The Semi-Weekly News-Herald 6EORGE L. FARLEY, Proprietor. DAILY EDITION. One Year, in advance, t5 00 Six Months 2 50 One Week, . 10 Single Copies, . . . . 5 SEMI-WEEKLY EDITION. One Year, in advance II 00 Six Months, 50 T-?.E LARGEST CIRCULATION Of any Cass County Paper. TUESDAY. AUGUST 7, 1900. ICEl'UBI.ICAN TICKET. National. For President WILLIAM M 'KIN LEV. For Vice President THEODORE KOOsEVELT. For Presidential Electors J. T. NESB1T of Burt. K. B. WINDHAM ol Cass. ED ROVOE of I'uster. L. M. HAGUE ol Kearney. P. DAVll'SON ol Minsoa. L. JACOBSON ol Douglas. J. L. KENNEDV ol Douglas. JOHN L. LANGEK ol Saline. Couerecstonal. For ConcreHS, First District E. f. BUKKETT of Lancaster. State. For Governor C. H. DIETRICH ol Adams. For Lieutenant Governor F. P. SAVAGE of Custer. For Secretary ol f'tate G. W. MARSH of Richardson. For Treasurer WILLIAM STEUFFEK ol Cuming. . For Auditor CHARLES WESTON ol Sheridan. For Commissioner GEORGE D. HJLl.MEK.ol Nuckolls For Attorney General F. N. FROUT ol Gage. For State Superintendent V. K. FOWLER of Washington. ' The powers are ad varcingon Pekin The Chinaman musi look out for his "pig tail." FOUR years ago the free silver ora-' tors were numerous ou our street cor ners. Today, quiet reigns. Governor Heckham has called a special session of - the Kentucky legis lature for the purpose of amending the notorious Goebel law. There are a few who still insist that the country is uot in a prosperous condition and that the people simplj have a "belief that such a condition really exists. HAVING concluded that the people are too busy to go to Lincoln for the purpose of hearing him, Mr. Bryan wilt go out and make a few more speeches. The people are really quite busy these days, and do not feel like taking timo to go far from homo to listen to the presidential candidate. . . Senator Tiiui:si)NAhInks McKin- ley's election sure and that the republi cans 9tand a good chance to capture the legislature and the stale ticket, with quite a possibility of carrying the state for McKinley and . Roosevelt as well. He will spend the month of Oc tober campaigning in Nebraska. September 15 is the time fixed for the election in Cuba for the purpose of electing delegates to a constitutional convention to bo held iu Havana the first Monday in November. This looks very much as though the United States government was soon going to turn the a flairs of the island over to her people. It WILL be very difficult for Mr. Bryan to make imperialism the para mount iaa-m. when there are nracti- cally no imperialists in this country. Republicans favor expansion, and they believe it is our duty to retain the Philippines, as do a large per cent of the democrats and populists, but when fusion politicians talk about king9 and emperors they make themselves redic ulous and reflect upon the intelligence of the American people. The colored man of North Carolina who cannot read and write any para graph of the constitution of the state is barred from the polls. But if a white man fails in his efforts to meet this test he is asked whether or not his father or grandfather was a legal voter. If the answer is in the affirm ative he is allowed to cast his vote. We wonder whether or not the great JefTeraonian democracy is proud of what it has done in the southern states. IT SEEMS the Goebel legislature of fered $100,000 for the apprehension of Goebel 'a assassin, and as a result has little difficulty in finding men who are ready to swear they saw the fellow shoot, etc. One of the witnesses who testified that he saw the assassin's rifle protruding from a window in the sec retary of state's office wae not In Frankfort on the day of the shooting, but was at Grayson Springs more than a hundred miles away engaged in organizing a lodge of Modern Wood men. Others have been known to have testified for money. General Joiin M. Palmur, leader of the gold democrats and candidate for president in ISO;, says: "Yes, I. shall vote for Major McKinley that is, of course, if the gold democrats should refuse to put out a ticket, and that Is probable." He differs from Mr. McKinley on many points, but consid ers him a much wiser and safer leader than Mr. Bryan. He says the cry of imperialism is a falsa alarm; that this country is not, nor are McKinley and his followers, belieVera in imperialism, and that Mr. McKinley'has the confi dence of the business interest of the country. ' COUNTY POLITICS. As the time for the county conven tion draws near the interest in the legislative ticket increases. The In dividual voters are endeavoring to make up their uiiad as to who are the strongest and most available men. At present there are but few avowed candidates, but there are several good men who are willing to enter the race if asked by the convention to do so. County Attorney. There will be no opposition to Jesse L. Root for a second term, ne will be nominated by acclamation, and his record as an official has been such that the opposition could not hope to de feat him at the polls. Fur Senator. Judge Newell will receive tho same treatment that will be accorded Mr. Root, and will be the unanimous choice of the convention for stale senator. Pew, if any, have represented the county in ihe statu legislature more satisfactorily than did Mr. Newell two years ago. He is a car eful, conserva tive man who takes pride in doing the wishes of the people. His fight-for Judge Hay ward for United States sen ator made him many wtrra friends Miny fusion ists are ready to concede his election. "or the House. The selection of two members for the house will constitute, very largely, the work of the convention. Just how t asy or how difficult will be the task uo one can ny at this time. The situa tion is more complicated today than it was two or three wei-ks ago. Richard Wilkinson of Eigle is looked upon as one of the strongest men in the western prt of the county. and many thought a very likely candi date, but within a few wreks G. V. Peterson of the same place has an nounced himself and will make a fight for bis home delegation. This, to gether with the fact that Colonel S. A Morrison of the Eagle Beacon would like to be a candidate for, may re sult in Tipton precinct's getting noth inc, or at least that is the way such contests usually terminate. Poter Eveland of E! in wood precinct is a candidate, and while he has been getting around among the boys some what, he says he wauts to ste the strongest mi'n nominated. Mr. Eve land is an old resident of the county and an old soldier, and would appre ciate the honor of being elected to the state legislature. M. L. Freidrich of Eight Ml'e Grove precinct and A. B. Dickson of Elm wood, while they have not consented to be candidates, aro considered two of tho most available men in the county, and may be pressed into service. The very fact that they are not hustling for recognition would doubtless strengthen them at tho polls. There seems to be no doubt but that either one of them could be elected easily. i Judge Spurlock and Hon. E M. Pol lard aro two of Cass county's most able young men, and might be pushed into tho arena. But their friends are grooming them for bigger game, so they are not likely to be put into tho political harness this fall. Float Representative. For float representative for Otoe and and Cass, Captain George Sheldon is the choice of this county, while a Mr Brown of Nebraska City seems to be a favorite in Otoe. Mr. Sheldon, how ever, enlers a vigorous protest against being a candidate for any office Though a cheerful volunteer in the Spanish-American war, a draft would bo necessary to get him into a polit ical battle. No doubt he would make the strongest candidate of any that could be found in either county. As stated before, S. A. Morrison would not obj -ct to making- tho run if light ning happened to strike in his section. Judge Spurlock1 name is also men tioned in connection with tho nomina tion for float. CoiiiuitrtHloacr. Republicans are still at sea as to what to do for a candidate for comtnis sioner in the first district. The demo crats will doubtless renominate J. P. Falter, and, the district being 150 to -00 democratic, to find a man who can overcome such a majority is indeed a difficult proposition . Those most fre quently mentioned for the place are J. W. Johnson. M. L.. Freidrich, Cap tain I, IJ. Bennett and E. II. Todd. Thus far Mr. Todd is the only one of tne foregoing who has expressed a willingness to enter the fight, and even he is willing to let someone else have the fun. The fusion msjorlty might be cut down, but not eafily overcome. KX-UOVKKNOK ttOYD'rt VIEWS. Ex-Governor Boyd does not say he will vote for McKinley, but does say that Bryan can not possibly win. We quote a few statements made by him in a recent interview: "With America imperialism is im possible." "Bryan may deceive some of the people by his far-fetched cry of imper ialism, but the scare will not bo of long duration." "To say that new territory added from time to time will be followed by the acclamation of an emperor to rule over us is absurd." "The problem (speaking of the Phil ippines) will work its own solution in time. It is not a subject of political debate, and it is too soon to make of it a party issue.". "The greatest mistake Bryan ever made was to require the Kansas City convention to reiterate the 16 to 1 sil ver free coinage plank." 'Money was never so plentiful and the interest rate never so low. Prices of farm products were never better and the producers are getting gold money for their products." "Prosperity,every where in evidence, ..PROGRAM.. 6as county Loo -Rolling Plattsmouth, Neb., August 18. 10:30 a. m. Grand Street Parade will form at corner of Main and Third streets, in the following- order: Plattsmouth B. & M. Band. Camps from Eagle, Alvo, Elmvvood, Wabash and Avoca. Weeping Water Band. Camps from Weeping Water, Nehawka, Union, Murray, Havelock, Greenwood, South Bend, Cedar Creek. Louisville Band. Camps from Louisville, Mauley, Murdock, Plattsmouth and other visiting Woodmen. ...AT THE GROUNDS... Invocation Address of Welcome Ma3'or T. 10. Parmele Music '. B. & M. Band Address of Welcome on behalf of Local Camp. .Jesse L. Root Response Dr. M. M. Butler, Weeping Water Short Response V. C. of Each Camp "Modern Woodcraft," George M. Spurlock PICNIC DINNER. SPORTS 1:30 P. M. COMPETITIVE DRILL Ball Park; in charge of D. B. Smith; first pri.e, C; second prize, $10; third prize, S5. TUG-OF-WAR In charge ot G. C. Brown, Wabash; Prize, S10; ten men (from one camp) on each side. MEN'S 75-YARD RACE In charge of C. L. Graves, Union; first prize, $2.00; second prize, $1.00; third prize, 50c. BOYS' 50-YARD RACE, 12 years or under In charge of R. Wilkinson, Eagle; first prize, $1; second. 75c; third, 50c. GIRLS' RACE In charg-e of Scott Davis; first-prize, $1.00; second prize. 75c; third prize, 50c. WOODMAN'S BUTTON RACE In charge of C. W. Ban ning; first prize, $2.00; second prize, $1.00. LADIES' TWINE-ROLLING CONTEST--In charge of Henry R. Gering; first prize, $3; second, $2; third, $1. LIGHTEST WOODMAN ) In charge of j Prize, $1.50 HEAVIEST WOODMAN I George Olive. ( Prize, $1.50 TALLEST WOODMAN ) In charge of V Prize, $1.50 SHORTEST WOODMAN ) W. J. Streight. Prize, $1.50 EGG AND SPOON RACE L. A. Tyson in charge; first prize, $1.00; second prize, 50c. POLE VAULTING Harry Reed in charge; first prize, $2; second prize, $1. UNEEDA BISCUIT CONTEST Dr. Butler in charge; first prize, $1; second prize, 75c; third prize, 50c. 5:00 P. M. FORESTERS' INDIVIDUAL DRILL ; prize, gold medal; Judges, Capt. George Sheldon. Lieut. C. A. Rawls. 7:00 P. M. GRAND BAND CONTEST for Cass county bands Main Street; E. mouth bands barred); first Grand Foresters' Ball AT 9 O'CLOCK P. M. Countv Executive Committee Henry N. Lallue, il C. Hrown, u. A. Tyi Local Committee Ilenrv It. Goring, C. Ilarthold, Prank Wooster, illiatn cannot bo talked down. It may not be due to McKinley, but it is possible under tho policy for which McKinley stands." ' BK VAX AND AL1.KN KKsroNSI IJI.K. William Jennings Dryan and Wil liam V. Allen knew full well four mouths ago that if thev forced tho nomination of W. A. Poynter as gov ernor there would be dissension in the ranks of the fusion forces of the state, and now they realize what the outcome will te. No man who has any respect for the principles of the'populist party and the interests of the state of Ne braska can find it his duty to vote for Mr. Poynter. "If we lay down with the dogs we must expect to get up with fleas," and this is no exception to tho rule. Conventions are supposed to represent the will of the people and are not designated to dictate what shall bo. HiifTulo Countv Pilot (pop.) Gkxkkal GuoriVKNoti of Ohio, who has a gre:it reputation as a political predictor, thinks McKinley will re ceive 2)2 electoral votes and Hryan l-Vi. He puts Kentucky, Nebraska, Utah and Wyctuing in the doubtful column. The states considered "certainly re publican" will trive McKinlov 27S votes, while" those conceded to ho "cer tainly democratic" will give Bryan 132. Since it requires 2J4 to elect, it would seem as though McKinley and "Teddy" might pull through with plenty of votes to spare. The voters of North Carolina have adopted an amendment to their state constitution which disfranchises a large per cent of the negro population. The democrats favored the amend ment, while the republicans and popu lists opposed it. Wo wonder whether Mr. Bryan Iihs much to say about the "consent of the governed" when speak ing in that 9tate. Had they been Fili pinos he would doubtless discipline tho democrats of North Carolina for their action, but he has no tears for the col ored man of America. SHOTS UtOM T1IK TKl'K FO 11 LIST, Keep in tho middle of the road and let the old parties take to the ditches. The beacon fires of populism are burning brightly in Nebraska occo more. The fusionists are getting desperate. They are resorting to tho most un blushing falsehoods in order to bolster up their cause. Bryan has agreed to subordinate the money question and to devote his ener gies to a vigorous beating of the im perialism tom-tom. Otto Wurl uses only the best brands of tobaccos In the manufacture of his cigars. Lovers of a good smoke will find no better cigars on the market. "Gut Heil,"5cents; "Silver Wreath," 10 cents. . Try The News a week 10c. H. Schulhof in charg-e; (Platts prize, $20; second prize, $5. at Waterman's Hall II. (Jerinjr, Richard YVilKinson, George - on. A. Marshall, William Ilassler, Harry Coolidgo. Story ot a Slave. To bo bound hand and foot for years by tho chains of disoaso is the worst form of slavery. George D Williams, of Manchester, Mich., tells how such a slave was made free. He says: "Mv wife has been so helpless for five years' that she could not turn over in bed alone. After using two bottles of Electric Bitters, she is wonderfully improved and able to do her own work." This supremo rem edy for female disease quickly cures nervousness, sleeplessness, raelan choly, headache, backache, fainting and di77.v spells. This miracle working medicine is a godsend to weak, sickly. run down people. Every bottle guar anteed. Only oO cents, bold by h . G. Pricko & Co., druggists. 6 Prominent I'liyslolan Kills Himself. Northwond. Ia.. Aug. G. Dillon S. More, a physician prominent in busi ness and social circles, shot himself through the heart, death being almost instantaneous. The reason for the deed was Intense grief over the condi tion of his wife, whom he saw slowly dyinsr from enncern without being able to render helj Exceptional Honor for Burn ha in. London, Aujr. . The visit of Major Burnhani to Osborne will probably be on account of the Queen's bereavement. It had been arranged that the Ameri can scout, who rendered notable serv ice with the British In South Africa, should dine with the Queen and spend the night at Osborne Aug. 8. . . Millions will be spent in politics this year. Wo can't keep tho campaign going without money any mote than we can keep tho body vigorous without food. Dyspeptics used to starve them selves. Now Kodel Dyspepsia Cure dieosts what yo-i eat and allows you to eat all the good food you want. It radrcally cures stomach troubles. F. G. Prick e & Co- .Turtle Phillips Is Sinking. IHllsboro. Ills., Aug. (?. Judge Jesse J. Phillips, the aged Illinois supreme, court jurist, is again very 111 at his home here. Within the last few days his condition has become much worse. He suffers from insomnia and smoth ering spells and requires the services of an attendant at night constantly. King Alexander Marries Ills Love. Belgrade, Aug. C. King Alexander yesterday wedded Mine. Draga Maschin. the ceremony being per formed with great pomp. In honor of the event the king granted an amnesty, togetehr with numerous political par dons. Including the former radical pre mier, Tauschanovich. The wolf in tho fable put on sheep's clothing iKcnuso if ho traveled on his own reputation he couldn't accomplish his purpose. Counterfeiters of De Witt's Witch H.zel Salve couldn't sell their worthless salves on their merits, so they put them in loxes and wrappers like DsWittV. Look out for them. Take only De Witt's Witch Hazl Salve. It cures piles and all skin diseases. F. G. Pricke & Co. First church of Christ (Scientist) will hold eervice Sunday at 11 o'clock. Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Heading room open Tuesday and Fri day from 2 to 4 in Fitzgerald block. (2 r- t I that there Is money j , ri leg) . n buying r crv jfivj m MlJU direct from the n o & Tu h FX Manufacturer- ( nF tVy VV5? I Sl Y J$ Tte rrofita between the man- i-A'. Jl zJ) i3 JKfr ; CyQfr7f ulicturer and consumer JS41 "1. rr rV) ' XlAKDrA 7 si tw.i inch fn. .. ;.!,. T!r. . .1 l n. .'uiuodsrsurrsy: hasluug dis tance axles, brass buabad rubber head spring, broad cloth trimmings, lampa, cur tains, sun-shade, pole or shafts; same as re tails (or 9A0 to V7 more thau our price. Our price. 81 lO. exclusively. For 27 years we for the same money, or the Xa. tOT. Extension Top Surrey with double fenders, lamps, curtains, storm apron, pole or shafts; ia as flne as retails for ISO more than our price. Our price. Elkhart Carriage and Harness anufacfuring Go. & frill EI-KM ART, V.2t - Prevented a Tragedy. Timely - information given Mrs. (Jeorge Long, of New StraitovUle. O. saved two lives. A frightful cough', had long kept her awake every night. I . I 1 l f l 1 ! . . 1 . . . I cue nnu irieu many raoiuicn ttuu u iit tors but steadily grew worse until urged to try Dr. King's New Discovery. One bottle wholly cured her and eh writes that this marvelous medlcino also cured Mr. Long of a severe attack of pneumonia. Such cures are positive proof of its power to cure all throat, chest and lung troubles. Only 50o and $1. Guaranteed. Tnial bottles frea at F. G. Fricke & Co's drug store. Farmer Attacked by a Panther. Rockford, Ills.. Aug. 4. Frank Weld man, a well-known Carroll county farmer, was attacked by a panther while passing through a field of high corn. Ills only weapon'of defense was a pocket knife. A terrific battle en sued. Weldman'finally making his es cape. Flow thepanther came there Is a mystery. Af hunting party Is being organized. That Throbbing- Headache Would quickly leave you if you used Dr. King's New Life pills. Thousands of eutTerera have proved their match less merit for sick and nervous head aches. They make pure blood and build up your health. Only 25 cents. Mgney back If not cured. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co., druggists. Deal and Dumb Has Killed.' Perry. Ia., Aug. 4. An unknown deaf and dumb man was struck by a freight train while walking the tracks west of this city last evening and in stantly killed. No one knows the unbearable tor ture, the peculiar and agonizing pain, caused by piles, unless they have suf fered from them. Many believe them incurable. This is a mistake. Proper treatment will cure them. Tabler's Buckeye Pile Ointment is an iuf&llible cure. Price, 50 cts. in bottles, tubes "5 cts. F. G. Fricke & Co. Fncle Sam la Good at "Trade. Tierlin, Aug. 4. The Deutsch Tags Zeitung urges the government to pub lish the terms of the recent tariff agreement between the United States and Germany, claiming that Germany was severely beaten by tne United States and that the German foreign office is afraid to let the German peo ple know the facts. It Helped Win Hal ties. Twenty-nine officers and men wrote from the front to say that for scratches, bruises, cute, wounds, sore feet and stilt joiuts, Bucklen's Arnica salve is the best in the world. Same for burns, skin eruption and piles. 25c a box. Curo guaranteed. Only 50c. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co., druggibts. A nd Me "Piiied H-r OIT." Port Huron. Mich.. Aug. 4. The sen sational Ward divorce case is being heard in St. Clair circuit court before .Fudge Whipple and about half of Capac's population. E. A. Wood was a pipenian in the Detroit fire depart ment. He furnished the money and his wife operated a millinery store at Ca pac. Wood came to Capac one night and found his wife at a masquerade ball. lie walked into the ball room and dramatically tore the mask from his wife's face and ordered her home and insulted her companions. Hence the divorce suit. Chinese are dangerous enemies, for they are treacherous. That's why all counterfeits of Dd Witt's Witch Hazel Salve are dangerous. They Look like DjWilt's, but instead of the all-healing with liHZel they all contain in gredients liablo to irritate the skin and causo blood ioisoniiig. For piles, injuries and skin diseases use the t r i?inal and eenuine DeWitt's Witch Ilnzel Salve. F. G. Fricke & Co Albort Vogtman returdecl to II .ve lock this afternoon to resume his duties at the Partington shops, after an en forced lsyoft of several weeks on ac count of a crippled foot. Mothers endorse it, children like it. old folks use it. We refer to One Minute Cough Cure. It will quickly f . .: 1 1 ! cure all throat and lung troubles. F. h G. Fricke & Co. ( " .... RrFnUArTQPII I CM taken at night will make you I Teei ngnt, act right and iook -1.1 ti s a ingni. i ncy euro uonsupiuon. u I " -"tiTifi -t r" Viitnii rt We Save You these Profits .We are the largest manufactur ers of Vehicles and Harness in the have conducted business on this j.Iun. same quality for less money than the ,We Ship Anywhere For txaminaiion. ; We make 178 styles of vehicles and Co styles of harness. mmm a a 1 This advertisement M ill ap pear only a few times you may be reading the last inser tion. Oar Large Catalogue shows every Vehicle and llar- I ness we make and gives prices. IT'S .FREE. A BOON TO MANKIND! D" TABLER'S BUCKEYE 1 (Oh tn w A New Discovery for the Certain Cure of INTERNAL and EXTERNAL PILES, WITHOUT PAIN. CURES WHERE ALL OTHERS HAVE FAILED. Tubes, by mail, 75 cents; bottles, so cents. JAMES F. BALLARD, Sola Proprietor. - 3!3 North Main Street, ST. LOUIS. HJ. F. G. Fricke & Co. Suits Made to T have a few fine Scotch, UraiM, Sort'c, IviIi-h ''i'i'. f in.-y Wor sted Suitings and fancy stripe Panting left in my "-tucl. fun, tin- -1 and summer season, which I will make up at -t t iu- 1 li in nut ) f. -i my fall and winter eto'k of Woolens and Tailor's Tr iiiim i n.' it rr u Come and get lirst choice. J. C. PTAK. The Sherwin-Williams Paint. Covers Most, Looks Host, WY.irs Loni -,t. Mit Kconomicul, Full Miauiv. For sale in Pl&ttsmoutn by F. G. FRICKE & CO.. Druggists. -rr; T W OreiVlSI VERiVJsFUCE!; For 20 Years Has Led all OZiS XtlT Alili Prepared, y JAMES F. BALLARD. St. Louis. F. G. FRICKE &. CO. Reliability .THAT'S WHAT Buggies, Road and Spring Wagons. See our Racine Bu-p;ie.s the busies in laro;e lots and gvt also sell them reasonable. Hancl-Mado TIarnoss Genuine Oak-Tanned Leather. ..AUGUST O a ti 1 S Z 5 Z . Plattsmouth, Nebraska. I Sj! wetartRS i H:HUKNAIUNAt.l j jrcnoKAKr A Dictionary of ENGLISH, Biography, Geography, Fiction, etc What better Investment couM lx' inai!.- than in rr,f f ? t? International T This royal quarto vlun:e is i. -t -tor, hm,. . valuable information arrang-.l in ar-rnvi tiii t.t f -na f t In : l, . and mind. It is more widrly us-il as Kt;iri.l:iril a'ili r.;y t ; other dictionary in the worliL It simuM i:i ry h'ui !. '. L ft p " ! 3 u i IV Also Vebstrr's Collrgtatc Dictionary , Gloeeiarjr, etc. " yirst rlu. in iiai!:, s. i cul . I: Subscribe for The Evening News .Va. 31 I'rrTimut !c Wi. n wi N t to inch rn. '"im; h- Tlr-. . .! .n. h.W f 'ill 1 1 tw.tni!,; . t 1' v - I v l.N.I.t :.! l. I't -..i.I.T-. t'-i W f, i t l I rliiiniu i" a""! M ijrN v i il " ''' . - :.i rt4il I T - n. f n.i ii iiiir i -. " ir prii , imiiIi it 'i I. u li -i. I i I I world st !;i:;'' t t!.. n! .-:;rcn-r - rio you U tt.-r ,u.i!iry rQ dealer, j..bu-r . r tMpNiy !.t. Xn. f Fancy V.:r:'T .-h plnn trtiiimii:.-. l.fiMi ... In i-iviv ;iv utl mi- :tii r t t n ' it t hi r rriif . 4lnr irirr. iih Unft. .V. ?Ne,. INDIANA. Urn PILE O 03-1 c WITHIN the: REACH OT ANYBO D.V Order Tailor. . ..f..r. Ml... L. r. at n. .ii 1 1 i i. I? WHIIL b LHi.Ar.i Vcrn Remedies. -MM DHUCVOTflTtl. in Vehicles.. YOU FIND IN OUK Carriages. . lest ni.niuf.u tun il. them at the ritht !ut I- f. 4 ' I'. i.t l v. - -