The Semi-Weekly News-Herald 6EOR6E L. FARLEY, Proprietor. DAILY EDITION. One Tear, in advance, . . . . Six Months, ........... On&Week. . i ..lOi . . Single Copies, . . SEMI-WEEKLY EDITION. One1 Year, in advance, .' il Six: lontha, . . jiii i. 15 00 2 50 10 5 SI 60 r 50 T.E LARGEST GIRGULftTlOM Of any Cass County Paper.' FRIDAY, JULA' 3, 1900. 1 1 Ask- ycur friends :to Visit I'latts mouth the day of tbe log- rolling. ' Secketauy Meiklfjoun' tells the people at Washington that he antici pates Nebraska's goinjj republican this Theke is general rejoicing over thej nAwa friiui (JhiriH. that Con irer is still alive. , - The American people are proud of the poverument's position on the Chi nese question. Chanckllor Andkews has taken mi ih a wm-k at the university. - He formally inaugurated Septem ber 22. i John Clahk niiATH th. eminent American historian died in Now York TueaJav at 5:.'Id d. in. He was bix- ty years old. - Have the silver republicans a right on the stale ticket as such, is the ques tion the supremo court will have to de tertnine soon. .THE press of this and other countries speaks in the highest terms of the late King Humbert of Italy both as a man and ps a ruler. The women and children scheduled to go to Beatrice for an outing at D. K Thompson's expense number about 1,000. They anticipate a pleasant time. Mr. Bryan is about the only one who talks as though he were really alarmed for fear this country .will be converted into an empire in case the republican party is kept in power. Hon. E. Wyman, a well known pop ulist of Buffalo county, and a member "of the last legislature, will have noth ing to do with tbe fuaionists this year. He will support McKinley and the re publican etato ticket. The prohibitionists are claiming C. II. Dietrich's nomination was dictated by the saloon element. Cass county gave him her entire vote in the con vention, and she didn't' feel as though she had been dictated to by any par ticular element. , . " . , The withdrawal of' b W. Brown candidate for the legislature on the - fusion ticket froru .Lane ister county, '"h&STiad a demoralizing effect upon the fusionists. K. : S. Mockett, candidate ' for county attorney, has also signified his intention to withdraw from the ticket. ; r REfUBLlcANs of Cass county are not : apologizing for the nominations made. i The? are pleased with their state f . ticket and wilt work for it.' Burkott is bound to get a large voto in tho count' and district, and with a strong county ticket they will go into the fight in ex cellent spirits, expecting, to win a de cisive victory. . " "Read Hon. E. J. Hurkott's letter to bis'honorabTe eppooehr, G. W.' Bergo, which ap'"pears'in"tlus is'oue. ..lie states fully, his reasons for not carinar toac , cept Mr, Berge.'s .challenge, to public ; debate.He.expoeta to speud more time working than he does talking. These challenges are usually looked upon as largely "blow and bluff,,Tand should be treated accordingly. Mr. Burkett is to be commended for his good judg ment. - THE Bee says: Tho latest news from the orient shows conclusively that the United Stases government had formed a more correct conclusion of the situa tion of affairs in China than any of the great powers. .The events of the last few years have tended to convince the world that this country is a force to be reckoned with in the naval, military and diplomatic! world. In all tbe history of this, nation there has not been an other administration which has ttone so much to better the standing of' this country, buth at home and .abroad, as that of .William McKiuley. . . - : Frank UoLDKN,bbok keeper (or. the Commercial Land company of Omaha; was over from Weeping Water today looking Jor men to" work in the quar ries at that, place. They 'are working fifty men and need a dt z fii iiore badly. Mr.' Uoldau was at Springfield, Louis ville and Cedar Creek beforo coming to Plattsmouth, but failed to get much help at those points. IIo said soma of the fellows . at Cedar Creek acted as though they wan tod to run him out of town, as they have no men to sparo. The company pays fl'.ZO and $1.75 a day, and if there is anyone in. the city wanting work Tie had belter app'y to Mr. Hordetfr-' .That Throbbing Headache. , Would quickly leave you if . you used Dr. King's New Life piHs.- Thousands of sufferers have proved . their match lets 'merit " for sick and nervous head aches ;; They make pure:blood and build up your health. :- Only .'25 cents. Money Back .if not cured.' JSold by . GjTFricke & Co.,v druggists. i "i 'Tce' cold' soda At wood V drug, store. I J UK KKTT AN S W EKS BlUlilB Telia Hltu the Sltuntloa Will Do AU Nea8rnr-- TalklDg - Congressman E. J. Burkett has given out bis answer to tho request fo a series of joint debates by G. W. Berge, fusion nominee for congress in the Third district. The letter ia as follows: "Lincoln. Neb .Julr 25. Hon. G. W. BergcLincolo.Neb.Ddar Sir: Yon communication of recent date has been duly received although I 'had previ ' rend it in the "Drees." In as much as you ask an early reply hasten to "answer. As yet I am not certain just what sort of a campaign will . be 'advisable.? The , people am quite busy. The farmers are watching tho pr ice bulletins a good deal as some nf us watched the thermometer on thorto very warm days, wondering if i ever would etop. :..Tbe laboring men are all employed on full time and good waec. and I question whether they will' have: 'lime or Inclination tr lif-ten to much political talk. The business situation in general is such thai I rather surmise, it will do some very t lTt Ctivn talking and thin relieve us of some of the burdens m that line. You say that since the last campaign some new Issues have arisen, and that the ' people should know where we stand. The republican platform this wnar is clear and explicit. I could neither ad 1 to nor take from it.' stand on thtt platform. You suggest that I have placed myself on record upon thee questions. I admit it. am on record upon every question that came up iu coiigress,for I never dodged a vote during my service and I believe J never missed but one roll call my ab once then being unavoidable, but as I had previously voted uion tae same question I .think I .anion record iu every instance. Of cou e I do not ex pect you to endorse . my .record. : I -did not make It with that in view. I usually voted in 'the aflirmatrve and thus helped make legislation.' and of course with - any aftSrmatlve action hare' comes 'responsibility, ." party always voted in the negative and ngaiost everything, ; and of course is responsiole for nothing' that" is. - It would not bo (fusion) politics for your party to ' endorse' anything that tho republican party does.. Tney must find evil in it all. Their candidates-are nominated for that purpose. 1. .".'.' I thank you for the personal com pi i ment you pay mo and am. glad to have you believe, my motives were right. even though you cannot endorse the result,: I notice you state you expect to. :attack my record as a member o' congress, and yon ask me to be present to dofond it; I' prefer that my record shal. speak for itself and that those who watched my course shall defend it for rao if it needs itn It would bo rather vain in me to epend my; time talking about myself and what 1 .bad dona I prefer rather to talk: &)out plans and work for tho future. I .have in mind some things in my district that I am very anxious to acconplish at anotner session, and 1 shall spend a great portion of the summer and fall getting those things in proper shape I nave quite a number of pension bills now oending that I want to gel evi dence to support. I have some public building bills that I must-prepare for There are some more rural mail routes that I have to attend to loc iting,there are .some more improvements around our Lincoln postomce building that I hope to obtain, besides many other matters of importance to which I must give attention. . I must not ueglect the peoplos' business altogether, even for so pleasant a pastime as campaigning I expect to devote adequate time to the dirHJiission of ' the great national questions, but prefer uot to divide that tinje. and desire- to arrange my meet Ings ln:harmony with my other oflicial ttutios. ' As to my-record, however, 1 might say in . pissing that I .-neve: voiou against : a. pension bill. I never voted against a proposition for : better mail servioe to our people in the west. I always gave a helping hand , to the Mroe homes" bill, iho "anti-margar ine" bill, and for every appropriation or bill that was for the benefit of our district and stite. I prefer to let a thousand veterans, whose claims i nave assisiea, . ten ray "pen sion view?." I .will leave It "to the farmers in . the . several counties where rural mail routes have been es tablished to defend ray record on tbat point, to the people of the towns along the Missouri river, where $2.ri0,000 will be' expended ; by the government for improvements, to defend me there. lhe dairymen and butter" producers will tell the people whether' or not I am hostile to tbeir industry. I tidve a certificate of thanks under seal ten dered by laboring men for assistance in legislation b Heeling their interests. The above persons I prefer to defend my record if it needs it. I voted for the gold stan tard bill bec iuse I be lieved in it, aJiJ had promised the peo ple l would do so before elected.,. ;.T wo thousand, four hundred and ninety-tlx more voters in -this district endorsed the? gold standard in LSy.S than did free silver I yoUd for the only Nicara gmn canal bill that c:.nie tnifore con gress, and will keep on voting for a Cihal while the people leave rao in congress, or until the canal is built " I I voidd f every Vnti'-trust bill and con- etilutional .amendment', and shall cou tiuuo .t j do o juntil we got proper and suilicient legislation upon our statute books;- I voted fot the bill providing a territori'nl7governnient: for Hawaii and likewise for i the civil government or Porto Rleo. My vote in the future, as in the past. Ion 11 questiuns, will be for advaneeraea-and prosperity, lib ePtj, pquality and bumaolty, . I shall vote .to keep.eVery pledge the govern ment ever t made,-to uphold -our na tional dignity and honor at home and abroad- andrto maintain inviolate every, treaty .made and to shirk no re sponsibility imposed by such. -As ydu sayvyou" probably do uoV agree with me in tbi&,but I presume I could never convince you even should I debate with you. You seem to fear that ti.o people will not know just where each of us stand UDon the issues of the campaign, but you give the people too little credit. I am sure it is not due them to be thus rebuked for their "supposed "stupidity. Never doubt, that .they are alive to us both, and will- know all -about:m and our positions long before election. They will no doubt find out that j our twin bugaboos of ' imperialism and militarism-belong to the same family of imaginary horrors as the McCleary bill did two years ago, (which nobody heard.mentioned after the election,) and are only raised now to cover up the egregious blunders of the p ist,nnd to make people forget, if possible, the ridiculous prophecies and f ilse argu ments on free silver of past campaigns. I do not believe a t debute is necessary in order that the. people "shall find out whom they desire to elect nor how wo stand on the issues; neither do I be lieve it would be interesting or edify ing to the people. As I said at the beginning I had al ready formed my plans for the fall by harmonizing my campaigning with the official busiiiess as much as possible. I am not Inclined to alter previous de termination. I must then-fore beg to decline, your kind invitation. With kindest personal regards, I am, yours truly, E. J. Bi kkett. , liKltHllNUtlll NIVS IIKHT. County Treasurer J. L. Barton today paid seven S1.000 Intuds on the court house and the accumulated interest, amounting to $1,300. It will bo re membered that the total :i mount for which tho county was bonded was $Srt, 000. None of tho principal was paid till last January, when it was reduced $15,000, which .with tho $7,000' ju-t paid leaves a bilance of $S.itO t,lill due. Another p-tyment will be made in February.-' Several months ago the county com missioners surrendered the original o per cent bonds and i-irued in their eU-ad oues bearing but 4 per cent and giving the county the opilun of reduc ing tho principal, in AuguH and Sep tember as much as desired. At the present rate Cass county will soon be emirely free from debt. ' . INFOUMATION AMU OPINION. John DIxqn of -Nebraska City has been selected as secotary of tho- First district congressional committee. Mr. Dixon is familiar with the district and his experience in polities will make him a valuable assistant to Chairman T. C Munger. State Journal. The Herman manufacturers - who gave tne kaiser three automobiles were brave men. Suppose one of the machines should have enough lese nia- jeste about it t.i play onn f tho fara'l- iar automobile tricks on his majesty ? As an example of the fickleness of the Chinese charcter, London Daily Mail says an admirable mission may have been carried on in a city for twenty years. Its hospital may have relieved thousands incurable by native doctors. Its agents mi.y have built up a successful church. . And yet some day a fierce anti-foreign patriarch comes along and whispers his stories in greedy ears A great mob gathers, the houses of the converts are sacked, the mission station is stormed and those not lucky enough to slip olT are tortured and cut in 100 pieces. Next day tbe mob is very sorry for what it has done and perhaps turns on tho in stigator. W1 L'eutenant Ilohson recently started for San Francisco, but was obliged to stop otT at Yokohoino to consult a Jap anese specialist for his eyes. He is b filicted with : ophthalmia. which disease is also troubling others of our officers ar.d 'men 'in the Philip pines. . A Shelby county justice of tho poace whose residence and civil, district ad j iin the Mississippi stale- line, had an abnormal appreciation of the responsi bility of the office, and never lost an opportunity to exercise hi , preroga live of demanding tbat peace-he-pre served. One day hi son and a hired roan got to fighting on a s' retch of the farm. near, the fence which separated the two st ites. . .The old gentleman mounted the fence, and .with an air of authority, commanded: "In tho name of tho state of Tennessee I demand pence.". Just then lhe fence gave way. and as he went down wiih the fence toppling to the Mississippi -side, he yelled to his bop. -4,CJive 'em h 11, Billy f I're lost my jurisdiction!': " ' lo Vtmr freta Avbts hu1 Hura? -Shake into your shoe Allen's F.nT- Hise,.a powder for the "feet. 'It 'cools the f.'ot and makes tight or new shot 8 feel easy. Cures eorns, bunions swo! leu, smart ng. hot, callous; sore and sweating feet. Aliens ' Fo. t-E .-,o' re lieves it 1 pain "and gives lo.-t mid com fort. ' We have over So.ouu lestinion- als It cures while you walk. : Try It today.- All druggists and s boo stores sell it, 2"ie, " Simple sent.Fre.. Ad dress Allen S. O msted. L Iiv, N. Y. ; Wasiiinoton, D.C. ieneseo Pure Food Co.; Lei tor, N.'Y;: Gentlemeu: Our family, realize so much from the use of GKAIN-O that I feel I must sa3' a word to ir.duceothers to use it. If people are interested in their health and the welfare of their children they will use no other, bever- aee.: 1 have used them -aH, bat GIIAIN-O I have found superior to any, for . the reason, that it is . solid jrain. .Yours for health, CF. Myers. '.' I'ijro . drugs and all the bes'ji patent medicines, at' A, W.. .Atwood' drug store. -1.:. r ..-. i- RIDPATll IS NO MORE i:miiii'iit Historian l'asses Away at New York. A H00SIES, E0EN AND BRED Educated at Old Asbury, Which Grad uated Him in 1863 His Iinpor . taut Literary Works. . New York, Aug. 1. John Clark Rld path died in the Tresbyterian hospital at 5:30 p. m. yesterday from a com plication of diseases. He had been a patient in tlie hospital since April 20. At the time of his death his wife and son, S. E. THdpnth, were at the bed side. The body was later removed from the hospital. John Clark Kidpath, L. L. D.f the historian, was born in l'utnaui coun ty, Ind., in April, 1841. There was not at that time a wagon road within three miles of the log cabin In widen he was lorn. His parents? were from Christianburg, Ya. Ills mother was a descendant of Samuel Matthews, one of the colonial governors of Virginia. (jratluateU from Old Asbury. He was gr:iduated from . Asbury (now Iepauv university in lhUJ, tak ing first honors. After serving as prin cipal of an academy at Thorntown, iOXTS CLARK RLDPATH. Ind., and as superintendent of public schools at I.awreneeburg. lie ' was called, in 1M2. to tbe chair of English literature at Iepauw. His career as a professor in the university was distin guished. He was transferred later to the ebair of history and political philosophy. lie became a Conspirnous ligure in the college world. He distin guished himself by his ability to think clearly, speak lluently and write mas terfully. I,ubllft'he Ills First Hook. In 1S." he published his lirst book, an Academic History of the : United States." It was an immediate success. It still holds its place as a text lKiok in many sellouts. -1 it 1S70 ho published his "Popular History of the United States," a large o'-tavo volume, of which more than 400.000 copies have been sold. It has been published also In (Serman. He wrote the "Life and Work of (Jarlield." of which So.OOO copies were sold. His "Cyclopaedia of Universal History" was published In m four octavo volumes, it is a monument to the author's power of generalization and to the breadth and accuracy of his historical vision. More than iro.(HM.i nets of this history have been sold. - Devotes Ills Time to Authorship. In 1SS5 he resigned his professorship in Hepauw. and the viee presidency of the university, in order that he might devote his whole tipie to the profession of authorship. In 1N.i:j he published his ' Life and Work of James t. Blaine," in 1S!4 his most comprehen sive and ' philosophical work entitled "(treat Kaces of Mankind," in four vol umes. He was engaged for ten years inpreparingtheniaterialaud four years In writing this work. Iu l.N'.tS he pub lished his "Life and Times of fJlad-" stone," and a supplement to the "His tory of All Nations" for Webster's Dic tionary. He was for a time editor of The Arena magazine of Boston. His monagrahps are numerous. Takes a Flyer in Polities. Iu ISiMJ he consenteil unwilling to. run for congress on the Democratic tieket in his home district-in Indiana. Though he ran ahead of his ticket he was defeated by small majority. In recent years he had been , engaged In the preparation of a complete and elab orate history of the United States, A free and easy expectoration is pro duced lva few dose of Mallard's Horo- hound Syrup, in all cases of hoarse ness, sore throat or dilliculty of breath ing. IVico " nnd r0 cts. F. G. Frioko & Co. SAVE YOUR - w "Star" tin tags (showing small STA tape). "Horse Shoe,- "J. T.," "Good Luck,- "Cross Bow" and Drummond " Natural Leaf Tin ing presents mentioned below, and woman and child can find something on the list that they would like to have, ana can havo IS ISL ' - TAGS. 1 JTftfcn BOX. 35 t Knife, one blade, (food steel is 3 Sclwora, 4Vf Inches 4 Child's Set. Knife. Fork and Spoon ZS S Suit and Penner Set. one Men. Quad ruple plate on white metal SO - 6 Frrnch Briar Wood Pipe 7 i:aior. hollow ground. One EagUMb steel SO 8 Hotter Knlt'e, triple plate, best quality 60 9 Suear Shell, triple plate, best quality 40 10 Stamp liox. sterling- llver 70 I II Knife. "Keet . . 3 12 Butcher Kull 1 t Mmle rveen flutter, iwu uiwjeo..... tS Knife, "Keen Kuuer," 8-ln w IS Slimra. Koen Katter." 8-Inch n Nut set. Cracker and Picks, allrer plted ao IS B.-im) Bail, "Association," best quality. HO n; Alann Click, nickel ..IS) n Six l.i nnlno Roger' Teaapoona, best PlHted goods. .....150 WW riti-u. nickel, vtein wind aad sf ) I1.) C nrvers. pood stel.bucktoia ban1le4.2u0 bit irenulrje liofrers' Table Spoons, I -cut litf d goods 250 21 Six each. Knives and Forks, buckborn ' iuuidlea S0 XL THE ABOVE OFFER EXPIRES trilEAK IX MIND that a dime's wsrtk r ST A RPLUCTO B ACCO will last longer and nflard more pleaaare tkaa a dlase'a wartki afaay other brand. ..-........--. .... - 1AKB TKB.TEST! " Send taos to COSTLSEXTATj TOBACCO CO., St. Loafs, Mo. COUNTRY'S DOIN' WELL. Mister Bryan's anxious Ter runs things fer a spell, Thanlc ye. Mister Bryan. Country's Join' well. "Try some theories," sez he, "Stead o' ways that's known," . . Thank ye. Mister Bryan. Let well enough alone. Wants ter give us dollars Worth but fifty cents. " . : : ' We II stick ter the gold ones. : Thanlc ye. No ofiedse. Wants ter pull our flag down ; , , Over 'ctoss the sea. Thank ye. Mister Bryan, - - - "Irt herfloat," sez we. Talks about the trusts some) . . (Doesn't mention ice.) -Thank ye. Mister Bryan. That is cool an nice. Mr. Bryan's anxious - - He's a right ter be. Thank ye,. Mister. Bryan; Stay right where ye be. A. J. Burdick, in Buffalo Evening News. CALL FOK COUNTY CONVENTION. Tlte .republican, electors ol Cass county are hereby called to meet in convention at Weeping Water, Neb., on Saturday, August 25. IWuu, at 10:30 o'clock a. hi. for the purpose ol placing ia nomination candidates .lor the following orhces. viz:' County attorney, one senator, two members lor the legislature, one member of board of county commissioners from First district, and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the convention. .The committee recommends that there be no proxies allowed but that the delegates present (rem each precinct or ward cast the full vote. The primaries to select delegates to said con vention will be held on Saturday, August 11. Representation is based upon vote cast for gov ernor in ISrS, being one delegate for each twelve votes or major fraction thereof and one delegate at Large for each precinct or ward. Following Is given the time and place for hold ing primaries and number of delegates to which each ward or precinct is entitled: Time Precinct Voting Place Avoca . . . Avoca (..'enter.... Maniey S it.... Klin wood ..Murdock SH... Klght Mile Glove. Heil's S H I ireeuwood Alvo Liberty Lynu's ball...., Louisville Louisville. . . . Mt 1'leasaut. Pleasant View S H.. Nehauka.... ....Nehawka S H ... Plattsmouth pre Taylor S H. Plattsmouth 1st wd. Perk's house. . Plattsmouth 9J wd. Turner hall. . . Plattsmouth 3d wd.Kichey 'somce. Plattsmouth 4th wd. Police j'sothce P m. Del. 3 3 St H n II 8 8 11 11 o II 8 W II if) 6 V 5 V IA A li 5 3 4 S S ... ....4-7 ....4 7 ...4-7 ....4-7 ....4-7 . . . . 7 .... 7 H .... 7 .... 4 8 l latlsrnoutu .tb wd.oacn store.. .. Rock BluHs 1st dist. Murrav Rock Blurts 2d dist. Rock Blurts.... Salt Creek. , Lemon's halt.. Stove Creek. Hobb's opera house South Bend. S H Tipton Eagle. Weeping Water pre. Cascade S H Weep'g Water 1st wd.ti A K hall Weep'g Watered wd. Sheldon's hall. Weev g Water 3d wd. Powell s hall. . Ucorgb I.. Farley, Of.okce A. Hay, Hbcretary. 7 .... 8 5 Chairman. Moieties and excresences, which so often annoy people, are simply efforts of nature to throw off impediment to the proper performance of her duties. Herbine will aid and assist nature in her work, and ensure a skin clear and beautiful, entirely free from all imper fections. Price 5(1 eta. F. G. Fricke ic Co. - Russian women in reduced circum stances hve reason to bless the czar-1 ine,' who has organized an association of such porsons. Tney are almost con stao tly employed in making embroid ery for court dresses or for ecclesias tical purposes. Prevented a Tragedy. Timely information given Mrs, George Long, of New Straltsville. O, saved two lives. A frightful cough had long kept her awake every night She had tried many remedies and doc tors but steadily grew worse until urged to try Dr. King's New Discovery. One bottle wholly cured her and she writes that this marvelous medicine also cured Mr. Long of a severe attack of pneumonia. Such cures are positive proof of its power to cure all throat. chest and lung troubles. Only 50oand -SI. Guaranteed. Tnial bottles free at F. G. Fricke & Go's druc store. Wife Mnrdarer Kill HIsomIC Kldora. Ia.. Aug. 1. Itather than be taken by the officers. Otto Pennington, who killed his wife at Owassa and shot two other persons Sunday afternoon, sent a bullet through his own brain and dropped dead in a water tank near the scene of his crime. the digestion is good, and the general powers of the system in a healthy state, worms can find no habi tation in the human ""body. White's Cream Vermifuge not only destroys every worm, but correct? all derange ments of the digestive organs. Price 25 cts. F. G. Fricke & Co.' fO)TIN 1 TAGS stare printed on under side of Tags are of equal value In secur may be assorted. Every man 33 ES Z T4a 23 Six eet). GratrJoe Rogrf Katres and Forks. brt plated goods S3 r?lnck-. Ht&v. CaJendar. Tnermosaeter. Barometer 900 M Oun case, leatber, no better made SUM g ttevoiver, auLoniatlc. doutils actloa at - or S8 caliber sno M Tool Set, not plaything, bat rem) tools 9U ii iyii ses aecoraiea porcelain, vary - - handsorae S M Remington Rifle No. 4, or M caliber Watch, sterllnc llTr. fuU Jeweled. ..Iumi 30 Dresa Suit Case, leather. Landaoiiie and dnrahlo in il si Dewing; Machine. Drat class, wlta all auacbraeou WM 91 Revolver. Colt's. Sh-callber. blued teel WOO S3 Rifle, Colt's, l-snoc ft-callber Kt M Guitar (Washburn), rosewood. Inlaid J v ss aianooun, very naixiesome 36 Winchester Repealing bhot Oua, 11 auuu MO S7 TlemlnirtoD. donbl-liarrL hammar Shot (inn. 10 or IS mm MOO 33 Bicycle, standard make, ladle or . gents. .....tSwS !9 Shot Quo, Bemlngtoa. double-barrel ftammerlens. .3000 .auuu 0 Bcglna Music Box, 15H loch Disc... NOVEMBER 30th.- 1900. ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( Another Thirty Days.. In order to fjrivf quality of our work, we cut rates given below for REOCLAR PRICE $3 00 Aiieto Pimino M nullo Lab.n. 3 "0 Arirlo riiitiuo LVlen.n fui . . 2 0 A ri.tto r.alin l'it i t 1 73 Arisio l'Utin Il.i'f 'nhirf. 1.60 Arist I'l itin. 'rd yl ... 1.50 2.00 1.50 1.25 1.25 Aristx I (jlo-! Kmi-h C iin. t (Jio FlnUfi Iriii t:).iii. t. . , (ln Kinili Cir.l ()vnl... , f;lcM Finish . . . . Rememler, our work is strictly lir-t-c .1--eaual to the work turned out Iv lh' hn'Ii-j studios. Remember the place OLSON, Photographer. KOON'S OLD STAND COR. FIFTH AND MAIN STfi q YV ORMSl VE it tii 2FUCE .; For 20 Years Has Led all Pr.parWbf JAMF.S F. TALLARD, St. ET. G. FRICKE &. CC. Suits Made to I bfe n f-w tii h Sontrli, l. :M''. Sri'r, ll.ii'li-h s,.rij, f n . v aiMil Suilinira ai.J (alii'V -triiM' t '.Hi III' a.' lnTl lit my Hk fr.n.. It.- mi tl Mummir fusion, wliiclt will m my fill nnd rintr wttfc'k of ViM)lfii Come uuJ feet first i lion-j. J. C. PTAK, The Oeliability .THAT'S WHAT .Buggies, Road and Spring Wagons. See our Racine Buggies the buggies in lare lots ami get also sell them reasonable. Hand-JMeiclo Hawass Genuine Oak-Tanned Leather. ..AUGUST m OJi I 1 ; 1 1 . Plattsmouth, Nebraska. A BOON TO MANKIND! DR-TABLETS BUCKEYE 2za sj ggnnis tn 30. 2 .-C)q iff A New Discovery for the Certain Cure of INTERNAL aaJ EXTERNAL PILES, WITHOUT PAIN. CURES WHERE ALL OTHERS HAVE FAILED. Tubcs, mr Mail, 76 Cents; bottles, 50 Cents. JMS F. BALUfiO, Sola Propriitar. - - 313 Narllt Wiii Strut, ST. LCUIS. H3. F. G. Fricke &. Co. ISherwin-Williams Paint. Covers Most. Lfrks IIe.t. Wear-. Irie.t, Hconomieal. Full Measure. For atUa la i'lattsiuoutn ty F. G. FRICKE &l CO.. Druseists. i? JC'rt- I , A Dictionary of ENGLISH, Biography, Geography, Fktion, etc T What better InTestment rul. 1. th.m in a r ' . International T Thin royal i't.irt ,f-'TJuarjie rniirrmaf ion an-anc-! in : r simI mm J. itn more wulrlr ul H -oiBruii'iioriary in me wuthi. 11 . l. :..r ii Okary.etc. " lint uaJ uaajsaa- in FURNITURE UNDERTAKING HCUSE Furnishings, STOVES, RANQKS. Oar ( Osalata la alt lui aad ItTlMsac frlafci. to look It oar Wi tdsartopUatros. CsUl aad s ua. ISTLIEIGfiT.O STREIGHT. " (lM.sMri'to B.air Husi " PLATTSMOUTH, NEW trvcrvotu a chance ti mc tli.- will mnke photos .it another thirty T:i -: i 1 (i c t r H'.imt St.ti ir 1 - an U'l Wet. - : ill randies, i WITHIN THE RE ACH or ANYBODY. Order U.r Kf ui nl -o-t t.i , . I h- in rv.i ! f krriv - i ir il T.lilorV 'I'r'ntiii il.' Tailor. rrf it n 91' in Vehicles.. YOU FIND IX CH'R. Carriages.. best manufactured, them at the ri'ht We bir lire-.. PILE Mfvt JK . volmiit i n-t, sf..r.-fi...i--.. . f n a(nvi-iint f..r-n r -r l r,i. f.-m jr It !ruM Ik i: -vr.- I."-. . " ' ml - . ... ji ruoui l l ,:i v,-r !.-. -. -'1. f in i.u:.:i-. . . ..,.. . . - '-' ': ' iaiu. CiCaafvra 0 WE WAVE JUT RFriiV'O A NEW LINE OP... SILK FOBS f-AT SI. 00... ( ( ( c c ( c c ( ( I 9 Tmm UTrT IT v. R it ..i: i 1. i v ? The Jeweler. rl ife HHj?n a o 9 I I I I 0 Try The Nkws a