Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, July 17, 1900, Image 2

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The Semi-Weekly News-Herald
6EORGE L. FARLEY, Proprietor.
One Year, in advance, t5 00
Six Months, 2 50
One Week
Single Copies, . . 5
One Year, in advance, .... tl 00
Six Months, 50
Of any Cass County Paper.
TUESDAY, JULV 17, 1900.
Ask the fuaioniats how they like the
stale ticket.
Why not give Dietrich at least 500
majority in this county.
THERE are 30,000 Christian Endeav
orers in convention in London.
W. D. BYNi'M of Indiana says the
gold domocraU will not place a na
tional ticket in the field.
THE prohibitionists havo put a full
state ticket in the field. I.. O. Jones
of Lincoln is their candidate for ?ov
ernor. Mr. Bryan's talk of tho republic
ans doing away with the Fourth of
July is too funny. It makes his most
ardent admirers 6miio.
Republicans feel that if they can
not defeat Governor Poynter they
couldn't win at all this year. He ie
conceded by all parties to be extremely
weak. m
OF THE fusion presidential electors
four are populists, three are democrats
and one a silver republican. They
will support the Bryan and Stevenson
Thkodoue Roosevelt expects to
spend a considerable time in the west
during the.campaign,and has promised
to give Nebraska aa much of his time
as possible.
THE Bee says: Ever since the Kan
sas City convention when a populist
"endorses a democratic nomination he
makes a face like a man taking a dose
of cod liver oil.
The republicans will establish head
quarters at both Chicago and New
York. Perry S. Ileaih will succeed
Charles P. Dick as secretary of the na
tional committee.
The supreme court has found Editor
Rose water guilty of contempt, but no
fine was inuiosed except the costs in
the case, amounting to $21. Judge
Holcomb wrote the opinion.
Secretary Furnas ys- a -lively
4T " ,'nterest is boing manifested in the
.,'r, Mi ---&Ka"Sr Talr, to be held at Lln-
- coin September 3 to V, inclusive. Ex
hibitors from all over the country are
writing for information and pledging
D. D. Martindale, a former county
superintendent of this county, was
prominent candidate for state super
intendent on the fusion ticket, the con
test finally being between him and the
present deputy superintendent, C. i
Beck of Burt county.
The Seward Reporter asks: "What
does it profit a presidential candidate
to have his convention meet on the
Fourth of Julv. if his nomination is
not brought about until the fifth? Mr
Bryan cannot pose as the Independ
ence Day'nominee.
W. D. Oi.ihiaji of Buffalo county
candidate for attorney general, is the
only democrat on the state ticket, and
one of our lending democratic aitor
neya is authority for the statemen
that he does not stand high in the
legal profession, having had very few
cases in our supreme court.
The democrats are quite sore today
but when they come to themselves and
realize that it is all for Bryan's sake
and that if he is elected they may
again have an opportunity to shoot
fire crackers and otherwise celebrate
the Fourth, the most of them will be
willing to carry wood and waier for
the reform governor.
Chief Slater and his assistants
are entitled to special praise for
promptly putting a stop to the pro
posed prize fight planned for last even
ing. Ii was extremely nervy on the
part of its promoters to attempt to
have anything of the kind in this city
after the experience of a few years ago,
which resulted in the death of one of
our young men.
Ik the republican party have threat
ened the perpetuity of the Fourth of
July, it is to be hoped that it will take
no action that will interfere io the
slightest degree with the annual
Modern Woodmen of America log roll
ing particularly this year since it is
to be held In this city. We want to
have the largest gathering ever held
in Cass county.
Matthew Gerixo can toll you all
about the convention and the beauties
of fusion. He is about as disgusted as
a man usually gets and ha isn't afraid
to say so. Appreciating the necessity
of having astrong candidate for gover
nor and realizing Mr. Poynter's many
weaknesses ho. made a strong plea in
the democratic convention for their
demanding that place on the ticket,
but the populists wouldn't consider the
proposition for a second. The unpop
ular governor has a thorny road to
As the members are, so is the body.
Then as the states are, so will be the
United States. The states of Missis
sippi, Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia,
Florida and the Carolinas have enacted
state laws disfranchising thousands
upon thousands of negroes. Is not
this imperialism? Yet the democratic
party proclaims "vre declare again
that all government and institutions
among men derive their just powers
from the consent of the governed."
Since the only evidence of imperialism
extant in this country is to be found in
the democratic solid south the only
logical conclusion that can be reached
is that the aforesaid declaration Is in
tended for the solid south; if not so in
tended, then it is a bold deception and
The republican party cane into ex
istence at a timo when imperialism
was abroad in the land, and a republi
can administration, with Abe Lincoln
at its head, gave up the lives of hun
dreds of thousands of its noble sons to
stamp out imperialism in our beloved
country, and again and more recently
republican administration, with
William McKinley at its head, lifted
its hand to strike imperialism from
the neighboring islands and the isl
ands afar off.
If this declaration of the democratic
party is intended to wipe out the last
remnants of imperialism from those
states of the solid south and give to
the negro his civil and political rights,
then they have the pledge of the past
history of the republican party for a
(iod spoed. Hut if they havo used it
to deceive the people they will find
this same republican party true to it9
past history diligent in thwarting
and exposing the fraud.
The Kansas City platform again de
clares that "wo hold that the constitu
tion follows the tl ig, and denounce the
doctrine that an executive or congress,
deriving- their existence and their
powers from the constitution, can ex
ercise lawful authority beyond it or in
violation of it." This declaration is
certainly a misconception, being pro
mulgated at this time. It evidently
was meant to attacK the administra
tion of Thomas Jefferson, when Andrew
Jackson, as governor general of the
Floridas, declared in the case of
EW-pius Fromentin that "the writ of
habeas corpus is not extended by law
to this territory (Florida.)" This was
a case in which one's civil liberty was
apparently endangered. However, the
constitution of the United States has
made it quite clear as to the powers of
congress regarding any territorj' bo-
longing to the general government,
Article 4, section 3, says: "The con
gross shall have power to dispose of
and make all needful rules asd regula
tions respecting the territory or other
property of the United States.,r
act of the present administration in
the government of "tho acquired terri
tory lias instituted any new principle,
and has precedents made by tho sev
eral administrations jOf the venerated
presidents and eohgrtsses of tho
earlier days of our country that have
been closely followed.
Thus we find that the conglomerate.
inconsistent democratic party, without
issues, is forced to such declarations
for deceptive and fraudulent purposes.
The plank on the Porto Itiftan tariff
law is a model of ignorance, misrep
resentation, deception and inconsis
toncy. It is true tho democratic minor
ity opposed this bill, but the only
thine this minority did in the last
session of congress was to clog th
wheels of legislation.
Tho same argument is now used by
this conglomerate democracy in re
gard to l'orto Rico and our acquired
territory, viz: I hat the constitution
of itself extends to all the territor3 of
the United States, was usod by the
slave owners, and caused civil war in
Kansas and terminated in the great
civil war. The stiodding of tho blood
of our millions settled that question
and settled it forever. A to those weak
brothers so far driven to despair for
issues that they are ready to overthrow
the work done by the boys in blue
God forgive them; they know not what
they do.
Article 4, section 3 of the constitu
tion having confer rod upon congress
the "power to dispose of and make all
needful rules and regulations respect
ing the territory or other property be
longing to the United States," the
conditions existing in Porto Rico made
"needful" the passage of that tariff
law. Of the 1,000,000 inhabitants of
the island about 800,000 can neither
read nor write, nor do they own prop
erty. To met the emergencies of es
tablishing a local government for these
people, giving them public schools,
public road, proper sanitary conditions
would require about $4,000,000. Two
methods of taxation present them
selves one by a. direct tax, the other
a tariff. A direct tx on these jeople
was not feasible for the following rea
sons: Tho taxable valuation of all
property in the hands of tho Porto
Ricansdid not exceod $100,000,000,with
an indebtedness of above $20,000,000
hanging over them, and by tho hurri
cane of tho Sth of last August their
crops had been destroyed, and the inl
anders were in a sad condition. The
previous crops being in the hands of
American corporations and speculat
ors the congress placed a 15 per cent
tariff upon imports and exports a
tariff sufficient to raiso about $2,000,
000 per year. This money goes to the
establishment of a local government
in the island and the building up of a
public school system, public roads and
caring for the helpless and starving
islanders. It will be observed from
the fact that suits were immediately
instituted by the American Sugar Re
fining company (American Bugar
trust,) Lawrence, Turnure & Co., John
Farr, Melchor, Armstrong & Dessan,
L. W. and P. Armstrong and Miller,
Schall & Co. that congress was correct
in its conclusion that the crops were in
the hands of the corporations and
speculators. Upwards of a million of
dollars has already been turned into
the Porto Rican treasury. This act of
congress should meet the npproval of
every true American. . It certainly
falls within the spirit of the constitu
tion and within the spirit of the dec
laration of independence and within
the divine commands of the holy book,
and higher than these there are none.
The Tecumseh Chieftain says: The
democratic press seems to enjoy re
ferring to "Colonel" Bryan as though
his military record formed a chapter
in the nation's history. But in re
ferring to Colonel Roosevelt they speak
of him as a "tin" soldier. Most people
have not forgotten how Colonel Bryan
abandoned his regiment when it was
known tho command was to be sent to
Cuba for military service nor how
valiantly Colonel Roosevelt led his
troops in tho storming of San Juan hill
and was tho important factor in tho
capturo of that Spanish stronghold.
The democrats display poor taste in
forcing Mr. Bryan's military record to
the front, and less sense in attempting
to belittle the recird of Colonel Roose
velt, than which no odiccr in tho late
war has a better one.
The year 1900 is not far away. Be
fore that year- arrives the evil effects
of a gold standard will be even more
evident than they are now. and the
people, then ready to demand an
American financial policy for the
American people, will join with us in
the immediate restoration of the free
and unlimited coinage of gold and sil
ver at the present legal ratio of 10 to
1, without waiting for the aid or con
sent of any other nation. Bryan after
his defeat in 1S9G.
C. C. Puoii of Adel, la., a relative
of C. It. Marshall of this city, in an
article in the Chicago Record, pays a
glowing tribute to tho character and
work of Edwin U. Conger, United
States minister to China, and who, it
is feared, has been killed in tho re
cent uprising in that country. Mr.
Conger is very popular in Iowa, and
especially so in Dallas county, where
he resided so long. Its citizens are
anxiously awaiting news from tho Chi
nese capital.
THE sudden death of Senator John
ti. uear in Washington is quite a
shock to the citizens of Iowa. He has
served them faithfully in one position
or another for forty years and en
joyed the respect and confidence of
not only the people of his own state
hut of all with whom became in con
tact. His standing among his associ
alo3 in congress and his record in pub
lic servico are indeed enviable and
should be an inspiration to every loyal
Democ rats freely admit this to be
tho last year of , fusion and many of
them are of. the opinion that it would
bo just as well for them to have the
state offices in the hands of republi
cans as populists. They reason that
if the populists continue to hold the
oftces after they quit fus?ng the demo
cratic party will have to take third
piace instead of second, consequently
it may be to their interest in the
future to see that the populists are de
posed. The El ra wood Week's Review has
breathed its last. Its editor, Orlando
M. Haislet, announced in Saturday's
issue that he would move his plant to
Ocd, Neb., having purchased an in
terest In the Times of that nourishing
town. The Week's Review has been
a bright, newsy little weekly, but
there has been no particular demand'
for a second paper in Elmwood. The
Leader-Echo fills tho bill all right.
Ralph Platt, son of Mayor Piatt
of Grand Island, is home from Minila
on a visit and states in no uncertain
terms that ho thinks it better for both
this country and the Filipinos that the
Uuited States retain absolute control
of tCe islands. Otherwise tho natives
would be forever warring among them
selves, Everybody seems to bo happy to
day on account of the fine rain. It was
worth thousands to Cass county.
information and opinion.
Bornard Cooney of Derby, Conn.,
inspired by notoriety acquired by
"Bowser" in shooting the whirlpool
rapids at Niagara, yesterday essayed
to rival him by shooting the Housato
nic rapids in a wash tub. Cooney hit
every rock in the river and his tub
was knocked to pieces. He was pull
ed out of the river below the rapids
unconscious and full of water. An
hour over a barrel brought hira back
to life.
A corporation has applied to con
gress for permission to lay under
ground pipes in the streets of Wash
ington, D. C, for the purpose of dis
tributing cool air through the busi
ness buildings and residences of the
city. Tho scheme provides for tho
erection of a. refrigerating plant at
some central point, from which cold
air will bo pumped for distribution
through the system of pipe?. Tho
flow of cold air will be regulated in a
manner somewhat similar to the
measurement of gas, and can bo turned
on the same a-) hot air is turned on
from a furnace.
A rlfla range of 1,100 yards is to be
erected near Gettys station, Ports
mouth, V., on the Seaboard Air Line
railroad. It is to be built expressly
for the marines stationed at the navy
yard, who will this summer take turns
at the target. It is the intention to
make expert marksmen of the men, so
that they will . become as proficient in
the uso of fire arms as their brethren
in the army.
Wu Ting Fang, Chinese minister to
the United States, regretfully recalled
his promise to deliver the oration at
the Fourth of July exercises in Inde
pendence Square, Philadelphia, be
cause of the feeling among Philadel-
phians growing out of the affairs in
The board of naval construction has
decided to recommend to the navy de
partment the purchase of the submar
ine torpedo boat known as tho" Im
proved Holland," the disposition of
which was left open by Secretary Long
when he bought the Holland.
If your sight is blurred with specks
and spots floating before your eyes, or
you have pains on the light side under
the ribs, then your liver is deranged,
and you noed a few doses of Herbine
to regulate it. Price 50 cts. F. (J.
Fricko &, Co.
WAXTi:i) TO SKIS 1516 Y AX
Traveling Men I'lny a Juke on the Fuslon-
Ists of. Pierce.
The followiug dispatch from Pierce,
Nob., is taken from the State Journal:
"Tho citizens of this town were
greatly surprised last night when a
boy came up from tho depot and said
that W. J. Jiryaa was coming on the
ovemng freight and would address the
people nt tho depot platform. Tho
fusionists were very glad at having an
opportunity to hear tho "champion of
the common people" and when the
whistle announced tho coming of tho
train thoy all made a rush for the
depot The republicans went also to
see what Mr. Bryan would say. When
tho train had stopped a number of
traveling men came out on tho flat car
and sang a song. Then they called
for the spoaker. He came out and as
suming the air and gesture of Bryan
he said: "I am aware that I know it
all and that you are ignorant." Then
he shoutf-d "free silver"and the crowd
yelled. While they cheered the
speaker would stretch forth his hand
us if to still the demonstration. Then
he shouted "trusts," which called forth
renewed cheering. Turning toward
tho caboose door the speaker said:
"Come out Mr. Bryan, here is a man
who wants to be secretary of the in
terior." Then speaking to the crowd
he said, "Come and greet your farmor
friend." It was amusing to the repub
licans, especially so when tho travel
ing men all pave three cheers for Mc
Kinley, to seo tho fusionists take a
walk around the back end of the depot.
One of the traveling men afterwards
said they made up the telegram and
sent it to the ngent hero "
State of Ohio, City of Toledo, I
Lucas County, f
Frank (.Cheney makes oath that he is the
senior partner of the tirni of F. J. Cheney & Co.,
iloini; business in the city of Toledo, county and
stale aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the
sum of One Hundred Dollars lor each and every
case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by tbe use
ol Hall s Catarrh Cure.
Frank J. Cheney.
- Sworn to twfori. me atvl subscribed in my
presence this tith day of lWembcr, A. D. ISSrt.
A. V. lil.EASON.
(Seal) Notary Public.
Hall's Caarv Cure is taken internally and
acts directly on the bliHid and surfaces of the
system, send tor testimonials, tree.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Trledo. O.
tSSold by drutiKists. 75c.
Hall's Family Fills are the best.
It is proposed in England to substi
tute papier mache for canvass for ofii
cers' mosses, canteens, etc., in home
camps, which are always at tho mercy
of high A-inds. The price of a building.
well lighted and ventilated and
draught proof, is $1,020, while tho fit
tings bring up tho cost to $1,350. In
each but ten men sleep, take their
food, and in wot weather enjoy their
indoor recreation without overcrowd
ing. Tho huts are designed to suit all
weathers. They can be tmilt in three
hours and taken to pieces in half the
If tho predispositr6ti 10 worms in
children is not cured they may become
emaciated, weakly and in danger of
convulsions. Whito's Cream Vermi
fuge is the most successful and popu
lar remedy. Price 25c. F. G. Fricke
& Co.
The democrats attack the trusts with
a feather duster.
The "paramount issue" with demo
crats is control of the pie counter.
What was the matter with the in
come tax? Is it no longer an issue?
God savo this republic, if its salva
tion rests with tho democratic party!
Like Prometheus, the democratic
party is chained to tho rock of coin
Bryan declares the republic cannot
survive his defeat. Wonder what size
hat ho wears?
Charley Towne, the democratic do-
coy duck, was turned down at Kansas
City, Good enough for him!
Wo repeat, Towno was nominated at
Sioux Falls to fill in the time between
May 9th and July 4ih.
In tho future, if any populist pro
poses fusion with oilher of tho old
parties, shoot him (politically) on the
Tho democratic party failed to con
demn the shotgun, ballot-box-stuffing
imperialists of tho south. They were
too busy sympatizing with the semi
savages of the Philippines.
A gentleman-recently cured of dys
pepsia gave tho following appropriate
rendering of Burns' famous blessing:
"Some have moat and can not eat, and
some have none that want it; but .we
bave meat and we can eat, Kodol Dy
spepsia Cure be thanked." This pre
paration will digest what you eat It
instantly relieves and radically cures
indigestion and all stomach disorders.
F. G. Fricke & Co
One Minute Cough Cure is tbe only
harmless remedy that produces im
mediate results. Try it. F. G. Fricke
& Co. ' j
Supreme Court Decides the RoMwtlir
Contempt Cm.
Speaking of the Rose water contempt
case, which for sometime has been
warmly contested in the supreme
court, the State Journal says:
"Guilty of contempt was the decis
ion of the supreme court Friday in the
case against toward Rosewater ol
Omaha. Last month the court found
Mr. Rosewater's company guilty of
contempt of court and imposed a fine
of $500. Tn the separate case against
Mr. Rosewater the decision was not
given Friday at the close of a special
of a special session of the court. While
Mr. Rosewater is found guilty no fine
is imposed save the payment of the
costs which amount to $21. In view
of the fine against his company and
the fact that it was his first offense the
court said it did not desire to impose
further punishment. The articles pub
lished by Rosewater related to an at
tempted reopening of the Omaha fire
and police in the supreme court After
the articles were written the court
passed upon the matter and declined
to reopen the case, it having been
passed upon by a previous court. Judge
Norval took no part in the contempt
proceedings except to sign the order
citing Mr. Rosewater to appear and
show cause why he should not be pun
ished for contempt.
"Judge Holcomb wrote the opinion
in the Rosewater case and Judge Sul
livan wrote the opinion in the case of
tho Bee Publishing company."
White Man Turned Yellow.
Great consternation was felt by the
friends of M. A.Hogarty of Lexington,
Ky., when they saw he was turning
yellow, His skin slowly changed color,
also his eyes, and he suffered terribly.
His malady was Yellow Jaundice. He
was treated by tbe best doctors, but
without benefit. Then he was advised
to try Electric Bitters, the wonderful
stomach and Liver remedy, and he
writes: "After taking two bottles I
was wholly cured." A trial proves its
matchless merit for all stomach, liver
and kidney troubles. Only 50c. Sold
by F. G. Fricke & Co., druggists.
Wai Neatly Surprised.
The home of Mrs. A. Smith near
Rock Bluffs was the scene Wednesday
evening of a very pleasant surprise
party in honor of her grandson, Floyd
Chalfant, who on that day reached bis
twentieth birthday anniversary. It
was a very agreeable surprise to him
when a large number of his friends
called and announced their intention
of helping him celebrate that import
ant event.
The young folks enjoyed themselves
at various social amusements, and be
fore the jolly crowd dispersed for their
homes they expressed their hopes that
Floyd would live to celebrate many
more birthdays.
The Appetite of a 6ot
Is envied by all poor dyspeptics
whose stomach and liver are out of
order. All such should know that Dr.
King's New Life Pills, the wonderful
stomach and liver remedy, gives a
splendid appetite, sound digestion and
a regular bodily habit that insures
perfect health and great energy.
Only 25c, at F. G. Fricke & Co's drug
25 Cents to 1901.
The big state paper, the Semi
Weekly State Journal, will bo mailed
from until January 1, 1901, for 25
cents. This is the biggest offer of
reading matter ever made in tbe west
and done for the purpose of introduc
ing the paper into thousands of new
homes. Here's your chance to get an
up to date, reliable state paper for a
mere song. Send in your quarter and
you'll get the paper all through the
remainder of this year. Address the
State Journal, Lincoln, Neb.
BucnANAN,Mich.,May 22. Genesee
Pure Food Co., Le Roy, N. Y. Gen
tlemen: My mamma has been a great
coffee drinker and has found it very in
jurious. Having used several pack
ages of your GRAIN-O. the drink that
takes the place of coffee, she finds it
much better for herself and for us
children to drink. She has given up
coffee drinking entirely. We use a
package of Grain-O every week. I am
ten years old. Yours respectfully,
Fannie Williams.
The holds both maker and circulator
of a counterfeit equally guilty. The
dealer who sells you a dangerous coun
terfeit of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve
risks ysur life to make a little larger
profit. You cannot trust hira. DeWitt's
is the only genuine and original Witch
Hazel Salve, a well known cure for
piles and all kinds of skin diseases.
See that your dealer gives you De
Witt's Salve. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Notice is hereby given to the public
that my wife, Hanna, having left my
bed and board, I shall not b respons
ible for any debts of her contracting.
Chakles K Stkoy.
Mold e Nteaiuer.
The News reyrets to state that as a
naval station Nebraskt City is liable
to lapse into a state of inocuous des
uitude and it may be some time before
we arouse from our lethargy. Ad
miral Carl Morton will lose epulauttes,
Commodore Nelson will throw away
his field glasses, while Captain Mike
Bauer will sit on the river bank aod
in melancholy brood over the days
when the defensive fleet of Nebraska
City plied the waters of the muddy
Missouri. The reason of all this is be
cause the steamer Mike Bauer has
been sold to the Frankenfield Sand
and Fuel Company of Kansas City and
is to be delivered at once.
The M. Bauer has been here for
several years, used as an excursion
boat, but now will be used as a 'sand
boat. Wo are sorry to sea It go.
Nebraska City News.
A sallow, jaundiced skin is a symptom
of disordered liver, as It springs from
biliary poisons retained In the blood,
which destroy energy, cheerfulness.
strength, vigor, happiness and life.
Her bi ue will restore the natural func
tions of the liver. Price 50 cts. F. G.
Fricke & Co.
Co5 Crta, jjq H m.tnf CURE
A New Discovery for the Certain Cure of INTERNAL and
JJ152ES F. BALLARD, Sole Proprietor, - 3!0 North Main Street, ST. LOUIS, WO.
F. G. Fricke & Co.
Reliability in Vehicles,,
Road and Spring Wagons.
See our Racine Buggies the best niamifncturcil. Wo luiy our
bupfgies in large lots and get them at -the right figures. We
also sell them reasonable.
Hand -Made Hor n ess
Genuine Oak-Tanned Leather.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
For 20 Yosrs lias Led all Worm Remedies.
'Star" tin tags (showing small stars print on xmdor eilo of
tag). "Horse Shoe," "J. T.," "Good Luck," "Cross How," and
" Drummond " Natural Loaf Tin Tags aro of equal valuo in K-ur-lng
presents mentioned below, ami may lo assorted. Kvery man,
woman and child can find something on tho list that they would
like to have, and can have
I Match Box. -
t Knife, one blade, good Keel 25
S BclMora, H fncbee 25
4 Child's Set. Knife. Fork end Spoon 25
9 Salt and Pepper Set, one eacb, quad
ruple plate on wblte metal SO
French Briar Wood Pipe 25
7 Basor. hollow ground, fine English
ateel SO
Batter Knife, triple plate, beat quality 60
t Sugar SheU, triple plate, best quality 60
10 Stamp Box, sterling sllrer 70
II Knife, Keen Kutier," two blades. 75
11 Butcher Knife, Keen Kutter," 8-ln
Made. 75
U Shears, Keen K utter" 8-lncb 75
Is Nat Set, Cracker and licks, sllrer
15 Base Ball, Association," bent quality.
16 Alarm Clock, nickel 150
17 Six Genuine Rogers' Teaspoons, beet
plated goods. ISO
18 Watch, nickel, stem wind and set '
l Canrera. good steel, buckborn bandles.iMO
t0 Six Genuine Rogers' Table Spoona,
best plated goods 250
il Six each, Knires and Forks, buckborn
bandies 25U
ITBEAR IS IVIIXD that a dime' worth of
will last leaser and aflard more pleasure than a dlme'n worth of nny
other brand.
:fcvg.A.XrE3 Till TEST!
Send tags to CONTINENTAL TOI5 ACCO CO., St. Louis, Mo.
The Platte
til 1 V 111 tl U
Is again prepared to do a
general ferrying business.
Teams will be crossed at
all times
His boats will be found near
the Burlington's Platte
River Bridge.
$500 REWARD.
W swill dsv the above reward for any case ol
Liver complaint. Dyspepsia. Sick Headache.
Indigestion, Constipation or Cottiveness wecan-
not cure with Liverita. the Cp-to-l)ate Kittle
Liver Fill, when the directions are strictly com
plied with. They are purely Vegetable, and
never fail to give satisfaction. Z'tc boxes contain
100 pills, 10c boxes contain 40 pills, 5c boxes con
tain 15 pills. Beware of substitutions and imita
tions. Sent by mail. Stamps taken. Nr.KVITA
MEDICAL CO.. cor. Clinton and Jackson. ts.,
Chicago. 111. Sold by F 6. Fricke 4 Co.
Aside from tbe serious inconvenience
and pain caused by piles, there id a
tendency to fistula and to cancer in tbe
rectal regions. Piles houli not be
allowed to run on unchecked. Tab-
ler's Buckeye Pile Ointment is an in
fallible remedy. Price, 50 cents a bot-
tie, tubes 75 cts. F. G. Fricke & Co.
C. A. Uanhall, Dentist.
M,st in Ojinntity. t in
.if TAOH.
22 Six each, 0nnlne Ingrs' TTnfVf an.l
Korku, best pla!d tf'xxls WW
23 Clock, -dv. Calendar, Thermometer,
Barometer 5"U
it film rmte. L ather, no Ixtfter made Zn
5 Revolver, automatic, double action Si
or 3s calllier
26 Tool Set. not playthings, but renl tol CJi
27 Toilet Set, decorated porcelain, very
handsome 0
20 Remington Rifle No. 4, 23 or 32 ralllter mi
SW W'bU:Ii. Sterling Bllver. full Jewelef .I0W
30 Irens Suit Case, leather, handsome
and lui able louu
51 Sewing Machine, first class, with all
attm:hiiietits WO
52 Revolver, Colt's, S-callber, blued
steel lr"0
53 Rifle, Colt's, Hi shot, 2i-calller I'"0
31 (iultar i Washliuru i, rosewood, luliilil 2""
35 Mandolin, very lisndewmie 'Jv
OH Winchester lCepeallng bhot Gun, 12
gU(te 2CU)
S7 Remington, dotiMe-bnrrel, hammer
Shot Gun, 10 or 12 gauge
38 Bicycle, standard make, ladles or
gents 2W0
29 Shot Gun, Remington, double-barrel,
hamtnerless :,lu
40 Heglna Music Box, 1DH, lucu Olac MM
Dvsnensia Cure
Digests what you cat.
Itartificlallvditrests the food and aida
Nature Jo streuKtheniri and recon
structing tlic exhausted diRestivo or
gans. 1 1 is the latest discovered dist
ant and. tonic. Ho other preparation
can approach it in efficiency. It in
stantly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
Sick IIcadaclie.Gastralyia, Cramp and
all other results of imperfect digestion.
Price 50c. and tl. lirco KlzorontrilnsS1 t!nis
SLuull sUe. Kook all aboutdysix-psia. mailed fruti
Prepared by E. C. DeWITT A CO., Chicago.
V. P KICK'' & CO.
R. Ph.. M. D. C,
retejiiiii imsi ii
WceplriH Water, Neb.
Penhyroyal pills
tor (Til It'll KSTKlt'S KN (LII1
ta sd1 fl.l !. !! tia .ol
I frllb (riMribboa. Tke other. Kru
I Uaawmh S.k.l Itiallua. mattt I rw I Lm-
uofi. vuj r your uruii. or Ma -
lAUiri. for Prtlrlrm. Tftlralol
a Kellef fur l.alirM uttm t,j rt
tara Mail. I O.OOO m..oi. rtJ r
fcUaUoa thl, ft. sisal Mtiaara, fUJlA.. .
ZltJ- ' 2 fli-awrt ".'i l-Hif.. uis hair.
m R.? VivnuAkt a :iurn r.wfh.
- vX i N Mr fails to l Alitor Ory
----"...1 Hmr to i'.t t'o'or.
-y ' 6 Cure P '' ""'
- (
c ;