anna WollT of Gretna is visit
ing with relatives hero this week.
Mary Rys spent the foro part of the
week visiting friends at Plattsmouth.
M. P. Meisiuger and family are visit
ing relatives in Soward county this
Several families in this vicinity at
tended the Workmen picnic at Louis
ville Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Oat Ward and Mrs.
John Thomas have gone to Illinois to
visit relatives.
The Duff Grain company is shelling
three large cribs of corn which they
have been holding at this place.
The horse sale conducted by William
Dunn of Weeping Water at this place
last Tuesday was a failure. The class
of horses he had here were a disgrace
to any community. He left early
beries . are generally committed early
in the evening, and they manage to
get far away from the scene before it
is discovered. It will be remembered
that a burglary, almost similar to the
one reported at Greenwood, occurred
at Mynard about a month ago, and the
thief, who was captured at Nebraska
City, is now in jail awaiting trial.
Baby Killed In a Runaway.
From Thursday's Daily.
A dispatch from Elm wood in today's
State Journal says: "Mr. and Mrs.
Will Bauer, re'siding two and one-half
miles southeast of this place, lost their
nine-months'-old baby last night, death
resulting from a runaway accident.
Mr. and Mrs. Bauer were returning
home from Elmwood Monday afternoon,
Mrs. Bauer holding the child in her
lap. In going down a hill the buggy
ran into a chug-hole, throwing both
tho mother and child out of the buggy.
The baby's head struck on the wheel
of tho vehicle, fell to the ground and
was run over by one wheel. A physi
cian was summoned who did all in his
power to save the little one, but it died
at 11 o'clock last night. Mrs. Bauer
was not injured bojond ajew bruises."
A Grist of
Interesting News
from Staff
Wednesday morning for greener pas-
I iun,
The Cddar Creek Gun club had a
very .successful shoot at their grounds
last Sunday. Out of twontj'-five blue
rock shot at, the following numbers
wore broken: Inholder, 15; Wolff, 15;
Prey, 19; Cauor, 23; Brodbeck, 10;
Sprieck, K.
Ono of the worst windstorms that
ever visited this section was that of
last Tuesday. For a whilo it seemed
as though every building in tho village
would surely be blown over. The
largo implement shed belonging to
Baker & Schneider was moved about
a foot and a great many trees were
broken off. The stacked grain suffered
groat damage as many stacks were
blown clear over and the rain that fol
lowed wet them to tho ground.
Miss Etta Gordon made a Hying trip
to Weeping Water Tuesday.
Robert Wilkinson was a passenger
for Omaha Tuesday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. TVfflof Weeping
Water spent Sunday with Grandpa
William Bai tols is putting up a neat
little residedce on the east hide of his
meat market.
J. L. MeKtnna is assisting L. E.
Holmes in closing out his general
stock of merchandise.
Louis and Eda Marquerdt returned
from their western trip last Saturday
They seem to have enjoyed themselves
while gone, from all reorts.
B. C. Marquardt and wifo left for
Chicago last Sunday by tho way of
Uuion where tho former will buy his
fall and winter stock of goods.
F. D. Buockman and B. C. Marquardt
took an overland train for Burr one
day last week to inspect the elevator.
as thoy calculato to build one just like
it. m
Mrs. Durham and children arrived
homo Tuesday night from Bertrand,
Neb., where they had been visiting
with tho former's daughter,Mrs. Nutz-
Mr. and Mrs. George Betz and eon
arrived hero this week from Wilcox,
Neb. Mr. fietz will be the new pro
prietor of tho drug store here. They
will go to housekeeping as soon as they
can get a vacant house.
The heaviest rain and wind storm of
tho season occurred here Tuesday
noon, but no damage was reported
around here. The worst part of it
was south of here, where it did con
sidorablo damage to tho corn crop.
Ciaronco Conrad and Tiny Wollen
took a notion Sunday afternoon to see
moro of this country and departed un
known to anyone. No cause of leaving
home was suspicioned. Mr. Conrad is
on their trail now and left for Omaha
to head them off.
Mrs. Henry Gakemeior is reported
quite sick.
Dr. .1. J. Conzott made a business
trip to Lincoln Friday.
August Dehning visited his mother
in Omaha over Suirday.
Emil Liiu is building a fine bai n on
his place jusi north of town.
Mat Thingan is the proud father of
a bouncing boy, who arrived last Fri
Miss Anna Towle began teaching
school in tho Miinland district Mon
John School is spending the week in
Thaver countv. taking a look at the
A valuable horse belonging to Ralph
Morris sprained his left shoulder last
Mr. and Mrs. II. 11. Neitzel spent
Sundav In Plattsmouth as guests of
tho Perkins house.
Fritz Otto, now hailing from Chi
cago, was in town looking after evi
dence in an important case boon to be
Henry Bonn will farm the F. Ruge
place just north of town during 1900,
and Mat Thingan will go on the Oster
tag farm.
Rev. Jacob Frisch has been in
Aurora daring the past week, where
he took an active part in dedicating a
very fine $3,500 church.
The storm which passed over Tues
day did no damage in this immediate
vicinity, but Elm wood and Weeping
Water did not fare so well.
Born To Mr. and Mr. Otto Rant -vaoz,
last Monday, a fine boy. .This
makes Henry Schroedar a grandfather,
and he takes his honors easily.
The lodge of Modern Woodmen in
this town have purchased the lot ju.t
south of the bank building, with a view
,of ,pu"inf "p a lntlon store and
unit mr luoir meetings.
Rev. Hans Baumgartner and wife of
Chicago are spending their honey
moon at the home of Rev. J. E Baum
gartner, whose pulpit the young
preacher will oocupy next Sunday.
Blotches and excresences, which so
often annoy people, are simply efforts
of nature to throw off impediments to
the proper performance of her duties
Herbine will aid and assist nature in
her work, and ensure a skin clear and
beautiful, entirely free from all imper
fections. Price 50 cts. F. G. Fricke
& Co.
Choice perfumes and toilet articles
at Atwood's drug store.
John P. Sutler wishes to announce
to his old friends and customers, as
well as to the public in general, that
he has charge of the business of the
new Grm kcon as the Sattler Furni
ture company, and will be pleased to
see them and show them their goods.
He may be found at Unruh's old stand,
and assures you most courteous treat
Their stock of furniture will ba most
complete and their facilities for under
taking the best.
Crushed fruit all flavors Atwood's
drug store.
Robert B. Windham
Established 1873.
Commercial, Probate and Real
Estate Law, Specialties.
Titles Examined, Corrected and Ab
stracts Furnished Farm and City
Property Bought. Sold and Ex
changed If you want to sell,
Following are a few of the bargains
we are offering:
One 4 room Cottage, two lots JIM
One 5-room Cottage, one lot
One 5-room Cottage, one lot
One 4-room Brick Cottage, one lot.
Two 3-room Cottages, three lots....
One ft-room Cottage, 1 lots.
One 8-room Cottage, two los
One 4-room Cottage, two lots
m m
20 acres, improved, close in S1.500
10 acres, improved, close in 75u
7t acres, improved, at $63 per acre close o.
44 acres, improved, at $75 per acre closa in.
SESi Sec. 18. town 12, range 13 $8.-50
1!4 acres, with cottage and fruits. 550
acres. $4M; 4 acres ' 300
Also other Cass county lands.
I0J acres, improved, la Harlan county 1.600
&40 acres. Improved, in Logan county, cheap (or
900 acres, improved, in Wheeler county, cheap
for cash .
WOO acres of Tennessee lands to exchange for
city or town property.
We can show you many other oppor
tunities for Investment.
Bookmeyer's Cigars
PURO. 10
Best thin to
take on your
vacation is a
bottle of Anti-Kawf. You are sure to
catch cold. It will cure you.
The BIG STORK is filling up with all tin
for fall.
There Is
S om e t h in o' In It.
The war in China is R'oinr to raise the price of Teas.
War or no war, the price of our teas will le no hilw-r.
because we bought before the Chinese squabble was wi
ll reamed of. We pride ourselves on sell injr a little tin In t
tea for the money ever sold in Plattsmouth, anyhow.
We have Suit-Dried Japans, whose drinking qu:i'iti-s -.tnit -
celled, at !, " ii I
Basket-Fired Japan, one quality (the l.-st), at '
An English Breakfast, posM'Ssing the bouquet that appeal n the lev
ers of that tea, at
A Fine Shot Moyune Gunpowder, at '.
CTf-v jr f 7VTaT Formerly P. T. Da I Co..
U. JLKSlKJC By Methodist Church
Telephones irnk, n 4 (
' i t'lMttxiiKiulh. No. tun )
Creditor's Sale
The undersigned is in possession
of the entire stock of . . .
Clothing:, Furnishing: Goods
Hats, Caps, Trunks, Satchels
and Fi"tiiri"
Belonging to the firm of JOE & FRANK,
and must realize his money within Thirty
days. Everything must be sold,
Regardless of Cost!
The Stock is Complete, and you will never
again have such an opportunity.
I must have my money.
The Old Settlers'
will doubtless be a good place to
spend a pleasant day, but if you
have a little uionev to siiand for
fresh and reliable (JKOCKUI KS or
DRY GOODS, It will pay you to
call at our tore. Everybody in
Plattsmouih knows whnt kind of
goods we handle THE HKST.
518 Main St. Plattsmouth, Neb
Plattsmouth Property
I have for sale the city properly be
longing' to the estate of John ti Hayes,
deceased, an I can offor audi indue -ments
to purchases in prien and
terms of payment as WI rnako it a
desirable Investment. Th description
is as follows:
is iiayks' addition:
All ot Block 1 .14 lots
All of Block 2 (except lot 7) 7 ;t
"All of Block 3.. 8 lota
All of Block 4. .14 lots
All of Block 5. .14 lots
All of Block .. 8 lots
Lots 1 and 2, block 25; lots 7 and 8. block X; lots
1. Z. S and 4. in block 42 (N'i blk) and all of
block 34
I have also for sale lot 4. block 10, Plattsmouth;
Lots 19 and 20. sec. 19-12-14. .33 acres, just south
of city.
Also the NWii Sec. 19, town 12. range 13. six
miles west a very desirable farm.
Director Merriam
of the centi-i will Jkivc t
inform some of the eities of the
Unitel States that their i.t,ul i-
Hons are not up u ineir cxjKVia-
Hons. i.nnereni at we-coii-..
You will fiml that our fall lint- of
ever3thiiiir iu Men's ami lIov
Wear will come up to all your
expectations. No tl'
ment, gentlemen, alxmt the quan
tity, quality, style, price or ol
service at Wescolt's.
new tiling-.
own Thev Come.
tt.i-1. .it.-1 in ntii
-.cH it ;t:it jii. I s At
(I tfip jr.ii e i I
at iln-M. I'll, ci'
.". Ii aiiiiii..( Ics. now .
ks. !,ift ,
1 . .
. :? :c.
. I -L.
. 1 XT,
. 1
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:t .'ii II .11:11
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2 ' H il.illlllHM.ks, mm
I H;im in.ii Is. n.iw
lict utic ttliilc you can.
LeHnHoiTs Book Store.
A. 6. Bach-& Co..
HKAI.H;s IV. .
Sfapl and
A'ho a Finn tAr.v of
Gured Meats and SaiicSaacs
Cash jiaM for Butter ami l's
I'lalt. I'houo 33.
Clnaew ami twut.ra la hair.
hrusrMJt a U11 uvi au futmxh.
Wevtr "ai1a to Heater Oray
Hair to it Youittfu. t o. or.
CttTC rarp 4l.rasM M bftif tsfaolaf.
4t. hi- I1 at I ri .o
the rru.-nt i-auw or Ap-rwl!4-lt i. arul mnv ..ll.r -iou
111. .IkhiM nwver Iwr IMYi'tJ. 1 hi4..-1ln ! w-t
bkukI cathartic nnrnlm l Ihrlr rulle mali.ii M n
Im n-Mm roimtlttlon li,U-m,l i,f .-urn, it 1
(ilM.KK TliMl,' U the nvr mnl). II ('
Liver, .nd tim u-i ir-t-U, i-rii.nwiUf ivuuc
Uua cuutlipklivu. wi cla. dt Si. Ml at ail iruuLv