Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, July 31, 1900, Image 4

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Home of 91. Seliroeder the Scene
of a Jolly Gathering.
Crew In the B. & SI. Planing Mill Sur
prlse at Fellow Workman In Honor of
Hla Sixty-Finn Blrtnd,y Mr. Jo
brorker Alio Surprised By Friend
nod Neighbor.
Yesterday aa the sixty-fifth birth
day of M. Schroeder, who for many
years has been an employe of the B. &
M. planing mill. His fellow employes,
learning' of this fact, at once planned
to give him a surprise. Last evening
the entire mill crew, with the excep
tion of five who were unavoidably ab- and examine them
Crushed fruit all flavors Atwood's
drug store.
Wall paper. 5 cents a roll at At
wood's drup store.
Choice perfumes and toilet articles
at Atwood's drug store.
Remember the sociable on the
Christian church lawn Tuesday even
Pure drugs and all the best patent
medicines at A. W. Atwood's 'drug
De Witt's Little Early Risers famous
little pills for liver and bowel troubles.
Never gripe. P. G. Fricke & Co.
A new line of samples of imported
and domestic cloth poods. Come in
lludecek & Mc-
Police at That Place ltclievc
They Have a Train Itobber.
Two Men Appear Who Claim to Have
Keen Him Alight from the Moving
Train Messenger Ha Been Sent for
to Identify the Suspect Other New of
Local Interest.
From Monday's Daily.
The Omaha police have arrested a
man who they think is guilty of hav
ing committed the hold-up on the Mis
souri Pacific at Atchison last Thurs
day night. The suspect gives his
name as "Stump" Garth and is quite ter's department. The latter officer
Uncle Saiu Will Let Only Small
tract for Supplies.
Captain Harrington K. West, chief
commissary of the department of Mis
souri, has under bis control the pro
visioning of all of the garrisons in the
department and of several in other de
partments, says the Bee. The commis
sary department is likened to the stew
ard's department in a large hotel,
where supplies are purchased upon the
basis of the present condition of trade,
and an unexpected influx of guests
makes it necessary to provide for
double the number anticipated. The
Contributor to Library Fnad.
Tom Parmele All necessary brick
Mrs C H Parmele 1 he lot
Fisher Ac Lawrie. Omaha. .Plans and specinctions
James Robertson
A W Atwood
F G Fricke & Co
S H Atwood & Co
H C McMaken & Son..
S E Hall & Son
E E Hilton Stakes out lot aai building
Former donations $l.lv8 50
Standard Oil company 25 00
Groneweg & Schoentgen. Council Bluffs
Bennett & Tutt
Rev. Father Carney
Samuel Waugh
J W Sage
F E Sch later
W D Jones
.The sand
The paint
.The glass
The crushed rook
..$10 worth of grading
..- worth ot tin work
Material shipped
10 00
10 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
S 00
3 00
Still rlrntinr
In Sou t li A Men.
Our fight this wok' is on cnI.Is
ami emls in summer , I. We
expect to gel licketl. Uvause
Price or Value will not le con
sidered. Straw hats. Shirts. Under
wear. Crash and Flannel Suits
anything- of a "summery" nature must go. Kememher. mu rx
PRICE TAKES 'EM." We are headquarters for
business of the commissary is quite I Thomas Walling 5 oo
different from that in the quartermas-
Jesse McVey.
I J W Johnson.
6 00
5 00
sent, called at Mr. Schroeder's home Elroy
in the Second ward ana when tno people who have cisterns which need
crowd announcaa ine purpose oi meir cieaning are respectfully requested to
read the advertisement of anatta &
visit he was both surprised and de
lighted. However, he quickly recov
ered from the effects of the sudden
shock and proceeded to entertain the
visitors in good style.
Mr. Schroeder was the recipient of
several fine birthday presents, and the
presentation speech by Herman Kess
ler, in the German language, was one
of the pleasing features of the affair,
and Mr. Kessler will no doubt here
after be called upon to deliver a speech
whenever occasion demands. William
Puhiman, Morritt Kerr and Charley
DuKe also delivered short and appro
priate addresses, while as an after din
ner speaker J. F. Robinson certainly
captured the priz3. The guests report
a good social time, and when they
started out for their homes all ex
pressed a hope that Mr. Schroeder
would live to celebrata many more
It being in the nature of a "stag"
party, only gentlemen were present.
The following composed the jolly
crowd: Messrs. W. C. Tippens, J. F.
Robinson, M. S. Kerr, J. J. Nejedley,
D. II. Sampson, W. Ia. Maiden, David
Wicbman, John Wichraan, William
Puhiman, II. J. Kessler, James
Chaloupka, John Woster, C. E. Duke,
C. S. Decker, John Li bershall, Clint
Thompson, E. A. Taylor, R Frady,
John Johnson, K. S. Barstow and M.
Summers on page four of this paper.
The society of Christian Endeavor
of the Christian church will give a I
sociable on the church lawn Tuesday
evening, July 31. Icecream and cake
l(c. Everybody invited.
purchases supplies hich are not eas
ily destroyed, while the commissary
supplies are of the perishable class.
For this reason purchases must be
made often or. The longest period
made for cou tracts in this department
well known in Omaha police circles.
having been arrested about three
months aeo for beating a woman. lie
was released at that time on a worth
less bond and immediately left town
lie returned Saturday and was im
) S . 1 ,.1.A Sm a Vt a Vv nIT? I s m -a m . . .
uieuimcij uiiifu rj;D uy mi tun-1 is iOP uressea oeei, which covers a
cer. I noriod of six months. Manv sunnlies
IB - I
As he was being searched In the of- are purchased quarterly.but the groat
fice, two men entered the room, and as est amount is bought bv the month
soon as they had laid eyes on the pris-l The quarterly purchases include
oner they told the police captain that J flour and canned goods, generally.
Those whohive tried a Gut Hell" be was the man who held up the ex-1 while the monthly include vegetables.
or a "Silver Wreath" cigar will smoke I press messenger on the" Missouri Pa-1 pheoso and other open 9tores. The
no other. These famous cigars are I ciflc train Thursday night. Their story j quarterly estimates are being made
made at Wurl's factory, and all first-1 is to the effect that they happened to I out at prosont. They are for about
be standing near the track when the half the quantity required lat year
man jumped from tue moving train, becauso of the reduction in the num
They are positive he is the right mac. bor of the troops in the department.
However, to make sure the express but they are much larger than the 69
messenger has been sent for, and he J timate9 of July, 189S, when there were
will probably come tomorrow. While but a dozen men at Fort Crook and
Garth strenuously denies having been I about the same number at the other
in Atchison, it is known that he has I posts for which provisions are pur
been away from Omaha for three chased bv the Omaha commissarv.
months, and just returned Saturday I "The redaction in the number of
afternoon. I trooDS in the department is havinc a
Criminal at Lar(.
Nearly every day Marshal Slater and
Sheriff Wheeler receive cards from
the officers of surrounding towns, ask
ing them to look out for crooks of vari
ous descriptions. Today the former
received two of them.
One is from Sheriff Kill of Atchison,
Kan., and offers a reward of $25 for
the arrest of one Louis Sewel, alias
Louia Murphy. He is wanted for
highway robbery, having escaped from
the jail at Atchison on July 29. Sewel
is described as being twenty-two years
old, weight 140 pounds, height about 5
feet 8 inches, light complexion, light
hair, grayish blue eyes, has short pug
nose, slightly protruding but not thick
upper lip. He has a scar running
from left corner of nose to edge; mouth
turning down at corners; large scar
covering back of left hand at base of
thumb. He walks with fjait of a
tough head up, hat pushed well back
and swings arms diagonally in front of
body. When lafet Been he wore a dark
gray wool suit and a round black hat.
The other card is from Chief of Po
lice Martin of Hastings and offers a
reward of $-5 for the return and infor
mation leading to the arrest and con
viction of a bicycle thief.
class dealers handle them.
For burns, injuries, piles and skin
diseases use DoWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve. It is the original. Coun
terfeits may be offered. Use only
DeWitt's. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Died Margaret Catharine, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. George B. Lehnhoff,
at 12:15 p. m., July 31; age one year,
seven months and seventeen days
Services at residence 2 p. m. August 1.
Otto Wurl uses only the best brands
of tobaccos in the manufacture of his
cigars. Lovers of a good smoke will
find no better cigars on the market.
W:,.l 1T,II " AnU- "Citno. W-oofl. "
10 cents.
As will be noticed in another column.
The News is making an effort to se
cure a complete diieciory of the lodges
of the city. There ae quite a number
which are not as yet included in the
list, and the secretaries of these lodges
will confer a favor by sending in the
necessary data.
The business and social meeting of
Miss Minnie Girardet of Delta, C lr.
is vUiling S. F. Girardet and family
Frank Sackett is making arrange
merit for an extended visit with rela
tives in Ohio.
The M. W. A. expect to turn out in
full strength at the log rolling in
Chauncey Orton, who has been quite
sick the pa9t three weeks with biiious
fever, is on the mend.
bad effect upon the business in towns
near tho various posts," paid an army
officer. "At some of these smaller
places tho principtl trade is with the
soldiers and now that they have been
moved many small merchants have
roen kept out of business, but since
tho introduction of the canteen system
at the majority of the posts, the char
acter of the business conducted bv the
men who cater to the soldiers' train
has changed. Before the canteen sys
tem was introduced almost every
Epwortn League Assembly.
Encourged by the phenomenal suc
cess of three previous sessions, the
management of the Nebraska Epworth
League assembly has arranged a pro
gram for the 1900 meeting, of which
they may well be proud. It is believed
that in varlety,interest and real worth,
it surpasses anything of the kind ever
placed before the people of Nebraska.
Those who attend this year's assembly
will have the opportunity of bearing
Frank Roberson, fresh from the battle
fields of South Africa, Bishop Hamil
ton, General O. O. Howard, General
John B. Gordon, Bishop Galloway,
Major Hawks, Maud Ballington Booth
and a host of others philosophers,
teachers, lecturers and religious
The musical attractions are espec
ially good the South African boy
choir and the famous Arion Lady
quartet of Chicago.
Half rates to Lincoln via the Bur
lington every day from July 31 to
August 8.
List of Letters
Remaining uncalled for at the post-
office at Plattsmouth, Neb., July 30,
Campaign Hats and Caps.
Clothiers ami IlalierilaIirr.s.
atch This Space...
We can't sell summer foods in winter and
we want the money for Ym, if itV no more
than cost. Following are fuoktn ht wt
haven't all sizes, luit it's all the same to you,
if we can lit vou:
11.50 and 1. 25 Wrappers,. .J,l i
125 H ue duck Skirls I.UI
1.25 Blue duck Waists ... I.oo
mid .Mh Miirt Waist,....
Crur-h Skirt
and I " : (I.uio Vests,
.15 Lawns,.
50c, 75c and $1.00 Men's I.-tuudert-d and Nelicf Shirt
75c Men's Underwear 50. Men Un.l.-rw r
Ladies' Oxfords and Mi-sos Slipper. at 2" pr cut diri-iun:.
Prices on all light goods cut off j.i-t anvo the tiii.Lll.'.
Call us up for anything you want in Groceries.
C. D. LONG...
Telephone . . .
Formerly F. T. Da it Co ,
) Ky MethoJUt Church
Mrlrk. No 4
t'lattaiuoutti. Nil
Beverage. Mrs Charles
Dudley. Clinton K
Gardner, Rose (3)
Hall. Mrs C M
Mesiua. Mrs M
Keif. Noem
Kay, Miss Maude
Schram, I
Vauage, Cris
Williams, William
Beoedic, Mrs A J
huierau. Mike
Geleke. Gus
Howard, t'ney
Landier, George
Parker, Mrs Harriet
Bhoden. D C
Keinstein. Sam
Van Sheetz. Miss Diila
Yagel, Con
Just ThinJc at This!
store' had an annex where strono-
J. K. Keithley went to Kansas City Hquop wa3 sold to the BOlujer euh rosa.
Friday night, returning Monday. He The real business of the allee-ed mer-
Visited his brother. Will. . hant was so cnnealwi that rnnvlHinn
I. W. Teegarden and daughter, was almost iiUDOssible. where tVa mar-
When calling for any of the above
letters please say "advertised."
C. H. Smith, Postmaster.
The undersigned wish to announce to the K-ijle
of Plattsmouth and vicinity that they are pre
pared to
the PresDyterian Christian Endeavor
society was held last evening at the Jeanette, returned Friday from their I chant was guilty of breaking the rev
home of Miss Martin. If one I visit of several weeks in Indiana with enuo laws, for many of them held gov-
S. F. Girardet spent week with
calls to mind the baautiful evening, to
gether with the pleasant remembrance
of previous meetings held at this home.
it seems hardly worth while to state
that a large number were present.
The regular business was disposed of
as early as possible and the remainder
of the time taken up in games and
music. The company especially en
joyed the solo by Miss Gertrude
Fletcher and the instrumental music
by Hilt Wescott.
John Fowler, United States consul at
Che Foo, has been in the government
service ever since he became of age,
twenty-one years ago. He began as a
clerk in the Washington navy yards.
being two years later transferred to
ernmeut and slate licenses which were I the Tallipoosa, on which he remained
produced when trouble was about to I until the vessel was wrecked ia 1885.
Ioqalry A boot m Floater.
Coroner Gass received a letter today
from Mrs. Nancy Hartford of Genoa,
making inquiries in regard to the
floater found near the Missouri river
bridge at this place July 3. She wished
to know if the body had a small lump
about half the size of a hickorynut ou
the top of the head near tho crown, aud
also a small scar on tho right cheek.
The coroner has sent her a reply to
the effect that he and the jury made a
thorough investigation of the remains
of the dead man, and if the body had
the marks she described, they were not
noticed by them.
Are Knroute Home.
Eli Bussler has received a lotter from
his brothers, Albert and Edward, who
went to the Philippines with the
' Thirty-ninth regiment. The letter
says that they, in company with young
Searles and several others, have been
invalidated home, and are now enroute.
The boys have been confined in the
hospital at Manila for some time, and
it was thought best to permit them to
go home.
Surprised lljr Her Friends.
, A party of friends and neighbors
called at the home of Mrs. Joe Drucker,
" in the south part ' of town, yesterday
afternoon and gave her a neat sur
prise, it being Mrs. Drucker's birth
day. Refreshments were served and a
. general good time was enjoyed.
The following were present: Mes-
dames Otterstein, Itichter, M. Price,
. Fred Drucker, P. Madson and C.
Union Sunday School flrnlo.
" A UouftC unaay scnooi picnic . nas
been arrangj-i lhe Christian and
United PresbyterT3v!LbbalD 8choo,a
rt nf a ! 1 1 vTNnJjI in A. II.
v iuun a v auu ww ah i I . . . , . i . . .,, .
t u.XmiU. l8K"- " Pace "y win take a
.o.,uo : .
northeast of Murray on August 14.
Andrew Pittman was in town
from Nehawka.
Paul Groetschel returned yesterday
from his visit in Iowa.
II. C. McMaken made a trip to
Omaha on the fast mail.
Mrs. II. D. Travis was a passenger
for Lincoln this afternoon.
Frank J. Morgan was a business vis
itor in the metropolis today.
Miss Addie Smith has gone to Lin
coin for a short visit with relatives.
Mrs. J. M. Johns and daughter were
passengers this morning for Lincoln.
George L. Farley of The NkVS made
a business trip to Omaha this morning.
Mrs. Fred K uusman and little daugh
ter spent the day at Pacific Junction.
Mr. and Mr?. M. P. Fleming of Mur
ray were Plattsmouth visitors tody.
Judge S. M. Chapman was in Omaha
today looking after some legal busi
ness. Attorney James Manahan came in
from Lincoln this morning on legal
A. C. Tinker of Omaha rode down on
his wheel t(day. He was enroute to
Engineer Joe Lloyd went to Lincoln
this morning for a short visit with his
daughter and family.
E. W. Baughman ot the Uavelock
Times was in town today on business.
He made this oft Ice a pleasant call.
F. L. Mary aud wife of Lincoln re
turned home this morniug after a visit
in this city with the latter's parents,
William Neville and wife.
Mrs. A. II. Kuwitzky and children
of Nebraska City are in tho city visit
ing with the families of Harry Dickin
son and Mrs. Martin Houck.
Constable J. R Deuson returned last
evening from his trip to Kearney. He
reports his boy as getting along Cue,
and he was very favorably impressed
with the way the state reformatory
was manage!.
Hon. II. B. Windham and J. M
Patterson, accompanied by the for
mer's daughters, Kathlyn and Ellen,
expect to leave this evening for Chi-
friends and relatives in Nebraska City,
Tecumeh and Julian, returning Sat
urday night.
C. W. Kish has rented the opera
house, and hereafter will endeavor to
run it so that Weeping Water can
have some good shows.
The funeral services of Miss Mabel
Stoner, who died Friday afternoon of
lung trouble, occurred Sunday at the
Baptist church, R-jv. C C Cox otticiat-
Mr. and Mrs. Mike D ity, living
come. iNow the soldiers seem to pre
fer drinking beer on the military res
ervation to drinking whiskey in the
towns and there is not half the trouble
with drunkenness as formerly."
Ten years ago he was appointed consul
at Ning Poo, whence he was trans
ferred to Che Foo in 1896.
of all Mud, Toads, Fros, Snakes, or almost anything
that could get into a Cistern Removes all odors and
leaves the water pure and clean, so that it can le used
for drinking- and any other purjo,i without taking the
water from the cistern. Our ch arfe is 51.50 for cleaning-.
No money required until the work is done and if
you are not satisfied.
Rppaltllrans Knterlug I'poa the
p)en With Kuthuidaaui.
"RepuMicarife in all parts of Ne
braska are confident of carrying the
state this fall. They are entering1 into I
the campaign with a spirit and a dash
three miles northwest, are parents of a I tnal Cinnot fail to bring success," said j
new boy since last Friday. Also Mr. J Ernest M. Pollard of JSohawUa, prcsi-
and Mrs. Dow Critcliueld a pirl last
At the session of the B. V. 1. U. last
week, which was held in the city park.
the people were so enthusiastic over
this location that they voted to meet
hare again next year.
The urgent need of a hand stand that
will extend the full length of Main
street is quite apparent. 1 hen the
band can play a tune here and there
aud not slight auv of the firms. The
crowd, of course, follows the band.
The Bankers' Union of the World
picnic to bj held here August 10 prom
ises to Kbcure a crowd larger than any
previous like occasion. This will be
followed by another picnic in Soptem
bor, held by the Sons and Daughters
of Pro'ection. Lit them come, Woer-
ing Water can care for all of them.
Mr. Riney, who lives near Peoria,
III., and who is ownor of the farm on
dent of the Nebraska Republican
league. "Wo have announced that we
will establish a club, in every town in
the state and we have found all repub
licans so enthusiastic that I think this
will be possible. The republicans are
not entering the campaign in the half
hearted way of former 3'oars and I
have no doubt but that they will land
tho statu ticket.
"The roueh rider uniform has been
adopted for marching clubs and for
horsemen and is proving a great suc
cess, it is uracticallv the same uni
form the soldiers wore in Cub i and ia
boinjr used by republican clubs of Iowa
and Minnesota. The brown duck suit
and the rough rider hat make a very
picturesque uniform. In nearly all
tho smaller towns our clubs are
mounted. The young men in tho coun
try arc . taking great interest in the
campaign and are joining tho mounted
clubs in great numbers. Competent
FILE YOUR WANTS. It Oot Yon lVotliin:
We have done work for R. li. Windham, J. W. Johnson.
J. M. Patterson, C. K. Wescott, Fred S. M. Chap
man, Joe Klein, Mrs. Livingston, Henry Kikeiibary. Llia-.
Sag-e and many others in Plattsmouth.
Orders left at News office or at Sage's livery barn will re
ceive prompt attention.
(Special notices under this head will be charged
lor at the rate of one-hall (V&) cent per word
for each insertion. No notice accepted lor less
than ten cents.)
FOUND Near Happy Hollow, a "friendship
heart." Owner can recover same by paying
for this notice and describing property.
COK RENT Good house on Elm street.
quire of Mrs. Levings.
FOK SALE A tine single driver. See A. H.
Week bach.
FOK SALE A new surrey and a good sewing
machine. Inquire of W. L. Street.
sework. An
Louisville. Neb.
WANTED A girl for general hou
ply to Mrs- James Patterson. Lc
11 A N' TED Every one who desires a first-class
I. newspaper to subscribe tor The Evening
ui tmatil im due.
. !uurial rruvth.
M.T.r rails to Htor Or
Hur to ita Youthful Color.
Cium e.ip mm a tsauqf.
Robert B. Windham
Itnbllilied 17.1.
News, the leading daily of the city
cents per week.
Only 10
p PILLS :fHl
L .For Bilious and Nervous Disorders, such aa LJ
L .'" ndlr'ain in the Stomach, Sick Headache, Z
f Uiddmess, Fulness and Swelling after mcals.Dii- 1
r, " - i.wuci,vHa v.miis, riusmatsor :
neat. Loss of AnDttirr. Shnrtn.of .
tho frequent caum of Appendfrllle .no. manr uthr
lou. Ilia ahould oarer ba nes'lei't.-d. TliautvUun to tha
unial eatnartlo ramediee I. their coatl.e rwaciliui w ht h
lncrna... conatlpatloa Instead of curing It. fAkkKK H
UINUKK To.MU la toe proper remedy. It a-L on Uio
Liver, and when qom! aa direrted. tMrtuaiMntl vmuuh
tho vonaUpaUuo. M eta. A SXtM at aU lru-g-lata,
which Fred Everett lives, arrived last I drill in ister are at work and by the
week, accompanied by a contractor, time tho first rallies are hold thou-
Mr. Brig-gs. Mr. Ilmey will build a I sands of rough ridors will he ready to
area mnnppn hoimn nnil f!n hn-n nn I i.tin in 1m ..n ,1 ..a "
" - - " " ' " . . j r.l. . 1 1 . I lJ Ul ItUl Oi
his place and hid son will come out
tivencss. Blotches on the Skin. Disturbed ieep. 1
m (imiui urciuu, ana an nervous ana Trembl
ing Sensations, etc. These ailments all arise
from a disordered or abused condition f ii
stomach and liver.
Bmocham'm Rlllm. taken as directed .ill
quiciiy restore remaies to complete health. They
For anyone wiahinf? to buy good
city property.
G. C. Covalt, who owna a fine piece of
. uum ty restore remaies to complete health. They 1 , , , , .
P promptly remove any obstruction or irregularity 1 residence property two blocks aouth of
rtu. Digest,... Lha Turlington shop, wi.hes to r-
other Sabbath schools in the commun
. ity are . invited to attend. The pro
; gram will be published next week.
Try The News a'week-
steamer for Hay View and Petaaka.two
well known pleasure resorts. They
wTihiAejJOhe for several weeks.
-TraOips Keep Oft) cars Busy.
. The number of crippled and dis
abled tramps who came to town today
was unusually large. One of them car
ried crutches, another moved about
with the aid of canes and another
asked for assistance on account of the
fact that ha had onlv one arm. IMar-
they the finest Havana 5 cent cigars in ehal Slater ; took them in charge, to
tha western market, but every smoker gether with several others.and showed
huuwb ii.. " f"" them the shortest way out of town.
Buds cigars. Their merit aud reputa- The one-armed man was otherwise dis-
tion sell them. abled and the county commissioners
If you know anything new call No. were prevailed upon to furnish him
85. ; - . " ' transportation to Omaha'.
, To Retail Cigar Dealers.
Do you know what a Buds cigar is?
If you don't ydu will soon be obliged
to find out because your customers will
be 'asking for them. Not only are
next spring and farm. Mr. Everett
has a farm in Western Nebraska and
will move on it in the spring.
It looks as if the boxers were going
to drive the missionaries out of Weep
ing Water. Last weok tho Baptists
had a stormy session. Tho pastor.
Rev. C. C Cox.sent in his resignation;
Thursday night he withdrew it; a
heated discussion took place. One
member was on the point of hitting an
other, when he received an oyc-closer
that makes his face look real bad.
After church several of the boy mom-
x no u,ijinger Hardware lo. has a
full line of pumps and is now prepared
to do pump work of all descriptions.
Low Kates to Colorado anil Utah Offered
. Ity the lttirllngtou Koute.
On August" .ind 1, and on Septem
ber 4 and IS, tho Burlington will sell
round trip tickets to Denver, Puob'o,
Colorado Springs, Ogden, .Salt Lake
City, Dead wood and Hot Springs for U
one fare plu $2.
Tickets sold at tho.-;e remarkably low
Headache, Disordered Liver, etc.
they act like nitric a few doses will work won
ders upon the Vital Orfans ; Strengthening the
Muscular System, restorina the inmt.lnn rV.
plexion, bringing back the keen edge of Appetite,
and arousing m ith the itommbuJ a MmmHtm
thm wrhoJm thymic ml mnmrgy of the human
frame. For throwing off fevers they are specialty
renowned. These are " facts " admitted by thou
sands, in all classes of society, and one of the
best guarantees to the Nervous and Debilitated
is thst Bmmchmm'm Plllm hmvm thm
Lmrgmmt Smlm of mny Pmtmnt MmZl
clnm In thm WpridT Thi. him Tjm
mchlmvmd without thm ttublimmtlmm
of tmmtlmonlmfm. thm fmctStinathmt
Beechsm s Pills have for many year beea the
popular family medicine wherever the Fn.ii.h
r language is spoken, and tbey now stand without
a rival.
10 cents and 25 rent. A-..m ..
Annual sale S OUO.000 boxes.
g stores. j
bors laid for the bf.xer, bu he sent for rates will be good t.i return till Oc-
the night watch to escort him home
Next day the boxer saw one of the lads
that was after him, and a fight ensued
The boxer whipped him, but got a
black eye for his trouble. When you
see a man with a black eye you know
he is a Baptist. The end is not yet,
but the minister will probably con
clude to try other fields.
Ice cold soda Atwood's drug store.
A Very Bad Idea and Imposition.
Cipar manufacturers think that any
old thing in the shape of a cigar is
good enough to sell over a saloon bar.
But that is not the case with Pepper
berg's products. The only 5 cent cigar
having a merited reputation and fit to
smoke are Fepperberg's Bicycle Club
and Buds 5 cent cigars and El Boca
10 cent cigars.
Old papers for sale at this office 10
cents per hundred.
There are no better pills made than
DdWitt's Little Early Risers. Al
ways prompt and certain. F. G Fricke
&. Co.
tober 31.
The nearest agent of the Burlington
route will be pleased to tell you the
cost of a ticket and to help you plan!
your trip. Descriptive literature free
on application.
iirst church of Christ (Scientist)
will hold service Sunday at 11 o'clock.
Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock.
Heading room open Tuesday and Fri
day from 2 to 4 in Fitzgerald block.
Cheap Kates to C hlcago.
Tho Burlington has otfered one fare
for the round trip (12.7-ri) from Platts
mouth to Chicago, August 24 to 7 in
clusive on account of the annual en
campment of the Grand Army of the
The return limit on these tickets is I
September 1, subject to extension to
September 30.
The nearest agent of the Burlington
route will be pleased to give you addi
tional information ab ut rates, dates.
baggage and train service.
C. A. Marshall, Dentist.
Spring and Summer
If you have not yet
purchased your Spring" or
Summer Suit, call and
gfive us a chance to show
you our fine line of samples
and quote you prices.
Garments made in our
shop are always in the
latest style and
We Guarante a
Good Fit Evary Time.
HudeGek & McElrou
Rock wood Block.
move from the city. He desires to dis
pose of his property as soon as ponaible
and, in order to do so, will sell the
place cheap. There is
A Fine
Four-Room House
oh uie piace in gooa repilr also a
Bummer kitchen with a cool cellar,
brick bottom and cemented ceiling;
two quarter-acre lots, containing tte
Fifty pear trees.
Six cherry trees.
Twelve apple trees,
Twelve plum treec.
Two apricot trees,
Hundred and forty grap? vine.
Sixty gooseberry b'ishe.
Thirty currant tuhe,
(Nearly all bearing fruit)
Plenty of raspberries; Ug crop of po
tatoes, sweet corn, peas, beatis, encum
bers, etc.
Crop is worth fully 2t)0. Thi it a
bargain, and no mistake.
For terme and further inform it ion,
call on G. C. COVALT, or at N kws
Commercial, Prolate and Real
ICstate Law, SicciaUies.
Titles Kxiimined. C'orr.-( t,-.l and Ab
stract I'urnl-hed l itrm and t'lty
l'rterty lmi;.'ht. S.ll nr,, i;,.
changed If you v. in I to sell,
Following are a f.-w of the f arj'iin
wo are nlforing:
Or.e 4 loom C,,tiaEe. t0 lot
Oue 5 room Cottage, one Ut .. .
One i room Cottar, oue l.t . ..
lue 4 room llikk Cottage, oue 1
Two 3 room Cottages, tlnre !ot-.
One 6-room Cottage. I1, lot
Oue M-riii Cottage. to l.ti
t 'ne 1 room Coltagr. t v , ...
4"l I
IS) ar re, improvr J. do e in
10 a re, iiiiprovr I. r lose In
"' j ai rc5. iinpria veI. at V" a te i
41 acre, linprovr l. at f prr ai re -1. 1
SKl, Ser. town IJ. t.tue I.I
l'i a( rr. vtith i-ottage au I fiu:t.
atrei. H I Jc ici
Also otliet tasH county lau.ii
ll ai res. inipi ove.l. iu Marl io County
WU ariri. imoiovr I. in l. .g ,n county
tt a les. impioset
lor ca5h
4"'airei of Tcnn-ee
city or town .roL.tty.
1 iu
.- .u
in Wl ec!n c .iii.ty. ;!.
enn rhow you m-inv other
tunitio! for iovimtrneiit. '
Take a Ride
For your health. A little fresh
air may save a doctor bill. I have
tine single and double rigs.
J. W. SACI5,
Plattsmouth 'Phone 87. Nebraska 'Phone 4
Sixth mud Pearl Streets.
To P1TEIT Good Mm
may be secured by
our aaU. Addreaa,
arUmora. M4.
Plnltsniouth Coal Yard
-is j,m: r'i.At;i: i ur;y
fc- d
tlar, Jirn, (Jit- nl -t I Klnrti. of V
(Jmtinl!y on Hm,,.
rtfiirii -Mfi V A I. V
RaMcrlpuaaa t ri Pataat Record tl.ukt pj
Bookmeyer's Cigars
PURO. ioc
. - ... -