Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, August 07, 1900, Image 1

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    UnirereHjneTW Utter,
THE NEWS. E&t&blslied Nov.5.1hH1. 'Consolidated
THE HKitALD. hlabliHued April 10. ItUM. f u
VOL. IX. NO. 77.
Jan. 1. It!i.
Li Hung Says Ministers Are En
route to Tien Tsin.
Report of a Hot Fight with a Loss o
1,200 to the Allies.
More on Peking Began Saturday, a
British Consul Wires, and Got
into a Fight the Nest Day
Chinese News.
London, Aug. 7. A Shanghai spe
ri .1 .lnfo.l vesterdav. says: "LI Hung
Caang bus officially Informed the con
suls that the ministers left Peking for
Tien-Tain last Friday. Aug. 3. with
General Yung Lu In command of the
escort. The consuls are by no means
disposed to credit Karl Li's statement."
Washington. Aug. 7. The announce
ment received yesterday through Ad
miral l:emey and Commander Taus
5lgofie'uorted heavy fighting on the"
road, beyond Tien-Tsin was the news
of Interest in the Chinese situation.
Little doubt was expressed at the navy
department that the news was sub
stantially correct. Remey's telegram
said that 1G.000 allies had heavily eu
gugtd the Chinese at Pietsang at day
light on July 5. Peitsaug Is the first
railroad staton. about eleven miles
northwest of Tien-Tsin, en route to IV
king. Taussig's dispatch said the en- (
gugement lasted from 3 to 10:30 a. in.,
and that the aFlied loss In killed and
wounded was 1.LM0 chiefly Russians
and Japanese. The Chinese were re- :
treating. :
Casualties May Be Exaggerated.
Tf 1 4 nriih:i Me that a later report
mav reduce the list of casualties among
the' International forces, but It Is evi
deat that the move on Peking is at last
fairly under way, and that strong op
position has been encountered. The
war department officials, who have
b-eii exceedingly ueticent for several
day as to news from the seat of war,
admitted vesterdav when the naval dls-
natches were received that the .
announcement of the battle
was not unexjeeted. Opinion
among the various officials now
In Washington Is somewhat divided as
to Just what is presaged by yesterday's
event. The more optimistic are In
clined to think that such a severe blow
as the Chinese have received at
lira-inj will result in the sneedy dis
integration of the forces now opposing
the march of the international column.
First Official Statement Fixing the Xline--Fighting
Followed Right Away.
London. Aug. 7. "The advance of
the -allied forces commenced today,"
cables the British consul at Tien Tstn.
under date of Aug. 4. This is the first
official information received here that
the attempt to relieve IVkln has be
gun. It Is accepted as correct. The
British consul does not mention any
fighting; but the Shanghai correspond
ent or the Daily Mail, telegraphing
Sunday. ays: "The l'ekin relief col
umn Is reported to have suffered a
check. The Chinese are said to have
adopted Tugela tactics, and. after sev
eral hours of righting, to have retreat
ed." This is the only message re
ceived in London this morning bearing
out the reports of Admiral Hemey and
Commander Taussig regarding an en
gagement at Pietsang. The fact that
the advance did not begin until Sat
urday is taken to strengthen the ac
counts of a battle Sunday.
In the same cablegram, which was
read In the house of commons, the con
sul at Tien Tsln says: "News from the
Japanese legation has been received up
to Aug. 1." There fore the edicts an
nouncing the safety of the ministers
on that date are confirmed. Yester
day the Chinese minister. Sir Chih
Chen Lo Feng Luh. communicated to
Lord Salisbury a message from the
tsung 11 yamen, dated July 31, reiter
ating the statement that the minister
were 6afe on that date, and recount
ing the friendly relations existing be
tween them and the yamen, as well as
reporting the sending of supplies to
the legations by the yamen.
The message contains this Important
statement: "A successful termination
of the conference with the ministers
for their conveyance under escort to
Tien Tsin Is expected, but on account
of the recommencement of hostilities
at Tien Tsln code telegrams for trans
mission to the representatives are con
sidered undesirable." This appears to
confirm the statement that the Chinese
government will endeavor to stop the,
march to Fekln by using the tuinisr
ters as hostages.
The Lokal Anzeiger. of Berlin, pub
lishing an interview with Li Hung
Chang, quotes him as declarlug em
phatically that China must not. in
any circumstances, cede any more
territory to any power. In reply to a
question whv the rebellion was not
put down. Karl LI is represented as
having said: "I blame Prince Tuan.
the empress dowager and the whole
Pekin government. But for their lack
of energy the situation would never
have become so serious."
But the Newspapers Was the Author of
That "No Quarter" Advice.
New York. Aug. 7. Ambassador
White (at the German court arrived
here ypsterday on a vacation. He said
In answer to questions regarding af
fairs In China, that Emperor William's
speech,, to the soldiers who were going
to China was generally misinterpreted.
He never meant," the ambassador
aid, "to tell them to give the Chinese
no auarter. Nohodv so understood his
speech until some "French' papers put
that construction upon It. The first
time I heard of such an Interpretation
was when I received a certain Paris
"The emperor Is an emotional man.
and be may be Inclined to yield to the
Impulse of the moment, perhaps; but
he knows bow to control himself, and
he certainly nevr meant to command
his soldiers to be merciless. What he
did say to them was that they should
bear la mind that they were going to
face a desperate foe. Germany feels
deeply the assassination of her minis
ter. Baron von Ketteler was a superior
man. He was much admired, and his
ad death, made jadeep impression.'!.
llasked Men Hold I'p a Farmer and Ills
Family. Getting I 13.
Cresco, la., Aug. 7. A bold robbery
was committed at the farmhouse of
N. C. Peckham, about four miles north
of Cresco only last evening. As the
famiiv, consisting of Mr. and Mrs.
N. Cl'eckhain. Mr. Peck ham's father
and the hired man. were eating supper
two masked men entered the house,
cut the telephone wires and drew re
volvers, threatening to shoot if resist
once were made. The hired man
showed fisht and was promptly
clubbed over the head, knocked down
and tie 1.
The other members of the family
were also bound, including Mrs. Feck
bam, and were forced to give up. what
money was In the house $115 after
which the robbers searched the house,
taking a silver watch, a gold watch
and other valuables. They then went
to the barn, got out Peckham's car
riage and started to hitch up his best
team, but by that time Peckham had
succeeded in freeing his hands and the
robbers took to the cornfield and made
their escape on foot.
Two Families Driven from Tlie'r House
by Their Neighbor. .
Farmington. Mich.. Aug. 7. Frank
Billings and Mark Cooloy, .-who with
their families have leen ' living in
houses located one mile . west of this
village, have been driven from their
homes. A large crowd of people ap
peared at theresidences of Billings and
Cooley and demanded that they pack
up and leave the community. They
objected strongly, but the spokesman
of the crowd said that they could have
but three hours In which to move.
The crowd assumed a threatening
attitude, and their few household goods
were hastily thrown into wagons and
the families started for this village,
followed by the crowd, hooting and
Jeering and blowing tiu horns. Oc
casionally a pistol shot was added to
the din. Neither of the men will have
anything to say. Their neighbors ob
jected to the manner in which the fam
ilies have deported themselves and de
cided to have them move out whether
or no they were willing to go.
Destructive Forest Fires.
nelena, Mont., Aug. 7. Deputy Unit
ed States Marshal Sam Jackson. Just
In from Mammoth Hot Springs, reports
a destructive forest fire that is sweep
ing the timbered area between the up
per geyser basin and the lake In the
Y'ellowstone National park. The lire
started Friday and was soon beyond
control of the soldiers and road crews,
all of whom were hurried to the scene.
The buildings at the upper geyser
basin are In danger. The line of lire
Is ten miles long and spreading rap
Idly. . -
Condition or Judge Phillips,
nilsboro. 111., Aug. 7. -Judge Phil
lips heart has troubled him Some
what more than usual recently and
for several nights he did not sleep.
He drives about town each day, and
Is in reasonably good spirits. He was
somewhat depressed by the death of
his old law partner. James M.Tru'tt,
week before last, from heart trouble.
Judge Phillips' heart Is in such condi
tion that his death at any time would
not be a surprise, and yet there Is no
reason to uppreheud Immediate dis
solution. -
Democratlo Election In Alabama.
Birmingham, Ala., Aug. 7. A gener
al election for state and county officers
and for members of the general as
sembly was held la Alabama yester
day and a large majority more than
60.000 was returned for. the Demo
cratic ticket, headed by William .1.
Samford, of Lee county, who will be
Inaugurated governor Dec. 1. A full
vote was polled. The election will
probably be followed by legislation
eliminating the negro vote.
Drove In Front of Train.
Smith Creek, Mich., Aug. 7. Lute
Evan, a well-known farmer here, was
driving to the township caucus and at
tempted to cross the railroad tracks
directly In front of a Grand Trunk
train. One horse was killed, the rig
demolished, and Evan himself terribly
crushed about the head. His death re
sulted in a few miuutes. People who
saw the accident say Evan deliberate
ly drove In front of the train.
Scores on the Diamond.
Chicago. 111., Aug. 7. Following are
the scores made by League base ball
clubs yesterday: At Chicago Brook
lyn. 7: Chicago. H. At Pittsburg
Philadelphia. 3: Pittsburg. 7. At St.
Louis New York. 0; St. Louis, 3. At
Cincinnati Boston. 4; Cincinnati. 1;
second game. Boston, 4; Cincinnati. 3.
American league: At Indianapolis
Buffalo, .": Indianapolis. G. At Minne
apolisWet grounds.
Chicago and Her Anarchists.
Chicago, Aug. 7. The cases of the
five alleged anarchists, Including Mrs.
Lucy Parsons. Clement Pfeutzner and
Abram Edclstadt, who were arrested
on West Twelfth street for attempting
to hold a meeting and resisting arrest
for doing so, were postponed yester
day until Saturday afternoon. Con
siderable testlmouy had been heard.
Mrs. Farsons announced her intention
to fight her case to the end. All of
those arrested were released on bond.
The anarchists had hired a hall and
the plice closed the hall against them.
When they attempted to meet in front
of the hall they were arrested.
Kesding Railway Dividend.
Philadelphia. Pa., Aug. 7. The di
rectors of the Reading Railroad com
pany, at a special meeting yester
day, declared a dividend of 1V per
cent, on the hrst preferred stock of the
company, payable Sept. 10. Last
March a dividend of 1 per cent, was
paid, and yesterday's action therefore
means 3 per ent. for the year, the
first dividends since 1S74.
Died of Runaway Injuries. '
Mascoutah, 111.. Aug. r. Benjamin
Schone died Saturday from injuries
received last Wednesday l.y being
thrown from a bugsry In a runaway
accident. Sclioiie was one of the best
known and wealthiest farmers of St.
Clair county. He was GO year" of ase
and leaves his widow, one daughter
and three sons, all grown.
Price in a I-local Parade.
Waukesha. Wis.. Aug. 7. Mrs. Fred
erick White carried off the first prize
In the floral parade last Saturday aft
ernoon, with Mrs. George II. Wilbur
a close second. Miss Rosenthal won
the third prize. , -
William K. Vanderbilt tested a pearl
In Paris by biting It. Suddenly it
vanished, town his throat.- "IIow
muchV" he inquired of the dealer la con
Icallv. . :
Over ltoute Presenting Many
Familiar Objects.
Impromptn Receptions at Stations
W here Stops Are Made Indian
apoli Is Keady for the Event.
Lincoln, Neb., Aug. 7. Bryan had
his wish farhlled in an entire absence
cf. demonstration on the part of Lin
coln people when he started last even
ing for the Indianapolis notification.
1113 party occupied the rear Pullman
sleeper In the Chicago-Denver Burling
ton limited, which left here a few mo
ments after C p. m. A number of Bry
an's friends were at the station, but
there was no crush and no demand
made for a speech. The curious ones
wcr i limited to passengers on Incom
ing trains from the east, who, when
they were toid the Democratic presi
dential candidate was on the platform,
soon espied -and crowded around him,
while a few of the more daring leveled
their kodaks. General O. O. Howard,
wlw arrived from Chicago to speak
before the Epworth League assembly,
got oCT the train Just In time to shake
hinds witii Bryan before he left.
Handshaking at Omaha.
Omaha, Aug. 7. Between 1.500 and
2,ouo people assembled at the Burling
ton station at 7:30 p. m. yesterday to
see the Democratic presidential nom
inee and party pass through en route
to the formal notification meeting at
lndiunapolis. A cheer went up as the
train rolled in, anI Bryan stepped out
on the rear platform. Before the
train was fairly at a standstill scores
of enthusiastists were climbing over
eacli other to shake the hand of Bry
an, win- smilingly leaned over the
i litfurm r:i;l ninl errli.ill v fleet Pi I
each one within reach. To acquaint-'
anccs who stepped aboard the car Bry
an recalled the fact that on a date
Just five days later four years ago he
was departing for New Y'ork to receive
toe formal notification of his nomina
tion. Gets a Sunflower at Gretna.
P.u-itic .'unction, la.. Aug. 7. Bry
an's brief run from Lincoln to Omaha
was devoid of esjH'cial incident, except
at this little town Gretna. As the
train approached this oint Bryan ex
plained that it was there ten years ago
when beginning bis first campaign for
congress that he had. made his first
speech as a candidate. As the train
drew into the station a flag-pole erect
ed then In his honor was seen to be
still standing. Quite a large crowd
was cougregated on the station plat
form and Bryan was loudly called for
at the rear platform. He did not at
tempt to make a' speech, but In the
space of two minutes shook hands
with about 100 people. One young
lady rushed headlong -after the. train. '
lauding a huge sunflower in his hands'
as the train pulled out. Mrs. Bryan !
was loudly cheered when she appeared
on the pl.-itform. j
I-labornte Arrangements for tha Recep
tion of the Candidates.
Indianapolis, Ind.. Aug. 7. Elabor
ate arrangements have been completed
for the reception of W. J. Bryan and
his party upon their arrival in Indian
apolis this evening to attend the noti
tication meeting Wednesday. The
train will be met by Mayor Taggart;
John W. Kern. Democratic candidate
for governor; Chairman Martin, of the
stall' commitiee. and oilier leading
Democrats. The escort to the Grand
hotel will le formed by delegations
froni, t lie .Marion County Democracy,
the Cleveland club, the Tammany club,
the German Democratic clubs and the
citizens reception committee.
Carpenters and decorators were busy
yesterday working on the platform and
grand stands that were being erected
in Military park for the notification
exercises. The -candidates and other
'distinguished visitors will be escorted
to the park from the- hotel headquar
ters by the local Democratic organiza
tion. Chilis from Chicago. Cincinnati
and other cities will also be in line.
According to the present plan the ex
ercises will commence at 1 p. in. and
last three or four hours. James R.
l.ichardsou.of Tennessee, will tnakethe
iirst speech, notifying the presidential
envd'date of his nomination. Bryan
will follow with his address of accept
ance. Then Governor Thomas, of Colo
rado, will notify Stevenson, and the
latter will speak. It Is not thought
that Governor Thomas and Stevenson
will occupy more than an hour.
By tonight it is expected that the
capacity of the hotels will be put to
a tt st by the inpour of Democrats from
all directions. Besides the candidates
ami national coinitteemen there will
be many other party leaders in at
tendance. Mayor Carter Harrison will
hpad the Chicago delegation. Senator
Daniel, of Virginia, has reserved rooms
for a delegation of Virginians, and
large parties are also expected from
Illinois. Ohio. Iowa. Michigan. Penn
sylvania, New York and from all of the
southern states.
Ills Money Drove Him Mad.
Union City, Ind., Ang. 2. James
Welsh, near this city. r5 years old.
committed suicide by swallowing mor
phine, ami after his death two bags
of gold were found underneath the pil
lows of his bed. It is said that his
fear of robbery preyed upon him until
his mind gave way. He was a man
of family and wealthy.
Will Ite $15,000,000 to Divide.
Toledo. O.. Aug. 7. Dennis Coghlin,
the wealthiest man in Toledo ami
northwestern Ohio, died at his home
here last night after a lingering ill
ness. He was a native of Ireland, and
was about .NO years of age. It Is esti
mated that his wealth amounted to
Veterinary Surgeon Badly Hurt.
La Porte. Ind., Aug. 7. Dr. V. D.
Paxton. one of the best known veter
inary surgeons In this section of the
state, fell from the loft of his barn
aud received injuries which will prob
ably cause his death. The fall caused
concussion of the brain.
New tin Proves Poisonous.
Irwinsville. Ga.. Aug. 7. Two chil
dren of the family of Lewis Connor
are d?ad and Mrs. Conner and a third
chill are critically ill as a result of
rating pea soup cooked In a new tin
Bat She Clint to the Man Who Has Don
Bar Deadly Wrong-.
Wabash, Ind., Aug. 7. After a
search of one month, G. W. Baugher,
& real estate man of Fort Wayne, has
found his daughter Iva. only 16 years
old, who eloped with C. 8. Ioskeep,
aged 50, a sign painter. The young
woman, wrho is an elocutionist and a
jood musician, became stagestruck.
Inskeep found this out, flatered her,
and, it is said, promised to get her a
position in a comedy company. They
went to Lima. O.. July 6, where Ins
keep got a little work.
As the pair were boarding a train
for Indiana a woman who recognized
them caused his arrest and the girl,
refusing to leave him. went to the Jail.
His wife prosecuted him. but he man
aged to escape wltb a small fine, and
a week ago they sot out for Berne,
Ind., 75 miles, afoot. They covered
the distance In five days, begging
meals along the road.
Here Baugher, who for ten days had
been following them closely, overtook
the couple and begged his daughter
to return with him. but she refused.
Baying she loved In&keep. who would
get a divorce and marry her. Baugher
caused Inskeep's an est and he Is In
Jail, while the girl Is at a boarding
house, waiting for'Sra to be liberated.
Gen. Bragg- Issues the Call for tha An
nual Reunion.
Fond du Lac. Aug. 7. Gen. Edward
S. Bragg, president of the Iron Bri
gade association, sent out yesterday his
final orders for the reunion of the
brigade In Chicago the later part of the
month. The letter, characteristic of the
general, sent to the members yesterday
gives a synopsis of the programme and
a partial list of the notable guests that
will attend the reunion and the ban
quet in the Chicago Athletic associ
ation's hall. Aug. 27.
The atendance of every member Is
urged by the little general, who speaks
of the coming meeting as one that
"will be the best and perhaps, for
many of us, the last meeting." His
letter is headed by the command. "Fall
In, men, fall in! Fall In, close up!"
Makes His Pay Otherwise.
Dodgevllle, Wis.. Aug. 7. Frank
Lynch carries Uncle Sam's mail from
Dodgevllle to Mineral Point, Wis., for
the sum of one cent a year. Accord
ing to law the government should pay
rnral mall carriers every three months,
but in Lynch's case there was an ex
ception. The other day he received
from Washington a check for one cent
without the compound Interest for
twelve months and since has had sev
eral chances to exchange It for a $20
bilL But he won't give it up. He was
the lowest bidder for the Job when
the contract was let, because the man
who transports the mall has also a mo
nopoly of the passenger traffic between
the towns.
Vsonf Woman Who Failed Te Be Orsd.
uated by a High School.
Lansing. Mich., Aug. 6. The citizens
of Mason, the eonnty seat, are greatly
exercised over the death of Miss Alta
McCarrlck, a former high school stu
dent. Miss McCarrlck was a mem
ber of this year's graduating class,
and, in common with all the other
members of the class, supposed she
was to be given a diploma. At the
commencement exercises all expected
her name read with those of the
other graduates when the diplomas
were presented.
Superintendent E. D. Palmer, how
ever, omitted her name, and proceeded
to publicly rebuke her for some short
coming in connection with her exam
inations. The girl afterwards was at
tacked with brain fever, which caused
her death. All through her illness, it
Is alleged that in her delirium she was
constantly repeating the remarks made
by Superintendent Palmer and griev
ing about the disgrace she had suf
Newsboy Has an Experience lhat Will Io
to Tell About.
Pana, Ills., Aug. G. At the picnic
and fish fry given at Auburn Saturday
the wife of Professor J. Bonansinga,
the aeranaut. was advertised to make
a balloon ascension and parachute
leap. When everything was ready for
the start, Harry Gray, a newsboy, of
Springfield, who was holding one of
the guy ropes, became entangled In its
and was carried up with the balloon.
Mrs. Bonansinga. fearing that he
would fall upon the parachute and
cause both of them to lose their lives,
cut loose from the balloon when a short
distance from the ground. Gray held
to the rope and was carried fully 2.000
feet in the air. The balloon slowly
descended and Gray was safely landed,
paralyzed with fright but otherwise
Mrs. Adrian Schoenmacher. a Hol
land heiress who eloped with and mar
ried her coachman, has abandoned him
in Iowa and gone back to Europe.
The Philippine civil commissioners
will assume control of the islands
Sept. 1.
Captain Banendabl. of the German
navy, -will start for the north pole
Aug. 11.
Chicago India famine relief commit
tee has sent an additional $2,500 to
Lady Curzon.
Charles R. Clow, Just returned to
Chicago from Alaska, reports the Klon
dike district as unusually rich, with
fine prospects.
John Roscoe Johnson, 5 years old,
died at Chicago as the result of burns
received while playing with matches.
Lightning struck and wrecked the
famous tower of St. Botolpb's church
at Boston, England.
Four thousand Paris cabmen are on
a strike for lower rental of the vehicles
they drive.
Rural mall routes Nos. 2 and 3, out
?,f kE?u Cla,re. are to be estab
lished soon.
Captain Streeter. of Chicago, and
District of Lake Michigan fame, will
take a trip around the world.
It Is said now that the late Duke of
Saxe-Coburg had f7.000.000 Insurance
on his life.
A New Tork minister denounced the
habits of Newport residents. Sunday
golf and whist for stakes were especial
ly displeasing. .
Uood Many "Pas Off at Buffalo.
Washington. Aug. 7. The count of
the population of Buffalo. N. Y..
Just completed at the census office.
Is 852,219. The population In 1890 was
Said to Hare Been Authorized
By Ah Sin.
Also the Aforesaid Legations Are Or
dered to "Take Yo' Clo's
and Go."
Report of a European ltepulse Foreign-Hater
Appointed Command
er or China's Forces Belated
Message from Conger.
Paris, Aug. 0. Sheng. director gen
eral of railways aud telegraphs, at 7 p.
ni. yesterday communicated to the
consuls at Shanghai, according to a
special dispatch to The Temps, an im
perial decree dated Aug. 2. authorizing
the foreign ministers in Pekin to com
municate without restriction with their
governments, and orderng their depar
ture for Tieu-Tsin under a good escort.
Keport of a European Ilater. '
The Shanghai correspondent or The
Temps, telegraphing jesterdnv, says: :
"The number of allies leaving Tieii
Tsin is no better known here tliau are
the facts as to the march itself; but it
is rumored that the advance guard had
been repulsed. Li Ping Heug (former
governor of Shantung), who is intense
ly hostile to Europeans, has been
named commander of the Chinese
forces." The French consul at Shang
hai, telegraphing Saturday, says: "LI
Huug Chang informs me that LI Ping
Ileng was appointed general of the
troops in the north of the empire on
his arrival at Pekin."
Chinese P. r ifj lug- Their Positions
Brussels. Auk. 0. The Belgian vice
consul at Tien-Tsin. M. H. Ketels. in as
dispatch via Chefoo. Aug. 4, via Shang
hai. Aug. 5, says that the Chinese in
Peking are fortifying their position
outside the British legation. He adds
that all the members of the Belgian
'.egation are in good health.
Urg-d to M re Christians.
Paris, Aug. tJ. The French foreign
office has received the following dis
patch from the French consul at Che
foo, dated Aug. 2: "The governor of
Moukden. in a proclamation, has ured
the people of Manchuria to massacre
Christians. Nearly all themlssionshave
been destroyed. The missionaries have
organized for defense and are assisted
by other Christians."
Reports All Well on the Jnly "!l,and Hop
ing for Relief.
Washington. Aug. !. A belated mes
sage from Minister Conger was re
ceived yesterday at the state depart
ment. It came through Consul Gen
eral Goodnow, at Shanghai. Good
now's message was transmitted to
President McKInley at Canton, and
Ades, acting secretary of state, later
In the day issued the following state
ment concerning it: "Consul General
Goodnow in a cablegram dated Shang
hai, Aug. 5, reports the receipt by
Consul Ragsdale, at Tien-Tsin, of mes
sage from Minister Conger and the
secretary of the legation, Mr. Squlers,
dated July 21, to the following effect:
All well. No fighting since the 16th
by agreement. Enough provisions.
Hope for speedy relief.'
"Mr. Goodnow adds that the director
of posts, Sheng. had, on the 5tb, com
municated to him an Imperial edict,
dated July SO, ordering Jung Lu to
provide an escort for the ministers to
Tien-T6in when the ministers fix the
date. The edict says the ministers can
receive messages not in cipher, but not
withstanding this, plain messages were
returned to some consuls on Aug. 4."
A dispatch from New York Saturday
quoted a special to The Herald stating
that "Minister Conger says that they
have provisions and can hold out for
six days." This was supposed to be
dated Peking, July 25.
At present there is no means of
knowing whether the ministers will
accept the offer of the Chinese im
perial government to provide an escort
for them to Tien-Tsin, but It Is sur
mised they will prefer to remain with
in the British legation at Peking until
the arrival of the allied forces. It is
thought to be not unlikely that the
Chinese government may be very in
sistent upon the departure of the min
isters. In the hope that if they can be
gotten to Tien-Tsin in safety the storm
ing of Peking may be averted.
Some features of a dispatch received
from General Chaffee Friday, and
which the war department refused
then to make public, became known
Saturday. His views as cabled in the
aispatcn wouia ne rar rrom palatable
to several foreign governments, and
that Is one reason why the dispatch i
was not made public. This much Is as
serted: General Chaffee and the Unit
ed States forces available under his
command have gone forward toward 1
Peking with the British and Japanese
forces. The troops of the other nations
assembled at Tien-Tsin did not Join in
the movement, but the reasons given
by General Chaffee could not be
learned. War department officials gen
erally refuse to discuss the contents
of the dispatch, and Secretary Root
announced emphatically that it would
ot be given out to the public. j
Code Sam and John Ball Are Not First,
but Last.
London, Aug. 6. The American and
British forces began the advance on
Peking last 'Thursday, according to a
dispatch dated Aug. 2, from Tieu-Tsin
to The aVaily Express. '-The main
body of tb eallies." continues the cor-
.ssponuent. "Luarcnea July ten
eral Chaffee was delayed by difficulties
of disembarkation. General Dorward
the British commander had no such
obstacles, aud his delay is inexplicable.
The other foreign troops are now half
way to Lofa. The force includes 20.
000 Japanese under General Yamachu
chi, and Russians. The British
force totals 9.00O and the other foreign
troops 7.oo. We are weak in artillery.
"On Aug. 1 a strong force of Chinese
from the native city atacked Tlen-Tsin.
By a series of brilliant charges our
troops drove th eenemy from their
positions. The native city is still de
fiant, and th eallies are unwilling to
march troops through its streets, as
this would mean an immense slaugh
ter. When the Chinese saw so large a
lody of troops marching westward
they apparently believed they would
hav can easv victory over those who
were left."
Tarda at Ashland. Wis.. Supply Food for a
Ashland. Wis., Aug. (5. Nearly a
million dollars' worth of lumber was
burned in the Barker & Stewart and
Keystone Lumber companies' yards at
Ashland Saturday afternoon. Almost
50,000,000 feet of lumber was burned,
and two of the Keystone's tramways
and four out of five of the Barker &
Stewar tramways were burned to the
waters' edge with all their lumber.
The tire started in the arker & Stewart
yards alp. m.. Jumped a quarter of
a nile to the Keystone yards, setting
fire to the west tramway, leaped over
the middle tramway, which did not
burn, and caught on the east tramway.
The tire next leaped across the lime,
salt and cemet dock, destroying the
warehouse containing several thou
sands dollars worth of merchandise,
and destroying a quarter of a mile of
dock and railroad track. Over 4.000
pounds of dynamite was used in blow
ing up the lumber piles and after a
three hours' desperate fight both mills
were saved. Of the lumber destroyed
2.00O,(n m feet belonged to Gilbert and
nearly all of the rest on both docks
belonged to the Edwards Hines Lum
ber company, of Chicago.
At 6 p. nj. a gale of wind began to
blow from the lake and for awhile it
looked as though Ashland's fire trou
bles were only Just beginning, but
Just as hpe was about abandoned a
drenching rain fell and saved the city.
There was a report that four men lost
their lives, but it is not confirmed.
If the Mob Had Been smaller There aUght
Be a Story to Tell.
Mansfield. O., Aug. G. Overseer
John Hu inner Piper and Elders E. P.
Fisher. A. W. McClurkln and A. Mc
Farlaudr or Dowie's -Christian -Catholic
Church in Zion. arrived here yes
terday morning at ti:35 as scheduled.
A mob of over 2.0OO was In waiting.
The policemen refused to allow them
to get out of the -ir. and amid cheers
and shouts they V nt on to Ashland,
fourteen miles east. There they at
tempted to hire a carriage to drive
here. But all the liverymen refused
their rnuests.
They telegraphed back at noon that
they would be here again at 2:20, and
they came. Nearly 4,000 people were
at the station, and again they were
not permitted to leave the car. They
than said: "If we can't get off here we
will go on to Chicago, but we cannot
promise that we will not be back here
next Sunday." The ciy is quiet again
fur a while at least.
Was Ilrnuard I.Ike a Kitten.
Columbus, O., Aug. 6. The police
have discovered evidence which they
believe will prove that the little col
ored child whose body was found In
the Scioto river a few days ago, was
deliberately murdered. A large paving
stone was fished out of the river Sat
urday, around which was a piece of
leather string two feet long. It is be
lieved that the stone was tied around
the child's neck and then thrown into
the water.
How to Send Mail to Soldiers.
Washington. Aug. 6. The war de
partment desires it to be known that
mail intended for the United States
soldiers in China should be addressed
with the full name of the soldier, bis
company and regiment with the words
"China, via San Francisco." In the
case of staff officers or civilians of the
army, the same means "China, via
San Francisco" should be employed.
President MrKIaler'a Sunday
Canton. O., Aug. 6. President Mc
KInley bad a quiet day aud uneventful
Sunday. He went to service at the
First M. E. church In the morning aiTa
took the usual daily drives with Mrs.
McKInley. A numlter of telegrams'
from Washington kept him advised on
events in the far east, but there was
nothing t be discussed from here.
Kill an Old Man Heraase Ha De
clined to Ohey Orders.
Kansas City, Aug. G. Union Pacific
east-bound passenger train No. 4,
which lefe Denver Saturday night, was
held up by two men several miles west
of Hugo, Colo., ninety miles this side
of Denver. The passengers in the
Pullman sleeers were robled of their
money and valuables.
An old man named Fay. a resident
of California, who had leen visiting In
Denver and was on his way to St.
Louis, refused to surrender his valu
ables and fired a shot at one of the
robbers, but missed. Thereupon the
robbers fired, one shot entering aFy's
mouth and coming out at the back of
his head, killing him almost Instantly.
The robbers stopped the train. Jumped
off and escaped.
Glasa Works to Start Sept I.
Alexandria, Ind.. Aug. 6. The
American Window Glass company has
given orders to all their factories in
the gas belt to start fires preparatory
to resumption on Sept. 1. Attempt
will also be made to immediately settle
cutters and flatteners' wage scale.
Two factories in this city will be af
fected by the order
Posiohtce Consolidation.
Washington, Aug. 6. The postmas
ter general has ordered that the post
othes at Paul and soldiers' home, Kent
county, Mich., be consolidated on Aug.
15, with the Grand Rapids. Mich.,
Program of Democratic Lead
er's Trip to Indiana.
Great Crowd Expected To Be Present
at the Opeu Air Meeting Steveu
on' Reception at Home.
Lincoln. Neb.. Aug. ;. Colonel Joha
I. Martin, aergeant-at-arms of the na
tional Democratic committee, arrived
here yesterday for the purpose of es
corting Bryan to Indianapolis, where
he is next Wednesday to receive the of
ficial notification of his nomination to
the presidency. The two went over the
details of his nomination trip at a con
ference held last night, but uo impor
tant t-haniges were made in the pro
gramme. The party, including Mr.
Bryan, will leave Lincoln at 0 o'clock
on the regular tralu ou the Burlington
load. There will be no social train.
No arrangement has been made for
speeches on the way, but it is consid
ered not improbable that Bryau may
be -called out at different places. He
does not exect, however, to make any
formal addresses during his absence,
except that in accepting the nomina
tion. If other talks are made they will
be purely informal and will not enter
in any detail upou the dlcuiou of
the Issues of the campaign.
from Chicago They Uo by Special.
The party will consist of Mr. and
Mrs. Bryan aud their sou; Colonel Mar
tin; Governor aud Mrs. Thomas, of Col
orado; Bryan's secretary, and ft few
newspaper men. They will reach Chi
cago about '.:;jO Tuesday morning and
will remain in that city until 1:35 in
the afternoon, when they will proceed
to Indianapolis, arriving there for din
ner Tuesday evening. At ChU-ago Bry
an will be taken in charge by a local
committee aud the party will travel by
special train from Chicago to Indian
apolis. Colonel M trtlu nays the ar
rangements are complete for the open
air meeting In the Indiana capital aud
that there will probably be 5o.o0 Dem
ocratic witne!es of the notification
ceremonies. The event Is intended to
be the ouiu of the campaign in that
state. Bryan will consume alMtiit an
hour and twenty minutes lu delivering
his Speeceb.
Nearly Everybody Moat Staad.
There will be no seats for the specta
tors, not even the candidates on the
state ticket or the Democratic notable
ef the state are to have places en the
platform, which Was Imeu reserved ex
clusively for lb candidate, the aott-ti.-atlon
speaker aud the notification
committees. There will be a roped
space five feet wide between the crowd
and the newspaper stand, which will be
below and immediately in front of the
speaker's platform. Police will In? de
tailed to keep the crowd back frem the
rof; , if it rain Tomllaaoe hall,
which 'will aceammodate r.0U fople.
will be used. It has been handsomely
decorated for the night meeting. Cheap
rates have been secured ou all road.
Conference at Which Sterensoa Is Present
His Blooming-ton Reeeptloa.
Chicago. Aug. . Senator James KL
Jones, chairman of the Democratic na
tional committee, Adlal K. Stevenson,
vice presidential candidate; Executive
Chairman Johnson and Secretary J.
A. Edgerton, of the Populist natloual
committee, were lu conference at the
headquarters in the Auditorium early
Saturday relative to the political situa
tion. Senator Jones came iu from the
east Friday night. Stevenson arrived
Saturday morning from Lake Min
netonka, Minn. Stevenson left the city
later en route to his home at Bloom
in irton.
Bloomlngton. Ills., Aug. G. A hearty
welcome wa given Hon. A. E. Steveu
son on bis arrival here at 2:30 p. m.
Saturday. A great crowd was at the
Union station. The party was wel
comed with cheers. Stevenson was In
the first carriage with Mayor Thorns,
president of the day, and Judge Law
rence Weldon, orator of the day, led
the procession preceded by a military
band and followed by a long line of
carriages with prominent men and wo
men of Bloomlngton and vicinity. The
line led to Franklin Square, where
Just across the street from Stevenson's
house was the speaker's stand. Judge
Weldon welcomed Stevenson aud eulo
gized his life and career in a speech of
twenty minutes, to which Stevenson
replied, the general tenor of his re
marks being the perils of the growth
of rich and poor classes In thi coun
try. The address was uon-partln.
Towns te Withdraw Soon.
St Paul, Aug. 6. C. A. Towne. Pop
ulist nominee for vice presldeut, and
orator for the Democratic uatioaal
committee, was lu St. Paul Saturday.
He came Friday night from Iowa, and
left Saturday afternoon for bis home
In Duluth. In regard to hi remaining
upon the Populist ticket or withdraw
ing Towne said he was not ready to
make announcement on that subject,
but would do so in a few days. He
left Duluth for Chicago last evening.
A friend quotes him a saying be will
Issue a formal campaign document in
a few days in which he will announce
his withdrawal from the Populist
Firebug- Is Numerous at Fort Dodge.
Fort Dodge. Ia.. Aug. 6. A well
formed plan to burn all the barns in
Fort Dodge seem to be in progress of
execution here. Eight barn were fired
within the tweuty-four hours ended
Friday night. All were the property
of prominent people, that of Repre
sentative Dolllver being the first to be
fired. The theory i that the work is
being done by tramp, who are taking
this method of getting even for mu.
oicipal discipline.
Gov. Taaaar Goiag a-Huatlng.
Springfield. Ills.. Aug. 6. Governor
Tanner and Mrs. Tanner will leave at
noon next Wednesday for Colorado te
spend a month In the mountain. They
will be accompanied by Colonel J.
Mack Tanner and Turney English,
Mr. Tanner's father. The governor
and hi son expect to hunt during the
time they are away.
'By an explosion cV'cas Saturday
evening two building In the heart of
the business district of Scranton, Pa.,
were completely demolished, and
twenty -one persons were injured, noue